SpirentMedicalDO 160GMIL
SpirentMedicalDO 160GMIL
SpirentMedicalDO 160GMIL
interferences susceptibility
Ind. Ind.
Asym CM
conducted radiated
3ph Freq.
AC Harmonic V fluct DC DC
unbalance variation
IEC61000 IEC61000 IEC61000 IEC61000 IEC61000 IEC61000
-4-13 -4-14 -4-17 -4-27 -4-28 -4-29
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Aircraft EMC Standards
Environmental Conditions and Tests
Requirements Procedures
for Airborne Equipment
www.emtest.com 4
Aircraft Electrical Power System
Rectifier Unit
www.emtest.com 5
Aircraft Electrical Power System
Engine 2 2 2 4 2 2
IDG Generators 4x250kVA VF 2x120kVA 2x90 kVA 4 ×150 kVA 2 ×115 kVA 2 ×90kVA
Integrated drive generator CF 400Hz CF 400Hz VF(370-770Hz) CF 400Hz CF 400Hz
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7 www.emtest.com
Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment
Section Title Section Title
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RTCA is the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
– Publishes DO 160
• Latest publication is DO 160G, issued in 8 December 2010
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Table of Contents Section 16
16.1 Purpose of the Test
16.2 Equipment Categories
16.3 Emergency Electrical System Operation
16.4 Standard Electrical Power Input Parameters
16.5 AC Power supply 16.7 Load Equipment Influence on Aircraft Electrical
16.5.1 Normal Operating Conditions (ac) Power System (ac and dc) Designation Voltage and Frequency
16.7.1 Current harmonic Emissions from Loads (ac) Voltage Modulation Frequency Modulation 16.7.2 Allowable Phase Unbalance (3-phase ac Input Only) Momentary Power Interruption 16.7.3 DC Current Content in Steady State Operation Normal Transients (All ac Equipment) Normal Frequency Variation 16.7.4 Regenerated Energy
16.5.2 Abnormal Operating (ac) (dc, Category D Equipment Only) Abnormal Voltage and Frequency 16.7.5 Inrush Current Requirements (ac and dc) Designation I Momentary Undervoltage Operation 16.7.6 Current Modulation in Steady-State Operation (ac), Abnormal Transients Designation L Loss of Phase Input ( 3-phase only) 16.7.7 DC Current Ripple tests (dc), Designation R
16.7.8 Power Factor (All ac Equipment), Designation P
16.6 DC Power supply
16.6.1 Normal Operating Conditions (dc) Voltage (Average Value dc) Ripple Voltage Momentary Power Interruption Normal Surge Voltage dc Normal Frequency Variation
16.6.2 Abnormal Operating (dc) Abnormal Voltage and Frequency Momentary Undervoltage Operation Abnormal Transients Loss of Phase Input ( 3-phase only)
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Section 16
Power Input (Section 16.5 )
Electrical Power Input Parameter Limits Electrical Power Input Parameter Limits
Section 16.6.2
Section 16.5.1 Section 16.5.2 Section 16.6.1
Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 16.5.1. 2 16.5.1. 3 16.5.1. 4 16.5.2. 2 16.5.2. 3 16.5.2. 4* 16.6.1. 2 16.6.1. 3 16.6.2. 2 16.6.2. 3
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16.1. Purpose of the test
This section defines test conditions and procedures for ac and dc electrical power applied to
the terminals of the equipment under test. It covers the following electrical power supplies:
Equipment categories and frequency classes, test conditions and procedures for equipment using other
electrical power supplies must be defined in applicable equipment performance sandards.
