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Online Insurance Portal: Synopsis

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Online Insurance Portal


This project is aimed to develop “Online Insurance Portal”. It is web-based

application, which is developed mainly for the agents of the insurance company to take the
policy for his clients electronically. By the request from his clients, he processes and
maintains the policy details through the system.

Online Insurance Portal System is an integrated insurance system which links up all
the channels within the insurance industry. It is a revolutionized insurance solution that can
facilitate online processing and services to the insurance partners, agents and customers
through the Internet.

Insurance can be broadly divided into two types.

1. Motor

2. Non-motor

1. Motor Insurance

Motor Insurance is insurance purchased for cars, trucks, and other road
vehicles. Its primary use is to provide protection against physical
damage resulting from traffic collisions and against liability that could
also arise there from.

The policy covers the following types of vehicle:

 Private Vehicles
Private Car, Private Van & Four Wheel Drive
(Private Use)
 Goods Carrying Vehicles
Commercial Goods Carrying Vehicles also Petroleum, Diesel
and Bitumen Tankers, LPG Long Trailer etc.
 Other Types of Vehicle
Taxis, Buses, Motorcycles, Tractor, Mobile Crane etc.

1. Study on Proposed System

The Online Insurance Portal provides a numerous policy for the customers, so that the
customer can view all the policy, complete details and benefits about the policy. The online
assistance will help the customer to choose the policy he/she wants and the premiums
calculator are been use to calculate the premium amount of their own policies.

The customer can buy their policies through online, and the payments can be made
through credit/debit cards. The premium payment and policy renewal date can be intimated to
the customers through emails. Policy premium payments and renewal of the policies can also
be done through online.

2. Defining the Problem

1. Records are maintained manually.

2. The customer should visit the insurance office to know the policy details.

3. The premium calculations are done manually.

4. The policies are purchased directly visiting the insurance office.

5. The premium period of the policy will be intimated to the customer through post.

6. Payment is done in person.

7. New policy arrivals are not intimated to the customer in time.

3. Developing solution strategies

1. All the manual process that is done is automated and provided an online service where
the customer can buy any policy at anytime from anywhere.
2. Providing a user-friendly interface to the agent.
3. Payments can be done through online by their credit cards and the receipts can be
printed out immediately after the payment is done.
4. Premium calculations are done online by the customers to know their premium value.
5. Premium periods and the policy renewal dates are intimated to the customers through

4. System Specification

Every insurance company needs an agency suite to make their applications in efficient

way. To achieve this, the project should develop in a flexible manner. Our target application is

to build an online insurance portal as web based application through Java, J2EE and with the

oracle 10g database. Our proposed system, the Online insurance portal suite helps to provide

the efficient access for the agents / clients under the single roof.

5. Process Description

Dataflow Diagram:-

Motor Insurance
Client Receipt
(End-User)Doc New Business Printed document



Login Registration
Invalid Login

Verify New User


Valid Login

New Business Selection Process

New Business Selection Process


Cover note
details Cover note_tb



details Schedule_tb


coverage _tb

Epayment Epayment_tb


6. Application Specification

The Insurance Management system uses 3-tier application is a program, which is

organized into three major disjunctive tiers. These tiers are

 Presentation Tier (Front end)

 Business Tier (Logical)
 Data Tier (Backend)

7. Network Specification

The development and availability of Internet technology has resulted in an upsurge of

Intranets within these Organizations. It is now relatively easy for someone with an
understanding of the technology and HTML to create web pages, and implement a server to
host them. As their experience increases they may also become able to produce graphics to
enhance the site, and more complicated and functional navigation.

8. Hardware Specification

Processor : Intel Xeon 7400
Hard Disk Drive : 500 GB
RAM : 4 GB
Monitor : 21’’ TFT Monitor
Keyboard : 108 keys Multimedia keyboard
Mouse : Optical
Processor : Intel Pentium III
RAM : 128 MB
Hard Disk : 20GB
Monitor : 15” Color Monitor
Keyboard : 104 keys
Mouse : Optical
Development Environment
Processor : Amd Athlon 2.02GHz
RAM : 1 GB
Monitor : 15’’Color Monitor
Hard Disk : 40 GB
Keyboard : 104 keys
Mouse : Optical
9. Software Environment

The application should be able to be used with the following software:

Operating System : Windows server 2008
Database Server : Oracle 10g
Web Browser : Internet Explorer 6.0
Web Server : Apache Tomcat
Reader : Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0
Operating System : Windows xp
Web Browser : Internet Explorer 6.0
Reader : Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0
Development Environment
Operating System : Windows xp
Database Server : Oracle 10g
Web Browser : Internet Explorer 6.0
Web Server : Apache Tomcat
Reader : Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0
IDE : Jboss Eclipse 2.0.0
Frame Work : Apache Struts

HTML, an initialize of Hyper Text Markup Language, is the predominant markup

language for Web pages. It provides a means to describe the structure of text-based
information in a document by denoting certain text as links, headings, paragraphs, lists, and
so on and to supplement that text with interactive forms, embedded images, and other objects.
HTML provides the user with a consistent interface and provides developers a highly
effective medium for presenting Information.HTML is the base of a webpage. HTML
presence is dominating the web – it is the most widely accepted language for web design.

JavaScript is a Scripting language that can be included on web pages to make them
more interactive. It is used to check or modify the contents of forms, change images, open
new windows and write dynamic page content. Using the features available in JavaScript, the
designer can decide to have dynamically placed text at run time.

JavaScript also has the feature of validating data submitted at the client level. This
helps in saving the processing time of the server because JavaScript initially creates the
validation on the client side. JavaScript is an excellent solution to implement when validating
input forms on the client side. Client side JavaScript is embedded inside HTML this
embedded JavaScript is used along with DOM (Document Object Model) for control over the
browser by means of objects.


Java server Pages (JSP) technology enables Web developers and designed to rapidly
develop and easily maintain information-rich, dynamic web pages that leverage existing
business systems. As part of the java technology family, JSP technology enables rapid
development of Web-based applications that are platform independent. JSP technology
separates the user interface from content generation, enabling designers to change the overall
page layout without altering the underlying dynamic content.

The main features of JSP technology are

 A language for developing JSP pages, which are text-based documents that
describe how to process a request and construct a response

 Constructs for accessing server-side objects

 Mechanisms for defining extensions to the JSP language

JSP pages can be moved easily across platforms, and across web servers, without any
changes. JSP page is automatically recompiled and reloaded into the web server by the JSP
engine. JSP uses simplified scripting language based syntax for embedding HTML into JSP.

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) technology is the server-side component architecture for

Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE). EJB technology enables rapid and simplified
development of distributed, transactional, secure and portable applications based on Java
technology. Enterprise JavaBeans contain the application’s business logic and live business

The EJB specification intends to provide a standard way to implement the back-end
business code found in enterprise applications. Such code was frequently found to reproduce
the same types of problems, and it was found that solutions to these problems are often
repeatedly re-implemented by programmers. Enterprise JavaBeans were intended to handle
such common concerns as persistence, transactional integrity, and security in a standard way,
leaving programmers free to concentrate on the particular problem at hand.


AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX is a type of

programming made popular in 2005 by Google (with Google Suggest). AJAX is not a new
programming language, but a new way to use existing standards. With AJAX you can create
better, faster, and more user-friendly web applications. AJAX is based on JavaScript and
HTTP requests.

With AJAX, our JavaScript can communicate directly with the server, using the
JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object. With this object, our JavaScript can trade data with a
web server, without reloading the page.

Web Standards and Technologies Used In AJAX

 JavaScript


 XMLHttpRequest

 Emerges as a viable RIA technology (Rich Internet Application)

 Several toolkits and frameworks are emerging

 AJAX-enabled JSF Component libraries

 Standardization of XMLHttpRequest

 Better browser support

 Better and Standardized Framework support

 More best practice guidelines in the programming model


Oracle is one of the most powerful database management system based on Relational
Database Model, provided by Oracle Corporation along with fully integrated database
application development and administration tools. It uses Structured Query Language (SQL)
for database access and its own proprietary procedural language PL/SQL for application
development along with Java programming support.

Oracle 10g New Features

 The SYSAUX Table space

 Automated Storage Management

 Statistics Collection

 New Table-Monitoring Behaviors

 Flushing the Buffer Cache

 Scheduler Changes

 User-Configurable Default Table spaces

 Table space Groups and Multiple Default Temporary Table spaces

 Dropping Databases

 Larger LOBs

 Sorted Hash Clusters


Apache Struts is a free open-source framework for creating Java web applications.

Web applications differ from conventional websites in that web applications can
create a dynamic response. Many websites deliver only static pages. A web application can
interact with databases and business logic engines to customize a response.

