Qualifications For The Post of Guest Faculty in Gjcs
Qualifications For The Post of Guest Faculty in Gjcs
Qualifications For The Post of Guest Faculty in Gjcs
S. Name of The Course Qualifications As per G.O 12 Qualifications As per Qualifications As per
No G.O 302 Guidelines
1 General M.A Rural Development with
Foundation not less than 50% of marks
Course with Second Class from
Recognized University (If the
Candidates with above
qualification are not available
M.A Economics with
Agriculture Economics or M.A
Applied Economics Maybe
preferred with not less than
50% marks with Second Class
from recognized University)
471/2004, dated 21.07. 2006
of Commissioner of
Intermediate Education,
2 Agricultural Crop Must possess a second class
Production (ACP) Post Graduation in M.Sc
(Agriculture) or M.Sc
(Agronomy) or B.Sc
(Agriculture) with
1 ClassUniversity in India
established or incorporated
by or under Central Act,
State Act or Provincial Act or
an Institution recognised by
the University Grants
3 Live Stock Must possess a second-class
Management & degree in B.V.Sc or 2nd Class
Dairy Technology B.Tech Dairying/ B.Sc Dairy
Technology or an equivalent
qualification of a University
in India established or
incorporated by or under
Central Act, State Act or a
Provincial Act or an
Institution recognised by the
University Grants
4 Fisheries (Fish) Must posses a second class
Post Graduation in M.F.Sc or
M.Sc with Aquaculture or
M.Sc (Zoology) with Fisheries
or B.F.Sc with two (2) years
experience or an equivalent
qualification of a University
in India established or
incorporated by or under
Central Act, State Act or a
Provincial Act or an
Institution recognised by the
University Grants
5 Sericulture (Seri) Must posses a second class
Qualifications for Vocational Course
Post Graduation in M.Sc
Sericulture or
M.Sc(Agriculture) with
Entomology or M.Sc with PG
Diploma in Sericulture or 1st
Class B.Sc (Agriculture) or an
equivalent qualification of a
University in India
established or incorporated
by or under Central Act,
State Act or a Provincial Act
or an Institution recognised
by the University Grants
6 Accounting & Must posses a second class
Taxation (A&T) Post Graduation in M.Com
with Specialisation in
Taxation or an equivalent
qualification of a University
in India established or
incorporated by or under
Central Act, State Act or a
Provincial Act or an
Institution recognised by the
University Grants
7 Office O.A Commerce
Assistantship Must possess a second
class Post Graduation in
M.Com or equivalent
qualification of a University
in India established or
incorporated by or under
Central Act, State Act or a
Provincial Act or an
Institution recognized by
the University Grants
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and
of all other powers hereunto enabling the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following
amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Intermediate Education Service Rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.302
Education (IE.1) Department dated the 30 th December 1993 and published in the A.P. Gazette Part-1
No.3 dated 20.01.1994 at pages 63-71 H19/140/2 as amended from time to time.
In the said rules in the Annexure to rule 5 for the existing entries under Category 9 Junior
Lecturer in Vocational Courses, the following entries shall be substituted namely:-
c) Junior Lecturer in By Direct Must posses a Degree in B.A or B.Com or B.Sc from a
Shorthand recruitment recognized University and a certificate in Shorthand Higher
&Typewriting (or) Grade English and Typewriting Higher Grade English issued
Recruitment by by State Board of Technical Education.
2. Engineering
Junior Lecturer By Direct Must posses a Second Class Degree of B.E in
in Engineering recruitment (or) Electrical/Mechanical/Automobile/Civil etc as the case may
Recruitment by be or AMIE in the concerned subject or an equivalent
Transfer qualification or any other equivalent qualification of a
University in India established or incorporated by or under a
Central Act, State Act or Provincial Act, or an Institution
recognized by the University Grants Commission.
3 Agriculture:
a) Junior Lecturer By Direct Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate in M.Sc
Crop- recruitment (or) (Agriculture) or M.Sc, (Agronomy) or B.Sc (Agriculture) with
Production Recruitment by 1st Class University in India established or incorporated by or
Transfer under Central Act, State Act or Provincial Act or an
Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission.
b) Junior Lecturer By Direct Must posses a Second Class Post Graduation in M.Sc.,
in Sericulture recruitment (or) Sericulture or M.Sc., (Agriculture) with Entomology or M.Sc.,
Recruitment by with PG Diploma in Sericulture or 1st Class B.Sc.,
Transfer (Agriculture) or an equivalent qualification of a University in
India established or incorporated by or under Central Act,
State Act or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by
the University Grants Commission.
