One Mark Computational Fluid Dynamics
One Mark Computational Fluid Dynamics
One Mark Computational Fluid Dynamics
1. There are a total of 60 questions divided into Sections A to F. Questions in Sections A and B
are generic questions covering the entire course material. Sections C to F are thematic.
2. All questions are of objective type. Section A has questions that have ONLY ONE correct
answer. Questions in Section B have two correct answers each. Questions in Sections C to F
have only one correct answer.
3. Each correct answer is worth one mark. The credit for the correct answer is given only when
ONLY THE CORRECT answer is identified in that question. Therefore in Sections A, C, D, E
and F, only one answer should be entered. For questions in Section B, you will get TWO marks
if you identify both the correct answers and only these two. Partial mark can be given only if
only correct answers are identified. For example, if (b) and (d) are the correct answers for a
question, then you will get two marks if you identify both (b) and (d) as the correct answers and
do not tick any other option. If you identify only (b) or only (d) as the correct answer, you will
get ONE mark. If you identify either (a) or (c) as the correct answer, you will not get any marks
irrespective of how many correct answers you identified correctly. Thus, the credit for the entire
question is lost if you choose an incorrect answer.
4. The total marks are 70. Section A is worth 30 marks and Section B is worth 20 marks.
Sections C to F account for 5 marks each.
1. Consider the Laplace equation describing steady state heat conduction in a two dimensional
rectangular domain. If the equation is discretized using finite difference approximations with
uniform grid spacing in both directions, and if the resulting equations are properly arranged and
written in the form of a matrix equation, then the non-zero coefficients in the coefficient matrix
(a) have a tridiagonal structure with three adjacent diagonals including the main diagonal.
(b) have a pentadiagonal structure with three adjacent diagonals and two other diagonals
separated diagonals separated by diagonals containing zeroes.
(c) be the sum of two tridiagonal matrices each containing three adjacent diagonals.
(d) have a pentadiagonal structure with five adjacent diagonals including the main diagonal.
2. Which of the following fluids is not Newtonian:
4. The diffusion term in the momentum conservation equation in the ith direction for constant-
property Newtonian fluid flow can be written as
(a) μ ∂2ui/∂xj2 (b) μ ∂2uj/∂xi2 (c) μ∂2ui/∂xi2 (d) none of the above
6. The steady-state, 2-D momentum balance in the y-direction, neglecting gravity, can be written
for constant property flow as
7. The adiabatic heat transfer thermal boundary condition is an example of which type of
boundary condition:
10. For which of the following problems can von Neumann stability analysis be used:
11. Which of the following schemes may give assurance of convergence for the unsteady
advection equation:
(a) FTBS-explicit (b) FTCS-explicit (c) CTCS-explicit (d) none of the above.
12. For the 1-d scalar transport equation with no source term, which of the following will give
oscillation-free stable solution with second order accuracy:
(a) FTBSCS-explicit (b) FTCSCS-implicit (c) CTCSCS-implicit (d) None of the above.
13. For the one-dimensional wave equation, which of the following statements is correct about
the FTFS implicit scheme
(a) Consistent, unconditionally stable, (b) Consistent, unconditionally unstable, (c) Consistent,
conditionally stable, (d) Inconsistent, unconditionally stable
14. For compressible, two-dimensional flows, the minimum number of partial differential
equations (pde) to be solved is
15. The conserved variables that are solved for in MacCormack method are:
(a) ρ, u, v, w, et
(b) ρ, ρu, ρv, ρw, ρet
(c) ρ, u, v, w, e
(d) ρ, u, v, w, T
16. Which of the following statements is true about the evaluation of pressure in MacCormack
(a) Explicit,1st order accurate in time, 2nd order in space, unconditionally stable
(b) Explicit, 2nd order accurate in time, 2nd order in space, conditionally stable
(c) Implicit, 1st order accurate in time, 2nd order in space, unconditionally stable
(d) Implicit, 2nd order accurate in time, 2nd order in space, unconditionally stable
(a) three-dimensional flows (b) time-dependent flows (c) incompressible flows (d) all of the
20. Which of the following describes the solution of the continuity equation in the pressure
correction method in steady flows:
(a) If Gaussian elimination works, then Gauss-Seidel method can also be used.
(b) If Gauss-Seidel method works, then Gaussian elimination can also be used.
(c) If Gauss-Seidel works, then TDMA can also be used.
(d) If LU decomposition works, then TDMA can also be used.
