Lin Bus PDF
Lin Bus PDF
Lin Bus PDF
[DOI: 10.2197/ipsjjip.25.220]
Regular Paper
Abstract: This paper presents a security analysis of the Local Interconnect Network (LIN) that is used in assembly
units such as seats, steering wheels, and doors in vehicles. Recently, the number of security threats to in-vehicle net-
works such as the Controller Area Network has increased. In contrast, there have been no reports that evaluate the
security of LIN in detail. The security analysis of LIN is important because it is used in units related to seats, steering
wheels, etc. and it is at risk for an attack. In this paper, we present the first evaluation on the security of LIN. We present
case studies of attacks that use the characteristics of a commonly-used error handling mechanism. In the attacks, the
attacker intentionally stops communication using the error handling mechanism and sends a false response in place of
a valid one. We experimentally show the feasibility of the attacks using a vehicle microcontroller. Furthermore, we
present countermeasures against the attacks. The results of this study show that there is vulnerability to attack when the
error handling mechanism is simply designed. We believe that this study will contribute to improvements in security
of in-vehicle communications.
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cess the master node and tamper with it based on the details of
the implementation method of the master node which we cannot
obtain in general.
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Fig. 4 Time chart of data from master node, slave node 1, attacker, and data
in bus when a collision occurs between the first byte of responses. Fig. 5 Attacker injects a false header to send a false message at any timing.
The value of the first byte in bus will be 0xA0 (= 0xAA & 0xA0).
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stops transmitting a response when it detects an error. Then, the normal values of the response, we do not cause the rapid change
attacker can also perform attacks that simply stop any response in of the response and we can send the same response correspond-
the time schedule. ing to the same header twice in the attack. Thus, it is difficult to
mitigate the attacks by the mechanisms from (a) to (c).
5.4 Discussions Regarding Safety Mechanisms
In this section, we discuss assumptions regarding safety mech- 5.5 Practical Threats Posed by Proposed Attacks
anisms on performing the proposed attack and effectiveness of In this section, we mention the practical threats posed by the
the attack on them. The safety mechanisms are generally imple- proposed attacks. When the significant control data is set after
mented in the automotive system to detect the system failure and the second byte of the response, the attacker continuously injects
recover to the safe status. the false response using the proposed method through any access
We assume that the following general mechanisms are imple- to the LIN bus to induce the malicious behavior in the real sit-
mented in the system regarding the occurrence of errors such as uations. As concrete examples, we consider the controls of the
bit errors. sliding door and the steering wheel lock in which LIN is gen-
( 1 ) The node (sender) which detects errors shift to the safe sta- erally used. In these cases, we think that the attacker can hold
tus. the sliding door open and can affect the control of driving safely
( 2 ) The node (sender) which detects errors sends an abnormal by the lock of steering wheel while the vehicle is moving using
signal which means the occurrence of the errors to all nodes the proposed attacks. Thus, the malicious behavior caused by the
including the receiver. Then, they shift to the safe status. attack results in the significant practical threats.
Regarding (1), although the sender can shift the safe status,
6. Experimental Results
other nodes including the receiver cannot detect the error. Thus,
it is difficult to mitigate the attacks by this mechanism. Regard- This section describes the experimental results of the attacks.
ing (2), depending on the kinds of the abnormal signal and how To verify the feasibility of the proposed attacks, we experimen-
to shift the safe status after each node receives its signal, it is pos- tally analyze the attack when the attacker injects a value of the
sible to mitigate the attacks. The details of how to mitigate the response as in Section 5.2 as an example using a vehicle micro-
attacks are described in Section 7.3. controller.
In addition to the above safety mechanism, we assume that the An overview of the experimental configuration is shown in
safety mechanisms which are commonly used are implemented Fig. 8. Details of the equipment used in the experiments are given
in the system. in Table 1. The experimental conditions are as follows.
(a) When the slave node (receiver) receives the response includ- • For both slave nodes and the attacker node, we use the same
ing the invalid values which are not defined by the specifica- evaluation boards with the microcontroller and transceiver
tions, it discards the response and waits the next header. IC to send a false response at the same time as the slave
(b) When the slave node (receiver) receives the response which node.
means the rapid change when the system does not assume • We implement the error handling mechanism in the slave
such a change, it discards the response and waits the next node in which it monitors the bus level and stops the trans-
header. mission when an error is detected.
(c) The master node continuously sends the same header twice.
Thus, the slave node (receiver) verifies whether two re-
sponses, corresponding to the header, are the same. If two
responses do not match, the receiver discards them and it
waits the next header.
The proposed attack does not induce the system failure and the
malicious behavior can be caused with the acceptable range of
the system. In fact, regarding (a) to (c) in the above, we use the
Fig. 7 Time chart of data from master node, attacker, and data in bus when
a collision between headers occurs. Fig. 8 Overview of experimental configuration.
