Orange: From Experimental Machine Learning To Interactive Data Mining

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Orange: From Experimental Machine Learning to Interactive Data Mining

Conference Paper · November 2004

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-30116-5_58

279 1,918

4 authors, including:

Blaz Zupan Gregor Leban

University of Ljubljana Jožef Stefan Institute


Tomaž Curk
University of Ljubljana


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data mining
fruitful&fun From Experimental Machine Learning
to Interactive Data Mining
Orange is a
Q uite a few years ago, we were (each!) writing our own code for attribute
scoring, decision tree induction, ten-fold cross validation and alike (not to
component-based mention routines for loading the data and pretty-printing). We got bored.
framework for Knowing that coding of the basic set of tools from the ground up was within
both experienced the job description of just about any researcher in machine learning did not
data mining and help. At the time quite a few machine learning programs like C4.5 and CN2
machine learning
were available, but they were coded separately, used different data file formats,
users and
and were incompatible in every other respect. There were very few machine
developers, and
for those just
learning suites available, which did not offer much in terms of easy prototyping
entering the field and flexibility in experimenting.
that can
Then, thanks to Donald Michie, in 1997 came a meeting called WebLab. Taking
interface Orange
through short place at a romantic site (Lake Bled), it called for at a time rather rule-breaking
Python scripts or initiative to build a flexible experimental benchmark where one could easily
visually design add his own algorithms, record the experiments through scripts, and do all
data mining sorts of data analysis and machine learning. The benchmark would support
applications using both scripting and graphical user’s interface. WebLab meeting generated a
Orange Canvas number of good ideas, but never took on a project it was aiming for.
and widgets. Nevertheless, though, it inspired us, and in that year we have started to work
on Orange, a machine learning and data mining suite that had occupied us
ever since.

Orange, the Data Mining Framework

Orange is a library of C++ core objects and routines that includes a large vari-
ety of standard and not-so-standard machine learning and data mining algo-
rithms, plus routines for data input and manipulation. Orange is also a script-
able environment for fast prototyping of new algorithms and testing schemes. It
is a collection of Python-based modules that sit over the core library and im-
plement some functionality for which execution time is not crucial and which
is easier done in Python than in C++. This includes a variety of tasks such as
pretty-print of decision trees, attribute subset, bagging and boosting, and alike.
Orange is also a set of graphical widgets that use methods from core library
and Orange modules and provide a nice user’s interface. Widgets support sig-
nal-based communication and can be assembled together into an application
by a visual programming tool called Orange Canvas.

white paper
data mining

All these together make an Orange, a comprehensive, component-based frame-

work for machine learning and data mining. Orange is intended for both ex-
perienced users and researchers in machine learning who want to develop and
test their own algorithms while reusing as much of the code as possible, and
for those just entering the field who can either write short Python scripts for
data analysis or enjoy a powerful while easy-to-use visual programming envi-

Data Mining, Fruitful and Fun

Orange provides a versatile environment for developers, researchers and data

mining practitioners. Thanks to Python, a new generation scripting language
and programming environment, your data mining scripts may be simple but
powerful. To further allow for fast prototyping, Orange employs a component-
based approach: you can implement your analysis method just like putting to-
gether the LEGO bricks, or even use an existing algorithm and replace some of
its standard components with your own ones. What are Orange components to
scripting are Orange widgets to visual programming. Widgets employ a spe-
cially designed communication mechanism for passing objects like data sets,
attribute lists, learners, classifiers, regressors and alike, allowing to easily build
rather complex data mining schemes that use state-of-the-art approaches and

Orange core objects and Python modules support various data mining tasks
that span from data preprocessing to modeling and evaluation. Among other
are techniques for:

Data input, providing the support for various popular data formats,
Data manipulation and preprocessing, like sampling, filtering, scaling, dis-
cretization, construction of new attributes, and alike,
Methods for development of classification models, including classification
trees, naïve Bayesian classifier, instance-based approaches, logistic regres-
sion and support vector machines,
Regression methods, including linear regression, regression trees, and in-
stance-based approaches,
Various wrappers, like those for calibration of probability predictions of
classification models,
Ensemble approaches, like boosting and bagging,
Various state-of-the-art constructive induction methods, including function

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Association rules and data clustering methods,
Evaluation methods, different hold-out schemes and range of scoring meth-
ods for prediction models including classification accuracy, AUC, Brier
score, and alike. Various hypothesis testing approaches are also supported,
Methods to export predictive models to PMML.