Web applications based on Java Server Pages sometimes commingle database code,
page design code, and control flow code. In practice, we find that unless these concerns are
separated, larger applications become difficult to maintain.

One way to separate concerns in a software application is to use Model-View-

Controller (MVC) architecture. The Model represents the business or database code, the View
represents the page design code, and the Controller represents the navigational code. The
Struts framework is designed to help developers create web applications that utilize MVC

The framework provides three key components:

 A "request" handler provided by the application developer that is mapped to a

standard URI.

 A "response" handler that transfers control to another resource which completes the

 A tag library that helps developers create interactive form-based applications with
server pages.

The framework's architecture and tags are buzzword compliant. Struts works well with
conventional REST applications and with nouveau technologies like SOAP and AJAX.

MVC (Model View Controller)

The term "MVC" originated with the Smalltalk Model-View-Controller framework.

Under MVC, an application is seen as having three distinct parts. The problem domain is
represented by the Model. The output to the user is represented by the View. And, the input
from the user is represented by Controller.

The Model portion of an MVC-based system can be often be divided into two major
subsystems -- the internal state of the system and the actions that can be taken to change
sthat state.

In grammatical terms, we might think about state information as nouns (things) and
actions as verbs (changes to the state of those things).

Many applications represent the internal state of the system as a set of one or more
JavaBeans. The bean properties represent the details of the system' state. Depending on your
application's complexity, these beans may be self contained (and know how to persist their
own state), or they may be facades that know how to retrieve the system's state from another
component. This component may be a database, a search engine, an Entity Enterprise Java
Bean, a LDAP server, or something else entirely.


The View portion of a Struts-based application is most often constructed using Java
Server Pages (JSP) technology. JSP pages can contain static HTML (or XML) text called
"template text", plus the ability to insert dynamic content based on the interpretation (at page
request time) of special action tags. The JSP environment includes a set of standard action
tags, such as <jsp: use Bean> whose purpose is described in the Java Server Pages
Specification. In addition to the built-in actions, there is a standard facility to define your own
tags, which are organized into "custom tag libraries."


Struts provide the Controller portion of the application. The Controller is focused on
receiving requests from the client (typically a user running a web browser), deciding what
business logic function is to be performed, and then delegating responsibility for producing
the next phase of the user interface to an appropriate View component. The primary
component of the Controller in the framework is a servlet of class ActionServlet. This servlet
is configured by defining a set of ActionMappings. An ActionMapping defines a path that is
matched against the request URI of the incoming request and usually specifies the fully
qualified class name of an Action class. All Actions are subclassed from


Apache Tomcat (or Jakarta Tomcat or simply Tomcat) is an open source servlet
container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements the Java
Servlet and the JavaServer Pages (JSP) specifications from Sun Microsystems, and provides a
"pure Java" HTTP web server environment for Java code to run.

Tomcat should not be confused with the Apache web server, which is a C
implementation of an HTTP web server; these two web servers are not bundled together.
Apache Tomcat includes tools for configuration and management, but can also be configured
by editing XML configuration files.

10. Cost Estimation and Scheduling

Software cost is related to many variables such as Human, Technical, Environment

and Effort applied to develop it. The estimates of cost depend, on our ability to estimate and
evaluate several factors, given below.

 Number of user inputs

 Number of user output

 Number of files

 Number of inquiries

 Experience and ability of the project personnel

 The quality of software development environment

 The degree to which software components can be reused

The productivity of a CMM Level 4 company is 2.0 and we assumed the productivity
of our team as 2.0
Based on the size and Productivity the man days and man hours are calculated as
shown below,

Man Days = 180.0 FP/2.0

= 90days

Man Hours = 90 * 8 = 720 hr

Man Power Estimation

Phase Time Taken

User Requirement Specification 50

Project Planning 45

System Requirement Specification 50

Architectural Design Document 70

Detailed Design Document 95

Coding 200

Unit Testing 40

Integration Testing 40

System Testing 40

User Acceptance Testing 40

Installation 50

Total 720

11. Final Outline of the Proposed System

As a result of the detailed study, various objectives were formulated. They are given below,

 Performance is increased for the system with the latest technology

 Provide a one-stop place where all agents of the insurance company can
perform all transactions

 Provide a convenient set of communications services, which are web-


 Support a single log-on to obtain authentication and authorization to all

information resources and applications

 New features are added to the existing one in order to give endless service

 24 hours worldwide protection

 High security and reliability

 Performance increased by adding the search option for all existing details

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