Laminate Composite

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Composite Structures 202 (2018) 324–332

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Active-passive damping in functionally graded sandwich plate/shell T


José S. Moitaa, Aurélio L. Araújoa, Victor Franco Correiab, , Cristóvão M. Mota Soaresa,
José Herskovitsc,d
IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Escola Superior Náutica Infante D. Henrique, Av. Eng. Bonneville Franco, 2770-058 Paço de Arcos, Portugal
COPPE-UFRJ, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Military Institute of Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Keywords: In this work, a simple and efficient finite element model is applied to the vibration analysis of active–passive
Piezoelectric actuators damped multilayer sandwich plates/shells with a viscoelastic core, sandwiched between functionally graded
Viscoelastic material material (FGM) layers, and including piezoelectric layers. Both the FGM and the piezoelectric layers are mod-
Active-passive damping elled using the classical plate theory and the core is modelled using Reddy’s third-order shear deformation
theory. The sandwich finite element is obtained performing the assembling of N “elements” through the
thickness, by using specific assumptions on the displacement continuity at the interfaces between layers. To
achieve a mechanism for the active control of the structural dynamics response, a feedback control algorithm is
used, coupling the sensor and active piezoelectric layers. The dynamic analysis of the sandwich plate/shell
structures is conducted in the frequency domain to obtain the natural frequencies and the loss factors of the
viscoelastic core and in time domain for the steady state harmonic motion. For both analyses, a finite element
code has been implemented. The model is applied in the solution of some illustrative examples and the results
are presented and discussed.

1. Introduction resonance of shear deformable FGM cylindrical panels. Han et al. [4]
investigated the natural frequencies and buckling loads of FGM plates
Koizumi [1] first proposed the concept of Functionally Graded and shells, using a quasi-conforming shell element that accounts for the
Materials (FGM) in an effort to develop the super heat resistant mate- transverse shear strains and rotary inertia. Pradyumna and Bnadyo-
rials. Typical FGM plate-shell type structures are made of materials padhyay [5] presented the free vibration analysis of functionally graded
which are characterized by a continuous variation of the material curved panels using a finite element of nine degrees of freedom per
properties over the thickness direction by mixing two different mate- node with higher-order terms in the Taylor’s series expansion. Neves
rials, metal and ceramic. The metal–ceramic FGM plates and shells can et al. [6] investigated the free vibration of FGM shells where the ana-
be used in aircrafts, space vehicles, reactor vessels, and other en- lysis was performed by radial basis functions collocation, according to a
gineering applications. higher-order shear deformation theory (HSDT) that accounts for
In contrast to composites made of multi-layered fiber reinforced through-the-thickness deformation. A comprehensive review of the
structures, the FGM structures have a smooth and continuous variation various methods employed to study the static, dynamic and stability
of the properties from one surface to the other, thus eliminating abrupt behaviour of FGM plates was recently presented by Swaminathan et al.
changes in the stress and displacement distributions. [7] considering analytical and numerical methods.
Research in FGM structures has been done intensively in the recent Studying specifically sandwich plates/shell structures, Carrera [8]
years, in static, buckling and vibration analyses. Among others, we can presented a non-linear finite element formulation, applied to sandwich
mention the following relevant works in this area. Reddy and Arciniega plates, based on a zig-zag distribution of the in-plane displacements in
[2] presented the bending and free vibration analysis of FGM plates. the thickness direction and fulfilling inter-laminar equilibrium for the
Yang and Shen [3] investigated the free vibration and parametric transverse shear stress components. The model was compared with 3-D

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (V.F. Correia).
Received 30 November 2017; Received in revised form 10 January 2018; Accepted 30 January 2018
Available online 01 February 2018
0263-8223/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.S. Moita et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 324–332

