Pua, L., Et Al. 2006. Assessment and Improvement of Air Quality of Air-Conditioned Ship Cabins. de La Salle University Undergraduate Thesis. (
Pua, L., Et Al. 2006. Assessment and Improvement of Air Quality of Air-Conditioned Ship Cabins. de La Salle University Undergraduate Thesis. (
Pua, L., Et Al. 2006. Assessment and Improvement of Air Quality of Air-Conditioned Ship Cabins. de La Salle University Undergraduate Thesis. (
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia
Development Department, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia
KEYWORDS Abstract Universities are designed for higher education learning, and improving university indoor
Indoor CO2 concentration; air quality (IAQ) is essential to the enhanced performances of students and staff members alike. The
Outdoor CO2 concentration; majority of IAQ problems are due to inadequate ventilation in university buildings. Carbon
Laboratory; Dioxide (CO2) measurements have become a commonly used screening test of IAQ because mea-
Indoor air quality; surement levels can be used to evaluate the amount of ventilation and general comfort. This paper
Air condition; examines CO2 field measurement for undergraduate practical classes. Ten air conditioned laborato-
Ventilation ries with ventilation were chosen for CO2 field measurement. CO2 was monitored under indoor and
outdoor conditions. Indoor CO2 concentration for Laboratories 1 and 10 is observed to be higher
than 1000 ppm which indicated inadequate ventilation, while other laboratories showed CO2 con-
centrations less than 1000 ppm. Air capacity and outdoor air were calculated based on the design
documentation. A comparison between design and actual outdoor air/person values indicates that
the air conditioning systems of the laboratories had adequate ventilation.
ª 2014 King Saud University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).
1. Introduction
1018-3639 ª 2014 King Saud University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).
192 M. Hussin et al.
high CO2 concentration have been associated with increased inadequate and caused health problems. Lee and Chang
frequency of health symptoms (Siskos et al., 2001). Ventilation (1999) observed five classrooms in five different schools in
plays a crucial role in promoting the comfort and health of Hong Kong and found that the value point data sample of
building occupants (Rackes and Waring, 2014). However, CO2 concentration exceeded the Hong Kong indoor air quality
measuring the actual ventilation rate is expensive and poten- limit because of high outdoor concentration and inadequate
tially problematic. Measuring the indoor CO2 concentration ventilation; this finding was determined when the indoor and
is often used as an alternative to determine the ventilation rate outdoor air quality were investigated (Awbi and Pay, 1995).
of each occupant. Measuring CO2 concentration has become a The CO2 concentration in most schools and offices is below
common method to determine the air exchange rate in build- the 5000 ppm occupational safety standard for industrial
ings (Bulińska et al., 2014). CO2 is a natural air component, workplaces (i.e., the time-weighted average for an 8-hour
and CO2 in a given air sample is commonly expressed in parts workday within a 40-hour work week). CO2 levels below
per million (ppm). CO2 levels that exceed 1000 ppm indicate a 5000 ppm do not pose serious health threats, but individuals
lack of adequate ventilation (Sulaiman and Mohamed, 2011). in schools and offices with elevated CO2 concentration com-
High CO2 levels indicate that the indoor air is not refreshed monly report drowsiness, lethargy, and a general sense of stale-
enough, which causes CO2 build-up. ness in the air. Yau et al. (2012) studied the IAQ data of
The average breath of an adult contains 35,000–50,000 ppm pharmaceutical laboratories and identified the average perfor-
of CO2 (Prill, 2000). CO2 is continuously generated and accu- mance for air conditioning systems of the laboratories included
mulates in the absence of adequate ventilation which dilutes in the study. Researchers are attempting to link elevated CO2
and removes the CO2. The outdoor CO2 level is reported to concentration with reduced productivity and achievement (Lee
be in a range of 350–450 ppm (Seppanen and Fisk, 2004). and Chang, 1999). Lisa et al. (2012) reported on methods to
Prill (2000) reported that the indoor CO2 level is 100 times simultaneously reduce building energy consumption while
greater than the outdoor CO2 level, even in buildings where maintaining or improving indoor air quality.
