Following the “gang of four” (GoF)
Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides, Design Patterns,
AddisonWesley 1995
Why Design Patterns?
● Apply well known and proven solutions
● many problems are not new → no need to invent
● code structure easier to understand → easier
● great help for beginners to learn good practice
● patterns are not static, guide to individual solutions
● Analogies
● song styles, theatre pieces, novels, (architecure),
engineering, ...
Design Patterns in OOAD 2
C. Alexander (1936), computer scientist
and architect
Critical of traditional modern architecture,
patterns as solution guides in architecture, incremental building,
interaction with users, empower laypeople to create designs
Medieval cities built according to rules, not rigid masterplans
Design Patterns in OOAD 3
Pattern Classification
Creational Structural Behavioral
Not all patterns covered here, many more exist
Design Patterns in OOAD 4
Patterns and OOAD
● Design patterns help to translate “OOD
● dependency management
● components
● code reuse
● ease of planned (and unplanned) changes
● maintainance
● code quality
Design Patterns in OOAD 5
Structured pattern description
● Pattern name
● one or twoword descriptive title
● Intent
● what happens? Why? Design issue or problem?
● Motivation
● example pattern application scenario
● Applicability
● when to use? What problems solved?
● Structure
● UML graphical description
Design Patterns in OOAD 6
Structured pattern description
● Participants and Collaborations
● classes, objects, their roles and collaborations
● Consequences and Implementation
● results and tradeoffs, implementation tricks
● Examples
● code, projects
● Related patterns
● relation to other patterns, combined uses
Design Patterns in OOAD 7
Creational Patterns
● Organise object creation
● Class creational patterns
● Factory Method
● defer (part of) object creation to subclasses
● Object creational patterns
● Abstract Factory
● Singleton
● defer (part of) object creation to other objects
Design Patterns in OOAD 8
(Abstract) Factory Method
Create objects without dependence on concrete classes
Isolate concrete classes from higher levels, createClass() is Factory
Method, AbsFactory is
Abstract Factory
Easy to replace func
Hard to change class
GUIs on different platforms, plugins
Alternative: Prototype
Design Patterns in OOAD 9
Create new objects from a prototype through an interface to
avoid dependency on concrete classes
Isolate concrete classes from higher level
Avoid hierarchy
of factories
Easy to get instances from DLLs
Classes must support cloning, must decide shallow or deep copy,
take care of initialisation
Alternative: (Abstract) Factory method
Design Patterns in OOAD 10
Guarantee that there is only one instance of a class
Avoid confusion over central
Private constructors, static
member to return handle to
single static instance
Can be subclassed (vs. static members),
control number of instances by extending
Used in more complex patterns
Design Patterns in OOAD 11
Structural Patterns
● Compose complex structures from small ones
● Class structural patterns
● Compose interfaces or implementations using
class inheritance
● Adapter
● Object structural patterns
● Compose objects to get new functionality, possibly
at runtime
● Adapter, Composite, Decorator, Proxy
Design Patterns in OOAD 12
Convert (adapt) the interface of a class to interface expected by
Use existing class (libraries)
Class adapter: mult. inheritance,
implement request using
AdaptedClass methods
Object adapter: hold reference,
forward or translate requests
Decorator, Proxy (no interface
Design Patterns in OOAD 13
Compose object recursively into treelike structures
Represent wholepart relationships,
handle objects and groups of objects
Composite can contain simple
objects (Leaf) or composites
Clients can compose complex
objects, but don't see difference to
simple objects, easy to add new component
Decorator, CoR, Iterator, Visitor can collaborate
Design Patterns in OOAD 14
Add functionality dynamically to an object
Alternative to direct (static) subclassing,
fight “combinatorics”
Decorator forwards requests
to component
GUI toolkits, ...
