Review Meeting OM Dated 12.02.2019
Review Meeting OM Dated 12.02.2019
Review Meeting OM Dated 12.02.2019
Transport Bhawan, 1,
Parliament Street, New Delhi.
Office Memorandum
Sub.: Review on Status of Ongoing NH works regarding.
2. Issuesfor discussion during video conferencing is enclosed at Annexure-I. You are required
to provide requisite information of Notified National Highways as per Performa-I and In
principal National Highways as per Performa-II. The sample of state brief for Madhya Pradesh
is enclosed, please prepare state brief and submit to this zone.
3. Review meeting for month of February will be held on 15th February, 2019 at 11:00
through video conferencing in conference room. This issues with the approval of competent
Encl: As above.
(Pradeep Kumar Meena)
Asst. Executive Engineer (Monitoring)
For DG (RD)& 55
1. All ROsof MoRTH
Date: 11.02.2019
Office Memorandum
For the current month i.e. February, 2019, video conferencing will be held
on 15th February, 2019 at 1100 Hrs.
(I.K. Pandey)
DG (RD) & SS
All ADGs & Chief Engineers of MoRTH : They are required to attend the
video-conferencing for review of works and issuesunder their jurisdiction.
Copy to :
2. BOS
5. BlackSpots
8. Skill Development
9. Land Acquisition: Court Cases/Liabilities/ Amount Spent & where mutation done
SI.No Name of In- From To Length Traffic Existing Existing Requirement of Forest Wildlife, if any Probable cost of Status of DPR
principle NH Row Carriage way AddlLA Diversion in Development
Total I Tollable Area inj
Cost Hectares
~ Total length of National Highway in the State of Madhya Pradesh is 8583 Kms and
density of National Highways network is 12.1 Per lakh population and 28.5 Per
thousand sq kms as against the National Highway average of 10.9 and 39.9
respectivel y.
~ As on April, 2014, total length of NH was 5186 km. During 2014-19, 3397 kms has
been notified as National Highway, totalling to 8583 Kms.
~ 2027 kms have constructed since April, 2014, at a cost of Rs. 11, 430 Crores.
Further, 83 projects of length 3256 kms at a cost of Rs. 27,245 crores have been
awarded, during this period.
~ 10 projects of length 573 kms of two-lane with paved shoulders have been
constructed at a cost of Rs. 3562.69 Crores and 703 Kms have been 4 laned in 6
projects at a cost of RS.3988 Crores.
~ During 2018-19, 1004 Kmsis targeted for completion/ construction our of which 592
kms have been constructed so far.
~ Under CRF, 344 works at a cost of Rs. 6076 Crores have been sanctioned and Rs.
3388 Crores have been released, so far, including Rs. 1890 Cores during 2014-19.
~ The major works which have been taken up by the Government during 2014-19 are:
Brief Note on
Page 1 of 11
A. Original works
(Amount in Rs Crore)
Agency 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Total
MoRT&H 239 709 700 ' 855 1462
Page 2 of 11
8. Maintenance & Repair works
(i) Expenditure
(Amount in Rs Crore)
(Amount in Rs Crore))
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Total
FDR 1.5 0.50 0 0 0 2..00
OR 14 14 14 38 0 80.00
(8) Summary of project length constructed during last five years (2014-2019) (kms.)
Page 3 of 11
5. Projects completed
Name of Project Length Cost Date of
(Km) (Rs. Cr.) Completion
1 Rewa to MP/UP border section of NH-7 four
lane road project on BOT basis. 89.3 736.72 28.03.2016
Rewa -Sidhi (Pkg-1) From KM 2/8 to 33/2 and
2 Km55/4 to 83/4 57.8 382.73 30.09.2016
2-Lane +PS
Jabalpur Bypass to Barela section Km 477/6 of
3 NH-7 to Km 22/8 of NH-12A (Package-I) 2- 21.85 327.32 17.02.2017
Lane +PS
Shahdol to Anooppur upto MP/CG Border
4 section Km 142/2 to 245/10 (Package-III) 2- 91.8 532.49 17.02.2017
Lane +PS
Page4 of 11
Sr. Length Cost Date of
Name of Project
No. (Km) (Rs. Cr.) Completion
Katni to Umariya section Km o to 68/4
(Package-I) 2-Lane +PS 377.83 15.04.2018
Page 5 of 11
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SI. NH Name of Project Length Sanction Physical
Schedule I
No. No. (km) cost Appointed Progress
likely date of
(Rs. Cr.) Date (Completed
2 lane + paved
shoulders from Km. 81
1.01.2019/ 75%
17 86 Extn. to 175, on NH-86 Extn. 90.34 287.34 2.01.2017
31.3.2019 (82 Km)
2 lane + paved
shoulders from Km 131 1.09.2018 99.90%
