Electrical27 02 09 PDF
Electrical27 02 09 PDF
Electrical27 02 09 PDF
The following documents should be submitted in two sealed envelope super scribed as
"Technical bid “ & “ Financial bid" in separate cover which should reach this office on or
before --------------- at -------------.
a) Both these sealed envelopes should be kept in a third envelope and sealed and super
scribed as "Technical bid with EMD".
b) List of similar type of jobs executed in the past and certificate with date of having
successfully completed from concerned competent authority in proof there of.
d) Technical leaflets of important material proposed to be used.
e) Copy of latest income tax returns submitted in the income tax department.
f) Qualification of the bidder.
g) Year of establishment of the firm.
h) Details of technical staff in the firm.
i) P.F registration/Sale tax registration nos/ Work contract tax no supported by
the certificates from the respective Govt. Department.
j) The Tenderer shall be registered with service tax department
k) Details of the project undertaken supported by work orders and successful
completion of the projects.
l) Deviations from the commercial technical specifications to be spelled out separately
giving reasons for such deviations. However, acceptance of these by the competent
authority depends on the Consultants/owners decision.
m) The sub-contractor for particular work if desired by the Principal contractor shall be
appointed only after prior approval if the authorities.
n) The rates of items quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes.
o) SMVDSB reserves the right to cancel /reject any tender without assigning reasons.
p) The Owner reserves the rights of accepting the whole or any part of a tender received
and the tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at the quoted rates.
q) Tenderer shall submit last years audited balance sheet
r) Tenderer shall deposit earnest money of Rs ____________________ by
Demand Draft only in favor of _____________________ Payable at
______________. No other means of payment shall be accepted.
The documents to be submitted with financial bid are as follows:
a) The contractor should give his Rates both in figures and in words duly filled in the
bill of quantities in a separate sealed envelope super scribed as "FINANCIAL BID".
b) All entries (individual rates, sub-totals & grand totals) should be filled in English
alphabets and Arabic numerals only either typed or clearly hand written by ballpoint
pen. All correction if any made by the bidder should be initialed as many times as
s) On tender scrutiny, if difference is found in rates given by the bidder in words and
figures in individual rates or in sub-totals or in grand totals the procedures for
deriving the final value shall be as follows.
d) The item rates quoted by bidder shall be taken as correct in cases where amount
worked out of any item does not correspond to the rates written in figures or words.
e) For items where the bidder has not written item rates the highest rates quoted shall be
taken as correct for such items for loading purposes and lowest rates for execution
f) Bids can be sent by registered post at the risk and responsibility of the bidder. Any
bids received after the time and date of submission of bids shall not be entertained.
g) Before submission of the bids, the bidders are advised to visit site and get
acquainted with site conditions, availability of materials/labour. All clarifications
must be sought by the bidders well in time and no extension of time shall be given on
this account.
h) The bidders are advised to account for any fluctuations in market rates of
material/equipment cost/labour rates. Any claims on these accounts shall not be
entertained after the award of work unless specifically agreed to.
i) Bids not submitted on prescribed form is liable to be rejected. Bidders are advised to
quote original offer as per bill of quantities.
j) In case drawings and details are not enclosed with tender documents, these can be
seen in the office, not availing this shall not relieve the bidder of his responsibility of
correct interpretation of work involved. Bidders who resort to canvassing in any form
shall be liable for rejection.
k) Bidder also has to submit shop drawings & as built drawings for approval of the
The tender shall be valid for acceptance for a period of 60 days from the date of
submission of the tender.
The bidder should offer full guarantee of 12 months for complete work and equipments
from the date of satisfactory handing over of the site as certified by the
consultant/client after correction of faulty/bad workmanship, manufacturing defects
in works. The tenderer shall guarantee the works to maintain quality on the basis of
design/scheme. They shall also guarantee that the performance of the work executed
shall meet the requirement as specified in work specifications.