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16.2. Equipment Categories
AC Power supply
Voltage range Up to 230 Vrms
Frequency range Up to 900 Hz + 5 Hz
Equipment Categories A(CF) Operating at 400Hz
A(NF) Operating at 360 to 650Hz
A(WF) Operating at 360 to 800Hz
DC Power Supply
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DO-160 Tests in NetWave.control
Cat R(WF)
172 files
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Table of Contents Section 16
16.1 Purpose of the Test
16.2 Equipment Categories
16.3 Emergency Electrical System Operation
16.4 Standard Electrical Power Input Parameters
16.5 AC Power supply
16.5.1 Normal Operating Conditions (ac) Voltage and Frequency Voltage Modulation Frequency Modulation Momentary Power Interruption Normal Transients Normal Frequency Variation Voltage DC constant (ac) Voltage distortion (ac)
16.5.2 Abnormal Operating (ac) Abnormal Voltage and Frequency Momentary Undervoltage Operation Abnormal Transients Loss of Phase Input ( 3-phase only)
16.6 DC Power supply
16.7 Load Equipment Influence on Aircraft Electrical Power System (ac and dc)
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16.5 Electrical Power Input Parameter Limits (ac)
The following defines quantitatively those parameters of electrical power input that are variable and
the related test conditions where applicable. The tests are divided into those associated with
NORMAL system operation and
ABNORMAL system operation.
CAUTION: All mentioned voltage values are for 115 Vrms ac equipment.
For 230V equipment all voltage values are multiply by 2
www.emtest.com 20 Voltage and Frequency (ac)
Frequency : Normal
3-phase system
Voltage (AVG) : Min = 101.5
Max = 120.5
AC Network:
Unom = 115V
f nom = 400Hz
www.emtest.com 21 Voltage and Frequency (ac)
Test b1
www.emtest.com 22 Voltage and Frequency (ac)
Requirement for Three Phase Equipment
Operate equipment at maximum duty cycle for at least 30 minutes for each test with the primary power
adjusted first for a phase balance, then for a phase unbalance. Determine compliance with applicable
performance standards during each 30 minute test period.
Test c1 (1) normal
www.emtest.com 23 Voltage and Frequency (ac)
Requirement for Three Phase Equipment
Operate equipment at maximum duty cycle for at least 30 minutes for each test with the primary power
adjusted first for a phase balance, then for a phase unbalance. Determine compliance with applicable
performance standards during each 30 minute test period.
www.emtest.com 24 Voltage Modulation (ac)
The voltage modulation, cyclic or random variation
will be 5Vp-p (115Vac system) maximum peak-valley
on the modulation envelope.
For 230V system modulation 10Vp-p
Dwell time 120s for each Frequency.
The frequency step size shall be a
minimum 4 log spaces steps/decade.
Fn+1 = fn * 10^ (1/4)
A(CF) 400Hz
A(NF) 360Hz and 650Hz
A(WF) 360Hz and 800Hz
www.emtest.com 25 Frequency Modulation (ac)
The frequency modulation is normally within narrow
frequency limits and occurs as a result of speed
variations in a generator coupling and/or drive
speed regulation.
The equipment shall be operated with a mean
frequency of:
A(CF) 400Hz
A(NF) 360Hz and 650Hz
A(WF) 360Hz and 800Hz
www.emtest.com 26 Frequency Modulation (ac)
Example : Test with 400Hz. At each repetition rate test point. Dwell the longer of 5 repetition rate
cycles, 30 seconds or for a time as per equipment specs.
- 5s for a sweep 396Hz to 404Hz = 5s - 0.05s for a sweep from 399.25Hz to 400.75Hz
-10s for a sweep from 396Hz to 404Hz and back to 396Hz - 0.1s Duration for a 399.25Hz to 400.75Hz and back to 399.25
- For max. 30s test time = 30s/ (10s) =3 cycles => 5 Cycles for test - For max. 30s test time = 30s/ (0.1s) =300 cycles for test
=50s test duration
www.emtest.com 27 Momentary Power Interruption (ac)
a. Definition
Transfer of power sources can result in power interruption for periods up to 200ms.
Test Procedures
The equipment shall be operated with a mean frequency of:
A(CF) 400Hz
A(NF) 360Hz and 650Hz
A(WF) 360Hz and 800Hz
www.emtest.com 28 Momentary Power Interruption (ac)
b. Requirement for all Equipment
Definitions for voltage wave shape during interruptions:
Ti Power interrupt time
Tf Time it would take for the applied voltage
decay from Vnom to Vmin.
Tr Time it would take for the applied voltage
rise from Vmin to Vnom.
