Mejor Manual de Radio 3000S
Mejor Manual de Radio 3000S
Mejor Manual de Radio 3000S
September 2002
LCT3000S Operation Manual DMR3000 SDH RADIO
LCT3000S Operation Manual
The monitor and control task is initiated by selecting “LCT Online” on the LCT startup dialog
and then clicking on the “Execute” button.
A connection with the LMS is attempted and if successful, the Login screen is displayed.
To exit from the monitor and control task, select “Logout” from the main menu and click the
“Yes” button on the resulting confirmation dialog.
Following are the security provisions of the 3000 Series monitor and control network.
A superuser is someone who manages ordinary users in the monitor and control network. There
are no privilege settings for the superuser as all authority is empowered to the superuser. Careful
attention must therefore be paid in the management of superuser information (e.g. password)
Privilege Restrictions
NE Monitor Monitoring of Event Summary <Event List>
Operation of Maintenance <Confidence Check>
Operation of Maintenance <Maintenance Information>
Alarm Reporting Monitoring of Event Summary <Event List>
Storing/Clearing of Event Summary <Event List, Event Log>
Operation of Maintenance Information
Operation of Security <Store/ Restore>
NE Administration Operation of Event Summary <Line Summary>
Control of External DO, M10
Operation of Maintenance Information
Control of Maintenance <Control, Test>
Operation of Security <Store/ Restore>
NE Configuration Operation of Maintenance Information
Control of Maintenance <File Maintenance>
Modification of Inventory Information
Control of Maintenance <Parameter Setting>
Control of Maintenance <Time Set>
Control of Maintenance <Reset> (Reset of LMS/CTRL/TRP)
NE Provisioning Setting of Provisioning <Online Provisioning> (TCN Value etc.)
Operation of Maintenance Information
Performance Monitor Performance Monitor (Displaying and Storage of Telemetering/PM)
Privilege Restrictions
Security Setting of Security <Password Setting, User Setting>
Operation of Maintenance Information
Privileges can only be set by a superuser or by an ordinary user who holds a “Security”
Displayed only
when the user is
a superuser.
To transfer and set the user information to another LMS, store the data and login to the target
LMS and then click the Restore button.
An ordinary user who holds a “security” privilege can modify the privileges assigned to other
ordinary users.
A superuser can modify his own Login name and password besides those of ordinary users. Up
to 40 characters are allowed for the Login name and up to 8 characters for the password.
To delete a registered user, delete both Login and password information using the backspace
Term of Validity :
Sets whether the password term of validity is in effect or not.
Privilege :
Sets the user privilege. Multiple privileges can be assigned.
When the “Execute” button is clicked after setting the user
privilege/s, the operator is returned to the Login screen.
When setting/modification of user information is complete, click the “Execute” button on the
Login Setting screen to write the user information in the LMS.
It takes about 5 minutes to complete writing of the user information in the LMS. Avoid turning
off the power or resetting the LMS during this period.
The password’s term of validity is fixed to 3 months and begins after the user information has
been written in the LMS.
Users may change their password before their password’s term of validity has expired by
selecting “Password Setting” from the “Security” menu.
To change one’s own password, type the old password, the new password and the new password
confirmation. Clicking on the “Execute” button will then update the user’s password
information in the LMS. Updating the user information in the LMS takes about 5 minutes to
complete. During this period, avoid turning off the power to or resetting the LMS.
When a user’s password has already expired, the above window automatically opens when the
user logs in after starting up the monitor and control task. The user must then update his
password in the same manner as described above.
3.3.1 Login
After the LCT monitor and control task is started up and the LCT has successfully connected to
the LMS, the following Login screen is displayed.
A maximum of 2 ordinary users can login to the same LMS simultaneously. The login names of
users currently logged-in to the LMS are shown in the USER1 and USER2 text fields on the
LCT Login dialog.
When 2 ordinary users are already logged-in to the LMS, a third ordinary user attempting to
login will be presented with a message stating that further logins by ordinary users are no longer
allowed. A superuser, however, can still login even when 2 users are already logged in.
After typing the Login name and password, and then clicking the “OK” button, a verification
process is initiated to check whether the user is authorized to login to the LMS.
When the password’s term of validity has expired, the password update screen, as has been
described previously, is displayed. Set a new password and login again.
Menu Bar
Station Status Bar
Message Bar
Monitor and control operations are accomplished on the main screen shown above.
The main screen is composed of the Menu Bar, Station Status Bar, Tree View column, MDI
Form and Message Bar.
The menu bar menu items and their corresponding submenus and functions are tabulated
Station Name :
Indicates the station to which
the user is logged in.
System Configuration :
Indicates configuration of the station.
Correlation : Indicates the present status of the alarm
correlation function.
Green :The correlation function is in effect.
Yellow :The correlation function is not in effect.
Purple :Correlation status of each CTRL version is not
SchedulingMessage : Shows message during
PM scheduling.
Scheduling Wait … : Waiting for next
scheduled data collection period.
Scheduling data receiving : Collecting data.
Connect :
Requests connection.
Disconnect :
Requests disconnection.
Remote Login :
Logs out from the present LMS
and logs in to the corresponding
The Event Summary window displays summary status information for the station.
Real time events are displayed in the Event List window when the user clicks on the “Event
List” button.
Summary Status
Indicates the condition of alarm and/or status items of each rack. The diagram below shows the
summary status area for a terminal.
Communication Status
Indicates the communication status between the various modules that compose the monitor and
control equipment.
When communication between the corresponding modules is normal, all items are indicated in
green. Items are displayed in red when communication is unfeasible.
External DI
These indicators show the condition of the 32 input ports that are provided for housekeeping
alarm input.
The color of the item indicates the port
White :
The DI port is unused.
Green :
The DI port is used and is in normal status.
Event List
Event Log
Line Summary
The Line Summary indicates the switchover-related alarms/status of each channel. The
displayed screen varies according to the system configuration of the station. For details, refer to
Chapter 3.3.5 “Switchover Monitor and Control Screen” on page 3-18.
For details on line switchover status such as LOCKOUT, refer to Chapter 3.3.5 “Switchover
Monitor and Control Screen” on page 3-18.
