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uk January 2014

In this issue: Rapid Prototyping • Sensors, Test & Measurement • Power Transmission • Materials

Getting to grips
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MULTIBODY DYNAMICS: Model of a three-cylinder reciprocating

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Volume 34 Number 1 January 2014

16 Cover Story: 5 Comment

Printing’s progress
Keeping it steady
With the offshore wind power sector set to triple in size over
6 News
the next two decades, building the foundations is a
challenging task. So how is industry overcoming the 3D printed parts
technical challenges involved? Justin Cunningham takes a flown in military jet
look at one such example. EEF confirms positive
20 Interview: outlook
Sebastien Cuvelier Mussalian Ford unveils new,
A double winner at this year’s BEEAs, Sebastien Cuvelier solar-powered
Mussalian is a man whose work is nothing if not highly concept car
impressive. Paul Fanning reports on his engineering
Engineering Design
Show wins PPA

16 24 Plastic’s fantastic for AM process


A new additive manufacturing process allows users to use Smart wheel turns
standard, off-the-shelf granular plastics. Paul Fanning takes any bike into a hybrid
a look at this potentially ‘game-changing’ new technology Desktop 3D printer is
and asseses its potential impact. ‘world’s fastest’

Google’s Schaft robot

27 Linear piston gives electric option wins Darpa rescue
A new British technology could prove revolutionary challenge
enough to render pneumatics comparatively too expensive
to run economically, the inventor claims. Paul Fanning 11 Technology
takes a look. briefs
31 Thermal imaging gets the Clear encapsulating
20 bigger picture compound available

A leading manufacturer of fibre lasers is using a thermal Anti-corrosion

imaging camera in its quality control system on a variety of coating prevents rust
its products. Compact, multi-slide,
single-axis linear
32 Sensors, Test & Measurement Briefs units

Tapered roller
34 Magnet gear trains to drive efficiency
bearings cut torque
The use of magnetism within power transmission systems
27 could help make hybrid vehicles more efficient in the future. Detector prevents
Justin Cunningham finds out how. Road tunnel Fires

Linear actuators
39 Making hydrogen cost effective enter screw jack
While many would like to see a transition to hydrogen- territory
powered fuel cells to provide clean energy, the cost of the
platinum catalyst make the technology uneconomical. So 42 Coffee Time
how close are we to finding an alternative? Justin Challenge
Cunningham finds out. This month’s
challenge is to
develop a running
shoe that prevents


www.eurekamagazine.co.uk January 2014 3

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Paul Fanning
[email protected]

Deputy Editor
Justin Cunningham

[email protected]

Web Editor
Laura Hopperton
[email protected]

Group Editor
Graham Pitcher
[email protected]

Art Editor
Martin Cherry Paul Fanning, Editor ([email protected])
Technical Illustrator
Phil Holmes The Gartner Hype Cycle, which gets a mention elsewhere in this issue (see
Advertising Sales
01322 221144
page 39), is a very useful benchmark from which to assess the progress of a
Sales Director technology.
Luke Webster
[email protected] In a nutshell, the Gartner Hype Cycle places technology in one of five
Deputy Sales Manager categories: Technology Trigger; Peak of Inflated Expectations; Trough of
Simon Bonell
[email protected] Disillusionment; Slope of Enlightenment; and Plateau of Productivity.
Account Manager
James Slade Taking this as one’s guide, it’s fair to say that 3D printing has in one form or
[email protected]
another been balanced precariously on the Peak of Inflated Expectations for
Sales Executive
Matt Santer some time now. Given which, it would seem overdue for a slide into the Trough
[email protected]
of Disillusionment, as people realise that the claims that have been made for
Production Manager
Heather Upton this technology have either been inflated or will take a lot longer to become
[email protected]

Circulation Manager
reality than they had been led to believe.
Chris Jones
[email protected]
And the fact is that few technologies have been more comprehensively
Publisher hyped and overblown than 3D printing. Very few mainstream media articles
Ed Tranter
[email protected] about it have not been accompanied by outlandish claims about its ‘likely’
SSN-0261-2097 (Print) effects on manufacturing in particular and the world in general.
ISSN 2049-2324 (Online)

Eureka (incorporating Engineering Materials

From being told about 3D printed food, organs or guns to reading about the
and Design and Design News) is free to
individuals who fulfil the publisher’s ability we will all soon apparently have to download CAD files and print out
criteria. Annual subscriptions are £81 UK
(£118 overseas or £153 airmail). whatever we want, there are disappointments coming to anyone who does
If you change jobs or your company moves to
a new location, please contact not take these claims with more than a pinch of salt.
[email protected] to continue
receiving your free copy of Eureka. The problem is that these excessive expectations are constantly
CC Media Group encouraged, with every new development hailed as the great breakthrough.
Printed in UK by
Pensord Press Ltd The problem is that, with every great breakthrough that somehow fails to have
©2014 Findlay Media Ltd the huge effect we are told to expect, there is a danger that faith in the
Published by technology as a whole can erode.
Findlay Media, Hawley Mill, Hawley Road,
Dartford, Kent, DA2 7TJ None of this is meant to decry the real potential of 3D printing. It is a
Tel: 01322 221144
www.eurekamagazine.co.uk fascinating technology that is taking genuinely important leaps that are already
Findlay Media is a changing industry. Indeed, in some industries (the manufacture of dental
member of the
Periodical implants springs to mind) it has already had a revolutionary effect. However,
Association for the most part, the process is more one of evolution than revolution.
So, while a trip to the ‘Trough of Disillusionment’ may be on the cards for 3D
printing, it is to be hoped that it will not be a long one and that the ‘Plateau of
Productivity’ will not be far behind.

www.eurekamagazine.co.uk January 2014 5

Got a story? Then drop us a line at [email protected] or call us on 01322 221144

3D printed parts flown in military jet

A Tornado fighter jet fitted with 3D printed
parts has been flown for the first time.
Defence giant BAE Systems announced
yesterday that the jet had completed its
first test flight in Warton, Lancashire, late
last month.
The parts include protective covers for
cockpit radios and guards for power take-
off shafts.
The process is expected to cut the RAF’s
maintenance and service bill by more than
£1.2million over the next four years.
Mike Murray, head of airframe
integration at BAE, said: “You are suddenly on the front line, it also gives improved manufacturing methods were used instead
not fixed in terms of where you have to capability where we wouldn’t traditionally of more traditional processes.
manufacture these things. You can have any manufacturing support.” The study concluded that material
manufacture the products at whatever The news comes on the heels of a consumption can be reduced by 75% and
base you want, providing you can get a recent study, carried out by European CO2 emissions by 40%, despite the fact
machine there, which means you can also aerospace giant EADS and laser-sintering that the EOS technology uses significantly
start to support other platforms such as system manufacturer EOS that concluded more energy during manufacture. Both
ships and aircraft carriers. that the cost of some aircraft parts could these factors contribute to an overall cost
“And if it’s feasible to get machines out be substantially reduced if additive reduction.

EEF confirms positive manufacturing outlook

Manufacturers will experience more ups than downs in 2014, with challenge for industry and government this year will be to get
projected manufacturing expansion of 2.7% placing the UK top of EU industry’s investment plans over the line.”
growth league, according to the EEF. The survey reveals that actions to improve productivity, greater
It has reported steady growth gains, but also greater economic supply chain collaboration, strong communication with employees and
uncertainty in a major survey of senior executives conducted with increased overseas marketing efforts will top the list of strategies for
Aldermore Bank. manufacturers in the year ahead.
The EEF said: “The survey of 200 senior executives paints a more Almost three-quarters (70%) of companies expect the UK economy
positive outlook than the muted picture of 12 months ago, with growth to improve in the next year, with 62% expecting manufacturing
expected in all markets and across all sectors and sizes of companies. prospects to improve. This is mirrored in the outlook for the global
The relentless pursuit of growth opportunities in new markets, sectors economy where 57% of companies expect an improvement. However,
and technologies looks set to be more focused for firms in 2014, but the perception of global risk is highlighted by the fact just 3% of
they are far from certain that risks to growth won’t return this year.” companies expect this improvement to be significant.
EEF chief executive Terry Scuoler said: “Manufacturers are telling us Two thirds of companies expect their domestic sales to increase
they expect to make a greater contribution to growth, investment and and 55% expect their exports to increase. The extent of the importance
jobs this year. of emerging markets is underlined by the fact increased demand from
Innovation, energy and “Manufacturers these areas has returned with two fifths of companies viewing this as
diversifying into new are telling us the best source of growth. Companies in the transport sectors were
they expect to
supply chain remain key most positive about emerging market demand reflecting the prospects
make a greater
opportunities but the UK contribution to for goods such as luxury vehicles and civil aircraft.
and the Euro-zone are growth, However, the impact of the prolonged downturn on manufacturers
also looking better. investment and is also highlighted. Three quarters believe ‘economic uncertainty is the
“However, global jobs this year. new norm’. Specific risks include rising input costs. The EEF said: “This
uncertainty and rising EEF chief executive reflects the impact of rising energy costs in particular, although pay
energy costs pose Terry Scuoler pressures, a factor not seen for many years, were also identified as a
significant risks and, the risk by a quarter of companies.”

