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Refrigerant R717
Evaporating Temperature -6.0 °C
Refrig. capacity 1.5 kW Desired volume flow 0.01 m³/h
Desired delivery height 47.0 m Desired differential pressure 2.98 bar
Recirculation Factor 1.0 Frequency 60 Hz

Results: HRP 10080-25

Actual delivery height 0.0 m
Pump Differential Pressure 0.00 bar Pump volume flow 0.01 m³/h
Pressure overflow valve 3.81 bar

Overflow valve: DN32 60.0 m

- Required height not reached.

Technical Data: HRP 10080-25

Revolutions per minute 3500 1/min Insulation class terminal box IP 54
Weight 117.0 kg Maximum current 16.0 A
Required downleg diameter DN250 Effective power 12.0 kW

Please notice the limitations concerning warranty and liability TH. Witt GmbH
Lukasstraße 32, 52070 Aachen, Germany

Please notice the limitations concerning warranty and liability TH. Witt GmbH
Lukasstraße 32, 52070 Aachen, Germany

Please notice the limitations concerning warranty and liability TH. Witt GmbH
Lukasstraße 32, 52070 Aachen, Germany

13 2162.002201 ERA80 25bar - pressure Pressure side conn.

17 2162.002203 ERA80 40bar - pressure Pressure side conn.

23 2162.002200 EA100 25bar - suction Suction side conn.

43 2162.002038 Counter flange DN100 - suction Suction side conn.

53 2162.000146 Counter flange DN80 - pressure Pressure side conn.

150 4111.aa2bqf EA10gü-gb Fuses

800 4541.010001 NH3 Manometer 12,5bar Fuses

801 4541.010002 NH3 Manometer 25,0bar Fuses

900 9882.waaa04 Packaging HRP Packaging

901 9882.waab04 See-Packaging HRP Packaging

13 2162.002201 ERA80 25bar - pressure Pressure side conn.

17 2162.002203 ERA80 40bar - pressure Pressure side conn.

23 2162.002200 EA100 25bar - suction Suction side conn.

43 2162.002038 Counter flange DN100 - suction Suction side conn.

53 2162.000146 Counter flange DN80 - pressure Pressure side conn.

150 4111.aa2bqf EA10gü-gb Fuses

800 4541.010001 NH3 Manometer 12,5bar Fuses

801 4541.010002 NH3 Manometer 25,0bar Fuses

900 9882.waaa04 Packaging HRP Packaging

901 9882.waab04 See-Packaging HRP Packaging

13 2162.002201 ERA80 25bar - pressure Pressure side conn.

17 2162.002203 ERA80 40bar - pressure Pressure side conn.

23 2162.002200 EA100 25bar - suction Suction side conn.

Bitte beachten Sie die Beschränkungen bzgl. Gewährleistung und Haftung TH. Witt GmbH
Lukasstraße 32, 52070 Aachen, Germany

43 2162.002038 Counter flange DN100 - suction Suction side conn.

53 2162.000146 Counter flange DN80 - pressure Pressure side conn.

150 4111.aa2bqf EA10gü-gb Fuses

800 4541.010001 NH3 Manometer 12,5bar Fuses

801 4541.010002 NH3 Manometer 25,0bar Fuses

900 9882.waaa04 Packaging HRP Packaging

901 9882.waab04 See-Packaging HRP Packaging

Bitte beachten Sie die Beschränkungen bzgl. Gewährleistung und Haftung TH. Witt GmbH
Lukasstraße 32, 52070 Aachen, Germany

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