A Training Report ON Brake System in Diesel Locomotives RDSO Lucknow in Partial Fulfillment of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (2019-20)
A Training Report ON Brake System in Diesel Locomotives RDSO Lucknow in Partial Fulfillment of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (2019-20)
A Training Report ON Brake System in Diesel Locomotives RDSO Lucknow in Partial Fulfillment of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (2019-20)
Training Report
RDSO Lucknow
In partial fulfillment of
Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
1 Introduction
2 Brake system in locomotive
3 Twin pipe dual brake system
4 Vacuum Brake system
5 Air Brake system
6 Air Brake system valves
7 Independent brake application and release
8 Automatic brake application and release
9 Refrences
The Research Designs & Standards Organisation (RDSO), Hindi: अनुसंधान अभिकल्प एवं
मानक संगठन) is an ISO 9001 research and development organisation under the Ministry of
Railways of India, which functions as a technical adviser and consultant to the Railway Board,
the Zonal Railways, the Railway Production Units, RITES and IRCON International in respect
of design and standardization of railway equipment and problems related to railway
construction, operation and maintenance.
To enforce standardization and co-ordination between various railway systems in British India,
the Indian Railway Conference Association (IRCA) was set up in 1903. It was followed by the
establishment of the Central Standards Office (CSO) in 1930, for preparation of designs,
standards and specifications. However, till independence in 1947, most of the designs and
manufacture of railway equipment was entrusted to foreign consultants. After independence, a
new organisation called Railway Testing and Research Centre (RTRC) was set up in 1952 at
Lucknow, for undertaking the intensive investigation of railway problems, providing basic
criteria and new concepts for design purposes, for testing prototypes and generally assisting in
finding solutions for specific problems. In 1957, the Central Standards Office (CSO) and the
Railway Testing and Research Centre (RTRC) were integrated into a single unit named
Research Designs and Standards Organisation (RDSO) under the Ministry of Railways with its
headquarters at Manak Nagar, Lucknow.[1] The status of RDSO was changed from an
"Attached Office" to a "Zonal Railway" on 1 January 2003, to give it greater flexibility and a
boost to the research and development activities.
Design and Development of Rail Free Fastening (RFF) for Girder Bridges.
Laying of Long Welded Rails in Sharp curve of less than 440 m radius.
Design and Development of high toe load fastening system, ERC mark-V
Development of Pre-stressed concrete sleeper and allied components along with Source
Development of improved AT welding technology with the Single Shot crucible, auto-
thimble and 3-piece mould.
Design and development of first Emission Test Car (ETC) to test diesel locomotive
Design and Development of Wider and Heavier sleeper fit for 25 tonne axle load
A railway brake is a type of brake used on the cars of railway trains to enable deceleration,
control acceleration (downhill) or to keep them immobile when parked. While the basic
principle is similar to that on road vehicle usage, operational features are more complex
because of the need to control multiple linked carriages and to be effective on vehicles left
without a prime mover. Clasp brakes are one type of brakes historically used on trains.
In the earliest days of railways, braking technology was primitive. The first trains had brakes
operative on the locomotive tender and on vehicles in the train, where "porters" or, in the
United States brakemen, travelling for the purpose on those vehicles operated the brakes.
Some railways fitted a special deep-noted brake whistle to locomotives to indicate to the
porters the necessity to apply the brakes. All the brakes at this stage of development were
applied by operation of a screw and linkage to brake blocks applied to wheel treads, and these
brakes could be used when vehicles were parked. In the earliest times, the porters travelled in
crude shelters outside the vehicles, but "assistant guards" who travelled inside passenger
vehicles, and who had access to a brake wheel at their posts, supplanted them. The braking
effort achievable was limited and it was also unreliable, as the application of brakes by
guards depended upon their hearing and responding quickly to a whistle for brakes.
An early development was the application of a steam brake to locomotives, where boiler
pressure could be applied to brake blocks on the locomotive wheels. As train speeds
increased, it became essential to provide some more powerful braking system capable of
instant application and release by the train operator, described as a continuous brake because
it would be effective continuously along the length of the train.
In the UK, the Abbots Ripton rail accident in January 1876 was aggravated by the long
stopping distances of express trains without continuous brakes, which -it became clear- in
adverse conditions could considerably exceed those assumed when positioning signals. This
had become apparent from the trials on railway brakes carried out at Newark in the previous
year, to assist a Royal Commission then considering railway accidents. In the words of a
contemporary railway official, these
showed that under normal conditions it required a distance of 800 to 1200 yards to bring a
train to rest when travelling at 45½ to 48½ mph, this being much below the ordinary
travelling speed of the fastest express trains. Railway officials were not prepared for this
result and the necessity for a great deal more brake power was at once admitted[1]
Trials conducted after Abbots Ripton reported the following (for an express train roughly
matching one of those involved, like it on a 1 in 200 fall, but unlike it braking under
favorable conditions)[2]
Train speed Distance Stopping time
Braking system
mph km/h yd m (s)
2. The locomotive brakes can be graduated on & off with either the automatic or the
brake valve.