V min The minimum level ( in % of Vnom ) to which
the applied voltage is permitted to decay.
www.emtest.com 30 Momentary Power Interruption (ac)
Test Procedures
Determine compliance with applicable performance standards. Manual reset is not permitted
unless otherwise specified by the individual equipment specification.
www.emtest.com 32 Normal Transients (ac) Normal Surge Voltage (ac)
A normal surge is a variation from the controlled steady-state level. It results from the inherent
regulation of the electrical power supply system in response to disturbances that are imposed by
normal system operation, such as load switching and remedial action by the regular.
Operate as follow:
The require surge voltages as measured at the input
terminals of the EUT shall be achieved regardless of
the required surge current.
During the normal electric system surges, determine compliance with applicable performance standards
www.emtest.com 34 Normal Frequency Transients ( All Equipment)
A normal transients is a momentary variation from the controlled steady-state level. It results from
the inherent regulation of the electrical power supply system in response to disturbances that are
imposed by normal system operation, such as engine speed changes and remedial action by the
regulator. This test is performed on variable frequency equipment to insure compatibility with
constant frequency equipment.
Operate the equipment for 5
minutes with a voltage of 115V
at equipment terminals and a
frequency of 400Hz. The cycle
the frequency 3 times as
indicated shown in the figure.
Transition between frequency
test points shall occur <1ms.
www.emtest.com 35 Normal Frequency Variations ( A(NF) and A(WF) Category Only)
Frequency variations up to 200Hz/s, unless otherwise specified, can occur in abnormal operating
conditions as a result of quick engine speed changes more particularly during engine runaway or
failure mode scenarios.
Operate the equipment for 5
minutes with a voltage of 115V
at equipment terminals and a
frequency of 360Hz +5/-0Hz.
The cycle the frequency 3 times
as indicated below
www.emtest.com 36 Voltage DC Content (ac)
A voltage dc content up to ± 0.20volt may be encountered during normal steady-state electrical
system operation The dc voltage is the same for both 115V and 230V ac systems.
Operate the equipment at max. duty cycle with a voltage of 115V / 230V and the specified frequency.
After initial power up of EUT, apply to the primary input during at least 30 minutes a dc offset of:
www.emtest.com 37 Voltage Distortion (ac)
Total Harmonic Distortion
Operate at maximum duty cycle with minimum voltage = 100V for at least 30 minutes with a voltage
distortion as follows:
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16.5.2. Abnormal Operating Conditions (ac)
Applicable for 115Vrms ac and 230Vrms ac equipment.
www.emtest.com 39 Abnormal Voltage and Frequency Limits Steady State (ac)
www.emtest.com 40 Abnormal Voltage and Frequency Limits Steady State (ac)
www.emtest.com 41 Momentary Undervoltage Operations (ac)
Momentary voltages in the range from zero to 97Vrms may occur for any duration up to 7seconds.
Decrease the input ac voltage to 60Vrms for 7 seconds. Adjust the input ac voltage to 115Vrms and ,
determine compliance with applicable performance standards.
Repeat with 10Vrms instead of 60Vrms
www.emtest.com 42 Abnormal transients (ac)
Operate as follow for single phase equipment:
The required surge voltages as measured at the input
terminals of the EUT shall be achieved regardless of
the required surge current.
During the normal electric system surges, determine compliance with applicable performance standards
www.emtest.com 43 Abnormal transients (ac)
During the normal electric system surges, determine compliance with applicable performance standards
www.emtest.com 44 Abnormal Frequency Transients (ac)
A normal transients is a momentary variation from the controlled steady-state level. It results from
the inherent regulation of the electrical power supply system in response to disturbances that are
imposed by normal system operation, such as engine speed changes and remedial action by the
regulator. This test is performed on variable frequency equipment to insure compatibility with
constant frequency equipment.
Test 1 All ac Equipment
Operate the equipment for 5
minutes with a voltage of 115V
at equipment terminals and a
frequency of 400Hz.
The following sequence shall be
repeated 3 times allow the
equipment to fully stabilized
between each sequence.
tr & tf < 1 ms
www.emtest.com 45 Abnormal Frequency Transients (ac)
tr & tf < 1 ms
Test 2 All ac equipment
Operate the equipment for 5 minutes
with a voltage of 115V at equipment
terminals and a frequency of 400Hz.
