A Viewpoint On Innovation and The Chemical Industry
A Viewpoint On Innovation and The Chemical Industry
A Viewpoint On Innovation and The Chemical Industry
Comitato Nazionale per I'Energia Nucleare, Casell~, Postale 2358,
00100 Rome, Italy
Paper prepared tor the O F C i ) Expert Gioup on Science and lechnology in the ~ev~
Economic Contexl. lhe author v,a.~ un:ll 1978 Director of Montedison', Research and
De~,cl~pment l)i~,ision in Milan. Ita',,~.
chemistry together with physics has more recently given to the develop-
ment of nuclear weapons.
5. it is also easy to demonstrate th~',t the chemical industry has a much
higher degree of innovation than other industrial sectors comparable to it
in importance and impact :~n other production and service activities. For
example the automotive industry was characterized by a gradual innova-
tion rate without substantial breakthroughs and the same can be said far
the metallurgical industry. On the other hand, we can see how important
innovations in other industrial fields, such as the textile and the
mechanical sectors, were often made possible by innovations in the
chemical industry. Today electronics, automation and informatics are the
main activities that stimulate innovation in the economy.
Chemistry has also substantially contributed to this dexelopment, and
has provided a whole range.of special new materials, and now innovation
in the chemical industry is, in turn, pulled by the demand of electronics
and related s/:ctors.
6. Experts on the chemical industry attributed to this industrial sector a
particularly rapid innovation rate in the middle decades of our century,
while in recent years this innovation rate seems to have slowed down:
more specifically there would no longer be breakthrough type innovations
as in the past. The retrospective analysis of the history of the chemical
industry, with special reference to its innovation content, leads to the
conclusion that the above rnt,ntioned decades were characterized by a
consideraNe economic growtlL and, as far as chemistry is concerned, by
the increasing mass usl: of mony of its products. This economic growth
has in turn favoured a wide dif,usion of innovation, based essentially on
fundamental discoveries which had in turn largely been achieved in
previous years. On the other hand, t)~e situation concerning most recent
developments is too complex and depends upon too many non-homo-
geneous factors (technological, economical, but also poli!ical and soci~ I)
to be summarized in a mere affirmation of a slowdown in the process: it
requires a much deeper analysis.
7. This paper, prepared for OECI) (Experv., Group on Science ~nd
Technology in the Ntw Economic Context) as requestca in the first
meeting held in Paris on Octt, ber 14 t5, 1976, is aimed at carrying out a
preliminary analysis allowing us to go into this matter more deeply.
To do this it is however necessary to examine with some atteation the
basic aspects of innovation in the period running from the 193.)s to
around 1970 - that is,. to the recent period of great development for the
economy and m particular for ~he chemical indust~3 ~.
Innovation a n d the ~hemi~al mdu.~tr~ 207
2. T H E C H E M I C A l . I N I ) U S I R Y IN T H E P E R I O D 1930 1970
compound. The case of :';e~eso showed in all its gravity the inability ol the
chemical industry, and even of the administrative structure, to r~pidly
and satisfactorily solve the problems deriving from the spreading in the
environment of a stable chemical substance.
30. In the 1970s a new factor arose to d.~.cisively affect chemical
innovation: the energy crisis, with its cost implications for fossil fucks and
the prospect of a scarcity of oil and natural gas in the not too dista~,.t
future, thus creating problems for the chemical industr} which utilizes
these as the principal feedstock.
31. Other factors contributed to create conditions of objective di:ficul-
ties to innovation: for in.,,tance, t~e increasing trend toward capital-
intensive production connccte¢ to lhe full exphfitation or atleged scale
economics, at least in certain sectors tpetrochem cals. plas:~cs, fibre,,.
fertilizers, etc.), lhi,~ trend has made the entry ot ne~,,-ct:ners mo,,t
difficult, since the experience accumulated by the already c,,tablishcd
producers, v.ith their gigantic plants, had con.,,equently cut produc~itm
costs to such level,, a,, t o render extlcmcl 3 hard the life ~,t t-ompctitors
M o t c ~ c r . in the clt,~c ~d"large petmtahemlc;d pt~c,~, m p~lrt~cul~tr. ,,,,ith the
concentratiot~ ol a number o| hoge plant.~, there h~.c tx'en ,,~ mptom~, ol
rigidity and ol a more diiiicult go,.ernability oi the plants thcmset~c,,.
