E-Book The Marketers' Ultimate Introductory Guide To Projection Mapping ...

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1. What is projection mapping? ....................................................... 3
2. Why is projection mapping used in events and marketing? .............. 6
3. Projection mapping in marketing & events ..................................... 8
4. The difference between 2D and 3D projection mapping .................. 11
5. Projection mapping on moving objects .......................................... 14
6. Practical requirements, cost and project management ...................... 16
7. Costs ......................................................................................... 18
8. Technical requirements ................................................................ 20
9. Examples of projection mapping in marketing events ...................... 22
10. The expert’s advice on projection mapping .................................. 27
11. Some (more) mind-blowing examples of projection mapping .......... 29
12. Summary ................................................................................. 33

Front cover credits: Cover image shows projection for Wermland Opera, Karlstad, Sweden.
Produced by: Eyebrite Film and Visions. Tech: Adapt Events. Light: Light it.
Photo: Tricolor India
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The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 3

Casting shadows and pretending your hands white, he projected the film back into the room
are dinosaurs or visitors from outer space to create the illusion of people interacting with
represent projection mapping in its purest, most the objects. You can read Michael Naimark’s
basic form: transforming a seemingly neutral own text about the project here.
surface into something entertaining with the
help of light. The techniques continued to develop over the
years, but we have to move into the era of
When we play now, it’s on a bigger scale, brighter, digital projectors before projection
with advanced technology and equipment, but mapping as a concept really made its way into
our goal is the same: to entertain and impress the commercial realm.
an audience.
This form of entertainment has steadily
Entertainment in all its forms is an integral part progressed, and by adding technology
of human culture, going back as far as we can and modern equipment into the equation,
verify our existence. The breathtaking qualities we’ve reached new heights. What separates
of light have been a source of delight since projection mapping from any other video
we first discovered the power and possibilities projection you have seen, is the fact that we
of the sun. We know that more than 2,000 project onto 3D objects, not just the traditional
years ago, people in China and Greece used flat canvas. That means any object can
pinhole cameras to project images of their become a display for video projection and
surroundings. In 17th century Europe, candles be transformed into pretty much whatever you
and oil lamps were used as light sources want. This affects the audience’s experience
for lanterna magica, magic lanterns which and provides a unique opportunity to create a
projected images painted on glass slides. The spectacular multimedia show. No matter what
principle of projection mapping is not new. message or experience you want to provide,
projection mapping offers endless opportunities
One of the first known creative uses of to dazzle and leave a lasting impression on
projection mapping was (not surprisingly) by any given audience.
Disney in their 1969 Haunted Mansion ride at
Disneyland. During the ride, visitors could see “Projection mapping can create
five singing busts. The effect was created by illusions by turning seemingly ordinary
filming head shots of the singers using 16mm spaces into a visual spectacular. Done
film and then projecting them on to the busts to right, it almost looks like magic.”
make them appear animated.
- Lalindra Amarasekara, Managing
The next documented projection mapping
Director Cyber Illusions (Pvt) Ltd.
happening was by artist Michael Naimark.
In 1980, he filmed people interacting with
objects in a room. After painting everything

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 4

Photo: Dangers Inc

Photo: Destination NSW

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 5

Photo: Art on Ice
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The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 6

Projection mapping can be a simple indoor Projection mapping is a storytelling
stage effect or larger-than-life visuals on tool used around the world at all
entire arenas, landmark buildings or other kind of events. Trade fairs, parties,
architectural landscapes. Here are some of the conferences, etc. Mapping causes
benefits of projection mapping in marketing
that kind of magic to come to life,
engaging audiences and leaving
• Brand building – it can generate a lot of them speechless. Projection mapping
publicity grabs attention by showing huge
• Engagement – mapping attracts attention and powerful visuals that are very
and adds the wow factor engaging. Brands that use projection
• Memorable – it is a perfect feature to mapping tend to have longer audience
ensure your event is remembered engagement and wider social reach.
• Reach – mapping is perfect for social
media sharing, with great potential for Projection mapping brings high-quality
going viral and high-technology to the event or
• ROI – The return on investment in terms of
product which can deliver a serious
publicity is important – people like to talk,
emotional impact to the viewer or user.
and write about this kind of event

Piotr Majewski, Chief Creative Officer of It all comes down to the fact that
production house MOOV, explains why thanks to the mapping projection you
projection mapping is such a powerful tool for can have a unique, visualized dialogue
marketing purposes: with the consumer, telling him in an
unforgettable way a story that will stay
“From my point of view, marketing is with him for a long time. The brand
all about storytelling, and this is what will stay with him for longer than after
connects the brand marketing with the watching regular commercials on TV.”
projection mapping.
Projection mapping can add that special twist
that makes your product, brand or company
stand out.

