Essential Oil and Composition of Anise (Pimpinella Anisum L.) With Varying Seed Rates and Row Spacing

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Pak. J. Bot., 46(5): 1859-1864, 2014.


Department of Horticulture, Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture Multan, Pakistan
Community College, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan
Institute of Agronomy and Plant Breeding I, Justus Liebig University, Ludwigstrasse. 23, D- 35390 Giessen, Germany
Corresponding Author e-mail: [email protected] Mob: 03437481571

Two year study was carried out to explore the effect of seed rate and row spacing on the fruit yield, essential oil yield
and composition of aniseed. The study factors included seed rate (6 g, 12 g, 24 g/10 m2) and row spacing (15 cm, 25 cm,
37.5 cm. A significantly higher fruit yield was produced at narrow row spacing of 15 cm among treatments. Wider row
spacing produced markedly higher essential oil than narrow row spacing. Essential oil accumulation decreased as planting
densities increased. The major constituent of anise oil was trans-anethole (82.1%) followed by γ-himachalene (7.0%). The
quality parameters including estragol, γ-himachalene and trans-anethole were significantly affected by different row
spacing. Plant grown at 37.5 cm row spacing accumulated the highest estragol and trans-anethole concentration among the
row spacing treatments. It can be concluded that higher plant density and wider row spacing increased the disease infestation
and lodging cultivar Enza Zaden in current study exhibited high concentration trans-anethole in essential oil composition
therefore is a good quality chemotype.

Keywords: Essential oil, Pimpinella anisum, Trans-anethole, Seed rate, Row spacing

Introduction seed rate and row spacing on the fruit yield, essential oil
yield and composition of aniseed.
Anise (Pimpinella anisum L.), is an annual important
spice and medicinal plant belonging to the family of Materials and Methods
Apiaceae, and native to Mediterranean region. Medicinal
plants contain substances that could be used for therapeutic Experimental conditions and crop management: Two
purposes (Hussain et al., 2014: Al-Juhaimi, 2014). years experiments were carried out at experimental station
Recently, this spice plant has drawn more consideration of Giessen (50o47´N and 8o61´E), Germany Topographically
consumers due to the antimicrobial, antifungal, insecticidal, the Giessen experimental site is usually even with
and antioxidtaive effect of this herb on human health homogenous soils rich in clay contents. The row spacing
(Özcan & Chalchat, 2006; Tirapelli et al., 2007). The experiments were laid out as RCBD design with split plot
essential oil is characterized by carminative, mild arrangement having four replications. Row spacing
expectorant, diuretic, antiseptic as well as antispasmodic experiments were sown on April 1st in both years. Cv.
effects (Bown 2001; Kreydiyyeh et al., 2003). Anise fruits Enza Zaden was planted in 1.5 x 7.0 m2 plots. Row
contain 1.5-5.0% essential oil with trans-anethole, a spacing was allocated to main plots and seed rate to sub
phenylpropanoid, as predominant component (Tabanca et plots. The study factors are included seed rate (6 g, 12 g,
al., 2005). In addition, the essential oil of the anise fruits 24 g/10 m2) and row spacing (15 cm, 25 cm, 37.5 cm).
contains also small quantity of estragol, anisaldehyde, γ- Weed control and fungal control was carried out by
himachalene and cis-anethole (Omidbaigi et al., 2003; application of the herbicide Bandur (Aclonifen) 4 L/ha
Rodrigues et al., 2003). In European countries consumption and Foliar application of Ridomil Gold (Mancozeb +
of anise fruits is more than its production so the amount of Metalaxyl-M) (2 kg/ha) respectively. The weather
imported anise fruits reached about 2000 t in 2004. Among condition data is presented in Table 1.
other countries Germany remains the largest spice importer Prior to harvesting plant height was measured with
of anise (Rapisarda, 2004). This stimulates the cultivation yardstick. These yields determine components were
of anise in European countries including Germany. calculated from each plant of two middle rows and
The yield of aniseed may noticeably vary depending averages of all plants worked out. TFW was obtained by
on ecological conditions such as temperature, precipitation counting of twice 1000-fruits of each sample using an
and soil fertility. Previous studies showed the effects of row automated seed counter (Contador). 20 grams each of the
spacing, water supply, fertilization, sowing time, sowing samples were weighted out. The harvest was made by a
density on anise seed yield and quality were studied under combine at the time of full ripeness of the fruits.
field and greenhouse conditions (Maheshwari et al., 1989; The infection of fungal pathogens like Cercospora
Zethab-Salmasi et al., 2001; Tuncturk & Yildirim, 2006). malkoffii may be affected plant growth and development
The cultivation of anise in Germany is rather limited due to under humid climate conditions. Hence, fungal disease-
problems such as poor establishment of plant stand in the severity on anise plants was recorded by grading 1-9 (1:
spring and lower yield in autumn. without infection, 9: whole plants are infected. Visual
Plant spacing and seed rate are important factors in fungal disease incidence was assessed for each plot
determining the microenvironment in the anise field. fortnightly from Giessen experimental station. Lodging
The optimization of these factors can lead to a higher was also estimated similar way by grading 1-9 (1: erect
yield in the crop by favorably affecting the absorption of plants, 9: whole plants are lodged). Lodging data was
nutrients and exposure of the plant to the light. The, collected from each plot at full maturity before harvesting
current study was carried out to explore the effect of of anise plants.