The following sequence shall be
repeated 3 times allow the equipment
to fully stabilized between each
www.emtest.com 46 Abnormal Frequency Transients (A(NF) and A(WF) Equipment Only
Frequency variations up to 400Hz/s ( decreasing), and 120Hz/s (increasing), unless otherwise
specified, can occur in abnormal operating conditions as a result of quick engine speed changes more
particularly during engine runaway or failure mode scenarios.
Operate the equipment for
5 minutes with a voltage of 115V
at equipment terminals and a
frequency of 360Hz +5/-0Hz. The
cycle the frequency 3 times as
indicated below
www.emtest.com 47 Loss of Phase Input (Three Phase ac Input only)
All three phase ac loads are to be designed such that no damage or unsafe condition will occur during
following removal of one or more input phase connections.
Requirement (400Hz for (CF), 360 Hz & 650 Hz for (NF) and 360 Hz & 800 Hz for (WF)
a) 5 minutes with all three phases supplied followed by a minimum of 30 minutes
testing period with removed phase (most susceptible phase X).
b) Starting with power disconnected (phase X) and continue operating for a period
of 30 minutes with powered two phases.
c) Operate 5 minutes with all three phases supplied followed by a minimum of 30 minutes
testing period with removed both phase Y & Z.
d) Staring with power disconnected at phase Y & Z and run the normal operating
with the remaining phase for a period of 30 minutes.
After exposure Manual reset is permitted unless not allowed by the individual specs.
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Table of Contents Section 16
www.emtest.com 50 Voltage ( Average Value dc)
Voltage at Equipment Terminals 14V dc 28V dc 270V dc
Maximum 15.15V 30.3V 285V
Category A : 14V
Minimum 11.00V 22.0V 235V
Category B : 28V or 14V
Emergency Operation 9.00V 18.0V 235V Category Z : 28V
www.emtest.com 51 Voltage ( Average Value dc)
Voltage at Equipment Terminals 14V dc 28V dc 270V dc
Maximum 15.15V 30.3V 285V
Category A : 14V
Minimum 11.00V 22.0V 235V
Category B : 28V or 14V
Emergency Operation 9.00V 18.0V 235V Category Z : 28V
Category D : 270V
Requirement 4
Category D : 270V only
With the power source‘s positive
lead referenced to PE, operate at
max. duty cycle for at least 30 min
with voltage at maximum voltage.
After determining compliance,
turn the 270V power off, verify the
voltage has dropped to a safe
level and then return the 270V
power source to have its negative
lead referenced to PE.
www.emtest.com 52 Ripple Voltage (dc)
Ripple in the cyclic variation about the mean level of the voltage during steady state dc electrical
system operation.
In 28V dc network, the cyclic peak to peak ripple voltage will be:
Vnom Voltage ≥ 22V : Ripple ≤ 4 V
Vnom Voltage < 22V : Ripple ≤ 2 V
In 270V dc network, the cyclic peak to peak ripple voltage will be less than 16V
Test according paragraph 18.3.1 of subsection 18.3
www.emtest.com 53 Ripple Voltage (dc) according paragraph 18.3.1
14/28 Vdc
Setup for 14V and 28VDC Power Lines diff. Mode application
www.emtest.com 54 Ripple Voltage (dc) according paragraph 18.3.1
Test B
Test C
www.emtest.com 55 Momentary Power Interruptions (dc)
a. Definition
Transfer of power sources can result in power interruptions for any period up to:
- Category A 200ms
- Category B equipment 50ms
- Category D and Z equipment 1.0s.
-Requirements for Equipment with digital circuits
-Requirements for All Equipment
-Double Interrupt Requirements for Equipment with Digital or Memory devices
Determine compliance with applicable performance standards. Manual reset is not permitted
unless otherwise specified by the individual equipment specification.
www.emtest.com 56 Momentary Power Interruptions (dc)
www.emtest.com 57 Momentary Power Interruptions (dc)
Determine compliance with applicable performance standards. Manual reset is not permitted
unless otherwise specified by the individual equipment specification.
www.emtest.com 58 Momentary Power Interruptions (dc)
Determine compliance with applicable performance standards. Manual reset is not permitted
unless otherwise specified by the individual equipment specification.
www.emtest.com 59 Normal Surge Voltage (dc)
a. Definition
A normal surge is a variation from the controlled steady-state level. It results from the inherent
regulation of the electrical power supply system in response to disturbances that are imposed by
normal system operation, such as load switching and remedial action by the regular.
