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Sistim Bongkar muat Kapal Tanker

Cargo Oil System.
The cargo oil system receives oil at loading terminal, distributes it to the cargo tanks during
loading, and discharges oil form the tanks to the terminal during unloading. The number of
different grades of oil the ship must carry simultaneously should be determined early in the design
since it has a major influence on the systems complexity, having an effect on the number of cargo
pump, suction mains, tank cleaning headers, stripping educators, and slop tanks. The systems
piping should be arranged to keep different grades of cargo segregated as they pass through the
The total cargo pump capacity must be sufficient to discharge cargo in the required unloading
time. The unloading time is a major consideration in the economics of the ship operation, and
depend on the desired port turnaround time, the receiving capacity of the terminal, and the power
available to operate the pumps. The unloading time is typically 12 to 14 hours. For a large crude
oil carrier. At least one pump must be installed for each grade cargo. Spare pump are usually not
Cargo pump may be driven by steam turbines, diesel engines, or electric motors. The drivers may
not be located in the pump room of a crude oil carrier because of the potential for an explosion of
the cargo vaporous; Therefore, the pump drivers are located in a separate space and connected to
the pumps, which are located in the pump room, by jack shaftpassing trough gastight bulkhead
stuffing boxes. For tankers with central pumps rooms located aft, the drivers are located in the
main machinery space. This precaution is unnecessary on product tankers carrying cargoes having
a flash point above 65,5oC..

Gambar.74 Tata letak tangki dan jalur perpipaan

Each pump should have a relief valve unless the piping systems are designed for full shutoff head
of the pump. Each pump should have a suction strainer and suction and discharge pressure gages.
The suction mains run along the bottom of the ship form the cargo tank to the pump room. Each
main is connected to tail pipes in the tanks that are dedicated to a particular segregation. Each tail
pipe should end in a bellmouth of sufficient diameter to permit the bottom of the bellmouth to be
within ¾ in. Of the tank bottom while providing a flow area of at least 1,5 times the tail pipes
area. This is necessary to permit the removal of as much oil as possible and to reduce the entrance
of air into the pipe caused by vortices which lower the level of the oil surface near the tail pipes.
Two or more tail pipes may be required in a single tank if the tank internal structure doesn’t allow
sufficiently raid drainage of oil toward a single tail pipe inlet.

Gambar. 75 New Cargo piping system

Each suction main is connected to cargo pumps that are dedicated to a particular segregation.
Cross –connections with normally shut valves are provided between the mains in the pump room
to permit any pump to take suction form any tank in case of a pump failure.
Each suction main should be sized for the full capacity of the pump to which it is normally
connected. Tank tail pipe are usually sized for unloading two or more tank simultaneously;
However, it may be desirable to be able to unload a single tank at full pump capacity. Suction
piping should be sized so the tanks can be pumped down to the lowest practicable level at full
cargo pump rating before the pump suction pressure decreases below the required net Positive
suction head at rated flow.

Gambar.76 Tata letak tangki dan jalur perpipaan di main deck

The cargo pumps discharges into mains leading form the pump room to port and starboard hose
manifold on the main deck. The manifold terminate in flanged connection for hoses form the
shore terminal.
The size of the discharge piping is based on the total pump head and the required minimum
pressure at the deck manifold. The discharge piping design pressure must not be less than the
cargo pump relief valve setting, or the shut off head of the cargo pump if relief valves are not
fitted. It’s desirable to keep system design pressure below 15,81907 Kg/Cm2 to avoid the more
rigorous regulatory body requirement for higher pressured.
Drop lines form the deck piping to the piping to the suction mains are provided for loading. Drop
lines should be the same size as the main.

Gambar. 77.a. Direct Line System Gambar. 77.b. Ring Line System

Gambar.78 Shore Connection Pipe

The cargo piping should be designed to permit the removal of cargo oil that remains in the piping
systems after unloading operations using the main cargo pump have been completed. Cargo
discharge mains crude oil wash headers should be pitched for gravity drainage to a cargo tank for
removal by the stripping pump. Piping should be provide to drain the cargo pump suction piping
and discharge risers using stripping pump. The stripping pump should be arranged to discharge
this residual oil through a smaller separate line.
As an alternative to the systems configuration described, particularly on product tankers, which
often carry many grades of cargo, deep well or submersible pump may be used.