Table 1. Air temperature (AT) in °C and precipitation (PS) in mm from March to September,
and the long-term average (last 25 years), Giessen 2008-2009.
2008 2009
°C °C mm Mm °C °C mm mm
April 5.7 8.4 61 41 9.7 8.4 46 41
May 16.7 12.9 50 58 15.1 12.9 82 58
June 13.4 16.0 60 62 11.8 16.0 73 62
July 20.5 17.8 43 66 18.5 17.8 77 66
August 18.6 17.2 70 59 18.5 17.2 44 59
September 9.7 13.7 75 50 11.4 13.7 39 50
Sum 359 336 360 336
Mean 14.1 14.3 14.2 14.3
AT: Air temperature (°C), LAT: Long term air temperature (°C), PS: Precipitation sum (mm), LPS: Long term precipitation average (mm)

Essential oil extraction: Essential oil was quantified observed as distance between the row increased. Highest
gravimetrically by hydro-distillation using a Clevenger-type lodging was recorded from plant grown at wider row
apparatus according to the European Pharmacopoeia (Anon., spacing and higher plant densities (Fig. 2).
2000). Each sample was analyzed in two replications and the The results revealed that plant height of anise at
average was used for statistical analyses. The obtained maturity was not affected by row spacing treatments in
essential oil was stored at 4 oC for further laboratory both seasons. A decreasing trend of plant height was
analyses. The anise essential oil components were identified noticed with increasing plant densities (Table 2). A
and quantified by means of GC and GC-MS. A Varian CP- Significant higher 1000-fruit weight was attained at 37.5
3800 gas chromatography equipped with flame ionization cm row spacing and plant density of 189 plants m-2
detector (GC-FID) was used. respectively in 2008. Due to the higher competition at
higher plant density, anise plant obtained limited
GC-MS: Besides the analysis of main components of nutrition, water uptake and light uptake for development
anise essential oil by GC, GC-MS was used for the which reduced formation of the fruit yield components
analysis of other components of anise essential oil, which and yield. This conclusion is in accordance with findings
were present in minor quantity. For identification of these of Yan et al., (2011) who reported that higher sowing
components Kovat’s retention indices were calculated by rates resulted higher plant density which reduced the yield
linear interpolation between bracketing n-alkanes (C8- components significantly. Different row spacing had
C24; Alfa Aesar Karlsruhe, Germany) significant effect on the fruit yield anise in 2008; opposite
to that fruit yield was not affected by row spacing and
Statistical analyses: Statistical analysis of the data was plant densities during 2009. Maximum fruit yield was
carried out by using statistical program PIAF Stat (Planning recorded at narrow row spacing of 15 cm row compared
information analysis program for field trials) for checking the to wider row spacing (table 2). In both years, higher fruit
significance of the different treatments, whereas LSD at 5% yield was produced by narrow row spacing of 15 cm
probability level (p 0.05) was used to compare the compared to wider row spacings. The reduced fruit yield
differences between the treatments. Correlation analysis was at wider row spacing might be due the increased
performed by PASW (version 18) according to Pearson and competition among individual plants for available
Spearman's rho methods. The standard deviations (SD) were resources (water and nutrients). These results are in good
calculated by using Microsoft Excel. agreement with previous work (Maheshwari et al., 1989)
suggesting that higher seed yield was noticed at narrow
Results and Discussion row spacing. In observation of Kizil et al., (2008), lower
row distances produced higher seed yield compared to
Data regarding Cercospora leaf blight presented in wider row distances in cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.).
Fig. 1. Disease infestation was lower in 2008 compared to Essential oil concentration was affected by plant
2009. Lower level of disease was observed in plants grown densities and row spacing. Wider row spacing produced
at wider row spacing compared to narrow row spacing in markedly higher essential oil (Table 3) which might be
2008. On the contrary, higher disease infection was due to competition between the plants for available
recorded from plants grown under wider row spacing resources such as nutrients and water which caused
compared to narrow row spacing during 2009. It might be stressful conditions and increased essential oil
due to higher lodging observed at wider row spacing
accumulation. These findings confirm the conclusion that
treatments which created favorable condition for fungus
the amount of essential oil can be increased under drought
infestation. We found that disease level of Cercospora
malkoffii increased as plant densities increased (Fig. 1) conditions (Zehtab-Salmasi et al., 2001, Azizi et al.,
which might be due to the increased relative humidity 2009). In addition, higher essential oil concentration was
within the canopy and increase the duration of leaf wetness produced in 2009 compared to 2008. Experimental data
by reducing air movement and sun light penetration which showed that essential oil accumulation decreased as
increased disease level. Increasing trend of lodging was planting densities increased (Table 3).

