The Fight Over Chrysies
The Fight Over Chrysies
The Fight Over Chrysies
Patroclus decides to go to war instead of After Patroclus' funeral Achilles hosts many
Achilles. He ends up dueling with Hector different competitions in honor of him with
who promptly kills him and steals Achilles fabulous prizes at stake.
armor from him.
Jan 14, 1241
Jan 9, 1241 Priam and Achilles
Achilles joins the battle
Priam arrives at the Greek camp pleading
After grieving of Patroclus, Achilles is filled for Hectors body to be returned so that he
with anger and vows to kill Hector. But first can have a proper burial. After Priam falls
he gets new armor from Hephaestus that asleep at the camp Apollo wakes him up
cannot be penetrated by a human weapon. and tells him he must go back to Troy.
Priam then grabs Hector's body and goes
Jan 9, 1241 back to Troy.
Hector vs. Achilles
Jan 9, 1241
Hector vs. Achilles part 2