Indicates the installation status of each panel in the rack and provides a summary of the
condition of all monitored item of each respective panel.
TRP Rack
Displays a list of monitored items in the panel and inventory information related to the panel.
Information Close Button
Alarm Filter
Set the channel to maintenance status by LCT before modifying
Inventory Information.
This screen displays the line switchover status and provides access to switchover control
functions. The displayed diagram on the screen varies according to the redundancy
configuration of the station being monitored.
• When the Service Channel “AUTO” symbol in the COM area is shown in yellow, it
indicates that Service Channel switching is in AUTO mode. This yellow indication is
not reflected on the Event Summary screen.
• Not all monitored switchover items are represented by symbols on the above screen. To
view all the items, click the List button at the upper right side on the screen to display
an item list.
Status Indication
Item Name Description
SWO FAIL SWO alarm status. Changes to red when a SWO alarm is issued.
AUTO EXER DSBL Status of the Automatic Exerciser.
“Green” : The Automatic Exerciser is operating.
“Yellow” : The Automatic Exerciser has been halted.
COUNTER Status of the Counter Function
“Green” : The Counter Function is operating.
“Yellow” : Counter Function has been halted.
AUTO/MANUAL Service Channel switchover mode. The current mode is indicated in
SC_A/SC_B Service Channel A/B alarm status. Turns “Red” in the alarm
SC FAIL Alarm status of the Service Channel function. Turns “Red” when the
Service Channel alarm is issued.
Control Button
ACK : Alarm Recovery (RCVY) acknowledgment control
This area shows the switchover alarms/status of the REG and PROT channels as well as the line
switchover status. The following screenshot shows that line switchover has taken place.
Status Indication
Item Name (PROT) Description Color
SVCE FAIL When line switchover is executed, operation error status Red
of HitlessSW, RX AccessSW.
PPF Indicates that the PROT CH alarm. Red
FORCED ACS SW OP STS Shows that the Access SW has been operated in Yellow
“FORCED” mode.
LOCK OP Status that switchover to PROT of the line is inhibited. Yellow
TX SW CMPL Shows the switchover status of the Tx SW at the remote Yellow
BER Indicates that a BER alarm has occurred. Red
F SYNC Indicates that a F SYNC alarm has occurred. Red
EW Indicates that an Early Warning alarm has been issued. Red
RCVY Indicates recovery from a previous alarm. Yellow
RX ACS SW Shows the switchover status of the Protection Channel Yellow
Access SW at the local station.
TX ACS SW Shows the switchover status of the Tx SW at the local Yellow
Control Button
RX ACS SW : Rx Access Switch control
Status Indication
Item Name (PROT) Description Color
SERVICE FAIL Shows that a SERVICE FAIL alarm has been issued. Red
HL SW Shows the switchover status of the Hitless SW Yellow
Control Button
HL SW : Hitless Switch control
Status Indication
Item Name (PROT) Description Color
HS SW SERVICE FAIL Shows a failure of the HS SW Red
SERVICE FAIL Shows that a SERVICE FAIL condition has occurred. Red
HS SW Shows the switchover status of the HS SW. Yellow
HL SW Shows the switchover status of the HL SW. Yellow
Control Button
HS SW : HS Switch control HL SW : Hitless Switch control
Status Indication
Item Name (PROT) Description Color
HS SW SERVICE FAIL Shows that a HS SW SERVICE FAIL condition has Red
HS SW Shows the switchover status of the HS SW. Yellow
Control Button
HS SW : HS Switch control
The following screen is used for monitoring the condition of the 32 Housekeeping Alarm items
and for controlling the 8 control items in the parallel I/F installed in the LMT. Defining which
monitor or control items are used/not used is accomplished through the system configuration
management task. External DI
The present status of the 32 monitor items are displayed on the Event Summary screen. External DO
The 8 control items are controlled on Tree View area on the monitor and control task’s main
When a control item is not used, the item name is not
shown on Tree View.
When NEC’s M10 equipment is provided to expand the number of external DI/DO ports
provided by the LMS module, this screen allows monitoring and control of the external
equipment connected to the M10 equipment. The connection and configuration diagram for the
M10 equipment is shown below.
LMS C-Module#1 I/O Module#1 to #31
Defining the M10 equipment’s configuration is accomplished under the system configuration
management task.
The M10 equipment summary is displayed on the Tree View area on the monitor and control
task’s main screen. Unused C-Modules are not shown on the Tree View area.
Left symbol :
Shows the communication status between the C-Module
and the I/O module.
Right symbol :
Alarm/Status Summary indicator for the I/O module
When the right symbol on DI/DO Module summary information screen is clicked, the I/O
Module screen is displayed.
The I/O Module screen varies according to the I/O Module type.
The Event List displays, in real time, a list of every event informed to the LCT after the operator
has logged-in to the LMS. The information displayed are as follows.
Event occurrence:
Date: The date when the event occurred (Month/Day/Year)
Time: The time when the event occurred (Hour : minute : second)
Station : The station where the event occurred (Up to 16 Characters)
Rack : The rack where the event occurred, TRP / MDP / RP / OP /LMS
SYS : The SYS No. where the event occurred (01 to 04, 00)
Item Name : The alarm item name
TCN : The counter value when the TCN occurred.
STATUS : The item’s Severity (MJ/MN/CR/ST1/ST2) and occurrence recovery
indicator (+/−)
This controls the Event List When the Clear button is clicked, the contents of the
automatic store function. event list screen are cleared.
Auto : Saves the latest 500 events contained in the Event List
Automatically saves events to a file. screen to a specified file.
There are two files where the
events are stored in; the
evtlog0.1.dat and evtlog0.2dat files.
Each file can store a max. of
10,000 events. As these files are
deleted when the LCT is started-
up, modify the file name if
necessary. The files are stored in
“c:\3000s” directory.
Manual :
Events are saved only when the
Store button is clicked.
When the Event Log button on the Event Summary screen is clicked, the alarm log held in the
CTRL panel is displayed.
Only the latest 100 alarm events are stored in CTRL panel.
The Alarm log displayed on Event Log screen can be saved to a file by clicking the “Store”
When the “Clear” button is clicked, the alarm log that is stored in the panel is cleared.
However, the event information shown on the Event Log screen is held until the Event Log
screen is closed.