Category A and B:
Category Z
The required surge voltage as measured at the
input terminals of the EUT shall be achieved
regardless of the surge current. Voltage Surge should be monitored
www.emtest.com 60 Normal Surge Voltage (dc)
Category D:
The required surge voltage as measured at the input terminals of the EUT shall be achieved
regardless of the surge current.
www.emtest.com 61 Engine Starting Under Voltage Operation (dc)
This requirement applies to Category Z and 28V Category B equipment.
During engine starting, momentary voltages in the ranges from 10.0V to 20.5V dc may occur for any
duration up to 35 seconds or as indicated in the equipment specifications.
With equipment energized at nominal voltage,
decrease input voltage to 10.0V dc and increase
0.3V/s for 35s, then return to rated voltage or as
indicated in the equipments specs.
During this period the equipment performance
can fall to a level stipulated in the equipment
specification. Return to nominal voltage and
determine compliance with applicable
performance standards.
www.emtest.com 62 Exposed Voltage Decay Time (dc, Category D Equipment Only)
Voltage at exposed external surfaces of the EUT are to be maintained at a safe level during normal
operation. Voltages on all external surfaces of the EUT must decay to a safe level in a reasonable
amount of time after power removed from EUT.
1. Operate the equipment at least 1 minute with nominal voltage. Excluding female connector pins, all
exposed voltages in this condition shall < 50V peak in magnitude with respect to the chassis or to
2. Monitor all 270V hot and return connection points ( male & female) on EUT with 10M Ohm <30pF
probes with respect to chassis ground. Operate one minute with nominal voltage and then abruptly
disconnect all 270V lines to EUT.
The voltages shall decay to <50V as listed below: For test with NetWave switch power OFF
a)270V connection points exposed by removing a connector from EUT while the EUT
is still mounted in the airframe are to be tested 1s (+0 -0.1s) after removal of power.
b)270V connections points on EUT that are exposed by removing the EUT from the
airframe are to be tested 10s (+0-1.0 s) after removal of power.
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16.6.2 Abnormal Conditions (dc)
The following conditions and test are applicable for Categories A, B, D and Z
Caution : All mentioned 28V voltage values are to be divided by 2 for 14V equipment.
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16.6.2 Abnormal Conditions (dc)
The following conditions and test are applicable for Categories A, B, D and Z
Caution : All mentioned 28V voltage values are to be divided by 2 for 14V equipment.
+0 -1%
1.Operate the equipment for at least 5 minutes with maximum
voltage, then return to nominal voltage and determine
compliance with applicable performance standards.
www.emtest.com 65 Low Voltage Conditions (dc Category B Equipment Only)
Voltage in the range from zero to the appropriate minimum voltage may occur for any duration up to
10 minutes.
Operate the equipment for at least 1 minute with nominal voltage, then adjust the minimal voltage for
1 minute. With the equipment energized reduce linearly to 0V over a min. period of 10 min. Adjust
power to nominal voltage and determine compliance with applicable performance standards.
If using discrete steps, the step size shall be
smaller than 0.25V and the min. dwelltime at
each step shall be 600s/ number of steps.
www.emtest.com 66 Momentary Undervoltage Operation (dc)
Voltage may momentarily vary below nominal for any duration up to 7 seconds.
Category A, B, Z Category D
www.emtest.com 67 Abnormal Surge Voltage (dc)
Apply the voltage surge 3 times at 10s interval
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Table of Contents Section 16
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16.7 Load Equipment Influence on Aircraft Electrical Power System
Test designation
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Test designation
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16.7.1 Current Harmonic Emission from Loads (ac), Designation H Definitions
This chapter refer to the definition in chapter
Remarks: The variable ‘X’ may represent voltage or current, and may be expressed as an rms value or a peak value.
X1 = Fundamental value of current or voltage;
Xn = nth harmonic value of current or voltage.
www.emtest.com 72 Current Distortion
Equipment with “Designation H” shall be tested if
- Pmax. > 35 VA of the individual equipment
- Pcombination > 150 VA installations or multiple units (same equipment type).