Any delay in or failure of performance of either party hereto shall not constitute
default hereunder or give to any claims for damages if and to the extent such delays
or failure of performance is caused by occurrence such as Acts of God or the Public
enemy; expropriation or confiscation of facilities by Government authorities,
compliance with any order or request of any Governmental authority, acts of way,
rebellion or sabotage or damage resulting therefrom, fires, floods, explosion, riots or
illegal strikes. The Contractor shall keep record of the circumstances referred to
above which are responsible for causing delays in the completion of work and bring
these to the notice of the Engineer-in-Charge.
12. Training :-
The contractor shall train the operational staff so as to enable them to
Operate/maintain the Sound-Lighting- Projection-Automation equipment in an
Efficient /satisfactory manner. However the sole responsibility of the
Equipment & subsequent handing over of the system to maintenance /
Operational staff in a fully functional condition within the stipulated period
Will rest with the contractor.
14.1 Regulations
The Contractor shall be wholly and solely responsible for full compliance with
provisions under all labour laws and/or regulations such as Payment of Wages Act
1936, Minimum Wages Act 1948, Employees Liability Act 1938, Workman’s
Compensation Act 1923, Industrial Disputed Act 1947, the Maternity Benefit act
1961, The Contract Labour (Regulation And Abolition)Act 1970 and the factories act
1948 or any modifications thereof or any other law relating thereof and rules there
under from time to time. The contractor shall assume liability and agree to indemnify
the Owner from every expense, liability or payment by reason of the application of
any labour law, Act Rules or regulations existing or to be introduced at a future date
during the currency of the contract.
The Contractor shall include in his rates all expenses towards meeting obligations
under the employees State Insurance Act and the provident Fund Act. He shall follow
all rules and regulations required under the Act as may be in force from time to time.
The contractor shall cover all his workmen working at the site, under the ESI scheme
and PF scheme, and directly the required amounts with the concerned authorities.
All records in connection with the above shall be properly maintained by the
contractor and produced for scrutiny by Owner/authorities whenever called for.
The contractor shall ensure continued effective supervision with the help of a
qualified, experienced and competent Engineer assisted by adequate staff as
ascertained by the Owner/Architect , for the entire duration of the works. The
contractor’s construction Manager will be responsible for carrying out the work to the
true meaning of the drawings, conditions of contract, specifications, schedule of
quantities and Owner/Architect ’s instructions and directions or instructions given to
him in writing shall be held to have been given to the contractor officially. Attention
is called to the importance of requesting written instruction from the Owner/Architect
before undertaking any work where Owner/Architect ’s directions or instructions are
required. Any such work done in advance of such instructions will be liable to be
removed at the contractor’s cost. No staff including the Engineer and technical
supervisory staff shall be transferred from the work without the written prior
permission from the Owner/Architect .
17. Security
The contractor shall provide adequate number of watchman to guard the site
premises, materials and equipment etc. at all times at his expense. The security of the
entire site shall be the responsibility of the contractor.
18. Telephone
The contractor shall provide, install and maintain at his expense a separate telephone
for the work. He shall pay all charges in connection with the same till the completion
of the work.
Security deposit or Retention amount will be uniformly deducted from each running
account bill @ 10%.
22. ARBITRATION : All disputes between the parties to the contract arising out of
or in relation to the contract, other than those for which the decision of the
Engineer or any other person is by the contract expressed to be final and conclusive,
shall after written notice by either party to the contract to the other party, be referred
to sole arbitration of the CEO, SMVDSB or his nominee. The arbitration shall be
conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Reconciliation
Act, 1996. The parties to the contract understand and agree that it will be no objection
that the CEO, SMVDSB or the person nominated as Arbitrator had earlier in his
official capacity to deal directly or indirectly with the matters to which the contract
relates or that in the course of his official duties had expressed views on all or any of
the matters in dispute or difference. The award of the Arbitrator shall be final and
binding on the parties to this contract. In the event of the Arbitrator denying,
neglecting or refusing to act or resigning or being unable to act for any reason or his
award being set aside by the Court for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Managing
Director or his successor, as the case may be, either to act himself as the Arbitrator or
to appoint another Arbitrator in place of the outgoing Arbitrator in the manner
aforesaid. The Arbitrator may, from time to time, with the consent of both the parties
to the contract, enlarge the time for making the award. Work under the contract shall
be continued during the arbitration proceedings. The venue of the arbitration shall be
the place from which the contract is issued or such other place as the Arbitrator at his
discretion may determine.