This function is only available to superusers and to ordinary users holding a “Performance
Monitor” privilege.
Counting and telemetering are realized through the performance monitor function.
15 Minutes 1 Day Register 140M BB SW SWO
Register Range Range INTFC CTRL PROC
MS NSES(S B2) 0-900 0-86400 − − − −
Switching Count − − − − −
Switching Duration − − − − −
15 Minutes 1 Day Register 140M BB SW SWO
Register Range Range INTFC CTRL PROC
Switching Fail Count − − − − −
F SYNC Count − − − − −
F SYNC Duration − − − − −
* Applicable panels are the OPT INTFC, 150M INFTC, 140M INTFC and MODEM.
Telemetering Item
Panel Name OPT
NO Title Function
1 LDC Laser Diode Current(BIAS)
Normal SD Configuration
3-ANT SD Configuration
To display the Performance monitor data, select “Performance Monitor” on the main menu of
the monitor and control task screen.
Displays PM counter
After selecting the desired panel and clicking on the “Execute” button, the PM Item results to
be fetched can be selected on the PM Item Select screen shown below.
Select the item to be
fetched on the Performance
Monitor Item Select screen.
PM Item Screen
When the value is marked by “*”, the data could not be correctly counted for that period.
When the “TCN List” button on PM Item screen is clicked, the TCN (Threshold Crossing
Notification) Alarm list, showing the condition of all TCN items for the corresponding panel, is
The displayed data on the PM Item screen can be saved to a file by clicking the “Store” button.
The Telemetering Item results for each panel/unit are shown below. The results are updated at
10 second intervals.
Only the superuser and ordinary users holding a “NE Provisioning” privilege have access to
this function.
To perform on-line provisioning, select “Provisioning” on the main menu of the monitor and
control task screen. The Provisioning Panel Select window, from which the panel parameter to
be provisioned can be selected, is displayed.
For panels that can have a redundant configuration such as the CLK, OPT INTFC and 150M
INTFC panels, the W/P Select radio buttons on the above screen is used to specify the Working
side (the panel installed on the left side) or the Protection side (the panel installed on the right).
Set the corresponding channel to maintenance status before setting/
modifying provisioning.
These settings defines the error pulse used and the conditions for MS-AIS and MS-RDI
(1) Choose OPT INTFC “ERR PLS/AIS/RDI” on the “Provisioning Panel Select” window
and then click on the “Execute” button to display the “Channel Select” window.
(2) Choose the SYS No. and RACK No. and then click on the “Execute” button.
(3) The “OPT INTFC Provisioning <ERR PLS/AIS/RDI>” dialog box appears.
(4) Select the desired error pulse from the pull-down list.
This sets the threshold levels for generating various BER alarms.
(1) On the “Provisioning Panel Select” window, choose OPT INTFC “BER alarm
threshold” and then click on the “Execute” button to display the “Channel Select”
(2) Choose the SYS No. and RACK No. and then click on the “Execute” button.
(3) The “OPT INTFC Provisioning <BER alarm threshold>” dialog box appears.
(4) Select the desired BER Alarm Threshold Level for each BER alarm item from the pull-
down list.
This setting defines the mode of operation of the Auto Laser Shutdown function.
(1) Choose OPT INTFC “ALS” on the “Provisioning Panel Select” window and then
display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute” button.
(2) Choose the SYS No. and RACK No. and then click on the “Execute” button.
(4) Select the desired Auto Laser Shutdown mode from the pull-down list.
This setting defines the value of the Regenerator Section Trace (J0) (from/to MUX).
(1) Choose OPT INTFC “Section trace (J0) from/to MUX” on the “Provisioning Panel
Select” window and display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute”
(2) Chose the SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(3) The “OPT INTFC Provisioning <Section trace (...>” dialog box appears.
J0 (detect J0)
Not Detected
(4) To activate detection of the Regenerator Section Trace byte, select “J0” from the “JO
Select” pull-down list. Otherwise, select “Not Detected”
(5) Enter the station name or some key words into the “Transmitting Pattern” entry box at
the transmitting station.
(6) In the “Expected Pattern” text field, enter the station name or some key words which are
identical to those entered at the transmitting side.
(7) Identical words to the expected pattern displays in the “Received Pattern” box.
This setting defines the value of the Regenerator Section Trace (J0) (from/to DMR).
(1) Choose OPT INTFC “Section trace (J0) from/to DMR” on the “Provisioning Panel
Select” window and display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute”
(2) Choose the SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(3) The “OPT INTFC Provisioning <Section trace (...>” dialog box appears.
J0 (detect J0)
Not Detected
(4) To activate detection of the Regenerator Section Trace byte, select “J0” from the “JO
Select” pull-down list. Otherwise, select “Not Detected”.
(5) Enter the station name or some key words into the “Transmitting Pattern” entry box at
the transmitting station.
(6) In the “Expected Pattern” text field, enter the station name or some key words which are
identical to those entered at the transmitting side.
(7) Identical words to the expected pattern displays in the “Received Pattern” box.
These settings defines the threshold value of the various TCN items.
(1) Choose OPT I NTFC “TCN Threshold” on the “Provisioning Panel Select” window
and display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute” button.
(2) Choose the SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(4) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired Data Type (15Min or 1Day).
(5) Select the TCN item(s) from the “Performance Monitor Item Select” scrolling list box
(hold the Control key down while clicking to select multiple items). Click on the button
with a pointing index finger icon to copy the selected items to the “PM Item Select”
scrolling list box.
These settings defines the error pulse used and the conditions for MS-AIS and MS-RDI
(1) Choose 150M INTFC “ERR PLS/AIS/RDI” on the “Provisioning Panel Select”
window and display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute” button.
(2) Choose the SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(3) The “150M INTFC Provisioning <ERR PLS/AIS/RDI>” dialog box appears.
(4) Select the desired error pulse from the pull-down list.
This sets the threshold levels for generating various BER alarms.
(1) Choose 150M INTFC “BER alarm threshold” on the “Provisioning Panel Select”
window and display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute” button.
(2) Choose the SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(3) The “150M INTFC Provisioning <BER alarm threshold>” dialog box appears.