complaints with regard to indoor air quality are few. If indoor Various studies have reported the adverse effects of IAQ,
CO2 levels are more than 1000 ppm, ventilation is probably particularly in residences and offices. However, few studies
inadequate, and occupants may commonly complain about are concerned with the indoor environment of school buildings
headaches, nose and throat ailments, tiredness, lack of concen- (Awbi and Pay, 1995; Bako-Biro et al., 2007). Moreover, even
tration, and fatigue (Siskos et al., 2001; Carlsson et al., 2000; fewer studies are concerned with classrooms occupied by adult
Makowski and Ohlmeyer, 2006). However, low CO2 levels students. Awbi and Pay (1995) observed university classrooms
do not necessarily indicate the absence of internal air quality with different air capacities and reported poor IAQ during
(IAQ) issues. Problems can also occur in buildings where occupancy. Classrooms function as the basic space where
CO2 concentrations are below 1000 ppm. Moreover, identify- teaching and learning are the main priority; therefore, IAQ
ing CO2 levels may determine the ventilation level, but source issues in classrooms are seen as risks. Singhvi et al. (2001) stud-
control measures need to be set when strong contaminant ied the IAQ of a laboratory. They studied real-time metallic
sources are present to prevent IAQ problems. mercury vapor levels in the laboratory to evaluate the effec-
Current technology allows easy and relatively inexpensive tiveness of site clean-up operations. They found that exchanges
CO2 measurement, which ensures that ventilation systems of in room air (per hour) were not the main parameter in deter-
high-density occupancy zones provide the recommended min- mining good air quality and laboratory health and safety.
imum quantities of outside air to buildings (Xu and Zhang, The prime objective of laboratory ventilation was to protect
2004). Hu et al. (2007) reported that several buildings have the health and safety of laboratory personnel. Previous studies
poor indoor air quality, especially CO2 concentration. The describe factors that affect air exchange rates in laboratory
Korean Standard (1991) and ASHRAE Standard (2001 & design and present decision logic to determine acceptable air
2004) indicate the significant role of ventilation in generating exchange rates based on proper laboratory design for control-
a comfortable indoor environment; current air cleaning sys- ling airborne emissions (DiBerardinis et al., 2009).
tems cannot remove CO2 in the air (Farhad, 2009). Daisey Several studies recommend using indoor CO2 concentration
et al. (2003) observed that school ventilation systems were to evaluate IAQ and ventilation. However, characterizing
I (a) I (b)
II (a) II (b)
Figure 1 (Ia) Layout of laboratory with constant air volume centralized air conditioning system, workbenches and assessor location
(indicated by *), (Ib) layout of supply air diffusers and return air grill of constant air volume centralized air conditioning system; (IIa)
Layout of laboratory with split unit air conditioning system, workbenches and assessor location (indicated by *), (IIb) layout of supply air
diffusers and location of the split unit air conditioning system.
194 M. Hussin et al.
Fig. 1a and b show the layout of the workbenches, assessor already exceeded 1000 ppm after 30–60 min of the practical
location, supply air diffusers, and return air grill of the AHU class and slowly increased to 1400 ppm afterward. Experiments
and split unit air conditioning systems used in the laboratories, on the soldering process of electronic circuits were conducted in
respectively. The physical measurement was taken 1.5 m above this laboratory, which increased the CO2 concentration.
ground level at the center of the laboratories. The number of Besides that the supply outdoor grill was closed during the
sampling points was based on the recommendation of the laboratory session. This results in no supply of fresh air which
Industry Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality (2010). The subsequently increased the level of CO2 concentration in labo-
outdoor CO2 concentration was taken at few points at the ratory 1. This value exceeds the 1000 ppm limit set by the
internal corridor outside the laboratories. Malaysian Code of Practice and ASHRAE guidelines but is still
within the 1500 ppm Japan Society for Occupational Health
3. Results and discussion (2004). This high CO2 concentration indicates poor ventilation
and contaminant build-up in the laboratory (Huizenga et al,
Figs. 2–6 show the CO2 concentration and occupant number 2006). Bjorn and Nielsen (2002) declare that CO2 build-up in
for laboratories 1–5 of the Engineering Campus, respectively. classrooms is related to student activity and movement.
Fig. 2 shows the CO2 concentration variation and occupant CO2 issues are resolved through a handful of solutions. One
profiles for a practical class that lasted three hours (180 min). solution is to enhance air ventilation systems with the use of
The student number ranged from 50 to 60 throughout the lab- extractor fans during practical classes (Ismail et al., 2010).
oratory session. The trend of CO2 concentration for three read- Indoor air needs to be ventilated with sufficient outdoor air
ings increased in a 3-hour practical class. The CO2 to dilute air contaminants and provide students with sufficient
concentration was low for the first 30 min of the practical class oxygen (O2) for breathing. Ismail et al. (2010) reported that an
and increased slowly in time. Based on the three different mea- extractor fan that switches on every 30 min for 5-minute
surements for three days, the CO2 concentration in laboratory 1 durations can also solve the problem of excess CO2 in a room.