This contract shall be governed by the Indian laws for the time being in force.
All notices required under the contract, particularly those having financial implications
shall be sent by parties at their address given in the contract, through registered post.
This part of the tender documents is to be read in conjunction with general conditions of
contract, as applicable to civil work, electrical work and other allied jobs and other articles
forming part of this document.
The work to be performed under these specifications includes all material, equipment, labour
and services to install the wall/ceiling acoustic treatment, audio/video system and stage
lighting extra as per the schedule of quantities.
25.1 The work will include all necessary material, bolts, nuts, fasteners, nails, screws,
wooden plugs, hangers, supports, sleeves and other attachments as may be required in the
25.2 For details of building construction refer Architect’s and structural drawings.
25.3 The tenderer is supposed to follow the manufactures instructions for material
installation and the same shall be deemed to have been included in the scope of work.
25.4 The work shall be co-coordinated with other contractors whose work may be affected or
have an effect on the installation of the wall/roof insulation.
25.5 All fixtures etc not specifically mentioned but are required for safety and finishing of
work are deemed to be included and are to be carried out.
26.6The tenderer shall take a work insurance policy in favour of his labour. The client will not
be responsible for any mishap etc at site.
27. Electricity & water will be provided at one point at site by client free of charge.
28 All concealed/ exposed metal frames, cleats etc to be given two coats of red oxide
29. As the work is envisaged at the height the Contractor shall get a workman insurance & all
work to be done as per the standard safety norms.
30. The tenderer to take care that no separate scaffolding/propping charges payable.
31.The wood being used shall be kiln dried & chemically treated.
Providing fixing and layout of electrical system unit including fixtures, wiring,
cabling conduting fixing & connecting to the mains panel distribution boards,
power points, light points and earthing system. The work to be coordinated
with existing available system. The site may be examined and shop drawings
prepared for approval from consultants & engineer in charge before taking up
execution. The work to be carried out as per electricity safety rules and
practices materials used shall be ISI approved only.
2.01 The installation shall conform in all respects to Indian Standard Code
of Practice for Electrical wiring installation IS:732-1963 and IS:2274-
1963. It shall also be in conformity with Indian Electricity Rules and the
Regulations, National Electric Code and National Building Code.
CPWD specifications and requirements of the Local Electric Supply
Authority. In general, all materials, equipment and workmanship shall
conform to the Indian Standards, specifications and code. Some of the
applicable codes/standards are as under:
a) Marking and arrangements for switchgear : Bus bars, IS 375
– 1963
main connection and auxiliary wiring.
s) MCB IS 8828
u) SFU IS 13947
IS 12640
3.01 SCOPE
Under this head, the bidder is to carry out the internal electrification of
the auditorium as mentioned under para 1.0.
Where conduit pipes are to be laid above false ceiling, either conduit
pipes shall be clamp to false ceiling frame work or suspended with
suitable supports from the ceiling slab. For conduit pipe run along with
wall, the conduit pipe shall be clamped to wall above false ceiling in
uniform pattern with special clamps if required to be approved by the
Engineer-In-Charge at site.
The chase in the wall shall be neatly made and of ample dimensions
to permit the conduit to be fixed in the manner desired. In the case of
building under construction, conduit shall be buried in the wall before
plastering and shall be finished neatly after erection of conduit. Incase
of exposed brick/rubble masonry work, special care shall be taken to fix
the conduit and accessories in position along with the building work.
Entire work of chasing the wall, fixing the conduit in chases, and
burring the conduit in mortor before plastering shall form part of point
wiring work.
The conduit pipe shall be fixed by means of staples or by means of
saddles not more than 60cm apart or by any other approved means
of fixing. Fixing of standard bends and elbows shall be avoided as
far as practicable and all curves maintained by bending the conduit
pipe itself with the long radius which shall permit easy drawing in of
conductors. Suitable inspection boxes to the barest minimum
requirements shall be provided to permit periodical inspection and of
facilitate replacement of wires, if necessary. These shall be mounted
flush with the wall. Suitable ventilating holes shall be provided in the
inspection box covers. Wherever the length of conduit run is more
than 10 meters, then circular junction box shall be provided.