--: 2 :--
4. Animal Husbandry:
a) Junior Lecturer By Direct Must posses a Second Class Degree in B.V.Sc., or 2nd Class
in Dairying recruitment (or) B.Tech., Dairying/B.Sc., Dairy Technology or an equivalent
Recruitment by qualification of a University in India established or
Transfer incorporated by or under Central Act, State Act or a
Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University
Grants Commission.
b) Junior Lecturer By Direct Must posses a Second Class Degree in B.V.Sc., or an
in Poultry and recruitment (or) equivalent qualification of a University in India established
Swine Recruitment by or incorporated by or under Central Act, State Act or a
Production Transfer Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University
Grants Commission.
c) Junior Lecturer By Direct Must posses a Second Class Post Graduation in M.F.Sc., or
in Fisheries recruitment (or) M.Sc., with Aquaculture or M.Sc., with Marine Culture or
Recruitment by M.Sc., (Zoology) with Fisheries or B.F.Sc., with two (2)
Transfer years experience or an equivalent qualification of a
University in India established or incorporated by or under
Central Act, State Act or a Provincial Act or an Institution
recognized by the University Grants Commission.
5. Para Medical Courses
a) Junior Lecturer By Direct Must posses a Second Class Degree in Pharmacy (B-
in Pharmacy recruitment (or) Pharmacy) or an equivalent qualification of a University in
Recruitment by India established or incorporated by or under Central Act,
Transfer State Act or a Provincial Act, or an Institution recognized by
the University Grants Commission.
b) Junior Lecturer By Direct Must posses a Second Class Degree in MBBS/ BHMS / BAMS
in Medical Lab recruitment (or) / B-Pharm/M.Sc., (Biochemistry), M.Sc., (Micro Biology),
Technician Recruitment by M.B.S or an equivalent qualification of a University in India
Transfer established or incorporated by or under Central Act, State
Act or a Provincial Act, or an Institution recognized by the
University Grants Commission.
c) Junior Lecturer By Direct Must posses a Second Class Degree in B.Sc., (Nursing) or an
in Nursing recruitment (or) equivalent qualification of a University in India established
Recruitment by or incorporated by or under Central Act, State Act or a
Transfer Provincial Act, or an Institution recognized by the University
Grants Commission.
d) Junior Lecturer By Direct Must posses a Second Class Degree in B.D.S or an
in Dental recruitment (or) equivalent qualification of a University in India established
Technician Recruitment by or incorporated by or under Central Act, State Act or a
Transfer Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University
Grants Commission.
b) Junior Lecturer in By Direct Must posses a Second Post Graduation in M.Sc., Home
Home Science recruitment Science with specialization in Child Human Development or
Course (or) an equivalent qualification of a University in India
Recruitment by established or incorporated by or under Central Act, State
Transfer Act or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the
University Grants Commission.
c) Junior Lecturer in By Direct Must posses a Second Class Post Graduation in M.Sc., Home
Crèche and Pre recruitment Science with specialization in Child Human Development or
School (or) an equivalent qualification of a University in India
Management Recruitment by established or incorporated by or under Central Act, State
Transfer Act or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the
University Grants Commission.
d) Junior Lecturer in By Direct Must posses a Second Class Post Graduation in M.Sc., Home
Confectionery recruitment (or) Science with specialization in Food and Nutrition or an
Recruitment by equivalent qualification of a University in India established
Transfer or incorporated by or under Central Act, State Act or a
Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University
Grants Commission
O R D E R:
The following notification shall be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette.
In exercise of the power conferred by the provision to Article 309 of the Constitution of India
and of all other powers hereunto enable, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following
Special Rules for the Andhra Pradesh Intermediate Education Service Rules in supercession of Special
and Adhoc Rules issued in the following G.Os from time to time so far as they related to the posts
included in these Special Rules:
1. Short Title:
These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Intermediate Education Service Rules.
