Back Matter, Cyclone

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List of Symbols

A Cross-sectional area m2
A a constant in the Mothes and Löffler model
AR total inside surface area of the cylone m2
AW inside area of the cyclone inlet region (MM) m2
A1 ,A2 ,A3 constants in Cunningham corr’n equation
a acceleration vector; components: ai ; size: a m s−2
a height of the cyclone inlet or of vane open area m
a area m2
B buoyancy force N
B a constant in the Mothes and Löffler model
b width of the cyclone inlet or of vane open area m
C,C1 ,C2 constants varies
C a constant in the Mothes and Löffler model
Cc Cunningham correction factor
CD drag coefficient
Cy50 characteristic cyclone number of Rietema
c solids loading of inlet gas g m−3
co mass fraction of dust in the incoming gas
cok mass fraction of liquid in the incoming gas
coL limiting loading (as mass fraction) in the MM
cV volume concentration of particles
c0 –c4 vol. concn. of particles of size x (Mothes-Löffler)
D diameter m
D a constant in the Mothes and Löffler model
D particle diffusivity (Mothes-Löffler) m2 s−1
d distance m
dv , du dimensions for the design of vane packs m
Eu Euler number, ∆p/(1/2ρv 2)
e rate of erosion kg m−2 s−1
F, F cumulative undersize distribution function
F force vector; components Fi ; absolute value F N
398 List of Symbols

Fr Froude number, gD/v 2

f friction factor
f frequency s1−
f (·) differential density distribution function m−1
G friction factor in Stairmand equation = f /2
g gravitational acceleration (abs. value g) m s−2
H height, total height of cyclone, submergence m
Hi height of the inner vortex m
Hcyl ∗ dimensionless height in the M-L model
h height m
I, Io transmitted, incident light intensity W m−2
I electrical current A
j volume flux of particles m s−1
K constant in Barth’s pressure drop model
K constant (= Eu)
K1 constant in the Mothes and Löffler model
k parameter in the Rosin-Rammler distribution m−n
k turbulent kinetic energy per unit mass J kg−1
k exponent in empirical relations for coL
ks absolute wall roughness m
L diameter of a cylindrically shaped particle m
Ln natural vortex length m
l length m
l horizontal thickness of vane m
M mass of solids kg
M mass flow of solids kg s−1
MF mass fraction
MW gas molecular weight kg kgmol−1
m exponent in GEC or PSD curve expressions
m mass kg
N number
K constant in Barth’s pressure drop model
n exponent in tangential velocity model
P perimeter m
p pressure Pa
q term in Stairmand’s pressure drop model
Q volumetric flow rate m3 s−1
R D/2 m
R gas constant J K−1 kgmol−1
Rcx ratio of vortex core to vortex finder radii
Re Reynolds number, (ρvD)/µ
ReR ‘cyclone body Reynolds number’ (MM)
Ro , Rdc radii in disc centrifuge m
r radial coordinate m
S length of vortex finder within cyclone m
S source term varies
SAA velocity ratio of Abrahamsen and Allen
Stk Stokes number, (∆ρx2 v)/(18µD)
s height, width m
s estimate of standard deviation varies
T run time or time-to-failure s

T temperature C
t time s
t thickness m
t vortex tube penetration in Fig. 15.1.13 m
U particle velocity rel. to gas; components U ’ m s−1
U particle velocity; components: U m s−1
V volume m3
V superficial gas velocity m s−1
V electrical voltage V
v gas velocity; abs. value v; components: vi m s−1
vin , vx mean gas velocity in inlet and vortex finder m s−1
vθw ∗ wall velocity just after inlet (M-L model) m s−1
W weight N
We Weber number, (ρv 2 D)/σ
w width m
x particle diameter m
xSa ‘Sauter mean’ particle diameter m
xf act empirical correction factor
y an independent observation
y distance from side wall m
z axial coordinate m

Greek and other:

α,β,β’,γ proportionality constants varies
α entrance constriction coefficient
β angle
β ratio of velocities in the M-L model
∆· difference in
δr ‘offset’ distance for scroll design m
ε angle between conical wall and cyclone axis
ε turbulent energy dissipation rate per unit mass J kg−1 s−1
Γ Gamma function
ϕ conserved quantity varies
γ specific weight (density relative to water)
η overall fractional separation efficiency
η(·) grade-efficiency
400 List of Symbols

λ mean free path m

µ viscosity kg m−1 s−1
θ tangential coordinate
ρ density (without subscript: gas density) kg m−3
φ Coulomb potential of an electrical field C m−1
σ standard deviation, or spread varies
σ surface tension N m−1
τ particle relaxation time s
τ turbidity
τ shear stress tensor with components τij Pa
ξ = b/R
Ω angular velocity s−1
ψ Wadell’s sphericity
∇ del operator m−1
· mean
· absolute value