6 January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk

Miniature Drive Specialists
Ford unveils new, solar-
powered concept car
The C-Max Solar Energi Concept car is sunlight the car can absorb, the team from
designed to deliver the best of a plug-in Georgia Tech developed an off-vehicle solar
hybrid without depending on the electric grid concentrator that uses a special Fresnel lens
for fuel. to direct sunlight to the solar cells while
The vehicle relies on a solar panel roof to boosting the impact of the sunlight by a
draw power from a special solar factor of eight.
concentrator lens similar to a magnifying Similar in concept to a magnifying glass,
glass. Ford says it could reduce the annual the patent pending system tracks the sun as
greenhouse emissions a typical owner would it moves from east to west, drawing enough
produce by four metric tons. power from the sun through the
“The Ford C-MAX Solar Energi Concept concentrator each day to equal a four hour
shines a new light on electric transportation battery charge (8KW).
and renewable energy,” said Mike Tinskey, With a full charge, Ford expects the car to
Ford global director of vehicle electrification have a range of up to 620 miles, including up
and infrastructure. to 21 electric-only miles. The plan is to
The car, which will be shown at the 2014 include a charging socket so that can drivers
International CES in Las Vegas, was can still get power from the grid if needed.
developed as part of collaboration between Ford says further tests are in the works to
Ford, Georgia Tech and SunPower. determine if the C-Max Solar Energi is
High reliability, quality and
Tasked with maximising the amount of actually feasible as a production car. performance are key for
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FAULHABER drive systems are

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Engineering Design Show wins PPA award 0118 9817391
The Engineering Design Show has won the 'Event of the Year' category at the prestigious PPA
Independent Publisher Awards. The judges described the Show as the 'stand-out winner', despite
a particularly high calibre of entries. "This event has achieved incredible success from a standing DC Micromotors
start, smashing all of the targets set," the judges said. "The event resulted in a great number of
new clients for the brand, added value for existing readers, and created a sustainable event for Brushless DC motors
the foreseeable future."
On receiving the award, Findlay Media's executive director Ed Tranter, commented: "Winning this Gearmotors
award is a perfect end to a great year for the exhibition. "The Engineering Design Show has been
a truly great team effort across every department of Findlay Media Limited and a significant Low Profile Motors
contributor to the company's success this year so it is really fantastic news."
The 2014 Engineering Design Show takes place at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry between 22 and 23 Stepper Motors
October. For more information, or to book a stand, visit www.engineeringdesignshow.co.uk
Drive Electronics
Linear Actuators
Custom Solutions
www.eurekamagazine.co.uk January 2014 7
Piezoelectric Motors
Got a story? Then drop us a line at [email protected] or call us on 01322 221144

Smart wheel turns

any bike into a hybrid
Created by a small team from MIT, the Copenhagen Wheel is a smart,
responsive solution that transforms existing bicycles into hybrid electric
bikes with regeneration and real-time sensing capabilities.
The self-contained unit, which snaps easily onto the back of any
ordinary bicycle, contains a motor, batteries and an internal gear
system – helping cyclists overcome hilly terrains and long distances.
It also includes environmental and location sensors that provide data
for cycling-related mobile applications. Cyclists can then use this data to
plan healthier bike routes, achieve their exercise goals or connect with
other riders - all via a specially developed smartphone app.
The wheel is ridden like a normal bicycle – users pedal and the that can be easily swapped in and out, and an intelligent locking system
motor phases in and out automatically. However, what sets it apart that locks the bike when the rider walks away and unlocks it upon
from other solutions is the fact that it learns about the rider and return.
intuitively recognises how hard he or she is pedalling to determine how The team behind the Copenhagen Wheel is now trying to turn it into
much support they may need. a commercial reality, and plans to start selling it next year for around
What’s more, the wheel features a rechargeable lithium ion battery $600 (approx £367).

Desktop 3D printer is ‘world’s fastest’

Desktop 3D printers have come a long way in recent years, but for the most part they’re still
painfully slow and unable to print very large objects.
Looking to solve both of these problems is Florida-based start up tangible engineering USA.
The company’s patent pending Solidator 3D printer offers a large build volume, ultra high
resolution and high printing speed – all for less than $5000.
The device works by using stereolithography and projector DLP technology to turn liquid plastic
(similar to nail polish) into a solid 3D object with just visible light.
The company claims it can print 1.5bn Voxels in 5.5 hours on an 11.8L build volume
(280 x 210 x 200) – at around a third of the time it takes conventional stereolithography
The team behind Solidator has launched a Kickstarter campaign to take it from
prototype to production.

Google’s Schaft robot wins

Darpa rescue challenge
A robot developed by a Japanese start-up recently acquired by Google is
the winner of a two-day competition hosted by the Pentagon’s research
unit Darpa.
Team Schaft’s machine carried out all eight rescue-themed tasks to
outscore its rivals by a wide margin. Three of the other 15 teams that
took part failed to secure any points at the event near Miami, Florida.
Schaft and seven of the other top-scorers can now apply for more
Darpa funds to compete in 2014’s finals.
Darpa said it had been inspired to organise the challenge after it
became clear robots were only capable of playing a very limited role in
efforts to contain 2011’s Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdown in Japan.

8 January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk

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Technology briefs
Got a story? Then drop us a line at [email protected] or call us on 01322 221144

Clear encapsulating
compound available
Henkel not only offers Macromelt tasks such as sealing energy
hot melt low-pressure moulding efficient LED arrays, advertising
technology for protecting delicate signs or lighting façades.
electronic components, but also a This is a transparent, two
choice of encapsulating compound silicone that offers
compounds for tough good adhesion on a wide range of
specifications relating to substrates such as metal, glass
temperature resistance. and plastics. The moulding
For this reason, Loctite produced with this material is
silicones are already popular for bubble-free, providing oems with
sealing lighting products against the competitive advantage of
moisture, solvents and products that look good
environmental conditions. And throughout their service life.
with the addition of Loctite SI Loctite SI 5700 joins the wide
5700 to the range another range of potting and encapsulating
important benefit is now available compounds from Henkel based on
for such applications.
Unlike other products that can
epoxy, hot melt, silicone and
urethane technologies. Desired Anti-corrosion coating
yellow with exposure to UV light
and elevated temperatures, the
viscosity, operating temperature,
chemical resistance, thermal
prevents rust
new loctite SI 5700 retains its conductivity and flame retardance A modular corrosion protection solution for hub bearing unit that makes
colourless clarity. This determine which product is most the disassembly process easier, prolongs service life and improves vehicle
encapsulating compound has suited to the task. appearance.
been developed specifically for www.loctite.co.uk SKF announces that it has developed an innovative solution for
protecting the wheel bearing against corrosion. The anti-corrosion coating
for hub bearing unit makes the disassembly of the bearing from the
knuckle and rim easier. It improves the aesthetics of the bearing during
vehicle life and stops rusty surfaces coming into contact with the seal.
The anti-corrosion coating feature has been designed to withstand
over 400 hours of salt-spray test (DIN EN ISO 9227 NSS) without
jeopardizing the geometrical tolerances of the hub bearing unit.
This anti-corrosion coating can be applied to all flanged hub bearings
units of second and third generation and features scalable layer thickness
according to customer requirements; low thickness tolerance; maximum
working temperature above 200°C; UV paint.
The anti-corrosion hub bearing unit offer benefits to customers
including: strong resistance against corrosion; better bearing appearance
during vehicle life; easier disassembly operations in workshop; and lower
risk of corroding the bearing seals with rust.

Compact, multi-slide, single-axis linear units instead of adopting the traditional solution of two linear units
New additions to the IEF Werner range of linear modules from assembled side by side, the system designer can now select a single,
R. A. Rodriguez simplify design, save space and shorten assembly compact unit to do the job. And of course no adjustment is necessary
time. Its new linear units with spindle or toothed belt drives can now to achieve synchronicity.
run two slides independently and, when equipped with linear motor The space saving potential with this option is significant allowing a
drives, even more. more compact overall system to be created. The linear axis is also
Two variants of its Module 160/15 provide these advantages. equipped with integral collision protection so safe operation is assured.
Module 160/15G has twin toothed belts driven by two motors. So, www.rarodriguez.co.uk

www.eurekamagazine.co.uk January 2014 11

NEWS Technology briefs
Got a story? Then drop us a line at [email protected] or call us on 01322 221144

Tapered roller bearings cut torque

Precision bearing manufacturer Schaeffler has
extended its range of high performance, premium
quality, X-life tapered roller bearings.
The new X-life FAG tapered roller bearings are
now available in sizes up to 635mm outside diameter
(OD). This means that Schaeffler can now offer
Detector prevents customers the widest range of high performance

Road tunnel Fires tapered roller bearings on the market today.

FAG tapered roller bearings in X-life quality can
The new Hot Spot Detector achieve a reduction in frictional torque of up to 50%
system from SICK can prevent compared to conventional tapered roller bearings.
catastrophic vehicle fires in The dynamic load rating (load carrying capacity) of
highway tunnels and help avoid the X-life bearing has increased by 20%, with a
loss of life, freight and vehicles as resulting minimum 70% improvement in the basic
well as the immense cost of nominal operating life of the bearing.
closure and reconstruction.  As well as improving the performance and energy
Based on the Sick LMS511 efficiency of the bearing, X-life tapered roller
laser sensor with the TIC 102 bearings also provide additional benefits in terms of
profiling system and integrated a reduced design envelope, weight and friction.
with thermal imaging cameras, Design engineers can now potentially replace a
the Sick Hot Spot Detector standard tapered roller bearing with a smaller X-life
detects potentially dangerous version, therefore downsizing the system and the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
situations in free-flow traffic so a related components. Alternatively, a standard The new X-life tapered roller bearings are not
suspect vehicle can be diverted tapered roller bearing can be replaced with an only more economical, but also result in lower
before entering the tunnel. equivalent sized X-life tapered roller bearing, which bearing operating temperatures, which in turn,
“Some of the most calamitous will provide improved performance and energy places significantly less strain on the lubricant. This
disasters have happened on efficiencies. enables maintenance intervals to be extended and
major highways, where a vehicle X-life tapered roller bearings also contribute results in the bearing operating at reduced noise
fire has trapped people in a significantly towards reducing operating, servicing levels.
tunnel, subject to heat and and maintenance costs, particularly with regard to www.schaeffler.co.uk
poisonous smoke, with great
difficulty in escaping,” comments
Gary Young, Sick (UK) traffic Linear actuators enter screw jack territory
management segment manager.
“The new system proved its The Servomech range of linear the choice from the two versions readily available that suit
potential within a week of the actuators sold in the UK by technologies. Actuators are likely high duty cycles, and generally
first installation in Austria in May Techdrives has been extended to be preferred for pivoting linear speeds can be higher.
2013, where an overheating with powerful new models for mountings, for dirty environments The ATL/BSA range of linear
brake on a truck was picked up forces up to 350kN (35 tonnes). as there is no exposed screw actuators has been extended with
at the Karawanks Tunnel. On These are well into the thread, and where built in stroke two new models with rated
inspection, the truck also had performance realm of screw limit switches are needed. Also forces of 200kN and 350kN. Linear
two other cracked discs and was jacks so design engineers have linear actuators have ball screw speeds range from 9 to 140mm/s
prevented from entering.” and typical motors are AC 7.5kW
Developed by Sick’s Swiss and 15kW. Limit switches are
subsidiary ECTN AG, the new Hot fitted as standard. Also new is the
Spot Detector is able to detect model ILA linear actuator with six
potentially dangerous sizes rated from 15 to 200kN.
overheating on chassis or cargo Normally linear actuators have an
in virtually any type of vehicle, integrated worm gearbox driving
from buses and low loaders to the screw, but ILA is configured
high sided trucks and tankers. without gearing.
www.sick.co.uk www.techdrives.co.uk

12 January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk

Like with all of our customers, Abssac strives to keep them happy. When it comes

see how we can make you feel groovy....
NEWS Technology briefs
Got a story? Then drop us a line at [email protected] or call us on 01322 221144

Ball screws from

Press force sensors have
Abssac’s standard and precision switchable ranges
ball screws can be supplied in
Stainless Steel and low Carbon Seven press force sensors from Kistler Instruments greater variety of parts.
Steel with lead accuracies of 0-20 provide full coverage from 0.1 to 700 kN. The ability The piezoelectric sensor element provides a
Microns over 300mm. to switch the measuring range, when using suitable compact design with a low sensor weight, offering
These precision ball screws amplifiers, bolsters this advantage to meet the needs significantly smaller dimensions and mass than
have operational tolerances of production and measuring stations handling a equivalent strain gauge devices. However, the wide-
comparable to more expensive range measuring chain also offers critical advantages
ground ball screw assemblies, but in laboratory applications, where frequent changes
at much less cost. Using precision of sensor are common practice and the extremely
ground ballnuts and running them high degree of overload protection eliminates the
on precision rolled screws, allows need for involved protective measures when using
our lead accuracy to be very the lowest measuring ranges.
close to precision ground screws. The range of seven force sensors has been
All our products are backed up developed specifically for use in production
with a quality assurance of environments, especially for quality assurance
ISO9002 and of course Abssac’s monitoring in assembly applications. The
30 years of ball screw application piezoelectric sensors cover measuring ranges from
experience. 10kN to 700kN and are supplied as standard with
The standard ball screw 1%, 10% and 100% measuring range calibrations. In
products are available in non most applications, the sensors may be fitted directly
machined end form, or machined into presses, punches and rams but, where this is
to specific end detail not possible, a variety of flanges and adapters are
requirements. available.
www.abssac.co.uk www.kistler.co.uk

Solution to last month’s

Coffee Time Challenge
The solution to December’s Coffee Time As the recline happens within the soft
Challenge of how to design an airline seat furnishings, the solid seat back does not
that can recline and adjust without move. The semantics of the architecture and
inconveniencing other passengers comes visual cues indicate that the back of the seat
from – leading global design and innovation The concept seat works by replacing belongs to the passenger facing
company Seymourpowell in the form of traditional foam pads with a fabric that is it. Passengers can extend the width of their
Morph, a concept economy seat for airline stretched across the width of three seats, armrests over their own lap, increasing that
travel that has been inspired by difference, around a frame and over formers. One piece feeling of independence and control over
new materials and flexibility. of fabric is used for the seat back and one is their own space.
Morph uses smart architecture to adjust used for the seat base. The fabric is clamped As just one sheet of fabric is used across
both the width of the seat, and individually down by the armrests and the upper dividers three seats, the dividers can be moved
control seat pan height and seat pan depth to to form three individual hammock seats. laterally and then clamped down in a different
suit varying sizes of passenger. This creates a By moving the formers and pushing them position and so adjusting the width of each
scalable value offer for airlines, allowing them through the fabric, users can control the individual seat. Families travelling together
to arrange the economy cabin by people’s recline and a large range of ergonomic can tailor their seats according to size, for
willingness and ability to pay for space, adjustments, morphing the fabric to provide a example a Mum and Dad with an infant could
blurring the boundaries between the classes. tailored fit and greater comfort. pre-book a large, medium and a small space.

14 January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk



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Keeping it steady
arnessing wind power is a controversial With the offshore wind after installation. However, when a single column
issue, both in terms of the politics and monopile is used – standard for sea depths up to
the practicality. In November last year
power sector set to triple 40m – the columns must remain vertical as they are
Prime Minister David Cameron in size over the next two being driven into the seabed with a hydraulic
declared that the UK was a world hammer. Any deviation will make the overall
decades, building the
leader in wind energy. Only days later, however, structure lean. And when you multiply this by the
energy giant RWE pulled out of its planned wind foundations is a size of the towers, the effect is not only noticeable, it
farm developments in the Bristol and Devon challenging task. So how can render the entire structure unsafe and useless.
Channel. The 240-turbine Atlantic Array project There is then no option but to remove these
would have been capable of producing 1,200 MW of
is industry overcoming monopiles and redrive them at great expense.
electricity, but the company shelved the plan the technical challenges This was the challenge posed to marine design
because of technological challenges and market and engineering expert, Houlder. The company was
involved? Justin
conditions. contracted to provide a turnkey solution for MPI
Just a few weeks later, changes to the Cunningham finds out. Offshore, and lead the design, fabrication, installation
Government’s energy policy were announced. and commissioning of a suitable method of holding
Although there is to be no change in overall spending, more financial 700-tonne steel monopile foundations in place as they are hammered
backing is to be given to offshore wind power at the expense of solar into the seabed.
power and onshore wind power generation. The aim is to give energy The solution came in the form of massive hydraulic gripper arms that
companies and private investors some stability in the market and hold in place the 75m long and 7m diameter piles as they are driven
show that Government is prepared to provide financial incentive and 20m into the seabed. The concept is much the same as using one’s
support to large offshore wind projects. hand to hold a nail straight while hammering it in. However, this is on a
Politics aside, the technical challenges surrounding offshore wind are massive scale, with six giant hydraulic cylinders positioning two
numerous. The open ocean is a challenging environment and the clamping claws, each weighing 70 tonnes. These hang over the
coastline seabed makes the installation of turbine foundations a difficult stern of a purpose built ‘jack-up’ vessel called MPI Discovery.
task. This is partucularlty the case given the size of many offshore wind MPI Discovery can carry up to four monopiles at any one time.
turbines, which can have a tower height and even Once in position, the jack-up vessel extends it
blade diameter in excess of 100m. legs down to the seabed to lift its entire hull out
of the water. At this point a monopile is lifted up
Building foundations by an onboard crane and lowered in to the
There are many different methods of installing water. It is then hammered down in to the
suitable foundations to mount and attach wind seabed using a massive hydraulic ram over the
turbine towers with the depth of water and size of period of a few hours.
the turbine key factors for consideration. Methods for Keeping the piles vertical in the presence of
setting up suitable foundations in deeper waters are currents and waves is a serious challenge for
still being developed, with the possibility of floating Houlder and pinpoint accuracy was needed
platforms being explored. to control the giant mechanical device.
Most existing methods of building a solid Three pairs of hydraulic cylinders actuate
foundation deal with water depths of less than 80m. each gripper arm, with one cylinder
From around 40m upwards, preferred methods raising and lowering the arms from a
include gravity base structures, tripod piled type stowed vertical position, while the other
structures, and more conventional steel jacket two provide motion on the x and y axes.
structures like those commonly used in the oil and “The gripper arms are an ingenious
gas industry. method of keeping 700-tonne piles
These methods have the advantage of having vertical by providing a horizontal
more than one anchor point to the seabed, making restraint against environmental
levelling more straightforward by allowing adjustment forces,” says Paul Shaw,

16 January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk


The ‘jack-up’ vessel (main) uses a hydraulic

hammer to stamp the monopile (far left) 20m in to
the seabed, until it is just above the surface (left).

marine equipment director at Houlder.

“This will significantly improve the
efficiency of wind farm installations and
overall productivity.”
Providing the motion control aspect for
the project was the job of Glasgow-based
Industrial Systems and Control (ISC). The
company has a history of control design, particularly for offshore
systems such as wind turbines.
The team was set a very tight time constraint of just four months
to go from initial specification to finalising and delivering the control
system, as well as developing effective testing algorithms known as
an emulator to see how the control functions of the grippers would
perform and react given certain inputs.
Dr Andy Clegg, managing director of ISC, says: “One of the key
features of this device is that, even though these mechanisms are
very slow, they are also very powerful. So, we actually had to include
quite a lot of quite careful kinematic constrains to prevent the arms
from having the possibility of crushing the pylon or causing them to
ISC developed the control system using a National Instruments
NI CompactRIO reconfigurable control and monitoring system with
NI LabView software. The NI CompactRIO uses open embedded
architecture. Despite its small size it is both powerful enough to
be a standalone systems and rugged enough to be used in the
offshore environment. Indeed, the CompactRIO controller is
approved by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) for safety and meets all
the necessary rules for marine operations.
The control system was configured to perform real-time
data acquisition and is able to monitor and position all six
hydraulic cylinders to control the precise movement of the
gripper arms. ISC could even individually or
synchronously steer the arms to adjust
for the vertical inclination of the
The use of LabView allowed

www.eurekamagazine.co.uk January 2014 17


Numerous I/O modules interface with sensors, actuators and the operator (above) to control each hydraulic cylinder precisely (below). Photographs: Chapman Brown Photography

ISC both the computational power required along with the low level The CompactRIO embedded controller is equipped with numerous
control and kinematic calculations necessary for the application. In Input/Output (I/O) modules to interface with the sensors, actuators
addition, its proven reliability both in the software and control and the operator chest pack. The structure of the software included
electronics was crucial given the safety-critical nature of the application. the main real-time (RT) application, an FPGA program including a
ISC was able to perform factory commissioning and testing using watchdog, with the HMI software running on the TPC, and the PC-
the available parts of the real system, while simulating pieces that based emulator used during development.
were actually not physically present. This allowed it to then analyse The system was tested in August last year, with the first pile being
and optimise the performance of the individual cylinder control loops, loaded onto MPI Discovery from Vlissingen in Holland. The vessel then
as well as the overall x-y motion of the gripper arms themselves. set sail for the Humber Gateway wind farm, 8km off the coast of
“This allowed us to fully test the operational software in the office,” Grimsby, where it was to be fully tested by installing monopiles in the
says Dr Clegg. “We can test it based on both normal operations and sea. Due to the expensive charter rates for the MPI Discovery there
we can also inject fault scenarios to make sure the full functionality of was no time for a test run and commissioning would be done based
the software works. on the performance on the first set of foundation installations. The
“This was really critical as these boats are almost on a continuous Humber Gateway has 18m deep waters and thus acted as an ideal
charter and they have got very expensive day rates. That was why the test case for the evaluation of the gripper arms and the control
amount of time we had to commission the software, implement it and system.
get it working was so tight. Even if we had a one day delay, it would Dr Clegg says: “Considering this was the very first monopile to be
be very costly. That is why building the emulator, which is almost as installed, and this is the first time the software had been used in
big as the software application itself, was so important, as it would anger, it was a tense time for us as it would prove whether the system
allow us to avoid any problems during the actual implementation.” was really working or not.”
The interface and control of the arms by an operator is achieved Happily, the system worked without a hitch and it was able to
using a chest pack that has a joystick controller to move the individual move the piles as required and hold them perfectly in place, as the
grippers as needed, depending on what is being attempted. hydraulic hammer stamped them 20m in to the ground until the top of
Operational logic, monitoring and fault the monopile was just a few metres
actions are all executed on the from the water’s surface.
CompactRIO and accessed through a Since the first installation in August,
touch panel computer (TPC) with the the MPI Discovery has been working
joystick and a set of control buttons all continuously and has completed more
integrated into the operator’s chest than 20 monopile foundation
pack. The TPC is used to provide the installations, which are now ready for a
operator interface and was also built turbine tower to be installed. However,
using LabVIEW. with the array needing a total of 77
However, behind the chest pack is turbines installed by 2015, there is still
an enormous number of electronic plenty of work to do.
connections from the gripper arm to www.houlderltd.com
the CompactRIO, many of which are uk.ni.com
monitoring and safety systems. www.isc-ltd.com

18 January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk

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A Team Player
A double winner at this year’s BEEAs, Sebastien Cuvelier Mussalian is a man
whose work is nothing if not impressive. Paul Fanning reports.

wards and accolades may not always be the best way to regulatory challenges, is a mind-set of its own. I cannot sleep at night
judge an individual’s merits, but sometimes people receive until I know that our devices perform at 100% of their specifications.”
so many that it becomes impossible to ignore. Sebastien Originally from France, Cuvelier Mussalian has spent five years at
Cuvelier Mussalian and Team Consulting (for which he has Team, having previously acquired a degree in this country. During his time
worked as a senior engineering consultant for the last five years) are with Team Consulting, he has successfully managed projects and held
cases in point. technical lead roles in the development of complex medical systems.
At 2013’s British Engineering Excellence Awards, Mussalien won Sébastien’s “Joie de vivre” comes from helping clients taking a concept or
both Design Engineer of the Year (the only unanimous winner in this an idea, and turning it into a creative robust device that is ready for
category the BEEAs has ever had) and the Grand Prix. This was in large market.
part for his work as lead engineer on the OrganOx perfusion system, Budgetary considerations do play a role, of course. Mussalian says:
which keeps donor human livers ‘alive’ before being transplanted – a “Don’t forget most clients come with a fixed budget and that will
project that had already won Team Consulting ‘Consultancy of the Year’ sometimes influence the architecture. Sometimes, there’s no point in
at the previous year’s BEEAs. including an embedded GUI, so simplify the system and make it cheaper
Add to these a clutch of other awards received by the team for this to manufacture.”
highly innovative and life-saving project and it becomes clear we are Mussalian sums up the
dealing with something very special indeed. “We took a complex challenge of Organox. “We took a
So what has made Mussalian stand out to this extent? His nominator complex problemthat hadn’t been
for the BEEAs put it thus: “For more than five years at Team Consulting, problem that hadn’t solved and applied scientific,
Sebastien has built an international reputation for the design, medical and engineering
development and industrialisation of innovative, robust and capable been solved and knowledge to create a simple
medical devices. He is an accomplished engineer and system architect, solution – it works from just three
providing the technical drive of high value product development
applied scientific, buttons. But there’s a lot of
projects in the highly regulated medical device industry. He has medical and processing going on behind the
experience in all stages of the product development lifecycle, working scenes.”
with start ups as well as large organisations.” engineering A strong project and technical
As well as being lead engineer for the OrganOx perfusion system, leader, he challenges and
Mussalien has also been: knowledge to create encourages his peers and team
• System architect for a closed loop Class III safety critical system which
a simple solution” members to improve themselves.
continually monitors the subject’s physiological parameters and He has developed or updated a
reaction to the drug intervention during clinical trials. number of design approaches and
• Project lead for the concept development of an innovative, low-cost processes within Team Consulting, including a ‘leaner’ method of
lab-on-a-chip bio sensor that detects serious or life threatening equivalence testing for the US FDA 510(k) process.
intravenous drug errors before they harm patients. Cuvelier Mussalian has also worked on a variety of community
• Electrical engineer for the development of an in vivo intracellular projects with schoolchildren and young engineers; not only to inspire
injection needle system for the injection of a Hepatitis C DNA vaccine them to become engineers and scientists, but also to give them the
Photograph: Charlie Milligan

into muscle tissue, and skills to think through challenges. Alongside his participation in the
• Software lead for the development of a medical smartphone app ‘Engineers Without Borders’ programme, Cuvelier Mussalian has also
measuring the respiratory rate of patient with sleep apnoea. taken part in a Science Week at a local primary school, where he led a
Referring to these different roles, he says: “The beauty of working in Year 5/6 class in solving the challenge of cleaning a litre of ‘dirty’
the medical device industry is the feeling of making a difference in the water; something he said was, “probably the hardest I’ve ever had to
life of people through good design, rigorous engineering and creative work”.
thinking. Designing safety-critical medical systems, outside the obvious www.teamconsulting.co.uk

www.eurekamagazine.co.uk January 2014 21

Typical problems that • Product quality issues
robots can be used to • Fast switchover between
overcome different products/handling

Why wait to automate? Robot density in non-automotive sectors

(number of robots per 10,000 employees)


With UK SMEs in certain sectors seemingly still reluctant to invest in

robotic automation technology which could see them compete on a more Germany
equal footing with their European and Far Eastern counterparts, Eureka in Italy
association with ABB Robotics recently surveyed over 220 British SME
manufacturers to try and get to the bottom of their concerns. The results
make interesting reading 27%
France 67%

ust one of the interesting statistics to competition from overseas and attract top
come out of Eureka’s recent survey of 221 customers for its custom moulded plastic novelty
UK manufacturing companies shows that products including BBC Worldwide, Disney and
59% review their automation needs ‘as Warner Bros.
and when necessary’ which suggests that many Witter Towbars in Deeside, North Wales, has
will wait to automate until they get an order. This achieved a 20% improvement in production
risks incurring additional delays through time efficiency, together with reduced welding cycle
spent specifying, installing and commissioning times and improved product quality, after
and learning to use the technology and may also installing 10 new robotic welding cells.
hinder the best choice of automation technology For the Youngman Group, the decision to
for the application. Evidence shows that install two fully-automated robotic welding cells
companies that continually invest in automation has enabled it to compete rigorously against
can achieve significant advantages over imports from lower cost countries. There has also
competitors. been a dramatic increase in flexible production,
It’s often said that there is safety in numbers, enabling the business to meet even the most
especially when it comes to justifying resistance challenging production demands.
against embracing new technologies. This would These and other examples like them, go to
especially seem to be the case when it comes to show that automation is not just for the big
the take-up of robotic automation in the UK, as companies, but can deliver valuable business
Mike Wilson, chairman of the British Automation benefits for smaller companies too.
and Robot Association (BARA) notes in a recent anyone else like me who has used a robot”, is
blog post. He comments that on the face of it, one of the common reasons given as a Robots increase jobs
the growth of robots in the UK seems healthy justification against investing in robots. While There is understandably some concern about job
enough. In 2012, demand for industrial robots robots have a proven track record in automotive security in the manufacturing sector as the
increased by 82%, compared with 68% the year applications, handling an estimated 80% of all aftermath of the global economic crisis continues
before. Strip out the figures for automotive, production tasks, automotive companies, with to be felt. So it’s little wonder that the growing
however, and the figures present a strikingly their global ownership, are seen as being too big presence of robots in manufacturing makes many
different picture, revealing how much work still and too different for SMEs to identify with. people anxious about being displaced by
needs to be done in winning over manufacturers Yet there is proof out there to show that UK automated systems. The good news is that
outside of the resurgent UK automotive industry. SMEs are already using robots to their robots are actually extremely good at creating
Even despite the role that robots have played advantage. Characteristix in Cornwall, for and protecting jobs, as revealed by a recent study.
in assisting this resurgence, acceptance of example, achieved new levels of competitiveness The report from London market research
robotic technology remains especially patchy after automating its process with a plastic company Metra Martech on behalf of the
amongst the UK’s 65,000 small to medium sized injection moulding cell, which includes a six-axis International Federation of Robotics (IFR) found
(SME) manufacturing companies. Lack of robot. The improvements brought by the cell that robots will help create more than two million
awareness remains a big problem. “I don’t know have helped the company to fight off jobs over the next eight years. While it

22 January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk

• Ability to quickly Example of survey • Bespoke manufacturing is use robots for small small batch work – • Volume not sufficient
turnaround fast/short responses received better suited to people volume manufacture currently one-offs and/or repetitive enough
notice orders include the following: than robots • Nature of work does not • The current tasks are too to warrant a robot
• I do not believe it is suit robotics variable to justify • We produce low volume
• Skills shortages
currently economical to • Our company only does investment in robotics bespoke equipment

already seeing evidence of a gradual ‘reshoring’ 34,100 and Spain 28,800 whereas the UK records
How likely are you to invest in
robots in the next 18 months? of manufacturing jobs. only 13,900.
In short, the addition of robots to the This demonstrates the remarkable lack of
workforce can be the shot in the arm that robot utilisation in UK manufacturing when
manufacturing businesses need to compete in the compared with competing European countries.
Likely global market, safeguarding jobs and providing The UK also compares unfavourably to other
40% benefits for both workers and employers. international competitors, such as the USA at 74
and Japan at 235 robots per 10,000 employees.
Unlikely Investment strategies These figures provide proof, as if it were
25% The survey shows a mix of real and perceived necessary, that UK manufacturing has been much
problems when it comes to investment in robotic slower to adopt robots and automation than our
automation. Major factors cited include: Cost, competitors. To be successful in the global
both purchase and cost of operation; insufficient market this needs to change and change soon.
Highly likely in-house technical know-how; lack of experience
in robotic technology; access to funding; and that Survey conclusions
unlikely they are deemed to be unsuitable for low volume The majority of robots in use are six to 12 years
5% batch and bespoke products. old, so the users are getting good use out of them
Unfortunately UK manufacturers have a for a long time and it indicates that they are a
notoriously short-term view on investment, with good long-term investment. Also, 38% of users
acknowledges that certain jobs will be reduced it expectations of payback typically within two have a new robot, so it appears that once a
stresses that many more jobs are set to be years. This compares with three to five years in company decides to invest and sees the benefits it
created thanks to the boost in productivity and countries such as Germany. The survey shows will continue to invest in the future. This is backed
competitiveness that robotics deliver in that 48% of companies have spent the same on up by the fact that 70% of existing users plan to
manufacturing enterprises. automation technology in the past five years. invest in new robots in the next 18 months.
By the end of 2011, robots had directly This compares to 40% that have increased their • Only 41% buy direct from a manufacturer, so
created between four and six million jobs in investment between 20 to 50%. Strategies it is important for robot manufacturers to
world manufacturing, which is equivalent to therefore appear to be more ‘wait and see’ than have good relationships with systems
about three to five jobs for each robot in use. ‘where could we be?’. integrators and machine builders.
And once factories can compete more effectively The survey shows strong propensity amongst • Of the companies surveyed, 75% state that
in the global market, the communities around existing robot users to make new and repeat robots have led to reduced operating costs.
them also benefit, so the robots had a knock-on investments. Of the survey respondents, 75% of • Over half (51%) of companies not currently
effect on indirect jobs of between eight and 10 those companies already using robots said they using robots would consider using them.
million. were likely or highly likely to make another Those who would not consider them believe
Better still, the IFR report says that these jobs investment within the next 18 months. have no use, e.g. they undertake a great deal
are likely to be generally better paid than those Although robots are only one element of of small batch work.
that the robots displace. In other words, the use automation they provide a measurable indication • The survey results suggest that the potential
of robotics effectively helps companies to level of levels of automation, and one that is reported for robot investment in the UK to increase is
the playing field in markets with very different internationally. The IFR reports (World Robotics quite significant. Basically 70% of existing
wage structures. This is great news for people in 2010) that Germany has an installed base of users are looking to buy new robots and 51%
places like the USA and Europe, where we’re 144,100 industrial robots, Italy 62,200, France of non-users would consider one.

What automation investments have you made in the past 5 years? What have been the main benefits to your company of the robots?
Conveyors 36% Reduced operating costs 75%
Batch/process control systems 21% Improved product quality/consistency 68%
Software systems 51% Improved quality of work for employees 46%
Vision systems 24% Increased production output rates 75%
Variable speed drives and motors 26% Increased product manufacturing flexibility 38%
Packaging 16% Reduced material waste and increased yield 17%
Robotics 25% Compliance with H&S rules/ 33%
improved workplace H&S
Networking 21% Reduced labour turnover 33%
Machine tools 58% Reduced capital costs Ð e.g. better 31%
utilisation of existing equipment
Materials handling 30% Improved use of space 28%
Other 5% Other 7%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

www.eurekamagazine.co.uk January 2014 23

Plastic’s fantastic for AM process
A new additive manufacturing process allows users to use standard, off-the-shelf granular plastics. Paul Fanning
takes a look at this potential ‘game-changer’.

arely a week (sometimes barely a day) item under construction is moved by a Because the Arburg Plastic Freeforming (AKF)
seems to go by without news of a new component carrier with three or five axes. The process uses standard granulates, rather than
additive manufacturing machine, process discharge unit with nozzle remains stationary, special resins, powders, strips or other pre-
or material reaching Eureka’s inbox. Naturally, while the component carrier moves. fabricated materials, this means that a wide
this is sometimes the cause of a certain amount As one of the world’s leading manufacturers selection of materials and colours are available.
of cynicism about the claims made in these of injection moulding machines, Arburg enjoys a
announcements, particularly when it becomes well-established reputation as a reliable partner
apparent that the machine or process in in the plastics processing industry. “The
question is actually a work in progress. Freeformer and the Arburg Plastic Freeforming
However, one machine that does seem (AKF) technology have expanded our product
genuinely to have moved things forward and is portfolio and mark our entry into additive
far from a work in progress is the Arburg manufacturing, which will benefit the entire
Freeformer, which was given its world premiere industry,” says Arburg’s Herbert Kraibühler.
at the K 2013 Show in Düsseldorf. This success The potential of the Freeformer and of
continued at the Euromold Show, where the Arburg Plastics Freeforming (AKF) was
Freeformer also impressed trade visitors from demonstrated at the recent Euromold Show,
the mould construction, design and product with two exhibits which produced different one-
development sectors. and two-component parts from standard
Unlike conventional additive manufacturing material. The demonstration was supplemented
techniques, with Arburg Plastic Freeforming (AKF) by the exhibition of wide-ranging components
standard granulates are melted as they are in the produced using the new technology. “Our
injection moulding process. The process makes exhibits were extremely well received by the
use of 3D CAD files, that are read in directly by the public. Visitors were impressed with the look
Freeformer. After start-up, everything else takes and feel of the surface quality of the
place automatically. A nozzle closure with piezo components, most of them assessing it as
technology builds up the desired component layer exceeding expectations,” says Dr Oliver
by layer from miniscule plastic droplets without Kessling, Arburg’s department manager for
using support structures. During this process, the plastic freeforming.

24 January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk


The material costs are accordingly low. These low a patented piezoelectric nozzle closure. This free from dust and emissions. The machine is
costs and the fact that the user is not restricted to enables fast opening and closing movements to therefore suitable for virtually any application
expensive proprietary materials whose supply is produce the plastic droplets under pressure environment, whether in production, the office,
controlled by the machine manufacturer is With the movement of the three- or five-axis the design department or a clean medical
potentially the most game-changing aspect of the component carrier the desired part is being built- technology environment. No extraction or filtering
Freeformer. up layer-by-layer from droplets. With the optional equipment is required.
Material preparation in the Freeformer is very five-axis execution a wide range of undercuts The Freeformers are mobile and universally
similar to that for injection moulding. The machine without support structures can be realised. This usable, thanks to their compact dimensions and
is filled with plastic granulate and a heated means that even complex 3D geometries can be immediate production readiness. The machines
plasticising cylinder ensures an optimally produced waste-free with minimal material are simply connected to the power supply and
prepared plastic melt. The parts are produced consumption, achieving highly cost-effective production can begin straight away.
from tiny droplets of plastic, which are produced results. In addition to questions relating to technical
by the fixed discharge unit featuring a nozzle and However, the Freeformer can do even more. features and availability, questions have also been
The version with two discharge units can also be asked in relation to the production of parts and
used to process two components. In this manner, the plans for other Freeformer sizes.
movable hard-soft combinations, for example, or Herbert Kraibühler answers these by placing
parts with a special appearance or texture can be the Freeformer in the context of the company’s
produced, in which both components are firmly overarching philosophy of production efficiency:
joined and the parts can be used functionally. “The Freeformer is the ideal addition to our range
Arburg has consistently followed the same for the cost-effective production of plastic parts.
approach with the Freeformer as with its injection The central question for our customers in the
moulding machines, developing complex future will be: ‘How many parts do you plan to
technology in-house and making it simple to use. produce, how quickly and in what quality?’
The parameters required for the construction of Injection moulding will always be the right
the parts are automatically generated by the solution for the production of high-volume runs in
Freeformer control system with a gesture- top quality. One of the benefits of the Freeformer
controlled multi-touchscreen. This receives the 3D is that it operates without a mould on the basis of
CAD data for the components to be manufactured 3D CAD files. It is possible to change products in
in the form of .STL files, processes it automatically just a few minutes, producing one-off parts or
through slicing, after which production can start. small-volume batches as required.”
No special programming, processing knowledge or Another key breakthrough here is the ability to
The Arburg Freeformer produces the component
extensive training is required. process more than one material at a time through
without support structures, layer by layer from
miniscule droplets. made from standard One aspect that proved extremely popular the use of multiple ‘discharge units’, giving rise to
granulates. The discharge unit with nozzle among developers and design offices in particular parts that integrate hard and soft polymer
remains stationary, while the component carrier were the plug-and-play features of the elements or multiple colours.
moves. Freeformer. The parts are produced completely www.arburg.com

www.eurekamagazine.co.uk January 2014 25


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Linear piston gives

electric option
A new technology could prove revolutionary and render pneumatics too expensive to run.
Paul Fanning talks to the inventor.

ompressed air is a fact of life in many The inventor is Hugh-Peter Kelly, whose electricity rather than compressed air.” He is
industrial scenarios, but it has its track record includes the development of the keen to point out, however, that it is not a
downsides. It requires compressors (which tubular linear motor back in the late 1980s. And, solenoid, a linear actuator or a linear electric
consume large amounts of energy), it generates as with this invention, the ElectroPiston – rather motor but instead a, “controlled in-out motion,
noise and it is also not the most precise than using compressed air to provide the which does not require complicated, expensive
technology available. motive force – instead provides a combination control circuits”.
With these objections in mind, Southend- of powerful magnetics and DC electrical power. The advantages inherent to this technology
based Direct Thrust Designs has developed Kelly describes the potential applications for include the fact that it is many times more
ElectroPistons. These are a new alternative to this technology as being: “Any application efficient than pneumatics, offers no power drop
air pistons claimed by the company to be ‘The where there’s something that goes back and off or time lag with multiple rams and has a very
world’s first linear electric piston’. forth and where the user would prefer to use quick setup, high reliability and is virtually silent.

The ElectroPiston can eliminate pneumatic systems with cleaner and more energy efficient all electric DC point to point linear actuators

However, the real selling point of this cleaning of the guidance rod surfaces and the contact of the end plates with the body at the
solution lie in the cost savings it can offer. unit itself. The moving part of the ElectroPiston extremes of stroke. All the hissing and escaping
These are fairly spectacular, although this is (known as the “thrust rod”) contains application air noises associated with conventional air
hardly surprising when one considers the sheer specific permanent magnets. The stationary pistons are avoided, so transforming the noise
quantity of equipment eliminated by this part (known as the “thrust block”) contains pollution suffered by air systems and the users
development (compressors, air preparation, especially configured electrical coils. operating them.
filtration, control valves, etc) as well as the When the coils are energised, a magnetic Unlike pneumatic products, the force
electricity required to run them. field is created which interacts with the exerted by ElectroPistons in either direction of
In fact (based on figures given by a powerful fields produced by the thrust rod. This travel is the same, as opposed to that of the bi-
pneumatics supplier, Kelly admits), the five-year causes linear movement of the rod to either directional air pistons in which the surface area
total of running this system is £1705.75 (capital end of its movement, the direction of travel of the piston reduces force in one direction of
cost £907.40, annual running cost £159.67), as simply depending upon the direction of the travel compared to the other.
opposed to £7422.50 for a four-cylinder current flow. This system is also inherently clean. The
compressor system. As Kelly puts it: “We think The force of the movement is similar to air pollutants associated with compressed air
that this has the potential to render old-fashioned systems, the greater the supplied current (akin driven systems are absent, and for many
pneumatics simply too expensive to run.” to air pressure) the greater the push/pull thrust applications they can operate without any
available. The force is equal in both external lubrication. For this reason they are an
directions. ideal choice for automation systems operating
ElectroPiston’s advantages over air pistons
The pistons are built to in hygienic environments, such as food
withstand heavy industrial use, and processing, sensitive electronics or medical
They eliminate the need for an air compressor or many can be installed to provide equipment.
air compressors (if using multiple cylinders), and all the
repetitive push / pull movements ElectroPistons instantly respond to the
associated components which go with them.
for virtually any type of machinery. electrical power supplied to them. There is no
They have an instant dynamic response, no waiting for Proprietary igus linear bearings are mechanical lag, or need for pressure build up,
air pressure to build up, or unequal response where
used to guide the bearing shafts on regardless of the number of pistons installed in
several pistons are used.
all three ranges. These have been a particular system.
Force is unaffected by the direction of travel. selected as suitable for continuous, With compressed air systems, a continually
Virtually silent. No noise pollution. arduous industrial applications. running compressor uses considerable
Cost effective, both initial capital cost and annual Unlike air pistons, there are no electrical power. ElectroPistons only use
running cost.
air seals or valves to wear with age electrical power when energised. A recent
Minimal maintenance, no statutory inspections. or use. Correctly used, the life of report by the UK based Carbon Trust states that
the magnetic components on average only 20% of the electrical energy
The pistons provide smooth continuous themselves is theoretically infinite. used by a compressed air system is expended
force over their entire stroke, exactly the same ElectroPistons are equipped with a rugged in moving the air piston. With ElectroPistons, it
as pneumatic pistons, but without all the bearing system and each size of ElectroPiston is 100%.
complications and expense associated with in this range has been proof tested in free Another surprising facet of the ElectroPiston
compressed air supplies. Using a novel and running (in line) direct push/pull mode to over is revealed when Kelly places a 27kg weight on
patented technology to obtain their linear and 100,000,000 cycles. This is equivalent to one top of one, which it proceeds to lift easily. “That
smooth powered movement, the forces they stroke per second over a 16 hour shift, five is just for people who think that linear actuators
are capable of providing are many times that of days per week for seven years. are weak,“ he smiles. That said, he does make
conventional solenoids, making them useful for ElectroPistons have an extremely rapid clear that ElectroPistons are not suitable for
countless industrial applications. response and can move end to end in a fraction providing very large forces.
The ranges of ElectroPistons available from a second, so potentially speeding up However, Kelly remains aware that it is going
Direct Thrust Designs cover push/pull forces automation operations. With low inertia loads, to be a challenge to shift people from the
from a 1N up to 141N for the single block range they are capable, depending on the unit size, of pneumatic systems they have been using for
and up to 282N for the double block range. It is speeds from 6 to 18 or more full cycles per decades. He says: “The only way to really
important to select the correct specification second. With the benefit of the velocity control persuade people of the worth of this system is
unit for the intended job and duty cycle, option, they are also able to move at slower if they buy it and run trials. Obviously, the
especially when operating at the top end of speeds, so making possible various technological, environmental and – most
performance. speed/stroke combinations such as ‘slow in, importantly – cost arguments are very strong,
The product has only one moving assembly, fast out’. but only by using them and seeing that they
and is therefore low-maintenance. Maintenance The operation of the ElectroPistons is work will people ultimately be convinced.
is confined to the checking of and occasional virtually silent, the only associated sound being www.directthrust.co.uk

28 January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk

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30 January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk


Thermal imaging
gets the picture
A leading manufacturer of fibre lasers is using a thermal imaging
camera in its quality control system on a variety of its products.

PI Lasers has been using Micro-Epsilon’s control systems. The fully featured software 46mm x 56mm x 88mm. The camera comes pre-
thermoIMAGER TIM400 camera on a routine TIMConnect provides quick and easy set up calibrated with temperature ranges from -20°C to
basis for both product development and together with a range of software tools and a 900°C, with an option to extend this up to 1,500°C.
manufacturing. The company’s product range developer kit. The TIM400 is supplied with an David Jones, sales engineer at Micro-Epsilon
includes a wide variety of fibre laser products, integral process interface for input and output of UK says: “The TIM400 camera is very versatile
including lasers for welding, cutting, marking, analogue and digital signals such as alarms or and opens up a multitude of possibilities for
engraving, and for micro machining. temperature values. Open connectivity drivers are thermal analysis and hotspot detection of
Vincenzo Scarnera, senior reserach and also provided for software integration via components in R&D and test lab environments.
development engineer at SPI Lasers UK says: “We Dynamic-link Library, ComPort and LabVIEW. Compared to conventional infrared cameras, the
found our previous thermal imaging cameras The thermoIMAGER TIM400 is also able to TIM400 offers more than four times the number
were very difficult to interface with our code. Data capture and store thermal video and images with of pixels, which means infrared images are
logging for R&D purposes and for test extremely high optical resolution (382 x 288 pixels) significantly clearer and sharper. In addition, very
programmes was proving very challenging and at a full frame rate of 80Hz. The camera is also small objects with surface areas down to just 0.8
time consuming, so we decided to look for an equipped with a detector that provides excellent square millimetres can be detected reliably. A
alternative solution. A colleague at SPI Lasers thermal sensitivity of 80mK. frame rate of 80Hz also allows infrared images to
pointed me in the direction of Micro-Epsilon. One of the smallest USB cameras in its class, be captured in real time.”
“As well as being a very affordable, compact the TIM400 weighs 320g with dimensions of www.micro-epsilon.co.uk
thermal imaging camera with high resolution, we
selected it because we were particularly The compact thermoIMAGER gives high
impressed with its software integration resolution real-time infrared
capabilities. I can write my C#.Net code in an measurements and is easily configured.
easier way and integrate the TIM400 camera with
my new and old setups. The camera is so versatile
that I can interface it to almost any R&D or NPI
application where I need to log the temperature
profiles of diverse laser components. I’ve also
been impressed with the camera’s reliability.”
Scarnera says that the TIM400 is able to log
the temperature profile of laser components and
output the data to other software programs.
“The camera fully supports the Microsoft.Net
framework for programming, including VB.net,
C++.net and C#.net,” explains Scarnera. “The
delegate/event paradigm is fully implemented by
the Dynamic-link Library provided and it is
extensively documented by Micro-Epsilon,
allowing me to write event-driven programs.”
As well as enabling easy integration with R&D
and test lab software, the TIM400 can also
integrate with existing plant automation and

www.eurekamagazine.co.uk January 2014 31

BRIEFS Sensors, Test & Measurement

Pressure sensors on demand Variohm chosen for

Turck Banner introduces a new pressure
off-road wheelchair
sensor, the PS500. It allows users to Variohm EuroSensor’s ELPM linear position
individually configure pressure sensor for the sensor is being put to full use by the innovative
application from three electronic variants. With all-terrain electric wheelchair designer and
two switching outputs, a switching and manufacturer Molten Rock. The compact IP67
voltage output, or a switching and current rated sensor, selected for its motorsports
output – it allows 12 different relative pressure proven durability, provides steering position
ranges up to 600 bar and 12 different process feedback as part of the servo control system for
connection threads enabling the creation of the joystick operated version the ruggedised
432 possible variants. and reliable Molten Rock Boma7 off-road
In order to offer users optimum flexibility, wheelchair.
Turck Banner has also given the devices a With a distinctive and ergonomic design that
modular design to enable final assembly in the allows users easy access and straightforward
shortest possible time. operation, the electrically powered Boma7
Each device of the PS500 series can be range enables simple outdoor activities such as
made ready for shipment from its central walking a dog or visiting a local park but is
warehouse within 48 hours from receipt of an equally at home for use in more challenging
order, even if it is not already pre-assembled the central warehouse are completed by the landscapes. Harsh weather environments and
in the component warehouse. next working day. steep gradients with mud, rain and ice mean
Production, packaging and also shipment to www.turckbanner.com that the chassis, suspension and especially the
steering mechanism are subjected to high
levels of shock and vibration.
Low-cost Herga potentiometer Molten Rock’s designers chose Variohm’s
ELPM linear position sensor to match the high
Switching and sensing solutions leader Herga enabling precise adjustment for functions demands of the steering system specification,
Technology has added a low cost all- such as motor speed or torque for lifting, which includes a robust Linak linear actuator
electronic foot potentiometer that provides a mixing, dispensing, cutting and sealing – and and a Dynamic Controls joystick control system.
variable voltage output proportional to the all areas where a low cost means of The ELPM’s pedigree as a compact solution for
position of the pedal. providing manually controlled variable motorsports position measurement for ride
Aimed at applications across medical functions is required for maximum height, suspension and steering angle
equipment, domestic appliance, office and productivity. measurement helped the company decide on
industrial machinery, the robust 6210-VO The 6210-VO meets EN 60950 low voltage putting the slimline miniature sensor through its
features a solid state optical sensor for wear directive standards and has EN 60529 IPX2 paces with impressive results.
free operation with extremely long and protection rating. A durable thermoplastic Molten Rock company director Chris Swift
reliable life of more than 1 million pedal housing includes a spring return explains: “We’ve been producing the joystick
operations. The unit is designed for use on mechanism that provides a high level of version of the Boma7 since 2010 and from
manually operated equipment with control operational comfort. The compact unit development through to full field use the sensor
input ratings from 4.5 to 12 VDC at 10 mA, measures just 105 x 140 x 40 (w x d x h) and has been thoroughly tested on the wheelchair
the scope of supply - even for low quantity and has performed very well.”
applications - includes fully customised www.variohm.com
colours and logos as well as choice of
connection method to customers’
Herga Technology, a part of the Variohm
Holdings Group, manufacturers a
comprehensive range electrically and
pneumatically actuated foot and hand
switching controls in standard or custom
designs that meet a wide range of
international approvals including IEC/UL 60601.

32 January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk

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www.eurekamagazine.co.uk January 2014 33

Magnet gear trains
to drive efficiency
The use of magnetism within power transmission systems could help
make hybrid vehicles more efficient in the future.
Justin Cunningham finds out how.

ybridisation is being given increasing The frustration of taking significant steps to
priority by the automotive industry as it reduce weight, only to be counteracted with the
strives to reduce emissions and ramp up the increasing introduction of hybrid technology is,
efficiency of vehicles. However, this has put the however, being addressed, in part, by one
many challenges of effective hybridisation Sheffield-based spin-out technology company.
firmly in the hands of engineers. Many concepts Magnomatics was established in 2006 to
for hybrid drive transmissions have been commercialise magnetic transmission systems.
proposed and while many seem elegant on To date, it has been able to successfully
paper, the devil is in the detail and practical demonstrate and prove the technology for a
implementation is rarely straightforward. number of applications and has recently been
The advantages and disadvantages of hybrid invited to join The Proving Factory, a collaborative
cars are by no means as simple as some would project set up by the automotive industry to
have you believe. While tailpipe emissions industrialise key innovative technologies.
might be better, increased electrification of the
overall powertrain relies on largely lithium internal combustion engine (ICE) and the two
batteries that are not the easiest components electric motor/generators. It is generally
to dispose off or recycle at the end of life. In referred to as an eCVT due to its application in
addition, while automotive engineers strive to hybrid vehicles.
lightweight, hybridisation adds weight as it As with all hybrids, however,
essentially requires two different powertrains. there are drawbacks. First,
The integration of an internal combustion it is complex. The
engine with electric motor/generators also number of moving parts
throws up some interesting mechanical issues in the design is far
in terms of gearing and power transmission. from ideal, with each
The ability to switch and split power between requiring a bearing.
the two easily and smoothly, without too much This results in some
energy loss and weight penalty is no small feat. associated loss of
Probably the best known hybrid car, the energy as well as a
Toyota Prius, overcame this issue by developing need for lubrication
its Hybrid Synergy Drive. At its heart, this is and maintenance. Also
essentially a single planetary differential gear the eCVT is expensive,
set that removes the need for a more traditional adding cost to the vehicle.
stepped gearbox and transmission And finally, due to the nature
components. of its application, it is heavy,
Aptly named, Toyota’s Power Split Device adding weight, which is a key area
(PSD) is a continuously variable transmission of reduction for today’s automotive
(CVT) but with a fixed gear ratio between the design engineers.

34 January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk


Sun gear Ring gear Carrier

Oil pump Motor Planet Generator Transaxle damper Engine


Final drive
pinion gear Counter drive gear

Final drive
ring gear
Counter driven gear
The eCVT is currently used by
Toyota on its Prius to take power
from both the electric motors and
Differential unit internal combustion engine

“The principle of a magnetic gear is to use first cylinder to lock on to the harmonic and
an array of magnets to create a flux field at the give a high speed output.”
centre of a rotating cylinder,” says David The principle of the gearbox is analogous to
Latimer, business development manager from an epicyclical gearbox with the inner array of
Key to this development is the Magsplit, Magnomatics, speaking at this year’s Advanced magnets acting as the sun gear, the steel pole
designed to improve hybrid powertrains in Engineering Show. “We then insert steel pole pieces as the planet carrier, and the outer array
performance, weight and cost. The Magsplit pieces in to the flux field to give a preferred flux of magnets behaving like the ring gear.
essentially fulfils the same functions as the path leaving airgaps between them to act as a “But there are differences,” says Latimer.
eCVT of the Pruis but has been shown to flux inhibitor. This modulates the flux field, “One of the interesting things with a planetary
improve hybrid systems’ fuel efficiency by 3% creating a harmonic that rotates faster and in gear is you always have to have a high speed
to 5%, as well as reducing complexity and the opposite direction to the rotating cylinder. shaft on the inside as the sun gear is the
weight. We then place another magnet array within the smallest gear, and therefore has to be the
fastest. As we are dealing with magnetic poles,
we can actually move that high speed shaft to
the outside.”
This allows Magnomatics to do a number of
Stator with control things. By using three rotors that are all free to
rotate, it can use the inner array of magnets
and the steel pole pieces as the primary input
Magnomatics is PM control and output shafts, with the outside acting as
developing power rotor
tranmissions for the control mechanism. Then, by moving the
hybrid vehicles that control rotor in the same direction it can add
Magnetic gear
use magnets to output rotor RPM to both shafts, change the gear ratio or
transmit power. rotate the control rotor backward fast enough
to actually stop the output rotor, equivalent to
Magnetic gear declutching or being in neutral.
input rotor
Magnomatics already has its first gear in
operation driving a pump within an oil well.
However the company is firmly setting its sights
on the volume markets of mid-range
automotive producers. Hybrid vehicles are likely

www.eurekamagazine.co.uk January 2014 35

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36 January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk


Problems with
“Typically Magsplit can replace three items
compared to an eCVT; the motor/generator,
the planetary gearbox or power split device,
and also they can remove the flywheel and vibration and
even the torsional damper in some cases”
David Latimer - Magnomatics
drive noise?


to increase significantly over the next five years and its Magsplit could
improve the existing eCVT systems currently being used on cars like the

Ssssssh... Centa’s
Prius and Ford Fusion.
“Typically Magsplit can replace three items compared to an eCVT; the

engine drives are

motor/generator, the planetary gearbox or power split device, and also
they can remove the flywheel and even the torsional damper in some

the answer!
cases,” says Latimer. “Also there is no contact, so no wear. And that means
it is very efficient. We have measured efficiencies more than 99.5%.”
Further development of the technology has lead to the development of
its latest iteration, the Magsplit 2. While this has all the same functionality
as Magsplit 1, it uses fewer magnets and fewer parts. The design of the CENTAMAX flexible couplings for
Magsplit 2 allows the transmission to be overloaded much more frequently, standard and non-standard flywheels
making it ideal for drive cycles that experience frequent peaks. eliminate vibration, noise and suit all
“In Magsplit 1 the losses are mainly speed dependent, whereas in applications, including oil and gas
Magsplit 2 they are mainly torque dependent and the choice of which to exploration. ATEX approved. Complex
use really depends on the drive cycle,” says Latimer. “So, for a car where applications made easy by experts.
you need a lot of peak torques and powers Magsplit 2 is best. For a truck
based power train Magsplit 1 is the optimum.” www.centaapplications.co.uk
Magnomatics claim that the Magsplit transmission results in better fuel
economy compared to hybrid cars based on an eCVT power split device.
The Magsplits are also lubricant-free, offer a shorter package length and
can replace several components with a single one.
The Magsplit transmissions are scalable, with studies, and interest, from
motorbike to very large truck manufacturers. Studies have even shown T: +44 (0) 1274 531034
E: [email protected]
applicability to quarry trucks. In addition both Ford and Volvo have
expressed interest in developing the transmission for future hybrid
vehicles, with trials and evaluation currently taking place.
www.magnomatics.co.uk VERSATILE DRIVE SOLUTIONS

www.eurekamagazine.co.uk January 2014 37

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January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk


Making hydrogen
cost effective
While many would like to see a transition to hydrogen-powered fuel
cells to provide clean energy, the cost of the platinum catalyst make
the technology uneconomical. So how close are we to finding an
alternative? Justin Cunningham finds out.

ust a few years ago, the future was hydrogen Current fuel cell technology has one inherent layers of platinum to be applied to a substrate to
and fuel cells. The hype around the technology drawback, however, that really does need to be reduce, by an order of magnitude, the amount of
was at fever pitch and it seemed tantalisingly addressed before it can make its mark; the material necessary for the catalyst and so to the
close to commercialisation, with clean, hydrogen- catalyst. Currently, platinum is widely used, with associated cost. The process involves using
fuelled vehicles with water for emissions soon to an average fuel cell car needing 30g of the platinum dissolved in a solution, which can then
become a reality for all. precious metal to function adequately. With the be deposited on a gold surface in single-atom
Perhaps another example of Gartner’s Hype average price of platinum around $50 a gram, the layers by alternately applying positive and
Cycle, the technology has not quite been able to raw material alone incurs a significant cost. Many negative voltages. It is clever stuff, but the science
keep pace with expectation and progress has current fuel cell developments are based around is complex and will not be easily industrialised.
seemed to slow. Today, many engineers from trying to reduce, and even replace platinum Another exciting development, however, is
major European automotive OEMs will tell you catalysts altogether with some kind of low-cost happening here in the UK and comes from
that, while interested in the technology and aiding ubiquitous material. Cheshire start-up, ACAL Energy. The company is
its development, they expect there to be no Last year the US National Institute of Standards working on what could be a revolutionary liquid
serious crossover in power train, at least to and Technology said it had developed a reliable catalyst for a proton exchange membrane (PEM)
hydrogen fuel cells, until 2025 at the earliest. method of applying atom-thin layers of platinum fuel cell, which could reduce the required
Although many of the world’s largest that would be cheap and easy to implement. The platinum by 80% or more. The technique is
automakers, including Hyundai, Honda and Toyota process would allow the precise deposition of offering some real potential as the liquid catalyst
have announced plans to launch fuel cell vehicles
by 2015, like many of today’s electric cars they are The ACAL energy solution – FlowCath®
likely to be prohibitively expensive. There may well 5. Water byproduct and
be thousands on the road before 2025, but it is heat are removed from Hydrogen
catalyst solution
unlikely there will be millions.
Air, water
There are many significant technological vapour
hurdles to overcome and barriers to entry include and heat Air and 4. Water
platinum byproduct
power density, reliability and storage. In addition, replaced is absorbed
the surrounding infrastructure necessary for a by liquid into catalyst
hydrogen-fuelled economy is currently in limbo catalyst solution
dominated by a chicken and egg situation of Regenerator
what will come first, vehicles or filling stations. 3. Oxygen from
Much like the current trend towards hybridisation Blower air mixes with
and electric cars , don’t expect any sudden Solution acts
moves away from the internal combustion Air as cathode
side catalyst
engine just yet. 2. Air is absorbed Pump
However, despite the roll-out of the technology into catalyst
solution Cathode Anode
being slower than many would have preferred, 1. Air enters Proton
engineers in general like the technology and see it a low pressure exchange
as a viable future technology that is undoubtedly blower membrane
going to become increasingly significant.

www.eurekamagazine.co.uk January 2014 39


journey with a start and stop at the end of each

cycle. The cycle is repeated 24 hours a day, seven
days a week, and mimics vehicle journey’s with
frequent stops and starts as well as occasional
motorway cruising. This particular test was used
to accelerate the aging of components and stress
on the fuel cell systems.
“We have recently reached the 10,000 hour
runtime on a third party automotive industry
durability test,” says Dr Creech. “We passed it
without any signs of degradation, which is a
significant milestone to pass.”
The 10,000 hours mark is equivalent to
300,000 driven miles and it makes the hydrogen

