Contemporary Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Version: # July 2019
Contemporary Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Version: # July 2019
Contemporary Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Version: # July 2019
Course Title:
Contemporary Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Course Contents/Syllabus:
Module 1: Basics of Supply chain
Supply chain concept
Supply chain and logistics functional relation
Global supply chains
Stakeholders in supply chain
Responsive versus efficient supply chains
Supply chain models – SCOR and GSCF
Aligning supply chain with business strategy
*Usage of MS Excel to solve practice problems and case studies in reference text book is advised.
* A one day visit field visit to any user company with a purpose to gain overall flow of information through
supply chain is advised. Suggested visit to a factory (preferably HO) with a presentation and live view of
various information systems demonstrating the flow of data and associated decisions.
Studio details:
Develop supply network for parts collection using milk run model
Design distribution network for a given product (single / multiple plants)
Develop a demand forecasting model from given data set
30% - 70%
Components Quiz/Class
Presentation Project Attendance
(Drop down) Test
10% 15% - 5% 70%