The switch box shall be made of metal on all sides except on the
front. Boxes shall be hot dip galvanised mild steel. Upto 20 x 30
cm size M.S. box shall have wall thickness of 18 SWG and MS boxes
above 20 x 30 cm size shall be of 16 SWG. The metallic boxes shall
be painted with anticorrosive paint before erection. Clear depth of the
box shall not be less than 60mm. All fitting shall be fitted in flush
pattern. Phenolic laminated sheet of approved shade shall be used for
switch box covers. These shall be of 3 mm thick synthetic phenolic
resin bonded laminated sheet as base material and conform to grade
P-I of IS: 2036-1994.
All 5 and 15 Amp switches shall be piano type of 240 volts A.C. grade.
All switches shall be fixed on 3 mm thick laminated sheet cover. All 5
Amp socket shall be 5 pin type. All 15 Amp socket shall be 6 pin type
suitable for 15/5 Amp. All switches, sockets, telephone outlets, etc.
shall be in off white finish. The switches controlling the lights or fans
shall be connected to the phase wire of the circuit. Switches shall be
located at 1200 mm above finished floor level unless otherwise
indicated on drawings. In dean ,professor and lecturers rooms
switches and socket outlets shall be modular type in modular metal box
as per BOQ.
All 5 and 15 Amp socket outlet shall be 5 and 6 pin respectively. Each
outlet shall have a switch located beside the socket preferably on the
same flush cover plate. The earth terminal of the socket shall be
connected to the earth wire.
3.11 WIRING.
All internal wiring shall be carried out with PVC insulated FRLS wires of
650/1100 volts grade. The circuit wiring for points shall be carried out in
looping in system and no joint shall be allowed in the length of the
conductors. Circuit wiring shall be laid in separate conduit originating
from distribution board to switch board for light/fan. A light/fan switch
board may have more than one circuit but shall have to be of same
phase. Looping circuit wiring shall be drawn in same conduit as for
point wiring. Each circuit shall have a separate neutral wire. Neutral
looping shall be carried out from point to point or in light/fan switch
boards. A separate earth wire shall be provided alongwith circuit
wiring for each circuit. For point wiring red colour wire shall be used
for phase and black colour wire for neutral. Circuit wiring shall be
carried out with red, yellow or blue colour PVC insulated wire for
RYB phase wire respectively and black colour PVC insulated wire for
the neutral wires. Bare copper wire shall be used as earth continuity
conductor and shall be drawn alongwith other wires. No wire shall be
drawn into any conduit until all work of any nature, that may cause
injury to wire is completed. Care shall be taken in pulling the wires so
that no damage occurs to the insulation of the wire.
Before the wires are drawn into the conduit, the conduits shall be
thoroughly cleaned of moisture, dust and dirt. Drawing and jointing of
copper conductor wires and cables shall be as per CPWD
2.5 8 6 12 10 - - - - - -
4 6 5 10 8 - - - - - -
6 5 4 8 7 - - - - - -
10 4 3 6 5 8 6 - - - -
16 2 2 3 3 6 5 10 7 12 8
25 - - 3 2 5 3 8 6 9 7
35 - - - - 3 2 6 5 8 6
50 - - - - - - 5 3 6
70 - - - - - - 4 3 5 4
3.12 JOINTS.
All joints shall be made at main switches, distribution board socket and
switch boxes only. No joint shall be made in conduits and junction
boxes. Conductors shall be continuous from outlet to outlet.
Mains and sub-main cable where called for shall be of the rated
capacity and approved make. Every main and sub-main shall be
drawn into an independent adequate size conduit. Adequate size
draw boxes shall be provided at convenient locations to facilitate easy
drawings of the sub-main & main cables. Cost of junction box/drawn
box is deemed to be included in the rates of sub main wiring. As
independent earth wire of proper rating shall be provided for every
sub-main. Single phase sub main shall have single earth wire whereas
three phase sub main shall be provided with two earth wire. The earth
wire of proper rating shall be fixed to conduits by means of suitable
M.S. clips at not more than 1000 mm distance.