Adapter also changes interface, “degenerate
composite”, Strategy modifies behaviour
Design Patterns in OOAD 15
Provide placeholder for another object to control access
Support “lazy” operations (object creation,
IO) and/or caching, smart references,
Client sees only ProxyClass
objects, requests forwarded
to ConcreteClass objects
Helps handling “expensive” objects
Proxy provides access control, Decorator or Adapter modify
behaviour or interface
Design Patterns in OOAD 16
Behavioral Patterns
● Implement algorithms
● Class behavioral patterns
● use inheritance to separate algorithm invariants
from algorithm variants
● Template Method
● Object behavioral patterns
● use object composition to distribute algorithm
parts (invariants, variants)
● Chain of Responsibility, Iterator, State, Observer,
Design Patterns in OOAD 17
Template Method
Define invariant algorithm skeleton and defer
variant steps to methods in subclasses
Algorithm family implementation,
localise common behaviour of classes
Dependency inversion from concrete to
abstract → class libraries
Factory Methods providing objects with
algorithm steps often used in Template
Method, Strategy gives algorithm
variants at object level
Design Patterns in OOAD 18
Chain of Responsibility (CoR)
Allow several objects to handle a request by chaining them
and passing the request along the chain, objects handle the request
or pass it to the next object
In a dynamic system find correct
object for a request
No direct connection between sender
and receiver of request, can change
request handling at runtime by
reconfiguring the chain
Handle user events, collaboration with Composite where
parent is next object, flexible procedures
Design Patterns in OOAD 19
Chain of Responsibility
Object interaction
Design Patterns in OOAD 20
Access elements of a collection without exposing collection structure
Handle different collection structures, support heterogeneous
collections, multiple
traversals, different
iteration algorithms
Container and Iterator
tightly coupled, C++ with
templates or interface+
RTTI for elements
Iterator over Composite structures, Factory Method to create
Design Patterns in OOAD 21
Allow object behaviour change following state change
State machine modelling, refactoring of conditionals in methods
depending on state
Localise state depending
behaviour into objects,
explicit state changes, state
objects are stateless
States can be Singletons
Design Patterns in OOAD 22
Object interaction diagram
Design Patterns in OOAD 23
Define onetomany relation between objects to notify clients
when target changes state
“Broadcast” messages
avoiding tight coupling
of objects
Updates to observers can
be unexpected
Complex relation between observed and observer objects can be
collected into a “ChangeManager” object
GUI objects observe drawable objects for redrawing
Design Patterns in OOAD 24
Object interaction diagram
Design Patterns in OOAD 25
Enclose object interactions in a central “controller” object
Complex but well defined communication between objects,
use when objects have links
to many other objects
Worker notifies Director with
its address, Director identifies
and decides next step
Decouple Workers, centralise
control, can change protocol
by subclassing Director
Director could be Observer of Workers
Design Patterns in OOAD 26
Object interaction diagram
Design Patterns in OOAD 27
Define a family of algorithms interchangeable for clients
Make objects configurable for different behaviours,
implement algorithm variants independent of invariants,
hide details from clients
via Strategy class, remove
conditionals from Algorithm,
different implementations
of same behaviour
Track finding algorithm (pattern recognition, candidate
selection, track fit)
Design Patterns in OOAD 28
Summay and Discussion
● Creational
● (Abstract) Factory Method vs Prototype
● Only one object: Singleton
● Structural
● Decorator: add behaviour
● Composite: recursive object structures
● Proxy: access control to other objects
Design Patterns in OOAD 29
Summary and Discussion
● Behavioral
● Template and Strategy: algorithm (in) variants
● State: statedependent behavior
● Iterator: access to complex object collections
● CoR: communication to varying number of objects
● Observer vs Mediator: object communication
Design Patterns in OOAD 30
Some HEP Patterns
● HEP offline programs have some special
● Particular requirements
● high throughput
● variable algorithms
● long lifetime of codes
● programming interface for users
Design Patterns in OOAD 31
Transient/Persistent (Memento)
Decouple objects from the details of the storage system without
violating data hiding
Storage systems subject to changes,
keep other system parts invariant
Can replace storage system,
Persistent and TPConverter
Memento w/o Converter
Use together with abstract IO streams and
Design Patterns in OOAD 32
Model traditional HEP data processing with objects
EventStore is “COMMON BLOCK”
to hold event data, processing
Module gets Transient objects
and puts new Transient objects
AbsInput and AbsOutput
decouple the IO system
from the data processing
C++ use template classes for typesafe access
ATLAS “StoreGate”, BaBar “event”
Design Patterns in OOAD 33
Setup for configurable procedures for event data processing
Establish framework for
Flexible data processing
procedures with stable
IO structure
Often combined with script
language (tcl, python) to perform configuration
ATLAS athena (Gaudi), BaBar offline sw, …
Mediator without callback to Director
Design Patterns in OOAD 34