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The Teaching Profession

by Nadine C. Matondo, MAIS

 The Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession

(adopted from Ontario College of  Teachers)

The Purposes of the Standards of Practice for the

Teaching Profession are:
1. to inspire a shared vision for the teaching profession
2. to identify the values, knowledge and skills that are 
distinctive to the teaching profession
3. to guide the professional judgment and actions of the 
teaching profession
4. to promote a common language that fosters an 
understanding of what it means to be a member of the 
teaching profession.
The Standards of Practice for the
Teaching Profession are:
to Students and

Ongoing  Leadership in
Professional  Learning 
Standards Communities


Profession  Professional
knowledge Practice
The Standards of Practice for the
Teaching Profession are:
Commitment to Students Leadership in
and Student Learning Learning Communities
 Members  are  dedicated  in   Members  promote  and 
their  care and  commitment  participate in the creation of 
to  students.  They  treat  collaborative,  safe  and 
students  equitably and  with  supportive  learning 
communities. They recognize 
respect  and  are sensitive  to 
their  shared responsibilities 
factors  that  influence  and  leadership roles  in 
individual student  learning.  facilitating  student  success. 
Members  facilitate  the  Members  maintain and 
development  of students  as  uphold  the  principles of  the 
contributing  citizens of  the  ethical  standards  in  these 
society. learning communities.
The Standards of Practice for the
Teaching Profession are:
Professional Knowledge Professional Practice
 Members strive to be current in   Members  apply  professional 
their  professional  knowledge  knowledge  and  experience  to 
and recognize its relationship to  promote student learning. They 
practice.  They  understand  and  use  appropriate  pedagogy, 
assessment  and  evaluation, 
reflect on student development, 
resources  and  technology  in 
learning  theory,  pedagogy,  planning  for  and  responding  to 
curriculum,  ethics,  educational  the needs of individual students 
research  and  related  policies  and  learning  communities. 
and  legislation  to  inform  Members  refine  their 
professional  judgment  in  professional  practice  through 
practice. ongoing  inquiry,  dialogue  and 
The Standards of
Practice for the
Teaching Profession
Ongoing Professional
Learning  Members  recognize  that  a 
commitment  to  ongoing 
professional  learning  is 
integral  to  effective  practice 
and  to  student  learning. 
Professional practice and self-
directed  learning  are 
informed  by  experience, 
research,  collaboration  and 
The Ethical Standards for the
Teaching Profession
 The Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession represent a 
vision of professional practice. At the heart of a strong and 
effective teaching profession is a commitment to students and 
their learning.
 The Purposes of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching 
Profession are:
1. to inspire members to reflect and uphold the honour and 
dignity of the teaching profession 
2. to identify the ethical responsibilities and commitments in the 
teaching profession 
3. to guide ethical decisions and actions in the teaching profession 
4. to promote public trust and confidence in the teaching 
The Teaching Profession
Chapter  1– You, the TEACHER, as a PERSON in SOCIETY
With varied activities, at the end of the session, the 
students are expected to:
1. define what is a teacher operationally;
2. tell their own perspective on teaching profession;
3. formulate their own philosophies in life and education;
4. identify their responsibilities as a Person;
5. summarize five philosophies of education and draw 
their implications to teaching-learning; and,
6. create a personal learning journal.
The Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession
• The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest 

Care and insight for developing students' potential. Members express their 
commitment to students' well-being and learning through positive 
influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice. 

• Intrinsic to the ethical standard of Respect are trust and fair-

mindedness. Members honour human dignity, emotional wellness and 
cognitive development. In their professional practice, they model 
respect for spiritual and cultural values, social justice, confidentiality, 
freedom, democracy and the environment. 

• The ethical standard of Trust embodies fairness, openness and honesty. 
Members' professional relationships with students, colleagues, parents, 
guardians and the public are based on trust.

• Honesty, reliability and moral action are embodied in the ethical 

Integrity standard of Integrity . Continual reflection assists members in 

exercising integrity in their professional commitments and 
Let’s know ourselves first… 
Are you excited? Not? Bored? Not interested? Uh-oh…
I hope this following activity will excite you!!!
Let’s value our selves first.

Please get a piece of

Take your time with this and you 
will be amazed. 
Just answer 4 questions 
and the answers will 
surprise you.
Warning ! !
Be honest and do not cheat. 
The mind is like a parachute, it works best when it 
is opened. 
This is fun to do, but you have to follow the 
instructions very closely. 
Do not cheat.

A warning!
Answer the questions as you 
go along. 
There are only 4 questions.
 This is an honest questionnaire which will 
tell you a lot about your true self. 
Give an  answer for each item.
 The first thing that comes to mind is 
usually your best answer.
Remember – no one sees this but you.