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 7

Photo: MOOV
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The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 8

There are many obvious advantages to Once Upon a Time, Disneyland Forever
projection mapping. When you view it as and Sunset Seasons Greetings at Disney’s
a marketing tool and compare it to more Hollywood Studios. Take a peek at Wikipedia
traditional marketing methods, its value and for a more comprehensive list.
impact becomes apparent.
A recent example is Art on ice. The brainchild
As consumers become more educated and tech- of a figure skater and a businessman, the Swiss
savvy, leaving a lasting impression is proving touring show features a unique mix of live music
harder and harder. Creativity and good ideas by well-known artists and performances by the
can take you far, but delivering spectacular figure-skating elite, choreographed with ice
experiences that really make your name, brand dance, acrobatics, lighting and breathtaking
or product stand out from the crowd, demands visuals – with projection mapping above,
more. Execution is key, and with projection around and on the ice.
mapping you’ve got a tool with endless
opportunities to present your message. Projection mapping is a communication
tool that lets you reach your audience in an
Years ago, video mapping featured in guerrilla innovative and refreshing way. This guide
marketing campaigns, including EDM artists. mainly showcases examples of largescale
Now, projection mapping has really hit large performances displayed on enormous
volumes, as evidenced by the number of major canvases, but that’s only part of the story
brands that use it. Big brands like Samsung, when it comes to 3D projection mapping. The
Nokia, HBO and BMW have all deployed innate flexibility of the technology provides a
projection mapping technology for product generous base which means the technology
launches and brand-building. can be customized to suit most creative ideas,
messages and budgets.
Disney has continued to be a front-runner,
experimenting with the technology and installing The appeal of mapping projects lies in part
it in a number of their theme park experiences, in their use of compelling visuals to combine
such as Disney Dreams!, Celebrate the Magic, stories, information and calls to action into

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 9

profound experiences. We have already For architects or occupations involved in city
mentioned the practical and technical aspects construction and urban planning, projection
of a projection mapping project, but don’t mapping can be an invaluable tool to visualize
forget the key ingredient: content. With a tool plans and development of defined areas or
that provides such a smorgasbord of choices, districts. This way of including the users opens
the creative challenge may be how to keep up for a whole new approach to the concept of
yourself from going completely Hollywood. design in numerous fields.
Of course, it would be great to have your
CEO’s face, or your most fantastic success story Take a step back and start by asking the
presented in movie theatre style, floating on the questions you normally post when you plan
Manhattan skyline. a marketing campaign or event. Keep your
audience in mind like you always do, and ask
Let’s be realistic, though: most companies yourself how you can utilize this tool to inspire
don’t operate with a budget in that league. your audience, convince them to seek out your
Fortunately, there are many other ways you can products or services and perhaps look at your
utilize projection mapping in marketing. business in a different way.

In addition to the sales and advertising aspects, “Thanks to this kind of 3D projection
projection mapping is well suited as a tool for mapping, one can create virtually any
product testing. The technology is typically used illusion such as a moving or emerging
in the process of choosing patterns, products, object, dramatically increasing the
or to test shapes, forms and industrial design
effect of the storytelling and wow
solutions. Being able to visualize the different
options at a low cost and with the flexibility to
test several different solutions, makes projection
mapping the perfect tool for product and - Piotr Majewski, Chief Creative Officer
design testing.