22. Under optimal condition, the number of arithmetic operations required for convergence using
the SOR method varies with the number of equations, n, as
23. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the multi-grid method of solving Ax = b:
24. Which ranking is correct in terms of INCREASING number of floating point operations
(flops), i.e., from fewer to more number of flops, for the solution of Ax = b on very fine grids:
25. Which of the statements is true about the transformation of the Poisson equation into a non-
orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system
26. In which of the following methods is triangulation with least aspect ratio ensured:
27. In which of the following methods is proper triangulation of concave surfaces ensured so that
no area lying outside the computational domain is triangulated:
29. Which of the following statements is true about the turbulence closure problem:
(a)It does not arise for fully developed turbulent flow between two parallel plates
(b) It refers to the case of a mathematical problem in which there are too many variables and too
few equations
(c) It arises only when do direct numerical simulation of turbulence
(d) None of the above
(a) large eddies (b) small eddies (c) inertial range eddies (d) all of the above
32. A small fluid element in steady, laminar, fully developed flow of an incompressible fluid
between two infinitely long and wide parallel plates undergoes what kind of defomation:
34. Which of the following schemes is stable and second order accurate in both time and space
for the unsteady diffusion equation:
36. Which of the following statements is true about the MacCormack scheme
(a) three-dimensional flows (b) time-dependent flows (c) incompressible flows (d) all of the
39. In which of the following cases would you include the viscous dissipation term in the energy
conservation equation:
(a) in a pipeline transporting crude oil (b) in a pipeline transporting water to a steam condenser
(c) in a stirred tank in which a herbal medicinal oil is being mixed with honey (d) in the flow
of air over a racing car.
40. Which of the statements is true about the transformation of the Laplace equation into a non-
orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system
40. Which of the following statements is true about the Rhie-Chow interpolation scheme
You wish to demonstrate your CFD skills by doing a calculation for the unsteady developing,
constant property flow between two infinitely wide plates separated by a constant height H.
Assume that the flow is incompressible and laminar and that the fluid is Newtonian. Assume
that x-direction is along the plate and y-direction is normal to the plate and you want to do a two-
dimensional flow simulation. For this case,
41. The momentum balance in the x-direction, neglecting gravity, can be written as
(a) We do not need to solve the momentum balance equation in the y-direction.
(b) We can assume pressure gradient in the x-direction to be constant.
(c) We can neglect pressure variation within the flow domain.
(d) None of the above.
43. Taking advantage of symmetry, we wish to solve only for the flow field up to mid-height, ie.,
from y=0 (bottom plate) to y = H/2. The boundary condition at y = H/2 is:
44. Regarding the solution of coupled equations, which of the following methods can be used:
45. A momentum source term of the form Su = -k is added to the x-momentum equation where
k is a constant. For what value of k may the source term lead to loss of diagonal dominance of
the discretized equation if the source term is discretized implicitly?
(a) k > 0 (b) k < 0 (c) any non-zero value of the k (d) the source term does not
have any influence on the diagonal dominance.
(a) tridiagonal (b) five adjacent non-zero diagonals (c) three non-zero adjacent
diagonals and two more non-zero diagonals (d) none of the above
49. You wish to solve the set of equations using the Gauss-Seidel method. A sufficient
condition for this method to converge is:
(a) matrix A is non-singular (b) the spectral radius of A must be less than one (c) matrix A is
diagonally dominant (d) none of the above.
50. The norm of the residual at the end of m iterations can be evaluated as
(a) the largest value in magnitude of (b- Axm) (b) the largest value of |(xm- xm-1)|
(c) ||(xm-xm-1)||2 (d) Any of the above
52. Which of the following statements is true about the turbulence closure problem:
53. We are solving the case of steady, fully developed turbulent flow between two infinitely
long and wide parallel plates using the mixing length turbulence model. For this case, the
number of differential equations that we need to solve is
54. Turbulent kinetic energy is defined as (here <…> indicates time averaging)
(a) ½ <u′i u′j> (b) ½ <u′m u′m> (c) (μ/ρ) <∂u′m/∂xn ∂u′m/∂xn>
(d) (μ/ρ) <∂u′i/∂xj ∂u′m/∂xn>
(a) They are dimensionless. (b) They are constant for a given Reynolds number. (c) They are
constant across the cross-section of a pipe in fully developed flow although individual stresses
are different. (d) None of the above.
We need to solve for the flow in a chemical reactor in which A gets converted B (the desired
product) and C (the by-product) as per the following reaction scheme:
aA —> bB + cC
The reaction is endothermic and heat needs to be supplied. All the species are in gas phase as the
reaction happens at high temperatures. We have a reactor of dimensions L x W x H. Further, W
>> H and variations in the width direction can be neglected. The top and the bottom sides of the
reactor are heated. We need to find out how much conversion takes place, i.e., how much of A
coming through the inlet gets converted to B. We want to find this out using CFD simulation.
Assuming steady, laminar flow through the reactor, answer the following questions:
(a) the flow is steady (b) the flow is isothermal (c) the flow is fully developed
(d) the flow is two-dimensional.
(a) only the one for species A (b) only the for species B (c) three, one each for species A, B
and C (d) four including one overall mass balance and the three for the three species.
58. Which of the following statements is true about the energy conservation equation?
(a) Terms related to the reaction rate would need to be added to the energy conservation
(b) The energy conservation equation is unaffected by the rate of chemical reaction.
(c) The energy conservation equation is affected only to the extent that the properties change as
the mixture composition changes.
(d) None of the above.
59. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the chemical reaction?
60. Compared to the case of a non-reacting, isothermal flow through the same duct, how many
additional partial differential equations need to be solved for this case of reacting flow: