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Pulidora Alfa Laval

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Solids-ejecting separator model BRPX 417S

The BRPX 417 centrifugal separator is designed for

continuous clarification of suspensionsor for recovery of
valuable solids from a liquid phase.
It offers both high clarifying effect and capacity, hand in
hand with high solids-removal capacity. It is intended for
.liquid-solld separation duties in the beverage, food and
other processing industries.

Up to 60,000l/h.
(Actual throughput ís usually lower and depends on such
varíables as amount and type of solíds ín feed, tempera-
ture, víscosíty, and requíred degree of clarífícatíon).

Available models
BRPX417SGV-31C Tímer-triggering model
BRPX417SFV-31C Self-tríggering model
Both models can be supplied
• wíth special erosion protection
• in hydrohermetic desígn Fig. 1. BRPX417SGVcomplete with motor and solids cyclone.
• with deep solids cover

Design features J.t
The separator has the followíng dístinguíshing features:
1. Flat belt dríve
2. Spíndle cartridge with automatic lubrication system
3. Automatic solids dischargeduring continuous opera-
4. Liquíd discharge under pressure
5. Hydrohermetíc desígn (optional)
6. Special erosion-protection (optional)
7. Deep solids cover (optional)

1 Flat belt drive

The flat belt inside the sturdy baseframe transmits power
from the vertically mounted motor to the spindle cartridge. 2 2
A mechanical brake is located at the front cover of the
The flat belt can be rapidly exchanged. Two access
covers, one at each end of the base, símplify this jobo

2 Spindle cartridge
The vertical spindle which supports and drives the
separator bowl is designedasa replaceablecartridge unit.
The spindle is located ín widely spaced top and bottom
Fig. 2. Longitudinal section through self-triggering bowl shown in
bearings which are mounted in simple but effective rubber
closed position. Dark blue (4) indicates operating Iiquid keeping
dampers to eliminate vibratíon. The oil mist lubrícation the sliding bottom closed against the bowl hood. By increasing or
system is powered by the rotatíon of the spindle. decreasing the pressure of the operating liquid the bowl is
The lubrícatíon system is a genuíne mist lubricatíon opened and closed.
system without pumps,fittíngs, etc. The system includes a 1. Feed
rotating oil reservoir in the lower part of the cartrídge. The 2. Outlet for solids
oil is continuously centrífuged to remove contaminants. 3. Outlet for clarified liquid
BRPX 4175
3 Automatic solids discharge system Material
including an external operating water system, provides
very fast and effective discharge - with a clean bowl and AII liquid wetted parts are of stainless steel. The sliding
reliable operation as the end results. bowl bottom is provided with erosion Iiner. The frame is of
epoxy-enamelled cast iron.
The bowl is of the solids-ejecting disc type, incorporating
a hydraulic operating water system for »shootlnq», The
bowl is set up as a clarifier and for variable timer-triggered Standard equipment
or self-triggered discharge of solids. The volume of partial
discharges is adjustable, which means low liquid losses in Electric motor, Inlet and outlet bends, Vibration dampers,
the discharged solids. Vibraswitch, Oil pressure gauge, Speed sensor, Pressure
gauge for outlet, Set ot tools, Set ot spare parts, Solids
4 Liquid discharge under pressure cyclone.
The clarified liquid is continuously discharged under
pressure by a paring disc pump at the top of the bowl.
Additional components necessary
5 Hydrohermetic design tor operation
In cases when it is important to avoid air pick-up and gas Starter
losses the hydrohermetic design should be chosen. It is Discharge program equipment
available as a variant of the standard clarifier models. The
seal at the top of the bowl yields clarified liquids of higher Self-triggering system, EPTE, necessary tor the Self-
qualities. triggering version
Operating liquid module
6 Special erosion protectlon Regulating valve for teed inlet
The specially erosion-protected model (optional) is supplied
with erosion-protecting parts for solids ports and a Air pressure regulator for operating air inlet
special, hard-chromed erosion-liner for sliding bowl Constant pressure modulating valve, type CPM, with air
bottom. pressure regulator
7 Deep solids cover
Sight glasses for inlet and outlet
This version is suitable in cases when the solid phase need
to be as dry as possible and solids cover flushing therefore Sampling cocks
must be avoided. Safety water system including auxiliary box.