The guiding principle in Orange is not to cover just about any method and as-
pect in machine learning and data mining (although through years of develop-
ment quite a few have been build up), but to cover those that are implemented
deeply and thoroughly, building them from reusable components that expert
users can change or replace with the newly prototyped ones. For instance, Or-
ange’s top-down induction of decision trees is a method build of various com-
ponents of which any can be prototyped in Python and used in place of the
original one. Orange widgets are not just graphical objects that provide a
graphical interface for a particular method in Orange – they also include versa-
tile signaling mechanism that is for communication and exchange of objects
like data sets, learners, classification models, objects that store the results of the
evaluation, … All these concepts are important, and together distinguish Or-
ange from other data mining frameworks.

Orange framework was carefully designed to balance between speed of execu-

tion and speed of development: time-critical components are implemented in
C++, while the code that glues them together is in Python.

Orange Scripting

You can access Orange objects, write your own components, and design your
test schemes and machine learning applications through scripting. Orange in-
terfaces to Python, a modern easy-to-use scripting language with clear but
powerful syntax and extensive set of additional libraries. Just like any scripting
language, Python can be used to test some ideas interactively, on-the-fly, or to
develop more elaborate scripts and programs.

To give you a taste of how easy it is to use Python and Orange, here is a set of
examples. We start with a simple script that reads the data set and prints the
number of attributes used and instances defined. We will use a classification
data set called “voting” from UCI Machine Learning Repository that records six-
teen key votes of each of the U.S. House of Representatives Congressmen and
labels each instance (congressman) with a party membership:

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data mining

import orange
data = orange.ExampleTable('')
print 'Instances:', len(data)
print 'Attributes:', len(data.domain.attributes)

Notice that the script first loads in the Orange library, reads the data file and
prints out what we were interested in. If we store this script in, and
run it by a shell command “python” – making sure that the data file is
in the same directory – we get:

Instances: 435
Attributes: 16

Let us continue with our script (that is, use the same data), build a naïve
Bayesian classifier and print the classification of the first five instances:

model = orange.BayesLearner(data)
for i in range(5):
print model(data[i])

This is simple! To induce the classification model, we have just called Orange’s
object called BayesLearner and gave it the data set: it returned another object
(naïve Bayesian classifier), that when given an instance returns the label of
most probable class. Here is the output of this part of the script:


To find out what the right classifications were, we can print the original labels
of our five instances:

for i in range(5):
print model(data[i]), 'originally', data[i].getclass()

What we find out is that naïve Bayesian classifier has misclassified the third

republican originally republican

republican originally republican
republican originally democrat
democrat originally democrat

white paper
data mining

democrat originally democrat

All classifiers implemented in Orange are probabilistic, e.g. they estimate the
class probabilities. So is the naïve Bayesian classifier, and we may be interested
in how much we have missed in the third case:

p = model(data[2], orange.GetProbabilities)
print data.domain.classVar.values[0], ':', p[0]

Notice that Python’s indices start with 0 and that classification model returns a
probability vector when a classifier is called with argument orange.-
GetProbabilities. Well, our model was unjustly overconfident here, estimating
a very high probability for a republican:

republican : 0.995421469212

Now, we could go on like this, but we won’t. For some more illustrative exam-
ples check the three somewhat more complex scripts in the sidebars. There are
many more examples available in Orange’s distribution and at Orange’s web
pages and described in accompanying tutorials and documentation.

Evaluation and Comparison of Classifiers

Here is a simple script that uses 10-fold cross validation to test a naïve Bayes-
ian classifier and k-nearest neighbors algorithm on a voting data set.

import orange, orngTest, orngStat

# set up the learners

bayes = orange.BayesLearner(name='naive bayes')
knn = orange.kNNLearner(name='knn')
learners = [bayes, knn]

# compute accuracies on data

data = orange.ExampleTable("voting")
results = orngTest.crossValidation(learners, data, folds=10)
cdt = orngStat.computeCDT(results) # req. for AUC

# output the results

print "Learner CA IS Brier AUC"
for i in range(len(learners)):
print "%-8s %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f" %