solutions and other HSDT for linear and non-linear bending, free vi- An extensive review on recent developments in active and passive
bration behaviour, in-plane buckling and post buckling problems. Hao constrained layer damping can be found in Benjeddou [27] and Trin-
et al. [9] examined buckling and post buckling behaviour of sandwich dade and Benjeddou [28]. From these references it can be observed that
plates using the finite element method where the face sheets and the most of the work carried out is on beam sandwich structures with
core were treated separately as three-dimensional solids. They con- passive-active layers, and is observed a lack of finite element plate-shell
cluded that the model that smears the face sheets and core over- models to analyse structures with passive and active damping.
estimates the initial buckling load, indicating that in general the face In this work, the authors present a simple and efficient finite ele-
sheets and the core needed to be modelled separately. Zhen and Wanji ment model developed by Moita et al. [29,30] for the static and dy-
[10] carried out an assessment of several displacement-based theories namic analysis of sandwich structures with viscoelastic core. The model
for the free vibration and the buckling behaviour of laminated soft core proposed in [29] has been extended in the present work for the acti-
sandwich beams and they found that Equivalent Single Layer (ESL) ve–passive vibration analysis in the frequency domain, and steady state
based on HSDT, in general, considerably overestimated the natural harmonic motion in time domain, applied for plate/shell FGM-Piezo-
frequencies and the buckling loads. Yasin and Kapuria [11] developed a Viscoelastic structures. An in-house finite element code was im-
model based on the third order zigzag theory for shallow multi-layered plemented. The model is applied to the solution of some illustrative
composite and sandwich shells and showed that the ESL theories yield examples and the results are presented and discussed.
results with unacceptably high errors when moderately thick sandwich
shells are involved. 2. Formulation of FGM models
Viscoelastic sandwich composites are usually structures in which a
viscoelastic layer is sandwiched between elastic layers, and are widely 2.1. Pure FGM structure. Power-Law Function: P-FGM
used in engineering applications in order to reduce vibration amplitude
and noise. In this situation, the passive damping is introduced by the FGM structures can be made by mixing two distinct isotropic ma-
strong transverse shear in the core. Using simultaneously viscoelastic terial phases, for example a ceramic and a metal. The material prop-
and piezoelectric layers, we can have a hybrid structure with an acti- erties of an FGM plate/shell structures are assumed to change con-
ve–passive damping treatment. That is, the piezoelectric actuator uses tinuously throughout the thickness, according to the volume fraction of
the active control mechanism based on induced in-plane piezoelectric the constituent materials (Fig. 1). In the present work the continuous
actuation strains, and the passive constrained layer uses its passive variation of the materials mixture is approximated by the using a cer-
damping mechanism based on vibratory energy dissipation through tain number of virtual layers through the thickness direction – layer
transverse shear strains induced in the viscoelastic layer [12]. approach.
Initially, in works due to Kerwin [13], DiTaranto and Blasingame When the power-law function, Bao and Wang [31], is used, the
[14], Mead and Markus [15], Yan and Dowell [16] analytical models volume fractions of the ceramic and metal phases for each virtual layer
were developed to obtain approximate loss factors and natural fre- k, respectively Vkc and Vkm , are defined as:
quencies of sandwich beams or plates with viscoelastic core, with
z p
simply supported boundary conditions. Vkc = ⎛0.5 + ⎞ ; Vkm = 1.0−Vkc
⎝ h⎠ (1a)
The use of finite element models for the analysis of damped beams
and plate sandwich structures can be found in some works in the lit- where z ∈ (−h/2;h/2) is the thickness coordinate of mid-surface of each
erature. Rikards et al. [17] present laminated superelements formed layer k, h is the thickness of the plate/shell, and the exponent p is a
through simple beam or plate finite elements for each layer, with four parameter that defines the gradation of material properties across the
nodes or six nodes for beam or plate respectively, and based on the First thickness direction.
order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT). Jonhson et al. [18] and Lu
et al. [19] present a model obtained by two plate elements for the face 2.2. Pure FGM structure. Sigmoid function: S-FGM
layers and one solid element for the viscoelastic core. Moreira et al.
[20] developed a model with a 4-node facet type quadrangular shell When the Sigmoid function [32] is used, the volume fractions of the
finite element, based on layerwise theory, and benchmarked it on the ceramic and metal phases for each virtual layer k, are given by:
analysis of damped beams and plate sandwich structures. Ramesh and
1 h/2−z ⎞p h
Ganesan [21] developed a finite element model for the vibration and Vkc = 1.0− ⎛ for 0 ⩽ z ⩽
damping analyses of a cylindrical shell with viscoelastic core. 2 ⎝ h/2 ⎠ 2
Specifically for FGM sandwich structures, Li et al. [22] studied the
1 ⎛ h/2 + z ⎞p h
free vibration of FGM sandwich rectangular plates with simply sup- Vkc = for − ⩽ z ⩽ 0.
2 ⎝ h/2 ⎠ 2 (1b)
ported and clamped edges based on Ritz method. Thai et al. [23] pre-
sented a generalized shear deformation theory for static, dynamic and Once the volume fractions, for each virtual layer, and Vkc
, have Vkm
buckling analysis of FGM isotropic and sandwich plates, using an iso- been calculated, the material properties (P) of each layer k of an FGM
geometric approach. Liu et al. [24] investigated the free vibration of can be determined by the rule of mixtures:
FGM sandwich plates, using an analytical model where the FSDT was
P k = Vkc Pc + Vkm Pm (2)
used for the face sheets and a 3-D-elasticity solution of weak core was
employed for the core.
Finite element models for active–passive structures, have been
proposed among others by Boudaoud et al. [25] that presented a five-
layered finite element for control of composite structures with piezo-
electric and viscoelastic layers. Recently, Araújo et al. [26] developed
an eight node serendipity sandwich plate finite element formulated
using a mixed layerwise approach, where the assumed displacement
field for the viscoelastic core was based on a third order expansion of
the thickness coordinate, regarding the in-plane displacements and the
FSDT was used for the elastic and piezoelectric layers. The transverse
displacement was assumed constant through the thickness, leading to
Fig. 1. Generic FGM plate/shell.
an incompressible core.

J.S. Moita et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 324–332

z 3. Sandwich plate model

3.1. Displacement field

Ceramic h3=+h/2
Metal h2 Sandwich plates with a viscoelastic core are very effective in re-
Viscoelastic Core x, y ducing the vibration response of plate/shell structures. Due to the high
shear developed inside the core and the high ratios of skin to core
Metal h1
FGM stiffness, equivalent single layer (ESL) plate theories are not adequate to
Ceramic h0=-h/2 describe the behaviour of these structures. The usual approach to
Fig. 2. Sandwich plate with viscoelastic core and FGM skins. analyse the dynamic response of sandwich plates is based on a layered
scheme of plate and brick elements with nodal linkages. Also, the
layerwise theory has been considered for the analysis of constrained
z viscoelastic treatments. The present model, fully described in Moita
et al. [29], was obtained by assembling N “elements” throughout the
Piezoelectric thickness and imposing the displacement continuity at the interfaces
Ceramic between layers.
FGM For the viscoelastic layer, Reddy’s third-order shear deformation
Metal x, y
ViscoelasƟc Core theory was assumed [33]. Thus, the displacement field is:

Metal ∂w
FGM Ceramic uc (x,y,z,t) = u c0 (x,y,t)−zθy (x,y,t) + z3c1 ⎡θy (x,y,t)− 0 ⎤
⎣ ∂x ⎦
v c (x,y,z,t) = v c0 (x,y,t) + zθx (x,y,t) + z3c1 ⎡−θx (x,y,t)− 0 ⎤

⎣ ∂y ⎥

z w c (x,y,z,t) = w c0 (x,y,t) (4)
where u 0v , v0v,
w are displacements of a generic point in the middle plane
FGM of the core layer referred to the local axes – x,y,z directions, θx , θy are
the rotations of the normal to the middle plane, about the x axis
Piezoelectric x, y (clockwise) and y axis (anticlockwise), ∂w0/ ∂x, ∂w0/ ∂y are the slopes of
ViscoelasƟc Core
the tangents of the deformed mid-surface in x,y directions, and
Piezoelectric c1 = 4/3h2 , with h denoting the total thickness of the structure.
Metal For the FGM and piezoelectric layers (sensor and actuator), the
FGM Ceramic Kirchhoff-Love theory (CLT) is considered. The corresponding dis-
Fig. 3. Sandwich plate with piezoelectric actuator and sensor in two different config-
placement field is:
urations. ∂w0
ui (x,y,z,t) = ui0 (x,y,t)−(z−zi)
where P denotes for Young’s modulus E, the Poisson’s ratio υ, the mass
density ρ, or any other mechanical property. v i (x,y,z,t) = v i0 (x,y,t) + (z−zi) ⎜⎛− 0 ⎞⎟
⎝ ∂y ⎠

wi (x,y,z,t) = w0 (x,y,t) (5)

2.3. FGM sandwich structures
where u i0, v i0
are the in-plane displacements of a generic point in the
In sandwich structures with FGM or piezoelectric skins, the core is middle plane of the i layer, ∂w0/ ∂x, −∂w0/ ∂y are the slopes of the tan-
made of viscoelastic material, and the skins are composed of a func- gents of the deformed mid-surface in x,y directions respectively, and zi
tionally graded material or piezoelectric material, as represented in is the z coordinate of the mid-plane of each layer, with reference to the
Figs. 2 and 3. core layer mid-plane and i ≡ s, e1, e2, a are, respectively, the index of
The bottom FGM layer varies from ceramic-rich surface (at z = −h/ sensor, upper and lower elastic FGM, and actuator layers.
2) to a metal-rich surface closer to the core, while the top FGM layer In this formulation, an exact continuity between layers is con-
varies from a ceramic-rich surface (z = +h/2) to a metal-rich surface sidered. Thus, the displacement field in any layer can be obtained from
on the core side. The volume fraction of the ceramic phase of the FGM the displacement field in the viscoelastic layer. The conditions of ki-
layers is obtained applying the power-law. The volume fractions for nematics links allow obtaining, after mathematical manipulation, the
each virtual sub-layer k belonging to the lower and upper FGM layers following expressions:
are, respectively, given by: ∂w0 ∂w
ue1,s (x,y,z,t) = u c0−z −C 0 + C θy
p ∂x ∂x
z−h1 ⎞
Vkc = −⎛ ⎜ , z ∈ [h 0, h1]

⎝ h1−h 0 ⎠ (3a) ∂w0 ∂w

v e1,s (x,y,z,t) = v c0−z −C 0 − C θx
∂y ∂y
z−h2 ⎞ ∂w0 ∂w
Vkc = ⎛⎜ , z ∈ [h2, h3]
⎟ ue2,a (x,y,z,t) = u c0−z + C 0 − C θy
⎝ h3−h2 ⎠ (3b) ∂x ∂x
∂w0 ∂w
where z is the thickness coordinate of a point of each virtual sub-layer v e2,a (x,y,z,t) = v c0−z + C 0 + C θx
∂y ∂y (6)
of FGM layer, the soft viscoelastic core is located in z∈ [h1, h2].
h 0 = −h/2 , h1 , h2 and h3 = +h/2 are the z-coordinates of the interfaces where C= −(hv /2) + c1 (hv /2)3
.These relations allow the formulation of
of the layers. the displacement fields of the sandwich plate/shell structures in terms

J.S. Moita et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 324–332

of 8 independent generalized displacements, namely: u 0v , v0v, w0 , E E

Q11 = Q22 = , Q44 = Q55 = Q66 = =G
−∂w0/ ∂y, ∂w0/ ∂x, θx , θy , θz , where θz is the rotation of a normal to the 1−ν 2 2(1 + ν) (12)
plate surface.
For the viscoelastic materials, the engineering constants are con-
sidered to be complex:
3.2. Linear strains
E1 = E′1 (1 + i ;ηE1), E2 = E′2 (1 + i ηE2 ), ν12 = ν′12 (1 + i ην12 ),
The linear strain components associated with the displacement
fields defined above, are the following: G12 = G′12 (1 + i ηG12 ), G13 = G′13 (1 + i ηG13 ), G23 = G′23 (1 + i ηG23 )
– For the elastic FGM layers e1 and e2 and for the piezoelectric layers
where the prime (′) quantities are the storage moduli and Poisson’s
working as sensor (s) and actuator (a):
ratio, η denotes material loss factors and i= −1 . It should be noted
∂u c0 ∂ 2w ∂θy ∂ 2w that in Eq. (13) both storage modulus and loss factors are, in general,
ε (e
1,s);(e2 ,a) = ∓C 2 ±C −z 2
∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x frequency dependent.
The electric field vector is the negative gradient of the electric po-
∂v c0 ∂ 2w ∂θ ∂ 2w tential ϕ , which is assumed to be applied in the thickness direction,
ε (e
1,s);(e2 ,a) = ∓ C 2 ∓ C x −z 2
∂y ∂y ∂y ∂y where it can vary linearly, i.e.