(4) Select the desired BER Alarm Threshold Level for each BER alarm item from the pull-
down list.
This setting defines the value of the Regenerator Section Trace (J0) (from/to MUX).
(1) Choose 150M INTFC “J0 Select (from/to MUX)” on the “Provisioning Panel Select”
window and display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute” button.
(2) Choose the SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(3) The “150M INTFC Provisioning <J0 Select (fro...>” dialog box appears.
J0 (detects J0)
Not Detected
(4) To activate detection of the Regenerator Section Trace byte, select “J0” from the “JO
Select” pull-down list. Otherwise, select “Not Detected”.
(5) Enter the station name or some key words into the “Transmitting Pattern” entry box at
the transmitting station.
(6) In the “Expected Pattern” text field, enter the station name or some key words which are
identical to those entered at the transmitting side.
(7) Identical words to the expected pattern displays in the “Received Pattern” box.
This setting defines the value of the Regenerator Section Trace (J0) (from/to DMR).
(1) Choose 150 INTFC “Section trace Select (J0) from/to MUX” on the “Provisioning
Panel Select” window and display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the
“Execute” button.
(2) Choose the SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(3) The “150M INTFC Provisioning <Section trace (...>” dialog box appears.
J0 (detects J0)
Not Detected
(4) To activate detection of the Regenerator Section Trace byte, select “J0” from the “JO
Select” pull-down list. Otherwise, select “Not Detected”.
(5) Enter the station name or some key words into the “Transmitting Pattern” entry box at
the transmitting station.
(6) In the “Expected Pattern” text field, enter the station name or some key words which are
identical to those entered at the transmitting side.
(7) Identical words to the expected pattern displays in the “Received Pattern” box.
These settings defines the threshold value of the various TCN items.
(1) Choose 150M I NTFC “TCN Threshold” on the “Provisioning Panel Select” window
and display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute” button.
(2) Choose SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(4) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired Data Type (15Min or 1Day).
(5) Select the TCN item(s) from the “Performance Monitor Item Select” scrolling list box
(hold the Control key down while clicking to select multiple items). Click on the button
with a pointing index finger icon to copy the selected items to the “PM Item Select”
scrolling list box.
This setting whether the alarm correlation function of the CTRL module should be in effect or
(1) Choose CTRL “Alarm correlation” on the “Provisioning Panel Select” window and
display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute” button.
Note: It may be selected “Disabled” in default set or under the radio section test. You
must select “Enabled” in online operation, if not do, “Warning” alert will
appear on the Network Management System.
Alarm correlation is a function that filters alarm notifications, so that derived alarms are not
displayed, but it is possible to specify the real-cause alarm.
Alarm events correlation for each component module are listed as follows.
B. RX Side
(1) Choose MODEM “ERR PLS” on the “Provisioning Panel Select” window and display
the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute” button.
(2) Chose the SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
This sets the threshold levels for generating various BER alarms.
(1) Choose MODEM “BER alarm threshold” on the “Provisioning Panel Select” window
and display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute” button.
(2) Choose the SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(3) The “MODEM Provisioning <BER alarm threshold>” dialog box appears.
(4) Select the desired BER Alarm Threshold Level for each BER alarm item from the pull-
down list.
This setting defines the value of the Regenerator Section Trace (from/to DMR).
(1) Choose MODEM “Section trace (J0) (from/to MUX)” on the “Provisioning Panel
Select” window and display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute”
(2) Chose the SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(3) The “MODEM Provisioning <Section trace (J0) >” dialog box appears.
J0 (detects J0)
Not Detected
(4) To activate detection of the Regenerator Section Trace byte, select “J0” from the “JO
Select” pull-down list. Otherwise, select “Not Detected”.
(5) Enter the station name or some key words into the “Transmitting Pattern” entry box at
the transmitting station.
(6) In the “Expected Pattern” text field, enter the station name or some key words which are
identical to those entered at the transmitting side.
(7) Identical words to the expected pattern displays in the “Received Pattern” box.
These settings defines the threshold value of the various TCN items.
(1) Choose MODEM “TCN Threshold Value Selection” on the “Provisioning Panel
Select” window and display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute”
(2) Choose the SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(4) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired Data Type (15Min or 1Day).
(5) Select the TCN item(s) from the “Performance Monitor Item Select” scrolling list box
(hold the Control key down while clicking to select multiple items). Click on the button
with a pointing index finger icon to copy the selected items to the “PM Item Select”
scrolling list box.
(1) Choose BB SW CTRL “Switching mode” on the “Provisioning Panel Select” window
and display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute” button.
(2) Choose the RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(4) Select the desired setting from each pull-down list and click on the “Execute” button.
Note: It is possible to perform the setting in each rack for these items, though the all racks
(CTRL) must be provided the same value.
When particularly up-load the Station information for the CTRL, values of every
rack (CTRL) under the LMS should be set the same. (If the values are not the same,
on-line setting values for the System Parameter Provisioning in merge up-load data
and Station information down-load are not updated.)
These settings defines the threshold value of the various TCN items.
(1) Choose BB SW CTRL “TCN Threshold Value Selection” on the “Provisioning Panel
Select” window and display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute”
(2) Choose the SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
TCN items
(4) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired Data Type (15Min or 1Day).
(5) Select the TCN item(s) from the “Performance Monitor Item Select” scrolling list box
(hold the Control key down while clicking to select multiple items). Click on the button
with a pointing index finger icon to copy the selected items to the “PM Item Select”
scrolling list box.
When the “Selected External Output = Line”, this sets the priority level for each extracted
line clock. This is used for deciding which extracted line clock will be supplied by the external
(1) Choose CLK “EXT OUT Priority” on the “Provisioning Panel Select” window and
display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute” button.
(2) Choose the RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(3) The “CLK Provisioning <EXT OUT Priority>” dialog box appears.
(4) Set the quality level mode and the external clock output priority from the corresponding
pull-down list.
When the “Selected External Output = Equipment”, this sets the priority level for each
available clock source. This is used for deciding which available clock signal will be supplied
by the external output port.
(2) Choose the RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(3) The “CLK Provisioning <Equipment Priority/Other Attribute>” dialog box appears.
