Renewable Energy Simulation

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ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765

ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 6, Issue 4, April 2017

Power Quality Improvement in Renewable

Energy Sources Using of STATCOM
B.Vimal1, R.Santhameena 2, S.Sooriya Prabha3
PG Student [PSE], Dept. of EEE, Parisutham Institute of Technology and Science, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India1
PG Student [PSE], Dept. of EEE, Parisutham Institute of Technology and Science, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India2
Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, Parisutham Institute of Technology and Science, Thanjvur, Tamilnadu, India3

ABSTRACT: Renewable energy resources (RES) are being increasingly connected in distribution systems utilizing
power electronic converters.The inverter is controlled to perform as a multi-function device by incorporating active
power filter functionality. The inverter can thus be utilized as: 1) power converter to inject power generated from RES
to the grid, and 2) shunt APF to compensate current unbalance, load current harmonics, load reactive power demand
and load neutral current. Therefore, the DG systems are required to comply with strict technical and regulatory
frameworks to ensure safe, reliable and efficient operation of overall network. With the advancement in power
electronics and digital control technology, the DG systems can now be actively controlled to enhance the system
operation with improved PQ at PCC. However, the extensive use of power electronics based equipment and nonlinear
loads at PCC generate harmonic currents, which may deteriorate the quality of power. Generally, current controlled
voltage source inverters are used to interface the intermittent RES in distributed system. Recently, a few control
strategies for grid connected inverters incorporating PQ solution have been proposed. In an inverter operates as active
inductor at a certain frequency to absorb the harmonic current.The study has been carried out using
MATLAB/SIMULINK.The proposed method has been proved to be effective in improvement of power quality with all

KEYWORDS: Active Power Filter (APF), Distributed Generation (DG), Distribution System, Grid Interconnection,
Power Quality (PQ), Renewable Energy.

Power quality can be analyzed based on voltage and current qualities as it is defined in terms of voltage and
current. Poor power quality has undesirable effects on electrical equipment. The continuity and reliability degrade with
the poor power quality of supply power. One of the major components for degrading the power quality is harmonics
because of spreading of non-linear loads which are variable in nature. Improvement of poor power quality used on facts
devices. Facts devices are power electronics family and it have different types. One of the distribution static
compensator (DSTATCOM) is the reliable solutions for the current related power quality problems according to the
international standards.
The FACTS concept is based on the substantial incorporation of power electronic devices and methods into
the high-voltage side of the network, to make it electronically controllable (IEEE/CIGRE, 1995). Many of the ideas
upon which the foundation of FACTS rests evolved over a period of many decades. Nevertheless, FACTS, an
integrated philosophy, is a novel concept that was brought to fruition during the 1980‘s at the Electric Power Research
Institute (EPRI), the utility arm of North American utilities.
FACTS looks at the ways of capitalizing on many breakthroughs taking place in the area of high-voltage and
high current power electronics, aiming at increasing the control of power flows in the high voltage side of the network
during both steady-state and transient conditions. Power electronic devices have had a revolutionary impact on the
electric power systems around the world. The availability and application of thyristors has resulted in a new breed of
thyristor-based fast operating devices devised for control and switching operations.

Copyright to IJAREEIE DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2017.0604083 2684

ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 6, Issue 4, April 2017
Electric utilities and end users of electric power are becoming increasingly concerned about meeting the
growing energy demand. A similar approach in which a shunt active filter acts as active conductance to damp out the
harmonics in distribution network is proposed in. In a control strategy for renewable interfacing inverter based on–
theory is proposed. In this strategy both load and inverter current sensing is required to compensate the load current
harmonics. The non-linear load current harmonics may result in voltage harmonics and can create a serious PQ problem
in the power system network.
There are the two stages over excited and under excited in synchronous machine that provides leading current
and lagging currents respectively in two stages. And why are we talking about synchronous machine because
STATCOM’s working principle is quite similar to synchronous machine. STATCOM can exchange the active power
and as well as the reactive power with an external DC source.
There are two stages of exchanging of active power and real power. For generating reactive power there are
two condition and Interchange of Active Power: For the switches DC capacitor provides the active power. To maintain
constant capacitor voltage for AC system the active power interchange is needed. And to make the constant capacitor
voltage this active power of DC source will be given to AC system but for that case the system voltage will be guided
by output voltage of VSC.
Active power filters (APF) are extensively used to compensate the load current harmonics and load unbalance
at distribution level. This results in an additional hardware cost. However, in this paper authors have incorporated the
features of APF in the, conventional inverter interfacing renewable with the grid, without any additional hardware cost.
Here, the main idea is the maximum utilization of inverter rating which is most of the time underutilized due
to intermittent nature of RES. It is shown in this paper that the grid-interfacing inverter can effectively be utilized to
perform following important functions:1) transfer of active power harvested from the renewable resources (wind, solar,
etc.); 2) load reactive power demand support; 3) current harmonics compensation at PCC; and 4) current unbalance and
neutral current compensation in case of 3-phase 4-wire system. Moreover, with adequate control of grid-interfacing
inverter, all the four objectives can be accomplished either individually or simultaneously. The PQ constraints at the
PCC can therefore be strictly maintained within the utility standards without additional hardware cost.

A Voltage Source Converter (VSC) is a power electronic device that connected in shunt or parallel to the
system. It can generate a sinusoidal voltage with any required magnitude, frequency and phase angle. It also converts
the DC voltage across storage devices into a set of three phase AC output voltages. It is also capable to generate or
absorbs reactive power .As in the Fig.1 the system consist of an RES connected to the dc-link of a grid-interfacing
The voltage source inverter interfaces the renewable energy source to the grid. The RES may be a DC source
or an AC source with rectifier coupled to dc- link. The fuel cell and photovoltaic energy sources generate power at
variable low dc voltage, but the production of power in variable speed wind turbine is variable ac voltage. So before
connecting on to a dc-link, the power generated from these renewable sources needs to be power conditioned (i.e.,
dc/dc or ac/dc). Usually the fuel cell integration is provided by using a unidirectional DC/DC converter (to obtain
regulated high voltage DC), an inverter and a filter in order to accommodate the DC voltage to the required AC voltage
(single phase or three phases).