I h e s e ,.arious lactors ha~e certainly put a brake on the thru,,t of
32. )'he difficult,,' of finding adequate capital tor investment is a turthcr
adverse element to innovation, l h i s difficulty can be traced back to a
number of factors, including the scale ecor, omy. inflation, the reduced
profitability of industry partly connected to all the previously described
33. As recalled in paragraph 24, the introduction of legal standards,
binding regulations, particularly in the basic petrochemicals, and oi
increasingly wide and different controls, especially as far as new pro-
ducts are concerned, have led to an enormous lengthening of the *Ames
required to introduce these products, as well as a big increase of the
rele~ant costs to prove their harmle:.sness. This brings about sucl~
threshold effects as to often render impossible the innovative activity of
small and medium-size enterprises, and also ends by discouraging the big
companies. This action has caused in many countries the abandonment
of the typical conditions of the market economy, in which the spirit of
enterprise that represents ~he basic conditions for the spreading and,
therefor,e, the success of innovation in the market is encouraged and
214 tl. Colomtro
34. This analysis of the main constraints seems to lead to the conclusion
,that the conditions for innovation in ,he chemical field are considerably
reduced today ]'he reality is, however, much more complex because it
nvolvcs not only a survey of the factors analyzed in the preceding
;9aragraph:~;. but also the consideration of possible effects of future
iinnovmions on the industrial and market structures and. in the long run,
on the organization of society itself. What follows is not meant to cover
every aspect of the subject but only to indicate some significant elements
for the work to be done by the OECD's Experts Group on Science and
-I-echnology in the New Economic Context. in any case it would be naive
to approach a topic like this in ~,: traditional way. that is by using
conventional indicators such as the turnover of the various industrial
sectors, the R&D effort, the number of patents obtained, etc.
35. The chemical industry, particularly in the basic petrochemicals and
in other high energy-i~tensive production, will probably face a geographic
dislocation of investments, favouring new plants in the oil-producing
c~eveloping countries Several such countries, and others endov,'ed with
important mineral raw materials (for example, phosphate rocks), are
characterized by a surplus of their ba,ance of payments, and are striving
to reach as soon as 15ossible th ~-s;age of industrialization. Moreover. the
r~:eed tbr food in the third v, orld will create the conditions for a
dislocation of the fertili,~.er indu try towarc~ those countries. ].his trend.
albei't slow, should bc viewed positively by the established chemical
indu.,~try, whose scarcity of capital for investraents does not favour
e~penditures in mature capital-intensive production. However. this pro-
cess should be accompanied by a stront~tr commitment in the mot •
innovative branches of the chemical industry,
36. This process of geographic disloca:ion is in itself a factor that
sTimulate,., further innovation, because: (i) it liberates fit~ancial and
technical resources in the chemical enterprisc~ of industriali,,.d countries'.
(ii) The n,~w initiatives in the develcF, in~: countries will stimulate the
demand for more sophisticated chemical products in the world market;
(iii) ~ihe existing potential for scientific and technical innovation should
be fully exploited by the chemical companies in consideration of their
need to retain their position in the international market, threatened b)
the risk of an ~n,zreasing structural dislocation ol productive activities.
3 7. If we examine the prospects for the petrochemical sector. ~htch I,a~
Innovation and the chemical industry 2 ]5
processes that ar~. less polluting anti safer for the health of those who
work with t!~.em. ~n the same way. conipletely new types ot analytical
chemistry i,~trum:ntation are emerging for determining the presence in
trace amounts ol metal elements and organic substances. Moreover.
chemical industry can study substitutive non-polluting and safe products.