Clock Source Select
LINE(MUX1/MUX2):Displays selected
LINE(DMR1/DMR2):Displays selected
QL (Quality) mode:Enabled or
Select Equipment Priority/Other
1 to 7 or Disabled
QL Minimum Value: Output squelch
(Squelch when QL is lower than a predefined
External SSM Channel (Sax): value.)
Set up the Sax channel where SSM is transmitted (EXT IN/ QL=2,4,8,11,DISABLED(for 2M)
OUT common) from Sa4 to Sa8. :Sa4 (Default) QL=1,2,3,4,5,DISABLED (for 1.5M)
Disabled (Default)
Wait to Restore(WTR) time setting: Default: QL=11 (for 2M)
Sets the duration of the availability of the CLK source Default: QL=5 (for 1.5M)
before it is re-selected (after CLK failure has restored.0 to
12min : min (Default)
(4) Set the quality level mode and the external clock output priority from the corresponding
pull-down list.
(1) Choose TRP “ATPC condition setting” on the “Provisioning Panel Select” window and
display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute” button.
(2) Choose SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(3) The “TRP Provisioning <ATPC condition setting>” dialog box appears.
(4) Set up the ATPC control level relative to the TX output power level from the pull-down
(1) Choose TRP “TRP Frequency” on the “Provisioning Panel Select” window and display
the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute” button.
(2) Choose the SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(4) Assign the TX and RX frequencies by typing the frequency in MHz in the text box.
This sets the TCS (Threshold Crossed Second) received threshold level.
(1) Choose TRP “Receive Level for TCS” on the “Provisioning Panel Select” window and
display the “Channel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute” button.
(2) Choose the RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
(3) The “TRP Provisioning <Receive Level for TCS>” dialog box appears.
TCS (threshold crossed seconds : Select threshold level for receive level.
−70 to −40dBm) : −60dBm (Default)
Note: It is possible to perform the setting in each rack for this item, though the all racks
(CTRL) must be provided the same value.
When particularly up-load the Station information for the CTRL, values of every
rack (CTRL) under the LMS should be set the same. (If the values are not the same,
on-line setting values for the System Parameter Provisioning in merge up-load data
and Station information down-load are not updated.)
This defines the desired settings for the SWO PROC function.
(1) Choose “SWO PROC” on the “Provisioning Panel Select” window and display the
“SWO PROC Provisioning” window.
(2) Set up the desired SWO PROC function by selecting menu option for each channel and
enter timer setting value into each entry field.
(1) Choose SWO PROC “TCA Threshold Value Selection” on the “Provisioning Panel
Select” window and display the “Panel Select” window by clicking on the “Execute”
(2) Choose the SYS No. and RACK No. and click on the “Execute” button.
TCA items
Switching Count:
The number of switching times
from Regular to Protection
Switching Fail Count:
The number of switching fail
times from Regular to Protection
Switching Duration:
Duration after switched from
Regular to Protection
Switching Fail Duration:
Duration of switching fail from
Regular to Protection
(4) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired Data Type (15Min or 1Day). Select
the desired item(s) from the “Performance Monitor Item Select” box (hold the Control
key down while clicking to select multiple items). Click on the button with a pointing
index finger icon to copy the selected items to the “PM Item Select” list box.
Operational items accessible to users vary according to the user’s assigned privilege. All
operations are accessible to the superuser.
3.6.1 Control
The following table lists control items available on the LCT. Refer to the chapter contained in
the Reference column for more details
Controls may be executed by selecting “Control” from the Maintenance menu on the monitor
and control task screen.
Select the control item to be executed when the Control Panel Select screen is displayed. Except
for the SWO PROC, the Channel selection screen is displayed when the “Execute” button is
clicked. When a control item belonging to the SWO PROC was selected, the control screen is
displayed directly.
(1) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and then click on the
“Execute” button. The “OPT INTFC Maintenance <Delay....>” window appears.
(1) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and then click on the
“Execute” button. The “150M INTFC Maintenance <Delay....>” window appears.
(1) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and then click on the
“Execute” button. The “MODEM Maintenance <XPIC....>” window appears.
(1) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and then click on the
“Execute” button. The “WS INTFC Maintenance <Switching Control>” window
Choose the remote control mode for switching of the WS signal from the pull-down list.
(1) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and then click on the
“Execute” button. The “HS/SWO CTRL (TX Side) Maintenance Switching C...”
window appears.
Choose the remote control mode for TX switching from the pull-down list.
(1) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired rack and then click on the “Execute”
button. The “HS/SWO CTRL (RX Side) Maintenance Switching C...” window
Choose the remote control mode for RX switching from the pull-down list.
Control Mode
(1) Select the BB SW CTRL “Control mode” item on the “Control Panel Select” window
and click on the “Execute” button.
(2) After selecting the corresponding system radio button on the “Channel Select” window
and clicking on the “Execute” button, the “BB SW CTRL Maintenance <Control
Mode>” select window appears.
(3) Choose the switching remote control mode for the BB SW CTRL from the pull-down list.
Lock-in Status Clear
(1) Select BB SW CTRL “Lock-in Status Clear” on the “Control Panel Select” window
and click on the “Execute” button.
(2) After selecting the corresponding system radio button on the “Channel Select” window
and clicking on the “Execute” button, the “BB SW CTRL Maintenance <Lo..>” dialog
(3) Click on the “Execute” button to clear the Lock-in status of the BB SW CTRL.
(1) After selecting the corresponding system radio button and clicking on the “Execute”
button, the “OH INTFC Maintenance <Switching Control>” window appears.
(2) Choose the switching remote control mode for the OH INTFC from the pull-down list.
Lock Control
(1) After selecting the CLK “Lock Control” radio button on the “Control Panel Select”
window and clicking on the “Execute” button, the “CLK Maintenance <Lock
Control>” select window appears.
(2) When a timing source(s) needs to be interrupted during maintenance, select the Set radio
buttons corresponding to the clock sources that needs to be locked-out. This control is not
usually applied during normal operation.
(1) After selecting the CLK “Clock Source Select Control” radio button on the “Control
Panel Select” window and clicking on the “Execute” button, the “CLK Maintenance <
Clock Source Select Control>” select window appears.
(2) Choose the control mode from the “Switching Mode” pull-down list.
