2a8fb7a2 Turner 1st Sem Theory C0614ffe
2a8fb7a2 Turner 1st Sem Theory C0614ffe
2a8fb7a2 Turner 1st Sem Theory C0614ffe
1st Semester
Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
Sector : Production and Manufacturing
Duration : 2 - Years
Trade : Turner 1st Semester - Trade Theory - NSQF level 5
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No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the National
Instructional Media Institute, Chennai.
Published by:
P. B. No.3142, CTI Campus, Guindy Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai - 600 032.
Phone : 044 - 2250 0248, 2250 0657, 2250 2421
Fax : 91 - 44 - 2250 0791
email : [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.nimi.gov.in
The Government of India has set an ambitious target of imparting skills to 30 crores people, one out of every
four Indians, by 2020 to help them secure jobs as part of the National Skills Development Policy. Industrial
Training Institutes (ITIs) play a vital role in this process especially in terms of providing skilled manpower.
Keeping this in mind, and for providing the current industry relevant skill training to Trainees, ITI syllabus
has been recently updated with the help of Mentor Councils comprising various stakeholder's viz. Industries,
Entrepreneurs, Academicians and representatives from ITIs.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai, an autonomous body under the Directorate
General of Training (DGT), Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship is entrusted with developing
producing and disseminating Instructional Media Packages (IMPs) required for ITIs and other related
The institute has now come up with instructional material to suit the revised curriculum for Turner Trade
Theory 1st Semester in Production & Manufacturing Sector . The NSQF Level - 5 Trade theory will help
the trainees to get an international equivalency standard where their skill proficiency and competency will
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be duly recognized across the globe and this will also increase the scope of recognition of prior learning.
NSQF Level - 5 trainees will also get the opportunities to promote life long learning and skill development.
I have no doubt that with NSQF Level - 5 the trainers and trainees of ITIs, and all stakeholders will derive
maximum benefits from these IMPs and that NIMI's effort will go a long way in improving the quality of
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The Executive Director & Staff of NIMI and members of Media Development Committee deserve appreciation
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Jai Hind
Joint Secretary
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship,
Government of India.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) was established in 1986 at Chennai by then Directorate
General of Employment and Training (D.G.E & T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, (now under Directorate
General of Training, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship) Government of India, with technical
assistance from the Govt. of the Federal Republic of Germany. The prime objective of this institute is to
develop and provide instructional materials for various trades as per the prescribed syllabi under the Craftsman
and Apprenticeship Training Schemes.
The instructional materials are created keeping in mind, the main objective of Vocational Training under
NCVT/NAC in India, which is to help an individual to master skills to do a job. The instructional materials are
generated in the form of Instructional Media Packages (IMPs). An IMP consists of Theory book, Practical
book, Test and Assignment book, Instructor Guide, Audio Visual Aid (Wall charts and Transparencies) and
other support materials.
The trade practical book consists of series of exercises to be completed by the trainees in the workshop.
These exercises are designed to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered. The trade
theory book provides related theoretical knowledge required to enable the trainee to do a job. The test and
assignments will enable the instructor to give assignments for the evaluation of the performance of a trainee.
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The wall charts and transparencies are unique, as they not only help the instructor to effectively present a
topic but also help him to assess the trainee's understanding. The instructor guide enables the instructor to
plan his schedule of instruction, plan the raw material requirements, day to day lessons and demonstrations.
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In order to perform the skills in a productive manner instructional videos are embedded in QR code of the
exercise in this instructional material so as to integrate the skill learning with the procedural practical steps
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given in the exercise. The instructional videos will improve the quality of standard on practical training and
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will motivate the trainees to focus and perform the skill seamlessly.
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IMPs also deals with the complex skills required to be developed for effective team work. Necessary care
has also been taken to include important skill areas of allied trades as prescribed in the syllabus.
The availability of a complete Instructional Media Package in an institute helps both the trainer and
management to impart effective training.
The IMPs are the outcome of collective efforts of the staff members of NIMI and the members of the Media
Development Committees specially drawn from Public and Private sector industries, various training institutes
under the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Government and Private ITIs.
NIMI would like to take this opportunity to convey sincere thanks to the Directors of Employment & Training
of various State Governments, Training Departments of Industries both in the Public and Private sectors,
Officers of DGT and DGT field institutes, proof readers, individual media developers and coordinators, but for
whose active support NIMI would not have been able to bring out this materials.
Chennai - 600 032 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges with thanks for the co-operation and
contribution extended by the following Media Developers and their sponsoring organisations to bring out this
Instructional Material (Trade Theory) for the trade of Turner under the Production & Manufacturing
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Shri. N. Sampath
pu M _ Assistant Training officer
Govt. I.T.I Chengalpattu
Tamil Nadu
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MDC Member
Chennai - 600032
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NIMI records its appreciation for the Data Entry, CAD, DTP operators for their excellent and devoted services in
the process of development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI also acknowledges with thanks the invaluable efforts rendered by all other NIMI staff who have contributed
towards the development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI is also grateful to everyone who has directly or indirectly helped in developing this Instructional Material.
The manual of trade theory consists of theorectical information for the First Semester couse of the Turner Trade.
The contents are sequenced accoring to the practical exercise contained in the manual on Trade practical.
Attempt has been made to relate the theortical aspects with the skill covered in each exercise to the extent
possible. This co-relation is maintained to help the trainees to develop the perceptional capabilities for
performing the skills.
The Trade Theory has to be taught and learnt along with the corresponding exercise contained in the manual
on trade practical. The indicating about the corresponding practical exercise are given in every sheet of this
It will be preferable to teach/learn the trade theory connected to each exercise atleast one class before
performing the related skills in the shop floor. The trade theory is to be treated as an integrated part of each
The material is not the purpose of self learning and should be considered as supplementary to class room
The trade practical manual is intented to be used in workshop . It consists of a series of practical exercies to
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be completed by the trainees during the First Semester course of the Turner trade supplemented and
supported by instructions/ informations to assist in performing the exercises. These exercises are designed
to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered.
The manual is divided into three modules. The distribution of time for the practical in the three modules are
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given below.
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The skill training in the computer lab is planned through a series of practical exercises centred around some
practical project. However, there are few instance where the individual exercise does not form a part of project.
While developing the practical manual a sincere effort was made to prepare each exercise which will be easy
to understand and carry out even by below average traninee. However the development team accept that there
if a scope for further improvement. NIMI, looks forward to the suggestions from the experienced training faculty
for improving the manual.
Artificial respiration 11
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1.1.06 Occupational safety
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1.1.07 Electrical safety 29
1.1.08 Fire extinguishers 33
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Steel rule 46
Hacksaw frame 47
1.2.14 Chisel 49
Bench vice 54
Try square 55
Types of vices 56
Lesson No. Title of the Lesson Page No.
Types of callipers 59
Straight edges 63
Surface plates 65
Types of punches 67
Scribers 68
1.2.20 Hand taps and wrenches 71
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Die and die stock 72
Tap drill size 74
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Module 3: Turning
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The carriage 87
Tumbler gerar 94
Lesson No. Title of the Lesson Page No.
Chucks other than 3 jaw and 4 jaw types and their uses 115
Error in micrometer 126
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Digital micrometers 127
1.3.37 Lathe - cutting speed and feed & depth of cut 129
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Reamers 158
Lesson No. Title of the Lesson Page No.
Lathe carriers 187
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Transfer caliper 190
1.3.47 Adjustment of tool posts 191
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Production & Manufacturing
Turner - Occupational Safety Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.01
Guidance to new corners about ITI and system Organisation of the industrial
training institute
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• identify the staff structure of the institute
• identify the available trades in the institute and their functions.
The industrial training institute throughout India follow the The head of the industrial training institute is the Principal,
same syllabus pattern a given by the National Council for under whom there is one Vice-Principal, group instructor
Vocational Training (NCVT) Board. In India there are Govt. and a number of trade instructors as shown in the
ITIs and Private ITIs. Based on the Govt. of India, Ministry organisation chart of ITI.
of Labour's Annual report of 2011-2012. The Govt. ITIs in
Even though there are 62 trades selected for instructional
each state work under the Directorate of Employment and
training and 135 trades identified for apprentice training,
Training which is a department under the Labour Ministry
according to the requirement of industrial needs, area and
in most of the states. Some of the ITIs are under the Central
finance a few selected trades are established under each
Government and are attached to the Advanced Training
ITI. The trainees are advised to make a list of the trades
Institute which are named as Model Training Institutes.
available in their ITI, the type of training and the scope of
these trades in getting self or job employment in the rural
and urban areas.
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Job area after complition of soft skill
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be to
• state the concept of soft skill
• list the importants common soft skill
• brief the employability aspect of training
• brief the further learning scope.
• Positive attitude Sector and Government Industries) in India and Abroad
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• Good communication skills
Self employment
• Interpersonal skills
One can start is own factory/ancillary unit or design
• Time management abilities
products manufacture and became an entreprereur.
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• Problem-solving skills
Further learning scope
• Team work
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• Self-confidence
• Diploma in Engineering.
• Loyalty
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Personal protective equipment (PPE) • Inspection of gear thoroughly to make sure that it has
the standard of quality and adequately protect the user
Devices, equipments, or clothing used or worn by the should be continuously carried out.
employees, as a last resort, to protect against hazards in
the workplace. The primary approach in any safety effort Categories of PPE’s
is that the hazard to the workmen should be eliminated or
the workmen through the use of personal protective Depending upon the nature of hazard, the PPE is broadly
controlled by engineering methods rather than protecting divided into the following two categories:
the workmen through the use of personal protective
1 Non-respiratory: Those used for protection against
equipment (PPE). Engineering methods could include
injury from outside the body, i.e. for protecting the head,
design change, substitution, ventilation, mechanical
eye, face, hand, arm, foot, leg and other body parts
handling, automation, etc. In situations ventilation,
Mechanical handling automation etc in situations where it 2 Respiratory: Those used for protection from harm due
is not possible to introduce any effective engineering
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methods for controlling hazards, the workman shall use
appropriate types of PPE. They are to meet the applicable BIS (Bureau of Indian
Standards) standards for different types of PPE.
As changing times have modernized the workplace,
government and advocacy groups have brought more safety
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provisions for effective use of appropriate types of PPE. against hazards, which cannot be eliminated or controlled
Use of PPE is an important. by engineering methods.
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Personal protective equipments and their uses and hazards are as follows
3. Spatter
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Hand protecion (Fig 4) 1. Heat burn due to direct contact Hand gloves
2. Blows sparks moderate heat
3. Electric shock
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PPE must meet the following criteria with regard to its Having selected the proper type of PPE, it is essential
quality-provide absolute and full protection against possible that the workman wears it. Often the workman avoids using
hazard and PPE’s be so designed and manufactured out PPE. The following factors influence the solution to this
of materials that it can withstand the hazards against which problem.
it is intended to be used.
• The extent to which the workman understands the
Selection of PPE’s requires certain conditions necessity of using PPE
• The ease and comfort with which PPE can be worn
• Nature and severity of the hazard
with least interference in normal work procedures
• Type of contaminant, its concentration and location of
• The available economic, social and disciplinary
contaminated area with respect to the source of
sanctions which can be used to influence the attitude
respirable air
of the workman
• Expected activity of workman and duration of work,
• The best solution to this problem is to make 'wearing
comfort of workman when using PPE
of PPE' mandatory for every employee.
• Operating characteristics and limitations of PPE
• In other places, education and supervision need to be
• Ease of maintenance and cleaning intensified. When a group of workmen are issued PPE
for the first time.
• Conformity to Indian/ International standards and
availability of test certificate.
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Basic first-aid
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state what is first aid
• list the key aims of first aid
• explain the ABC of the first aid
• brief how to give first-aid for a victim who need first aid.
healthcare habits among people. before an actual emergency, and in many countries,
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First aid procedure often consists of simple and basic aid instructions over the phone while the ambulance is
life saving techniques that an individual performs with on the way. Training is generally provided by attending a
proper training and knowledge. course, typically leading to certification. Due to regular
changes in procedures and protocols, based on updated
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The key aims of first aid can be summarized in three key clinical knowledge, and to maintain skill, attendance at
points: regular refresher courses or re-certification is often
necessary. First aid training is often available through
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• Preserve life: If the patient was breathing, a first aider community organization such as the Red cross and St.
would normally place them in the recovery position, John ambulance.
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with the patient leant over on their side, which also has
the effect of clearing the tongue from the pharynx. It ABC of first aid
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If the situation demands, quickly call for medical Most importantly, first aider need to wash hands and dry
assistance. Prompt approach may save the life. before giving and first aid treatment to the patient or wear
gloves in order to prevent infection.
Surroundings play vital role
Cleaning and dressing
Different surroundings require different approach. Hence
first aider should study the surrounding carefully. In other Always clean the wound thoroughly before applying the
words, one need to make sure that they are safe and bandage lightly wash the wound with clean water.
are not in any danger as it would be of no help that the
first aider himself get injured. Not to use local medications on cuts or open wounds
Most often over enthusiastically practiced first aid viz. best.
administering water when the victim is unconscious,
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wiping clotted blood (which acts as plug to reduce CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) can be life-
bleeding), correcting fractures, mishandling injured parts sustaining
etc., would leads to more complication. Patients often
die due to wrong FIRST AID methods, who may otherwise CPR can be life sustaining. If one is trained in CPR and
the person is suffering from choking or finds difficulty in
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moving him would causes more harm. injury. But some people do it wrong. This is a difficult
procedure to do in a crowded area. Also there are many
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This does not mean do nothing. It means to make sure studies to suggest that no survival advantage when
that to do something the care givers feel confident bystanders deliver breaths to victims compared to when
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through training would make matters safe. If the first aider they only do chest compressions. Second, it is very difficult
is not confident of correct handling it is better not to to carry right maneuver in wrong places. But CPR, if
intervene to do it. Hence moving a trauma victim, especially carefully done by highly skilled first aiders is a bridge that
an unconscious one, needs very careful assessment. keeps vital organs oxygenated until medical team arrives.
Removal of an embedded objects (Like a knife, nail) from
the wound may precipitate more harm (e.g. increased Declaring death
bleeding). Always it is better to call for help. It is not correct to declare the victim's death at the accident
site. It has to be done by qualified medical doctors.
How to report an emergency?
Reassure the victim by speaking encouragingly with him.
Reporting an emergency is one of those things that seems
Stop the bleeding simple enough, until actually when put to use in emergency
situations. A sense of shock prevail at the accident sites.
If the victim is bleeding, try to stop the bleeding by Large crowd gather around only with inquisitive nature,
applying pressure over the injured part. but not to extend helping hands to the victims. This is
common in road side injuries. No passer-by would like to
Golden hours get involved to assist the victims. Hence first aid
management is often very difficult to attend to the injured
India have best of technology made available in hospitals persons. The first aiders need to adapt multi-task strategy
to treat devastating medical problem viz. head injury,
multiple trauma, heart attack, strokes etc, but patients
often do poorly because they don't gain access to that
technology in time. The risk of dying from these conditions,
symptoms are: loss of consciousness following the
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The emergency number varies - 100 for Police & 101 Fire,
pu M injury, disorientation or memory impairment, vertigo,
108 for Ambulance. nausea, and lethargy.
• Treat a spinal injury victim: If a spinal injury is
suspected, it is especially critical, not move the victim's
head, neck or back unless they are in immediate
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Stay with the victim until help arrives
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can arrive.
Unconsciousness (COMA)
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• If the victim is breathing, but unconscious, roll them The condition arises due to interruption of normal brain
onto their side, keeping the head and neck aligned activity. The causes are too many.
with the body. This will help drain the mouth and prevent • Shock (Cardiogenic, Neurogenic)
the tongue or vomit from blocking the airway.
