SPE 94523 A New Inhibitive Water-Based Fluid: A Completely Cationic System
SPE 94523 A New Inhibitive Water-Based Fluid: A Completely Cationic System
SPE 94523 A New Inhibitive Water-Based Fluid: A Completely Cationic System
Results and Discussion The shale inhibitor ability evaluated in fluids contaminated
Rheological properties. The Rheological behavior of the with clay, applying itself the methyl blue test, is showed in the
fluids presented in Tables 1 and 2, are shown in the Figure 1 Figure 7. The results, one more time, show the high capacity
(before ageing-BA) and in the Figure 2 (after ageing-AA). The of clay inhibition of the NI-WBDF, presenting efficiency
results presented in the Figure 1a show that the New Inhibitive higher than 90% and confirming the presented data
Water-Based Drilling Fluid present almost the same rheology, previously. In any clay concentrations, the new inhibitive
being contaminated it with clay or not. It shows a perfect water-based drilling fluid presented higher inhibition ability
ability of clay inhibition of the system, what it tends not to that the standard traditional fluid.
intervene with Rheological properties. The same is not Conclusions
observed for Standard Traditional Fluid (STF), which tends to A new, highly inhibitive, water-based drilling fluid system has
have its rheology increased in function of increase clay been developed. Laboratory studies have shown that the
contamination (Figure 2b). Such effect in the STF should have system significantly reduces clay hydration and swelling. The
been caused by the reaction between anionic and cationic inhibitive components of the NI-WBDF have been specially
polymers in the system, and the efficiency of clay inhibitor designed to impart maximum stabilization of dispersível clay
was reduced. The results evidence that the completely cationic formations. The developed products were chosen to satisfy the
character of the NI-WBDF favors a perfect clays inhibition in requirements of highly inhibitive fluids. The designed fluid is
the system, being able to be compared with oil based fluid. flexible and could be formulated with a variety of base brines
The Figure 3 shows the rheological behavior of the same from freshwater to saturated KCl. By the found laboratories
fluids after aging at 200 °F for 16 hours. It can be observed results, this fluid can be indicated to perforate zones that
that the rheology of the NI-WBDF was almost remained contain highly reactive clays, keeping the integrity and
constant, with very similar values found before the aging. stability of the well. Done assays after aging, shown that the
This suggests a complete system stability, besides showing properties of the fluid are practically kept constant after
that the developed polymeric materials present resistance to exposition to 200 °F for 16 hours.
the temperature and to the shear generated during the test of
aging of the fluid. However, the STF continued presenting Acknowledgements
rheological values varied although to possess components that We thank the Poland Química Ltda for granting the
are sufficiently resistant to the temperature and to the shear. permission to publish this work, and the technicians Larissa de
Moraes, Rafael Marques, Gláucia Mello, Andréa Ferreira,
Fluid Loss test. Fluid loss control for a mud is achieved by Alexandre Souza, Gizelle de Fátima, Sandra da Silva, Flávio
several means, one of which is by addition of fluid-loss- Borba, Marcos Leal, Edson Brito and Diego de Castro.
control materials to the mud system. The cationic fluid loss
control (CFLC-1) is a chemically modified starch, which was References
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Figure 2: Before aging rheological behavior of: a) NI-WBDF, b) Standard traditional Fluid. The both systems were contaminated with 0, 20, 30
and 40 ppb of bentonite
Figure 3: After aging rheological behavior of: a) NI-WBDF, b) Standard traditional Fluid. The both systems were contaminated with 0, 20, 30
and 40 ppb of bentonite
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Figure 4: Fluid Loss content for NI-WBDF and for STF: a) before aging, b) after aging
Figure 7: MBT inhibition for NI-WBDF and for STF: a) before aging, b) after aging.
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