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data mining


Scores reported in this script are classification accuracy, information score, brier
score, and area under ROC. Running the script, we get the following report:

Learner CA IS Brier AUC

naive bayes 0.903 0.759 0.175 0.973
knn 0.933 0.824 0.134 0.934

Study of Sensitivity of Decision Tree Induction Parameter

Following is a script that tests how a parameter that defines the minimum num-
ber of examples in the internal nodes of classification tree influences the size
of the tree and accuracy on the test set.

import orange, orngTest, orngStat, orngTree

# set up the learners

learners = []
me_set = [0, 1, 5, 10, 100]
for me in me_set:

# load data, split it to train and test data set

data = orange.ExampleTable("voting")
selection = orange.MakeRandomIndices2(data, 0.7)
train_data =, 0)
test_data =, 1)

# obtain and report on results

results = orngTest.learnAndTestOnTestData(learners,
train_data, test_data, storeClassifiers = 1)
CA = orngStat.CA(results)
IS = orngStat.IS(results)
print " Ex Size CA IS"
for i in range(len(learners)):
print "%3d %4d %5.3f %5.3f" %
CA[i], IS[i])

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data mining

For testing, the script splits the voting data set to train (70%) and test set (30%
of all instances). To report on the sizes of the resulting classification trees,
evaluation method has to store all the classifiers induced. The output of the
script is:

Ex Size CA IS
0 615 0.802 0.561
1 465 0.840 0.638
5 151 0.931 0.800
10 85 0.939 0.826
100 25 0.954 0.796

Working with Components

Machine learning algorithms often rely on common procedures, such as condi-

tional probability estimation, scoring of attributes, data filtering and selection,
random sampling, and others. Orange embeds these procedures in compo-
nents, and develops its methods by assembling components into algorithms.
But the real power comes with designing new components: one can prototype
them in Python, use them in place of the default components in some of Or-
ange’s algorithms or use them together with an existing set of components to
develop a completely new algorithm.

Not to be driven astray with too abstract descriptions, here is a simple exam-
ple. We’ll take Orange’s algorithm for induction of decision trees which is itself
assembled from components like those for attribute ranking, condition-based
data splitting and a component that implements the evaluation for a stopping
criterion. The induction procedure for classification trees uses some heuristics
to pick the best attribute on which to split the data set, so what if instead we
simply randomly choose the attribute? Here is a script that designs the new
learner by replacing the split component of a standard classification tree
learner with a newly constructed one that randomly selects the attribute. To see
if that makes a difference, we build a standard classification tree and a tree
with a random choice of attributes in nodes and measure their size (number of
tree nodes):

import orange, random

def randomChoice(instances, *args):
attr = random.choice(instances.domain.attributes)
cl = orange.ClassifierFromVar(whichVar=attr, classVar=attr)
return cl, attr.values, None, 1

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data mining

data = orange.ExampleTable('')
treeLearner = orange.TreeLearner()
rndLearner = orange.TreeLearner()
rndLearner.split = randomChoice

tree = treeLearner(data)
rndtree = rndLearner(data)
print tree.treesize(), 'vs.', rndtree.treesize()

A function randomChoice does the whole trick: in the first line it randomly se-
lects an attribute from the list, and in the second returns what a split compo-
nent for decision tree would need to return. The rest of the script is trivial, and
if you run it, you will find out that the random tree is substantially bigger (as
was expected).

Data Models in Orange are Structured Objects

And so is virtually everything else returned by any Orange object or function.

But just like Orange methods which are modular and component based, so are
the objects. The advantage? Classification trees in Orange are not just trees one
can print out, but are structures that, for instance, one can iterate through,
count the number of nodes that satisfy some criteria, devise one’s own meth-
ods for printing them out, or inspect them to find frequently appearing and
related attribute pairs. To get a feeling for this, the sidebar example shows how
to count how many times each attribute appears in the constructed classifica-
tion tree. And just like classification trees, association rules are something that
one can dissect to any detail: in Python, they are a regular list of tuples that
can be accessed in dissected to any desired detail. This helps if, for instance,
one wants to implement his own scoring functions, or some particular rule fil-
ter, or even some nice graphical presentation of the rules. For an illustration, in
a sidebar we give an example of counting the rules that include a specific at-
tribute rule’s condition.