Beneflts O, the self-triggering version Optional extras

• Higher separation efficiency because solids are Special tool kit for spindle cartridge
ejected before they have reached and possibly Pressure gauge for inlet
clogged the disc-stack. .
Filter unit tor hydro-hermetic design
• Better process economy beause almost no process
liquid will escape with the solids, which are ejected Product pump
only when needed, Le. when the solids holding space Control equipment for feed
of the bowl has been filled by solids up to the Solids handling system
»trlqqerlnq» leve!.

Dimensions (mm)


2135 (84)

Fig. 3. Dimensional drawing 01the BRPX 417SFV, measurements in mm (in.).

General technical data Shipping data
Controlled torque motor Recemmended size BRPX 417S complete with set of tools, meter and
previded with overload 37 kW. 45 kW tor ñow- discharge pregram equipment:
protectlon and thermister rates exceeding 40 m3/h
Net weight 3700 kg (8200 lb)
Power consumption Gross weight 4200 kg (9300 lb)
At a threughput of 10 m3/h Shipping volume 8 m3 (285 cu.ft.)
approx. 15 kW
At a threughput of 60 m3/h approx. 45 kW

Speed 50 Hz 60 Hz
Meter 1460 rpm 1750 rpm
Bewl, max. 3865 rpm 3875 rpm

Starting time 9 minutes, approx.

Stopping time 17 minutes, approx.

Sludge space 25.7 litres

Paring disc pump

Effluent outlet pressure up te 0.7 MPa

Water consumption
Operating and flushing water Max.1 m-/h
Pressure Min. 1.5 bar

Air consumption
Cemplete installation Max. 3.7 Nm3/h
Note: Actual water and
air consurnptlon will
depend en how otten
sollds discharges need te
be made, and/or if solids
cover flushing is used.

Ovehead hoist
Lifting capacity 15 kN (1500 kp)
Min. height 3000 mm (118 in.)

Inlet 76 mm
Outlet (Iiquid) 76 mm Fig. 4. The BRPX 417 machine with deep solids cover
Outlet (solids) 100 mm
Water 25 mm
Liquid seal water 4mm
Cover drain 51 mm
Installation of a BRPX 417 centrifuge
The diagram below illustrates a typical lay-out of a cleaning strainer,solids handling systemandcleaning-in-
separation plant with a BRPX 4178 8elf-triggering place equipment can be quoted for on request.
separator.Additional equipment,such asfeed pump,self-


Fig. 5. Basic installation of self-triggering BRPX 417 machine

A lnlet for product 1 Va/ve unil for in/el 5 Operating waler module
B Out/el for producl 2 Flowmeter 6 Va/ve unil for out/el
e Outlet for solids 3 Sighl g/ass 7 Discharge Program Equipmenl
o lntet for safely waler 4 BRPX 417 separalor 8 EPTE Self-Iriggering Syslem
E Outtet to drain

The solids discharge system The program and control equipment

The external operating water system is assembled in a The discharge program equipment, including monitoring
module, and connected to water and compressed air equipment, is designed to give optimal machine status
supply. While in operation the solenoid valve for low air control. The equipment is installed in a central panel for
pressure is open and low-pressure operating water is machine information, and control - with functions for
supplied to the bowl. speed(with alarm relay),oil pressure,vibration, andsolids
By using compressed air the necessary higher water discharge control. The panel ensuressimple installation,
pressure for the discharge system can be obtained - calibration and supervision. AII communication between
quite independently of the water pressure in the local separator and auxiliary box is by meansof one common
system. cable. AII sensors on the machine are connected to a
junction box.
During discharge a solenoid valve for high-pressure air
opens. High-pressure operating water is supplied to the
bowl, and the solids are discharged from the bowl. Fast Automatic feed and back-pressure control
partial discharges ensure low product losses.The partial
dischargesof the timer-triggered version can bevariedfor Capacity can be controlled using an automatic Alfa-Laval
optimal production and to suit local process conditions. 8PC valve, flow transmitter and CPM valve for back-
pressure control. Once the flow rate is set, no further
supervision is needed.

Other variants
The BRPX417 machine is also availablein other versions,

for liquid/liquid/solid separation, in heavy duty design,
etc. Pleasecontact your nearest representativeto obtain
information on these or any other type of separator.

I No. PO 41008E
8202 The manufaclurer reserves Ihe righllo change specification wilhout nolice.


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