• Head injury (Concussion, Compression)
Check the victim's circulation
• Asphyxia (obstruction to air passage)
Look at the victim's colour and check their pulse (the
carotid artery is a good option; it is located on either side • Extreme of body temperature (Heat, Cold)
of the neck, below the jaw bone). If the victim does not • Cardiac arrest (Heart attack)
have a pulse, start CPR.
• Stroke (Cerbro-vascular accident)
Treat bleeding, shock and other problems as needed
• Blood loss (Haemorrhage)
After establishing that the victim is breathing and has a
• Dehydration (Diarrohea & vomiting)
pulse, next priority should be to control any bleeding.
Particularly in the case of trauma, preventing shock is the • Diabetes (Low or high sugar)
• Blood pressure (Very low or very high)
• Rapid heartbeat (palpitation) • Think insulin: might the person be suffering from insulin
shock (see 'How to diagnose and treat insulin shock")?
• Stupor
• Think about drugs: was there an overdose? Or might
First aid the person have under dosed - that is not taken enough
• Call EMERGENCY number. of a prescribed medication?
• Check the person's airway, breathing, and pulse
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frequently. If necessary, begin rescue breathing and
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• If the person is breathing and lying on the back and
after ruling out spinal injury, carefully roll the person
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onto the side, preferably left side. Bend the top leg so
both hip and knee are at right angles. Gently tilt the
head back to keep the airway open. If breathing or pulse
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entire body at one time to the side. Support the neck around a wound.
and back to keep the head and body in the same
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On completion of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the importance of respiration
• state occasions when artificial respiration becomes a necessity
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• state the important action to be taken when a patient recovers after undergoing artificial respiration.
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is made use of the lungs to purify the blood. If a person are equally good. Therefore the person/volunteer can adopt
cannot breathe or stops breathing for any reason he will any one of the above methods in which he is trained and is
collapse in no time. confident. However, Nelson’s method and Schafer’s method
should be avoided while giving artificial respiration to those
Artificial respiration
patients who are suspected to have injuries in the chest
There are occasions when breathing/respiration becomes wall and abdomen.
difficult or feeble in a person due to sickness, shock or
Each of the above said methods has a systematic procedure
accident. When breathing becomes feeble the person
to be followed. These procedures are given below. A person
becomes unconscious. At this stage it is possible to
must practise this procedure thoroughly before giving
improve the respiration by artificial means. This is known
artificial respiration to a sick person. Any short cuts in the
as artificial respiration.
procedure is dangerous and may worsen the condition of
In artificial respiration, air containing oxygen is forced into the sick person instead of improving it.
the lungs of the unconscious person so as to maintain the
supply of oxygen to the body till the time the victim reaches NELSON’s Method (Arm-lift back-pressure method)
the hospital/clinic for further treatment.
There are several methods by which artificial respiration
can be given. Some of the well known methods are, Nelson’s arm-lift back pressure method must not
– HOLGEN-NELSON method be used in case of suspected injuries to the chest
wall or abdomen of the victim.
– SCHAFER’S method
Fig 1
HEAD RESTING ON 6 Now rock backwards. As you rock backwards,
gently raise and pull the victim’s arms towards
you as shown in Fig 4 until you feel tension in his
shoulders. Remain in this position for a few
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OF ARM PIT seconds. To complete the cycle, lower the victim’s
arms and move your hands up to the initial position.
Fig 4
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4 As shown in Fig 2, gently rock forward the arms keeping
Fig 2
lower ribs of the victim as shown in Fig 6. This weight
force the air out of the victim’s lungs.
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Fig 6
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Fig 10
Fig 13
8 Repeat steps 6 and 7, eight to ten times rapidly. Then
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slow down to 10-12 times a minute. (20 times for infant)
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Sometimes it may take hours for the victim to breathe
normally. Continue giving artificial respiration till he recov-
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and blow air gently into his nose and suck back. Check if
As shown in Fig 15, cover the palm with your other hand
the victim’s chest is rising and falling.
and lock your fingers together as shown.
Fig 15
Fig 18
5 Repeat step 6, fifteen times at a rate of approximately
one per second.
6 Recheck the carotid pulse as done in step 1, Fig 13.
7 Give two cycles of mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration
as shown in Fig 17.
1 Even if the victim’s breathing and heartbeat have
Fig 17 recovered, do not delay in calling a doctor for a check
up and treatment.
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2 After the victim has recovered, keep the victim warm
with a blanket, wrapped up with hot water bags. Stimulate
circulation by stroking the insides of the arms and legs
towards the heart.
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3 When the victim revives, make him lie down. Do not let
him exert himself as this may lead to a detorioration in
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his condition.
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More timely information to assist shop floor supervisors
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in managing their assigned production responsiblities.
• Reduction of down time due to better machine and
tool monitoring.
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5S Concept
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Disposal of waste material
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state what is waste material
• list the waste materials in a work shop
• explain the methods of disposal of waste material.
• state advantage of disposal of waste material.
Waste material
Industrial waste is the waste produced by industrial activity,
such as that of factories, mills and mines.
List of waste material (Fig 1)
• Cotton waste
• Metal chips of different material.
• Oily waste such as lubricating oil, coolant etc.
• Other waste such as electrical, glass etc.
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used as manure.
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3 Metal Red
4 Glass Green
5 Food Black
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is an area
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concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare
of people engaged in co-workers, family members,
employees, customers , and many others who might be
affected by the workspace environment.
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different objectives :
(i) The maintenance and promotion of workers' health
and working capacity.
(ii) The improvement of working environment and work to
become conductive to safety and health.
(iii) Development of work organization and working
cultures in a direction which supports health and safety
at work and in doing so also promotes a positive social
climate and smooth operation and may enhance
productivity of the undertakings.
Occupational health : Health at work is also called Employment and working conditions in the formal or
occupational health. It is concerned with enabling an informal economy embrace other important determinants,
individual to undertake their day to day work fully knowing including working hours, salary, workspace policies
the health hazards they are exposed to and preventing concerning maternity leave, health promotion and
them at the workspace. protection provisions etc.
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Basic hazards :
Employers have a responsibility to protect workers against
health and safety hazards at work. Workers have the
right to know about potential hazards and to refuse work • Electricity poses a danger to many workers. Electrical
that they believe is dangerous. Workers also have a injuries caused by contact with electric energy can be
responsibility to work safely with hazardous materials. divided into four types
Health and Safety hazards exist in every workplace. Some
are easily identified and corrected, while others create • fatal electrocution,
extremely dangerous situations that could be a threat to
• electric shock,
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your life or long-term health. The best way to protect
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oneself is to learn to recognize and prevent hazards in the • burns,
workplaces. • falls .
Physical hazards are the most common hazards and
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Radiation etc.
• Ventilation and air circulation have major say on the
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are covered to avoid tripping. They are perhaps unavoidable
in certain industries, such as construction and mining,
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Workers in many different industries and occupations can
pu M but over time people have developed safety methods and
be exposed to risk factors at work, such as lifting heavy
procedures to manage the risks of physical danger in the
items, bending, reaching overhead, pushing and pulling
workplace. Employment of children may pose special
heavy loads, working in awkward body postures and
performing the same or similar tasks repetitively. Exposure
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• Listening to the concerns of workers and supervisors. Occupational disease, illness incurred because of the
conditions or environment of employment. Unlike with
• Gaining further understanding of jobs and tasks. accidents, some time usually elapses between exposure
to the cause and development of symptoms. In some
• Identifying existing and potential hazards. instances, symptoms may not become evident for many
years and hence the relationship between work and
• Determining underlying causes of hazards. disease is ignored.
• Monitoring hazard controls (Personal protective Among the environmental causes of occupational disease
equipment, engineering controls, policies, procedures) are subjection to extremes of temperature leading to
heatstroke, air contaminants of dust, gas, fumes causing
• Recommending corrective action. diseases of the respiratory tract, skin, or muscles and
joints or changes in atmospheric pressure causing
Occupational hygiene decompression sickness, excessive noise causing hearing
loss, exposure to infrared or ultraviolet radiation or to
Occupational hygiene (Industrial hygiene) (Fig 8) is the radioactive substances. The widespread use of X rays,
discipline of anticipating, recognizing, evaluating and radium and materials essential to the production of nuclear
controlling health hazards in the working environment with power has led to an special awareness of the dangers of
the objective of protecting worker health and well-being radiation sickness. Hence careful checking of equipment
and safeguarding the community at large. and the proper protection of all personnel are now
In addition there are industries in which metal dusts,
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pu M chemical substances, and unusual exposure to infective
substances constitute occupational hazards. The most
common of the dust and fiber inspired disorders are the
lung diseases caused by silica, beryllium, bauxite and
iron ore to which miners, granite workers and many others
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Occupational hygiene uses science and engineering to through the skin, respiratory tract or digestive tract cause
prevent ill health caused by the environment in which people serious and often fatal illness.
India has legislation on occupational health and safety for National Legislation
over 50 years. A safe and health work environment is the
basic right of every worker. The constitutional provision Legislation provides an essential foundation for safety. To
for occupational safety and health under the Article 24 - be meaningful and effective legislation should be reviewed
No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed and updated regularly as scientific knowledge develops.
to work in any factory or mine or engaged in other
hazardous employment. The most important legislation cover occupational safety,
health and welfare are :
Article 39 (e & f) - The state shall in particular direct its
policy towards securing. • The Factories Act 1948. amended 1954, 1970, 1976,
e. That the health and strength of workers, men and
• The Mines Act, 1952.
women, and the tender age of children are not abused
and that citizens are not forced by economic necessity • The dock workers (safety, health and welfare) Act, 1986.
to enter vocations unsuited to their age and strength.
• The plantation labour Act, 1951.
f. That children are given opportunities and facilities to
• The Explosives Act, 1984.
develop in healthy manner and in conditions of freedom
and dignity and that childhood and youth are protected • The Petroleum Act, 1934.
against exploitation and against moral and material
• The Insecticide Act, 1968.
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pu M • The Indian Boilers Act, 1923.
Article 42 - The state shall make provision for securing
just and human conditions of work and maternity relief. • The Indian Electricity Act, 1910.
• The Dangerous Machines (Regulations) Act, 1983.
National policy
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under 14 in factories, mines and in hazardous occupations. • The Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous
Policy aims to protect the health and strength of all Chemicals Rules, 1989.
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Occupational safety
At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the importance of safety
• list out the safety precautions to be observed in a machine shop
• list out the personal safety precautions to be observed
• list out the safety precautions to be observed while working on the machines.
Generally accidents do not happen; they are caused. Don’t remove guards when the machine is in motion.
Most accidents are avoidable. A good craftsman, having Don’t use cracked or chipped tools.
a knowledge of various safety precautions, can avoid Don’t start the machine until:
accidents to himself and to his fellow workers and protect - the workpiece is securely mounted
the equipment from damage. To achieve this, it is essential - the feed machinery is in the neutral
that every person should follow safety procedures.(Fig 1) - the work area is clear.
Safety in a workshop can be broadly classified into 3 Don’t adjust clamps or holding devices while the machine
categories. is in motion.
General safety Never touch the electrical equipment with wet hands.
Personal safety Don’t use any faulty electrical equipment.
Machine safety Ensure that electrical connections are made by an
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General safety
Concentrate on your work.
Keep the floor and gangways clean and clear.
Have a calm attitude.
Move with care in the workshop, do not run.
Do things in a methodical way.
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authorised to do so.
Don’t distract the attention of others.
Don’t walk under suspended loads.
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Occupational Safety
At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state what an accident is
• state the causes for accidents in general terms
• state what is safety attitude
• identify the four basic categories of safety signs.
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Normally accidents do not just happen. They are
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Unawareness of danger
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People’s attitudes govern what they do or fail to do. In You will be responsible for the way you use the equipment,
most cases where someone is working with unsafe how you do your job, the use you make of your training,
equipment or in an unsafe situation, somebody has and your general attitude to safety.
allowed that state of affairs to come about by something
A great deal is done by employers and other people to
they have done or failed to do.
make your working life safer; but always remember you
are responsible for your own actions and the effect they
have on others. You must not take that responsibility lightly.
safety of the job.
Most accidents don’t just happen; they are caused by
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people who (for example) damage equipment or see it is Safety signs fall into four separate categories. These can
faulty but don’t report it, or leave tools and equipment be recognised by their shape and colour. Sometimes they
lying about for other people to trip over. Anybody who may be just a symbol; other signs may include letters or
sees a hazard and does nothing about it is contributing figures and provide extra information such as the
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to the possibility of an accident. A worker doesn’t clearance height of an obstacle or the safe working load
necessarily need to do anything to help bring about an of a crane.
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The effort a firm puts into planning and organising work, Prohibition signs
into training people, into engaging skilled and competent Mandatory signs
workers, maintaining plant and equipment, and checking, SHAPE Circular.
inspecting and keeping records - all of this contributes to COLOUR White symbol on blue
the safety in the workplace. background.
MEANING Shows what must be done
The employer will be responsible for the equipment
Example Wear hand protection.
provided, the working conditions, what the employees are
asked to do, and the training given. SHAPE Triangular.
COLOUR Yellow background with
black border and symbol
Warning signs Do you know how to do your work without causing danger
Information signs to yourself, your workmates and the general public?
SHAPE Square or oblong. Are the plant, machinery and tools that you use really
COLOUR White symbols on green safe? Do you know how to use them safely and keep
background. them in a safe condition?
MEANING Indicates or gives
information of safety provision.
Example First aid point.
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Do you know the general safety rules that cover your place
of work?
Electrical Safety
Objectives: On completion of this lesson you shall be able to
• State prevention of electrical accidents
• State the meaning of electric shock
• State the severity of shock based on the voltage level
• Rescue a person who is in contact with a live wire
• Treat a person for electric shock/injury
• State the response to emergency during power failure.
Prevention of electrical accidents Effects of electric shock
1 Have only licensed electricians should install, repair The effect of electric shock at very low voltage levels (less
and dismantle job site wiring. than 40 V) may only be an unpleasant tingling sensation.
But this shock itself may be sufficient to cause someone
2 Always plug in to a ground fault circuit interupter
to lose his balance and fall, resulting in casualty.
At higher voltage levels the muscles may contract and the
3 Check each extension cord before use.
person will be unable to break off from the contact by
4 Do a through check for electrical wiring before cutting himself. He may lose consciousness. The muscles of the
through any wall, floor or ceiling. heart may contract spasmodically (fibrillation). This may
even turn out to be fatal.
5 Inspect power tools on a regular basis.
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6 Check insulated tools for damage before each use
shock may be thrown off his feet and will experience severe
7 Never modify electrical plugs. pain and possibly burns at the point of contact. This in most
8 Keep extension cords in a safe place where they won’t cases is fatal.
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be stepped on or driven over. Electric shock can also cause burning of the skin at the
9 Ensure that all electrical components stay dry. point of contact.
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10 Use the right extension cord for the job. Action to be taken in case of an electric shock
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live wire and if he has not insulated himself, then electric electricity by any one or more of the following.
current flows through his body. Since the human body – Switch off the electric power,insulate yourself and pull
cannot withstand current flow more than a few tens of away the person from the electrical contact
milliamps, the human body suffers a phenomenon gener-
ally known as electric shock. Electric shock may turn out OR
to be hazardous to some of the parts of the human body and Remove the mains electric plug. Avoid direct contact with
some times even to the life of the person. the victim. Wrap your hands using dry cloth or paper, if
The severity of an electric shock depends on: rubber gloves are not available.