Attribute Frequency in Classification Trees

Here is a script which shows why we really like Python. We intend to count
the number of times each attribute appears in the node of the classification
tree. For this we need the dictionary which stores the frequencies of the attrib-
utes (initialized to 0). We also need a function which recursively traverses the
tree and for each node adds 1 to the corresponding attribute’s count in the dic-

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data mining

tionary. Once you get used to it, programming with dictionaries and lists in
Python is really fun.

import orange

data = orange.ExampleTable("voting")
classifier = orange.TreeLearner(data)

# a dictionary to store attribute frequencies

freq = dict([(a,0) for a in data.domain.attributes])

# tree traversal
def count(node):
if node.branches:
freq[node.branchSelector.classVar] += 1
for branch in node.branches:
if branch: # make sure not a null leaf

# count frequencies starting from root, and print out results

for a in data.domain.attributes[:3]:
print freq[a], 'x',

This script reports on the frequencies of the first three attributes in the data do-

14 x handicapped-infants
16 x water-project-cost-sharing
4 x adoption-of-the-budget-resolution

Induction and Filtering of Association Rules

The following script builds a list of association rules from imports-85 data set
(attribute-based descriptions of cars imported to US in 1985). We discretize the
continuously-valued attributes and use only first ten attributes in analysis.

import orange, orngAssoc

# read and preprocess data

data = orange.ExampleTable("imports-85")
data = orange.Preprocessor_discretize(data, \
data =[:10])

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data mining

# build a list of association rules with required support

minSupport = 0.4
rules =, minSupport)
print "%i rules found (support >= %3.1f)" % (len(rules), minSupport)

# choose first five rules, print them out

subset = rules[0:5]

The script reports on the number of rules and prints out the first five rules to-
gether with information on their support and confidence:

87 rules found (support >= 0.4)

supp conf rule
0.888 0.984 fuel-type=gas -> engine-location=front
0.888 0.901 engine-location=front -> fuel-type=gas
0.805 0.982 aspiration=std -> engine-location=front
0.805 0.817 engine-location=front -> aspiration=std
0.785 0.958 aspiration=std -> fuel-type=gas

We can now count how many of the 87 rules include attribute on fuel type in
their condition:

att = "fuel-type"
subset = filter(lambda x: x.left[att]<>"~", rules)
print "%i rules with %s in conditional part" % (len(subset), att)

And here is what we find out:

31 rules with fuel-type in conditional part

Programming with other data models and objects in Orange is as easy as work-
ing with classification trees and association rules. The guiding principle in de-
signing Orange was to make most of the data structures used in C++ routines
available to scripts in Python.

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data mining

Orange Widgets

Orange widgets provide a graphical user’s interface to Orange’s data mining

and machine learning methods. They include widgets for data entry and pre-
processing, data visualization, classification, regression, association rules and
clustering, a set of widgets for model evaluation and visualization of evaluation
results, and widgets for exporting the models into PMML or Decisions@Hand
model files.

Widgets communicate by tokens that are passed from the sender to receiver
widget. For example, a file widget outputs the data object, which can be re-
ceived by a widget classification tree learner widget, which builds a classifica-
tion model that can then be sent to a widget that graphically shows the tree.
Or, an evaluation widget may receive a data set from the file widget and ob-
jects that learn the classification models (say, from logistic regression and naïve
Bayesian learner widgets). It can then cross-validate the learners, presenting
the results in the table while at the same time passing the object that stores the
results to a widget for interactive visualization of ROC graphs.

Widgets usually support a number of standardized signals, and can be crea-

tively combined to build a desired application. While being inspired by some
popular data flow visual programming environments (admittedly, SGI’s Data
Explorer influenced us most), the innovative part of Orange Widgets is that on
interactivity and signals. For instance, clicking on a classification tree node will
make that widget output a data set which is associated with the node, and as
this signal can be fed to any data processing widget like those for data visuali-
zation, one can interactively walk through the tree in one widget and have the
visualization of a particular data set at the other widget.

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Orange widgets
for classification
tree visualization
(top), classifica-
tion tree learner
(middle) and sieve
diagram (bottom).

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data mining

Data Mining by Visual Programming

Applications that include widgets are therefore a data flow schemes, where
widgets process the information and provide for the user’s interface. One can
script such applications by hand, or use Orange Canvas, our visual program-
ming environment, to interactively design the scheme. Like any visual program-
ming environment, Orange Canvas is simple and fun to use.