- if required by the equipment performance standards.
The equipment shall be tested under two conditions of input voltage distortion.
For each cases the equipment shall be supplied by a source having a voltage of 115V (230V) + 2% and
the following frequencies:
• (CF) cat. : 400 Hz + 1%
• (NF) cat. : 360, 400, 500, 600 & 650 + 1 Hz
• (WF) cat. : 360, 400, 500, 600, 650, 700 & 800 + 1 Hz
Test Condition 1
AC source limits:
THDv < 1.25% @ ≤ 2 kVA
<4% @ > 2 kVA
Test Condition 2
AC source limits:
THDv (CF) & (NF) category : 8% +2/-0% The voltage distortion can be produced with a full
wave bridge controlled by a varying load on the
(WF) category : 10% +2/-0% rectifiers or by clipping the supply voltage
www.emtest.com 73 Current Harmonics limits for Single – Phase Equipment
h= order of harmonic
I h= Maximum harmonic current of order h obtained for all
normal steady states modes of operation.
www.emtest.com 74 Current Harmonics limits for Three – Phase Equipment
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16.7. 1.3 Current Distortion Verification Requirements
The report shall include the following information.
1. A description of the operating mode of equipment when the measurement was taken;
3. Plot of current and voltage waveforms, with scaling information, for each phase of the equipment;
8. Total harmonic distortion of input current and voltage for each phase of the equipment.
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16.7. 1.3 Current Distortion Verification Requirements
Operating Mode for perform the test.
Analizer requirement
The resulting error in harmonic current measurement: <5% of the permissible limit
Frequency spectrum resolution ≤ 20Hz
Sampling rate 100kHz or higher
Time window 0.05 seconds or longer
Anti aliasing filter with corner frequencies within 25kHz and 50kHz should be used
Windowing for analyse Rectangular, Hanning, Hamming or Blackman-Haris
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Example of a result with test designation H with Test Condition 2 compliance table
Column A
Harmonic order of applied frequency (2 x 400Hz).
The table includes data up to the 40th harmonic.
Column B
List the harmonic current limit in % of the
fundamental as stated in table 16-4
Column C
Voltage harmonic component. As specified
under test condition 2. In practice the
column contain the actual harmonic
components of the applied voltage
Column D
Represent the allowed harmonic current for
the EUT.
The min. 10mA harmonic limit is applied
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16.7.2 Allowable Phase Unbalance (Three Phase ac Input Only)
The supply voltage and frequency shall remain constant within these limits while measurements are
Measure the load real power (W), apparent power (VA), and reactive power (VAR) for each of the three
input phases at both a minimum and maximum power demand modes of operation.
If the difference between Pmax and Pmin <15% only a test at maximum power is required.
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16.7.3 DC Current Content in Stead-State Operation (all ac equipment)
(Equipment with power consumption > 10 VA)
Test voltage parameter:
- 115 Vrms with a
- dc component 0.00 + 0.10 Vdc
- (CF) cat. : 400 Hz + 1%
- (NF) cat. : 360 & 650 Hz + 1%
- (WF) cat. : 360 & 800 Hz + 1 %
Limit: Current DC content <= 5 mA or 2% of the maximum RMS current nominal value
Test 1 Test 2
If the difference between maximum & minimum
steady state current is < 25%, only the maximum
steady state current operating mode needs to be
Measure the DC content of the equipment line current
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16.7.4 Regenerated Energy (dc category D equipment only)
Measurement Setup
Regenerated energy is energy that flows from the load back to the power source. This
energy typically comes from motor braking and from abrupt changes in load demand.
While operating (maximum or minimum steady state current), the equipment shall induce less
than 8.0V zero to positive peak across the 10 F capacitor. Monitor both sides of the diode
in series with the 270 V source during the test.