3. It is always possible to release the locomotive brakes with the independent brake valve, even
when automatically applied.
4. The maximum braking position emergency, ensuring the shortest possible stops distance.
5. It is always possible to haul both vacuum / air brake trains.
6. Automatic brake application and power cut off with idle rpm of engine is always possible
during train parting.
Indian Railway runs both the trains vacuum and air brake. In vacuum brake train
brakes are controlled through vacuum of train pipe. After coupling the locomotive to the
vacuum brake train the vacuum is obtained in train pipe. An exhauster unit is provided to
create the vacuum in the train pipe as well as the Vacuum cylinders of each coach/wagon.
A9 automatic brake valve is provided in driving control stand through which vacuum is
controlled. Normally valve handle is kept in release position.
Charging of system
Air at 8 to 10kg/cm2 pressure is charged at different valves through MR-2. See the
line diagram of vacuum system. Port no.30 of A9 valve, port no.1 of Add.C2-Relay valve
and port no.1 of HS4 control pressure valve. A9 valve handle is kept at release position
normally. Simultaneously A9valve will supply control pressure to Add. C2-Relay valve,
through MU2B valve. After getting supply of control pressure, Add.c2-relay valve will
supply 5kg/cm2 pressure to BP pipe. BP pipe is connected to VA1B control valve top
chamber at port no.3. At port no.1 control pressure at 1.7kg/cm2 is supplied through HS4
control valve. VA1-B control valve maintains 56cm vacuum in train pipe.
Application of brake
A9 handle is moved in application zone for brake application. A9 reduces Control
pressure to Add.C2 Relay valve. Add. C2 Relay reduces BP pressure in proportion to
control pressure dropage. BP pressure may be zero if A9handle moved at over reduction
position. If handle is placed at emergency position BP will drop to zero immediately
within 3 sec. After dropping BP pressure brakes are applied.
Releasing of brake
When handle is moved to release position, A9 valve starts supplying full control pressure
to Add. C2 Relay valve causing BP pressure start increasing to 5kg/cm2 and brakes are
Locomotives Brakes can be applied and released through independent brake valve
SA9, independently.
Formation brakes can be applied & released through Automatic brake valve A9.
Locomotive brakes are applied automatically when formation brakes are applied.
It is suitable for MU operation also, with which the brakes of trailing units are
controlled from leading unit.
Brakes in the rear loco are synchronized with lead loco brakes.
Emergency brake application is available to have minimum possible braking
distance, from any control stand and any loco.
Safety devices are incorporated to bring the engine to idle in case of emergency
brake application and train parting.
In case of train parting between the locos, both the locos will have automatic brake
Automatic brake and Dynamic brakes are inter locked. So that, Auto Brake will be
released automatically when the DB is applied.
The system can work either with single pipe / dual pipe.
It is a variable pressure-reducing valve, sends pilot air to C2 relay valve to charge brake
cylinder for application and release of loco brake independently. The outlet pressure can be
varied from 0 to max (3.0 Kg / Cm2) by moving its handle.
Its handle has three distinct positions.
1. Application
2. Release
3. Quick release – In IRAB, this position is not
The output pressure is zero at release position and the pressure is max (3.0 Kg / Cm2) at
application position. The handle can be placed at any position between release and
application to have desired out let pressure (i.e. Brake cyl pressure)
The valve is also a variable pressurereducing valve. Its duty is to send pilot air for charging/
exhausting B.P. pressure through C2W relay valve for releasing and application of loco and
formation brake. In release condition it charges BP upto 5.0 Kg/cm2
(max). The BP pressure can be varied by moving its handle. The handle has 5
distinct positions.
1. Release (BP= 5 Kg/cm2
2. Minimum release (BP = 4.5 to 4.3 Kg/cm2
, BC = 0.5 to 0.7
3. Full service (BP = 3.2 to 3 Kg/cm2
, BC = 2.5 Kg/cm2
4. Over reduction (BP = 2.5 Kg/cm2
, BC = 2.5 Kg/cm2
5. Emergency (BP = 0 Kg/cm2
, BC = 2.5 Kg/cm2
The outlet pressure (Brake pipe) is maximum i.e. 5Kg/ cm2 when the handle is at release
position. The pressure will reduce when the handle is moved to application zone. The BP
pressure will correspond to the position of the handle between Min and Full service and will
be zero at emergency.