Orange widgets and Orange Canvas are all written in pure Python, using Qt
graphical user’s interface library. This allows Orange to run on various plat-
forms, including MS Windows and Linux.

Orange Canvas,
with a schema
that compares
two different
tree learner and
naïve Bayesian
classifier) on a
selected data
set. Evaluation
results are also
studied through
calibration and
ROC plots.

white paper
data mining

Starting With Orange

Orange is available at The site includes orange

If you use Orange
distribution for Windows, Linux and Macintosh OS X, the documentation, the
or any of its
components for
extensive set of more that one hundred examples of Orange scripts, and a
research and browsable repository of data sets.
publish the
To start with Orange scripting, we suggest downloading and unpacking Or-
results, please
cite the following ange, and then going through Orange for Beginners, a tutorial that teaches the
whitepaper: basics of Orange and Python programming. If you have done any program-
ming previously, this may be almost enough to start writing your own scripts.
Demsar J, Zupan If Python will look like something worth investigating further, there is a wealth
B: Orange: From of resources and documentation available at
Machine Learning Orange is released under General Programming License (GPL) and as such is
to Interactive free if you use it under these terms. We do, however, oblige the users to cite
Data Mining, the following white paper together with any other work that accompanied Or-
White Paper ange any time you use Orange in your publications:
orange), Faculty Demsar J, Zupan B (2004) Orange: From Experimental Machine Learning
of Computer and to Interactive Data Mining, White Paper (, Faculty of
Information Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana.
University of And if you will become an Orange user, we won’t mind getting a postcard
Ljubljana, 2004. from you. Please use the following address:

Also, your Orange, AI Lab, Faculty of Computer and Informations Science, Univer-
applications may sity of Ljubljana, Trzaska 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
use additional
Orange modules
made available by
other research-
ers, so other
citations may be
in place as well.

white paper
data mining


We are thankful for comments, encouragements and contributions of our col-

If you use
leagues and friends. We would first like to thank members of our AI Laboratory
Orange, you can
send us a
in Ljubljana for all the help and support in the development of the framework.
postcard with any Particular thanks go to Gregor Leban, Tomaz Curk, Aleks Jakulin, Martin Moz-
comments and ina, Peter Juvan, and Ivan Bratko. Marko Kavcic developed the first prototype
wishes for further of widget communication mechanism and tested it on first few widgets. Some
development. of association rules algorithms were implemented by Matjaz Jursic. Martin Zni-
Please use the darsic helped us in development of several very useful methods and in beta
following testing. Jure Zabkar programmed several modules in Python. Matjaz Kukar was
address: involved in early conversations about Orange and, most importantly, intro-
duced us to Python. Chad Shaw helped us with discussions on kernel-based
Orange, AI Lab,
probability estimators continuous attributes and classification. Gaj Vidmar was
Faculty of
always available to help us answering questions on various problems we had
Computer and
with statistics. Martin Znidarsic and Daniel Vladusic used Orange even in times
Science, Trzaska of its greatest instability and thus contributed their share by annoying us with
25, SI-1000 bug reports. In porting Orange to various platforms we are in particular thank-
Slovenia. ful to Ljupco Todorovski and Mark E. Fenner (Linux), Daniel Rubin (Solaris)
and Larry Bugbee (Mac OS X).

Orange exists thanks to a number of open source projects. Python is used as a

scripting language that connects the core components coded in C++. Qt saved
us from having to prepare and maintain separate graphical interfaces for MS
Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Python to Qt interface is taken care by PyQt.
Additional packets used are Qwt (a set of Qt widgets for technical applications)
among with PyQwt that allows us to use it from Python, and Numeric Python
(a linear algebra module).

A number of Orange components were built as an implementation of methods

that stem from our research. This was generously supported by Slovene Minis-
try of Education, Science and Sport (the Program Grant on Artificial Intelli-
gence), Slovene Ministry of Information Society (two smaller grants on devel-
opment of open source programs), American Cancer Society (in collaboration
with Baylor College of Medicine, grant on predictive models for outcomes of
prostate cancer treatments), and USA’s National Institute of Health (in collabo-
ration with Baylor College of Medicine, program grant on functional genomics
of D. discoideum).

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