Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Form: Location Activities Hazard Controls
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Form: Location Activities Hazard Controls
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Form: Location Activities Hazard Controls
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(What are you going to
Harm Staff/ Students/ do to reduce the Risk?)
Club house, unloading of No safe 1.Remove the hazard by designing
Warehouse materials and operational control it out -designing the permitted
stacking procedures routes and operating zones for
forklift operations such that they
will never come in contact with any
pedestrian or worker.
2. Guard the remaining hazards to
prevent the accident from occurring
This can be carried out by
erecting physical barriers next to a
walkway to prevent the forklift from
coming into contact with
3. Mitigate the impact of the
hazards -wearing an appropriate
seat belt can save the life of an
operator when the forklift
overturns. a forklift fitted with a
seat belt must be provided and the
operator instructed to use the belt.
Identifying the most efficient routes
and traffic flows,
* Separating
pedestrian walkways and forklift
routes and operating zones-
Identifying safety zones for truck
* Incorporating containment
fences, Incorporating speed
limiting device,
* Putting up adequate warning
lack of traffic signs,
management plan
collision with • Provide safety features (such as
operative , reverse warning lights and audio
structure warning, rearview mirror, flashing
lights) and inspect them regularly
over loading
not assesing the area of the forklift should be checked
work environment for overhead obstructions, uneven
ground, puddles, of oil or potholes etc.