∂u c0 ∂v c0 ∂θy ∂θ ∂ 2w ∂ 2w E = −∇ϕ, E = {0 0 Ez}T, Ez = −ϕ/hp (14)

γ (e
1,s);(e2 ,a) = + ±C ∓ C x ∓ 2C −2z
∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y∂x ∂x∂y (7)
where hp is the thickness of the piezoelectric layer.
Thus, we can define the strain vector for electro-elasticity as follows
– For the viscoelastic layers: mec
ε = {ε }
∂θy −E (15)
ε xx =
∂u 0
−z + z3c1 ⎛ ∂θy

∂ 2w
− 20 ⎞⎟
∂x ∂x ⎝ ∂x ∂x ⎠ where the mechanical strain vector for elastic/piezoelectric layers, and
viscoelastic layers, respectively, can be represented in the following
∂v0 ∂θ ∂θ ∂2w forms:
ε yy = + z x + z3c1 ⎜⎛− x − 20 ⎞⎟
∂y ∂y ⎝ ∂y ∂y ⎠
εmec = εm + z εb, (16)

∂u ∂v ∂θy ∂θx ⎞ ∂θy ∂θx ∂2w0 ⎞

γxy = ⎜⎛ 0 + 0 ⎟⎞ + z ⎜⎛− + ⎟ + z3c1 ⎛⎜ − −2 εm + z εb + z3 ε∗b ⎫
εmec = ⎧

⎝ ∂y ∂x ⎠ ⎝ ∂y ∂x ⎠ ⎝ ∂y ∂x ∂x∂y ⎠ ⎨ 2 ∗ ⎬
⎩ εs + z εs ⎭ (17)
∂w0 ∂w In this equation εm, εb, ε∗b, εs, ε∗s
and are respectively, the vectors of
γxz = −θy + + z2c2 ⎛θy − 0 ⎞
∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ membrane strain (m), bending strain (b), bending strain associated with
third-order terms (b∗), shear strain (s) and shear strain associated with
∂w0 ∂w
γyz = θx + + z2c2 ⎛⎜−θx − 0 ⎞⎟ second-order terms (s∗).
∂y ⎝ ∂y ⎠ (8) Thus, the constitutive Eqs. (10a) and (10b) can be written in the
where c2 = 4/h2 . form:

Q e ⎤ εmec
3.3. Constitutive equations for the laminate {σD} = ⎡⎢⎣e { }
T − p⎥ − E
⎦ (18)

As mentioned before, the laminate consists of several layers, in-

cluding the piezoelectric, elastic FGM, and viscoelastic layers. The 4. Finite element formulation
constitutive equation for the FGM and viscoelastic layers, is given by
σ = Qε (9) The non-conforming triangular finite element model has three
nodes and eight degrees of freedom per node, the displacements
where σ = {σx σy σxy τxz τyz}T is the elastic stress vector, u0i, v0i, w0i , the slopes (−∂w0/ ∂y)i, (∂w0/ ∂x)i , and the rotations θxi, θyi, θzi
ε = {ε x ε y γxy γxz γyz}T is the elastic strain vector and Q is the elastic , where the rotationθzi is introduced to consider a fictitious stiffness
constitutive matrix. The constitutive equations of a deformable piezo- coefficient K θZ to eliminate the problem of a singular stiffness matrix,
electric material, coupling the elastic and the electric fields are given by for which the elements are coplanar. The element local displacements,
(Reddy [33], Tiersten [34]) rotations and slopes, are expressed in terms of nodal variables through
σ = Qε−eE (10a) shape functions Ni given in terms of area co-ordinates L i , Zienkiewicz
[35]. The displacement field can be represented in matrix form as:
D= eTε + pE (10b) 3 3
⎛ ⎞
where e is the piezoelectric stress coefficients matrix, E = [E x E y Ez]T u = Z ⎜∑ Ni di⎟ = ZNa; d = ∑ Ni di = Na
⎝ i= 1 ⎠ i= 1 (19)
the electric field vector, D = [Dx Dy Dz]T the electric displacement
vector and p the dielectric matrix, all referred to the element local where the shape functions matrix N, the appropriate matrices Z for the
system (x,y,z) of the laminate. viscoelastic (v) layer, upper FGM (e1) layer, lower FGM (e2) layer,
The non-zero terms of the elasticity matrix for the FGM virtual sensor (s) and actuator (a) layers, and the element and nodal dis-
layers, Qk , are given by: placement vectors, a and di respectively, are given in Moita et al. [29].
The membrane and bending strains can be represented as
Ek Ek
Q11 = Q22 = , Q66 = = Gk
1−(ν k )2 2(1 + ν k ) (11) εm = Bma; εb = Bba (20)

and for the core layer, the non-zero elements of the elasticity matrix are The higher order bending strains, the shear strains and the higher
given by: order shear strains, respectively, can be represented by:

J.S. Moita et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 324–332

ε∗b = B∗ba [K (S) (S) (S )

ϕu ]{q} + [K ϕϕ ]{ϕ } = {0} (29)
ε s = Bs a From the last equation, the induced sensory electric potentials ϕ(S )
are obtained as
ε∗s = B∗sa (21)
{ϕ(S )} = −[K (S) −1 (S )
ϕϕ] [K ϕu ]{ q}. (30)
where Bm ,
, , Bb , B∗b Bs B∗s ,
are the components of the strain–displace-
ment matrix Bmec given in Moita et al. [29]. Then Eq. (27) takes the form
The electric field in piezoelectric layers is given by: (S )
[Muu ] {q¨} + ([Kuu]−[Kuϕ ] [K (S) −1 (S ) (A) (A)
ϕϕ] [K ϕu ]){q} = {Fmec (t )}−[Kuϕ ]{ϕ } (31)
E = −Bϕϕ (22)
When the structure is oscillating, the sensor layer generates an
where Bϕ is the matrix relating the electric field with electric potentials, output voltage, which can be amplified and feedback into the actuator
which is calculated, for each piezoelectric layer, by layer using a direct proportional and/or a negative velocity feedback
Bϕ = 1/hp. control law, which can be written in the following form:
(S )
{ϕ(A)} = ( Gd {ϕ(S )}−Gv {ϕ ̇ }) (32)
4.1. Steady state analysis {ϕ(A)} = − Gd [K (S) −1 (S ) (S) −1 (S )
ϕϕ] [K ϕu ]{ q} + Gv [K ϕϕ] [K ϕu ]{ q̇} (33)

The dynamic equations of a sandwich plate can be derived from the We are considering the structure in free vibration or subjected to a
Hamilton’s principle yielding the following system of equations: harmonic force, with frequency ω. Then, the applied force, displace-
ments and electric potentials can be expressed as
a T mec 0 ⎤T ⎡ Q e ⎤ ⎡ Bmec 0 ⎤ a
t2 ⎡
⎢∑ N ⎜
⎣ k = 1

∫A ∫he

{ } ⎡⎣0B
δ ϕ
Bϕ ⎦ ⎢ T
⎣e − p⎥
⎦ ⎣0 Bϕ ⎦ ϕ {} {Fmec (x,y,z,t)} = {Fmec (x,y,z)} eiωt

ȧ T
hk ȧ {q(x,y,z,t)} = {q(x,y,z)}eiωt ; {q̇ (x,y,z,t)} = iω{q(x,y,z)}eiωt; {q̈(x,y,z,t)}
dz dAe− ∫A N T δ ⎧⎨ ϕ̇⎫⎬ ρk + ∫h Z TZ dz N ⎧ ̇⎫ dAe⎞⎟
⎩ ⎭ k−1
⎨ ⎭ ⎠ = −ω2 {q(x,y,z)}eiωt

{ϕ (x,y,z,t)} = {ϕ (x ,y,z )} eiωt ;{ϕ ̇ (x,y,z,t)} = iω {ϕ (x ,y,z )} eiωt ; {ϕ¨ (x,y,z,t)}

+ ∫V e δ {a}TN TfdV e + ∫A δ {a}TN TtdAe + δ {a}TFc + ∫A Q∗δϕdAe⎤⎥ dt
e e
⎦ = −ω2 {ϕ (x ,y,z )} eiωt (34)
=0 (24) Substituting the above equations into Eq. (31) we obtain
where ρk is the mass density of k layer, ȧ is the element mechanical
[Muu ] {q¨} + (iωGv [K(A) (S) −1 (S )
uϕ ][K ϕϕ] [K ϕu ] + [Kuu]
velocity vector, ϕ ̇ is the element first time derivative of electric po-
(S )
tential, f, t and Fc are the body, surface and concentrated force vectors, −([Kuϕ ] + Gd [K(A) (S) −1 (S )
uϕ ]) [K ϕϕ] [K ϕu ]){ q} = {Fmec (t)} (35)
respectively, Q∗ is the surface electric charge. For a general structure
Taking into account Eq. (13), the mechanical sub-matrix Kuu is com-
the total number of layers, N, is given by: N = Ne + N p + N v , where R I
plex, with a real Kuu part and also an imaginary Kuu part which results
Ne , N p and N v represent the number of, respectively, elastic FGM,
only from the viscoelastic layer. Eq. (35) can be written in the form
piezoelectric and viscoelastic layers.
From Eq. (24), the element equilibrium equations are obtained by 1 I
[Muu ]{q¨} + ⎛ [Kuu ] + Gv [K(A) (S) −1 (S ) ⎞
uϕ ][K ϕϕ] [K ϕu ] {q}̇
e e
⎝ω ⎠
⎡ Kuu Kuϕ
⎡ Muu 0 ⎤ ⎧ ä ⎫ +
⎣0 0⎦ ⎨⎩ϕ⎬