1,2 indicating spatial points or solids loadings
2 in the cyclone inlet region
50 cut size
25,75 reference to 0.25, 0.75 fractional efficiency, respectively
A resultant at position A
a annular
air in a clean (air only) cyclone
acc due to acceleration into the cyclone inlet
B back or resultant at position B
b bed
b bulk
body in the cyclone body
c captured (or underflow) fraction
c cone, conical wall
c vortex core
ch characteristic
comm commercial
cyc cyclone
cyl cylindrical wall
CS in the surface CS
D drag
d dust outlet
d dipleg solids
dust due to the dust
e overflow (or emitted or lost) fraction
e external
eq equivalent
F front
f feed
f act factor
f in final
fp flapper plate
i index or internal
in inlet
ini initial
l liquid
lid top surface
N number
m, mid geometric mean
m model
med median
o start or reference or gas-only
of overflow
ov, iv, mid pertaining to vane pack geometry
p particle or precessional
pr primary
r radial
rCS radial gas velocity component in the surface CS
req required
S stagnation
s secondary
s spiral
s submerged
sc scroll
sv surface-to-volume
sepspace in the separation space
sl due to solids loading
Stk when Stokes’ law applies
str of a strand of solids
t tube
t terminal velocity
th throat
tot total
uf underflow
V volume
v vessel
v, u pertaining to vane pack geometry
vol volume
vt vortex tube
w wall
402 List of Symbols

wet wetted
x gas exit tube or vortex finder
z axial
θ tangential
θ CS tangential velocity component in the surface CS


angular or temperature degrees
* dimensionless parameters
List of Tradenames

• Mathematica—Wolfram Research, Inc.

• MathGV—Greg VanMullem
• MATLAB—The MathWorks, Inc.
• Mathcad—MathSoft Engineering & Education, Inc.
• FLUENT—Fluent Inc.
• TEEPOL—Royal Dutch/Shell Group
• Trickle Valve—Ducon Technologies Inc.
• Calgon—Calgon Corporation
• Hexmetal, Flexmetal, Hexmesh—Causeway Steel Products, Ltd.
• CoorsTek—CoorsTek Incorporated
• Porta-Test Revolution—Natco, Canada
• G-Sep—Kvaerner Group
• Cyclo-Trell—Hamon Research-Cottrell
• Teflon—DuPont
• Lexan—GEC

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abrasive particles, 253, 257 over time, 142, 143, 146, 147
acceleration, 10, 28, 31, 38, 39, 125 particle size, 37, 121, 122, 135, 136,
by inlet, 19, 105 258
centripetal, 24, 31, 41, 107, 134 average drop size, 300
gravitational, 38, 165 axial velocity
in momentum eqn, 38 by CFD, 143, 145
loss, 124, 125, 247, 248 distribution, 46
particle, 28 effect of particles on, 157
access ports, 49, 269 in vortex finder, 69, 72
accessibility/inspection, 354 locus of zero, 79
added mass, 28 mean, 55, 87, 164, 173
aeration, 243–245, 250, 252 measurement of, 216
aerodynamic particle size, 33 models for, 65, 72, 73, 75
afterburning, 279 axisymmetrical, 39
agglomeration, 58, 127, 165, 178, 187,
189, 190, 213, 225 backmixing, 53, 92
aggregate, 273 backup, 246–248, 252–256
airlock, 14, 16 bands, 274, 275
analyzer, 225 barrel, 50, 66, 119, 133, 257, 276, 279,
anchoring, 272–279 344, 346, 352
Andreasen settling bottle, 228 Basset
angular momentum, 19, 67, 205, 263, integral, 28
292, 345 term, 29, 177
angular velocity, 25, 40, 227 Bernoulli
definition, 25 equation, 27, 74, 363
anti-creep skirts, 288, 289, 293, 302 trinomial, 27, 47
apparent force, 25 bleed stream, 225
ASM, see turbulence models blow out, 332, 334–340
attic space, 365 blow-down, 240, 248
attrition, 203, 269, 366 boundary layer separation, 48, 342, 370
average boyancy, 254, 279
drop size, 299, 303 Brownian motion, 30, 228
gas velocity, 64, 69, 72, 73 buffeting, 354
412 Index