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping Photo: Videmus10

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Photo: MOOV
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The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 11

The main difference between 2D and 3D A 3D setting naturally calls for content and
projection mapping is the projection surface. software that support 3D. In many cases, you
Two-dimensional mapping is typically on flat also need more projectors when projecting on
surfaces or curved ones where length and to a 3D surface, to ensure that the animation
height are the measurables. Three-dimensional hits the object perfectly. The more advanced the
projection mapping works with objects and projections, the more complex the projection
textured surfaces where depth or other spatial mapping project…
considerations need to be taken into account.
Going from 2D to 3D means an enhanced When projecting onto a 3D surface, its variety
experience for the viewer. in contour, structure and behavior naturally adds
an extra challenge as you typically project on
For most people, 3D is synonymous with to an object with multiple angles – a surface
stereoscopy, where you have a slight difference that demands a different approach than the
between the images fed to your left and right more straightforward 2D.
eyes, creating depth in the images. Glasses or
other optical components are used to separate Well-executed 3D projection mapping allows
the views. Examples of this kind of 3D are the for more complex, multifaceted designs that will
3D movies that were very popular in cinemas have a great impact on the audience.
a few years back, and some of the projected
installations we see today. When Volkswagen introduced the Passat car in
Poland, they employed 3D projection mapping
But this is not what we mean when we talk very effectively. The mission was to build a
about 3D projection mapping. Real 3D show that was transportable, reproducible and
mapping involves taking an accurate digital would really capture the imagination of the
model of an object, such as a car or a audience. In this case, the creative team used
building, and bringing it in to your multi-display a 3D model of the car and mapped the content
software, such as WATCHOUT by Dataton. The with WATCHOUT multi-display software by
software identifies the 3D object, its surfaces Dataton. You can see the example here.
and angles then ensures that visual content is
assigned accordingly. “In the hands of a good producer, the
versatility of projection mapping is
Most other projection mapping is done by endless. It is not just a cool trick, but an
simply masking out the areas where you are instrument that can deliver an idea in a
not projecting or where you do not want light
way that’s never been seen before.”
to shine (on buildings, typically this can be the
windows, to avoid reflections).
- Lalindra Amarasekara, Managing
The type of projection surface also affects the Director, Cyber Illusions (Pvt) Ltd.
content requirements. In 2D mapping, the visual
material you feed into the media player is flat.

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 12

Photo: MOOV

Photo: Art on Ice

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 13

Photo: Dataton
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The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 14

Projecting onto moving objects is often referred When Dataton showed a new version of
to as “real-time tracking”. You track the object their award-winning multi-display software
with the light design, follow the object’s WATCHOUT at the ISE trade show, they used
movements and make use of the structure and real-time tracking of a complex 3D projection
contours that the object naturally offers. You can mapping object as an eye-catcher on the
also utilize the object’s environment, projecting booth. The result was a tremendous number of
onto its surroundings. If you track a person visitors, lots of social sharing and an award
walking on a road, you could create ripple to top it off - rAVE Publications’ 2018 Best of
effects around each footstep, make dust clouds ISE Award for Best Concept Product in the
appear behind him as he walks on, etc. prestigious overall winners’ category:

Tracking as a feature proves just how far “The honors are awarded by the
technology has come. With the possibility to industry publication whose reporters
project content on to a moving object, you can tirelessly visit all 1296 exhibitors at
turn a dancer, a horse, a car or whatever you the Integrated Systems Europe show
wish, into a canvas in motion. To carry out such
before handpicking the winners.
an advanced performance, you’ll be employing
Dataton received the accolade for its
state-of-the-art algorithms, finely tuned to the
object’s movements. If the 3D object is a eye-catching demonstration of real-
person or an animal, the bar is raised even time motion tracking integration.”
higher. Creating a seamless blend between the
projection and the object presents another level The use of projection mapping in such a
of difficulty but when it’s done well, it’s all the creative way grabbed the attention of visitors
more impressive. and is a good example of how small-scale, yet
complex, projection mapping can transform a
trade show booth into a lead generator.


