Short Home Cleanse Ebook John Douillards LifeSpa PDF
Short Home Cleanse Ebook John Douillards LifeSpa PDF
Short Home Cleanse Ebook John Douillards LifeSpa PDF
Table of Contents
Medical Disclaimer 4
Introduction 5
Cleansing Supply Checklist 11
Common Cleanse Alterations 13
Brief Summary 15
Step 1: Start Herbal Support 18
Step 2: Rehydration Therapy 21
Step 3: Morning Ghee (Oleation) 22
Step 4: Eat 3 Meals a Day, No Snacks 23
Step 5: Follow one of these 3 Meal Options 25
Add Protein for Blood Sugar Balancing 29
Step 6: Final Flush on the Evening of Day Four 30
Step 7: Stress Relief Practices 31
Kitchari Recipe 36
Cleansing During the Seasons 38
Integrating the Benefits After the Cleanse 42
Further Knowledge 45
Medical Disclaimer
The best time to detox is when you have time to rest and
be without stress. You can do the SHC 4-6 times a year.
Many people like to make a habit of cleansing at the turn
of each season. We have included information about
tailoring this cleanse to each season on pages 38-41.
Organic ghee
Kitchari ingredients: organic split yellow mung dahl
beans and organic white basmati rice or LifeSpa’s
Organic Kitchari packets.
Three of LifeSpa’s herbal formulas, or alternative
herbal support:*
Warm Digest, Cool Digest OR Gentle Digest
Turmeric Plus
LifeSpa’s Garshana Gloves for dry skin brushing, or a
natural bristle skin brush.
LifeSpa’s Lymphatic Massage Oil for daily self-
massage, or alternative massage oil.
Laxative ingredients: Epsom Salt, olive oil and 1
lemon or prune juice (details on page 30).
*Alternatives to each herbal formula are given on pages 18-20.
Elim I
Sugar Destroyer
Nonfat protein powder made from unadulterated
protein concentrate (not from an isolate), such as
LifeSpa’s Whey Pure.
Post-Cleanse Supplies
Gut Revival**
Flora Restore**
Flora Restore Max**
When ordering your SHC Kit, you are given options for
alterations depending on if you tend to experience
constipation or have candida.
Elim 1 Protocol:
Start by taking 2 capsules first thing in the
morning (AM) and 2 capsules before bed (PM).
If you do not move your bowels early the next
day, take 3 capsules each in the AM and PM.
Continue increasing daily until you start
eliminating once a day in the morning. The max
dose is 6 capsules in the AM and 6 capsules in the
Once you start eliminating 1–2 times per day
within 1-2 hours of waking up, stay at your
current dose in the AM and PM for an additional
two-week period.
After two weeks, slowly wean off by decreasing
your dosage by 1 capsule in the AM and PM every
two weeks.
This alteration substitutes 3 of LifeSpa’s Organic 1 pound
Mung Dahl bags for the 6 Kitchari Packets and adds Gut
Revival Probiotic to your kit.
Suggested Add-Ons
You can drink the ghee plain or mix with 1/2 cup of
warm milk, such as rice, almond, coconut, or organic
vat-pasteurized, non-homogenized cow’s milk. Wait a
1/2 hour before eating anything.
Digestive Herbs
Take 1 capsule (500mg each) of Warm Digest, Cool
Digest OR Gentle Digest before each meal with 12
ounces of room temperature or warm water.
Cleansing Herbs
Take 2 capsules (400mg each) of Manjistha and 2
capsules (500mg each) of Turmeric Plus twice per day
after meals.
3 NONFAT Meals per Day (No Snacking)
Follow a nonfat diet of seasonal vegetables, fruit and
kitchari. Eat a light breakfast, a big lunch and a light
and early dinner. Please see Meal Options on pages
Hot Sips and Daily Ounces
Sip warm-hot plain water every 10-15 minutes and
drink half your healthiest body weight in ounces of
plain, room-temp water per day.
Digestive Formula
Take 1 capsule of Warm Digest, Cool Digest OR Gentle
Digest before each meal. These herbal formulas are
designed to support your digestive fire, as your digestion
will slow down during the cleanse while your body
focuses on detoxifying. Please decide which formula is
best for you:
Take 2 capsules, 2 times per day after meals. Manjistha is
one of the most powerful blood purifiers and lymphatic
de-stagnators in Ayurveda. It supports the natural
function of the lymphatic system, optimizing the delivery
of nutrients and the removal of wastes from our cells. It
may make your urine look reddish, which is normal.
Turmeric Plus
Take 2 capsules, 2 times per day after meals. In this
formula, Turmeric is combined with a very small amount
of black pepper. This combination increases absorption
rates by 2000%! Turmeric Plus supports the body’s natural
response to stress, while supporting the liver, skin and
immune system.