Gambar.79 Proses Pengisian muatan

Such pumps eliminate the need for separate pump room and long runs of suction piping form the
pump room to the tanks. In this arrangement, one deep well or submersible pump may be installed
in each cargo tank, or a pump may serve several tanks through short length of piping and valves.
The later capability is often provided in any event to permit a tank to be emptied by an adjacent
pump if the one located in a particular tank fails.

Tank cleaning systems.

Cargo tank of crude oil carriers must be cleaned periodically to remove sediment, sludge and waxy
deposits form the tank bottom and internal structure which, if not removed, would accumulate and
cause a significant reduction in the tank capacity and impede the unloading of the cargo, among
other adverse effects. During normal operations, cargo tank are given a “crude oil wash“ as a part
of the unloading procedure. That is, a small part of the cargo pump discharge flow is diverted and
sprayed against the cargo tank structure to dislodge much of the residue that would otherwise
accumulate. Crude oil washing mot only reduces the accumulation of residue in cargo tanks,
which would otherwise be difficult to remove and properly dispose of, but it also permits a higher
percentage of the cargo to be delivered.
As a normal maintenance procedure to prevent an accumulation of deposits, the tanks are washed
with crude oil; however, washing with sea water is required to permit tanks to be gas freed before
they are entered for inspection or maintenance. A wash water heater, is provided when the cargo
carried generated deposits which cannot be removed with cold water. For product carriers, only a
cold water washing capability is needed.
Tank cleaning is accomplished by machines that may be either fixed or portable. Fixed machines
are connected to permanent piping extending form the top of each cargo tank. Machines ate also
installed in the bottom of tanks when required by the structural configuration for complete
coverage. Portable machines are connected to hoses and lowered into the tanks through decks
openings provided for this purpose. The machines have rotating nozzles, which are powered by
the operating fluid and direct a stream of water or crude oil in a programmed pattern to strike all
internal surfaces.
Crude oil washing is normally conducted during unloading. The cleaning machines are supplied
by headers that are connected to the discharge of two or more of the cargo pumps. At least two
cargo pumps should be usable for crude oil washing in case one is in case one is inoperable. Each
machines is supplied through a valve branch form one of the headers. The headers are necessary
because the required operating pressure of the machine typically 10.5 Kg/Cm2 or more, is higher
than the pressure existing in the deck discharge piping during unloading. A valve is provided in the
pump discharge downstream of the tank cleaning header connection so the pump can be throttled
to deliver the required pressure. With this arrangement, only some of the cargo pumps need to be
throttled to supply the cleaning machines, while the remaining pumps unload cargo at their full
rated flow. The number of header provided should be equal to the number of grades of cargo to
be unloaded with simultaneous crude oil washing. Each header should be sized for the maximum
number of machines that will operate simultaneously.
The bottom of each cargo tank is cleaned after the cargo in it has been pumped out, while
unloading of other cargo tanks continues. To effectively clean the tank bottom the oil form crude
oil washing machines must be removed as fast as it enters to keep the bottom of the tank free of
oil. This is done by stripping eductors. The eductor are supplied with actuating oil by the cargo
pumps, similar to the tank cleaning machines. At least one eductor is provided for each cargo
grade. The eductor take suction on the cargo tanks via the stripping tailpipes. Since the eductor
head is insufficient to discharge into the cargo pump discharge mains, the eductor discharge into
the slop tanks, form wich the oil removed by a cargo pump. The eductor piping is arranged so that
the eductor capacity should be at least 1.25 time the total capacity of the tank cleaning machines
required in simultaneous operation for bottom washing. Each eductor should have a differential
pressure gage indicating its operating head so the operator can confirm its performance during
wash cycle.
Gambar.80 Tank cleaning nozle
For water washing, connections form port and starboard sea chest should be provided so the cargo
pumps can supply sea water to the fixed tank cleaning machines through the crude oil washing
headers. If a tank cleaning heater is necessary, either double isolation valves or spectacle flanges
should be installed for positive isolation of the heater when crude oil is in the piping. Piping is
provided so that the wash water can be removed form the cargo tank and discharged to the slop
tanks by the stripping eductor or stripping pump. Hose conections are provided on the tank
cleaning headers to permits use of portable machines for spot cleaning of areas not adequately
covered by the fixed machines.