bulk rotation, 292 condensables, 223

buoyancy, 31 condensation, 58
cone, 352, 356
calibration, 216, 228 and vortex end, 200, 262
carryover, 290, 332, 333 design of, 349–350, 352
carryunder, 332 erosion in, 257, 259–263, 270, 367
Cartesian, 29, 60, 162 erosion protection of, 279
cascade impactor, 226, 230 flow in, 80, 134, 252, 274, 275
Cast Basalt, 278
pressure in, 144, 249
castable, 271
surface area of, 119, 133
catalytic cracking, 13, 270, 271, 386,
conservation, 38, 61, 161
constriction, 66, 85, 133, 302, 368
cavitation, 292, 330, 339
centrifugal force, 24, 25, 27, 28, 31, 41, coefficient, 112
45, 49, 50, 89, 90, 120, 133, 227, constriction coefficient, 133, 368
274, 294, 319 control-surface, 64
centripetal acceleration, see acceleration coordinate system, 24, 31, 39, 60
of liquid film, 308 core model, 72–77
ceramic Coulter Counter, 228
lining, 268–279 counting technique, 230
ceramic lining, 49 critical deposition velocity, 279–281, 283
CFD, 45, 50, 63, 78, 79, 81, 139–162, critical size, 228
352 cross plate, 351
choke, 292 cross-talk, 200, 248–250
classification, 120, 122, 131–133, 136, cross-triangulation, 219
303, 305 cumulative undersize distribution, 35,
in inlet, 123, 124, 136, 137, 186 36, 42, 43, 54–56
in vortex core, 122, 304 definition, 35
of centrifugal separators, 17–21 Cunningham correction, 30, 32, 281
closing tilt, 236 current
coalescence, 10, 288, 331
electrical analogue, 249, 250
coking, 13, 144, 273
cut size, 11, 54, 55, 79, 120, 189, 199,
collisions, 151
226, 229, 230, 240, 282–286, 354
communicate, 250, 333, 390
definition, 53
compaction, 240, 244, 252
in demisting cyclones, 290, 291, 294,
computational fluid dynamics, see CFD
computational grid, 139–141
concentration in inlet, 124, 132, 134, 137, 186
effect on erosion, 259, 270 in inner vortex, 135, 186
effect on pressure drop, 286 in multicyclone arrangements, 383,
for balance equations, 140, 161 392–395
in cyclone, 108, 213 models for, 89–91, 114, 118, 120, 131
in inlet, 187, 190, 207, 210, 381 scaling rules for, 163, 167, 168,
in overflow, 381 171–175, 178, 180, 181
in overhead, 7 cyclone design, 341
limit loading, see limit load cyclone length, 85, 145, 172, 174, 192,
measurement of, 222, 223, 225 199, 363–364
of droplets, 300, 303 cyclone roof, 364–367
units, 192, 209 cyclone train, 226, 230
Index 413

cylinder-on-cone, 12, 15, 19–21, 46, 63, of cone, 19, 205, 261, 349, 352
80–82, 87, 112–114, 199, 259, 341, of cyclone, 13, 66, 165, 171, 177, 178,
349–350, 368, 372 187, 204, 270, 273, 275, 277, 294,
332, 344, 385, 393–395
decoupled, 290 of dipleg, 242, 244, 255
deflector plate, 332 of dust exit, 242, 243
defoaming, 23, 327–340 of dust outlet, 342
degas, 331 of friction surface, 67
demisting, 13, 15, 31, 200, 334 of inlet, 171
demisting cyclones, 46, 68, 287–326, 373 of inner vortex, 79, 353
demisting mesh, 287, 308 of pressure tappings, 219
density, 125, 255 of sampling probe, 223
air, 85, 125, 128, 129 of the surface CS, 64, 65
bulk, 118, 125, 129, 245, 246, 253 of vane assembly, 370, 371, 373
difference, 166 of vortex finder, 13, 64, 129, 165, 205,
effective, 317 263, 291, 342, 344, 354, 356, 383,
envelope, 37, 38 393
fluid, 27–29, 38, 41 particle, 10, 28, 32–37, 50–52, 120,
gas, 83, 90, 119, 164, 181, 282, 284, 131, 132, 184, 227, 259
286, 299, 300, 317, 331 Stokesian, 32–34, 165
liquid, 299, 300, 303, 306, 335 surface equivalent, 32
particle, 7, 23, 28, 30–33, 36–38, 50, surface/volume equivalent, 32
125, 129, 164, 227, 228, 230, 231, volume equivalent, 32, 165
263, 303 diffuser, 63, 72, 332, 356–362
ratio, 167, 177 dimensional analysis, 163–182
skeletal, 37 dimensional ratios, 112
solids, 122, 187, 255 dimensionally consistent, 163
Stokesian, 37 dimensionless group, 163, 164, 167, 176,
strand, 117, 118 177
density distribution, 35, 42, 43, 51 dimensionless model equations, 192
definition, 33 dimensionless number, 56, 165, 167, 181
deposits, 10, 49, 68, 144, 288, 334 dipleg, 215, 236, 237, 239–248, 250,
derivative 252–257, 262, 273, 351, 352
convective, 39 disc centrifuge, 185, 226–228
local, 39 dispersing agent, 225
material, 39 dispersion, 30, 31, 53, 58, 90, 148, 190,
designs 225, 231
frequently used, 341 dissipation, 62, 63
deviatoric, 38, 39 distribution
diameter density, see density distribution
of inlet, 303 feed, 164
aerodynamic, 33, 34 model, see model, distribution
cone, 261 number, see number distribution
droplet, 300 surface, see surface distribution
dust exit, 13 volume, see volume distribution
dynamically equivalent, 32 distribution function, 36, 135, 164
hydraulic, 321 dollar plate, 239, 240, 244
median, 301 Doppler burst, 217
of barrel, 19, 50 double vortex, 13
414 Index