– the level of current passing through the body
– how long does the current keep passing through the Remove the electric contact made by wrenching the cable/
body. equipment/point free from contact using whatever is at
hand to insulate yourself such as a wooden bar, rope, a
Therefore, the higher the current or longer the time, the scarf, the victim’s coat-tails, any dry article of clothing, a
shock may result in a causality. belt, rolled up newspaper, non-metallic hose, PVC tubing,
In addition to the above factors, other factors which baked paper, tube etc. and break the contact by pushing
influences the severity of shock are: or pulling the person or the cable/equipment/point free
– loosen the clothing at the neck, chest and waist If the casualty is unconscious but is breathing, loosen the
clothing about the neck, chest and waist and place the
– place the victim in the recovery position as shown in Fig
casualty in the recovery position. (Fig 3)
– Keep a constant check on the breathing and pulse rate.
If you find them feeble, immediately give artificial
respiration and press the lower rib to improve the
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– Keep the casualty warm and comfortable.
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– Send for a doctor immediately.
The severity of an electric shock will depend on the level
current which passes through the body and the length of
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time of contact. Do not delay, act at once. Make sure that Keep a constant check on the breathing and pulse rate.
the electric current has been disconnected. keep the casualty warm and comfortable. (Fig 4)
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away or start searching for the mains switch.
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2 Move the victim gently to the nearest ventilated place.
3 Check the victim’s breathing and consciousness. Check
Squeeze together the sides of the wound as shown in Fig if there are injuries in the chest or abdomen. Give artificial
3. Apply pressure as long as it is necessary to stop the respiration/applying pressure on the heart if found
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Fire extinguishers
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the effects of a fire breakout
• state the causes for fire in the workshop
• state the conditions required for combustion relevant to fire prevention
• state the general precautionary measures to be taken for fire prevention.
neglect. Loose connections, wrongly rated fuses or
cables, overloaded circuits cause over heating which may
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pu M in turn lead to fire. Damage to insulation between
conductors in cables also causes fire.
Clothing and anything else which might catch fire should be
kept well away from heaters. Make sure the heater is shut
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The factors that must be present in combination for a fire Highly flammable liquids and petroleum mixtures (Thinner,
to continue to burn are as follows. Adhesive solutions, Solvents, Kerosene, Spirit, LPG Gas
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Oxygen Usually it exists in sufficient quantity in air Different types of fire have to be dealt with different ways
to keep a fire burning. and with different extinguishing agents.
EXTINGUISHING OF FIRES An agent is the material or substance used to put out the
fire, and is usually (but not always) contained in a fire
Isolating or removing any of these factors from the extinguisher with a mechanism for spraying into the fire.
combination will extinguish the fire. There are three basic
ways of achieving this. It is important to know the right type of agent for a particular
type of fire; using the wrong one can make things worse.
• Starving the fire of fuel by removing the fuel in the vicinity
of fire. There is no classification for ‘electrical fires’ as such, since
• Smothering - i.e. by isolating the fire from the supply of these are only fires in materials where electricity is
oxygen by blanketing it with foam, sand etc. present.
Fuel Extinguishing
CLASS ‘A’ Fire Wood, paper, cloth etc. Most effective i.e. cooling with water. Jets of
Solid materials. water should be sprayed on the base of the fire
and then gradually upwards.
CLASS ‘B’ Fire Flammable liquids & Should be smothered. The aim is to cover the
liquifiable solids entire surface of the burning liquid. This has the
effect of cutting off the supply of oxygen to the
Foam, dry powder or CO2 may be used on this
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CLASS ‘C’ Fire Gas and liquified gas Extreme caution is necessary in dealing with
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CLASS ‘D’ Fire Involving metals The standard range of fire extinguishing agents
is inadequate or dangerous when dealing with
metal fires.
A fire extinguisher, flame extinguisher or simply extinguisher Must not be used where electrical equipment is involved.
is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or
control small fires, often in emergency situation. It is not
intended for use on an out off control fire.
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Water-filled extinguishers pu M
There are two methods of operation. (Fig 2)
13. Do not reenter the building or work area untill you have
been instructed to do by the emergency responders.
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They are more effective in extinguishing small fires involving
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pouring liquids. These extinguishers are particularly suitable Response to emergency during system failure:
and safe to use on electrical equipment as the chemicals Emergency guide outlines procedure and actions for
are electrically non-conductive. managing major emergencies that may threaten the health
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support services.
General procedure to be adopted in the event of a fire to be
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- Close the doors and windows, but do not lock or bolt deal with any emergency or disastrous situation. The
them. This will limit the oxygen fed to the fire and prevent committee consists of faciity and admin staff from different
its spreading. departments can form other sub committees or an
emergency response team in case of necessities.
- Try to deal with the fire if you can do so safely. Do not
risk getting trapped. Each department should nominate a per or term to act /
follow the guidelines framed with respect their areas.
- Anybody not involved in fighting the fire should leave
calmly using the emergency exits and go to the Certain exercises like evacuation, security, safety, fire
designated assembly point. Failure to do this may medical, transportation etc.
mean that some person is unaccounted for and others
The exercise includes:
may have to put themselves to the trouble of searching
for him or her at risk to themselves. − Rescuse persons who are in immediate danger.
Response to emergency during Fire − Pull the nearest fire alarm.
− Inform security personal.
1. Inform people in the immediate area to evacute .
− Evacuate the building using the nearest exit.
2. Activate the nearest building fire alarm. − Account for all staff with service and security
3. Call if safe to do so. Otherwise evacuate the building respresentative.
and call from other side the building. − Document the situation, what happened and the out
4. If the fire is small and you have been trained to use a
fire extinguisher, you may attempt to extinguish the fire, The emergency team’s main responsibility is to manage
and deal with any critical situations.
3. Never use hammer with loose/mush room splint 8. Do not use a spanner as a hammer.
heads. 9. Do not use a steel rule as a screw driver.
4. Select suitable weight of the hammer for the work. 10.Use the coolant at the time of hack shaving and
5. Check the hammer head and handle whether any drillling.
crack is there. 11. Keep the work place neat and clean after work.
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Production & Manufacturing
Turner - Occupational safety Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.10
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While selecting blodes, make sure atleast two
teeth of the blades will be in contact with
the work at all times.
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Punch and drift For retaining the hardness and original shape of
punches and drifts, they should be frequenctly
cooled in water.
Handle must be secured rigidly so that the
punches Do not come off while working.
workpiece unless the power is off.
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Stop the machine before changing the speed
Disengage the automatic feeds before switching
Check the oil level before starting the machine.
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Use wooden planks over the bed while loading
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2 Fitting tools f Divider spring joint specified by its length. (Fig 11)
a Try square specified according to the length of the
blade. (Fig 6)
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Selection of metals
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the different methods of identifying ferrous metals and alloys
• state how non-ferrous metals and alloys are identified
• state the corrosion, scaling, rusting.
A fitter has to handle different types of metals in his work. - the spark test (grinding).
A knowledge about how to recognise and differentiate the
commonly used metals will help him in many ways.
The above characteristics of different ferrous metals and
Ferrous metals and alloys can be identified by
alloys are given in Table 1. Apart from the above tests,
- their appearance (colour, texture etc) steel bars are also identified by the code colours painted
- their weight (light or heavy) on them.
Table 1
Ferrous Appearance Density/ Sound Cold Spark test
metals weight (Drop a ø 15 hamme
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& alloys pu M bar 25 cm -ring
long, on to
the ground)
Most non-ferrous metals and alloys can be identified by
their colour. (Table 2)
Table 2
Metal/Alloy Colour
Copper Distinctive
red colour
Aluminium Dull white
Lead Bluish-grey colour
Tin Silvery white,
with a slightly
yellowish tinge
Brass (Alloy) Distinctive
(free cutting) yellow colour
Bronze Colour between Scaling
(alloy) copper and brass Scale is hard mineral coatings and corrosion deposits made
Rusting up of solids and sediments that collect on or it distribution
Rusting is the process in which iron turns into iron oxide.
It happens when iron comes into contact with water and Scaling which is the deposition of mineral solids on the
oxygen. The process is a type of corrosion that occurs interior surfaces of water lines and containers. (Fig 3)
easily when natural conditions.
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Rusting is the conversion related to iron and iron-based
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alloys. Non-ferrous metals corrode but do not rust. (Fig 1)
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The slow and continuous eating away of metallic
components by chemical or electro-chemical action is
known as corrosion. Corrosion affects the service
conditions and accuracy of the components. It is very
essential to understand the causes for corrosion and to
know the metals that resist corrosion.
Conversion is the deterioration of materials by chemical
interaction with their environments. The term corrosion is
some times also applied to the degradation of plastics,
concrete and wood, but generally refers to metals. (Fig 2)
Length measurement
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the base unit of length measurement as per the international system of units of measurement (SI)
• state the multiples of a metre and their values.
When we measure an object, we are actually comparing The british system of length measurement : An alter-
it with a known standard of measurement. native system of length measurement is the british sys-
tem. In this system, the base unit is the imperial standard
The base unit of length as per SI is the metre. yard. Most countries, including great britain itself, have,
Length - SI units and multiples. however, in the last few years, switched over to SI units.
Base unit : The base unit of length as per the systems 12 Inch = 1 Feet
international is the metre. The table given below lists some 3 Feet = 1 Yard
multiples of a metre.
Line standards and end standards
1 Metre (m) = 1000 mm
Line standards
1 Centimetre (cm) = 10 mm
In the line standard the unit of length is defined as the
1 Millimetre (mm) = 1000μm distance between the centres of engraved lines e.g. steel
1 Micrometre (μm) = 0.001 mm rule.
Measurement in engineering practice: Usually, in en- End standards
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gineering practice, the preferred unit of length measure-
When the length being measured is expressed as the
ment is the millimetre. (Fig 1) distance between two surfaces, e.g. slip gauges.
Difference between line standards and end standards
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Steel rule
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the purpose of steel rule
• state the types of steel rule
• state the precautions to be followed while using a steel rule.
Engineer’s steel rule (Fig 1) are used to measure the di- Narrow steel rule : Narrow steel rule are used to mea-
mensions of work pieces. sure the depth of key-ways and depth of smaller dia, blind
holes and other jobs, where the ordinary steel rule cannot
reach. Width approximately 5mm thickness 2mm. (Fig 4)
Short steel rule (Fig 5) : This set of five small rules to-
gether with a holder is extremely useful for measurements
in confined or hard to reach locations which prevent use of
ordinary steel rules. It is used suitably for measuring
grooves, short shoulder, recesses, key ways etc. in ma-
chining operation on shapers, millers and tool and die work.
The rules are easily inserted in the slotted end of the holder
Steel rules are made of spring steel or stainless steel. and are rigidly clamped in place by a slight turn of the
These rules are available in length 150mm. 300mm and knurled nut at the end of the handle. five rule lengths are
600mm. the reading accuracy of steel rule is 0.5mm and
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pu M provided 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 3/4” and 1” and each rule is gradu-
1/64 inch.
ated in 32nds on one side and 64ths on the reverse side.
For accurate reading it is necessary to read vertically to
avoid errors arising out of parallax. (Fig 2)
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Other types of rule For maintaining the accuracy of a steel rule, it is impor-
tant to see to it that its edges and surfaces are protected
– Narrow steel rules
from damage and rust.
– Short steel rules
Do not place a steel rule with other cutting
– Full flexible steel rule with tapered end
tools. Apply a thin layer of oil when not in use.
Hacksaw frame: A hacksaw frame is used along with a Adjustable frame (flat type) : Different standard lengths
blade to cut metals of different sections and is specified by of blades can be fitted to this frame i.e. 250mm and
the type and maximum length of the blade that can be fixed. 300mm.
Example Adjustable frame (tubular type) (Fig 1b) : This is the
most commonly used type. It gives a better grip and
Adjustable hacksaw frame-tuber-250-300 or 8” - 12”
Types of hacksaw frames
Parts of a hacksaw frame
Solid frame (Fig 1a) : Only a blade of a particular standard
1 Handle
length can be fitted to this frame. e.g. 300mm or 250mm.
2 Frame
3 Tubular frame with holes for length adjustment
4 Retaining pins
5 Fixed blade-holder
6 Adjustable blade-holder
7 Wing - nut
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Hacksaw blade
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
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A hacksaw blade is made of either low alloy steel (LA) or Type of hacksaw blades
high speed steel (HSS), and is available in standard lengths All-hard blade: The full length of the blade between the
of 250 mm and 300 mm. (Fig 1) pins is hardened and it is used for harder metals such as
tool steel, die steel and HCS.
Flexible blade: Only the teeth are hardened. Because
of their flexibility these blades are useful for cutting along
curved lines. Flexible blades should be thinner than all -
hard blades.
Pitch of the blade (Fig 2): The distance between adjacent
teeth is known as the ‘pitch’ of the blade. (Fig 2)
Classification Pitch
Parts of a hacksaw blade (Fig 1) Coarse 1.8 mm
1 Back edge Medium 1.4 mm & 1.0 mm
2 Side Fine 0.8 mm
3 Centre line
4 Pin holes
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Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• list the uses of a cold chisel
• name the parts of a cold chisel
• state the different types of chisels
• follow the safety measures.
The cold chisel is a hand cutting tool used by fitters for • Cross-cut chisel
chipping and cutting off operations. (Fig 1) • Half-round nose chisel
• Diamond point chisel
• Web chisel
Flat chisels (Fig 3) : They are used to remove metal from
large flat surfaces and chip-off excess metal of welded
joints and castings.
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Diamond point chisels (Fig 5): These are used for – type
squaring materials at the corners, joints.
– cross-section of the body
The length of chisels ranges from 100 mm to 200 mm.
The width of the cutting edge varies according to the type
of chisels.
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Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
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• state the uses of an engineer's hammer
• name the parts of an engineer's hammer
• name the types of engineer's hammers
• specify the engineer's hammer.
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An engineer's hammer is a hand tool used for striking Pein: The pein is the other end of the head. It is used for
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purposes while punching, bending, straightening, chipping, shaping and forming work like riveting and bending. The
forging and riveting. pein is of different shapes such as :
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The head is made of drop-forged carbon steel, while the • straight pein (Fig 2)
wooden handle must be capable of absorbing shock.
The parts of a hammer head (Fig 1) are the face (1), pein
(2), cheek (3) and the eyehole (4).
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pu M Specification: An engineer's hammers are specified by
their weight and the shape of the pein. Their weight varies
from 125 gms to 750gms.
The weight of an engineer's hammer used for marking
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Application of hammer pein : The ball pein is used for purposes is 250 gms.
riveting. (Fig 5)
The ball pein hammers are used for general work in
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Angles of chisels
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• select the point angles of chisels for different materials
• state the effect of rake and clearance angles.
Point angle and materials: The correct point/cutting
angle of a chisel depends on the material to be chipped.
Sharp angles are given for soft materials and wide angles
for hard materials.
The correct point and angle of inclination generate the
correct rake and clearance angles. (Fig 1)
Brass 50° 32°
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Copper 45° 29.5°
Aluminium 30° 22°
If the clearance angle is too great, the rake angle reduces.
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The cutting edge digs in and the cut will become deeper and
deeper. (Fig 4) The correct point angle and angle of
inclination for different materials for chipping is given in
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Table 1.
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Elements of a file
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the parts of a file
• name and state the uses of each grade of file
• list and state the uses of different cuts of files
• state the specification of a file.
Filing is a method of removing excess material from a The length of a file is the distance from the tip to the heel.
workpiece by using a file. (Fig 1)
File grades are determined by the spacing of the teeth.