⎣ ϕu

K eϕϕ ⎥

{aϕ} = ⎧⎨⎩FF mec (t) ⎫
ele (t ) ⎬

+ ([Kuu R (S )
]−([Kuϕ ] + Gd [K(A) (S) −1 (S )
uϕ ])[K ϕϕ] [K ϕu ]){ q} = {Fmec (t)} (36)
This equation is solved in the time domain using the Newmark
Full details about the calculation of the element stiffness sub-ma- method, Bathe [36], and can be written in the form:
trices, element mass matrix and element force vector, can be found in
[Muu ] {q̈} + [C]{q̇} + [K∗]{q} = {Fmec (t)} (37)
Moita et al. [29].
The element stiffness and mass matrices as well as element external where
load vector are initially computed in the local coordinate system at-
1 I
tached to the element. To solve general structures, local – global [C] = [K uu] + Gv [K(A) (S) −1 (S)
uϕ ][K ϕϕ] [K ϕ u]
ω (38)
transformations are required [35]. By performing these transformations
and adding the contributions of all the elements in the domain, the and
equilibrium equation is obtained
[K∗] = [KRuu]−([K(S) (A) (S) −1 (S)
uϕ] + Gd [K uϕ ]) [K ϕϕ] [K ϕ u] (39)
q̈ Kuu Kuϕ ⎤ q
⎡ Muu 0 ⎤ ⎧ ⎫ + ⎡ ⎧ ⎫ = ⎧ Fmec (t) ⎫
0 0 ⎨ ¨ ⎬ ⎢ K K ⎥ ⎩ϕ⎬
⎣ ϕ
⎦⎩ ⎭ ⎣ ϕu ϕϕ ⎦⎨ ⎭ ⎨ ⎩ Fele (t ) ⎬
⎭ (26) 4.2. Frequency domain analysis
where q and q̈ are the vectors of mechanical displacements and ac-
celerations in global coordinate system. If a general excitation force and frequency dependent material
Assuming that piezoelectric sensors and actuators are bonded in the properties are considered, Eq. (36) can be Fourier transformed into the
structure, the electric potential vector is subdivided in a sensor com- frequency domain
ponent and an actuator component, respectively ϕ(S ) and ϕ(A) . The ex- (i [KIuu] + iωGv [K(A) (S) −1 (S) R
uϕ ][K ϕϕ] [K ϕ u] + [K uu]
ternal applied electric charge at the sensors is zero. Separating the ac-
tuator and sensor components, the equilibrium equations represented −([K(S) (A) (S) −1 (S) 2
uϕ] + Gd [K uϕ ]) [K ϕϕ] [K ϕ u]−ω [Muu ]){q(ω)} = { Fmec (ω)}

by Eq. (26) can assume the following form: (40)

[Muu ] {q¨} + [Kuu ]{q} + (S )
[Kuϕ ] {ϕ(S )} = (A)
{Fmec (t )}−[Kuϕ ]{ϕ(A)} (27) where Fmec (ω) is the Fourier transform of Fmec (t) . This equation can be
written as
[K (A) (A) (A)
ϕu ]{q} + [K ϕϕ ]{ϕ } = {Fele (t )} (28) ([K· (ω)]−ω2 [Muu ]){q(ω)} = {Fmec (ω)} (41)

J.S. Moita et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 324–332

and noting that Table 2

Natural frequencies of the FGM sandwich plate with functionally graded face layers and
[Kuu (ω)] = [KRuu (ω)] + i[KIuu (ω)], (42) viscoelastic core layer, for case 1–2-1 (a/h = 100).

it becomes Mode p = 0.5 p = 1.0 p = 2.0 p = 5.0

(S )
[K· (ω)] = [Kuu (ω)]−([Kuϕ ] + (Gd−iωGv )[K(A) (S) −1 (S )
uϕ ]) [K ϕϕ] [K ϕu ]. (43) f [Hz] η[%] f [Hz] η[%] f [Hz] η[%] f [Hz] η[%]

The solution of Eq. (43) is obtained by solving the corresponding 1 66.75 20.92 66.39 19.27 64.67 16.94 59.78 13.67
linear system of equations for each frequency ω . The corresponding 2 124.17 26.53 125.14 25.96 124.79 24.45 119.96 21.50
3 124.25 26.61 125.24 26.00 124.91 24.50 120.14 21.53
nonlinear eigenvalue problem is solved using ARPACK [37] and can be
written as
([K· (ω)]−λ n∗ [Muu ]){q}n = {0} (44) Table 3
Natural frequencies of the FGM sandwich plate with functionally graded face layers and
where {q}n is the complex eigenvector corresponding to the complex viscoelastic core layer, for case 1–1–1 (a/h = 100).
eigenvalue λn∗ = ωn2 (1 + iηn ) , and Eq. (44) is solved iteratively for ωn ,
mode p = 0.5 p = 1.0 p = 2.0 p = 5.0
the resonant frequency for mode n, and ηn , the corresponding modal
loss factor. f [Hz] η[%] f [Hz] η[%] f [Hz] η[%] f [Hz] η[%]

5. Numerical applications 1 69.51 18.51 69.44 17.27 67.94 15.20 62.78 9.23
2 133.88 22.93 134.82 22.93 134.53 21.86 129.00 19.11
3 133.94 23.02 134.91 23.99 134.67 21.95 129.20 19.18
5.1. Free vibrations of a simply supported square pure S-FGM plate

A square simply-supported pure S-FGM square (a × a) plate with Table 4

side-to-thickness ratio a/h = 100, and several power law exponents p is Natural frequencies of the FGM sandwich plate with functionally graded face layers and
considered. The constituents of the FGM are the Zirconia as ceramic and viscoelastic core layer, for case 2–1–2 (a/h = 100).

