Installation Instructions Consumer Units: 1. Important Information Ambient Temperature Considerations

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Consumer Units
Starbreaker consumer units are available as
factory built units or for on site assembly in
component form. If your Starbreaker unit is
factory built (incoming devices and busbar
fitted) please see sections 1-2 & 7-12.
If your Starbreaker unit is not factory built
please see information in all sections.

Main switch RCCB Split- Multi- Dual Tariff Dual Hi Max cable
Controlled Protected Load Tariff Split-Load RCCB Integrity Capacity

Enclosure       
Busbar       
100A DP Main Switch
(100/MI2)  X    X X 50mm2

100A DP Main Switch with

tap off (100/2MT)
X X X X X   50mm2

Main incoming
X  X X X   50mm2

X X  X    50mm2

MCBs        25mm2

RCBOs  X    X  16mm2

1. Important Information Ambient Temperature Considerations

• This unit must be installed by a qualified competent person The Starbreaker MCBs are calibrated to meet the 30°C Ref
in accordance with all relevant legislation and regulations Calibration Temperature requirements of BSEN 60898.
including building regulations and wiring regulations At other temperatures the following rating factors should be used:
BS7671. If in doubt contact a qualified competent person. At 60°C 0.9 At 20°C 1.0 At 0°C 1.1
• Only Crabtree Starbreaker range busbars, MCBs, RCCBs,
RCBOs and main switches must be used within the Crabtree Adjacent thermal-magnetic MCBs should not be continuously
Starbreaker range of units. loaded or approaching their nominal rated currents when mounted
• The total current supplied by the unit must not exceed the in enclosures. It is good engineering practice to apply generous
rating of the incoming main switch or RCCB or any derating factors or make provision for adequate free air between
additional limitation (as shown on the way label). devices. In these situations, and in common with other
• The total sum of the individual MCB ratings may exceed manufacturers, we recommend a 60% diversity factor is applied to
this value where there is appropriate diversity on the the MCB nominal rated current where it is intended to load the
installation. MCBs continuously (in excess of 1 hour)
• This product is suitable for indoor use only and is rated at Before fitting the front cover, check the tightness of all screw
IP2XC. type connections, including factory made connections. Check
• The consumer unit and associated components have been that all live prods on the devices are fully inserted and located
type tested to the following specifications: into the live busbar.
Consumer Unit – BSEN61439-3
MCBs – BSEN 60898 – Type B or C
RCCBs - BSEN 61008-1
RCBOs - BSEN 61009-1 Type B or C
Main Switch - BSEN 60947-3
2. Enclosure Mounting 4. Connection of Main Incoming Device
• The mounting rail assembly can be removed if • Clip main incoming device onto the mounting rail in the
required by undoing the fixings at either end of the desired position and push fully home. Ensure the
rail (Fig 2.1) retaining clip engages (Fig 4.1)

Fig 4.1
Fig 2.1
Cut and dress the main incoming cables and earth
conductor. Fit them into the appropriate terminals
• Remove appropriate knockouts.
• Fix base to wall using screws and rawplugs as Note: The holes at the extreme end of the earth
appropriate. bar are for bonding purposes.
• Bring cables through appropriate knockouts.
• Route main incoming cables to desired position.
• Replace interior if previously removed. • Tighten the main incoming terminals securely. The
recommended torque figure is 2.3Nm (20lbf-in)

• Connect the flexible neutral connector to the main switch

3. Busbar Installation and the left-hand neutral bar. (Fig 4.2)
• Fit the busbar into the supports and push fully home. (NOT DUAL RCCB CONSUMER UNITS See Fig. 6.3)
(Fig 3.1)

Fig 3.1 Fig 4.2

Note: Split-load, multi-tariff, dual RCCB and High

Integrity busbars have a red insert between the
sections of the busbar, this gives a clear
indication of the modular split
Connectors are supplied where required for
RCCB connection. (See Fig 5.2)
5. Split-load RCCB Installation • The following diagrams illustrate the methods of
(If a split-load unit is not required go to section 6) installation for various other configurations.
• Clip the desired RCCB onto the mounting rail and
push fully home. (Fig 5.1) Multi Tariff
Important: When fitting the RCCB ensure the two
connecting pins straddle the red
blanking tag in the busbar assembly.

Fig 5.1
Fig 6.1
Dual Tariff Split-load
• Units with 2 neutral bars (Fig 5.2) Remove
the solid neutral links from between the neutral





Fig 6.2


Fig 5.2
• Units with 3 neutral bars. (Fig 5.3) Remove one of
the solid neutral links (according to the required
split of the unit) from between the neutral bars.

Fig 6.3

RCCB Note: Main switch with tap off (100/2MT)
High Integrity Dual RCCB

Fig 5.3
• Connect the neutral cables supplied with the split-
load busbar to the appropriate terminals as shown.
(Fig 5.2 or 5.3) Fig 6.4
6. Other Configurations
7. Installation of MCBs and RCBOs
• MCBs and RCBOs are mounted in the same manner LNE
as main incoming devices (Fig. 7.1).
Ensure the retaining clip engages.


Fig 7.3 Connections to RCBOs

9. Blanking of unused ways

Fig 7.1 • Blanking plates should be fitted to cover any spare
• It is recommended that the highest rated MCB or modular ways. Blanking plates are available if required
RCBO is fitted nearest to the main incoming device
(or split-load RCCB where relevant).
8. Circuit Connections to MCBs and RCBOs 10. Installation of Control Devices
Max. Cable Recommended
• Control devices such as timers, transformers and
Device Capacity tightening torque contactors can be fitted to the consumer unit in any
Main Switch position on the mounting rail. The incoming supply for
50mm2 2.3Nm (20 lbf-in)
/ RCCB the device must be fed from an mcb (not directly from the
MCB 25mm2 2.0Nm - 2.5Nm busbar).
RCBO 16mm 2 (18-22.1 lbf-in) • Detailed installation instructions are supplied with all
Earth & neutral Crabtree control devices.
16mm2 1.7Nm (15 lbf-in)
Use No.2 Pozidrive bit
DO NOT connect using power driven screwdrivers 11. Circuit Identification
• Cut, dress and connect circuit conductors to • The consumer unit way label is supplied with the
appropriate MCB, RCBOs, neutral and earth consumer unit. This should be fixed into position below
terminals. (Figs 7.2 and 7.3) the circuit devices on the front cover.
• Ensure that each earth and neutral outgoing circuit is • Pre-printed identification labels are provided and should
correctly made to its corresponding numbered be fixed in position on the way label according to the
terminal (Figs 7.2 and 7.3) outgoing circuit.

12. Testing of the installation

• After completion of the installation, it is essential that it
is tested in accordance with the latest Edition of the IET
Wiring Regulations for Electrical Installations (BS7671).
• It is important that the following are included in the
-Operation of the test button of any RCDs fitted.
-Verify that the earth loop impedance requirements are
61 / B32


Fig7.2 Connections to MCBs

Electrium Sales Limited, Walkmill Lane, Cannock, WS11 0XE, England

Tel: 01543 455000 Fax: 01543 455001
B3318-NS issue 1

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