TEA Alumni Project Template
TEA Alumni Project Template
TEA Alumni Project Template
Executive Summary
The Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program for Pakistan provides Pakistani secondary
school teachers of English from government and foundation schools with the opportunity to develop
expertise in their subject area, enhance their teaching skills and English proficiency, and increase their
knowledge about the United States. The program is focused on building expertise in best practice
teaching methodologies and techniques, including development of lesson planning skills, assessment
techniques, and teaching strategies.
The core aim of professional development is accomplished when program alumni are actively engaged in
their communities to uplift the educational system of Pakistan. It is highly intended that alumni serve as
teacher leaders, who upon returning home, impart their new experiences and skills with their peers in
their communities to contribute towards building capacity of individuals and institutions.
To facilitate this notion, the Regional English Language Office (RELO) at the Public Affairs Section of the
U.S. Embassy, Islamabad and Evolution are pleased to announce TEA-specific alumni grants to 10
alumni who are willing to implement 10-week courses for English language teachers in their
This opportunity is part of Mission Pakistan’s support for public diplomacy programming in Pakistan.
RELO Islamabad focuses on education, professional and academic exchanges, cultural connections
through people-to-people ties, and leveraging alumni to achieve long-term objectives in Pakistan. The
projects are aimed at
Enhancing community engagement through positive messages and tolerant perspectives that
amplify community-based efforts in a wide range of areas.
Strengthening individuals by building capacity in academia and civil society
Creating active network among TEA alumni in Pakistan.
Harnessing alumni leadership in support of U.S. mission in Pakistan’s objectives.
Project Narrative
RELO Pakistan and Evolution invite proposals from alumni of the TEA Program to implement structured
follow-on activity initiatives in their communities, which are aimed at TEA alumni serving as facilitators
for a 10-week course, focused on principles and practices learned while in the U.S. on the TEA program.
Core objectives of the TEA Alumni Projects are (not limited to):
Enhancing the quality of English language teaching, assessment and evaluation through
well planned course on different ELT topics based on learning acquired in USA.
Improving the quality of teacher education and training.
Providing a professional forum for sharing and networking.
Keeping teachers and ELT practitioners abreast with the latest developments in the ELT
World and about the advanced practices to teaching English Language.
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
Project Description
Eligibility: Alumni from ALL batches of TEA Program offered by RELO Pakistan
Award Floor: Rs. 150,000.00 (The minimum amount of funding you may request in your proposal)
Award Ceiling: Rs. 275,000.00 (The maximum amount of funding you may request in your proposal)
Basic Structure:
10-week course
If you propose less than 60 contact hours due to limitations within your community, please clearly
specify the reasons in your project proposal.
As an alumna/alumnus of the TEA Program, you are required to design a 10-week course for 25 English
language teachers of your institution or community. The course should focus on principles and
practices learned while in the U.S. on the TEA program.
Project Activity Time Frame
1 Announcement June 20, 2019
2 Application Deadline July 8, 2019
3 Applicant Review July 8 – 25, 2019
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
July 25,
4 Announcement of Winners
5 Project Implementation Aug 15 – Dec 2019
Review: A review panel from RELO Pakistan and Evolution will review the proposals
based upon the criteria mentioned below.
Follow-up notification: All applicants will generally be notified by October 25, 2018 of
the results.
Selection Criteria:
Project Justification and Sustainability (25 points):
The proposal should explicitly state the need for the 10-week course for the intended
audience in the proposed community. In addition to that, it should demonstrate
sustainability capacity, as appropriate.
Planning and Feasibility (25 points): The proposal should have a well-developed layout
with detail mentioning of how each activity will be carried out. It should outline clear
aims and objectives, reasonable implementation timeline, audience and 10-week
course content.
Cost-Effectiveness (20 points): The budget should be reasonable, realistic and
sufficiently detailed, accounting for all necessary expenses to achieve the proposed
Innovation (20 points): The proposal should clearly describe innovative strategies or
plan to implement the 10-week course.