Conditions: The 270 V is to have < 1 V zero to positive peak ripple as measured at the anode
of the series diodes during the test. D1 shall have < 1 s reverse recovery time.
www.emtest.com 81
16.7.5 Inrush Current Requirements (ac & dc), Designation I
9 x maximum steady state load for the first 3ms
4 x maximum steady state load up to 500ms
2 x maximum steady state load up to 2s
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16.7.5 Inrush Current Requirements (ac & dc), Designation I
• (CF) cat.: 400 Hz + 1%
• (NF) cat.: 360 & 650 Hz + 1%
• (WF) cat.:360 & 800 Hz + 1 %
• dc
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16.7.6 Current Modulation in Steady-State Operation (ac) Designation L
Current modulation is the cyclic or random variation around the mean level of the ac peak current that
may occur during steady-state equipment operation. Any equipment which load current may modulate
is potential contributing to ac voltage modulation and is therefore to be limited.
After the equipment has stabilized, at anytime of the
equipment line current modulation shall not exceed
factor peak to valley times the RMS value
of the equipment maximum steady-state current for
0.28 for equipment with < 1 kVA
0.14 for equipment with >= 1 kVA
• (CF) cat.: 400 + 5 Hz
• (NF) cat.: 360 (+5/-0) & 650 (+0/-5) Hz
• (WF) cat.:360 (+5/-0) & 800 (+0/-5) Hz
• The load current is to be tested over at least three (3) 500 ms long sweeps
•The current probe shall be dc coupled ( Shunt or Hallprobe )
www.emtest.com 84
16.7.7 DC Current Ripple Test (dc), Designation R
Current ripple is the cyclic or random variation around the mean level of the dc current that may occur
during steady-state equipment operation. Any equipment which load current modulation is potential
contributing to dc voltage ripple and has therefore to be limited.
After the equipment has stabilized (minimum or
maximum steady-state current), the load current
is to be tested over three (3) 500 ms long sweeps.
www.emtest.com 85
16.7.7 DC Current Ripple Test (dc), Designation R
3.This test is not intent to monitor current changes above 150kHz ( -3dB point).
www.emtest.com 86
16.7.8 Power Factor (all ac equipment), Designation P
• (CF) cat. : 400 Hz + 1%
• (NF) cat. : 360, 400, 500, 600 & 650 + 1 Hz
• (WF) cat.: 360, 400, 500, 600, 650, 700 & 800 + 1 Hz
www.emtest.com 87
16.7.8 Power Factor (all ac equipment), Designation P
Limits for all other loads:
For loads with maximum total power consumption of all similar equipment on the airplane
> 150 VA, the steady-state full load power factor for each load shall be between 0.80 lagging
and 0.968 leading.
Leading Power Factor (capacitive load) between 20VA and 150VA : PF= 0.87765 * log(kVA) + 1.6911
Lagging Power Factor (inductive load) between 20VA and 150VA : PF= 0.68567 * log(kVA) + 1.36493
www.emtest.com 88
Section 18
User’s Guide Appendix 18
DC Input Power
AC Input Power Leads
Test Procedures
General Remarks
89 www.emtest.com
18.0 Frequency Conducted Susceptibility – Power Inputs
www.emtest.com 90
18.3 Test procedures
a) R, B and Z
b) 270V categorie Z
a) R (CF) and K
b) R (NF) and K
c) R (WF) and K
- The optional current monitor is to measure the AC part of the audio frequency current , and not the EUT current. The current monitor
should be a frequency selective measuring instrument.
- Optional DC blocking network shall not affect the achieved test levels
www.emtest.com 92
18.3 Frequency Characteristics of Ripple in 14V, 28V and 270V (dc) Limit
www.emtest.com 94
18.3.2 Test procedure AC Power Leads
a) Categories R(CF) and K Equipments
While EUT is operating , apply a sine wave audio frequency signal successively in series with each
ungrounded ac input power lead.
The audio frequency is varying between 700Hz and 16kHz.
