Activity 1
Activity 1
Activity 1
Period: 3
Directions: Use the provided data table below to construct a graph that illustrates the effects rainfall has on
the amount of fawn that are able to survive.
2. How did the survival rate of Sonoran fawns change over time?
The survival rate of the Sonoran fawns changed over time by increasing and decreasing and repeating again.
4. What effect could these changes have on the Sonoran pronghorn population (recall that fawns are baby
The effect these changes have on the Sonoran pronghorn population is that they increase.
5. What other biotic and abiotic factors could be affecting the survival rate of the fawns?
Explain how these two biotic factors influence the survival rate of the fawns.
Explain how these two biotic factors influence the survival rate of the fawns.
The wolves influence the survival rate of the fawns by killing them which the survival rate decreases but
the grass also influence the survival rate of the fawns because they eat the grass and survival by not the
starving of death.