Fig. 1. Effect of row spacing and plant densities on Cercospora malkoffii (1-9) on anise 2008-09.

Fig. 2. Effect of row spacing and plant densities on lodging (1-9) in anise during 2009.

Table 2. Effect of row spacing (RS) and planting densities (PD) on plant height (PH) (cm), 1000-fruit weight
(TFW) (g) and fruit yield (FY) (t/ha) of anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) at experimental station Giessen 2008-09.
2008 2009
cm g t/ha cm g t/ha
Row spacing
15 cm 47a 2.63b 0.83a 62a 3.20a 0.68a
25 cm 47a 2.62b 0.72b 63a 3.00a 0.59a
37.5 cm 46a 2.78a 0.30c 63a 3.07a 0.55a
Sowing rates
84 48a 2.70a 0.63a 66a 3.03a 0.59a
129 46a 2.57b 0.59a 62b 3.23a 0.65a
189 45a 2.76a 0.63a 61b 3.00a 0.58a
LSD 5%
RS ns 0.1 0.09 ns ns ns
PD ns 0.1 ns 2.2 ns ns
CV X PD ns ns ns ns ns ns
Significant differences were measured by the least significant differences (LSD) at p <0.05 and indicated by different letters

Table 3. Effect of row spacing (RS) and planting densities in accordance with previous experiments with anise (Özcan
(PD) on essential oil (EO) (%) and essential oil yield & Chalchat, 2006; Orav et al., 2008; Yan et al., 2011).
(EOY) (kg/ha) of anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) Estragol (methylchavicol) and γ-himachalene were
at experimental station Giessen 2008-09. found in all essential oil samples varied from 0.38 to 0.61%
2008 2009 and 5.4 to 7.4 respectively in current study is in accordance
Treatment EO EOY EO EOY with previous work (Orav et al., 2008; Yan et al., 2011).
% Kg/ha % Kg/ha The quality parameters including estragol, γ-himachalene
Row spacing and trans-anethole were significantly affected by different
15 cm 2.83ab 23.6a 3.24b 22.3a row spacing. Plant grown at 37.5 cm row spacing
25 cm 3.00a 21.4a 3.43b 20.3a accumulated the highest estragol and trans-anethole
37.5 cm 2.80b 8.6b 3.73a 20.7a concentration among the row spacing treatments (Table 4).
Sowing rates It can be assumed that under wider row spacing anise
84 3.07a 19.2a 3.53a 20.8a plants were heavily logged due to competition between
129 2.80a 16.7a 3.59a 23.5a plants which induced favorable conditions for fungal
189 2.77a 17.6a 3.27b 19.0a infection by Cercospora malkoffii. Environmental stresses,
LSD 5% such as pathogen attack, UV-irradiation, high light impact,
RS 0.2 3.2 0.2 ns wounding, nutrient deficiencies and herbicide treatment
PD ns ns 0.2 ns
often increase the accumulation of phenylpropanoids
(Dixon & Paiva, 1995). Moreover, the activity of PAL
CV X PD ns ns ns ns
(phenylalanine ammonia-lyase) enzyme which is
Significant differences were measured by the least significant
responsible for the synthesis for phenolic and
differences (LSD) at p<0.05 and indicated by different letters
phenylpropanoids compounds increased with fungal
infection. Fungal invasion triggers the transcription of
Significant differences were exhibited regarding
messenger RNA that code for PAL, thus enhanced the
essential oil yield from different row spacing treatments in
amount of PAL in plant, which then stimulate the synthesis
2008 whereas no affect was noticed under different row
of phenolic compounds (Logemann et al., 1995; Taiz &