R(CF) Category
Sweep: 700Hz to 16kHz
Level: min. 6% of ac input
K Category
Sweep: 700Hz to 7.6kHz
Level: min. 8% of ac input
www.emtest.com 99
Test Procedures, Guidance and Methods to
demonstrate compatibility with:
MIL-Std 704,
Aircraft electric power Characteristics
MIL HDBK 704 Guidance for test procedures for demonstration of utilization
equipment compliance to aircraft electrical power characteristics
(Part 1…8)
MIL-Std 704
www.emtest.com 106
MIL-Std 704
Power Groups
The MIL-Std-704 compliance Power Groups: Acronym
tests are organized into power Single Phase, 400Hz, 115V (AC) SAC
groups based on input electrical Three Phase, 400Hz, 115V (AC) TAC
power type to utilization equipment: Single Phase, Variable Frequency , 115V (AC) SVF
Three Phase, Variable Frequency , 115V (AC) TVF
Single Phase, 60Hz, 115V (AC) SXF
Direct Current, 28 V (DC) LDC
Direct Current, 270 V (DC) HDC
Operating Conditions
MIL-Std-704 defines six distinct aircraft Normal Electrical Power 1
electrical system operating conditions. Power Transfers 2
For these operating conditions dedicated Abnormal Electrical Power 3
test procedures and methods are been Emergency Electrical Power 4
specified: Engine Starting 5
Power Failure 6
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Test numbering nomenclature example SAC303A.
Example for single phase, 400 Hz, 115 V utilization equipment compliance tests
1. Purpose:
2. Validation criteria:
3. Apparatus:
List of applied equipment
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Structure MIL-Std 704F
VF CF 400 Hz CF 60 Hz
Variable frequency continuous frequency
28V 270V
continuous frequency
1-phase 3-phase 1-phase 3-phase 1-phase 3-phase
Normal Abnormal
Normal Abnormal Normal Abnormal Normal Abnormal Starting
Starting Starting Starting Operate Operate
Operate Operate Operate Operate Operate Operate
Emergency Emergency Emergency Transfer Power Fail
Transfer Power Fail Transfer Power Fail Transfer Power Fail Operate
Operate Operate Operate
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Structure MIL-Std 704F
AC 115V CF400Hz Normal Transfer Abnormal Emergency Starting Power Fail
SAC101 SAC201 SAC301 SAC401 NA SAC601
No. Description
SAC102 SAC302 NA
101 Load and current Harmonic
NA SAC303 SAC603
102 Steady State Limits for Voltage
and Freq.
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Structure MIL-Std 704F
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Structure MIL-Std 704F
602 One and Two Phase Power Failure N/A N/A N/A
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Structure MIL-Std 704F
MIL-Std 704
No. Description
LDC102 LDC202 LDC602
101 Load Measurements
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Structure MIL-Std 704F
No. Description
HDC102 HDC202 HDC602
101 Load Measurements
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Structure MIL-Std 704F
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MIL-Std 704 SAC107 requirement (Total Voltage Distortion)
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MIL-Std 704 SVF107 requirement (Total Voltage Distortion)
other 107 test have a different setup
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EMTEST solution for MIL-Std 704 SAC107 application (Total Voltage Distortion)
SAC107 test
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MIL-Std 704F DC requirements
No. Description Table LDC Table HDC
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MIL-Std 704
LDC103-1 requirement (Voltage Distortion Spectrum)
Test Condition A & B ( 10 Hz & 25 Hz) This test procedure is used to verify that 28 volt
DC power utilization equipment operates and
maintains specified performance when subjected
to voltage distortion of frequencies and
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EMTEST Setup for MIL-Std 704
LDC103-1 application (Voltage Distortion Spectrum)
LDC103-1 test
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EMTEST Setup for MIL-Std 704
LDC103-2 application (Voltage Distortion Spectrum)
Test Condition C to K ( 50 Hz to 10 kHz)
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EMTEST Setup for MIL-Std 704
LDC103-2 calibration (Voltage Distortion Spectrum)
LDC103-2 test
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MIL-Std 704
LDC104 requirements (Total Ripple)
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EMTEST Setup for MIL-Std 704
LDC104 application (Total Ripple)
LDC104 test
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MIL-Std 704
HDC103-1 requirements (Voltage Distortion Spectrum)
This test procedure is used to verify that 270 volt DC power
utilization equipment operates and maintains specified
performance when subjected to voltage distortion of
frequencies and amplitudes
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EMTEST solution for MIL-Std 704
HDC103-1 application (Voltage Distortion Spectrum)
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MIL-Std 704
HDC103-2 requirements (Voltage Distortion Spectrum)
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EMTEST Setup for MIL-Std 704
HDC103-2 calibration (Voltage Distortion Spectrum)
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EMTEST Setup for MIL-Std 704
HDC103-2 testing (Voltage Distortion Spectrum)
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Thank you for your attention!
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