A rough file is used for removing rapidly a larger quantity of
metal. It is mostly used for trimming the rough edges of
soft metal castings (Fig 3A) and fins-burrs on forged com-
A bastard file is used in cases where a heavy reduction of
material is required. (Fig 3B)
A second cut file is used to give a good finish on metals. It
is excellent to file hard metals. It is useful for bringing the
jobs close to the finishing size. (Fig 3C)
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pu M A smooth file is used to remove small quantities of mate-
Files are available in many shapes and sizes. They are rial and to give a good finish. (Fig 3D)
made of high carbon or high grade cast steel. The teeth A dead smooth file is used to bring the material to accu-
portion of the file (body) alone is hardened and tempered. rate size with a high degree of finish. (Fig 3E)
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Parts of a file (Fig 2): The illustration above will help you
in learning the parts of a file.
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Files are made in different shapes so as to able to file and The files useful for this exercise are flat files and hand
finish components to different shapes. files.
The shape of files is usually specified by their cross sec-
Flat files (Fig 1): These files are of rectangular cross Double cut files remove material faster than the single cut
section. The edges along the width of these files are parallel files. (Fig 4)
up to two-thirds of the length, and then they taper towards
the point. The faces are double cut and the edges single
cut. These files are used for general purposes work. They
are useful for filing and finishing external and internal
Rasp cut files are useful for filing wood, leather and other
soft materials and are available only in half round shape.
(Fig 5)
Hand files (Fig 2): These files are similar to the flat files in
their cross-section. The edges along the width are parallel
throughout the length. The faces are double cut. One edge
is a single cut whereas the other is a safe edge. Because
of the safe edge, they are useful for filing surfaces which
are at right angles to surfaces already finished.
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The most used grades of files are bastard, second cut, Curved cut files have deeper cutting action and are useful
smooth and dead smooth. These are the grades recom- for filing soft materials like aluminium, tin, copper and
mended by the Bureau of Indian Standards. (BIS) plastic. (Fig 6)
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Different sizes of files with the same grade will have vary-
ing sizes of teeth. In longer files, the teeth will be coarser.
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Single cut files are useful for filing soft metals like brass,
aluminium, bronze and copper and also used for deburring
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Bench vice
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the parts and uses of a bench vice
• specify the size of a bench vice
• state the uses of vice clamps.
Vices are used for holding workpieces. They are available Parts of a bench vice (Fig 2)
in different types. The vice used for bench work is the
bench vice or called Engineer’s vice. The following are the parts of a vice.
A bench vice is made of cast iron or cast steel and it is Fixed jaw, movable jaw, hard jaws, spindle, handle, box-
used to hold work for filing, sawing, threading and other nut and spring are the parts of a file.
hand operations. (Fig 1) The box-nut and the spring are the internal parts.
The size of the vice is stated by the width of the jaws.eg.
150mm parallel jaw bench vice.
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Try square
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The accuracy of measurement by a try square is about – check the flatness (Fig 3)
0.002 mm per 10 mm length, which is accurate enough
for most workshop purposes. The try square has a blade
with parallel surfaces. The blade is fixed to the stock at
Try squares are made of hardened steel.
Try squares are specified according to the length of the
blade i.e. 100mm, 150mm 200mm.
At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the construction and advantages of a quick releasing vice
• state the uses of pipe vice, toolmakers vice, hand vice and pin vice
There are different types of vices used for holding work-
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pieces. They are quick releasing vice, pipe vice, hand vice,
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pin vice and toolmaker’s vice.
Quick releasing vice (Fig 1)
A quick releasing vice is similar to an ordinary bench vice
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A pipe vice is used for holding round sections of metal, Hand Vice (Fig 3)
tubes and pipes. In this vice, the screw is vertical and Hand vice are used for gripping screws, rivets, keys, small
movable. The jaw works vertically. drills and other similar objects which are too small to be
conveniently held in the bench vice. A hand vice is made
The pipe vice grips the work at four points on its surface. in various shapes and sizes. The length varies from 125 to
The parts of a pipe vice are shown in Figure 2. 150 mm and the jaw width from 40 to 44mm. The jaws can
be opened and closed using the wing nut on the screw
that is fastened to one leg, and passes through the other.
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Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the parts of the calipers
• mention the capacities of the calipers
• differentiate between the various types of calipers and their applications.
The most common devices used for measuring the out- An inside caliper has its legs bent outwards and outside
side and inside diameter of an object are the outside cali- caliper has its legs bent inwards. Inside caliper are used
pers and inside calipers. these devices cannot read the for measuring the inside diameters of a hole of bore and
sizes themselves but measurements taken by them can outside calipers are used for measuring the outside diam-
be read by transfering the sizes on to a steel rule or other eter of the workpiece.
precision measuring instruments. There are two types of
calipers namely, firm joint calipers and spring calipers.
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Firm joint calipers (Fig 1) These calipers are also used for checking the external
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Firm joint calipers can be set very quickly for various mea-
surements but there are chances of getting the set di-
mension disturbed, thereby causing errors in their use.
Spring calipers (Fig 2)
Spring calipers take more time in setting the dimensions
but eliminate the possible errors arising out of the set
being disturbed while using.
Types of calipers
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the commonly used calipers
• state the advantages of spring joint calipers.
Calipers are indirect measuring instruments used for trans- – Inside caliper for internal measurement. (Fig 2 )
ferring measurements from a steel rule to a job, and vice
Calipers are classified according to their joints and their
– Firm joint calipers (Fig 1a)
– Spring joint calipers (Fig 1b)
– Outside caliper for external measurement. (Figs 1a
& b)
Calipers are used along with steel rules, and the accuracy
is limited to 0.5 mm; parallelism of jobs etc. can be checked
with higher accuracy by using calipers with sensitive feel.
Spring joint calipers have the advantage of quick setting
with the help of an adjusting nut. For setting a firm joint
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pu M caliper, tap the leg lightly on a wooden surface.
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‘V’ - Blocks
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the constructional features of ‘V’ blocks
• identify the types of ‘V’ blocks and state their uses
• specify ‘V’ blocks as per the standards recommended by B.I.S.
- matched pair ‘V’ block. (Fig 4)
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Small sizes of ‘V’ blocks are made of hardened steel, and
larger sizes are made of cast iron. The larger sizes do not
have slots on the side faces. (Fig 8)
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pu M When selecting a ‘V’ Block to support a round workpiece,
the size of the ‘V’ block selected should be such that the
workpiece touches the flanks of the ‘V’ groove at about
the centre. (Fig 9)
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Smaller type ‘V’ blocks have the ‘V’ grooves cut both on
the top and bottom faces. (Fig 7) Designation
‘V’ blocks are designated by the nominal size (length),
the minimum and maximum diameters of the workpiece
capable of being clamped and the grade and the number
of the corresponding B.I.S. standard.
In the case of matched pairs it should be indicated by the
letter ‘M’.
For ‘V’ blocks with clamps it should be indicated as ‘with
1 A 50 mm long (nominal size) ‘V’ block capable of
clamping workpieces between 5 to 40 mm in diameter
The narrow slots at the apex of the ‘V’ grooves provide and Grade A will be designated as - ‘V’ block 50/5/5-40
clearance for the drill during drilling operations, and also A - B.I.S. 2949.
provide space for chips to flow away during the machining 2 In the case of a matched pair, it will be designated as
operations. ‘V’ block M50/5-40 A B.I.S. 2949.
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When machining operations are likely to push the
workpiece out of position, an end stop can be used to
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that they are parallel to the surface upon which the blocks
rest, such as on a machine, worktable or a surface table.
(Fig 11)
For testing straightness and to use a guide for marking available up to 3 metres length and are used for testing
long straight lines, straight edges made of steel or cast machine tool slideways. Cast iron straight edges have
iron are used. ribs, and bow-shaped tops to prevent distortion. These
straight edges are provided with feet to prevent distortion
Steel straight edges
under their own weight.
These are usually available up to 2 metres in length and
Use of straight edges
may be rectangular in cross-section or have one edge
bevelled. (Fig 1) Checking with feeler gauges
In certain situations when the gap between the surface
and the straight edge is more, a feeler gauge can be used
(Fig 4) to determine the extent of deviation.
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lengths with bevelled edge. Some of these straight edges Use of light box
will have an acute angle of 60° for checking internal angles.
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Universal surface gauge (Fig 5)
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Surface plates
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the constructional features of surface plates
• state the application of different grades of surface plates
• specify surface plates and state the constructional features and uses of marking tables.
Surface plates - their necessity For the purpose of steadiness and convenience in levelling,
a three point suspension is given. (Fig 3)
When accurate dimensional features are to be marked, it
is essential to have a datum plane with a perfectly flat
surface. Marking using datum surfaces which are not
perfectly flat will result in dimensional inaccuracies.
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(Fig 1) The most widely used datum surfaces in machine
pu M
shop work are the surface plates and marking tables.
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The principal types of drilling machines are drilling machines are mounted on the floor and driven by
more powerful electric motors. They are also used for light
- the sensitive bench drilling machine
duty work. Pillar drilling machines are available in different
- the pillar drilling machine sizes.
- the column drilling machine The larger machines are provided with a rack and pinion
mechanism to raise the table for setting the work.
- the radial arm drilling machine (radial drilling machine).
(you are not likely to use the column and radial type of
drilling machines now. Therefore, only the sensitive and
pillar type machines are explained here.)
The sensitive bench drilling machine (Fig 1)
The simplest type of the sensitive drilling machine is shown
bl I
in the figure with its various parts marked. this is used for
pu M
light duty work.
This machine is capable of drilling holes up to 12.5 mm
diameter. The drills are fitted in the chuck or directly in the
tapered hole of the machine spindle.
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Radial drilling machines (Fig 4) Centre punch
Centre punches are used to punch-mark centres of holes
that are to be drilled, where a strong blow of hammer is
needed to mark the centre point. A centre punch is made
out of tool steel or high carbon steel, hardened, tempered
and ground to an included angle of 90°. It is available in
standard sizes; ranging from 8 mm to 12 mm in diameter
to a length of 90 mm to 150 mm. The accuracy of a drilled
hole depends to a certain extent by the mark of the centre
punch. This will help the drill to guide in the required path.
(Fig 5a)
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These are used to drill : pu M
- large diameter holes
- multiple holes in one setting of the work
- heavy and large workpieces.
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The spindle head can be moved along the radial arm and
can be locked in any position.
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Punches are used in order to make certain dimensional Dot punch : The angle of the point is 60° It is used for
features of the layout permanent. There are two types of witness marks. (Fig 5b)
punches. They are centre punch and prick punch made up
of high carbon steel, hardened and ground. Prick punch : The angle of the prick punch is 30°. The 30°
point punch is used for making light punch marks needed
to postion dividers. (Fig 5c)
In lay out work it is necessary to scribe lines to indicate While scribing lines, the scriber is used like a pencil so
the dimensions of the workpiece to be filed or machined. that the lines drawn are close to the straight edge. (Fig 2)
The scriber is a tool used for this purpose. It is made of
high carbon steel and is hardened. For drawing clear and
sharp lines, the point should be ground and lapped fre-
quently for maintaining its sharpness.
Scribers are available in different shapes and sizes. The
most commonly used one is the plain scriber. (Fig 1)
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Nomenclature of drill
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the different types of drills
• identify the parts of a drill
• state the functions of each part of a drill.
Drilling is a process of making holes on workpieces. The drill used for all purposes, and especially for faster drilling
tool used for drilling is a drill and it is rotated with a of accurate holes and for harder materials - in comparison
downward pressure causing the tool to penetrate into the with the other drills.
Parts of a twist drill (Fig 3)
Flat or spade drill (Fig 1)
The cone shaped end which does the cutting is called the
point. It consists of a dead centre (1), lips or cutting edge
(2) and a heel (3).
Tang (4)
This is provided only on taper shank drills, for driving (giving
torque to) the drill, which when overloaded, becomes
twisted or gets sheared off.
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This type of drill is used where the required size of twist Flutes (5)
drill is not available. It is made from a round tool steel
piece which is forged to shape and ground to size, and Flutes are the spiral grooves which run to the length of the
then hardened and tempered. This type of drill is used for drill. The flutes help:
hand drilling (without power) or with a ratchet brace.
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Shank (8)
This is the driving end of the drill which is fitted on to the
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Use of hand taps: Hand taps are used for internal the purpose of holding and turning the taps.
threading of components. The end of the taps are chamfered (taper lead) for assisting,
Features (Fig 1): They are made from high carbon steel or aligning and starting of the thread.
high speed steel, hardened and ground. The size of the taps, the thread standard, the pitch of the
The threads are cut on the periphery and are accurately thread, the dia. of the tapping hole are usually marked on
finished. the shank.
To form the cutting edges, flutes are cut across the thread. Marking on the shank are also made to indicate the type
of tap i.e. first, second and plug.
The end of the shank of the tap is made of square shape for
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Types of taps in a set: Hand taps for a particular thread The taper tap is to start the thread. It is possible to form full
are available as a set consisting of three pieces. (Fig 2) threads by the taper tap in through holes which are not
These are:
The bottoming tap (plug) is used to finish the threads of a
– first tap or taper tap
blind hole to the correct depth.
– second tap or intermediate tap
For identifying the type of taps quickly - the taps are either
– plug or bottoming tap numbered 1,2 and 3 or rings are marked on the shank.
These taps are identical in all features except in the taper The taper tap has one ring, the intermediate tap has two
lead. and the bottoming tap has three rings. (Fig 2)
T-handle tap wrench (Fig 4): These are small, adjustable
chucks with two jaws and a handle to turn the wrench.
This tap wrench is useful to work in restricted places, and
is turned with one hand only. Most suitable for smaller
sizes of taps.
mm long. These tap wrenches are more suitable for large
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diameter taps, and can be used in open places where there
is no obstruction to turn the tap.
They can take only certain sizes of taps. This eliminates
the use of wrong length of the tap wrenches, and thus
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Threading dies are used to cut external threads on cylindrical Types of dies: The following are the different types of dies.
workpieces. (Fig 1)
– Circular split die (Button die)
– Half die
– Adjustable screw plate die.
Circular split die/button die (Fig 2): This has a slot cut
to permit slight variation in size.
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pu M Die nut (Solid die) (Fig 7): The die nut is used for chasing
or reconditioning the damaged threads.
Adjustments can be made easily to increase or decrease
the depth of cut.
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Adjustable screw plate die (Fig 5) Die nuts are not to be used for cutting new
The die nuts are available for different standards and sizes
of threads.
The die nut is turned with a spanner.
Determining the diameter of blank size for external
thread cutting
Why should the blank size be less?
It has been observed from practice that the threaded
diameters of steel blanks show a slight increase in diam-
eter. Such increase in the diameter will make the assem-
bly of external and internal threaded components very
difficult. To overcome this, the diameter of the blank is
slightly reduced equal to 0.1 x pitch of the thread before
commencing the threading.
What is tap drill size? Tap drill size = major diameter minus pitch
Before a tap is used for cutting internal threads, a hole is = 10 mm - 1.5 mm
to be drilled. The diameter of the hole should be such that
= 8.5 mm.
it should have sufficient material in the hole for the tap to
cut the thread. Compare this with the table of tap drill sizes for ISO met-
ric threads.
