Klein CV Feb19 2
Klein CV Feb19 2
Klein CV Feb19 2
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Statistics and Machine Learning, Carnegie Mellon University, 2019.
M.S., Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University, 2015.
B.S. summa cum laude, Pure Mathematics (minor: Computer Science), University of New Mexico, 2009.
Information flow in networks based on nonstationary multivariate neural recordings.
2019 Klein N, Teichert T, Kass RE. A general framework for current source density estimation
using generative spatiotemporal models. (in preparation)
2019 Klein N, Lawrence E, Walters D, Luscher DJ, Ramos K. Autoencoders for emulation and
calibration of multivariate output. (in preparation)
2018 Klein N, Orellana J, Brincat S, Miller EK, Kass RE. Torus graphs for multivariate phase
analysis. (under review, Annals of Applied Statistics)
2018 Rodu J, Klein N, Brincat S, Miller EK, Kass RE (2018). Detecting multivariate cross-
correlation between brain regions. Journal of Neurophysiology.
2018 Marek S, Tervo-Clemmens B, Klein N, Foran W, Singh A, Luna B (2018). Adolescent
development of cortical oscillations: power, phase, and support of cognitive maturation.
PLoS Biology.
Contributed talks
2019 Klein N. Autoencoders for Emulation and Calibration of Dynamic Compression Experi-
ments. To appear in a topic contributed session, Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, CO;
July 27–August 1, 2019.
2018 Klein N, Orellana J, Brincat S, Miller EK, Kass RE. Torus graphs for multivariate phase
coupling analysis. Women in Statistics and Data Science conference, Cincinnati, OH;
October 18-20, 2018.
2017 Klein N, Rodu J, Ventura V, Kass RE. Dynamic functional connectivity in nonstationary
task-related brain imaging and neural recording data. Joint Statistical Meetings, Balti-
more, MD; July 29–August 3, 2017.
2009 Klein N. A numerical approach to understanding oscillator neural networks. Southwest-
ern Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference, Albuquerque, NM; Februrary 25,
2018 Klein N, Orellana J, Brincat S, Miller EK, Kass RE. Torus graphs for multivariate phase
coupling analysis. American Statistical Association Pittsburgh banquet; April 10, 2018.
2017 Klein N, Orellana J, Brincat S, Miller EK, Kass RE. Sparse exponential family graphical
models for multivariate circular data. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)
workshop on Advances in Modeling and Learning Interactions from Complex Data,
Long Beach, CA; December 8, 2017.
2016 Klein N, Marek S, Simmonds D, Ventura V, Kass RE, Luna B. Development of oscillatory
neural dynamics supporting working memory. Western Psychiatric Institute Research
Day, Pittsburgh, PA; March 31, 2016.
2018 Klein N. A gentle introduction to Gaussian process regression. Carnegie Mellon Univer-
sity Data Science Club; February 15, 2018.
2013 Klein N. Math homework: does it add up? TEDxABQ Education Conference, Albu-
querque, NM; January 11, 2013.
Natalie Klein Curriculum Vitae 3
Teaching activities
Teaching assistant, Department of Statistics and Data Science, Carnegie Mellon University
2018 Introduction to Statistical Inference (undergraduate); head TA.
2017 Introduction to Probability Theory (undergraduate).
2017 Introduction to Statistical Inference (undergraduate); head TA.
2016 Applied Linear Models (Masters’).
2016 Applied Multivariate Methods (undergraduate and Masters’).
2015 Modern Regression (undergraduate).
2015 Advanced Methods for Data Analysis (undergraduate).
2014 Probability Theory and Random Processes (undergraduate).
2017 Mentored an undergraduate student research project in the Undergraduate Program in
Neural Computation internship; Summer 2017.
2017 Co-leader of teaching discussion in the Carnegie Mellon University Department of Statis-
tics and Data Science regarding homework policies and online quizzes in large under-
graduate courses; November 16, 2017.
2014 Instructor of record for a dual-credit section of Programming Fundamentals in the Elec-
trical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of New Mexico; Spring
2010–2014 Secondary math teacher, Bosque School, Albuquerque, NM. Designed and taught courses
in geometry, precalculus, calculus, and statistics.
Work experience
2018 Graduate research intern, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM.
2008 Student researcher, National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergradu-
ates, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM.
2007–2008 Undergraduate intern, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM.
Professional service
Reviewer: Annals of Applied Statistics, PNAS, and Science Translational Medicine.
Founding member, Women in Statistics group, Carnegie Mellon University.
Member, American Statistical Association.