Hot Sips
Hot water softens the intestinal tract, moves the lymph,
and hydrates the cells much more effectively than cold
water. To create this softening, porous atmosphere in the
body, sip boiled warm-to-hot water throughout the day.
Take 1-3 small sips of warm-to-hot boiled water every 10-
15 minutes.
Daily Ounces
It is generally advised to drink half your healthiest body
weight in ounces of water per day, even while not
cleansing. During the SHC, it’s important to drink this
much plain, room temperature water in addition to the Hot
Sips protocol, above.
Eat Three Meals a Day, No Snacks
From there, you can aim for a lighter, smaller and earlier
Don’t strain too much, as stress and strain cause the body
to store fat rather than burn it.
Foods to Avoid
To gain the most benefits from your cleanse, avoid these
Follow One of These 3 Meal Options
Final Flush on the Evening of Day Four
Stress-Relief Practices
Light Exercise
Practice light exercise in the morning, such as yoga,
walking, hiking, or swimming. If you are used to regular
rigorous exercise, it is good to slow down during this
cleanse. Breathe through your nose, rather than your
mouth, while exercising.
Breathing Technique
Each morning and evening before meditating, follow this
cooling and calming 8 minute technique:
Self-Massage (Abhyanga)
Here’s how:
1. As soon as you enter a hot shower or bath, apply an
herbalized oil and massage deeply into the skin.
Massage towards the heart with long strokes on the
limbs and circles on the joints. Focus on areas of
lymphatic concentration, such as the head, neck,
chest, abdomen and feet.
2. Once the oil is rubbed in, continue with shampoo,
conditioning etc. Use minimal soap, if any!
Note: When you use the oil in the shower, the water will
naturally and evenly spread a very small amount of oil
all over the body and wash off any excess. The result we
are going for is moisturized, but not greasy.
Kitchari Recipe
Flavor Options
Instead of using the spices in the recipe above (or the
spice packet in your LifeSpa Organic Kitchari), you can
experiment with Italian herbs, lemon with dill, just
cinnamon, or salt with lemon and pepper. Please stay away
from spicy flavors (such as Mexican or Thai) or any fat (oils,
nuts, avocado, seeds or butter). If you add vegetables, just
remember that it will be considered the Polydiet or
Duodiet Meal Option - not the Monodiet.
Winter Cleanse
In the winter, as the weather gets cold and dry, nature
provides a harvest of nuts, grains, soups and stews. This
is a naturally occurring higher protein, higher fat diet.
This is why squirrels eat nuts – the nuts act as warming
insulators for the long cold winter. This high protein, high
fat time of year is when we store minerals, vitamins and
nutrients as preparation for nature’s New Year, which
begins in the spring.
Spring Cleanse
Spring’s first line of duty is to
detox all of the excess fats and
proteins and holiday foods we
stored all winter. It is nature’s
cleansing season.
During the spring, eat foods off the Spring Grocery List at
The late summer, and right through the fall, are effective
times to cleanse for other reasons. As the summer heats us
up, the body swells and is ripe for deep tissue detox. At
the end of summer, the blood,
liver and lymph are loaded with
toxins ready to be eliminated.
Also, eat 2-3 tart apples every day through the end of
October to cleanse and cool the excess pitta that
accumulated during the summer and thus prevent runny
noses, congestion and excess mucus as the cold weather
sets in.
Eat Seasonally
Seasonal foods lists for everyday (non-cleansing) life are
available at
Eat Less
Calorie-restricted diets are
good for much more than
your waistline. Recent
studies have linked a
calorie-restricted diet with
greater longevity! A good
rule of thumb is to eat until
you are only ¾ of the way
full – rather than all the
way full.
Avoid snacks.
Gut Revival
LifeSpa's Gut Revival is a high-
potency probiotic that is ideal for
individuals seeking a truly
comprehensive revival and
restoration of healthy intestinal
micro ecology, while neutralizing
the proliferation of toxins. The
specific probiotic strains bacteria in
this therapeutic formula have been
shown to survive the digestive tract, adhere to the gut
wall, restore healthy flora and support the production of
short-chain fatty acids.
Flora Restore
After taking Gut Revival for one
month and then Flora Restore MAX
for one month, consider following
up with LifeSpa’s Flora Restore - a
wonderful maintenance probiotic
that is safe to use in the long-term.
Elim I
For prebiotic nutrients and further
support for the bowel, Elim I
combines moisturizing herbs with the
famous Ayurvedic bowel toner
Triphala and a small amount of
psyllium for easy movement of the
bowels, moving waste out of the
system and providing nourishment
for new beneficial bacteria to flourish in the intestines.
Further Knowledge
You can decide to just take the course for the season or
dosha you’re interested in, or you can challenge yourself
to learn Ayurveda for all seasons of the year and all
014 LifeSpa
For more information visit