Stripping systems
A stripping system is provided to remove the cargo that remains in the tanks after the main cargo
pump piping begins to ingest air. The air enter the suction piping trough vortices that form near the
tail pipes. In addition, bubbles can form in the suction piping because the reduced pressure
permits lighter components of the crude oil to vaporize. The tendency of the crude oil to form
bubbles depends on its composition and can be a severe design limitation for crude oil having
components with low vapor pressures. Air and vapor bubbles entering the cargo pump can cause a
loss of suction and speed surges, which may damage the pump. Therefore, good practice required
that the final stage of emptying the cargo tank (the “stripping” operation) be accomplished using
smaller –capacity “stripping” pumps instead of the main cargo pump.
Gambar.81.a. Stripping Pipe system Gambar. 81.b. Deepwell

Gambar.83 Oil Pump di Ruang Pompa

The stripping system should have separate, relatively small suction mains and tail pipes to each
cargo tank. The stripping piping should be arranged to permit the stripping pump to remove
residual oil form piping and tanks following unloading, and discharge it to deck manifolds. In
addition, the stripping system is commonly designed to pump wash water form cargo tanks to the
slop tanks, discharge oily waste form the slop tanks to the deck manifolds, discharge clean water
form the slop tanks overboard via the oil content monitoring system, and dewater the pump room
in an emergency. The overboard discharge line of stripping system should terminate above the
waterline, should have an automatically operated stop valve that is actuated by the oil content
monitor. The stripping pumps should also be arranged to pump oily waste form the pump room
bilge to the slop tanks, since the discharge of such waste to the machinery space oily waste
systems could cause an ignition hazard in the machinery space. The stripping suction piping also
serves the crude oil wash stripping eductors.
Each slop tank should be provided with separate inlet and outlet connection to minimize
turbulence, which disrupts the separation of oil form water. The inlet piping should be arranged to
direct the flow horizontally at a low velocity.
Ameans of controlling the stripping pumps and also aligning valves to pump out a flooded pump
room must be provided in an accessible location outside the pump room or form above the
freeboard deck in the pump room casing.
Stripping pumps should be of the positive displacement or reciprocating type because they must
havwe high suction lift capabilities. The most demanding service that determines the pump head
rating is the discharge of liquid form the bottom of the cargo tanks to the deck discharge manifold.
The main cargo pumps can be designed to more completely remove the cargo form the tanks by
using speed controls on the cargo pumps to reduce the pump flow as the tanks level falls, and by
using vacuum pumps to remove gas form the suction piping before the gas reaches the pump.
Vapor sensing and removal with cargo pump speed control can combined in a fully automatic

Gambar.84 Discharge Piping

Gambar.85 Diagram Instalasi di Ruang Pompa

Ballast systems
Ballast tanks and piping are completely segregated form the cargo oil tanks and piping to eliminate
any possibility of discharging oil overboard when deballasting. On product carriers, where a small
amount of water mixed with the cargo can severely affect its value, segregated ballast is also
necessary to avoid sea water contamination of the cargo. The system serves ballast tanks in the
cargo area plus the fore peak tank. A ballast pump is located in the pump room, and is arranged to
take suction on either of two sea chest and discharge to the ballast tank, or take suction on the
ballast main and discharge overboard. A tail pipe is connected to ballast main for each tank. The
overboard discharge terminates above the waterline to permit visual monitoring. A by pass is
provided around the pump to permit ballasting by gravity flow.
Oil content monitoring system

Mixtures of oil and water that accumulate in the process of washing cargo tanks are collected in
the slope tank, where oil and water separate by gravity overtime; this process is some times
facilitated by heating coils in tanks. Water that has an oil content below regulatory limits may then
be discharged overboard provided the discharged is monitored to ensure the limit is not exceeded.
An oil content monitoring system continuously analyzes fluids samples and determines the oil
content. A sampling piping leads to the monitor form the stripping pump overboard discharges. In
addition to determining the oil content, the monitor uses input of ship speeds and overboard
discharge flow rate to determine the total quantity of oil discharged overboard per nautical mile,
and the cumulative total quantity discharged during voyage. If any present limit is exceeded the
system automatically shuts the overboard discharge valve. Details of oils discharge limits are
contain in marpol regulation