A. DC-Link Voltage and Power Control Operation

Because of the intermittent nature of RES, the generated power is of variable nature. The dc-link connected
aids in transferring this variable power from RES to the grid. RES are represented as current sources connected to the
dc-link of a grid-interfacing inverter. The current injected by renewable into dc-link at voltage level V dc can be given
Idc1 = Pres / Vdc
where Pres is the power generated from RES.The current flow on the other side of dc-link can be represented
Idc2=Pinv/Vdc= +PLoss/Vdc

Copyright to IJAREEIE DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2017.0604083 2685

ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 6, Issue 4, April 2017
wherePinv, PG and PLoss are total power available at grid interfacing inverter side, active power supplied to
the grid and inverter losses, respectively. If inverter losses are negligible then Pres = p

Fig 2.1 synchronous reference controller

B. Control of Grid Interfacing Inverter

A VSC-based DSTATCOM is connected to a three-phase ac mains feeding three-phase linear/non-linear load
with internal grid impedance (Zs) which is shown in Fig.2.1. The steady state and dynamic performances of
DSTATCOM depend upon the accuracy of detection of harmonics currents or disturbances. Interfacing inductors (Lf)
are connected at ac output of the VSC to limit the ripple in compensating currents. A series combination of capacitor
(Cf) and a resistor (Rf) represents the shunt passive ripple filter which is connected at the point of common coupling
(PCC) to suppress the high frequency noise because of switching of the VSC.
The instantaneous currents can be written as
( )= ( )− ( )
The capacitor voltage is compared with the reference dc voltage and the error signal is processed in a PI controller and
is given by

Copyright to IJAREEIE DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2017.0604083 2686

ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 6, Issue 4, April 2017

Fig 3.1 simulation diagram

The simulation diagram shows the combining of renewable energy source with grid system. A wind farm consisting of six
1.5-MW wind turbines is connected to a 25-kV distribution system exports power to a 120-kV grid through a 25-km 25-kV feeder.
The 9-MW wind farm is simulated by three pairs of 1.5 MW wind-turbines. Wind turbines use squirrel-cage induction generators
(IG). The stator winding is connected directly to the 60 Hz grid and the rotor is driven by a variable-pitch wind turbine. The pitch
angle is controlled in order to limit the generator output power at its nominal value for winds exceeding the nominal speed (9 m/s).
In order to generate power the IG speed must be slightly above the synchronous speed. Speed varies approximately between 1 pu at
no load and 1.005 pu at full load. Each wind turbine has a protection system monitoring voltage, current and machine speed.Reactive
power absorbed by the IGs is partly compensated by capacitor banks connected at each wind turbine low voltage bus (400 kvar for
each pair of 1.5 MW turbine). The rest of reactive power required to maintain the 25-kV voltage at bus B25 close to 1 pu is provided
by a 3-Mvar STATCOM with a 3% droop setting.

Fig 3.2 output waveform connecting with and withoutstatcom of Vabc, Active power, Reactive power, Voltage, Current

Copyright to IJAREEIE DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2017.0604083 2687

ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 6, Issue 4, April 2017

The simulation start observe the signals on the "Wind Turbines" scope monitoring active and reactive power,
generator speed, wind speed and pitch angle for each turbine. For each pair of turbine the generated active power starts
increasing smoothly (together with the wind speed) to reach its rated value of 3 MW in approximately 8s. Over that
time frame the turbine speed will have increased from 1.0028 pu to 1.0047 pu. Initially, the pitch angle of the turbine
blades is zero degree. When the output power exceed 3 MW, the pitch angle is increased from 0 deg to 8 deg in order to
bring output power back to its nominal value. Observe that the absorbed reactive power increases as the generated
active power increases. At nominal power, each pair of wind turbine absorbs 1.47 Mvar. For a 11m/s wind speed, the
total exported power measured at the B25 bus is 9 MW and the statcom maintains voltage at 0.984 pu by generating
1.62 Mvar.

Fig 3.3 output waveform with and without statcom of Active power, Reactive power, Wind, Wind pressure, Pitch angle

Fig 3.4 output waveform of statcom generated voltage nd reactive power

The power quality problem occur due to the internal and external faults of transmission system. In variation of
voltage is controlled by using of statcom. The statcom is produce the real and reactive power to control the real power
flow of the power system.
The proposed research work investigates into PQ events associated with distribution network due to grid
disturbances such as voltage sag, swell, load switching, feeder tripping and re-closing. The DSTATCOM has been
proposed to improve the power quality in the above events. The proposed DSTATCOM with SRF based control has
been proved to be effective in improving the power quality in these events at grid level. From, these studies it has been
established that the DSTATCOM can effectively be used to improve the power quality in the distribution network with
wind generation and during grid disturbances. The results have been validated in real time utilizing RTDS. The real
time results are very close to the simulation results which shows the effectiveness of proposed DSTATCOM with

Copyright to IJAREEIE DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2017.0604083 2688

ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 6, Issue 4, April 2017
BESS for improvement of PQ in the distribution. The using of wind generation is capable to compensating load
demand in power system. Wind speed variation to produce the fluctuation of output power. In this paper connecting of
statcom to control the real and reactive power flow. Using of statcom the output of wind power is produced at grid
interconnection level.


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Copyright to IJAREEIE DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2017.0604083 2689

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