(1) Put the following  5 animals in the 
order of your preference:

Cow, Tiger, Sheep, 
Horse, Pig
(2) Write one word that describes 
each one of the following: 
Dog, Cat, Rat, Coffee, Sea.
(3) Think of someone, who also knows you and is 
important to you, which you can relate them to 
the following colors. 
Do not repeat your answer twice.
Name just one person for each color:

Yellow, Orange, Red, White, Green.
(4) Finally, write down your 
favorite number, and your 
favorite day of the week.
Please be sure that your answers are what 

Look at the interpretations below: 

But first!

REPEAT your wish.
This will define your priorities in your life.

Cow Signifies CAREER

Tiger Signifies PRIDE

Sheep Signifies LOVE

Horse Signifies FAMILY

Pig Signifies MONEY

Your description of dog implies your own
Your description of cat implies the
personality of your partner.
Your description of rat implies the
personality of your enemies.
Your description of coffee is how you
interpret sex.
Your description of the sea implies your own
Yellow: Someone you will never forget
Orange: Someone you consider your
true friend
Red: Someone that you really love
White: Your twin soul
Green: Someone that you will
remember for the rest of your life
You have to DO THE SAME to as many
persons as your favorite number and
your wish will come true on the day that
you recorded.
This is true, even if you are not
superstitious. Please do this. It is
0-4 TIMES: Your life will improve slightly
5-9 TIMES: Your life will improve to your liking
9-14 TIMES: You will have at least 5 surprises in the next 
three weeks
15 or more : Your life will improve drastically and all 
that you wish will come true
Lesson 1: You, the Teacher, as a

 John Donne said in Meditation XVII: No man is an island...

"All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man
dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a
better language; and every chapter must be so translated...As
therefore the bell that rings to a sermon, calls not upon the
preacher only, but upon the congregation to come: so this bell
calls us all: but how much more me, who am brought so near the
door by this sickness....No man is an island, entire of
itself...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in
mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell
tolls; it tolls for thee.“
 The idea that people are not isolated from one another, but 
that mankind is interconnected.
You, the Teacher, as a Person
 How are you going to view MAN? Nature of Man?
No Man Is an Island
Artist(Band):Joan Baez
No man is an island, I saw the people gather,
No man stands alone, I heard the music start,
Each man's joy is joy to me, The song that they were singing,
Each man's grief is my own. Is ringing in my heart.

We need one another, No man is an island,
So I will defend, Way out in the blue,
Each man as my brother, We all look to the one above,
Each man as my friend. For our strength to renew.

When I help my brother,
Then I know that I,
Plant the seed of friendship,
That will never die. 
Lesson learned…
 We don’t live in a vacuum. We live in a society. We 
are part of society. Our thoughts, values, and actions 
are somehow shaped by events and people we come 
in contact with. We, in turn, help shape society-its 
events, its people, and its destiny.
 In the context of your life as a teacher, we would say: 
“No teacher is an island. No teacher stands alone”
 Indeed, YOU can’t become a TEACHER alone!
Why do you want to become a

What is a Teacher for you?

 Knows the SM
 Has limited knowledge of teaching 
 Relies mainly on explaining or lecturing
 The students are only listening, 
occasionally answering questions, making 
notes, not personally involved or 
 The students often get practiced by doing 
individual exercise after a lecture

The explainer
 Knows the SM
 Is familiar with teaching
 Uses appropriate teaching and
organizational procedures and
techniques to help students learn
 Involves students actively and puts a
great deal of efforts into finding
appropriate and interesting activities 

The involver
 Knows the SM
 Knows about methodologies
 Has the awareness of how individual 
students and groups are thinking and 
feeling within the class
 Builds effective working relationships  and a 
good classroom atmosphere
 With an active personality and attitudes to 
encourage student learning
 Develops the conditions that enable and 
thus students to learn how to learn and 
thus become  life-long learners

The enabler
It is therefore, no joke to become one!
 Why? Many a time the teacher is blamed for the many ills 
in society. There are lot of demands and much is expected 
from you.
 Your influences on your students and on other people 
with whom you work and live are greater. But these 
influences depend greatly on your Philosophy as a Person 
and as a Teacher. Thus, Your Philosophy of Life and your 
Philosophy of Education serve as your “window” to the 
world and “compass” in the sea of Life. Within your 
personal Philosophy are your Principles and Values that 
will determine how you regard people, how you look at life 
as a whole. They govern and direct your lifestyle, your 
thoughts, decisions, actions and your relationships with 
people and things.
Teachers are expected to . . .