These innovation:., which aim at the safety of workers, consumers and
production, are rather b'.:rdensome ior the chemical industr, • ad conse-
quently deprive the inves:ments meant fer h e production of goods, of
financial and research forces: thus limiting inno~,ation in production.
42. The obligation of guaranteeing products that are neither toxic, nor
carcinogenic, nor teratogenic, stimulates a whole series of product
innovations, it may thus be expected, and the first slgn.~ of it can already
be observed, tha~ there will be a return of the Olemistry of natural
products. The study of t h e ~ substances and of the natural proce:;ses in
which they are generated formed the basis for the earlier developments in
the chemistry of dyestuffs, pesticides and drug,,. 1"he fact that natural
substances are intrinsically nonmutagenic and biodegradable reinstates
the conditions for an interest toy. ards this difficult and fascinating branch
of chemistry. Many of the active molecules within plant and animal lilc
have yet to be rstud~ed, and the world of aquatic animals, of algae, ol
phytoplankton etc., still remains largely unexp'ored.
43. The area of the chemistry ol mqural products is nov.. regarded as one
of the most promising w a y to future de,,elopment. I.!p to a short tim~"
a-.2.o, the experimental wo:k to identil~' at~d isolate one single ne~
molecule from a plant t~r ~tn animal organism was very long and
burdensome. The develop~rteat of analytic~:l techniques based on ga.,,-
chromatography, mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, has
now made it possible to identify thous~,nds of new molecules every ye~.r.
This in turn has led to orienting rt:,~earch towards ways in ~, li~.:~
biosynthesis mechanisms can be directed towards the production of
useful co t~lpounds.
44. Safety of operation is one of the reasohs way recently interest ha:
arisen for the future possibility of installing some c~,tical themi ~''
production on orbiting satellites o" on the moon. The study of chemic~t
reactions or the preraration of materials in outer space opens u,,
interestin,~/ new horizons for chemical developments in the future, in
particular, space represents a highly valid laboratory for s t u d y i , g
reactions and production in the absence of atmosphere and gravity,
in c~ndiu,:,as ,ff extreme purity, or fo~ :xperimen~ing particularly dan-
gerous reactions. The acqui~sition of these elements of knowledge could in
some cases be exploited industrially on our planet.
Innovation and the chemical mdu%trr 2 i7
ment, etc. The compounds capable of altering the normal growth rat~: of
insects (juvenile hormones and chitin-formation inhibitors)and those
determining their sexual beha~iour (fcromonesl are particularly inter-
esting for the application possibilities they offe.. Fer,,mo~es are chemical
.~ubstar~ces produced by insects to attract subjects of the opposite sex and
thus perform as chemical messengers. By placing lhem in special tral,s
they may be used to check on the growth of harmful populations and
establish wilen it is necessary to intervene with a concerted action u.~ing
more conventional pesticides in an appropriate and timely way.
Feromones, may also be used instead of insecticides ~o capl,.re insects in
traps or to disorient them by spreading the feromone ;n the air and thus
making coupling practically impossible.