2. Constitution:
The Service shall consist of the following categories of posts:
4 (a) Deputy Director By promotion Assistant Director (Admn) and Chief Government
(Admn) Auditor (Gazetted)
(b) Deputy Director By promotion of Principal Government Junior College Government
(c) District By promotion of Principal Government Junior College Government
Education Officer
1) The appointment on tenure basis to any post in the service shall not ordinarily be for
more three years at a time.
Provided that nothing in this rule shall prohibit the Director to repatriate, the Officers
taken on tenure basis to their parent department before expiry of the said period of
tenure if it is a considered necessary in public interest.
4) Qualifications:
No Person shall be eligible for appointment to the categories specified in column (1) of the
Annexure to these rules by the method specified in column (2) unless he possesses the
qualifications specified in the correspondent entry in column (3) thereof:
5) Age:
No person shall be eligible for appointment by direct recruitment if he has completed 28
years of age in the first day of July of the year in which the notification for selection is
6) Minimum Service:
No member of the service shall be eligible for promotion or recruitment by transfer to the
next higher post unless he is an approved probationer and have put in at-least not less than
3 years of service, in the category from which promotion or appointment by transfer is
7) Probation:
Every person appointed to a category by direct recruitment shall be on probation for a
total period of two years on duty within a continuous period of three years and every
person appointed to any category by promotion or transfer shall be on probation for a total
period of one year on duty within a continuous period of two years from the date on which
he commences probation.
8) Tests:
(1) Every person appointed by direct recruitment to the post of Junior Lecturer shall pass
the following tests within the period of probation.
9) Unit of Appointment:
For the purpose of appointment, discharge for want of vacancy, seniority, promotion,
transfer and appointment as full member, the unit of appointment to the post specified in
column (2) of the table below shall be as specified in column (3) thereof::
(See Rule – 5)
8 Junior By Direct Must posses a second class Post Graduate Degree (MA or
Lecturer Recruitment M.Sc., or M.Com., OR B.A (Hons) or B.Sc., (Hons) or B.Com
(Hons) or any other equivalent Post-Graduate Degree in the
relevant subject/language of any University in India
Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State
Act, or a provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the
University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification
with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
9 Junior Lecturer in
Vocational courses
(a) Junior By Direct Must possess a second class Degree of M.Com or MBA of a
Lecturer in Recruitment/ University in India established or incorporated by or under
Commerce Recruitment by Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial Act or an Institution
transfer recognized by the University Grants Commission or an
equivalent qualification, with not less than 50% of marks.
(b) Junior By Direct Must possess a Second class Degree of M.Com, a University in
Lecturer Recruitment/ India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act,
in Office Recruitment by Provincial Act or a State Act or an Institution recognized by
Assistant- transfer the University Grants Commission or an equivalent
Ship (OA) qualification with Higher Grade Short Hand and Higher Grade
Typewriting awarded by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of
Technical Education.
(c) Junior By Direct Must possess a Second class Post Graduate Degree of M.Com.,
Lecturer Recruitment/ University in India established or incorporated by or under a
in Taxation Recruitment by Central Act, State Act or a Provincial Act or an Institution
transfer recognized by the University Grants Commission or an
equivalent qualification with not less than 50% of marks with
3 Agriculture: By Direct Must possess a Second class Degree B.Sc., (Agriculture) with
recruitment/ specialization in Crop-Production/Sericulture as the case may
Crop- Recruitment by be with not less than 50% of marks of a University in India
Production transfer established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State
Sericulture Act or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the
JL in University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification.
5 Medical By Direct Must possess a Second class degree Technician (B.D.S) with
Dental recruitment/ not less than 50% of marks of a University in India established
Technician: Recruitment by or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a
(a) JL in transfer provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University
Medicine Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification.
(b) JL in By Direct Must possess a Second class degree Pharmacy (B.Pharma) with
Pharmacy recruitment/ not less than 50% of marks of a University in India established
Recruitment by or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a
transfer provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University
Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification.
6 Home Science: Must possess a Second class degree of M.Sc. Textile and
Commercial Garment Clothing (Home Science) with not less than 50% of marks of a
making/Child Psychology University in India established or incorporated by or under a