Tap drill sizes for different threads
BSW inch (1”) threads formula 1” = 8 T.P.I
ISO metric thread
Tap drill size =
Tap drill size for M10 x 1.5 thread
Minor diameter = Major diameter - (2 x depth) 1 inch
Major diameter -
No.of threads per inch
Depth of thread = 0.6134 x pitch of a screw
2 depth of thread = 0.6134 x 2 x pitch "
" 1 " 8 −1 "
= 1.226 x 1.5 mm =1 − = =7
8 8 8
= 1.839 mm
Minor dia. = 10 mm - 1.839 mm =7
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= 8.161 mm or 8.2 mm.
Compare this with the table of drill sizes for unified inch
This tap drill will produce 100% thread because this is threads.
equal to the minor diameter of the tap. For most fastening
What will be the tap size for the following threads?
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tightened until the bolt breaks without stripping the thread. b) BSW 3/8
Further it also requires a greater force for turning the tap if
Refer to the chart for determining the pitches
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Tap extractor
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the different methods of removing broken taps
• state the methods of removing broken taps.
A tap broken above the surface of the workpiece can be In this method the point of the punch is placed in the flute
removed using gripping tools like pliers. of the broken tap in an inclination and struck with a hammer.
Taps broken below the surface pose a problem for remov- The positioning of the punch should be such that the broken
ing. Any one of the several methods given below can be tap is rotated anticlockwise when struck.
used. Annealing and drilling the tap
Use of tap extractor (Fig 1) This is a method adopted when other methods fail. In this
process the broken tap is heated by flame or by other
methods for annealing. A hole is then drilled on the
annealed tap. The remaining piece can be removed either
by using a drift or using an EZY-OUT (extractor). This
method is not suitable for workpieces with low melting
temperatures such as aluminium, copper etc.(Fig 3)
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electrode and the workpiece. In many cases it may not The shape of the electrode also need not be round. It can
be necessary to remove the broken tap completely. (After be square or in the form of a slot on the workpiece for
a small portion has been eroded, a screwdriver or punch assisting the tools for rotating the broken tap.
can be used to remove the remaining portion of the tap.)
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Screw extractors are available in different sizes. Depend-
ing on the size of the broken stud a hole is first drilled. A
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the stud.
Tapered square drift (Fig 2)
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- to have parts, fixed and sliding, to get a relative
movement of the cutting tool with respect to the rotation Safety precautions
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of the work
pu M
Before working
- to have accessories and attachments for performing
Ensure that the electrical power supply is as needed for
different operations. the machine.
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The following are the main parts of a lathe. (Fig 1 & 2 ) Ensure that the safety guards are in proper condition.
Ensure that the work area is clean and tidy.
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Ensure that the meshing gears are in proper mesh, and Avoid wearing rings and watches when working. Wear
the power feed levers are in neutral. shoes to avoid injury to your feet.
Ensure that the automatic lubricating system is Remove the chips by a hook, and use a brush to clear
functioning. them.
During working After working
Shift the levers to change the speeds and feeds only when Clean the machine with a brush and wipe with cotton
the rotating parts are fully stationary. waste.
Wear an apron (not too loose) with the sleeves of the shirt Oil the bed-ways and the lubricating points.
Clean the precision instruments and hand them over to
the instructor for safe keeping.
Clean the cutting tools and place them in their respective 9 Change gear bearings - put a few drops No.10 motor
places. oil or equivalent on the change gear bearings each time
the lathe is used.
Clean the area surrounding the lathe by wiping the spilt oil
and coolant, and remove the swarf. 10 Lead screw stub bearing and reversing gears - put a
few drops of No. 10 motor oil or equivalent in the three
oil holes on the top of the reversing gear box every
time the lathe is used.
11 Carriage traverse gear case - every time the lathe is in
use, put a few drops of No. 10 motor oil in oil hole on
top of gear case on back of carriage apron.
12 Carriage hand wheel bearing - put a few drops of No.10
motor oil or equivalent in the ball spring oil hole every
time the lathe is used.
13 Cross feed gear bearing - put a few drops of oil in the
ball spring oil hole every time lathe is used.
14 Half-nut lever bearing-put a few drops of No.10 motor
oil or equivalent in the ball spring oil hole every time
the lathe is used.
15 Thread dial-once a week put a few drops of No.10 motor
oil or equivalent around the rim of the top of the thread
Various Lubrication Points 16 Wipers (front and back) - saturate the felts in the four
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1 Place a few drops of oil on the rockershaft bearing and wipers, located on the carriage with oil every time the
cams every time the lathe is in use. lathe is used.
2 Countershaft roller bearing - Fill both grease cups with 17 Cross slide screw - Put a few drops of No.10 motor oil
automotive cup grease every two weeks. Give the or equivalent in the oil hole above the front cross slide
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grease cup caps a turn or so every time the lathe is screw bearing after removing the small screw. Replace
used. the screw. This should be done every time the lathe is
used. Clean the cross slide screw regularly with a small
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3 Place a few drops of oil on the rockershaft lever bearings stiff brush. Oil the screw threads by running the
and lever fulcrum bearing every time lathe is used. compound rest back and forth.
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4 Motor bearings - sleeve type motors have two oil cups 18 Cross feed gears - put a few drops of oil in the oil hole
which should be filled once a week with S.A.E. No. 10.
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iv) Transfer machine
operations are capable of producing a large number of
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components at a fairly rapid rate. v) Numerically controlled
Machine tools and machines are two different things. 3 Classification based upon the size of chip
Machine tools when taken as a group cam produce a i) Machine tools using cutting tools - lathe, milling,
machine tool, which is not true of machines. planner, slotter etc.,
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Lathe, milling machine, shaping machine, slotter etc., are ii) Machine tools using abrasives - honing, lapping etc.,
all machine tools.
Machine tool performance criteria
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While designing a machine tool the following factors need
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The first lathe was a simple lathe which is now referred to Depending upon the modes of operation, the lathes can
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as two person lathe. One person would turn the wood be classified as
pu M
work piece using rope and the other person would shape
the work piece using a sharp tool. This design was improved Manual lathe - In these lathes, the tool handling is done
by ancient romans who added a turning bow which eased manually and so the precision of work also depends upon
the wood work. Later a pedal (as in manual sewing the skill of the person handling the machine.
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machines) was used for rotating the work piece. This type CNC lathe - CNC lathes are completely automated lathes.
of lathe is called “spring pole” lathe which was used till the We just have to feed the instructions into the computer
early decades of the 20th century. In 1772, a horse-powered
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Classification of lathe
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the different types of lathes and their uses
• state the method of specifying a centre lathe.
Types of lathe • Belt drive lathe gets power from an over head line shaft
equipped with speed cone and one or more back gears.
1 Speed lathe
a) Wood working • Individual motor driven lathe gets power from individual
b) Centering
• A geared head lathe gets its power from constant speed
c) Polishing motor and all speed changes are obtained by shifting
d) Spinning various gears located in the headstock.
2 Engine lathe (or) centre lathe Bench lathe
a) Belt drive • It is mounted on bench and has the same features like
b) Individual motor drive engine lathe.
c) Gear head lathe Tool room lathe (Fig 1)
3 Bench lathe
• It has the same features like engine lathe and has very
low to high speed up to 2500rpm.
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4 Tool room lathe pu M
5 Capstan and turret lathe
6 Special purpose
a) Wheel lathe
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d) Duplicating lathe
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7 Automatic lathe
8 CNC machine
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Speed lathe
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• These are developed from engine lathe, used for Special purpose lathe
production work.
• These are high speed, heavy duty, mass production
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• Tailstock of an engine lathe is replaced by hexagonal lathes with complete automatic control.
turret where number of tools can be mounted.
• Once the tools are set and machine is started it
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• Number of identical parts can be produced in minimum performs automatically all the operations to finish at a
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Special purpose lathe • Change of tools, speeds and feeds can be done
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• These are used for special purposes. automatically, operator can run 5 to 6 machines at a
• The gap bed lathe can accommodate the jobs having • Complex shapes machined easily.
extra diameter. • High production rate.
• T-lathe is intended for machining the rotors for jet • Accuracy and repeatability is achieved.
engines, axis of bed is right angles to the axis of head
stock spindle. • Less operation skill and involvement.
The size of a lathe is generally specified by the following b) Maximum length of the job that can be held between
means: head stock and tailstock centres.
a) Swing or maximum diameter that can be rotated over c) Bed length, which may include head stock length also,
the bed ways.
d) Maximum diameter of the bar that can pass through
spindle or collect chuck of capstan lathe.
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When both zero lines coincide the axis of the tailstock is Morse taper to accommodate the cutting tools with the
bl I
in line with the axis of the headstock.pu M taper shank. Graduations may be marked on the barrel to
indicate the movement of the barrel. The screw rod is made
The body and base are made of cast iron. The parts of a
of alloy steel and the operating nut is made of bronze.
tailstock are: (Fig 1) With the help of the adjusting screws, the body can be
moved over the base laterally and the amount of movement
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- base (a)
- body (b)
- spindle (barrel) (c)
- spindle-locking lever (f)
- operating screw rod (e)
- operating nut (I)
- tailstock hand wheel (h)
- key(m)
To turn the external taper by offsetting the body of the To perform external operations on the shaft held between
tailstock with respect to the base. (Fig 3) centres. (Fig 4)
The carriage
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the purpose of a carriage
• list out the parts of a carriage
• state the functioning of the carriage.
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Purpose of a carriage pu M
The carriage is the part of the lathe which slides over the
bed-ways between the headstock and the tail stock.
(Fig 1)
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Compound rest swivel and top slide. pu M
Tool post
Apron The compound rest (Fig 8)
The saddle (Fig 5)
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It is ‘H’ shaped casting and has ‘V’ guide grooves and flat
grooves machined at the bottom face corresponding to
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hand wheel.
The cross-slide (Fig 6 & 7)
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It is of two parts.
• The swivel base
• The top slide
The swivel base is assembled to the top of the cross-slide
and may be clamped at any required position between 0°
to 360° by tightening the T’ bolts. The head of the bolts
The bottom of the cross-slide has got a dovetail groove
moves in the T slot groove on the top of the cross-slide.
machined, which corresponds to the external dovetail
The swivel base is provided with a dovetail on its top surface
machined on the saddle. The cross-slide is assembled to
and the top slide has a corresponding dovetail groove. The
the saddle with the help of a tapered jib. The adjustment
assembly of the top slide to the swivel base is done by a
of the jib facilitates the required fit for the movement of the
tapered jib which can be adjusted to control the top slide
cross-slide on the saddle. The cross-slide functions
movement. The sliding of the top slide on the swivel base
perpendicular to the lathe axis either by hand feed or by
is accomplished by the help of a screw-rod fitted with a
automatic feed.
hand wheel and a graduated collar. Only manual operation
A left hand square or acme thread screw-rod fitted with a is possible for the top slide. The top slide assists in feeding
hand wheel helps in the manual movement of the cross- the tool to the work.
88 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.25
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.26
Turner - Turning
Lathe bed
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the functions of a lathe bed
• list the different types of bed - ways
• state the reasons for manufacturing a lathe bed out of cast iron.
absorbing shock and vibration, the bed should be of
bl I
considerable weight. Bed castings are usually rough
pu M
machined and then allowed to ‘age’ naturally before finish
machining to remove distortions.
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Combination bed (Fig 5) A few lathes have at this point a detachable section of the
bed which can be fitted when desired to enable the saddle
to operate close to the headstock without over hanging
the gap. (Fig 6)
In the case of flat bed shears, the machined bases of
saddle and tailstock rest and they are guided by their
machined edges. The inverted V ways support and guide
the sliding units.
The bed-ways are fine-finished by grinding. Some lathes
have their bed-ways hand- scraped. Some have their bed-
ways hardened and ground. The wear resisting qualities
Gap bed (Fig 6) of bearing surfaces are improved by employing chilled iron
The beds are mostly made of close-grained grey cast iron.
The advantages are :
- easily available and costs comparatively less
- under load, cast iron will not bend but break
- in its molten state its fluidity is more so that it can
occupy intricate parts of the mould
- carbon is in free state which has self-lubricating property
- grey cast iron is easily machinable
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pu M - can withstand more compressive load
Normally the bed is positioned at several centimeters from
the headstock, and the bed is reduced at this point. This
- resists vibration.
enables for the swing of larger diameters of work.
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
Headstock sliding gears are mounted. The main spindle is the last
It is a fixed unit of lathe on the left hand side. (Fig 1) driven shaft in the headstock assembly. The nose of the
spindle is outside the headstock casting and is designed
to accommodate the work-holding devices.
bl I
pu M
be @
bl I
pu M
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t t rig
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Back gear unit has a shaft which carries a gear and a If three stepped cone pulley headstock provides three
pinion. The number of teeth of the gear and pinion on the direct ranges of speeds through the belt connection and
back gear shaft corresponds to the number of teeth on the with the back gear in engagement, three further ranges of
pull gear and the pinion on the cone pulley. The axis of the reduced speeds.
back gear shaft is parallel to the axis of the main spindle, Advantages
and the back gear is brought in engagement or
disengagement with the cone pulley system by means of Easy for maintenance.
a ever. The back gear unit is engaged to have reduced Can take up heavy load.
spindle speeds. (Fig 6)
bl I
pu M
Tumbler gear mechanism (Fig 1) In practice, the first driver gear of a screw cutting train is
not fitted directly to the lathe spindle but is mounted on a
The tumbler gear mechanism is used for changing the
driver stud which rotates at the same speed as the
direction of rotation of the lead screw and feed shaft. It is
normally situated between the spindle drive and the feed
gear box. It consists of 3 gears arranged in a simple gear The driving gear on the spindle drives the fixed stud gear,
train, mounted on a bracket. The bracket can be shifted and, since they have the same speed, they must be of the
into 3 positions. same size. Tumbler gear A is always in mesh with the
driven gear and in mesh with the fellow tumbler gear B. In
the figure, the drive is direct through the tumbler gear A,
and tumbler gear B is idle.
If the tumbler bracket is moved upwards, tumbler gear A
rolls around the driven gear until it is out of mesh with the
driver gear, and tumbler gear B moves into mesh with the
driver, reversing the direction of the driven gear. Thus the
two trains available are:
Forward: Driver —>A—>Driven
Reverse: Driver —>B—>A—>Driven.
bl I
pu M In yet another position of the tumbler bracket, tumbler
gears A or B do not mesh with the driver gear and no drive
is transmitted to the driven gear. No feed movement or
thread cutting is possible.
be @
• For the reverse rotation of the lead screw and feed shaft.
No py
Back gear
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• State the construction details of Back gear assembly
• State the function and purpose of Back gear.
Back gear
As its name implies “back gear” is a gear mounted at the A three-stepped cone pulley headstock provides three
back of the head stock. It is used to reduce the speed. direct ranges of speeds through the belt connection, and
The spindle is mounted on the bush bearings in the with the back gear in engagement, three further ranges of
headstock casting and a gear wheel called 'bull gear' keyed reduced speeds.
to it. A pinion is coupled to the cone pulley. The back gear
unit has a shaft which carries a gear and a pinion. The
number of teeth of the gear and pinion on the back gear
shaft corresponds to the number of teeth on the bull gear
and the pinion on the cone pulley. The axis of the back gear
eccentric shaft is parallel to the axis of the main spindle,
and the back gear is brought in engagement or
disengagement with the cone pulley system by means of
a lever. The back gear unit is engaged to have reduced
bl I
spindle speeds. (Fig 1) pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.29
Turner - Turning
Tool materials
Metal cutting tool materials perform the function of cutting. due to friction between tool and work, tool and chip, heat
These materials must be stronger and harder than the is generated, and the tool loses its hardness, and its
material to be cut. They must be sufficiently tough to resist efficiency to cut diminishes. If a tool maintains its cutting
shock loads that result during cutting operations. They efficiency even when the temperature during cutting
must have good resistance to abrasion and a reasonable increases, then that metal possesses the property of red
tool life. hardness.