The FlowCath fuel

technology known as FlowCath replaces over
cells employ a
three-quarters of the necessary platinum with a method of replacing
low cost liquid catalyst. the fixed platinum
FlowCath is a method of replacing the fixed catalysts on the
platinum catalysts on the cathode with a liquid cathode with a liquid
regenerating catalyst system. The liquid is regenerating catalyst
continuously pumped through the fuel cell stack
into an external regenerator and then back to the
stack. The technology reduces platinum content
by up to 80% and actually helps to simplify the
overall fuel cell system. As a consequence the most of the known decay mechanisms. fuel cell comparable to the best current
technology not only radically reduces cost, it also Importantly, ACAL Energy’s technology lightweight diesel engines under such test
improves durability and robustness. significantly reduces the total cost and weight of a conditions.
“In the 19th century, coal was the fuel and the fuel cell and enables a competitive fuel cell The technology is around the Technology
steam engine was the engine of choice,” says Dr drivetrain with a power output of 100kW Readiness Level 4 (TRL4) mark and ACAL is now in
Andrew Creeth, chief technology officer at ACAL approximately equivalent to a 2-litre diesel engine. the process of entering some Joint Development
Energy. “In the 20th century it was hydrocarbons By using a liquid catalyst an ordinary transition Agreements (JDAs) with automotive OEMs and
and the internal combustion engine, and moving metal can be used in the system instead which Tier 1 companies to integrate the technology and
in to the 21st century we will give up can be orders of magnitude cheaper than show long term viability. The fuel cell is also being
hydrocarbons for hydrogen. The fuel can be made platinum. It is fundamentally stable, which also engineered for cost effectiveness to enable higher
with renewable energy and the engine of choice helps durability, and by having a liquid present it volume manufacture.
will be the fuel cell. prevents the fuel cell membrane from expanding “The car companies and fuel cell industry has
“Our system can get rid of much of the and contracting as it swells with liquid and then already designed many of the parts and
platinum needed in a fuel cell and we now have dries. This, in a normal fuel cell, creates an components we need,” says Dr Creech. “So we are
working fuel cells. We’re targeting the automotive undesirable mechanical stress that leads to wear, in the process of adapting our designs to
industry and already have a lot of interest from fatigue and even eventual failure. incorporate parts that are already [available off the
major OEMs.” “All these factors help our system to be much shelf]. But, we can only take the engineering so far.
The use of a liquid catalyst dramatically more reliable,” says Dr Creech. We want to take it to a point where we can do a
improves a PEM fuel cell’s durability and at the Over the last 16 months, ACAL Energy has put functional specification and then let automotive
same time reduces the cost of a system. The its proprietary catayst and fuel cell system companies take it forward from there.”
liquid acts as both a coolant and catalyst for the through an automotive industry standard stress www.nist.gov
cells, ensuring that they last longer by removing test protocol. This simulates a 40-minute car www.acalenergy.co.uk

40 January 2014 www.eurekamagazine.co.uk

27 March 2014 • Gaydon • Warwickshire
The FAST Exhibition is the UK’s only dedicated fastening, bonding and assembly
exhibition for design engineers, production professionals, senior manufacturing
managers and fastener buyers. An extensive seminar programme will also run alongside
the exhibition. Show entry and seminar places are by pre-registration only which also
includes a FREE tour of the Heritage Motor Museum.



No pain, no gain?
With the New Year upon us, how can
technology help people run without injury?

or those of us who are currently trying to
remedy some of Christmas’ worst
excesses, there are a number of options
available. Abstinence from rich food, drink and
all those other good things is one option, of
course, but probably the most effective
solution is to undertake exercise. And for many
people, that means running.
It is no coincidence at this time of year that
the pavements positively teem with large
numbers of people in running gear that looks
suspiciously new and whose red faces,
laboured breath and even more laboured
progress suggests that they are fulfilling a New
Year’s resolution to shed unwanted pounds.
The problem is, however, that running
places considerable strain on the human
frame. The shock put through the joints is
considerable: a fact that often only becomes
apparent too late. These strains are of naturally
made even worse if the runner is carrying
excess weight (which, of course, they usually
are at this time of year).
And, of course, the amateur runner is
The Challenge
usually not equipped to combat these putting your feet in the wrong position, the
problems. They do not have expert trainers The challenge, this month then, is to devise a knock-on effects on a runner’s joints will still be
telling them how to improve their running style type of running shoe that genuinely helps to just as damaging.
in such a way as to maintain health and usually prevent injury. Of course, most runners usually Plus, of course, if you actually provided
also lack enough knowledge to provide assume that this is simply achieved by the enough cushioning to negate the impact of
themselves with the right equipment – and the largest possible quantity of shock absorbing and running, the shoe itself would likely become
single most important type of equipment in cushioning material. This is not necessarily the unwieldy, heavy and probably impossibly high,
this context is the running shoe. So what case, of course, because however much which would would present its own dangers.
should they do? padding one’s shoes may contain, if they are As ever, we have a solution in mind that
employs some relatively sophisticated
technology to aid the runner. However, this may
The answer to last month’s Coffee Time Challenge of how to fix the problems associted not be the best answer and Eureka’s readers
with airliner reclining seats can be found in our Technology Briefs section on page 14. may be able to devise something lower-tech that
can make ‘runner’s knee’ a thing of the past.

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3D Printed Parts Adhesives

Dedicated Hardware for Instant adhesives turn up


Carbon Fibre Sintered the heat
Parts Three Loctite® instant adhesives are now
Graphite, a supplier of 3D printed temperature resistant to 120°C.
parts has announced it is in a unique
position to provide customers with They can join materials in as little as two
carbon fibre reinforced sintered parts seconds, providing an effective bonding
as it is the only service bureau in the solution for electric motors, generators,
UK market with a dedicated machine loud speakers, white goods and lighting
to run these highly advanced equipment.
sintering materials, offering the
highest stiffness-to-weight and Clean and easy to apply, each product has
strength-to-weight ratios of any 3D distinctive performance characteristics; Loctite® 401 is the best
printed plastic on the market today. These proven products have been the materials of all-purpose choice.
choice on Formula One cars for a number of years combining enhanced mechanical
properties of low density, high stiffness and sustainable accuracy at elevated temperatures. All are suitable for manual, semi- or fully automated production.

@: [email protected] @: [email protected]
✆: +44 (0)1296 482673 ✆: 01442 278100

Coatings Disc Springs

WS2 Stops galling of SS and Stainless Steel Disc Springs added


Titanium to Spirol Range
Stainless Steels and Titanium are both prone to Now available from Spirol industries is a range of
galling and seizing. WS2 is a very low friction dry stainless steel disc springs. Disc springs are conical
lubricant surface treatment, developed by NASA for washer type components designed to be axially
loaded and provide high levels of deflection
use in deep space. It has been shown to provide a
resistance within a very small space. They can be
very cost effective solution, preventing both assembled into stacks to achieve load characteristics
problems on threads and other sliding surfaces. to meet the specific needs of any application.
WS2 works well from -273° to 450° C and down to The new austenitic stainless steel disc springs are manufactured from SAE 301 stainless
10-14 Torr. WS2 has been applied to bearings and steel and have a plain finish. They can be used in a wide range of applications where anti-
gears to extend life. corrosion properties are essential.
Design Out maintenance problems with WS2! Spirol’s disc springs are produced in accordance with DIN 2093 which sets out the
tolerances, size range and materials to be used. The stainless steel range covers outside
diameters from 8.00 - 71.00mm with material thicknesses 0.4 –2.00 mm as standard.

@: [email protected] @: [email protected]
✆: 01430 861222 ✆: +44 (0) 1536 444800

Pumps Rotary Atomiser

Avoiding the problem of leaking pump seals Fine Droplets without High Pressure

Hydra-Cell® Pumps Eliminate Seal Maintenance The small electric rotary atomiser produced by Newland Design is an
Wanner offers a solution to leaking pump seals… it's called the Hydra- efficient way of creating small, consistently-sized droplets by means of high-
Cell seal-less pump. speed rotation alone, without need of compressed air or any high pressure.
Dynamic seals in pumps can be basic or works of great ingenuity. The Newland Atomiser rotates a small porous plastic cylinder at speeds up
However, since almost all seals utilize the process liquid to lubricate to 35,000 rpm and emits droplets of less than 40 micrometres in diameter.
the seal faces, they are fundamentally designed to leak. Torque to overcome a dry running seal Applications include:
is 2 to 3 times that of a lubricated seal. Even the best designed and fitted seal is prone to
wear and eventually will need to be replaced. The fact is that in excess of 85% of mechanical Humidification, Moisturization, Evaporative Cooling
seals fail prematurely because of abrasive particles, shaft vibration, pipe strain, misalignment Gas scrubbing and Odour Control
etc. Replacing a seal will often bring respite but it seldom provides a long-term cure to a leak Dust suppression
problem. Hydra-Cell pumps are high-efficiency, hydraulically balanced diaphragm pumps that Emulsification.
have no dynamic seals in contact with the pumped liquid; totally eliminating the need for seal Flow rates up to 20 litres per hour. Power input 10 - 25 Volts DC,
maintenance. Many Hydra-Cell models can operate at pressures in excess of 140 bar, offering consumption less than 40 Watts. Evaluation units always available.
100% safe containment of corrosive, aggressive and abrasive liquids.

@: [email protected] @: [email protected]
✆: 01252 816847 ✆: 01524 733 424

Signaling devices Training

PATLITE explosion-proof products Plan for 2014 training with Spirax Sarco


At the SPS/IPC/Drives 2011 in Nuremberg, PATLITE presented a Spirax Sarco has launched a new training brochure for 2014,
new series of signaling devices, which have been especially giving plant operators and managers more ways to save energy,
designed for rough environments and explosive atmospheres. increase productivity, improve product quality and reduce risk.
Besides explosion-proof and maintenance-free LED signal Discover the latest boiler guidance by enrolling on the Boiler
towers of the EDLM and EDWM series, which achieve ATEX Operation Accreditation Scheme (BOAS) course. Recommended
guideline 94/9 EC and are suitable for zone 1 and 2, Patlite also as the qualification of best practice by the Health & Safety
offers visual, audible and hybrid products which are suitable for zone 2 and 22. Executive, Combustion Engineering Association and The Safety
Safely encased Assessment Federation, BOAS provides a national accreditation
The innovative, explosion-proof signal towers EDLM (3 coloured LED modules) and EDWM (5 for boiler operation or management.
coloured LED modules) come with a high-strength main body made of aluminium alloy. The BOAS Renewal course also features within the 2014
Thanks to their pressure- and flame-proof housing they reach protection IP66. They have prospectus. Qualified engineers with a BOAS certificate must
been designed for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in environments such as (petro-) retake a refresher course every five years to remain BOAS
chemical industries, handling with combustible dusts, production of gas and even in food accredited. This course gives an update on best practice and safety to candidates and covers
industries. any new legislation or guidance notes.

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✆: +49 (0) 811 9981 9770-0 ✆: 01242 535211
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