The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 15

Photo: Megavision Arts
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The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 16

Projection mapping adds value, but what Fortunately, there are companies that specialize
about the practical aspects of the process? in creating outstanding content, leaving you to
The requirements for carrying out a successful focus on communicating your vision as clearly
projection mapping project depend on the as possible. The more detailed your brief, the
scale of the endeavor. If you are planning to more likely it is that the collaboration with the
use projection mapping as part of an event, projection mapping experts will be successful.
there is a list of practical aspects to consider, Here are some points to consider before you
ranging from legal requirements, audience size engage external help:
and distance, physical placement of projectors
and media servers, light conditions and much • Timeline
more. • Budget
• Preferred venue/location
These elements are part of project • Projection mapping object
management, which in most cases will be • Ideas about content
handled by an external event or staging
company. Working with experienced, If you’re interested in more details around the
professional companies is one of the key factors practical aspects of planning and executing a
to ensure your projection mapping event will be projection mapping project, contact us so we
a success. can put you in touch with an event company,
projection mapping specialists or rental/
Designing and producing the content is of staging companies.
course one of the most important aspects of the
event. If everything runs smoothly, it will be this
content that will make the audience go “wow!”.

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 17

Photo: Dataton


The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 18

As with all marketing activity, quantifying “There is real evidence that projection
the gain can be a challenge, especially in mapping is far from a cost. Its ability
advance. Whether you are planning for a to attract visitors can help create
big event or a smaller marketing stunt, the employment, fill hotel rooms, sell
impression it leaves on your audience will enter
restaurant meals and increase retail
their overall perception of your company, image
sales, bringing economic benefit
and brand. These things are hard to count in
dollars and cents. that can outweigh the investment in
creating the event.”
As this guide shows, there are numerous
examples that underline the overall benefits of - Panasonic Business
implementing projection mapping as part of an
event or in a marketing plan. Here are some If you need further convincing, Business News
statements from enthusiastic users: Daily recently wrote about how companies
wow their customers with projection mapping
“Vivid Sydney is more than just a ads. As an example, Nestlé saw 41% increase
captivating light, music and ideas in sales when they used projection mapping
in their interactive in-aisle showstopper for their
festival – it drives our economy,
Quality Street brand.
attracting hundreds of thousands of
overnight visitors to our State.”

- Minister for Tourism and Major

Events, Adam Marshall

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 19

Photo: Art on Ice
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The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 20

It doesn’t take an engineer to understand For the more tech-savvy of our readers, we are
that the splendor of projection mapping working on a guide to projection mapping that
also requires advanced technology. It does, digs deeper into projectors, brightness, media
however, take skills, experience and the right servers, files, tracking, speakers, audio cards,
equipment to execute a successful projection automated calibration systems and live video
mapping, no matter the scale of the project. input options.

Don’t forget that you can hire all the Subscribe to our blog and we’ll let you know
components needed to execute your project, when the guide is available!
and bring in people who are skilled and
certified in the multi-display software necessary
to create and display your project.

Contact us if you want to do a projection

mapping event. We’ll help put you in touch
with the right partners – all around the world.

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping Photo: Ralph Larmann

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HBO Game of Thrones
Season 7 Premiere Party
Projection Design -
Photo by Gabor Ekecs
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The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 22

As you’ve read, projection mapping has The after-party was staged on the roof level of
been used in marketing since its inception. Classic Parking across the street with a perfect
We’ve collected some examples of engaging view of the Disney Concert Hall. WorldStage
projection mapping in marketing. provided Kresa with Panasonic laser projectors
and video engineering support for the eye-
PRODUCT LAUNCH - GAME OF catching imagery.
This is a great example where the marketing
One of the most significant TV series of all department of a large corporation can create
time, HBO’s Game of Thrones, used projection an event with extreme wow factor, but without
mapping to launch Season 7. Game of Thrones having to have the specific skills in-house.
has a broad fan base around the world and
has won an impressive 38 Emmy Awards. *Source Bart Kresa, Panasonic

The Season 7 premiere party took place at the Video: Game of Thrones 2017 Premiere
Walt Disney Concert Hall the night before the
Emmy Award nominations 2017, and just four ”For the spectators, projection
days before Season 7 hit TV-screens world- mapping makes for a great
wide! experience.”