56. The research and synthesis of chemically or biologically active
compounds can start from the identification of natural sub,~tances, lhese
substances, that can find application by themselves, are the starting point
for research aiming at obtaining new melecules more .¢,a~,le. more
effective or more specific. The current trend is toward a gradual
abandonment of the 'random synthesis and screening' approach to guide
the synthesis toward molecular structures with a high p,:oba~ility of
having the desired biological profile. To this end teehniqaes of "dru~-
design' which require the use of pov, erful scientific corr~pt~ters made
possible by the deveiopmer~t of data processing and of comparatke
study of biological activi'y are utilized. Close cooperalion betx~een
theoretical chemists., organic chemists, biochemists and biologist.,, is
therefore essential. Researct tends as a Erst step to outline the relations
between biological and related properties on one side, and molecular
structur,e on the other, in families of similar c~emical compounds in order
to reduce the number of compounds to be s~ nt he.,,i,,ed [lead optimi,,ation)
and, in the long run, to identil3' new strtctures ol maximum interest ~le~,d
57. But there is also another way, in a certain sense the opposite, of
approaching the problem, especially in tht case of fungi, bacteria an l
virus, and thi~ is p~ant chemiothetapy lhis meal, s ':,at the pl~t~t
treated from the inside and not cnl,, on the outside. I~hc chemiothtrai~
of plant disease~; is advancing rapidly, even if the beha~iour of plants 1
not the same as that of animals, in tha~ plants have no r~hagocytes, ai~
their behaviour needs therefore to be very carefully studied. [ h e mo~c
recent studies would seem however to point to the possibdity that certain
chemical products, used in the control of plant dL,.,:ases. ~'~:,nalso activate
a nalural mech:mism of resistance.
Innovatt~,n a n d l h • ~ hc,~,~, a t m ~ h ~ t r l 221
interfere with other fu~lctions during their conveyance: oll the other hand,
the research for the i&.'al carrier means the realization of a ,~yst,:ra capable
of recog~lizing the target. A significant example of thi.,, d~velopment is the
work on the control of the action mechanism of the brain and the
treatment of such illnesses as Parkinson's disease, Hun',ington's chorea,
and schiraphrenia.
61. "l'hq~innovati,~,e approach of an interdisciplinary nature, applied in
paragraphs 51 60 to the problems of fertilization, biological control of
paras;t:z~, and pharmacc4ogy, will lead to revolutionary consequences in
the respecti~,e sectors; however, research must be carried out with great
ca~,tion in order to guarantee the absolute harmlessness for both man and
environment, particularly in the case of the inl:erventio~ of genetic
engineeri~g, an interdisciplinary new area in which chemical knowledge
is invoh'ed, i
62. Fields of organic chemistry other than those of pesticides and
pharmaceuticals will undergo sub.,,tantially innov~dve processes. As an
example we can recall the case of dyestuffs where the approach of
theoretical chemistry and computer-oriented synthesis is expected to
have a prominent role. However, in general, in organic chemistry as well
we shall have to operate in a1~ increasingly interciisciplinary way at the
border-line with other disciplines in order to oat~m products really
corresponding to the use '.o be made of them.
6.3. One activity that is b~ing increasingly developed is that of chemical
formulatJton. Th,e issue of formulation has been mentioned in paragraphs
54 and 60 in relatioa to pesticides and drugs. More in general, the
introductiion of a specialty chemical into the market calls for an
appropriate formulation of the product, that is to say. it necessitates the
presence of dispersing, lubricatil, g, emu~,sifying, humidifying, stabilizing
agents and so forth to preserve the ~nternal phases and to alloJ the
appropriate functions of the external phases in contact with the enviror-
ment Formulation chemistry was initiall~ d~velop,',:d us an eminently
emphical sciepce, but has increasingly used .,,pecific cNis,cipliles (structur; I
chemistry, non-equilibrium therlaodynamics, phase eq~ailibria, intelf'
physics and chemistry).
64. Another sector of special importance for the eco,'.'~.ly, to wht~g ."
development chemistry has given and will furthe~r giv.: an essenti~
contribu~tion, is that of special materials required for a whole series c f
very different applications. Each technology needs., in fact, materials
with spc.cific properties - from the most sophisticated to those necessary
to obt~,in everyday consumer goods. These are metals and alloys,
I n n o r a t m n a n d t h f ~h e m i , a l mdu.strv 223
designed. These fields are in fact in great need for ,;uch mate.rials in ~iew
of their innov~ttive development. Chemistr+¢ is engaged ~_o meet this
requireme~at, in this case, too, the problem ,:onsists in pas.,ing from the
product to the function for which the product is designed and, conse-
quently, to a typically multidisciplinary approach at the borderline of the
various chemic,~' physical and engi~leering disciplines, as well as of the
biological, environmental and social ones. Of course, rhi.~,development of
rviateriah,, to which chemistry is asked to give a substantial contribution,
will not be necessarily advantageous for the chemical industry alone. On
the contrary, as a consequence of the shift of empimsis from the product
to the functions, other industries may ~e iaterested and involved in lhis
68. The innovation margins fo~ chemistry are to be seen in its contribu-
tion to the solution of mankind's problems such as food (fertili/ers a~ld
pesticides), health (pharmaceuticals), clothing (fibres) and the like.