196 M. Hussin et al.
Further investigation is necessary for these potential solutions Fig. 3 shows that 40–45 students attended the laboratory ses-
because the increased ventilation also increases the indoor con- sion. Three readings were taken for three different laboratory
centration of outdoor-generated pollutants. sessions for 3 days. CO2 build-up began when students started
Air-conditioned University Laboratories 197
Figure 11 CO2 concentration and number of occupants with time in Laboratory 10.
occupying the laboratory. The CO2 concentration increased collected based on Fig. 7, which shows that the CO2 concentra-
slowly from 460 ppm to 600 ppm and remained at that level. tion is consistent throughout the practical class. The CO2 con-
The CO2 concentration was generally lower than 1000 ppm. centration remained between 700 ppm and 800 ppm. It was
Fig. 4 shows a consistent CO2 concentration trend for three observed to be low during the first 30 min of the practical ses-
different sessions for three days. The CO2 concentration sion on day 3 because of the small number of occupants. The
increased slowly and reached a saturation level of 600– CO2 concentration then started to increase and remained
700 ppm. Figs. 5 and 6 show the inconsistent number of occu- between 700 ppm and 800 ppm after 30 min of the practical
pants throughout the 4-hour laboratory session, which is due class. Therefore, the CO2 concentration was generally lower
to students moving in and out of the laboratory at any time. than 1000 ppm. Fig. 8 shows a similar consistent trend in the
This inconsistency results in slight fluctuations in CO2 levels. CO2 concentration for three different sessions for three days.
The CO2 concentration for these two laboratories slowly The CO2 concentration was low during the first 40 min, then
increased and remained from 600 ppm to 700 ppm; evidently, started to build up afterward and remained between 700 ppm
the number of occupants in the laboratory did not significantly and 800 ppm throughout the practical class.
influence the CO2 concentration. The high CO2 concentration Fig. 9 shows the CO2 concentration for 3 days of practical
at the initial period of the session was due to the delay in start- classes throughout 100 min. The number of students ranged
ing up the air conditioning system. from 60 to 80 for each session. The CO2 concentration started
Figs. 7–11 show the CO2 and CO concentrations and num- to build up from 600 ppm to 1000 ppm within the first 50 min.
ber of occupants for laboratories 6–10, respectively. Laborato- It reached a saturation level of 1000–1200 ppm until the end of
ries 6–10 are located in the main campus. Three readings were the laboratory sessions.
198 M. Hussin et al.
CO Concentration (ppm)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (min)
Figure 12 CO concentration with time in Laboratory 10.
CO2 Concentration (ppm)
Time (min)
Figure 13 Average of CO2 concentration with time for the 10 laboratories in the Engineering and Main Campuses.
Fig. 10 shows the CO2 concentration for three measure- which resulted to the movement of hot air inside the labora-
ments throughout 180 min of practical classes. Measurements tory to the outer building space. The findings indicate that
for days 1 and 3 were taken in the morning, whereas measure- the CO2 concentrations for days 1 and 3 exceeded 1000 ppm.
ments for day 2 were taken in the afternoon. The number of Fig. 11 shows the CO2 concentration for three different
students ranged from 55 to 65 for each session. The CO2 con- days of practical classes for 180 min. The number of students
centration for days 1 and 3 at the initial stage of the classes that attended the classes ranged from 30 to 45. Days 1 and 2
ranged from 800 ppm to 875 ppm. It started to build up to showed high CO2 concentrations of 2400–3000 ppm, respec-
1400 ppm after 130 min since the classes started and reached tively. The CO2 concentrations reduced after 100 min and
saturation level until the end of the practical classes. The 120 min of the practical class as the number of students
CO2 concentration for day 2 at the initial stage of the class reduced. Day 3 showed a consistent CO2 concentration of
was at 500 ppm. It started to build up to 900 ppm after 1200–1500 ppm. Students were conducting experiments using
40 min of the practical class and reduced to 750 ppm and Bunsen burners on days 1 and 2, which increased the CO2 con-
800 ppm until the end of the practical classes. This is because centration. According to the IAQ guidelines of the Illinois
the students opened few windows during the practical classes Department of Public Health, the standard of 1000 ppm is
Air-conditioned University Laboratories 199
Table 2 Average indoor CO2 concentration (with and without practical class) in comparison with outdoor CO2 concentration for the
10 laboratories.
Lab Average indoor CO2 concentration Average indoor CO2 concentration Average outdoor
(w/o practical class) (ppm) (with practical class) (ppm) CO2 concentration (ppm)
1 500 1158 638
2 504 547 552
3 450 623 554
4 540 620 558
5 550 618 558
6 469 775 664
7 495 769 733
8 437 952 877
9 502 978 740
10 590 1801 948
not applicable to buildings with CO2 sources other than than 1000. The monitored CO2 concentration for laboratory
exhaled breath; under this condition, the Occupational Safety 1 ranged between 600 ppm and 1480 ppm. The average mea-
and Health Administration (OSHA) standard for CO2 should sured CO2 concentrations for laboratories 2–5 fell within the
be used. The OSHA standard is an 8-hour time-weighted aver- acceptable range of 500–750 ppm.
