Question Bank Respiratory System
Question Bank Respiratory System
Question Bank Respiratory System
Respiratory System
3. By-products are CO2 and water. By-products are CO2 and water.
1. No external ventilation External ventilation (breathing)
(breathing) movements. movements except in small animals
like amoeba or hydra.
2. No special gas transport system The blood system transports oxygen.
(usually direct diffusion from air
spaces, or from cell to cell).
3. Anaerobic respiration forms ethyl Anaerobic respiration forms lactic
alcohol and CO2. acid only and no CO2.
4. Green plants produce little Animals produce considerable
detectable heat. detectable heat.
5. Green plants have additional Aerobic animals have only one
oxygen source from oxygen source, the air.
6. Respiration rate is low. Respiration rate is high.