double-block valve, 253 Euler number, 55, 74, 77, 168, 173, 174,
drag, 28–31, 48–50, 55, 62, 70, 89, 117, 181, 182, 316, 383
119, 120, 189, 190, 205, 274, 279, definition, 55
282, 307, 366 Eulerian, 39, 139, 140, 147–150
coefficient, 28, 29, 120 exit angle, 307
Stokes, 29, 30, 50, 89, 90, 119, 120, exit scroll, 356, 357
134, 135, 139, 148, 177, 228, 281 eye of the hurrcane, 197
drainpipes, 290
droplet, 10, 287–318, 373 failure, 258, 259, 278, 290, 291
dust hopper, 242, 262 FCCU, 13, 14, 17, 30, 62, 144, 272, 273,
dust outlet, 12, 46, 108, 128, 351 275, 276, 279, 386, 391
design of, 350–353 feed
dynamic pressure, 26, 27, 47, 54, 61–63, air-only, 78
71, 72, 74, 216, 218, 363 captured fraction of, 51, 52, 54, 118,
dynamic similarity, 176 121, 303
dynamically equivalent, 33, 38, 226, chemically aggressive, 11
229–231 dirty, 331
droplet size, 299
eddy viscosity, 144 entrained from fluidized bed, 384
edge, 305 fine, 30, 127
effective viscosity, 30 flow rate, 221, 278, 296
electrical analog, 249 flowrate, 332
electrical charge, 225 foam, 331
electrical sensing zone, 228–231 fraction, 51
electrofilter, 7, 10 liquid, 288, 290
electropolished, 11 particle size, 51, 53–57, 111, 122, 123,
electrostatic, 7, 127, 166, 395 125–137, 164, 180, 185, 186, 220,
electrostatic precipitator, see electrofil- 224, 233, 381
ter properties, 164, 392
emission, 7, 183, 381, 391, 392 to secondary cyclone, 382
entrainment, 241, 242, 252, 330, 339, feeder valve, 235
350 film, 291, 303, 305–308
entry, see inlet, 53, 55 entrainment from, 305–308
entry chute, 367 flow regime, 306
equation of continuity, 38, 162 residence time, 318
equation of motion, 28, 29, 139, 148, tangential velocity, 308
164, 167, 176–177 thickness, 318–326
equilibrium orbit, 80, 89–93, 112, 294 vertical velocity, 318–326
equivalent sphere, 32, 33 filter
erosion, 11, 38, 166, 196, 199, 200, 203, ceramic, 10
204, 213, 240–242, 253, 257–279, filtration, 8–10
288, 301, 344, 351, 366, 367, 395 fines, 36, 190, 269, 270
erosion peak, 260, 262, 263 finite differencing scheme, 143
erosion protection, 11, 62, 115, 122, 146, first-stage, 267
268–279 flapper plate, 236, 252–256
erosion ring, 260 flapper valve, 235–256
error, 58, 172, 215, 216, 223–226, flooding, 243, 244, 247
230–233, 374 flow disturbances, 49, 299
error propagation, 232 flow meter, 27, 342
Index 415

flow pattern, 45–50, 56, 60–61, 64–70, from models, 91, 107, 120, 135, 303,
78, 80, 139, 140, 176, 216–217 392
ideal, 26 from scaling, 163, 164, 175, 178–180
in inlet, 190, 265 shape of curve, 52, 53, 65, 136, 148,
mean, see mean 184–186, 189–191, 200, 382
flow regime, 244 gravitational field, 27, 28, 31, 165, 186
flow-through cyclone, 20, 45, 293, 295 gravity, 45, 279, 318, 323, 325
fluctuating velocity, 151 analogy to centrifugal force, 24, 31,
fluidized bed, 124, 125, 236, 239–241, 134, 186
244–248, 254, 256, 267, 384, 386, effect on cyclone separation, 46
391 effect on flow field, 168, 176
foam, 23, 317, 327–340 separator, 287, 329
foam-breaking, 23, 327–340 settling in, 12, 30, 33, 186, 228, 287
force balance, 89, 120, 318, 320 gravity field, 307
forced vortex, 23, 25, 40 grid resolution, 155
fouling, 11, 20, 200, 203, 241, 287, 344 grooves, 274, 275
fractional efficiency, 53, 187
frame of reference, 39, 140, 147 hardfaced, 49
free vortex, 23, 73, 261 Harwell technique, 299, 300
frequency, 200–202 hatches, 241, 269
friction factor, 82, 83, 85, 87, 115, 166, header, 269, 272, 332, 333, 385
171, 192, 275, 286, 313, 315, 317, heavily loaded, 367
321–323, 339 helical head, see helical roof
between film and wall, 308 helical roof, 263, 342, 366, 367
between gas and film, 308 helium bubbles, 156
effect of, 83 helix, 50
effect of liquid on, 68 hooks, in data, 127
effect of solids on, 68, 82, 87, 117 hopper, 10, 82, 200, 205, 241, 242, 274,
gas phase, 68, 114, 115, 303 349–353, 385, 387, 391
total, 71, 78, 117, 283, 303 crossflow, 38, 200, 213, 248–250, 383
fringe anemometer, 217 erosion in, 257
froth, 317, 328 re-entrainment from, 53, 350, 351
Froude number, 117, 168 venting, 38, 250–253
horn, 267, 268, 273
Gamma function, 43 hot-wire anemometer, 216, 217
gas distribution, 10, 312–318, 333, 385, hydrocyclone, 23, 29, 331
390 hydrostatic pressure, 41, 334
gaskets, 49, 121, 269
Gaussian distribution, 36 ideal rectifier, 63
GEC, 51, 91, 92 ideal vortex, 26, 40, 65
geometric mean radius, 113 imbalance, 248, 250, 315, 316
geometric similarity, 78, 176 impaction separators, 174
geometrically similar, 77, 112, 163, 165, in-leakage, 236, 239, 240
168, 169, 171, 175, 178, 383 incoming solids, 263, 264, 267
grade-efficiency, 51–54, 172 incompressible, 38, 161, 162
calculating from size data, 56–58 industrial-scale, 168
definition, 52 inertial forces, 301
from CFD, 153 inlet area, 178, 341, 343, 372
from experiment, 224–233 inlet chute, 248, 249, 274, 362
416 Index