Manual MUX1
Auto (Clear) MUX2
(3) Choose the control mode from the “Source Select” pull-down list.
(1) After selecting the CLK “Clear Wait to Restore Timer” radio button on the “Control
Panel Select” window and clicking on the “Execute” button. the “CLK Maintenance
<Clear Wait to Restore Timer>” select window appears.
(2) Normally, select Non. Select “Clear” only if the Wait to restore time needs to be cleared.
(1) Select the CLK “Online Select Control” radio button on the “Control Panel Select”
window and click on the “Execute” button.
(2) After clicking on the “Execute” button on the “Channel Select” window, the “CLK
Maintenance < Source/Online Select >” dialog appears.
(3) Select the “Switching Mode” control mode from the pull-down list.
Forced Left
Manual Right
Auto (Clear)
(4) Select the CLK module to placed on-line from the “Source Select” pull-down list.
Total signal interruption occurs when online switchover is
Manual Transmit Level Control
(1) Select TRP “Manual Transmit Level Control” on the “Control Panel Select” window
and click on the “Execute” button.
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and click on the “Execute”
button on the “Channel Select” window. The “TRP Maintenance < Manual Transmit
Level C...>” dialog appears.
Default: Auto
(3) Choose the transmit level from the “Manual Transmit Level Control” pull-down list.
The transmitter output level may be set from −12 to +2dB (or Auto) relative to the
specified output level.
Lockout Operation
(1) Select the SWO PROC “Lockout Operation” radio button on the “Control Panel
Select” window and click on the “Execute” button. The “SYS Select” select window
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired channel and click on the “Execute”
button on the “SYS Select” window. The “SWO Proc Maintenance <Locko...>” control
dialog appears.
(3) To inhibit switchover for the selected channel for maintenance, select ON. Select OFF to
normalize (allow) switchover. Click on the “Execute” button.
Forced Switch
(1) Select the SWO PROC “Forced Switch” radio button on the “Control Panel Select”
window and click on the “Execute” button. The “SYS Select” select window appears.
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired channel and click on the “Execute”
button on the “SYS Select” window. The “SWO Proc Maintenance <Force...>” control
dialog appears.
(3) Select ON to forcibly switchover the selected channel for maintenance, or OFF to
normalize switchover functions, and click on the “Execute” button.
Manual Switch
(1) Select the SWO PROC “Manual Switch” radio button on the “Control Panel Select”
window and click on the “Execute” button. The “SYS Select” select window appears.
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired channel and click on the “Execute”
button on the “SYS Select” window. The “SWO Proc Maintenance <Manu...>” control
dialog appears.
(3) Select ON to manually switchover the selected channel for maintenance, or OFF to
normalize switchover functions, and click on the “Execute” button.
Disable Operation
(1) Select the SWO PROC “Disable Operation” radio button on the “Control Panel Select”
window and click on the “Execute” button. The “SYS Select” select window appears.
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired channel and click on the “Execute”
button on the “SYS Select” window. The “SWO Proc Maintenance <Disabl...>” control
dialog appears.
(3) Select ON to disable automatic switchover for the selected REG channel for maintenance,
or OFF to normalize switchover functions, and click on the “Execute” button.
Rcvy Operation
(1) Select the SWO PROC “Rcvy Operation” radio button on the “Control Panel Select”
window and click on the “Execute” button. The “SYS Select” select window appears.
(2) Select the COM radio button and click on the “Execute” button on the “SYS Select”
window. The “SWO Proc Maintenance < Rcvy...>” control dialog appears.
(1) Select the SWO PROC “DSC Manual Switching Control” radio button on the “Control
Panel Select” window and click on the “Execute” button. The “SYS Select” window
(2) Select the COM radio button and click on the “Execute” button on the “SYS Select”
window. The “SWO Proc Maintenance <DSC...>” control dialog appears.
(3) Select the desired DSC switching mode and click on the “Execute” button.
Counter Operation
(1) Select the SWO PROC “Counter Operation” radio button on the “Control Panel
Select” window and click on the “Execute” button. The “SYS Select” select window
Counter Reset
Counter Stop
Counter Restart
(2) Select the COM radio button and click on the “Execute” button on the “SYS Select”
window. The “SWO Proc Maintenance <Count...>” control dialog appears.
(3) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired counter operation and click on the
“Execute” button.
Panel Item
150M INTFC Base Band Output Control
Loopback Control-150M INTFC
140M INTFC Base Band Output Control
Loopback Control-140M INTFC
OPT INTFC Loopback Control-OPT INTFC
MODEM MOD Carrier Output
Loopback Control-MODEM
DEM Carrier NORM/INV Select
WS INTFC Wayside Output Control
BB SW CTRL All Reset
OH EXT OH EXT G703 Output Control
CLK Clock Output Control
External Clock Output Control
TRP Receive Level AGC Function Test
Endless Phase Shifter Function Test
Carrier Sweep Function
Utmost care should be exercised when setting test items to avoid
traffic interruption. Never set up a test item when the system is in
normal operation.
Loopback Control
Perform this test only when the section causing the alarm has been distinguished from the
normal operating section.
Never set up Loopback Control when the system is in normal
(1) Select the OPT INTFC “Loopback Control radio button on the “Control Panel Select”
window and click on the “Execute” button. The “Channel Select” window appears.
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and click on the “Execute”
button on the “Channel Select” window. The “OPT INTFC Test <Loopback control>”
control dialog appears.
(3) Select the desired operation from the “Loopback Control” pull-down list.
Loopback Control
Perform this test to isolate the section in alarm condition from the normally operating section.
Never set up Loopback Control when the system is in normal
(1) Select the 150M INTFC “Loopback Control radio button on the “Control Panel Select”
window and click on the “Execute” button. The “Channel Select” window appears.
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and click on the “Execute”
button on the “Channel Select” window. The “150M INTFC Test <Loopback
control>” control dialog appears.
(3) Select the desired loopback operation from the “Loopback Control” pull-down list.
(1) Select the 150M INTFC “Base Band Output Control” radio button on the “Control
Panel Select” window and click on the “Execute” button. The “Channel Select”
window appears.