Aluminium as metal, with the following materials properties:

mode p = 0.5 p = 1.0 p = 2.0 p = 5.0
Ec = 151 GPa, ρc = 3000 kg/m3, Em = 70 GPa, ρm = 2707 kg/m3,
νc = νm = 0.3. In this application the volume fractions are defined by a f [Hz] η[%] f [Hz] η[%] f [Hz] η[%] f [Hz] η[%]
sigmoid function, first proposed by Chung and Chi [32].
1 74.47 14.91 74.27 13.77 72.42 11.94 66.29 9.23
The first three natural frequencies are compared, in Table 1, with
2 149.82 19.39 150.54 19.41 149.62 18.31 141.91 15.51
alternative solutions, by using the non-dimensional equation 3 149.91 19.50 150.63 19.52 149.78 18.38 142.21 15.60
ω = ω(a2/h) ρc /Em . The results obtained by the present model are in
good agreement with the results obtained by Han et al. [4] by using an
analytical Navier solution based on first order deformation theory and a as: 1–2–1: hf = 0.5h c ; 1–1–1: hf = h c ; 2–1–2: hf = 2h c .The properties
four-node quasi-conforming shell element model. The results also show of the viscoelastic layer are: G = 25 MPa (shear modulus), ν = 0.45,
that the natural frequencies are reduced when the index parameter p ρ = 1200 kg/m3 and the material loss factor is η = 0.5. In Tables 2–4 the
increases. results for the first three natural frequencies and the corresponding
modal loss factors are presented.
5.2. Free vibrations of a simply supported sandwich FGM-Viscoelastic plate From these results it is observed the dependence of the natural
frequencies on the thickness ratio between the face layers and the core:
A simply-supported square sandwich plate with top and bottom face they increase with increase of the referred ratio.
layers made of FGM, and core layer made of viscoelastic material,
having a side-to-thickness ratio a/h = 100, and various power law ex- 5.3. Vibration response with active-passive damping of a simply supported
ponents p, is analysed in free vibrations. The FGM faces are obtained sandwich FGM-piezoelectric-viscoelastic plate
using the mixture of constituents of Alumina as ceramic and Aluminium
as metal, with the following mechanical properties: Ec = 380 GPa, A simply-supported square (a × a) sandwich plate with side
ρc = 3800 kg/m3, Em = 70 GPa, ρm = 2707 kg/m3. Depending on the a = 0.4 m, is analysed in free vibration. Two different cases of stacking
thickness ratio between the face layers and the core layer, 3 cases are sequence with the piezoelectric sensor (S), the actuator (A), the FGM
considered, which are designated by 1–2–1, 1–1–1, and 2–1–2, defined layer and the viscoelastic core (V) were considered: S/FGM/V/FGM/A;
and FGM/S/V/A/FGM.The mechanical and electrical properties for the
Table 1
different materials are the following. For the piezoelectric sensor/ac-
Non-dimensional natural frequencies of S-FGM plates (a/h = 100).
tuator: Es = Ea = 63 GPa, ν12 = 0.30, ρs = ρa = 7600 kg/m3,
−12 −10
Parameter p Navier Solution FEM Solutions d31 = d32 = 179 × 10 m/V, p33 = 165 × 10 F/m. The actuator
and sensor thicknesses are ha = h s = 0.5 mm . FGM layers are obtained
1st mode [4] 1st 2nd 3rd by the mixture of constituents Zirconia as ceramic and Aluminium as
Ceramic 8.992 Han et al. [4] 9.041 22.705 22.705 metal, with the following properties: Ec = 151 GPa, ρc = 3000 kg/m3,
Present Model 8.820 22.081 22.139 Em = 70 GPa, ρm = 2707 kg/m3, νm = νc = 0.30 . The FGM layer thick-
p = 1.0 7.518 Han et al. [4] 7.555 18.992 18.993 nesses are h e1 = h e2 = 4 mm and power-law exponent is p = 1.
Present Model 7.550 18.950 19.000 For the viscoelastic core the following properties were considered:
p = 2.0 7.419 Han et al. [4] 7.457 18.745 18.747
G = 25(1 + 0.1i) MPa , ν12 = 0.49 , ρ = 1140 kg/m3. The thickness of the
Present Model 7.450 18.701 18.769
p = 5.0 7.333 Han et al. [4] 7.373 18.533 18.555 core is h c = 2 mm .
Present Model 7.346 18.488 18.591 The fundamental frequency and corresponding modal loss factor of
p = 10.0 7.307 Han et al. [4] 7.348 18.470 18.472 the sandwich plate obtained for the first stacking sequence was
Present Model 7.338 18.425 18.530
f = 239.70 Hz and η1 = 4.28%, and for the second stacking sequence
Metal 6.123 Han et al. [4] 6.148 15.459 15.459
Present Model 6.310 15.788 15.852 was f = 255.08 Hz and η1 = 4.92%. For the analysis in time-domain of
the amplitude versus time, the Newmark method is used, with a time

J.S. Moita et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 324–332

Ș=0 ; Gv=0 Ș=0 ; Gv=0.001


Centre displacement (m)

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
Time (s)
Fig. 4. Active-passive damping in a simply supported sandwich plate with sensor and
actuator as top and bottom layers (stacking sequence: S/FGM/V/FGM/A). Fig. 7. Active damping in a simply supported sandwich plate with sensor and actuator as
top and bottom layers (stacking sequence: S/FGM/V/FGM/A).