inlet configurations, 18–20, 112, 333 isosurface, 144

axial, 18, 20, 21, 344
circular, 18, 171, 302, 342 J-bend, 237, 239, 240, 244
pipe, 18, 342
rectangular, 19, 342 knock-out, 7, 10, 12, 287
scroll, 19, 50, 257, 263, 276, 297, 344,
345 Lagrangian, 39, 139, 140, 147–149, 151,
slot, 12, 13, 15, 18–21, 66, 67, 77, 80, 153, 176
85–87, 112, 194, 295, 319, 344, 345 large eddy simulation, see turbulence
tangential, 12, 15, 19–21, 46, 55, 63, model, large eddy simulation
65, 83, 124, 144, 146, 171, 183, laser diffraction particle analyzer, 226
184, 189, 191, 194, 259, 341–348, laser scattering, 229–231
368 Laser-doppler anemometry, see LDA
twin-scroll, 295 lattice-Boltzmann discretization, 150
two inlets, 263 law of the wall, 317
vaned, 19, 184, 293, 295, 296, 307, layer loss, 288–290, 294
319, 345, 368–380 LDA, 45, 78–81, 143, 151, 216–217, 219,
wrap-around, 18–21, 65–67, 344 352, 353
inlet design, 12, 342–348 leakage flow, 119
inlet distributor, 330, 384, 385, 388 LES, see turbulence model, large eddy
inlet duct, 251, 263, 312–317, 337, 353, simulation
354, 385, 388 light scatter, 217
inlet floor, 354 light-ports, 49
inlet horn, 386 lightly loaded, 118
inlet pipe, 127, 251, 383, 384, 388 lightly-loaded, 166, 180, 236, 255, 367
inlet target zone, 257–259, 270, 271, 344 limit load, 117, 118, 133, 186
inlet velocity recommended, 367, 368 line-of-sight, 267
inlet volute, 19 liner, 11, 62, 115, 122, 204, 205,
inline, 293 268–279, 395
inner feed, 123, 124, 133, 135, 136 lip flow, 65
inner vortex lip leakage, 49, 65, 81
cut size, 114, 118, 119, 122, 303, 304 liquid creep, 288–290, 302
flow in, 114 liquid distribution, 319, 338, 383
particles reporting to, 133, 135, 186, liquid film, see film
207 liquid loading, 287, 289, 291, 302, 304,
separation in, 122 316, 383
spin velocity, 114, 240 liquid pool, 292, 296, 331, 333
stability of, 242 log-normal distribution, 36, 42, 392
tail end of, 262 loss fraction, 135, 181
inspection, 358 loss-free, 26, 40, 41, 46, 65, 67
instability, 144, 262, 275 louvres, 362
instantaneous flow pattern, 151
interbracing, 279, 386 macroscopic, 62
interference pattern, 217, 218 maldistribution, 58, 213, 248, 315–317,
interstitial, 38 333, 383
irrigated, 68 manometer effect, 255
irrigation, 11 mass distribution, 35
ISO 9096, 223 mass loading, 285
isokinetic, 58, 221–223, 225 effect on erosion, 259
Index 417