Inert Gas system

An inert gas systems is used to provide an inert atmosphere in the cargo tank. An inert atmosphere
is of particular importance when tanks are being water washed or crude oil washed. Static
electricity generates by the washing jets could otherwise cause an explosion in the tanks. Exhaust
gas may be taken form the propulsion boilers; however an independent inert gas generator, which
produces gas containing no more than 5 % oxygen by volume may also be used. A scrubber is
installed down stream of the take off form the boiler stacks to cool the gas and remove
contaminants, particularly sulfur compounds, which would foul the cargo or accelerate corrosion
of the piping and cargo tank structure.
The distribution systems consist of blower and piping, which deliver the gas to each cargo tank.
Two blower should be provided, which the combined capacity sufficient to supply a volume of gas
equivalent to 125% of the combined capacity of all cargo pump that will operate simultaneously.
The blower should be capable of maintaining a static pressure in the tanks of at least 4 in of water
during unloading. A stop valves should be provided upstream of the blower and designed to close
automatically upon blower failure. A branch form the blower suction terminates in the weather
with a blank flange that can be removed for ventilating the tank with fresh air to gas free the tank
prior to entry. The distribution main extend across the top of the cargo tanks, with a valve branch
to each tank.
Gambar.86 Inert Gas Generator
Regulatory body require both a water seal and a check valve in the inert gas main down stream of
the blowers to prevent cargo vapor form entering the machinery space when system not operating.
The water seal provides absolute tightness against leakage of vapor. The water seal should be
served by a fill pipe form a continuously available sea water source. An automatic valves actuate
by the level of water in the seal should be provided to compensate for evaporation.
The crude oil cargo tanks should have an individual or combined vent that incorporates a pressure
vacuum relief valve to isolate the tank form the atmosphere and prevent dilution of inert gas.
Cargo tanks of product carriers should also be vented. The required arrangement of the vent
depending on the flash point of the cargo carried.
Gas Free is the condition in cargo tank that oxygen level is appropriate for man living. When the
condition of gas free has been reached, man could enter to cargo tank safety. Whether not, it could
cause a catastrophic disaster (died) for any man who enter the cargo tank.
F. Kemudi ( Rudder )
Secara geometris kemudi bila ditinjau dari segi daun kemudi terhadap porosnya dapat
dibagi :
1. Kemudi biasa, dimana semua luasan daun kemudi dibelakang sumbu putar kemudi.
2. Kemudi balansir, dimana luas daun kemudi terbagi menjadi dua bagian, dimuka dan
dibelakang sumbu putar kemudi.
3. Kemudi setengah balansir, dimana bagian atas daun kemudi termasuk kemudi biasa,
dimana bagian bawah merupakan kemudi balansir sedangkan bagian atas dan bawah
merupakan satu kesatuan.
Bila ditinjau dari letak sepatu linggi terbagi menjadi :
1. Kemudi meletak
2. Kemudi menggantung
3. Kemudi setengah menggantung

Gambar.87 Kemudi meletak Gambar. 88 Kemudi Menggantung

Gambar. 89 Kemudi setengah menggantung

Demikian pula ditinjau dari segi konstruksinya kemudi dibagi :

1. Kemudi plat
2. Kemudi berongga
3. Kemudi khusus.

Gambar.90 Kemudi plat Gambar. 91 Kemudi berongga

Gambar.92 Kemudi Khusus ( Water Jet)

Komponen kelengkapan kemudi terdiri dari :

 Poros kemudi
 Sistim pelumasan
 Bantalan kemudi, dimana ada perbedaan bahan bantalan , hal ini tergantung pada
sistim pelumasannya. Bila bantalan white metal maka pelumasannya dengan minyak.
Sedang bantalan kayu pelumasannya dengan air.
 Rudder carrier yang memegang secara keseluruhan baik poros kemudi dan daun
kemudi ( kemudi gantung).
 Kwadran (Tiller) adalah sarana penggerak poros kemudi yang diakibatkan gaya-gaya
linier menjadi gaya rotasi.