Colour code for circuit and submain wiring installation shall be Red,
Yellow, Blue for three phases. Black for neutral and yellow/green or
green only for earth incase of insulated earth wire.
a. Fluorescent fixtures shall be wired with not smaller than 1.5 sq. mm
asbestos-covered wire. No splice or tap shall be located within an arm,
stem or chain. Wire shall be continuous from splice in outlet box of
the building wiring system to lamp socket or to ballast terminals.
Pendent fixtures within the same room or area, shall be installed plumb
and at a uniform height from the finished floor. Adjustment of height
shall be made during installation.
Lamp shall be supplied and installed in all lighting fixtures listed in the
Schedules of Lighting Fixtures on the drawings.
Lamps used for temporary lighting service shall not be used in the final
fixture units.
Lamps shall have bi-pin bases and a minimum approximate rated life
of 8,000 hours.
Only single and/or two-lamp ballast shall be used in any one fixture.
Ballast shall conform to IS 1534(Part I)-1977
After all lighting fixtures are installed and are connected their
respective switches, test all fixtures to ensure operation on their
correct switch in the presence of the engineer.
Exhaust fans shall be heavy duty type with double ball bearing and
conforming to IS 2312-1967. Exhaust fan shall be complete with
copper wound motor, capacitor, Louver/shutter, frame and mounting
bracket. Exhaust fan shall be suitable fan operation on 240 volts single
phase A.C supply.
6.01 Earthing
The electrode shall be buried in ground with its faces vertical and not
less than 3 metres below ground level. 20mm dia medium class GI
pipe shall be provided and attached to the electrode. A funnel with
mesh shall be provided on the top of this pipe for watering and earth
electrode. Earth electrode the watering funnel attachment shall be
housed in masonry enclosure of not less than 300 x 300 x 300mm
deep. A cash iron or MS frame with cover having locking arrangement
shall be provided at top of metres from the building. Care shall be
taken that the excavation for earth electrode may not affect the column
footing or foundation of the building. In such cases electrode may be
further away from the building.
All metal clad switches and other equipment carrying single phase
circuit, shall be connected to earth by a single connection. All metal
clad switches carrying 3 phase shall be connected with earth by two
separate and distinct connections. The earthing conductor inside the
building wherever exposed shall be properly protected from mechanical
injury by running the same in GI pipe of adequate size. The earthing
conductor shall be painted to protect it against corrosion. The over
lapping in G.I./Copper strips in joints where required shall be
minimum 75 mm. The joints shall be riveted with G.I./Copper rivets
and brazed in approved manner. Lugs of adequate capacity and size
shall be used for all termination of conductor wires above 5 Sq. mm
size. Lugs shall be bolted to the equipment body to be earthed after the
metal is cleaned of paint and other oily substance.
If the earth resistance is too high and the multiple electrode earthing
does not give adequate low resistance to earth, then the soil resistivity
immediately surrounding the earth electrodes shall be reduced by
adding sodium carbonate, Copper sulphate, salt and soft coke or
charcoal in suitable proportions.
The resistance to each earthing system shall not exceed 1.0 Ohm.
At the completion of the work, the entire installation shall be subjected to the
following tests:
a) Polarity Test
b) Insulation Resistance Test
c) Earth Continuity Test
d) Earth resistivity Test
Besides the above tests any other test specified by the local authority
shall also be carried out.
All tested and calibrated instruments for testing, labour and materials
and incidentals necessary to conduct the tests shall be provided by the
contractor at his own cost.
All the wiring system shall be tested for continuity of circuits, short
circuits and earthing after the wiring is completed and before
9.01 The Distribution Panel and Distribution boards shall be suitable for
operation on 3 phase/single phase 415/230 Volts, 50 cycles, neutral
grounded at transformer and short circuit level not less than 31 MVA at
415 Volts.
All the panels and covers shall be properly fitted and square with the
frame, and holes in the panel correctly positioned.