not to sCARE
 look straight in the eyes

 gentle touch/pat on the back

 acknowledgement
 name calling

 ignoring one’s capacity

 belittling students
Buzz session
 Group activity: For 20 minutes
1. Why do you want to become a Teacher?
2. For you, what is meant by “No teacher is an island. 
No Teacher can stand alone”.
3. Think and share… what are your different 
Responsibilities as a PERSON? (example: To God, 
family, friends, community, nature, parents, brothers, 
sisters, classmates, enemies, etc.)
Journal Entries
Activity #1: All About My Self (describe in detail all about you)
Activity #2:  What is your understanding of the saying “No man is 
an island, no man can stand alone.” Would it be different if it 
will be written this way :“No Teacher is an island, no Teacher 
can stand alone?” Explain. 
Activity #3: My Responsibilities as a Person
Think of the many people who are helping you and influencing 
you to become a teacher in the future? In what way do they 
affect your life? With creativity, construct anything that will 
show your different responsibilities as a person. To each 
responsibility, code it with a specific color and explain why you 
choose that particular color and what it represents to.
Lesson 2: My Philosophical Heritage
To philosophize is so essentially human-and in a sense to philosophize means living a
truly human life --J. Pieper

 An Exercise to Determine Your Educational 
Find out which Philosophy you adhere. To what 
extent does statement apply to you? Rate yourself 4 if 
you agree with the statement always, 3 if you agree 
but not always, 2 if you agree sometimes, 1 if you don’t 
agree at all.
Five Philosophies:
 Existentialism (Karl Jaspers, Martin Buber, Maxine 
 Perennialism (Allan Bloom)
 Progressivism (Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner)
 Essentialism (William Chandler Bagley)
 Behaviorism (Ivan Pavlov, B.F. Skinner, Edward Lee 
Thorndike, John B. Watson, Gestalt)
Normative philosophies or theories
of education
 "Normative philosophies or theories of education may make use 
of the results of [philosophical thought] and of factual inquiries 
about human beings and the psychology of learning, but in any 
case  they  propound  views  about  what  education  should  be, 
what  dispositions  it  should  cultivate,  why  it  ought  to  cultivate 
them,  how  and  in  whom  it  should  do  so,  and  what  forms  it 
should take. In a full-fledged philosophical normative theory of 
education,  besides  analysis  of  the  sorts  described,  there  will 
normally  be  propositions  of  the  following  kinds:  1.  Basic 
normative premises about what is good or right; 2. Basic factual 
premises about humanity and the world; 3. Conclusions, based 
on  these  two  kinds  of  premises,  about  the  dispositions 
education should foster; 4. Further factual premises about such 
things  as  the  psychology  of  learning  and  methods  of  teaching; 
and  5.  Further  conclusions  about  such  things  as  the  methods 
that education should use
Read the following aloud:
 This is this cat
 This is is cat
 This is how cat
 This is to cat  Now go back and
 This is keep cat read the third
 This is an cat word only, in each
 This is idiot cat line from the start
 This is busy cat
 This is for cat
 This is forty cat
 This is seconds cat
In a short role play or comical skit or whatever method you
like…Explain how you will react to the given situation. What
advice will you give?
 Essentialist group – students are not interested in the 
 Perennialist group – students want to become skilled 
in certain fields of sepcialization
 Progressivist group – Parents questiion students’ 
community immersion for it poses certain risks
 Behaviorist group – Teacher tells students from the 
slum areas this: “If there’s a will, there’s a way. 
Poverty is not a hindrance to success.
 Existentialist group – A colleague asks you to decide 
for her fear that she may make the wrong decision.
Formulating your Own Philosophy
I believe that LIFE is …
I believe that CHILD is …
I believe that SCHOOL is…
I believe that TEACHER is…
Research on other Philosophies with Proponents
and indicate Why Teach? What to Teach? How to
Teach? In a tabular form:
 Idealism  Rationalism
 Realism  Empiricism
 Scholasticism  Confucianism
 Pragmatism  Epicureanism
 Analytic Philosophy  Logical positivism
 Postmodernism  Phenomenology
 Social Reconstructionism  Stoic Philosophy
 Montessori  Hindu philosophy
 Waldorf education  Buddhist philosophy
 Democratic Education  Christian philosophy
 Paolo Freire’s philosophy
Journal entries:
 Activity #4: My Philosophical Heritage. Write Learning insights.
 Activity #5: Formulating My Own Philosophies
Complete the unfinished sentences:
I believe that LIFE is …
I believe that CHILD is …
I believe that SCHOOL is…
I believe that TEACHER is…
 Activity #6:  Educational Philosophies That Interest Me
Put your research outputs here regarding the other 
philosophies that you have researched.
Thank you!!! That’s
all for today…
See you next meeting..
Thanks for coming….
 Bilbao, Purita P., 2006. The Teaching Profession. 
Lorimar Publishing Inc.
 2. Corpuz, Brenda B. and Gloria G. Salandanan. 2007. 
Principles of Teaching 1. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
 3. Zulueta, Francisco,  2006.  Principles and Methods of 
Teaching.  Manila: Navotas Press.
 4. Salandanan, Gloria G. 2005. Teaching and the Teacher. 
Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
 5. Lucas, Ma. Rita D. and Brenda B. Corpuz. 2007. 
Facilitating Learning; A Metacognitive Process. Lorimar 
Publishing, Inc.
 Seminar topics&presentations
 Internet websites

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