For The Partial Fulfilment of The Degree Of: ABDUL HAMEED (Student of DPT)
For The Partial Fulfilment of The Degree Of: ABDUL HAMEED (Student of DPT)
For The Partial Fulfilment of The Degree Of: ABDUL HAMEED (Student of DPT)
ABDUL HAMEED (student of DPT)
UROOJ HAMID (student of DPT)
Asst. Professor (Physiotherapy)
Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (IPMR)
Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS)
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work with the multi-disciplinary team. Due to delayed immobilization the patients face many
There has not been any study done to see the awareness and guidelines of critical care
OBJECTIVE: To assess the physical therapy practices in intensive care unit amongst
physical therapists working in ICU’s. Informed consent will be taken prior fulfilling the
STUDY SETTING: Physiotherapist of Civil hospital Karachi, Dow University Hospital Ohja
campus, Institute of physical medicine and rehabilitation (IPMR), Dr Zia Uddin hospital, Hill
Park General Hospital, Jinnah postgraduate medical centre, Patel Hospital, and Ashfaq
Memorial Hospital.
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DATA ANALYSIS: Data will be entered in SPSS Version 20. Frequencies and percentages
will be taken out for all categorical variables. Chi-square test will be applied as test of
significance to find association between two categorical variables. P-value less than 0.05 will
be considered significant.
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Physical therapists are recommended in ICU to deal with critically ill patient, which being a
Physical therapy plays an essential role for patient management in intensive care unit as a
participant of the multidisciplinary team in dealing the problems and to continue the functional
skills. Physical therapists duty in the ICU is specific considerably varies from one entity to the
next, reliant on aspects like Educational levels, Physical therapy training and proficiency [1].
In some areas of Europe like Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, and in Australia Physical
Therapist are involved hardly with patients to wean off from mechanical ventilator (MV), in
contrast to it more than 50% of physical therapists in Portugal and Belgium usually contribute
ventilation (MV) have decreased muco-ciliary airway clearance, in combination with decreased
Approx. 56% of the time, mobilization out of bed was used as an intervention stated by
Canadian Physical therapists. 100% of the time in Saskatchewan and 33% of the time in Nova
Scotia was applied locally. In Germany community hospitals, as compared to university and
university-affiliated hospitals greater numbers of patients were mobilised out of bed. With
regard to training, 29% of European physical therapists stated postgraduate speciality in ICU
therapy, and 43% reported postgraduate specialization in respiratory therapy, the greatest
It is apparent that early rehabilitation and chest physical therapy is everyday job of a physical
therapist in the ICUs. Many elements may impact physical therapy practice in ICUs in India,
when contrasted to ICUs in developed nations, such as awareness about the method,
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accessibility of the apparatus, training or instruction of the physical therapist, availability of
respiratory physical therapist. Other important factors such as patient proportion, state of mind
of other medical experts toward physical therapy, medical administration of the patient, (for
tracheostomy), proof based practice concerns , case-mix of unit, and open versus shut ICUs.
Patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU) are regularly presented to delayed immobilization,
which can assume an important part in creating neuromuscular problems linked with expanded
length of hospital stay and higher mortality and with debilitated useful status that can be
identified years after hospital discharge, negotiating patients’ excellence of life. [5]
Many patients in ICU need invasive ventilator support to help and subsequently subject not
just to pick up benefits from the institution of that backing, for example, decreased work of
breathing and maintain gaseous exchange. The procedure of chest compression alone is not
inspiratory pressure on pressure support ventilation in relation with that of aspiration alone, in
Early mobilization have been accounted to enhance functional mobility, support weaning from
mechanical ventilator (MV), and decreases risk of readmissions are the services provided by
The purpose of physical therapy techniques in ICUs mean to improve muco-ciliary clearance
Together with alteration of ventilator settings, can bring about more improvement in clearing
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There has not been any study done to see the awareness and guidelines of critical care
management in Pakistan as far as the author’s knowledge is concerned. The aim of this study
is to highlight the level of training and awareness of the physical therapy guidelines of critical
care management.
As ICU based rehabilitation services include most challenging task, performed by the physical
therapist, there is need to assess the practice of physical therapist regarding knowledge, skills
and attribute to work in ICU so that the barrier could be identified in utilization of evidence
The findings of this study will provide awareness to the present physical therapy practice being
implemented in ICUs. These findings will help physical therapists in ICU to enhance their
training and developing approaches to ensure adequate ICU rehabilitation services according
to evidence based services. The study is being held to check the awareness and guidelines of
physical therapy in ICU in Karachi, Pakistan. The study will make base for further studies to
be conducted in Pakistan.
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Invasive ventilation
Ventilation given through an endotracheal tube injected into the patient’s nose or mouth, or
over a tracheostomy.
Mechanical ventilation
It is a technique which delivers gas towards the lungs and out from the lungs through and
It is a surgical opening into trachea through neck for allowance of entry of air.