Within this framework it is interesting to examine the energy prob!,:m,
which is of primary importance today. A full analysis of the topic would
however take us far ~,eyond the scope of this paper.
69. It rilay however be remarked thai [l~e energ~ crisis is pushing the
chemic~tl industry towards a reduction of enetg.~ consumption, to be
achieved througI~ a rev~.,.,ion of its proce.,,ses, a sttnd.~ of new processes or a
return to proces,;es and basic products that had been a b a n d o n e d under
different circumstances, as tn the previousl.~ met:tioned cases of a ~:t~al
and acetylene chemistry. In paragraph 81 mention will be made of some
of the raore sig.aificant inter~ +,ui,,,n,~ of ,:tlemistry ~n tile development of
ne,,v sources of energy, energy carriers, etc.
70. The necessity o~ cbnserxing energy aI~d of better utili/ing the
existin!, resources repre,,+ents ~n opportunity Ior an area of chem,str~
'where industri~tl ,interes~i did not a p p : a r to have major prost~ cts:
electroc'~e,nistry. "l;his branch of chem,st~"v, ~hit;h is well cap:~ble ol
operating at ¢or~tt ,~led energy ie~c!s, may pl~ ~ an increasingly important
role in organic syntheses, for ~,,,htch rcac~:ors ul t+ew col'tceiltioll arltJ I101"~
conventional clot',rode.,; must be dcwAoped. But tl',e incl :~,,e ol oi pri:,
will ulso ~rtake room for .!.>tht':r ,el,:ctrt,c:hemical i~atcr~elltlOllS, 9+i,~]1 l]le
dexeh~pmelat o" batteries acctln~t~latc+rs, !'t~el t:eils, x~hich ~ 11 fin,]
enal:,loyment in energy stor~ge, particularly tor the Io~d levelling ol
e!ectric power, in m~r~or-dti~en vel~kles, in domesttc and !ndttstrial
applications. l':"~e dexttopment of h3~]rogcn ~nd ,t~e~.h~nol ~,, ,'r;erg.~
carriers cotlld _r,a,+our tile success of fuel ,:ells. l!let.'trt+chctni~,trv, m,~rc,~ cr
could find extera~.b,e apt~li.cations i~ ind.rect processes: t ~te,,e ;.|le b~.l~,td o1"~
Inm~var,rm anl~ the ( hemi~ al m,hl~lrr 225
the use of redox systems (usually inorganic salts) which react promptly at
the electrode and can be present at such low concentrations so as not to
pose problems of mass transport.
71. r h e problem areas of primary interest for mankind, in which
chemistry finds itself ever-more involved, include that of water, in the
future, water will be increasingly considered as a precious resource no
longer practically free of charge and at the disposal of all and it will
ha~e to be used wisely and recuperated for further uses. Collection,
distribution and recycling of water call more and more for an action tha
involves a whole series of ph.vsieo-chemical, biological and engineering
problems tha~. are of no eas.~ solution. Chemistry is already involved ill
the treatment of water for different applications usir,g differ,:nt tech-
nologies, such as electrodial.~is, rever,c o~mosis, ion-exchange resins.
electrochemical and biochemical processes, solar energy, etc.
72. ('hemistD will find its greatest innovative development Jbllowing
the direction of a growing integration with biology and the livin~ig
phenomena, rhis intcgratior, represents the natural solution to a numbe-
ol complex and highly serious problems, such as providing sufficicn:
food for humanity, increasing reviewable materials and energy resources,
producing goods biologically compatible x~ith the living species, respect-
ing the en,,ironment and developing less "violent" technologies than those
at present adopted.