The three most important basic qualities that any cutting Toughness
tool material should possess are: The property possessed by a material to resist sudden
- cold hardness load that results during metal cutting is termed as
toughness. This will avoid the breakage of the cutting edge.
- red hardness
Points to be noted when selecting a tool material
- toughness.
bl I
pu M - Condition and form of material to be machined.
Cold hardness
- Material to be machined.
It is the amount of hardness possessed by a material at
normal temperature. Hardness is the property possessed - Condition of the machine tool available.
by a materially which it can cut other metals, and has the - The total quantity of production and the rate of production
be @
It is the ability of a tool material to retain most of its cold - The skill of the operator.
hardness even at very high temperature. During machining
- non-metallic tool materials. Carbides which are also of non ferrous tool material are
manufactured by powder metallurgy technique. Carbon and
Ferrous tool materials tungsten are the chief alloying elements in this process.
Ferrous tool materials have iron as their chief constituent. Non - Metallic tool materials
High carbon steel (tool steel) and high speed steel belong Non-metallic tool materials are made out of non-metals.
to this group. Ceramics and diamonds belong to this category.
High carbon steel is the first tool material introduced for
manufacturing cutting tools. It has poor red hardness
property, and it loses its cutting efficiency very quickly.
By adding alloying elements like tungsten, chromium and
vanadium to high carbon steel, high speed steel tool
material is produced. Its red hardness property is more
than high carbon steel. It is used as solid tools, brazed
tools and as inserted bits. It is costlier than high carbon
Carbide cutting tools can retain their hardness at very high
temperatures, and their cutting efficiency is higher than
that of high speed steel. Due to its brittleness and cost,
carbide cannot be used as a solid tool. It is used as brazed
tool bit and throw-away tool bit.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
Need to provide angles and clearances the cutting edge must be ground to a less acute angle to
give greater strength as can be seen in Fig 2.
The cutting action of a lathe tool during turning is the
wedging action. The wedge-shaped cutting edge has to The angle shown in Fig 1 is known as a clearance angle
penetrate into the work and remove the metal. This and that shown in Fig 2 is a wedge angle.
necessitates the grinding of the solid tool bit to have the Angles ground on a lathe cutting tool (Fig 3)
wedge formation for the cutting edge.
When we sharpen a pencil with a pen knife by trial and
error, we find that the knife must penetrate into the wood
at a definite angle, if success is to be achieved. (Fig 1)
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
bl I
pu M
Top or back rake angle (Fig 7)
The rake angle ground on a tool controls the geometry of
be @
rake angle of the tool is ground on the top of the tool, and The side rake angle is the slope between the side of the
it is a slope formed between the front of the cutting edge cutting edge to the top face of the tool widthwise. The
t t rig
and the top face. slope is from the cutting edge to the rear side of the tool.
It varies from 0° to 20° according to the material to be
Resistive top rake angle (Fig 7A)
No py
bl I
pu M
When grinding the rake and clearance angles, it is better
to refer to the standard chart provided with the recom-
mended values, and then grind. However, actual opera-
tion will indicate the performance of the tool and if any Relationship between rake, clearance and wedge
angles (Fig 13)
be @
being cut.
100 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.30
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.31
Turner - Turning
Cutting tool classification (Fig 1) left hand tool operates from the headstock end towards
the tailstock. The cutting edge is formed accordingly.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
End cutting tools have their cutting edge at the front end
Cutting tools are classified as: of the tools and are used on lathes for plunge cut
- single point cutting tools
Multi-point cutting tools
- multi-point cutting tools
These tools have more than one cutting edge, and they
- form tools.
remove metal from the work simultaneously by the action
Single point cutting tools of all the cutting edges. The application of the multi-point
Single point cutting tools have one’ cutting edge which cutting tools on the lathe is mostly done by holding the
performs the cutting action. Most of the lathe cutting tools tool in the tailstock and feeding it to the work.
are single point cutting tools. Form tools (Fig 1)
Single point cutting tools used on lathes may be grouped These tools reproduce on the work the form and shape of
into: the cutting edge to which they are ground. The form tools
- side cutting tools perform the operations on the work by a plunging action,
and are fixed on the tool post square to the axis of the
- end cutting tools.(Fig 2) work and fed by a cross-slide. They may have their cutting
Side cutting tools edges formed on square or rectangular section tool blanks
acting radially. The form tools may be circular form tools
Side cutting edge tools have their cutting edges formed and tangential form tools. They may require special holders
on the side of the cutting tool, and are used on lathes for to which they can be fixed, and the holders are clamped
most of the operations. They are again classified as right on the tool posts for operation.
hand tools and left hand tools. (Fig 3) A right hand tool
operates from the tailstock end towards headstock and a Lathe cutting tool types
The tools used on lathes are classified as : the brazed type. Tungsten carbide bits of square,
rectangular and triangular shape with proportionately less
- solid type tools
thickness are brazed to the tips of the shank metal.
- brazed type tools
The tips of the shank metal pieces have machined top
- inserted bits with holders surface according to the shape of the bit to accommodate
- throw-away type tools. the carbide bits. These tools are economical and give better
rigidity to the tools than the inserted bits clamped in the
solid bits of square, rectangular and round cross sections. tool-holders. This is applicable to high speed steel brazed
Most of the lathe cutting tools are of solid type, and high tools also.
carbon steel and high speed steel tools are used. The
length and cross-section of the tool depend upon the
capacity of the machine, the type of tool post and the
nature of the operation.
Carbide-brazed tools, when blunt or broken, need grinding
Inserted bits with holders (Fig 5)
bl I
pu M which is time absorbing and expensive. Hence they are
Solid high speed steel tools are costly, hence they are used as throw-away inserts in mass production. Special
sometimes used as inserted bits. These bits are small in tool-holders are needed, and the carbide bits of rectangular,
sizes and inserted in the holes shaped according to the square or triangular shapes are clamped in the seating
cross-section of the bit to be inserted. These holders are faces machined in these types of special holders.
be @
held and clamped in the tool posts to carry out the The seating faces are machined such that the rake and
operations. clearances needed for the cutting bits are automatically
o ht
The disadvantage in these types of tools is that the rigidity achieved when the bits are clamped. As these tools are
of the tool is poor in the slot. to be operated at very high cutting speeds, the capacity
t t rig
102 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.31
Cemented carbide tools are available as brazed tipped Standard shapes of carbide-tipped turning and facing tools
tools and throw away tips held in specially designed tool are shown in the Figs. Carbide tipped cut off and boring
holders. tools are also available. these tools are resharpened as
needed using special silicon carbide and diamond wheels.
Standard terms for carbide tools as specified in ISO
ISO 1 straight turning tool (Fig 1)
ISO 6 Offset side cutting tool (Offset knife tool) (Fig 6)
bl I
pu M
ish ISO 8 Boring tool (Fig 8)
ISO 3 Offset facing tool (Fig 3)
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Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.31 103
Kinds of lathe cutting tools
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• list out the kinds of lathe cutting tools
• state their constructional and functional features.
• Parting off tool
bl I
• Boring tool
pu M
• Internal recessing tool
• Internal threading tool
be @
104 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.31
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.32
Turner - Turning
Combination drill
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state what is centre drilling
• state the purpose of centre drilling
• state the defects in centre drilling
• indicate the causes for the defects
• state the remedies to avoid the defects.
centre does not have any contact with the bearing surface
bl I
pu M of the centre drilled hole. Undue friction and overheating
will be noticed which will damage the tip of the centre.
Sometimes breakage is also possible and the broken part
of the centre may get welded to the centre hole. By feeding
the centre drill up to 3/4th of the 60° countersink, this
be @
defect is avoided.
when the centre arm feeding is too much, a plain drilled
o ht
Uses and specifications TABLE 1
Type ‘A’ centre drill is used to produce centre holes with d d1
plain drilled portion and countersink. It is designated as K12 hg
Centre Drill A. 1.6 x 4.0 JS : 6708 which means that the
centre drill is of Type ‘A’ with the plain drill portion having a (0.5) 3.15
diameter .of 1.6 mm and a shank diameter 4 mm. (0.63) 3.15
(Fig 5a and b) (0.8) 3.15
1.0 3.15
(1.25) 3.15
1.6 4.0
2.0 5.0
2.5 6.3
3.15 8.0
4.0 10.0
(5.0) 12.5
6.3 16.0
Type ‘B’ centre drill is used to produce a centre hole with (8.0) 20.0
a plain drilled portion and a countersink, and has a further 10.0 25.0
conical portion to form additional countersinking to protect
the centre hole. The countersinking for providing the
d d1 d2
bl I
bearing surface for centres has an angle of 60° and the
pu M
countersinking surface has an angle of 120°. This type is K12 hg K12
designated as Centre Drill B1.6 x6.3 IS: 6709 which means
that the pilot diameter is 1.6 mm and shank diameter is 1.0 4.0 2.12
6.3 mm (Fig 6) (1.25) 5.0 2.65
be @
provided to safeguard the bearing surface of the centre
holes from getting damaged. (Fig 8 & Fig 9)
bl I
pu M
Any damage caused to the bearing surface will not allow
the work to run true.
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Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.32 107
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.33
Turner - Turning
Drill chuck
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state what is a drill chuck
• list out the various types of drill chucks
• name the parts of a 3 jaw drill chuck
• state the constructional features and functioning of the 3 jaw drill chuck
• brief the number drills and letter drills.
Drill chuck
A drill chuck is a holding device, used to hold straight
shank drill bits up to 13 mm diameter. It can be fitted in
the tapered bores of the lathe tailstock spindle and in the
drilling machine spindle.
Types of drill chucks
Various types of drill chucks are available according to
the construction and utility. The three commonly used drill
chucks are:
- 3 jaw drill chuck (Fig 1)
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
6 Chuck key
t t rig
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pu M
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Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.33 109
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.34
Turner - Turning
Lathe accessories
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• identify and name the accessories used on a centre lathe.
• identify the accessories used for in-between centre work.
• name the types of lathe carriers.
• state the uses of each type of lathe carriers.
- four jaw independent chuck (Fig 1)
bl I
pu M
be @
• Catch plate (Fig 5)
No py
• Lathe centres (Fig 7) • Lathe travelling steady (Fig 10)
bl I
pu M
• Lathe fixed steady (Fig 9)
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t t rig
No py
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.34 111
Lathe accessories - work - holding devices : 3 Jaw chuck
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the parts of a 3 jaw chuck
• state the constructional features of a 3 jaw chuck
• distinguish between a 3 jaw chuck and a four jaw chuck
• state the merits and demerits of the 4 jaw chuck over a 3 jaw chuck
• specify a chuck.
fixed on the periphery of the body to operate the jaws by
Parts of a 3 jaw chuck (Fig 1) means of a chuck key. The body is hollow in cross-section.
bl I
pu M The crown wheel is housed inside the body.
The jaws are made out of high carbon steel, hardened and
tempered, which slide on the openings of the body.
be @
Generally there are two sets of jaws, viz. external jaws and
internal jaws. External jaws are used for holding solid
o ht
works. Internal jaws are used for holding hollow works. The
steps on the jaws increase the clamping range. The back
t t rig
side of the jaws are cut out of scroll thread. Each jaw is
numbered in a sequential manner, which will help in fixing
No py
112 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.34
Comparison Between a 3 Jaw Chuck and 4 Jaw Chuck
Only cylindrical or hexagonal work can be held A wide range of regular and irregular shaped
Internal and external jaws are available Jaw are reversible for external and internal
Workpieces cannot be set for ecentric turning Workpieces can be set for ecentric turning
Concentric circles are not provided on the face Concentric circles are provided
Accuracy decreases as chuck gets worn out There is no loss of accuracy as the chuck gets
Merits of a 4 jaw chuck Accuracy decreases as chuck gets worn out.
bl I
pu M
A wide range of regular and irregular shapes can be held. Run out cannot be corrected.
Work can be set to run concentrically or eccentrically Only round and hexagonal components can be held.
at will. When accurate setting or concentricity with an existing
diameter is required, a self-centering chuck is not used.
be @
The jaws are reversible for internal and external work. To specify a chuck, it is essential to provide details of the:
Work can be readily performed on the end face of the job. - type of chuck
t t rig
There is no loss of accuracy as the chuck gets worn out. - capacity of the chuck
No py
The gripping power is so great that a fine work can be easily - the method of mounting to the spindle nose.
damaged during setting.
Merits of a 3 jaw chuck
3 jaw self-centering chuck
Work can be set quickly and trued easily.
Gripping capacity 450 mm
A wide range of cylindrical and hexagonal work can be held.
Diameter of the body 500 mm
Internal and external jaws are available.
Width of the body 125 mm
De-merits of a 3 jaw chuck
Tapered or threaded method of mounting
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.34 113
Lathe accessories - work - holding devices : 4 Jaw chuck
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the parts of a 4 jaw chuck
• state the constructional features of a 4 jaw chuck.
bl I
pu M The body is made out of cast iron/cast steel and the face
is flame-hardened. It has four openings at 90° apart to
The four jaw chuck is also called as independent chuck,
assemble the jaws and operate them. Four screw shafts
since each jaw can be adjusted independently; work can
are fixed on the periphery of the body by means of finger
be trued to within 0.001" or 0.02 mm accuracy.
pins. The screw is rotated by means of a chuck key. The
be @
This type of chuck is much more heavily constructed than body, hollow in the cross-section, has equi-spaced circular
the self-centering chuck, and has much greater holding rings provided on the face, which are marked by numerical
power. Each jaw is moved independently by a square numbers. Number 1 starts in the middle and increases
o ht
The independent 4 jaw chuck has four jaws, each working Jaws
independently of the others in its own slot in the chuck body
Jaws are made out of high carbon steel. hardened and
No py
114 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.34
Chucks other than 3 Jaw and 4 Jaw types and their uses
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• list the name of the chucks other than the 3 jaw and 4 jaw types
• state their constructional features
• state the uses of each of these chucks.
bl I
pu M The operation of these chucks may be manual, pneumatic,
hydraulic or electrical. They are mainly used to hold round,
square, hexagonal or cast profile bars. (Fig 3)
be @
o ht
t t rig
preventing swarf and chips collecting between the collet
bl I
and the core pu M
The disadvantage with these chucks is that each collet
cannot be made to grip bars which vary by more than
about 0.08 mm without adjustment.
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
116 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.34
Uses of a magnetic chuck Uses of hydraulic or air-operated chuck
This type of a chuck is mainly used for holding thin jobs These chucks are mainly used in mass production because
which cannot be held in an ordinary chuck. These are of their speedy and effective gripping capacity.
suitable for works where a light cut can be taken on the
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.34 117
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.35
Turner - Turning
Vernier caliper
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• list out the parts of a vernier calliper
• state the constructional features of the vernier calliper
• state its functional features
• read a measurement .
One of the precision instruments having the principle of application to take outside, inside and depth
vernier applied to it is the vernier caliper. It is known as a measurements. Its accuracy is 0.02 mm.
vernier caliper because of its
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
Parts of a vernier caliper To the left of the beam the fixed jaws for external and
t t rig
• Beam
At the bottom face of the beam a keyway-like groove is
• Fixed jaw for external measurements machined for its full length, permitting the blade to slide in
the groove.
• Movable jaw for external measurements
At the bottom right hand end, a unit is fixed serving as a
• Movable jaw for internal measurements
support for the blade when it slides in the groove.
• Blade for depth measurement
The vernier unit has got the vernier graduations marked on
• Main scale it. The movable jaws for both external and internal
• Vernier scale measurements are integral with this.