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
By submitting your proposal, you certify that the information provided is true, accurate and
complete. You understand that if you are granted a grant for TEA-specific Alumni Project, you
will commit to implementing all project-related activities with full dedication, fairness, integrity
and morality. You will demonstrate respect, friendliness and courteous behavior towards all the
stakeholders including participants. You must NOT at any point misuse the authority and use
grant benefits for personal use or benefit others in personal capacity. You understand that RELO
Pakistan and Evolution have zero tolerance for discrimination, bullying and harassment. You
should at all times abstain from making negative comments to anyone based on racial, religious
or ethnic differences.
Plagiarism is NOT accepted during project-related activities. This include your proposal
application; content, handouts, presentations used during the ten-week course and any other
project-related activity. If plagiarism is found in the proposal or in any content/material used in
the course, your grant will immediately be terminated and you may become ineligible to apply
for any RELO-funded opportunities in future.
1. You know the best what you want to implement so use your own ideas.
2. When taking notes, cite your sources appropriately by including the complete citation
information for each item used.
4. A good strategy is to take time and write a short draft of your paper without using any
notes. This will assist you in focusing on the content of your proposal and prevent you
being too dependent upon your sources.
1.1 Applicant Personal Information
a. Legal Name (as in Bank Account):
b. Address:
c. City/Town:
d. Zip Code:
*Give a unique name to your 10-week course for English Language teachers. The Project title must
correspond to the project content and should not exceed 150 characters.
10-week Course Start Date 10-week Course End Date
(mm/dd/yyyy): (mm/dd/yyyy):
Project City: Project Province:
*Please name the institution where 10 week course will be offered by you to the participants. You are
required to attach a letter of understanding from the said institution stating that they agree to provide you
with the space.
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
*The total number of attendees should not be more than 25 and less than 20
Gender % of Attendees:
Males: Females:
Profession of Attendees:
*The attendees must be involved in teaching English from schools, colleges or universities. Also make sure
the ones enrolled in the project must complete the entire course. You must have a replacement/substitute
ready if anyone discontinue the course.
Executive Summary: (Explain the main gist of your project including the scope, audience, benefits)
The project revolves around the six weeks training of 25 secondary English language teachers of public and private
schools of Hunza Gilgit-Baltistan. The teachers will be selected after collected their bio- data through online
generated form. The selected participants will be worked as trainees for six weeks in an interactive learning
environment. They will learn, enjoy and share their experiences of learning and teaching English language in
different context.
Aware teachers about the different teaching strategies of teaching English and equipped them the modern ways of
teaching and learning English language through different techniques. In addition, teachers will be given an
opportunity to develop their skills in different areas of teaching and learning English like developing mode lesson
plans, assessment tools and techniques and integration of technology in teaching and learning English. In addition,
the project will play a vital role in creating a collaborative learning environment among public and private schools
of Hunza Gilgit-Baltistan. This results in developing the innovative ways of teaching English in both public and
private schools of District Hunza.
The participant’s teachers will be expected to become change agents for their societies after completion of the
project. I believe that the trainees will impart their knowledge and skills to their peers, colleagues and other
teachers of their context. This will not only help to improve the teaching skills of English language teachers but it
will also improve the quality of teaching and learning system of public and private institutions of Hunza.
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
Project Justification and Sustainability: (Explain why do you think the English teachers in your
community can benefit from your project. Briefly tell about the common problems faced by teachers in your
community related to teaching English language, how will your project help teachers overcome those problems and
improve their teaching pedagogy? Also, explain how will it help the beneficiaries beyond the 10-week course)
I worked as an English language teacher in both public and private schools of Hunza during my seven years of
teaching experience. During my teaching experience I realized that teachers in my context face problems in
teaching and learning English. The reason is that teachers do not get professional development trainings to
improve their teaching. They are unaware of innovative ways of teaching English due to which they rely on
traditional translation method. In addition, due to shortage of subject specialist teachers in most of public schools
of Hunza, any teacher is asked to teach English which results in poor performance of teachers as well as students in
acquiring English language teaching and learning skills. Because the English language teachers lack teachers lack
content knowledge and pedagogical skills for teaching English.
