Coping Strategies - CESH - CSHS
Coping Strategies - CESH - CSHS
Coping Strategies - CESH - CSHS
This section explains how to live with stress and the differen
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As you will see, there are many strategies and some are bet 1/4
5/22/2019 Coping strategies – CESH / CSHS
Emotion-focused strategy
1. Brood
e.g. you accept new tasks instead of saying “no”, but yo
2. Imagine/Magic thinking
e.g. You dream about a better financial situation.
3. Avoid/Deny
e.g. You avoid everything that is related to this situatio
this situation.
4. Blame
e.g. You blame yourself or others for the situation.
5. Social support
e.g. You talk to your best friend about your concerns.
Imagine that you are having a bad day at work and that yo
for many hours or even a day, but if you avoid him everyday
even cause extra stress. This is why it is important to develo
1. Be positive!
STRESS STRESS AND YOU Look at each obstacle
BIOASSAY LAB as a learning
e.g. you may not have done well on your mid-term exa
ace your final exam.
2. Make the choice not to over-react to stressors and d
e.g. take a few deep breaths and carry on.
3. Take an objective view of your stressor
e.g. is preparing dinner for 12 people really that horrible
4. Communicate!
Don’t ruminate or bottle up your emotions, as this will l
5. Accept yourself (and others).
No one is perfect and there is always room for mistake
6. Make connections with people
Social support is key!
7. Deal effectively with mistakes
i.e. Learn from your mistakes and apply them to future
8. Deal effectively with successes also!
This will build on your competence.
9. Develop self-discipline and control
e.g. train yourself to study harder in preparation for yo
week to lose those pounds you gained since last Than
10. Maintenance!
Practice, practice, practice for a long life of resilient liv
Now that you know how to recognize your stress and you kn
find the coping strategies that work best for you and apply 3/4
5/22/2019 Coping strategies – CESH / CSHS
development consultant