effect on separation, 46, 111, 117, molecular viscosity, 142, 150

118, 122, 127, 129, 131, 135, 136, moment-of-momentum, 23, 26, 41, 60,
303–305, 381, 382 61, 67, 71, 85–87, 192, 209
effect on wall friction, 87, 303 momentum balance, 60, 162
mean, 142, 231 monodisperse, 224
displacement, 228 monosized, 224
droplet size, 300, 301, 311–312 multiclone, 294, 296
flow pattern, 50, 139, 142 multicyclone, 312
gas velocity, 55, 56, 82, 87, 142, 148,
164, 173, 300 natural end, 146, 262
particle movement, 31 natural turning length, 195–205
particle size, 36, 37, 42, 43, 164, 187, natural turning point, 38, 172, 195
258 Navier-Stokes, 27, 38–41, 139, 140,
pressure, 63, 74 142–144, 150, 161, 162, 176
Sauter, 300, 301, 311 Newtonian viscosity, 40, 176
mean free path, 30, 281, 282, 284 no flow-through condition, 82
mechanical energy, 27, 61, 124, 218, 363 nonspherical, 33, 229, 230
mechanical energy balance, 124, 363 normal distribution, 42
median, 36, 42, 43, 122, 136, 184, 186,
number distribution, 33, 230
definition, 33
mesh, 272, 273, 276
numerical diffusion, 144
micro-dispersion, 331
mist mat, 308
mist mat of thickness H, 174 off-line, 224–229
mixing baffle, 223 off-shore, 310
mode, 36, 42, 43 on-line, 221–226, 233
model, 38, 49, 111, 112, 163, 185, 242, once-through cyclone, 45
341 one-way coupling, 151, 156
for re-entrainment, 310 onset of entrainment, 307
distribution, 36, 41–43, 56 optical detection, 228
for agglomeration, 187 orifice plate, 299
for erosion, 261, 262 outlet scroll, 358, 362, 363
for flow pattern, 56, 59–60, 64–70, overall efficiency
78–80, 82, 85–87, 142 and emission, 135
for multicyclone arrangements, 390 effect of loading on, 136, 183, 184,
for natural vortex length, 203, 205 206, 381
for pressure drop, 56, 59–60, 62, experimental determination of, 224,
70–78, 82–85, 119, 124–125, 171, 225
172, 192, 193, 208, 210, 211, 219, in separation models, 117, 127
247, 368 relation to cut size, 51, 53–55, 393
for re-entrainment, 305, 310 required for given duty, 392
for separation, 54, 56, 59, 64, 80, overflow
89–109, 111–137, 174, 185, 187, entrainment into, 240, 242, 247, 317
188, 191, 194, 195, 207, 208, 277, in parallel cyclones, 383–385
392 in series connected cyclones, 381
laboratory, 77, 78, 163, 165, 166, 168, mass flow solids in, 51, 221
169, 171, 172, 176–181, 194, 200, particle size, 121, 220, 224, 381, 382
308 piping, 251, 269
Moh’s hardness, 278 plenum, 19, 249, 388
418 Index

pressure/pressure drop, 125, 247, 249, scaling rules for, 167, 168, 171–173,
256, 335, 338, 339 175, 178, 181
pressure-recovery, 356–362
packed bed, 244, 245 profile plot, 81
parallel prototype, 163–182
cyclones, 200, 214, 248–250, 269, 272, puffing, 247
308, 312–318, 332, 381–395 pull-through, 15, 16, 269, 297
swirl tubes, 337, 382, 391 pycnometry, 37
particle flow
by CFD, 50, 147–149 QUICK, 142
pattern angle, 349
PDA, 219 raceways, 288, 289
peak wear, 265 radial velocity, 32, 40, 47, 49, 64, 65, 81,
phase Doppler anemometry, see PDA 107, 216
photosedimentometer, 227 radial velocity distribution, 81
pipe bends, 258 radioactive particles, 219
pipelines, 301 Rankine vortex, 26, 46, 143
pitot tube, 27, 216 re-entrainment, 108, 199, 351
Prandtl type, 223 from demisting cyclones, 305–310
plastic, 257, 270, 271 from dust hopper, see hopper
plenum, 19, 200, 249, 250, 272, 279, re-entrainment number, 307, 310
294, 384, 385, 387 recirculation, 240, 288
pneumatic conveying, 185, 186, 257, rectifier, 219, 356–358
259, 279 placement, 357, 358
point of failure, 258 rectifying, 63, 72
pre-separation, 344 refractory, 49, 62, 68, 82, 91, 115, 166,
precession, 151 205, 269, 271–278
precessional velocity, 197 relative humidity, 165
pressure distribution, 26, 41 relaxation time, 29
pressure drop, 45, 60–63, 332 resistance
across filters, 10 electrical analogue, 249, 250
across parallel cyclones, 383, 395 reverse-flow, 12, 20, 45, 46, 55, 293, 295,
and underflow configuration, 243, 372
246, 247, 253, 255, 338–340, 351, definition, 20
352 Reynolds number
by CFD, 139 cyclone, 68, 77, 166–169, 176, 177,
dependence on inlet velocity, 209 204, 275
effect of body length of, 364 film, 306, 307, 321
effect of body length on, 363 gas phase, 114
effect of loading on, 183, 192–194, particle, 29, 30, 32, 119, 135
208–211 similarity, 168, 169, 176, 177
in pipes with gas and liquid, 291 tube, 300
in vaned swirl tubes, 370, 372 vortex finder, 69, 76
interpretation of, 54, 55, 59, 61–63, Reynolds stress, 142, 143
66 ring, 19, 195, 199, 200
measurement of, 218–219, 223 roll-wave entrainment, 306, 307
optimal range, 269, 368 rolled, 49, 273
over wet scrubbers, 10 roof
reduction, 356–362 domed, 364, 365
Index 419