18 86 57.42 178.23 2.01.2017
to 189/4 on NH-86 /28.02.2019 (57 Km)
[Sagar- Chattarpurroad]
2 lane + paved
shoulders from Km. 1 to 23.04.2019/ 37%
19 26A 48.7 205.05 24.4.2017
49/4 on NH 26A 23.04.2019 (27 Km)
2 lane + paved
shoulders ofrom Km. 20.09.2019/ 31%
20 59A 81.6 373.82 21.09.2017
182 to 266/6 on NH-59A 20.09.2019 (42 Km)
[Indore - Betul Road]
Total 20 projects 1018.58 4284.09
Scheduled I
Sr. Length Likely date of Physical
Civil Sanction Appointed
Name of Project completion I Progress
No. (Km) cost Date Date
completed (%)
Sidhi to Singrauli (NH-75E) 18.09.2015/
1 Four lane with PS on BOT 102.60 871.11 10.08.2011 19.09.2013 30.06.2019/ 70
basis. 70 Km
Mangawan to MP/UP 14.04.2015/
2 Border (NH-27) Four lane 52.07 381.86 17.01.2012 15.04.2013 31.03.2019/ 85
with PS on BOT basis. 44 Km
Barela to Mandla section 16.12.2017/
3 Km 22/8 Km 89/6 of NH-12A 63.55 274.77 10.06.2015 17.12.2015 30.09.2019/ 59
(Package-II)2-Lane +PS 32 Km
Umariya to Shahdol section 31.07.2017/
4 Km 68/4 to 142/2 73.1 347.07 04.03.2015 01.08.2015 28.02.2020/ 20
(Package-II)2-Lane +PS 15 Km
Jabalpur to Hiran river (Km 22.01.2020/-
5 10.400 to Km 66.00) (NH- 55.6 419.39 11.08.2017 23.01.2018 ----- / 1 Km 2
12) Four lane with PS
Page 7 of 11
Scheduled 1
TPCI Likely date of Physical
Sr. Length Civil Sanction Appointed Progress
Name of Project completion 1
No. (Km) cost Date Date
completed (%)
(Cr) length
Sindoor river to start of 04.07.20181
BareHbypass (Km 130.00
6 63 523.68 12.01.2016 05.07.2016 29.02.20201 5
to 193.450) (NH-12) Four 3 Km
lane with PS
BareH to Goharganj (Km 09.06.2019/--
7 193.450 to 255.300) (NH- 59.75 595.6 01.03.2016 10.06.2017 -----/17 Km 28
12) Four lane with PS
Goharganj to Bhopal 06.02.2020 I--
including link road from ----I
8 Obedullaganj to NH-69 (Km 48.71 590.47 11.08.2017 07.02.2018 9 Km 18
255.300 to 301.800) (NH-
12) Four lane with PS
Total 518.38 4003.95
1 Gwalior-Shivpuri 125.3 1055 16.05.13 PCOD-01.01.191 94
117.90 km
2 Biaora - Dewas 141.26 1583.79 09.07.16 30.06.191 80
112.406 km
3 69.19 622 17.06.15 31.05.191 71
61 km
4 69.07 622 17.06.15 31.03191 79
61 km
5 68.26 663.04 15.06.15 31.03.191 72
64.50 km
6 Jabalpur - Lakhnadon 80.82 742.6 04.06.15 31.03.191 68
63.53 km
7 Indore - MP/Guj. Border 155.15 1175 22.02.10 PCOD-07.11.181 90
139.13 km
8 Indore-DewasSection 45.05 325 11.09.11 PCOD 28.05.161 98
44.23 km
Page 8 of 11
Sr. Name of Project Length Tpe/Annuity/ Appointed Scheduled/likely Physical
No. (km) Civil Cost (Cr.) Date date of completion/ progress
Completed length (in %age)
Balance work of Bhopal
9 53.775 167.20 02.01.17 25.03.19/ 54
- Sanchi (2Lane +PS)
46.18 m
Jhansi-Khajuraho 17.11.20/
10 76.61 1410 18.05.18 13
Section (Pkg-I) 1.10 km
Jhansi-Khajuraho 11.08.20/
11 85.40 1310 12.02.18 23
Section (Pkg-II) 11 km
Balance works of
12 Obedullaganj-Betul 46.30 609.36 14.11.17 29
3.750 km
14 Bhopal-Biaora(Pkg-l) 8.28 221.88 28.11.17 52
3.100 km
Bhopal-Biaora 18.01.20/
15 97.33 511.88 19.01.18 32
(Pkg-II) 18.200 km
Service Road of Indore- 17.12.19/
16 32.00 113.83 18.12.17 20
Dewas under Phase-V. 0.30 km
Delinked Section of
17 Mohgaon to Khawasa 09.08.20/
28.73 730.08 10.08.18 11
MP/MH border 3.10 km
Construction of Flyover/
19 Grade Separator 13.09.19/
at 1.42 76.92 14.03.18 26
Morena Town Okm
Construction of 4- lane
20 Existing Road Mohana 23.05.19/
4.00 22.89 24.05.18 Nil
Town Portion Okm
Construction of 4-lane
road from Simariya- 09.11.19/
21 Tekari to Haripur Tiraha 11.05.18 16
10.3 67.27
road at Dabra Town 1.595 km
&Jaurasi Mandir
Churhat Bypass
23 including Tunnel on 15.350 769.73 14.12.2018 Nil
Rewa-Sidhi Okm
Page 9 of 11
D. Projects under implementation by NHIDCL : Nil
Sr. Name of Project Length Sanction Date of Date of Completion Reasons for
No. (in Km) cost sanction award period (in delay in issue of
(Rs in cr) months) Appointed Date
B. Release
Amount in Rs. Crore
Scheme 2014·15 2015·16 2016·17 2017·18 2018·19 Total
CRF 180.99 209.69 128.80 744.97 625.70 1890.15
10. Details of the project for foundation! Bhoomipoojan in the State of Madhya Pradesh:
Page 10 of 11
11. Details of the project to be executed by State PWD as deposit work of NHAI:
No such project in Madhya Pradesh. !
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