It is the utilization of clinical decision making for patient administration taking into account
research proof, clinical aptitude, understanding patient values and preferences and clinical
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To assess the physical therapy practices in intensive care unit amongst physical therapist in
A self-administered questionnaire will be distributed among the individuals those who fulfil
the inclusion criteria after clarifying the purpose behind the study and informed consent will
Inclusion Criteria:
Physical therapist doing practice in ICU and wards (both male and female)
Physical therapist having experience of working in ICU for at least six months
Exclusion Criteria:
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Patel Hospital
Sample size of 97 calculated through Open Epi version 3.0 with a hypothesized frequency of
92%, confidence limits of 5%, data effect of 1% and confidence level 97%. [4]
A self-administered questionnaire will be circulated among the individuals after explaining the
motivation of the study and consent will be taken from all participants.
Questionnaire Design:
A self-administered questionnaire includes 10 mix questions (open and closed ended) derived
from the literature. A pilot study will be directed to guarantee that members would have the
capacity to comprehend the inquiries. It will be accepted that if the members fill the survey
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then this would be considered as assent for support in the study. The Questionnaire will be
partitioned into 2 sections, one will survey the demographic points of interest of the member
keeping in mind other one evaluates the awareness of physical therapy practice.
Informed consent will sought from Head of departments of all selected departments and
Data will be analysed using SPSS Version 20. Frequencies and percentages will be taken out
for all categorical variables. Chi-square test will be applied as test of significance to find
association between two categorical variables. P-value less than 0.05 will be considered
pg. 10
A. 2015; 15:136.
Practice in the Intensive Care Unit: Results of a National Survey. APTA. 2015 October;
3. Nave WS, Forgiarini Junior LA, Dias AS, Vieira SRR. Chest compression with a higher
5. Santos LJD, Lemos FDA, Bianchi T, Sachetti A, Acqua AMD, Nave WDS, et’ol. Early
ventilated critically ill patients in intensive care unit (move ICU study): study protocol
pg. 11
You are invited to take part in research “Physical Therapy Practice in Intensive Care Unit:
A Survey Amongst Physical Therapist”. This research is being conducted by the students of
DPT, Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, DUHS. We want you to read this form
before agreeing to be a part of the research.
The purpose of the research is to evaluate the Physical therapy practice in Intensive Care Unit.
If you agree to be in this research, and sign this consent form, we ask that you fill out a
questionnaire. The questionnaire should take only 5-10 minutes of your time.
The benefit of this study is that as students will get to know their stress levels they may be able
to figure out the coping mechanism in accordance to their hectic environment.
The records of this study will be kept confidential. Anything you tell us will remain
confidential. In any sort of report of the study, we will not include any information that will
make it possible to identify you. The surveys will be kept in a locked file; only the researchers
for this study will have access to the records.
I have read the above information and understand that this survey is voluntary and I may
stop at any time. I consent to participate in the study.
pg. 12
You are invited to take part in research “Physical Therapy Practice in Intensive Care Unit:
A Survey Amongst Physical Therapist”. This research is being conducted by the students of
DPT, Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, DUHS. We want you to read this form
before agreeing to be a part of the research.
The purpose of the research is to evaluate the Physical therapy practice in Intensive Care Unit.
If you agree to be in this research, and sign this consent form, we ask that you fill out a
questionnaire. The questionnaire should take only 5-10 minutes of your time.
You will be asked to answer questions which may be personal, but the information will not be
shared with anyone else. You may refuse to answer any questions on the form. We will not
share with anyone, the specific details you tell us.
The benefit of this study is that as students will get to know their stress levels they may be able
to figure out the coping mechanism in accordance to their hectic environment.
The records of this study will be kept confidential. Anything you tell us will remain
confidential. In any sort of report of the study, we will not include any information that will
make it possible to identify you. The surveys will be kept in a locked file; only the researchers
for this study will have access to the records.
Your decision whether or not to participate in this research is voluntarily. Even if you sign the
consent form, you are free to stop doing the survey at any time.
I have read the above information and understand that this survey is voluntary and I may
stop at any time. I consent to participate in the study.
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Read the following questions and tick the relevant answers according to your practice.
1. What kind of hygiene routine you use while dealing with patients?
You can tick as many as apply
Gloves Face Mask Head Cover Gown
2. Do you check GCS before every physiotherapy session in critically ill patients?
Yes No
1. Do you think physical inactivity in critically ill patient may result in the development
of neuro muscular weakness and delayed weaning from mechanical ventilation?
Yes No
2. Which physical therapy intervention you mostly use in ICU patient?
Mobilization PROM and AROM exercises Chest physical therapy
Postural Drainage Other ______________________
3. According to guidelines 20 mins mobilization is recommended to improve functional
performance for how much time you mobilize patient?
05 mins 10 mins 15 mins 20 mins
4. Which physical therapy technique you use for expectorating out secretions in critically
ill patients?
Suctioning chest compression huffing and coughing positioning
5. Which physical therapy technique do you use to increase lung compliance?
Incentive spirometry thoracic expansion exercises blowing exercise
6. Do you think aggressive chest physical therapy is needed after weaning off patient from
mechanical ventilation?
Yes No
If yes; which therapy you prefer for aggressive chest physical therapy?
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Yes No
If yes; which modality you prefer?
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