Yudha Diparta-170104170006-SummaryTaskWeek3
Yudha Diparta-170104170006-SummaryTaskWeek3
Yudha Diparta-170104170006-SummaryTaskWeek3
turning point of President Joko Widodo),” Neil Thompson (April 3, 2017) states that by 2017 the
Indonesian government has been shaken by corruption cases, when two civil servants went on
trial on embezzlement charges linked to the procurement of electronic identification cards (the
so-called e-KTP scheme). This case has been planned from 2009 by the corruptors. The KPK has
actually undertaken several ways to cancel the scheme of the case in recent years, and in the end
KPK makes connections with suspect persons for the resolution of e-KTP cases. This case is
claimed to spend government funds up to 170 million USD. This corruption scandal also shook
Jokowi's government (President Joko Widodo) because three years ago he promised a clean and
efficient government, Jokowi’s government was tarnished because PDIP members who became
allies were exposed to the same corruption case which makes people's trust reduced. However, if
President Jokowi can reassure the people and voters he may be able to rise again in the 2019
presidential election.