It is a high capacity relay air valve. It gets pilot air from SA9/ A9 and supply MR air
to the brake cylinders at a pressure equal to the pilot air pressure at a higher rate. Thereby it
applies and releases the brake.
C2 W – Relay VALVE :
It is similar to C2 relay valve with some additional features. It is connected to the BP
charging/ exhausting system. It gets pilot air from A9 brake valve and it charges/ exhausts BP
accordingly. As compared to C2 relay valve it is having an additional diaphragm and pusher
pin above the main diaphragm. If air is charged above this diaphragm, it pushes the main
diaphragm and increases the pressure setting for the main diaphragm with the same pilot air
from A9. This increment is limited by another arrangement so that the outlet pressure cannot
build up more than 5.4 Kg/Cm2 . This function is called as overcharging function. It helps to
release the brake binding in any of the variable from the locomotive cab.
MU – 2B:
It is manually operated change over valve. It makes the system to be controlled from the
same unit or the leading unit. It also isolates the drivers control for application and release of
brakes in trailing loco.
The knob of this valve has 2 positions.
1. Lead
2. Trail or Dead.
This valve is also a change over valve. It has 2 positions:
1. Lead
2. Trail or dead.
The position is changed automatically according to the position of MU2B valve. Port 30 from
MU2B is piped to this valve. When there is no pressure in this port F1 selector will assume,
lead position. If air pressure is supplied from the port, F1 selector will assume Trail or dead
This valve is a flap valve with suitable lever. It is connected directly with the Brake pipe. If
this valve is opened, BP drops to Zero at the faster rate and thus brake application is made
very fast with maximum braking effort and minimum braking distance.
1. In case of emergency, when the assistant driver notices any obstruction / defect in track
which the driver could not notice, the assistant driver can operate independently.
2. When the normal application of brakes is not possible or not affected, the driver or
assistant driver can use this valve to stop the train.
It is an electrically operated solenoid valve. Whenever Dynamic Brake is applied it
disconnects the supply from C3W Distributor valve and connects it to Exhaust. Thus it
nullifies the loco brake application through A9 when dynamic brake is applied.
MR air is connected to C2 W relay valve through inlet and outlet passages of AFM
valve. Disc valve controls inlet and outlet passage of AFM valve. Disc valve has two small
ports, one connects MR air to the top chamber of Disc Valve and other connects MR from
top chamber of disc valve to Additional C2 Relay valve. Top chamber of Disc valve is the
bottom of main diaphragm. Disc valve is pressed down through a follower & spring on its
seat. Choke B is provided to connect MR air to top chamber of main diaphragm. Choke C is
provided to supply `main diaphragm top chamber air’ to indicator, when diaphragm moves
down word. Choke D is provided regulate air supplied through choke C towards indicator.
When the brake pipe is fully charged with air and the air brake is in the release
condition, the air flowing from the main air supply through the Airflow measuring valve and
to the brake pipe is that necessary to overcome leakage. In this condition the disc valve is
closed as shown in diagram and air from the main supply passes through choke A in to the
top chamber of disc valve and out to the Additional C2-Relay valve. It also passes in to the
chamber under the diaphragm via the space around the follower. At the same time, air from
the main supply passes through a filter and choke B in to the chamber above the
So long as the pressures above and below the diaphragm are equal, the diaphragm
floats against the choke C. As brake pipe leakage occurs, the pressure at the outlet port
and under the diaphragm falls and the diaphragm is moved down away from the choke C
and permits air entering the chamber above the diaphragm via choke B, to flow through
choke C to an indicator and through choke D to atmosphere.
Choke D is smaller than choke C and an intermediate pressure builds up in the
passage between them and registers on the indicator. This intermediate pressure is related
to the flow of air through choke C that is controlled by the diaphragm reacting to the
pressure under it. As the pressure under the diaphragm depend upon the fall of pressure at
the outlet port relative to the main supply pressure, being guided by the flow rate towards
BP to make good the leakages during run. It also determines the flow of air through choke
A. The indicator therefore provides a visual indication of the amount of air flowing to the
brake pipe.
During initial charging or release of brakes, when a large quantity of air passed to the brake
pipe, the pressure at the out let port and in spring chamber reduces sufficiently. It allows the
supply pressure to lift the disc valve off its seat and permit unrestricted flow of air to the
brake pipe through C2 W-Relay valve. Under these conditions a high intermediate
pressure builds up in the passages between chokes C and D, and the indicator indicates a
high rate of airflow.