Gambar. 93 Tiller dan penggeraknya

Gambar. 94 Rudder Stock ( Poros Kemudi )

Gambar 95 Pemasangan Rudder

G. Propeller
Propeller salah satu alat yang merupakan pendorong kapal yang secara umum sampai saat
ini digunakan pada kapal-kapal niaga. Dalam kemajuan teknologi alat pendorong kapal
sangat berkembang dari tahun ketahun . Maka pendorong kapal dalam perkembangannya
adalah sebagai berikut ini :
1. Pendorong kapal dengan layar
2. Pendorong kapal dengan Paddle wheel
3. Pendorong kapal dengan propeller
a. Fixed pitch propellers f. Tandem Propeller
b. Ducted propellers g. Controllable pitch propellers
c. Podded and azimuthing propulsors h.Waterjet propulsion
d. Contra-rotating propeller i. Cycloidal propeller
e. Overlapping propellers j. Magnetohydrodynamic propulsion

G.1 Pendorong kapal dengan layar

Pemakaian layar sampai saat ini masih digunakan pada kapal-kapal kecil tradisional, umumnya
dengan kemajuan jaman dikombinasikan dengan penambahan motor, sehingga banyak menyebut
kapal layar motor (KLM). Umumnya kapal-kapal ini terbuat dari kayu, sehingga banyak kejadian
kapalnya tenggelam yang disebabkan konstruksi kapal layar tidak dipersiapkan untuk konstruksi
adanya motor. Dengan adanya getaran motor sehingga akan membuat pengikat-pengikat lambung
kapal kendor dan cenderung lepas, yang berakibat air masuk kedalam kapal.

Gambar. 96 Layar Penggerak Kapal

G.2 Pendorong Kapal Paddle wheel
Alat pendorong ini hanya terbatas pemakaiannya, terutama pada daerah pelayaran air yang tenang,
seperti perairan di sungai dan perairan danau. Bilamana diperairan samodera, tentunya kapal
dengan pendorong ini akan banyak masalah, karena adanya gelombang kapal jalannya akan tidak
lurus dan cenderungberjalan zigzag tergantung besar dari gelombang.
Gambar.97 Paddle wheel Apparat Gambar.98 Kapal dengan penggerak Paddle Wheel
G.3.a Pendorong kapal Fixed Propeller
Perkembangan Propeller dari masa kemasa

Hooke’s screw propeller (1683) Propeller fitted to the Archimedes (1839) Propeller of the Napoleon (1842)

Replica of Brunel’s propeller for the Great Britain (1841) de Bay’s contra-rotating propeller design (1844)

Gambar 99. Kronologi Propeller

Propeller ini pada umumnya banyak digunakan kapal-kapal niaga, beda dengan paddle wheel
dimana fixed propeller diletakkan daerah buritan di centre line untuk singel screw, posisi kanan
dan kiri untuk twin screw, sedang paddle wheel letaknya dilambung sisi kanan kiri tengah ataupun
belakang menjadikan kapal bertambah lebar.

Gambar. 66 Sngle screw propeller dan twin screw propeller

G.3.b Pendorong Kapal Ducted propellers

Alat penggerak ini sudah banyak pemakaiannya, dengan alat jenis ini dapat untuk single
screw maupun twin screw, biasanya kapal yang memerlukan manouver tinggi, seperti kapal
tunda. Prinsip kerja sistim ini, aliran arus dari propeller (race propeller) diarahkan oleh
Kurz nozzle dengan memutar casingnya.

Gambar.67. Sketsa tampak atas dan foto tampak dari samping

G.3.c Pendorong kapal Podded and azimuthing propulsors

Alat pendorong ini jaga banyak dipakai pada kapal-kapal yang manuovernya sangat tinggi,
propeller menjadi satu unit dengan casingnya. Untuk kapal-kapal besar biasanya diletakkan
pada daerah haluan dan buritan guna memperoleh manuover yang lebih baik terutama
pada saat akan bersandar dipelabuhan yang relatif sempit, alat ini disebut juga Pusher and
tractor thruster units.
Gambar. 68 Podded and azimuthing propulsion

G.3.d Pendorong kapal Contra-rotating propeller

Alat propulsi ini biasanya dipakai pada kapal-kapal besar samodra, dalam manouvernya
diperlukan kelincahan, terutama pada saat kapal akan berlabuh dimana pelabuhan yang
disinggah arealnya ramai dan sempit.

G.3.e Pendorong kapalOverlapping propellers

Overlapping propellers

G.3.f Pendorong kapal Tandem Propeller

Tandem propeller arrangement on a shaft line ofTurbinia

G.3.g Pendorong kapal Controllable pitch propellers

Alat ini mempunyai poros baling-baling berongga, dimana didalam rongga tersebut terdapat poros
penggerak daun baling-baling membuka atau menutup sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.

Gambar.69 Controllable Pitch Propeller

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