For the projection mapping at the premiere - Mr Alejandro Ordonez, Marketing

party, HBO, owned by Time Warner, called and Communications Manager of Latin
on Master Projection Designer Bart Kresa America at Epson America Inc
(BARTKRESA studio) and WorldStage, a
leading company for event engineering.
At Whimsy, you are not only treated to great
A flying dragon engulfing the iconic facade
food but to an entire sensory experience. The
in flames kicked off the evening. The faces of
dishes are intricately paired with state-of-the-
the Night King and the show’s stars wandering
art 360° projection and projection mapping,
on an icy tundra followed, before blooms from
designed to bring every delicious course to life.
the Weirwood Tree took their place on the
By creating a mesmerizing visual experience,
some dinner occasions will be talked about for

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 23

HBO Game of Thrones
Season 7 Premiere Party
Projection Design -
Photo by Gabor Ekecs
Click to watch video

Photo: Whimsy
Click to watch video

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 24

Malaysia’s first multi-sensory fine-dining “Using projection mapping in a
experience serves up 360° wall projection and creative way like this was a brilliant
some mind-blowing table-mapping. idea and perfectly executed. The
traction we got from the visuals and
Video: Multi-sensory dining in Malaysia
the polar bear was tremendous, and
we got so much attention at this trade
show that people at later trade shows
asked about the bear. So, for a few
For many, Stanley Cup is more than exciting trade shows in 2018 we decided to
as it is. But for the 2018 playoffs, projection bring it back for a short, but still –
mapping in the pre-game show maximized the very powerful – visit. The projection
drama and created a great atmosphere for the mapping really made us stand out
spectators. Canadian ice-projection specialists from the rest of the booths.
Dangers Inc handled projection design, setup
and operation for a pre-game show that left In this case, we worked with the
the audience speechless. The content for the creative company MOOV who both
projection mapping was by Couleurs.tv. built the booth, created the spectacular
content and made the projection
Video: Columbus Blue Jackets ice projections
mapping happen. Understanding that
you as a marketing manager do not
TRADESHOW – PRODUCT LAUNCH need to understand and know all the
AND ATTENTION-GRABBER! tech stuff is important and should not
hold your creativity back!“
When Dataton, the market-leading manufacturer
of media server software WATCHOUT, - David Aleksandersen
launched a new version at Integrated Systems Marketing Manager, Dataton
Europe, they turned to the creative agency
MOOV. The remit was to create a trade show
booth that would make the perfect spectacular “At a trade show, it is important to
backdrop for the many new features of stand out among hundreds of other
WATCHOUT 6. stands. You can make a beautiful
stand, but by completing it with
As WATCHOUT is used to create projection visually spectacular content in the
mapping and the new version introduced
form of projection mapping, we
several relevant features, the booth focused
gain not only curiosity but foremost
on a creative mix of projection mapping and
LED walls. The highlight of the show was a the attention of visitors. When
standalone polar bear sculpture about two your product and brand have their
meters tall. attention, they want to stay longer with
it and get to know it better.”
Video: Dataton at ISE2016
- Piotr Majewski, Chief Creative
Officer, MOOV

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 25

Photo: Dangers Inc
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Photo: MOOV
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The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 26

Photo: Dataton
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The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 27

Mr Alejandro Ordonez, Marketing and
Communications Manager of Latin America at Compared to a more traditional way
Epson America Inc., has worked with projection of marketing, where you place an
mapping for several years and was the driving Out-Of-Home advertising structure
force behind Epson’s extremely successful 2018
that changes the landscape, projection
Mapping Challenge competition. When asked
mapping allows us to tell these stories
where the audience appeal lies and why
projection mapping is such a powerful tool in without altering the existing structural
marketing, he said: formation of the area. Of course,
there can be some practical challenges
“Projection mapping is popular associated with this, but the rest is all
because it is a mix of digital art with about content and narrative creation
physical components blended together. that can be done repeatedly in the
This creates a different, sensory same structure.
communal happening of massive
proportions. Projection mapping is not restrained
within built structures like you will
For the spectators (and us creators) this experience on a TV screen, OOH
makes for a great experience. billboard or canvas. As its digital
Combining visuals, sound, and natural aspects take form and change form of
elements of the chosen area – the what it encompasses, it becomes like
Mappers create their own narrative structural non-degrading graffiti.
that can also involve the participation
of the audience. We get to use already existing
structures that may have cultural
As for marketing purposes, projection significance or interesting architectural
mapping is a powerful tool for massive commodities. A city is a work of art,
scale advertising narratives. It provides with mapping we can alter it without
an opportunity to change the story as doing any damage.”
many times as needed on the same
area. By utilizing the natural or made- - Mr Alejandro Ordonez
up structural elements available, the Marketing and Communications
marketing team can tell the stories they Manager, Latin America at Epson
find suitable to each audience. America, Inc.