spacing and as well plant densities in 2009. We found that
Zeiger, 2002). Furthermore, we found an increase in level
essential oil yields of anise varied between 8.6 and 23.6
of trans-anethole while, γ-himachalene concentrations were
kg/ha from different used treatments (Table 3). A
decreased. Khorshidi et al., (2009) reported that percentage
significantly higher essential oil yield was recorded at 15
of trans-anethole and estragol was affected as spaces
cm row compared to other row spacings (Table 3). The
between the fennel plants change. A significantly higher
essential oil yield is associated with fruit yield and essential
concentration of estragol was determined at lower planting
oil content. Differences in these components directly affect
density compared to higher planting densities during 2009
essential oil yield. Yields of essential oil from anise have
(Table 4). A total of 17 components identified in the
been reported in the similar range of 10 to 24 kg/ha
essential of cultivar Enza Zaden (Table 5). The major
(Zehtab-Salmasi et al., 2001; Tuncturk & Yildirim, 2006).
constituent of anise oil was trans-anethole (82.1%)
Essential oil of anise fruits contains mainly
followed by γ-himachalene (7.0%). The minor constituent
phenylpropanoids and sesquiterpenoid hydrocarbons. It is
in the essential oil of cultivar Enza Zaden were estragol, cis
of interest to note the presence of trans-anethole more than
anethole, elemene, beta elemene, α-himachalene, γ-
80% in very high percentage, which was distinctive of
himachalene, α-amorphane, (E)-methylisoeugenol, α-
Pimpinella anisum L. In current investigations the main
zingiberene, β-himachalene, α-muurolene, β-bisabolene,
compound of the anise fruit essential oil is trans-anethole
beta-sesquiphellandrene, spathulenol and α-cadinol.
followed by γ-himachalene and estragol. These findings are

Table 4. Effect of different row spacing (RS) and planting densities (PD) on estragol (ES) (%), gamma-
himachalene (GH) (%) and trans-anethole (TA) (%) of anise (Pimpinella anisum L.)
at experimental station Giessen 2008-09.
2008 2009
Treatment ES GH TA ES GH TA
% % % % % %
Row spacing
15 cm 0.57a 6.3a 90.5b 0.55ab 7.3ab 88.8ab
25 cm 0.52b 6.1a 90.6ab 0.57a 7.4a 88.6b
37.5 cm 0.61a 5.6b 91.3a 0.52b 6.9b 89.4a
Sowing rates
84 0.57a 5.9a 90.9a 0.59a 7.3a 88.4b
129 0.57a 6.0a 90.6a 0.54b 7.2a 88.9ab
189 0.56a 6.0a 90.9a 0.51b 7.0a 89.4a
LSD 5%
RS 0.04 0.3 0.5 0.03 0.4 0.7
PD ns ns ns 0.03 ns 0.7
CV X PD ns ns ns ns ns ns
Significant differences were measured by the least significant differences (LSD) at p<0.05 and indicated by different letters

Table 5. Chemical composition (%) in essential oil of yield due to reduced competition among plants. Cultivar
cultivar Enza Zaden analyzed by GC-MS Enza Zaden in current study exhibited high concentration
Kovat 's trans-anethole in essential oil composition therefore is a
No. Components % good quality chemotype, however more cultivar should be
retention index
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Received for publication 25 January 2013)

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