• Fine adjustment screw The fixed and movable jaws are knife-edged to have better
accuracy during measurement. When the fixed and
• Set of locking screws. movable jaws are made to contact each other, the zero of
All parts are made out nickel-chromium steel or invested the vernier scale coincides with the zero of the main scale.
heat-treated and ground. They are machined to a high At this position in the blade will be in line with the right
accuracy. They are stabilized to avoid distortion due to hand edge of the beam.
temperature variations.
When the vernier scale unit slides over the beam, the
Constructional features movable jaws of both the measurements as well as the
The beam is the main part and the main scale graduations blade advance to make the reading.
are marked on it. The markings are in millimeters and To slide the vernier unit, the thumb lever is pressed and
every tenth line is drawn a little longer and brighter than pulled or pushed according to the direction of movement
the other graduations and numbered as 1,2,3 …. of the vernier unit.
Sizes Never use a vernier caliper for any purpose other
than measuring.
Vernier calipers are available in sizes of 150 mm, 200
mm, 900 mm and 1200 mm. The selection of the size Vernier calipers should be used only to measure
depends on the measurements to be taken. Vernier machined or filed surfaces.
calipers are precision instruments, and extreme care
They should never be mixed with any other tools.
should be taken while handling them.
Clean the instrument after use, and store it in a
Vernier calipers
Vernier calipers are available with different accuracies. The divisions of the vernier scale occupy 49 divisions (49 mm)
selection of the vernier caliper depends on the accuracy on the main scale.
needed and the size of the job to be measured.
This accuracy/least count is determined by the graduations
of the main scale and vernier scale divisions.
Determining least count of vernier calipers
bl I
In the vernier caliper shown in Fig 1, the main scale
pu M
divisions (9mm) are divided into 10 equal parts in the vernier
be @
o ht
t t rig
= 1mm - 49/50
= 50 - 49/50 = 1/50 = 0.02 mm
i.e. One main scale division (MSD) = 1 mm
Example for vernier caliper (Fig 3)
One vernier scale division? (VSD) = 9/10 mm
Main scale reading 60 mm.
Least count is 1 mm - 9/10 mm = 1/10 mm
The vernier division coinciding with the main scale is the
The difference between one 28th division. Value = 28 x 0.02
MSD and one VSD = 0.1 mm
= 0.56 mm
Reading = 60+0.56 = 60.56mm
Calculate the least count of the vernier given in Fig 2.
Reading vernier measurements
Vernier calipers are available with different graduations and
least counts. For reading measurements with a vernier
caliper the least count should be determined first. (The
least count of calipers is sometimes marked on the vernier
The figure above shows the graduations of a common type
of vernier caliper with a least count of 0.02 mm. In this, 50
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.35 119
Classroom Exercise 1 Calculate the least count.
In figures 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, 49 main scale divisions are 2 Record the reading of each, figure in the space
divided into 50 equal parts on the vernier scale. Value of- pro-vided.
one M.S.D. is 1 mm.
Accuracy of reading depends on the skill of the operator.
Loses its accuracy by constant usage as slackness in
the sliding unit develops.
Cannot be used to measure components having devia-tions
less than ± 0.02 mm.
Possibility of parallax error during noting down the
coinciding line may cause the reading of the measurement
to be wrong.
To read a measurement
Note the number of graduations on the main scale passed
by the zero of the vernier. This gives the full mm.
Note which of the vernier scale division coincides with any
one line on the main scale.
Multiply this number with the least count.
Add the multiplied value to the main scale reading.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
120 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.35
Metric vernier reading exercises
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.35 121
Digital vernier caliper
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the uses of digital caliper
• name the parts of a digital caliper
• brief the zero setting of a digital caliper.
The digital caliper (sometime incorrectly called the digital The digital caliper requires a small battery whereas the
vernier caliper) is a precision instrument than can be used manual version does not need any power source.The digital
to measure internal and external distance accurately to calipers are easier to use as the measurement is clearly
0.01mm, The digital vernier caliper is shown in Fig 1. The display and also, by pressing inch/mm button the distance
distance or the measurements are read from LED drawing. can be read as metric or inch.
The parts of digital calipers are similar to the ordinary
The display is turned on with the ON/OFF button. before
vernier caliper except the digital display and few other
measuring, the zero setting to be done, by bringing the
parts. The parts are indicated in Fig 1.
external jaws together until they touch each other and then
Earlier versions of the type of measuring instrument had to press the zero button. Now the digital caliper is ready to
read by looking carefully at the inch or metric scale and use.
there was a need for very good eye sight in order to read the
Always set zero position when turning on the
small sliding scale. Manually operated vernier caliper are
display for the first time.
remain popular because they are much cheaper than the
digital version.
bl I
pu M
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t t rig
No py
122 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.35
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.36
Turner - Turning
Outside micrometers
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• list the parts of an outside micrometer
• state the functions of the main parts of an outside micrometer.
of the spindle.
bl I
pu M Anvil
The anvil is one of the measuring faces which is fitted on the
micrometer frame. It is made of alloy steel and finished to
a perfectly flat surface.
be @
The parts of a micrometer are listed here.
t t rig
Ratchet stop
The ratchet stop ensures a uniform pressure between the
The frame is made of drop-forged steel or malleable cast
No py
measuring surfaces.
iron. All other parts of the micrometer are attached to this.
Reading dimensions with an outside micrometers
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• select the required range of a micrometer
• read micrometer measurements.
bl I
pu M
Ranges of outside micrometer
Outside micrometers are available in ranges of 0 to 25
mm, 25 to 50 mm, 50 to 75 mm, 75 to 100 mm, 100 to 125
be @
124 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.36
Reading micrometer measurements Some examples of metric micrometer readings and
their solution
How to read a measurement with an outside micrometer?
(Fig 4)
i 5.00 mm
0.50 mm
0.12 mm
Total 5.62 mm
iii 12.00 mm
0.50 mm
0.19 mm
Total 12.69 mm
First note the minimum range of the outside micrometer.
While measuring with a 50 to 75 mm micrometer, note it as
50 mm. iiii 23.00 mm
0.50 mm
Then read the barrel graduations. Read the value of the 0.49 mm
visible lines on the left of the thimble edge. ----------------
13.00 mm Total 23.99 mm
bl I
pu M ----------------
+ 00.50 mm
iv 1.00 mm
13.50 mm
0.50 mm
0.39 mm
be @
line, 13th div. (Fig 5)
t t rig
v 5.00
0.50 mm
No py
0.00 mm
Total 5.50 mm
vi 0.00 mm
0.50 mm
Multiply this value with 0.01 mm (least count). 0.00 mm
13 x 0.01 mm = 0.13 mm. Total 0.50 mm
Add ----------------
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.36 125
viii 19.00 mm x 21.00 mm
0.50 mm 0.00 mm
0.05 mm 0.14 mm
---------------- ----------------
Total 19.55 mm Total 21.14 mm
---------------- ----------------
ix 2.00 mm xi 9.00 mm
0.50 mm 0.00 mm
0.25 mm 0.10 mm
---------------- ----------------
Total 2.75 mm Total 9.10 mm
---------------- ----------------
Error in micrometer
Objective: This shall help you to
• check outside micrometer for ‘0’ error.
No zero error
When the measuring faces are in contact if the zero of the
thimble should be coincide with the datum line No zero
error (Fig 1).
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
“Positive”. (Fig 3)
Zero error
When the measuring faces are in contact, (Fig 2) if the zero
of the thimble do not coincide with the datum line (the zero
of the thimble will be above or below the datum line) the
micrometer is said to be with zero error. There are two
types of zero error.
a) Positive error
b) Negative error To get the correct reading the amount of error should be
All micrometers should be checked for its zero substracted from the reading dimension.
error and the error should be noted if any Negative error: When the anvil and spindle faces are in
before using it on checking dimensions. contact, if the zero of the thimble passes above the datum
Clean measuring faces with clean cloth before line of the sleeve, the error is called as “Negative”. (Fig 4)
checking for zero error.
126 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.36
To get the correct reading the amount of negative error
should be added to the reading dimension.
Caution: When you come across with microm-
eter having “zero error”, inform your instructor
and get it corrected by him. Do not try yourself
to correct at this stage.
Digital micrometers
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the uses of digital micrometer
• list the parts of digital micrometer
• read the reading from LED display and thimble and barrel
bl I
pu M
• brief the maintenance, maintenance of digital micrometers.
Digital micrometers is one of the simplest and most widely Reading of the digital micrometer
used measuring equipment in any manufacturing industry.
The digital micrometers are provided with high precision
be @
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.36 127
Secondly, read the markings on the thimble, It is between As for the battery, abnormal display (digit flashing or even
5 and 6, So you need to estimate the reading. (It is no display) shows a flat battery. Thus you should push the
0.055mm for each line here represents 0.001mm). At last, battery cover as the arrow directing and then replace with
add all the reading up : 14mm + 0.055 mm = 14.055mm. a new one. Please note that the positive side must face out
So the total reading is 14.055mm. If the battery bought from market dosen’t work well (the
power may wear down because of the long-term storage or
Maintenance of a digital micrometers
the battery’s automatic discharge and etc.) Please do not
Never apply voltage (e.g. engraving with an electric pen) on hesitate to contact the supplier.
any part of the Digital Micrometers for fear of damaging the
Flashing display shows dead battery. If this is the case
please replace the battery at once. No displace shows
Press the ON/OFF button to shut the power when the poor contact of a battery or short circuit of both poles of the
Digital micrometers stands idle; take out the battery if it battery. Please check and adjust pole flakes and battery
stands idle for a long time. insulator cover. In case water enters the battery cover,
open the cover immediately and blow the inside of the
battery cover at a temperature of no more than 400C till it
gets dry.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
128 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.36
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.37
Turner - Turning
bl I
pu M
Where V = cutting speed in metre/min
π = 3.14
D = diameter of the work in mm.
be @
N = r.p.m.
o ht
t t rig
No py
Relationship of r.p.m to the cutting speed on different diameter
Depth of cut (Fig 3)
bl I
pu M It is defined as the perpendicular distance measured
between the machined surface (d) and the unmachined
surface (D) expressed in mm.
be @
Depth of cut =
o ht
130 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.37
Cutting speeds and feeds for H.S.S. tools are given Note
in Table 1
For super HSS tools the feeds would remain the same,
Table 1 but cutting speeds could be increased by 15% to 20%
A lower speed range is suitable for heavy, rough cuts.
Material being turned Feed Cutting speed
A higher speed range is suitable for light, finishing cuts.
Aluminium 0.2 - 1.00 70 - 100
The feed is selected to suit the finish required and the rate
of metal removal.
Brass (alpha) - ductile 0.2 - 1.00 50 - 80
When carbide tools are used, 3 to 4 times higher cutting
Brass (free cutting) 0.2 - 1.5 70 - 100 speed than that of the H.S.S. tools may be chosen.
Thermosetting plastics 0.2 - 1.00 35 - 50
bl I
pu M
Calculation involving cutting speed, feeds
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• determine the spindle speed for turning jobs of different materials of different diameters with different
be @
tool materials
• determine the turning time with the given data.
o ht
π×D×N 22
= metre/min. where D is in mm.
= 238.6 r.p.m.
CS × 1000 The spindle speed should be set nearest to the calculated
π×D r.p.m., on the lower side.
Example 1 Determine the spindle speed to be set for a hard cast iron
round rod of ø 40 mm using a HSS tool.
Calculate the spindle speed to turn a MS rod of ø40 mm.
Using HSS tool data in the above problem, since the Data: The cutting speed for hard cast iron from the chart
material is mild steel and tool is HSS, the recommended is 15 m/min.
cutting speed from the chart is 30m/min. ø = 40 mm
ø = 40 mm
CS × 1000
CS × 1000 N=
N= π×D
15 × 1000
30 × 1000 =
= 22
22 × 40
× 40 7
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.37 131
cut.If the feed is ‘f’ and length of cut is ‘l’, then the total
15 × 1000 × 7 number if revolutions the job has to make for a cut is
22 × 40 l/f. If N is the rpm, the time required for a cut is found by
15 × 25 × 7 Time to turn = Length of cut × No.of cuts
22 Feed × r.p.m
= 119.3 r.p.m.
The spindle speed should be set nearest to the calculated T =
f ×N
r.p.m., on the lower side.
Example 3 where ‘n’ is the number of cuts and ‘N’ is the r.p.m.
= l = 100mm
bl I
22 pu M
× 40
7 f = 0.2 mm
n = 1
92 × 1000 × 7 N = 238.6 r.p.m.
be @
22 × 40
100 × 1
Time =
o ht
92 × 25 × 7 0.2 × 238.6
t t rig
100 × 10
= 731.8 r.p.m. =
2 × 238.6
No py
Turning time calculation =
The time factor is very important to decide the manufac
turing of the component as well as to fix the incentives to = 2.09 minutes
the operator. If the spindle speed, feed and length of the 2 minute 5.4 seconds.
cut are known, the time can be determined for a given
132 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.37
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.38
Turner - Turning
Ball micrometer
bl I
Stick micrometer pu M
External micrometer with interchangeable anvils
Keyway depth micrometer
be @
A flange micrometer is similar to a regular micrometer and
bl I
is equipped with two flanges in the place of the anvil and
pu M
spindle. This is used to measure chordal thickness of the
gear teeth and the thickness of the fins of an engine and
the collar thickness of the job.
be @
The inside micrometer is similar to an ordinary outside Similarly, each extension rod has to be used without the
micrometer but without the ‘U’ frame. (Fig 1) The collar for measuring a minimum range up to 13mm variation
measurement is taken over the contact points. As the and with the collar for a maximum range of measurements.
thimble opens or closes, the contact points get opened or a clamping screw is also provided to clamp the extension
closed. The inside micrometer consists of a sleeve, thimble, rod firmly.
anvils, a spacing collar and extension rods. It is also
equipped with a handle to measure deep bores. The least Determining the size of a bore or hole
count of the instrument is also 0.01 mm Fig 3 shows an inside micrometer with a spacing collar
and extension rod of 125-150mm range. The size of the
bore is 125mm + 12mm + barrel reading + thimble reading
which is equal to 125 + 12 + 1.5 + 0.00 = 138.50mm.
bl I
pu M
The inside micrometer is equipped with a 12mm spacing
collar and 4 extension rods for measuring holes of ranges.
be @
added. This facilitates the micrometer to read a minimum Determining the distance between internal parallel
range of 50mm (Fig 2). surfaces
While checking parallelism between two surfaces of a deep
bore, a handle must be used along with the inside
micrometer. The figure shows the inside micrometer with
a handle. In order to ascertain the parallelism., a minimum
of two readings has to be taken, i.e. one at the top surface
of the bore. If there is no difference in the two readings, we
may take it for granted that the surfaces are perfectly
parallel. Any variation in the reading shows the bore has
an error between the two surfaces. (Fig 4)
Three point internal micrometer (Fig 5)
A three-point internal micrometer is used for a direct
measurement of an internal diameter accurately and
efficiently. It is also used to measure the diameter of a
deep hole, the end of a blind hole, internal recess etc.
The instrument is checked for its zero error with a master
ring gauge. (Fig 6)
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.38 135
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
The three-point internal micrometer (Fig 1) is useful and backward uniformly. The three measuring anvils
for : facilitate self-alignment of the instrument within the bore.
- measuring the diameters of through and blind holes
- checking cylindricity and roundness of bores.