false, 364 shape

flat, 367 body, 17, 20, 21, 112
helical, 366, 367 cyclone, 13
inner, 364 hopper, 112
roof ring, 328 lining, 278
roof skimmers, 288, 289 of distribution curve, 33, 41
roofline, 19 of vortex finder, 354
Rosin-Rammler distribution, 36, 43, 135 particle, 7, 23, 164, 226–228, 231
rotary lock, 235, 241, 243, 250, 252 vanes, 368, 370
rotational velocity, 134 sharpness, 91, 270
rough-cut, 55, 166, 239, 381 shear, 10, 39, 40, 60, 299
roughness, 49, 53, 62, 68, 82, 83, 111, shear stress, 321–323
129, 165, 166, 172, 192, 204, 263 sheet metal, 270
absolute, 115, 275, 277 shield, 190
additional due to liquid, 68, 291 short-circuit, 65, 113, 262, 288, 354
additional due to solids, 70, 192, 240 sieve, 36, 91, 118, 121, 181
of liner, 273–275, 277 sight ports, 269
relative, 69, 78, 114, 115, 166, 275, sight-glasses, 49, 238
277 similarity, 78, 167, 169, 171, 172, 179,
round-to-rectangular, 18, 19 258
RSM, see turbulence model, Reynolds size distribution, 23, 33–37, 41, 58, 187
stress model density, see density, distribution
drop, 290–301, 312
s-shaped, 52, 53, 65, 120, 131, 180, 186 feed, 53, 111, 122, 123, 129–131, 133,
salt-out, 133, 368 164, 381, 393
saltation, 111, 117, 122, 123, 133, 135, in cyclone body, 219
136, 303–305 inner feed, 122, 124, 133, 135, 136
sample point, 215, 223 measurement of, 223–231
sampling, 58, 220–225, 228, 342 models for, 41, 43
sampling cyclones, 171 overflow, 381, 382, 392
sampling tube, 225 overhead, 126, 128, 184, 185, 392, 393
saw-toothed liquid anti creep ring, 289 underflow, 220, 222
scaling, 45, 163–194 slip, 29, 30, 125, 281–286, 320, 324
screw conveying, 235 slip correction factor, 282
scroll, 65, 346, 347, 362, 386 slits, 288, 362
circular, 345, 346 slope, 91, 120, 121, 126, 129, 131, 135,
internal, 347–348 303
logarithmic, 347 slot, 372
scrubber, 7, 10–11, 297, 298, 308, 334, inlet, see inlet configurations, slot
395 slumping, 273
seal, 236–238, 241, 248, 252, 269, 333 Smagorinsky, 144
pool, 316 smooth-walled, 65, 68, 78, 351
seams, 49, 269, 279 smoothness, 273, 274
secondary flows, 47–49, 259, 275 solid body rotation, 40
sedimentometer, 228 solid-body rotation, 23, 25, 26, 46, 63,
series 65, 72, 143
cyclones, 122, 214, 226, 362, 381–382, solids
391–395 hang-up, 366
observations, 231 solids distribution, 245, 383, 390
420 Index

solids loading, 112 measurement of, 54, 218

and inlet design, 344 recovery, 61, 63, 356
effect on dipleg flow, 242 sticky, 11, 240
effect on erosion, 258, 259, 262, 267, stilling plate, 292, 293
270, 278, 344 Stokes
effect on pressure drop, 62, 71, 78, 83, drag law, see drag
124, 125, 167, 168, 172, 192–194, velocity, 30
208–211 Stokes number, 167, 171, 173, 174, 176,
effect on separation, 11, 38, 53, 182
120, 123, 124, 126–129, 135, Stokes’s diameter, see diameter
136, 164–166, 172, 183–192, 194, Stokesian scaling, 169, 171
205–208, 224 straight-through cyclone, 19, 20, 295
effect on swirl intensity, 65, 66, 82, definition, 20
133 straightening vanes, see rectifier
effect on vortex length, 204 strand, 117, 160, 165, 191, 244, 275
effect on wall friction, 68, 117, 192 density, see density
units, 192, 209 streaming, 228
solubility, 226 streamlines, 27, 144, 146, 257, 265
specific erosion, 258 stress, 38–40, 142, 354
spent cat distributor, 387 stress tensor, 38, 39, 142
sphericity, 164, 165, 226 sub-micron, 30
spin fluid, 227 submergence, 240, 244, 247, 253–256,
spin velocity, 19, 62, 68, 76, 114, 197, 334–340
200, 202, 345, 351 subsea, 310
splash, 239, 332 superficial velocity, 309, 310
spray nozzles, 279, 288, 297 surface distribution, 300
spread surface tension, 225, 288, 299–301, 306,
in particle size distribution, 42 331
in size distribution, 36, 37, 42, 164 surge capacity, 288
in velocity fluctuations, 148 swirl tube
stabilizing definition, 19, 21, 295
cone, 205 design, 82, 341, 368–380
plate, 205, 302 flow pattern, 63, 78–82, 87
stagnating, 280 in parallel, see parallel
stair-step, 91, 121, 180 pressure drop, 55, 63, 194
standard deviation, 231, 233 separation, 173, 191–192, 199
star valve, 235, 237 swirl vanes, 19, 21, 191, 344
static charge, 178 design, 368–380
static pressure, 26, 27, 47, 49, 61, 74, in gas-liquid cyclones, 288, 293
76, 218, 331 orthogonal, 372
around vortex end, 200–203 pressure loss in, 55
difference between parallel cyclones, swiss roll, 49
313–316 systems approach, 243
in bottom of cyclone, 247
in cyclone body, 48, 61, 62, 274, 296 tangential velocity, 24, 31, 41, 46, 47,
in dipleg, 236, 240, 243 63, 72
in inlet, 63 and pressure drop, 61, 62, 73, 74
in vortex finder, 63, 218 by CFD, 143–146, 149, 150
loss, 62, 71, 72, 74, 125 distribution, 26
Index 421