age of 5000 ppm with a short-term 15-minute average limit of Laboratory 10 in the Main Campus showed the highest
30,000 ppm. The CO2 concentration in this laboratory was CO2 concentration, which is due to the nature of the experi-
higher than 1000 ppm but still within the recommended ment. Fig. 12 shows CO presence in the laboratory because
WHO threshold limit value of 5000 ppm, which is a safe value of the use of Bunsen burners, which is the main source of
for healthy adults in an 8-hour work day (WHO Report, indoor CO. The other laboratories showed consistent CO2
1990). concentrations that range from 700 ppm to 1000 ppm after
Carbon monoxide (CO) concentration was detected by the 50 min of the practical classes. Seppanen et al. (1999) reported
multi-sensor instrument in days 1 and 2. CO is a combustion that half of the 22 studies on SBS symptoms in office buildings
product, and its presence indicates an infiltration issue in the found that increased indoor CO2 levels were positively associ-
indoor environment. Fig. 12 summarizes the CO measurement ated with a statistically significant increase in one or more
results and found that the CO concentration did not comply prevalent SBS symptoms.
with the CO concentration limit of 10 ppm set by WHO Table 2 compares the average indoor (with and without
(2010) and the Malaysian Code of Practice (DOSH, 2010). practical classes) and outdoor CO2 concentrations. Data are
CO exposure at levels as low as 35 ppm causes mild fatigue. averaged from the three readings taken from three different
CO concentration that exceeds 10 ppm is associated with days. The CO2 concentrations decreased during unoccupied
SBS symptoms, such as dizziness, fatigue, and headaches periods and increased during occupied periods for all cases.
(Samet, 1993). This trend agrees with the findings of Zain Ahmed et al.
Fig. 13 shows the average CO2 concentrations with time of (2004) on their study of CO and CO2 concentrations in natu-
the 10 laboratories for easy comparison. Laboratory 1 in the rally ventilated houses in Malaysia. The average outdoor
Engineering Campus showed the highest average of CO2 con- CO2 concentration was higher than the indoor CO2 concentra-
centration with build-up of CO2 concentration being more tion without a practical class. The activities of laboratory
Table 4 Comparison between actual performance and design performance of air conditioning system for the 10 laboratories.
Lab Effective Design air Actual max. Design outdoor Actual outdoor Outdoor air change
volume (ft3) capacity occupancy (E) air (cfm) (F) air/person (cfm) ratea (ACH)
(G = F/E)
1 26,681 9000 60 1800 30 4.05
2 23,800 8700 45 1740 38 3.73
3 26,681 10,000 60 2000 33 4.49
4 17,600 4500 18 900 50 3.06
5 12,274 3700 19 740 39 3.62
6 16,830 3760 35 – – –
7 16,830 3760 29 – – –
8 34,153 9300 67 – – –
9 34,153 9300 59 – – –
10 51,612 11,118 38 – – –
Based on design outdoor air divided by effective volume of respective laboratory.
occupants during the practical class obviously increased the ries 1 and 10 indicates a minimum laboratory ventilation rate as
indoor CO2 concentration. Indoor concentrations were more specified in the codes. CO2 levels should be reduced to produce
elevated than outdoor concentrations mostly because of the laboratory environments that are conducive to learning. The
building occupants. other laboratories had CO2 concentrations lower than
The average outdoor CO2 concentration in the Main Cam- 1000 ppm. The calculation based on the design documentation
pus was higher than in the Engineering Campus because of indicates that the values for design outdoor air/person and
heavy traffic movement and congested surroundings. The actual outdoor air/person for AHU air conditioning systems
source of CO2 concentration is activities generated by outdoor were higher than the values set by ASHRAE, which indicates
combustion (e.g., automobile exhaust from nearby roads or that the air conditioning system adequately ventilated the
packing areas and construction). laboratory.
Table 3 shows the design of the air conditioning system
installation for the 10 laboratories. Table 4 compares the
actual and design performances of the AHU system in labora- Acknowledgments
tories 1–10. The split air conditioning systems in laboratories
6–10 were unable to exhaust room air, inject indoor air, or The project is sponsored by Universiti Sains Malaysia under a
filter and treat indoor air to the required extent due to their short-term grant (Grant number 304/JPEB/6311008). The sup-
construction. The indoor unit is basically designed to re-circu- port from the Dean and the technical staff of the School of
late indoor air through a filter and evaporator coil and contin- Physics, School of Biological Sciences, School of Pharmaceuti-
ually cool the air. Therefore, no value was reported for designs cal Sciences, School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engi-
of outdoor air, outdoor air/person, actual outdoor air/person, neering, the School of Chemical Engineering, and the School
and outdoor air exchange rate. of Electric and Electronics is highly appreciated.
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person (Table 3) and actual outdoor air/person (Table 4) are References
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