Majority of English language teachers do not have idea about developing lesson plans for teaching English,
developing rubrics for assessing students learning of English. Furthermore, there is no any platform for English
language teachers of both public and private sector where they can discuss their issues and find ways to overcome
the challenges of teaching English. In both (public and private) institutions teachers use summative examination
system for assessing their students learning of English language skills. This system encourages rote memorization
and rote learning in students for their whole career.
There are some private institutions in Hunza where English language teachers get professional development
opportunities to uplift their education system. However, there is not culture of collaboration and sharing with other
public teachers of district Hunza. So, I believe that this project will help to develop the sharing and caring culture
among the teachers of both sectors. As this project will provide an equal opportunity for both public and private
teachers to participate and share their learning with each other. During the ten weeks training course teachers
particularly English language teachers of Hunza will become model teacher leaders for their students, peers,
colleagues, institutions, community and for their country as a whole.
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
Project Goals & Objectives: (List down all the possible SMART Objectives of your project. What will
participants achieve by the end of project?) * SMART = Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound.
At the end of project, the participant teachers will be able to;Develop model lesson plans for teaching English
through using different engaging activities
Promote the the use of English bth inside and outside the classroom
Project Activities: (Please provide in bullet points all the project-related activities such as advertisement/
marketing to announce about your project, basic admission form you may design to enroll the participants,
selection of participants, development of 10-week course content, commencement of 10-week course and others)
Prior discussion with Directorate of Hunza Gilgit-Baltistan for suggestion before selection of participants for training
Meeting with heads of public and private schools for the selection of participants on need basis
Coordination with President of Town Management Society for low cost venue (consent has already been taken)
and its set up for the classes
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
Project Monitoring & Evaluation: (How will you evaluate the ongoing performance of participants
subject to content taught? Will you design performance rubric or any other assessment tool, who will you involve
in monitoring? Please elaborate. Provide as much information as possible)
Project Partners: (List the name of partners you may involve in the implementation of the project. A school
or college may provide you venue free or in low cost if you enroll their English teachers in your project as
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
Strength & Innovation: (Why your project will be unique? How can you make your project more creative
and innovative? Maybe you include Skype session with American trainers you met during TEA for your participants
or invite guest speaker ELT specialist. Think of ways you can bring innovation in your project.)
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
Week 10
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
Budget Provision
The following line items will be provided by Evolution under TEA-specific alumni
grant to TEA alumni winning the grant:
Travel Allowance (TA) for participants: The participants of your course will
be given a minimal travel allowance for them to come and attend the
classes for 10 weeks. Limit Rs. 85 per day to each participant.
Stationery: You can request reasonable and allocable stationery for your
Banner: You can request cost of banners to display during your course for
branding purposes. All banners should have U.S. Embassy Islamabad, RELO
Pakistan, Evolution and TEA Pakistan logo. The design must be sent to
Evolution for approval.
Photocopies: You can request reasonable and allocable number of
photocopies for your course. These will include handouts and other
material to be used using the course.
Classroom Rental: It will be a great if the venue for implementing course is
available free-of-cost by local institutions to benefit teachers of the local
community. However, a reasonable amount of rent per month can be
requested for 10 weeks.
Refreshments – Reasonable
Opening and Closing Ceremony – Not on a large scale
Honorarium for Guest Speakers – Reasonable
TEA Alumni Project 2019
Call for Proposals
Budget Summary
Unit of Cost per Number of
Position Description (Cost Per Unit x
Measure Unit Units
No. of Units)
Any other line item included in the budget should be well justified and explained. All proposed line
items must include at least 2 quotations from the local vendors. For example, if you are proposing
banner printing, please attach scanned copies of at least 2 quotations from vendors for printing
banners. For stationery, please specify which stationery would you require with quantity and