Choke D is variable to facilitate calibration and may be altered by means of an adjusting
screw, turning the screw clockwise reduces the aperture and turning it anticlockwise
enlarges it.
The Airflow measuring valve includes a calibration choke enclosed by a vent plug.
This feature is provided to facilitate the calibration of the equipment on the vehicle.
There is a test stand, where the needle valve setting is calibrated on 130 psi charging line.
Where AFM valve indicator gauge reads 70 psi/ 100 wagons reading.
It is an air pressure gauge with two pointers. Red pointer is called reference pointer,
which is attached to a knurled knob and protrudes through the dial glass, so that it can be
set manually in any desired position, where as the other pointer (White) moves on the scale
depending up on the air flow. The indicator is connected to the measuring valve through R-6
relay valve. The scale on the gauge is calibrated in terms of number of wagons. The 60
marks correspond to the maximum rate of airflow that can be accepted to overcome leakage
on a 60 wagon train and so on.
Independent brake application and release is controlled through SA9 Brake handle.
When SA9 handle is kept in released position, Brakes are in released condition.
When SA9 handle is moved to application zone, it supplies pilot air to C2 relay valve through
Port No: 20 to Port No: 2 of MU2B. In lead loco or single unit loco MU2B is kept in lead
position. In this, Port No 2 & 20 are interconnected and air from MU2B will come out
port 20. This air acts as Pilot air for C2 relay valve, entering at Port No 2 (Pilot port) through
a double check valve. This pressure acts at the top of main diaphragm of C2 relay valve. (In
trailing loco the MU2B is kept in trail position, port No 2 & 20 are isolated hence brake
cannot be applied from the trailing loco).
C2 relay valve in turn will supply air to the Brake Cylinder through port 3 at a
pressure equal to pressure at port 2.
There are two Brake cylinders in locos. The outlet air from C2 relay valve goes to the
brake cylinders and applies the brakes.
One branch from C2 relay outlet is connected to F1 selector port 30. Since MU2B is
in lead, F1 selector also will be in lead and hence the air at port 30 comes out through port
14 and charges the brake cylinder-equalizing pipe. Normally the COCs at both the ends of
BC equalizing pipe are in closed condition. This pipe will be coupled to the trailing loco in
MU operation to apply the brakes in trail loco.
If the SA9 handle is moved to release position, the pilot air supplied to C2 relay port 2
will be withdrawn and exhausted through SA9 exhaust port. In turn, C2 relay valve will
withdraw the brake cylinder pressure and exhaust it through exhaust port, till the Brake
cylinder pressure is equal to pilot air pressure at port 2. (In this case 0). The pilot air for
Brake cylinder pressure will be proportionate to the position of SA9 handle during
and release. A gauge pipe is connected after the front truck Brake cylinder COC to indicate
the BC pressure to the driver’s control stand.
The charging and exhausting of BP is done through A9 Brake handle for application and
release of formation brake in conjunction with Loco Brake.
When the A9 handle is kept in release position, it supplies pilot air at 5 Kg/Cm2
to the
port 2 of C2W relay air valve through MU2B port 3 and 13. A volume reservoir is also
connected at this line to dampen fluctuation of pressure. C2W valve thus charges the BP
equal to the pilot pressure. At the outlet of C2W valve, a ¾” COC is fitted which should be
open in single unit / lead unit and closed in trailing unit.
At the inlet to C2W relay valve, an airflow-measuring valve is fitted which is
connected to an Air Flow Indicator Gauge situated at Driver’s Cab. The indicator indicates
the rate of MR airflow through C2W relay valve i.e. rate of charging of BP. This arrangement
is used to find the condition of brake pipe. If the leakage in B Pipe is high, the indication will
show a higher valve. If there is no leakage the indicator show zero.
While starting a train after coupling and charging the Brake pipe, the driver should
check the indicator reading. It should be less than the number of vehicles in that train. (The
graduations are in ‘No of wagons’) and turn Red needle and align with the white needle.
While working, if BP starts leaking, the white needle will overshoot the red needle. This is
the indication of a problem / leakage in Brake pipe. On getting this indication, the driver
should stop, investigate the reason for BP leakage and rectify.
When the A9 valve handle is moved to application zone i.e. to min. reduction, or
more, A9 valve reduces the pilot air to C2W and hence C2W also reduces the brake pipe
pressure (BP charging rate drops to zero).
When A9 handle is kept in Emergency, the Brake pipe drop to zero immediately
causing emergency brake application in formation (BP charging rate drops to zero).
During release the rate of charging of BP is very high and the white needle deflection of
Airflow indicator shoots up and then stabilizes, which should not be misunderstood as
defect in Brake pipe