"~3. From this vice, point, the dex,lopment of enzymatic-type catalytic
processes. ~hich operate in bland condi',ions, appears ~o be the most
appropriate approach, counterposed to the more traditional one oi
adopting zxtreme conditions (high prcssure.~, high temperatures, llam,:
r,:actions) in order to increase yields and ~:action rates. Biochemistry ant
genetic engineering will increasingly tint; emplo} ment, in particular, i;:,
production of agricultural fl)odstu,"fs and of specialty chemicals
through tZ'rmentation. Biochemistry is not in a, position to replace the
I,ca~,, chemical industr~ =today, but there ;~re wide marjins for improvinL:
Ihe elliLiency ol m~crobic cultures and, in addition, the operat;n~
,'Ol'ldi|iO~ls arc such (for instance, temperatures only slightly higher that
,l+lbie II) as to limit the losses due to irrc~,+ersihle processes in relation t~,
i:hc ~,e:ond principle 01" thermodvwmmics.
5. C O N S E Q U E N C E S ,I)F I N N O V A T I O N ON THE I N D U S I R ~ A L
S I I ~ U C T U R E , ON ] ' H E S E R V I C E S A N D ON S O C I F / I Y
their industriali~ ation process and the creation ~f a society, under certain
[ , 0
aspects a~ready ~ost-mdustrlai, based on the implicit presumption ol a
limitles., availability of natural resources. These structures are not
compat,ble with the human consciousne~,s of the limits. the scarsity and
the growing cost of certain resources, the necessit~ of a more attentive
colaside,"ation to ecological and environmental fal.'lOlS.
75. Lli'~til recently the chemical industries in the ( ) E C D countries hay,:
been s!~imulated by the considerable innovation process outlined in
paragr;alahs 8 21. r h i s process had to face ever increasing constraints
summari.~ed in Faragraphs 22 23. On the: other Ia~,tad, if we examine the
need~ for and the prospects o inoovation discussed in paragraphs 34 73,
we can ~ee that i~:hey meet rtq.~irements which arc quite diflerent frt, m
those of even a irecent past. t h e s e requirements ;.~ad perspectixe,, thus
find lh~.' ,economt/c and mdustn.,! structures madeqt~ate to face them. but
they alse find society it~,elf ill-prepared and co~tfu.,,ed in relation to the new
orien~atians, to the changes in dernand~; and ,~mues, to the awakening of
an .a,,~ar,:ness co~itccrning a general chan,,e that is occurring and ,ff "he
con:~et!ucnces that this entails. For these reasons too., inno~'alion enco~n-
ters a t!~owing difficulty. All this may be more clearly explained ,,~,ith a
l~ew factaal exalrples.
76. AJlamg the cases wc have previousl.v t.~n,,idcred, t'.~.at ol the" new
pcslicidcs and of the integrated b,olot-,,ical pt:.,.l: contr~:fl ,~cthod', t~,e~
paragr;Jl~hs 53 5:i) represent a goo0 relctcnce p,3i~ll. I h~:sc ilUtOXatiolaS
~lr~:ady are Ileal" ~ake-off and arc. therel'ot,:, ill a t'~siti,.~t tO pnox,dc ~.al~d
elernenls of consideration. The dcma~d for tradit Ol~ai pesticide.,, is
clisperscJ and relatively non-organi,,ed. I'his depends :npon the naturc of
the pe~':icides themselves and the vcr\' st~n~ple kno~vlcc,!.e :cquircd to use
thegn, ~:~.cn il" the enx ironmerttal damage deriving f r o ~ ,~ttch use is olien
iL~nored Moreover, the industry which produce.,, ,,t:~ci: pc,.ticidcs or their
I . n o v a { i o t a an..I tl~c , h e m . a l m , h l ~ tr I 227