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and click on the “Execute”
button on the “Channel Select” window. The “150M INTFC Test < Base Band Output
Control >” control dialog appears.
(3) Select the required signal pattern from the “Base Band Output Control” pull-down list.
all“0” output *
all“1” output *
Note: Since the control circuit for the test signal used to pulse-mask verification is simplified made
up, a few combined signal appear in the output, if you select all “0” or all “1”.
MOD Carrier Output
This test is causes the modem to output an unmodulated carrier signal for transmitter frequency
To avoid interrupting the supervisory and control signal in N+1
systems, never simultaneously set the MOD output signal in SYS1
and SYS2 to “Carrier Output”. In 1+0 systems, LCT provisioning at
both remote and local stations must be performed to normalize the
MOD output signal after setting the MOD output signal to “Carrier
(1) Select the MODEM “MOD Carrier Output” radio button on the “Control Panel
Select” window and click on the “Execute” button. The “Channel Select” window
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and click on the “Execute”
button of the “Channel Select” window. The “MOD Test <MOD Carrier Output >”
control dialog appears.
(3) Choose the desired control mode from the “MOD Carrier Output” pull-down list.
Carrier Output
Loopback Control
Perform this test only when the section causing the alarm has been distinguished from the
normally operating section.
(1) Select the MODEM “Loopback Control” radio button on the “Control Panel Select”
window and click on the “Execute” button. The “Channel Select” window appears.
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and click on the “Execute”
button on the “Channel Select” window. The “MODEM Test <Loopback control>”
control dialog appears.
(3) Select the desired loopback operation from the “Loopback Control” pull-down list.
This control is applied when a loopback connection in the RF or IF stage has been set up in
local station.
(1) Select the MODEM “DEM Carrier NORM/INV Select” radio button on the “Control
Panel Select” window and click on the “Execute” button. The “Channel Select”
window appears.
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and click on the “Execute”
button on the “Channel Select” window. The “MODEM Test < DEM Carrier NORM/
INV select>” control dialog appears.
(3) Choose the desired control operation from the “DEM Carrier NORM/INV Select” pull-
down list.
Wayside Output Control
This test is performed to verify if the pulse shape of the wayside signal output falls within the
specified pulse mask.
(1) Select the WS INTFC “Wayside Output Control” radio button on the “Control Panel
Select” window and click on the “Execute” button. The “Channel Select” window
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and click on the “Execute”
button on the “Channel Select” window. The “WS INTFC Test <Wayside Output
Control>” control dialog appears.
(3) Choose the required signal pattern from the “Wayside Output Control” pull-down list.
All Reset
This test item is used to reset the values contained in the counter/register of the BB SW CTRL.
(1) Select the BB SW CTRL “All Reset” radio button on the “Control Panel Select”
window and click on the “Execute” button. The “Channel Select” window appears.
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired rack and click on the “Execute”
button on the “Channel Select” window. The “BB SW CTRL Test <A...>” control
dialog appears.
(3) Click on the “Execute” button on the “BB SW CTRL Test <A...>” control dialog to reset
entire counter/register values.
OH EXT G703 Output Control
This test is performed to verify if the pulse shape of the G703 signal output falls within the
specified pulse mask.
(1) Select the OH EXT “OH EXT G703 Output Control” radio button on the “Control
Panel Select” window and click on the “Execute” button. The “OH EXT<OH EXT
G703 Output Control>” control window appears.
(2) Choose the required signal pattern from the “OH EXT<OH EXT G703 Output
Control>” pull-down list.
(3) Click on the “Execute” button on the “OH EXT<OH EXT G703 Output Control>”
control dialog to set the G703 signal output pattern.
CLK Output Control
This test is performed to verify if the pulse shape of the 1.5M external output falls within the
specified pulse mask.
(1) Select the CLK “CLK Output Control” radio button on the “Control Panel Select”
window and click on the “Execute” button. The “CLK Test<CLK Output Control>”
control window appears.
(2) Choose the required signal pattern from the “CLK Test<CLK Output Control>” pull-
down list.
(3) Click on the “Execute” button on the “CLK Test<CLK Output Control>” control
dialog to set the CLK signal output pattern.
This test item sets the external clock holdover operation for both right and left CLK modules.
(1) Select the CLK “External Clock Output Control” radio button on the “Control Panel
Select” window and click on the “Execute” button. The “CLK Test<External Clock
Output Control>” control window appears.
(2) Choose the required holdover operation from the “CLK Test< External Clock Output
Control>” pull-down list.
(3) Click on the “Execute” button on the “CLK Test< External Clock Output Control>”
control dialog to set external CLK signal holdover operation.
Receive Level AGC Function
(1) Select the TRP “Receive Level AGC Function” radio button on the “Control Panel
Select” window and click on the “Execute” button. The “Channel Select” window
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and click on the “Execute”
button on the “Channel Select” window. The “TRP (RP)Test < Receive Level AGC
Function>” control dialog appears.
(3) Choose the desired AGC operation from the “TRP (RP) Test < Receive Level AGC
Function>” pull-down list.
(4) Click on the “Execute” button on the “TRP (RP) Test < Receive Level AGC
Function>” control dialog to set AGC operation.
This test item sets the Endless Phase Shifter operation for DADE adjustment.
(1) Select the TRP “Endless Phase Shifter Function Test” radio button on the “Control
Panel Select” window and click on the “Execute” button. The “Channel Select”
window appears.
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and click on the “Execute”
button on the “Channel Select” window. The “TRP (RP)Test < Endless Phase Shifter
Function Test>” control dialog appears.
(3) Choose the required Endless Phase Shifter operation from the “TRP (RP) Test <Endless
Phase Shifter Function Test >” pull-down list.
(4) Click on the “Execute” button on the “TRP (RP) Test < Endless Phase Shift Function
Test >” dialog to set the EPS operation.
This test item sets the carrier sweep operation for DADE adjustment.
(1) Select the TRP “Carrier Sweep Function” radio button on the “Control Panel Select”
window and click on the “Execute” button. The “Channel Select” window appears.
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired system and click on the “Execute”
button on the “Channel Select” window. The “TRP (RP)Test < Carrier Sweep
Function>” control dialog appears.
(3) Choose the required carrier sweep operation from the “TRP (RP) Test < Carrier Sweep
Function >” pull-down list.