Ș=0 ; Gv=0 Ș=0.1 ; Gv=0 Ș=0.1 ; Gv=0.0007

0.0012 the direct control, the results presented in Fig. 6 are obtained. In this
0.001 case, the active control became more effective due to the stiffness de-
0.0008 creasing effect of the direct control, which allows for a more noticeable
damping effect of the velocity feedback control.
Ccentre displacement (m)

On other hand, considering the same structure with the viscoelastic
0 layer without passive damping (η = 0), and only controlled by the
-0.0002 sensor/actuator piezoelectric layers, the effect of active damping is
-0.0004 effective (Figs. 7 and 8), and more evident for the first stacking se-
-0.0006 quence. Thus it can be concluded that:
1. When active control is applied on a passive-viscoelastic structure,
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 the total damping is not a linear sum of the two damping.
Time (s) 2. The effect of active control has a small effect when compared with
the effect of viscoelastic damping.
Fig. 5. Active-passive damping in a simply supported sandwich plate with embedded
sensor and actuator (stacking sequence: FGM/S/V/A/FGM) and velocity feedback con- 3. The piezoelectric layers – sensor and actuator – located as top/
trol. bottom layers produced an active damping greater than when they
are embedded.
Ș=0 ; Gd=0 ; Gv=0 Ș=0.1 ; Gd=0 ; GV=0 Ș=0.1 ; Gd=20 ; Gv=0.0007

0.0012 5.4. Vibration response with active-passive damping of a clamped-free

0.001 (CFFF) sandwich cylindrical panel FGM-piezoelectric-viscoelastic
Centre displacement (m)

A sandwich cylindrical panel, with one straight side clamped and all
the other sides free (CFFF) is analysed. As in previous application 5.3,
0 two different cases of stacking sequence are considered: (S/FGM/V/
-0.0002 FGM/A) and (FGM/S/V/A/FGM).
-0.0004 The geometry is defined by: R = 2.54 m, L = 0.254 m and sub-
-0.0006 tended angle 2θ = 0.2 rad. The top and bottom layers are made of a
piezoelectric material with the same mechanical and electrical prop-
-0.0012 erties of the application 5.3 and thicknesses ha = h s = 1 mm . The FGM
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 layers, have equal thickness: h e1 = h e2 = 4 mm . The FGM layers are
Time (s) made of Zirconia as ceramic and Aluminium as metal, with the same
Fig. 6. Active-passive damping in a simply supported sandwich plate with embedded properties given in the application 5.3, and in this case the FGM has a
sensor and actuator (stacking sequence: FGM/S/V/A/FGM) and velocity feed-
back + direct control.

step Δt = 0.00125 s. The plate is initially subjected to a uniformly

distributed load q = 50 kN/m2. The load is then removed setting the
plate into vibration. Fig. 4 (for the first stacking sequence) and Figs. 5
and 6 (for the second stacking sequence) show the responses of centre
deflection along the time in the first mode of vibration and the effect of
passive damping is evident.
However, when active and passive damping are applied simulta-
neously, the part of total damping given by the active damping is very
small when compared with the passive damping itself, as can be ob-
served from Figs. 4–6. Additionally, it can be observed that in the
second stacking sequence – embedded piezoelectric layers – the effect
of velocity feedback control is even smaller than in the first stacking
Fig. 8. Active damping in a simply supported sandwich plate with embedded sensor and
sequence. Introducing simultaneously the velocity feedback control and actuator (stacking sequence: FGM/S/V/A/FGM).

J.S. Moita et al. Composite Structures 202 (2018) 324–332

Ș=0 ; Gv=0 Ș=0.1 ; Gv=0 Ș=0.1 ; Gv=0.0035

of a simply supported square pure FGM plate agree very well with the
results obtained with an alternative model.
Dynamic response in time domain and frequency domain were also
Centre displacement (m)

obtained for several test cases. The dependence of the natural fre-
quencies on the face to core thickness ratio is such that natural fre-
quencies increase with the increase of this ratio. Additionally, for the
case of the vibration response of the plate with active–passive damping,
we conclude that the embedded piezoelectric layer solution produces
lower damping when compared to the surface mounted piezoelectric
To the author’s knowledge, since this is the first time that results for
-0.0025 dynamic response of active–passive damped FGM sandwich plates and
-0.003 shells are presented, these can be used as benchmark tests.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time (s)
Fig. 9. Active-passive damping in a CFFF sandwich cylindrical panel with sensor and
actuator as top and bottom layer (stacking sequence: S/FGM/V/FGM/A). The authors dedicate this paper to the memory of Professor Ian
Marshall (1948–2008) a Distinguished Academic and Researcher in the
Ș=0 ; Gv=0 Ș=0.1 ; Gv=0 field of Composite Structures for over 30 years and a great world expert
Ș=0.1 ; Gd=20 ; Gv=0.0035
in Buckling of Composite Structures and as Founder of the Journal
Centre displacement (m)

Composite Structures. The 4th co-author thanks him for his friendship,
scientific advices and invitations to participate in Workshops Chaired
by him on Advanced Specialized Themes of Composite Materials and
0.001 Structures, since 1987 to 2007, in Scotland and Australia.
0.0005 This work was supported by FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e
0 Tecnologia, through IDMEC, under LAETA, project UID/EMS/50022/
-0.0005 2013 from Portugal, and also CNPq, CAPES and FAPERJ, from Brazil.
-0.0015 References
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