Y3t Meal Plan PDF

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(Consume 5-6 Liters of water/day)

“Meal times vary depending on the placement of your daily
workouts. Start with Meal 1 upon waking. Structure your
pre-and post-workout meals around exercise routines.
Meals are spaced every 2-to-3 hours every day.”

Wake-Up Supp Meal 4 Meal 6

4-6g Amino Max 8000 75g oats (dry weight) 2 slices whole wheat bread
4-6g L-Glutamine 1 scoop Real Mass 1 tbsp peanut butter
4-6g BCAA 6000 1 tbsp peanut butter 100g low fat cottage cheese
1 serving digestive enzymes 1 scoop Intra-Pro 1.5 scoops Myofusion
(finish 90 minutes before training)
Meal 1 SuppLEMENT
(10-15 after wake-up supp) Pre Train (10 minutes after meal 6)
100g dry weight oats (45 minutes before) 1 serving Anavite
2 whole eggs 1-1.5 scoops Super Pump Max 500-759mg. ZMA
4 egg whites 600 ml. water
1 scoop Myofusion Meal 7
Pre Train (middle of sleep)
Supplement (10 minutes before) 1-1.5 Scoops Myofusion
(10-15 minutes after meal 1) 4-6 Amino Max 800 1 tbsp peanut butter
1 serving Anavite 4-6g L-Glutamine
1g B-vitamin complex 4-6 g BCAA 6000
5g fat from multi-blend EFA 1 serving Anavite
SuppLEMENT During Training __________________
(10 minutes before meal 2) 1/2 scoop Size on Max
1 serving digestive enzymes 500-600 ml. water
Meal 2 Post Workout __________________
150 g chicken (cooked weight) 1/2 scoop Size on Max __________________
50 g rice (dry weight) 2 scoops Intra-Pro __________________
100 g broccoli
1 scoop Real Mass __________________
500-600 ml. water (10 minutes before meal 5) __________________
1 serving digestive enzymes __________________
Meal 3 __________________
200g salmon (cooked weight)
50g rice (dry weight)
Meal 5 __________________
200g steak
2 whole eggs 300g baked potato
100g green beans 150 g Mixed salad

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