(4) Click on the “Execute” button on the “TRP (RP) Test < Carrier Sweep Function >”
dialog to set the carrier sweep operation.
TX Test Operation
This test item is used to initiate parallel transmission of the main signal in both PROT and REG
(1) Select the SWO PROC “TX Test Operation” radio button on the “Control Panel Select”
window and click on the “Execute” button. The “Panel Select” window appears.
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired regular channel and click on the
“Execute” button on the “Panel Select” window. The “SWO PROC Test < TX TEST
Ope...>” control dialog appears.
(3) Select the ON radio button and click on the “Execute” button of the “SWO PROC Test <
TX TEST Ope...>” control dialog to initiate parallel transmission of the selected main
signal on both REG and PROT channels.
Exercise Operation
This test items used to verify protection switching operation without switching activation.
(1) Select the SWO PROC “Exercise Operation” radio button on the “Control Panel
Select” window and click on the “Execute” button. The “Panel Select” window appears.
(2) Select the radio button corresponding to the desired regular channel and click on the
“Execute” button of the “Panel Select” window. The “SWO PROC Test < Exercise
Oper...>” control window appears.
(3) Select the desired Auto Exerciser operation and click on the “Execute” button on the
“SWO PROC Test < Exercise Oper...>” window.
Manual Exercise
Auto Exercise Stop
Auto Exercise Restart
Select the Maintenance Information menu option from the Maintenance menu bar.
Click the Refresh button on the window to verify actual maintenance information.
The File Maintenance functions operate on the files related to the LMS and CTRL panels.
File Maintenance operations include file download and upload and file list display.
Only the superuser or ordinary users holding a “NE Configuration” privilege have access to
File Maintenance operations.
The download operation needs to be performed when software for the LMS and CTRL panels is
updated in order to add functions. This operation is also necessary in order to update the LMS
or CTRL data when the system configuration is modified due to line expansion.
When downloading to the LMS panel, about 5 minutes is required to complete the memory
write operation.
Do not reset the LMS/RMCI or turn the power off during this period!
(1) Perform System Configuration Setting thought the LCT offline (described in 2.3 System
Configuration Setting).
(2) Start-up ONLINE to login “LCT ONLINE” and execute Download of LMS Database.
When the download process is 80% complete, the download progress indicator will
remain at the 80% completion mark for several minutes, after which, it will then
continue until the download is 100% complete.
The download progress screen closes when the download is 100% complete.
- After download is finished, the CTRL starts up and the LMS gathers ALM information
for a few minutes.
When the download process is 80% complete, the download progress indicator will
remain at the 80% completion mark for several minutes, after which, it will then
continue until the download is 100% complete.
The download progress screen closes when the download is 100% complete.
- After download is finished, the CTRL starts up and the LMS gathers ALM information
for a few minutes.
(4) Logout ONLINE and reset LMS by pressing the Reset switch on front of the LMS.
Note: If you do not the reset operation of the LMS, the down loaded database is not up
- When the LMS starts up, the green LED on front of the LMS starts blinking.
(6) Start-up ONLINE and login to “LCT ONLINE” after started up the LMS.
After selecting LMS Program from the “Down Load Kind” pull-down list on the “Down
Load” screen and then clicking on the “Execute” button, the download confirmation
screen is displayed.
When the download process is 80% complete, the download progress indicator will remain at
the 80% completion mark for several minutes, after which, it will then continue until the
download is 100% complete. The download progress screen closes when the download is 100%
complete. To halt the download process, click on the “Abort” button.
To download files other than the LMS program, first specify the panel to which the file
will be downloaded to and then click on the “Execute” button. The download
confirmation screen will then be displayed.
The screenshots below show the file download screens when station information is
downloaded to the CTRL panel.
Download Confirmation Screen
The upload operation is used to backup the data stored in the CTRL and LMS panels.
The Merge CTRL Station Info operation needs to be performed after upload operation is
Perform this even if only one CTRL is provided under the LMS.
Select the Merge CTRL Station Info sub menu from the System
Parameter menu bar for merging execution.
Perform down load operation by selecting Maintenance → File Maintenance → Down load,
described in Down load Operation section.
Note: When the down load operation is performed after upload operation mentioned above,
on-line provisioning setting values in upload are supported.
If the down load operation is performed after upload operation without Merge CTRL
Station Info execution, on-line provisioning setting values in upload are not
When the “Store” button is clicked, the contents of the list can be saved to a discretionary file.
The network parameter setting is similar in functionality to the LMS Configuration task on the
LCT startup screen.
This function allows the setting or modification of the telephone number of the OW equipment
which is a part of the monitor and control equipment connected to the LCT.
3.6.6 Version
Shows version number of the program files and data files of the LMS panel, the CTRL panel,
TRP unit and the LCT.
Select “Version” under the “Maintenance” menu of the monitor and control task screen.
After selecting the required file type from the “Version Kind” pull-down list, click the
“Execute” button to display the corresponding version number.
Sets the time in each panel. As automatic time setting is not provided in LCT, the time must be
set by this operation.
Select the “Time Set” sub menu under the “Maintenance” menu on main screen of the
monitor and control work task.
The current LMS date and time is shown when the Time Set screen is first displayed.
Modify the LMS date & time by typing the desired date and time in the corresponding
fields and then clicking on the “Execute” button.
Note: When a new panel is installed such that the operating LMS/RMCI panel is replaced to spare
panel, be sure to coincide the time by marking reference of Section 3.6.6.
If the correct time is not set failure may be occurred in term of validity of user password and
By executing the confidence operation, the currently displayed status and alarm conditions on
the LCT is updated to conform with the equipment alarm and status information detected by the
Generally, the alarm and status information displayed on the LCT is in conformity with the
information in the LMS. If, for some reason, the status information on the LCT and on the LMS
are not in agreement, the confidence check operation will update the LCT display information
to match the current status information on the LMS.
Select the “Confidence Check” sub menu from the “Maintenance” menu on main screen of
the monitor and control task.
When the “Execute” button is clicked, the alarm & status information displayed on the LCT is
3.6.9 Reset
Select the “Reset” sub menu from the “Maintenance” menu on the main screen of the monitor
and control task.