effect of particles on, 157 turbulent viscosity, 142, 150

from swirl vanes, 370, 371 turn-down ratio, 296
in ‘ideal’ vortex flows, 23, 41 two-phase, 287, 291, 311
in the near-wall region, 48, 274 two-stage, 122, 246, 290, 304, 386
measurement of, 80 two-way coupling, 156
models for, 65–67, 82, 86, 87, 118,
133, 303 ultrasonic, 226
of particle, 32 unclassified, 124, 184, 186, 187, 382
tensor, 39 underflow, 205, 215
terminal velocity, 27–33, 120, 165, 166, blowdown, 244
244, 281 configuration, 235–256
thermal cycling, 278 entrainment in, 242
thermowells, 49 in gas-liquid cyclones, 292, 312, 315,
third-stage, 166, 255, 269, 273, 362, 385 328, 330, 338–340
time-mean flow pattern, 151 in parallel cyclones, 248, 250, 272,
time-of-flight, 89, 90 333, 373, 384, 390
time-progressing, 150, 151 mass flow solids in, 51, 220
time-to-failure, 258, 259, 262 particle size, 224
torque, 255 piping, 125, 242, 269, 339, 391
total pressure, 74, 218, 315, 383 plenum, 19, 249, 388
loss of, 54, 71, 75 pressure/pressure drop, 125, 247, 249,
trajectory, 50 255, 315, 316, 335, 338, 339
transition, 18, 19, 246, 247, 342, 344, pump, 339
370 underflow sealing, 146, 235–248, 269,
troubleshooting, 59, 163 290
tube-sheet, 19, 385 uniflow cyclone, 20
turbidity, 227, 228 upflow, 78, 121, 213, 240–242, 248, 252
turbulence, 26
effect on mean flow pattern, 142, 292 vacuum, 30, 38, 70, 248, 281–286
effect on particle dispersion, 30, 31, vane angle, 370
53, 148, 154, 186, 206 vane throat area, 370–374
effect on pressure drop, 63, 363 variance, 231–233
effect on separation, 158 velocity head, 27, 75
effect on the mean flow pattern, 142 vent line, 251, 253
in inlet transition piece, 344 venturi, 10, 297, 298, 342
in swirl vanes, 357, 370 venturi meter, 27
subgrid-scale, 150 vibration cast, 273
suppression by particles, 157, 158 Vicker’s hardness, 278
turbulence in sampling probes, 223 viscosity
turbulence in the transition piece, 342 gas, 299
turbulence model, 139, 140, 142–145, liquid, 299, 306
148 viscosity number, 307
k-ε, 142 void fraction, 318–326
algebraic stress model, 143 voltage
large eddy simulation, 143, 146, 147, electrical analogue, 249
149–160 volume distribution, 33–36, 43, 230, 300
Reynolds stress model, 143, 144, 149 definition, 33
subgrid-scale model, 150, 155, 160 volume equivalent, 32, 164, 228
turbulent suspension, 122, 186, 303 vortex
422 Index

flow, 23, 26, 39–41, 61, 65, 252 wall area, 119
gas phase in foam-breaking cyclones, vortex finder diameter, see diameter
332 vortex length, 205, 247, 372
inner/outer, 13, 46, 50, 65, 133, 144, vortex precession, 195–202
184 vortex stability, 262
intensity of, 55, 207, 275, 313 vortex stabilizer, 292, 351, 352, 373
particle motion in, 31 vortex tube, see vortex finder
pressure in, 41, 47, 71 vortex:flow, 38
re-entrainment into, 350
stability, 204, 205, 262, 263
vortex breakdown, 155–156, 195 wall deposits, 92, 121, 166, 172, 204,
vortex breaker, 292, 293, 351, 352 240
vortex cross, 292 wall film, 288
vortex end, 38, 172, 195–205, 256, 263, wall friction, 60–72, 86, 114, 115, 124,
292, 350–352, 363, 372 166, 192, 202, 206, 275, 291, 313,
vortex finder, 46, 50, 195, 203, 276, 279, 315, 317
394 wall loss, 55, 62, 124, 247
and the surface CS, 89 wall velocity, 61, 66, 67, 85, 86, 113, 133
definition, 13 axial, 113
design of, 353–363, 368 wave-plate, 333
erosion, 263–268 waves, 291
flow in and around, 47, 49, 56, 63, 65, wear, 10, 11, 16, 200, 236, 244, 257–279,
69, 79–81, 113, 117, 118, 144, 146, 362, 364, 368, 395
155–156, 164, 240, 265, 344 wear plates, 269–271
foam-free, 336, 337 Weber number, 300, 301
fouling of, 20, 288 critical for entrainment, 308
in demisting cyclones, 288–290, 293, film, 308, 310
302, 328 weld overlaid, 49
length, 13, 129, 354, 356 WGC, 290
pressure and pressure drop in, 55,
61–63, 71–77, 83, 85, 125, 144,
210, 247, 248 x-50 cut point, 53

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