Schema Examples

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Schema Examples

pm_jat @ daiict
XIT Database – Relational Schema

8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 2

XIT Database – Relation Instances
StudentID Name ProgID CPI
101 Rahul BCS 7.5
102 Vikash BIT 8.6
103 Shally BEE 5.4
104 Alka BIT 6.8
105 Ravi BCS 6.5

PID ProgName Intake DID
BCS BTech(CS) 40 CS
BIT BTech(IT) 30 CS
CS Computer Engineering
BEE BTech(EE) 40 EE
EE Electrical Engineering
BME BTech(ME) 40 ME
ME Mechanical Engineering

8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 3

Company (Database) Schema

8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 4



8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 5



8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 6


8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 7


8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 8

DA-Acad schema
Student(StudetID, StdName, ProgID, Batch)
Course(CourseNo, CourseName, Credit)
Faculty(FacultyID, FacultyName)
Offers(AcadYear, Semester, CourseNo, FacultyID)
Registers(StudetID, AcadYear, Semester, CourseNo, grade)
Result(StudetID, AcadYear, SemesterType, SPI, CPI)
Semester(AcadYear, SemesterType)
==> Observe Keys here?
==> What are Foreign Keys here?

8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 9




8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 10



8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 11

DA-Acad schema (FKs)
Offers: CourseNo refers to Course(CourseNo)
Offers: FacultyID refers to Faculty(FacultyID)
Registers: StudetID refers to Student(StudetID)
Registers: (AcadYear, Semester, CourseNo) refers to
Offers(AcadYear, Semester, CourseNo)
Result: StudetID refers to Student(StudetID)
Result(AcadYear, SemesterType)
refers to Semester(AcadYear, SemesterType)

8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 12

Schema HoR #1

STUDENT(id, name, email, prog_code, batch, cpi)

//Batch is like 2009, 2010, or so; Progcode is like ‘01’ for BTech, or so
ROOM(rno, wing, floor)
//floors are like 0 (Ground), 1(First), and 2 (Second)

ALLOT(sid, rno)
//Record of all allotments is stored in this relation. Students (sid) not having
entry in this relation means-they are not residing in the HoR

HMC(sid, wing, Floor)

//Key SID and (Wing, Floor)

8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 13

Schema HoR #2
STUDENT(id, name, email, prog_code, batch, cpi)
//Batch is like 2009, 2010, or so; Progcode is like ‘01’ for BTech, or so
CoursesTaken(stud_id, course_no, sem, acad_yr, grade)
Result(stud_id, sem, acad_yr, SPI, CPI)
ROOM(rno, wing, floor)
//floors are like 0 (Ground), 1(First), and 2 (Second)
ALLOT(sid, rno)
//Record of all allotments is stored in this relation. Students (sid) not
having entry in this relation means-they are not residing in the HoR
SBG(sid, Committee, Role)
//sid is student id of sbg member, and role can be like convener, or
member, committee is name of committee like CMC, or HMC, or so

8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 14

Simplified Company schema
EMPLOYEE (ssn, ename, bdate, dno, gender, superssn)
Foreign Keys: dno REFERENCES department (dno),
Foreign Key: superssn REFERENCES employee (ssn)
DEPARTMENT (dno, dname, mgrssn, mgrstartdate )
Foreign Keys: mgrssn REFERENCES employee (essn)
DEP_LOCATIONS (dno, dlocation)
Foreign Keys: dno REFERENCES department (dno),
PROJECT (pno, pname, plocation, dno)
Foreign Keys: dno REFERENCES department (dno),
WORKS_ON (essn, pno, hours)
Foreign Keys: essn REFERENCES employee (essn)
Foreign Keys: pno REFERENCES project (pno)
DEPENDENT (essn, dep_name, gender, bdate date, relationship)
Foreign Keys: essn REFERENCES employee (essn)

5-Aug-19 Operations on Relations 15

8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 16
8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 17
8/5/2019 Relational Model - Concepts 18

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