Fixing screws shall enter into holes tapped into an adequate thickness
of metal or provided with bank nuts. Self threading screws shall not be
used in the construction of Distribution boards. A base channel of 75
mm x 75 mm x 9mm thick shall be provided at the bottom.
All connections between bus bars and switches and between switches
and cable alley terminal shall be through solid copper strips of proper
size to carry full rated current and insulated with insulating tapes.
Each Circuit breaker and switch fuse units shall be housed in separate
compartments and shall be enclosed on all sides. Sheet steel hinged
lockable doors shall be duly interlocked with the breaker/switch fuse
unit in `ON' and `OFF' position. Safety interlocks shall be provided for
air circuit breaker to prevent the breaker from being drawn out when
the breaker is in `ON' position The door shall not form an integral part
of the draw out portion of the ACB. All instruments and indicating
lamps shall not be mounted on the ACB compartment door. Sheet
steel barriers shall be provided between the tiers in a vertical section.
The outgoing terminals of the breaker and neutral link shall be borough
out to a terminal block suitably located at the rear side of the panel.
Separate cable compartments shall be provided for incoming and
outgoing cables.
A horizontal wire way with screwed covers shall be provided at the top
to take interconnecting control wiring between different vertical section.
The switch fuse units shall be 3 pole double break type (AC-23A)
suitable for load duty quick make and break action. Separate neutral
link shall be provided in the switch. All switch fuse units shall be
provided with hinged doors duly interlocked with operating mechanism,
so as to prevent opening of the door when the switch is in `On' position
and also to prevent closing of the switch when the door is not
properly secured. All contacts shall be silver plated and all live parts
shall be shrouded. High rupturing capacity (HRC) fuse links shall be
provided with switch fuse units and shall be in accordance with IS:
2208 - 1962 and having rupturing capacity of not less than 31 MVA at
415 volts. HRC fuse links shall be provided with visible indicators to
show that they have operated.
9.11 FUSES
Fuses shall be high rupturing capacity (HRC) fuse links and shall be in
accordance with IS:2208-1962 and having rupturing capacity of not
less than 31 MVA at 415 Volts.
(a) The point wiring shall be carried out with Double pair telephone
wire/cable, unarmoured, PVC insulated and sheath. 0.61 mm dia
annealed tinned copper conductor (IS: 2532-1965)in suitable size
conduit (one pair always remaining spare for one point)
(b) The point shall commence from the main telephone tag box/sub tag
box and would terminate at outlet box of point. Connection at both
ends included in point wiring.
(c) Fixing of conduit, conduit accessories draw out boxes and outlet box
etc. in concealed/surface conduit works) shall be applicable for
telephone wiring conduit system also.
(d) Each telephone point shall have 1 No. flush type 2 pin. telephone
socket outlet fixed on 3 mm thick, hylum sheet in M.S. outlet box.
(e) Joint in telephone wiring (between main tag box/sub tag box and
outlet box of point) shall not be allowed and the contractor should
bear the wastages of wire if resulted due to this special requirement of
telephone system.
11.01 General
11.02 Material
The MV cable shall be PVC insulated. Aluminium conductor
armoured cable conforming to IS : 1554 - 1988 ( Part - I) laid in
trenches/ducts as shown on drawings.
11.03 All cables shall be inspected upon receipt at site and checked for any
damage during transit.
The Contractor shall take care to see that all the cables received at site
are apportioned to various locations in such a manner as to ensure
maximum utilisation and avoidance of joining cables. This apportioning
shall be got approved by the architect before the cables are cut to
lengths. straight joints are prohibited.
The cables shall be protected by bricks on the top layer of the sand for
the full length of underground cable. Where more than one cable is
running in the same trench, the bricks shall cover all the cables and
shall project a minimum of approximately 80mm on either side of the
cables. Cables under road crossings and any other places subject to
heavy traffic, shall be protected by running them through Hume Pipes
of suitable size. The depth of the Hume Pipe shall be 1 meter below
the finished floor level.
Insulation test between phases and phase and earth for each length of
cable before and after jointing.
d) Earth Test.
4) VOLTAGE 170-290 170-
5) RATED 50 HZ 50 HZ
13.01 SCOPE
1 Luminaires