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 28

California Science Center
Discovery Ball
Projection Design -
Photo by Nadine Froger
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The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 29

MAPPING TRANSFORMS ICONIC on the natural topography, which is unique
SHUTTLE INTO KING TUT’S TOMB in the world. The projection mapping project
has 12,000 square meters of visual area, the
The California Science Center is home to the content was created by Fikirbaz Zenger and
space shuttle Endeavour, the NASA veteran the technical projection mapping setup was
of 25 missions. It was also the venue for a delivered handled by creative companies Visio-
spectacular exhibition titled “King Tut: Treasures Vox and Ouchhh.
of the Golden Pharaoh.” For the center’s annual
fundraising gala, BARTKRESA studio and tech Video: Cappadocia - Video Mapping
partners WorldStage united both elements in
a grandiose mapping which turned the iconic CORPORATE KICK-OFF OF EPIC
orbiter into King Tut’s bejeweled sarcophagus. PROPORTIONS: BMW – “THE NEXT
A Dataton WATCHOUT system was teamed 100 YEARS”
with six Panasonic projectors for the event.
Media kinetic artist and show creator Andree
Video: Projection mapping Endeavour, Verleger staged “The Next 100 Years” for
BARTKRESA studio on Vimeo BMW Group in the Olympic Hall in Munich,
setting both the bar for other corporate events
Read more about it as well as three world records. A total of 149
projectors made it to the Guinness World
CAPPADOCIA ZELVE VALLEY Record for “Highest Resolution Projected Image,
WELCOMES YOU! using 149 projectors.

“I wonder, what would it be like?” This was the For such an impressive show, one record was
question the creative team in Visio-Vox asked not enough, it also boasted the world’s largest
themselves. And the result? Nothing short of media kinetic sphere sculpture and lightest
amazing. The epic history of the region is projection.
narrated through a 30-minute animated movie

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping Photo: Ralph Larmann

Click to watch video
The entire stage was scenically turned into a collaborates to develop creative immersive
3D (and projection mapping) concept space, environments, where they combine both digital
with the audience engaged in the development and physical universes to create spectacular
of a vision. With impressive visual effects and audiovisual narratives. They work with multi-
live performers, too, the celebration was an sensory landscapes that can be experienced
extraordinary visual experience for each and in large and small-scale events. The Taça
every guest. Futsal final event was a magnificent happening
in color and sound with the creative use of
Video & Dataton projection making the event really stand out.
https://vimeo.com/162537304 More photos:
FUTSAL FINAL (PORTUGAL) GrandpasLab/photos/?tab=album&album_
Grandpa’s Lab was commissioned to create
the visuals for the official ceremony of the
final of Taça Futsal 2018. This team of artists

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 31

Photo: Grandpa´s Lab
Photo: BMW 100 years
Click to watch video

Photo: Visio-Vox
Click to watch video

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 32

Photo: Destination NSW

Is our attention span decreasing in proportion to the growing assortment and choices of
entertainment on offer? With all the modern technology around us, and the constant noise from
product and service providers trying to impress consumers, it takes more than ever before to create
“wow factor”.

Projection mapping is a marketing tool abound with possibilities to catch your audience’s attention,
create an immediate effect, and leave a lasting impression.



Mapping can be a tool for you to touch and move the audience, at the same time as you present
your message.

If you’re considering projection mapping as an instrument to help create a different marketing

campaign or product, please visit our landing page and leave your contact information. We’ll be in
touch to discuss your ideas and projects.


Dataton AB

+46 13 10 24 50

Teknikringen 22
SE-583 30 Linköping, Sweden

The Marketers’ Guide to Projection Mapping 34

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