Airworthiness Advisory Circular: Subject: EDTO
Airworthiness Advisory Circular: Subject: EDTO
Airworthiness Advisory Circular: Subject: EDTO
Date 06-12-2013
1.1 CAR Section 8 Series S Part I requires the operator to seek DGCA approval
prior to operating their aircraft for EDTO Operation. This circular should be
read in conjunction with the above CAR.
1.2 This circular details the approval process required to be followed by each
operator seeking Initial and subsequent airworthiness approvals to
undertake EDTO operation.
1.3 The Airworthiness approval requires the operator to comply with the additional
continuing airworthiness requirements related to EDTO operation as detailed
in this circular. Compliance Checklist to demonstrate the compliance of
Airworthiness requirements for special operation approval is available in
chapter 24 of Airworthiness procedure manual which is available on dgca
website i.e,
2. Application
2.1 Any operator applying for EDTO approval ( Airworthiness aspect ) should
submit a request, with the required supporting data, to the DGCA at least 3
months prior to the proposed start of EDTO with the specific airframe/engine
2.2 Application for approval for EDTO operations shall be submitted to the
Regional/ Sub-Regional offices where the aircraft is based along with para
wise compliance of the CAR related to the operation. The supporting
documents confirming compliance with requirements of CAR and the EDTO
Compliance Check attached with Chapter 24 B of APM ( Available on dgca
webside i.e, shall also be enclosed by the concerned
operator seeking approval. The checklist should clearly show the compliance
and the location of the compliance in the column 1.. Verification remarks
column to be used by DGCA officer. The operator should further furnish
details of the procedure/instructions and methodology for continued
capability to adhere to conditions laid down at the time of grant of approval
in a separate EDTO Manual their by personnel involved in EDTO. Any
amendment to the EDTO manual requires DGCA approval.
a. Occurrence reporting
b. Maintenance Programme;
c. Reliability Programme;
d. Oil Consumption Monitoring Programme;
e. Engine Condition Monitoring and Reporting system;
f. Propulsion system monitoring programme;
g. EDTO parts control programme;
h. Plan for resolution of aeroplane discrepancies.
i. Aircraft performance monitoring programme
3.2 Control Process (centralised control process)
3.2.2 The operator conducting EDTO (regardless of the size of its EDTO
fleet) must have a centralized entity responsible for monitoring of the
EDTO maintenance activities. The certificate holder must develop and
clearly define in its EDTO maintenance document specific
procedures, duties, and responsibilities for involvement of their
centralized maintenance control personnel in their EDTO operation.
a. Occurrence reporting;
b. Aircraft maintenance programme and reliability programme;
c. EDTO Manual / Continuing airworthiness management
d. Competence of continuing airworthiness and maintenance
a. in-flight shutdowns;
b. diversion or turn-back;
c. un-commanded power changes or surges;
d. inability to control the engine or obtain desired power; and
e. failures or malfunctions of EDTO significant systems having a
detrimental effect to EDTO flight.
Note: status messages, transient failures, intermittent indication of failure,
messages tested satisfactorily on ground not duplicating the failure should
only be reported after an assessment by the operator that an unacceptable
trend has occurred on the system
The report should identify as applicable the following:
a. aircraft identification;
b. engine, propeller or APU identification (make and serial number);
c. total time, cycles and time since last shop visit;
d. for systems, time since overhaul or last inspection of the defective
e. phase of flight; and
f. corrective action.
• The operator must identify all tasks that need to be completed and
certified as complete by EDTO- qualified maintenance personnel The
intent is to have EDTO- trained maintenance personnel accomplish
these tasks because they are related to EDTO. An EDTO service check should be developed to verify that the status of
the aeroplane and certain critical items are acceptable. This check
should be accomplished and signed off by an authorised and qualified
person prior to an EDTO flight. A member of the flight crew may also
perform these checks, if appropriately trained and authorised.
• An EDTO verification flight should be carried out where ground testing cannot
provide positive assurance of serviceability.
4.5.1 The operator’s assessment of propulsion systems reliability for the EDTO fleet
should be made available to the DGCA (with the supporting data) on at
least a monthly basis, to ensure that the approved maintenance programme
continues to maintain a level of reliability necessary for EDTO operations.
4.5.2 The assessment should include, as a minimum, engine hours flown in the
period, in-flight shutdown rate for all causes and engine removal rate, both
on a 12-months moving average basis. Where the combined EDTO fleet is
part of a larger fleet of the same aircraft/engine combination, data from the
total fleet will be acceptable.
4.5.4. A high engine in-flight shutdown rate for a small fleet may be due to the limited
number of engine operating hours and may not be indicative for an
unacceptable trend. The underlying causes for such an increase in the rate
will have to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis in order to identify the root
cause of events so that the appropriate corrective action is implemented.
4.8.2 The engine condition monitoring programme should describe the parameters
to be monitored, method of data collection and corrective action process.
The programme should reflect manufacturer’s instructions and industry
practice. This monitoring will be used to detect deterioration at an early stage
to allow for corrective action before safe operation of the aircraft is affected.
4.10.2 The operator must have ground and in-flight verification flight procedures
described in their supplemental maintenance program for events involving
propulsion system shutdown, engine or major engine module change, primary
system failure, and for certain adverse trends or prescribed events.
• Written procedures exist to ensure that the flight crew receives a full briefing
prior to dispatch concerning the event and/or the maintenance performed.
• All flight crew observations and/or actions must be complete prior to entering
the EDTO portion of the flight.
4.11.1 The operator must develop a parts control programme with support from the
manufacturer, that ensures the proper parts and configuration are
maintained for EDTO. The programme includes verification that parts placed
on an EDTO aeroplane during parts borrowing or pooling arrangements, as
well as those parts used after repair or overhaul, maintain the necessary
EDTO configuration for that aeroplane.
4.12.2 The EDTO Manual can be a chapter in the operator’s existing Continuing
Airworthiness Management Exposition or it can be produced as a separate
document. In either case, the EDTO Manual should provide complete details
on each topic or can reference other documentation where the information is
located. For example, the EDTO Pre-departure Service Check (PDSC) can
be listed in the EDTO Manual or the EDTO Manual can reference the
operator’s PDSC task card or other manual where the check is defined. The
format of the EDTO Manual, as well as identification number should be
consistent with the operator’s documentation system. Document handling
should be in accordance with the operator’s current policies relative to
revision and distribution.
6.1 The fleet-average IFSD rate for the specified airframe/engine combination shall
be monitored by the operator. The DGCA should also monitor all aspects of
the EDTO that it has authorised to ensure that the levels of reliability achieved
in EDTO remain at the satisfactory levels. and that the operation continues to
be conducted safely. In the event that an acceptable level of reliability is not
maintained, if significant adverse trends exist, or if significant deficiencies are
detected in the type design or the conduct of the EDTO operation, then the
appropriate Competent Authority should initiate a special evaluation, impose
operational restrictions if necessary, and stipulate corrective action for the
operator to adopt in order to resolve the problems in a timely manner. The
Regional office should alert the DGCA Hqrs when a special evaluation is
initiated and make provisions for their participation.
6.2 Daily Monitoring. In addition to the normally internal audit and surveillance
each operator is required to have daily monitoring of their EDTO program in
place as part of the daily oversight. Daily fleet performance, event reports,
adverse trends, and pilot reports shall be monitored and in case of
event/occurrences, the same shall be reported to DGCA.
( Charan Dass )
Jt Director General of Civil Aviation
For Director General of Civil Aviation