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Fig. 9 Experimental results of waveform of header and response transmitted in the bus. (a) Waveform
of message frame in normal communications. (b) Waveform of message frame in communication
when attack is performed. Collision occurs at the first byte and a false response is transmitted to
the bus after the collision.
Table 1 Equipment used in experiment. the header is constantly transmitted to the bus. We consider
Equipment Product Name and Model Number that the attack node sends a false response when it receives
the header including 0x1A.
Oscilloscope Agilent DSO6012A
In the experiment, when the header is sent from the master
DC Power Supply Kikusui Electronics Corp., PMP16-1QU
node, both the slave node and the attack node send responses at
PC (Slave Node) CPU: Intel Core i7 2.60 GHz, OS: Windows 7 (64 bits), the same time, and then, a collision occurs. The experimental re-
Software: CANoe V8.2
sults measured using the oscilloscope are shown in Fig. 9 in the
case of normal communications and the commnuications when
• We use the simulation software CANoe V8.2 from Vector the attack is performed. In Fig. 9 (a), we show that the response
Informatik [19] as the slave node (sender) and use VN8950 sent from the slave node, 0xAAAAAAAA, is transmitted normally.
which is the hardware interface of the LIN bus including the On the other hand, in Fig. 9 (b), we observe that false response
LIN transceiver [20]. 0xA0020304 sent from the attacker is transmitted when the first
• We use an oscilloscope to measure the waveform of the byte collision occurs. We note that we observe a collision, in
header, the response, and the false response transmitted in which two small peaks appear, at the second bit and at the fourth
the bus. bit of the first byte as shown in Fig. 9 (b). The detailed value is
• We set the time base to 50 ms and baud rate to 19,200 bps as shown in Fig. 10 when the collisions occur. In the figure, the
the LIN conditions, and use LIN protocol version 2.X. value in the bus is 0xA0 (= 0xAA & 0xA0) after the collision.
• We set the PID of the header corresponding to the slave node To verify that the value of the false response is received by the
to 0x1A, the response from the slave node as the 4-byte data slave node (subscriber), we observe data measured in the PC. The
0xAAAAAAAA, and the false response from the attacker as the response in the bus measured using CANoe is shown in Fig. 11
4-byte data 0xA0020304, as an example. Each response is and we observe that the false response is received at the PC as the
transmitted with the least significant byte first. valid one.
• We use a time schedule that includes the header (the PID Therefore, based on the experimental results, we show that the
0x1A) from the master node. The response corresponding to proposed attack is effective using the error handling mechanism.
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Countermeasures, International Conference on Computer Safety, Re- NTT Secure Platform Laboratories. She is a member of IEICE
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c 2017 Information Processing Society of Japan 227
Journal of Information Processing Vol.25 220–228 (Feb. 2017)
Yosuke Aragane is Senior research en- Keita Hayakawa received his B.S. and
gineer, supervisor, NTT R&D planning M.S. degrees in Electronic Engineering
department. He received his M.S. and from Nagoya University, Japan, in 2009
Ph.D. degrees from Tokyo Institute of and 2011, respectively. He joined DENSO
Technology in 1997 and 2005. He joined Corporation in 2011. Currently, he is an
NTT Multimedia Network Laboratories engineer with DENSO Corporation. His
in 1997, where he worked on intelligent main research interest is the Automotive
transportation systems. Since 2003, he Cyber Security form 2014.
has been with NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories
and NTT Secure Platform Laboratories focusing on cybersecurity
research. During 2008–2011, he was also with the IT Innovation Shintaro Ukai received his B.S. and
department, NTT East Corporation. He was a director of NTT- M.S. degrees in Electronic engineering
CERT, the representative CSIRT of NTT group. He is a member from Ritsumeikan University, Japan, in
of IEEE, ACM, IPSJ, and IEICE. 2012 and 2014, respectively. He joined
DENSO Corporation in 2014. Currently,
he is an engineer with DENSO Corpora-
Toshiyuki Miyazawa is Manager, Secu- tion. His main research interest is the Au-
rity Strategy Section, NTT Technology tomotive Cyber Security form 2014.
Planning Department. He received his
B.E. and M.S. degrees in mathematics
from Waseda University, Tokyo, in 2000 Hiroshi Hayakawa received his B.S. and
and 2003, respectively. Since joining NTT M.S. degrees in Electronic engineering
Information Sharing Platform Laboratory from Osaka University, Japan, in 1991 and
in 2003, he has been engaged in R&D of 1993, respectively. He joined DENSO
information security, especially of public key cryptography and Corporation in 1993. Currently, he is an
security protocols. From 2008 to 2011, he was with the IT Inno- engineer with DENSO Corporation. His
vation Department at NTT EAST. He is a member of the Japan main research interest is the Automotive
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. He received the Cyber Security form 2000.
SCIS Paper Award from the Institute of Electronics, Information
and Communication Engineers (IEICE) in 2007.
c 2017 Information Processing Society of Japan 228