The commonly used three-point internal micrometers have
a least count of .005mm
- The measuring head (consisting of three measuring
- Ratchet stop
- Thimble
- Barrel
This micrometer has a cone spindle which advances when
the thimble is rotated clockwise. The movement of the
cone spindle makes the measuring anvils to move forward
136 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.38
Three-point internal micrometers are available in sets. Each The position of the anvil can be reset by loosening the
set consists of 3 or 4 micrometers. The measuring range barrel using a screw driver provided for this purpose.
of each of them will be 10mm.
Depending on the depth of the bore the length of the
The ratchet stop permits uniform pressure between the micrometer can be varied using the extension rod. (Fig 4)
anvils and the work surfaces being measured. A set of spanners is provided for assembling and
disassembling the extension rod. (Fig 5)
These micrometers are provided with one or more zero
setting rings. (Fig 2) The instruments are available in various sizes and forms
for measuring different sizes.
They are also available in analogue or digital readouts.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.38 137
Sources of measuring errors
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state what is meant by measuring errors
• name the different types of measuring errors
• identify each of the measuring errors.
Measuring errors occur each time when we measure a The result of all the unknown systematic errors is referred
workpiece. We must, therefore, always allow for a certain to as the degree of inaccuracy of the measuring device.
inaccuracy when we measure a workpiece. The degree of
Random or accidental errors
this inaccuracy depends on the skill of the person mea-
suring it and the inaccuracy of the measuring instrument. Random errors are caused by external conditions, such
as differences in temperature, air humidity, dirt and vibra-
Measuring errors can be grouped as follows.
tions and also the human factor such as viewing errors
• Systematic errors and fatigue.
• Random errors Geometric errors
• Geometrical errors Geometric errors can be subdivided into:
• Contact errors - macro-geometrical errors
• Gauge and instrument errors - micro-geometrical errors.
• Elastic deformation Macro-geometrical errors occur when the workpiece mea-
sured does not correspond to the theoretical form indi-
• Parallel errors
cated in the drawing. For example, when a cylinder is
• Observation errors tapered or out of round as shown in Fig 2, it results in a
bl I
• Cosine errors
pu M macro-geometrical error.
• Temperature errors
Systematic errors
be @
138 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.38
By placing the shaft on a ‘V’ block (three point measure- main scale can, in this case, produce an error which could
ment), this defect can be immediately noticed. have a considerable effect on the result. (Fig 7)
(Figs 4 and 5)
bl I
pu M
be @
but a parallel error will occur. Other errors that come un-
der this heading are errors due to changes in friction, and
t t rig
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.38 139
suring tip against a flat surface to be measured, parallel Cosine errors (Fig 11)
errors can be avoided.
A cosine error occurs when the plunger/lever of the mea-
suring instrument is not parallel with the workpiece being
It may be noted that the movement of the dial indicator
hand depends on the movement of the plunger or lever.
An inclination of the plunger, as shown in the figure, would
need additional movement of the plunger for a distance. X
is the deviation of the component perpendicular to the
surface of the work, and naturally the dial indicator will
show a reading of Xa. (Xa is the plunger movement.)
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
Temperature errors
The change in temperature can cause major measuring
errors. For this reason 20°C has been set as the refer-
ence temperature for measurements.
140 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.38
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.39
Turner - Turning
operate, besides being inexpensive to produce. But it is
difficult to hold during operation, and the chip removal is
bl I
pu M
poor. Its operating efficiency is very low.
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
Twist drill
Almost all drilling operation is done using a twist drill. It is
The portions left between the flutes are called ‘lands’. The
size of a drill is determined and governed by the diameter
over the lands.
The point angle is the cutting angle, and for general purpose
work, it is 118°. The clearance angle serves the purpose
of clearing the back of the lip from fouling with the work. It
is mostly 8°.
Deep hole drills
Deep hole drilling is done by using a type of drill known as V=
‘D’ bit. (Fig 4)
The rate at which the drill advances into the material for
each revolution of the drill is known as the feed rate and it
is expressed in mm/rev. The feed rate selection also
depends upon the machinability of the metal being drilled:
Drill grinding
Any one of the following indicates the sign that the drill
needs re-sharpening.
Drills are manufactured with varying helix angles for drilling • A need for high feed pressure to make the drill to cut
different materials. General purpose drills have a standard and advance.
helix angle of 27 1/2°. They are used on mild steel and
cast iron. (Fig 5a) • Chattering or screaming of the drill when pressure is
A slow helix drill is used on materials like brass, gun-
metal, phosphor-bronze and plastics. (Fig 5b) It is recommended that a drill grinding jig is to be used for
re-sharpening purposes as it is almost impossible to grind
A quick helix drill is used for copper, aluminium and other the drills to the correct angles by off-hand grinding. But for
soft metals. (Fig 5c) general purpose drilling, off- hand grinding may also be
done, taking care to avoid the following faults.
Grinding faults
bl I
pu M Faulty grinding is indicated by the following.
The two cutting edges are of unequal length. This fault
causes two cuttings of unequal thickness, or one cutting
being ejected and an oversize hole results. (Figs 6 and 7)
be @
o ht
t t rig
blunt cutting edges’at the point of the drill • Cast iron- dry or cooled with compressed air.
bl I
- too much feeding pressure to make the drill to cut
pu M • Chilled cast iron - soluble oil.
- work and drill getting heated up. • Mild steel - soluble oil, sulphurised oil.
It is essential to provide a bigger point angle • Alloy steels - soluble oil, sulphurised oil.
of the drill for drilling hard metals.
be @
Drill angles
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state what is drilling
• state the necessity of drilling
• name the types of drills used
• name the parts of a twist drill
• list out the defects in a drilled hole
• state the causes and the remedies for the defects.
Like all cutting tools the drills are provided with certain There are different angles for different purposes. They are
angles for efficiency in drilling. listed below.
Angles Point angle, Helix angle, Rake angle, Clearance angle
and Chisel edge angle.
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.39 143
Point angle/Cutting angle (Fig 1)
Rake angle (Fig 5)
bl I
pu M
Rake angle is the angle of flute (Helix angle).
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
144 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.39
Chisel edge angle/Web angle (Fig 7) • tool type
This is the angle between the chisel edge and the cutting • material
A twist drill of 9.50 mm dia., of tool type ‘H’ for right hand
cutting and made from HSS is designated as
Diameter of drill
Twist drill 9.50 - H - IS5101 - HS
Tool type
NOTE: If the tool is not indicated in the
Designation of drills designation, it should be taken as Type ‘N’ tool.
Twist drills are designated by the
• diameter
Drills for different materials
Recommeded drills
drilled angle d=3.2.5 5-10 10 drilled angle d=3.5 mm 5 mm
bl I
pu M
Steel and cast steel Copper (up to
up to 70 kgf/mm2 30 mm drill
strength diameter)
Gray cast iron Al - alloy, forming
be @
Magnesium alloys
Zinc alloys
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.39 145
Cutting speed and RPM
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define cutting speed
• state the factors for determining the cutting speed
• differentiate between cutting speed and r.p.m.
• determine r.p.m. spindle speed
• select r.p.m. for drill sizes from tables.
are given in the table. Based on the cutting speed
bl I
pu M
recommended, the r.p.m., at which a drill has to be driven, Calculate the r.p.m. for a high speed steel drill Ø 24 mm
is determined. to cut mild steel.
The cutting speed for MS is taken as 30 m/min. from the
Materials being Cutting
drilled for HSS speed(m/min)
be @
Copper 35-45
The r.p.m. will differ according to the diameter of drills.
Steel (medium carbon 20-30
146 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.39
Feed in drilling
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state what is meant by feed
• state the factors that contribute to an efficient feed rate.
Feed is the distance (X) a drill advances into the work in The table for the feed rate given here is based on the
one complete rotation. (Fig 1) average feed values suggested by the different manufac-
turers of drills. (Table 1)
Table 1
Drill diameter Rate of feed
(mm) H.S.S. (mm/rev)
1.0 - 2.5 0.040-0.060
2.6 - 4.5 0.050-0.100
4.6 - 6.0 0.075-0.150
6.1 - 9.0 0.100-0.200
9.1 -12.0 0.150-0.250
12.1 -15.1 0.200-0.300
15.1 -18.0 0.230-0.330
Feed is expressed in hundredths of a millimetre.
18.1 -21.0 0.260-0.360
bl I
Example - 0.040mm. pu M 21.1 -25.0 0.280-0.380
The rate of feed is dependent upon a number of factors.
Too coarse a feed may result in damage to the cutting
• Finish required edges or breakage of the drill.
be @
• Type of drill (drill material) Too slow a rate of feed will not bring improvement in sur-
face finish but may cause excessive wear of the tool point,
• Material to be drilled
and lead to chattering of the drill.
o ht
determining the feed rate. If these are not to the required ing, it is necessary to ensure the drill cutting
standard, the feed rate will have to be decreased. edges are sharp. Use the correct type of cut-
No py
ting fluid.
It is not possible to suggest a particular feed rate taking
all the factors into account.
Boring tools
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• identify and name the different types of boaring tools
• list out the advantages of the different boring tools.
Boring is the process of enlarging and truing an existing cored holes. The cutting edge of a boring tool is ground
drilled or core hole with a single point cutting tool. similar to the left hand plain turning tool. But the operation
Necessity of boring a hole being performed is from right to left. (Fig 1)
bl I
pu M
Types of boring tools
The following are the different types of boring tools.
The boring bar tool-holder is mounted in the tool post and
• Solid forged tools is used for heavier cuts than those for the forged boring
be @
• Brazed tools (Fig.4) The square tool bits are set at angles of 30°, 45° or 90° in
o ht
The boring bars may be plain type or end cap type. The
cutting tool of the plain type is held in position by a set
screw. The cutting tool of the end-cap type is held in posi-
No py
148 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.39
Boring bars and inserted bits Cost is less because the boring bar is made out of low
carbon steel.
Used for heavy duty boring operation.
Boring tools can be set square to the axis of the boring
Used for deep boring operation.
bar or at an angle very quickly.
Tool changing is faster, thereby re-sharpening time is
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.39 149
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.40
Turner - Turning
Counter sinking
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state what is countersinking
• list the purpose of countersinking
• state the angles of countersinking for the different applications
• name the different types of countersinks
• distinguish between Type A and Type B countersink holes.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
The dimensions of various features of the Type ‘A’
countersink holes, and the method of designation are given
in Table 1.
Type ‘B’ countersink holes are suitable for countersink
head screws with hexagon socket.
The dimensions of the various features and the method of
designation are given in Table II.
Type ‘C’ countersink holes are suitable for slotted raised
countersink (oval) head tapping screws and for slotted
countersink (flat) head tapping screws.
The dimension of the various features and the method of
designation are given in Table III.
Type ‘E’ countersinks are used for slotted countersink bolts
used for steel structures.
The dimensions of the various features and the method of
designation are given in Table IV.
Methods of Representing countersink holes in
Countersink hole sizes are identified by code designation
or using dimension. IS details are given in Table 1 toTable
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.40 151
For Norminal Size 1 1.2 (1.4) 1.6 (1.8) 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 (4.5)
Medium d1 H13 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.9 3.4 3.9 4.5 5
Series d2 H13 2.4 2.8 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.6 5.7 6.5 7.6 8.6 9.5
(m) t13 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.3
Fine d1 H12 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 2 2.2 2.7 3.2 3.7 4.3 4.8
(f) t13 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.7 2 2.2 2.4
t2 + 0.1 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.35 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.3
TABLE I (Contd)
Designation : A countersink Type A with clearance hole of fine (f) series and having nominal size 10 shall be designated
as - Countersink A f 10 - IS : 3406.
bl I
pu M
Series d2 H13 10.4 12.4 16.4 20.4 23.9 26.9 31.9 36.4 40.4
(m) t13 2.5 2.9 3.7 4.7 5.2 5.7 7.2 8.2 9.2
be @
t2 + 0.1 0.2 0.45 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.7 1.2 1.2 1.7
Dimensions and designation of countersink - Type B according to IS 3406 (Part 1) 1986
90° +--1°
FINE (f)
152 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.40
For Norminal Size 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 (14) 16 (18) 20 22 24
52 (f) t13 1.7 2.4 2.9 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.513.1
14 t2 + 0.1
Designation : A countersink Type B with clearance hole of fine (f) series and having nominal size 10 shall be designated
as - Countersink B f 10 - IS : 3406.
bl I
90° +--1°
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
For Screw Size No. (0) (1) 2 (3) 4 (5) 6 (7) 8 10 (12) 14 (16)
No py
d1 H12 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.7 4.2 4.5 5.1 5.8 6.7 8.4
d1 H12 3.1 3.8 4.6 5.2 5.9 6.6 7.2 8.1 8.7 10.1 11.4 13.2 16.6
t1 3 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.6 3 3.4 3.9 4.9
Designation : A countersink Type C for screw size 2 shall be designated as - Countersink C 2 - IS : 3406.
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.40 153
For Screw Size No. 10 12 16 20 22 24
d1 H12 10.5 13 17 21 23 25
d2 H12 19 24 31 34 37 40
t1 5.5 7 9 11.5 12 13
75o 60o
Designation : A countersink Type C for screw size 2 shall be designated as - Countersink C 2 - IS : 3406.
The dimension of the countersink can be expressed by
8.6H13 8H12
diameter of the countersink and the depth of the
90° +--1° 4.5H13 4.3H13
90° +--1°
0.3 +0.1
bl I
pu M 90° +--1°
4.5 H13 4.3 H13
be @
o ht
Counterboring is an operation of enlarging a hole to a The tool used for counterboring is called a counterbore.
even depth to house heads of socket heads or cap screws (Fig 2). Counterbores will have two or more cutting edges.
with the help of a counterbore tool. (Fig 1)
At the cutting end, a pilot is provided to guide the tool
Fig 1 concentric to the previously drilled hole. The pilot also
helps to avoid chattering while counterboring. (Fig 3)
Spot facing
154 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.40
Fig 2 Spot facing is also done by fly cutters by end-cutting
action. The cutter blade is inserted in the slot of the holder,
which can be mounted on to the spindle. (Fig 5)
Fig 5
Counterbore sizes and specification
Counterbore sizes are standardised for each diameter of
screws as per BIS.
There are two main types of counterbores. Type H and
bl I
Fig 3 pu M Type K.
The type H counterbores are used for assemblies with
slotted cheese head, slotted pan head and cross
recessed pan head screws. The type K counterbores are
be @
medium (m) and fine (f) and are finished to H13 and H12
Fig 4
The table given below is a portion from I S 3406 (Part 2)
1986. This gives dimensions for Type H and Type K
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.40 155
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.41
Turner - Turning
Generally drills are manufactured to standard sizes in the In the number drill and the letter drill series, the correct
metric system. These drills are available in specified diameter of the drill is gauged with the help of the respective
steps. The drills, which are not covered under the above drill gauges. A drill gauge is a rectangular or square shaped
category, are manufactured in number and letter drills. metal piece containing a number of different diameter holes.
These drills are used where odd sizes of holes are to be The size of the hole is stamped against each hole. (Fig 1)
Letter drills
The letter drill series consists of drill sizes from ‘A’ to ‘Z’.
The letter ‘A’ drill is the smallest with 5.944 mm diameter,
and the letter ‘Z’ is the largest, with a 10.490 mm diameter.
(Table 1)
Letter drill sizes
bl I
pu M
Letter Inches mm
A .234 5.944
B .238 6.045
be @
C .242 6.147
D .246 6.248
o ht
E .250 6.35
F .257 6.528
t t rig
G .261 6.629
Number drills
No py
H .266 6.756
I .272 6.909 The number drill series consists of drills numbered from 1
J .277 7.036 to 80. The No.1 drill is the largest, with 5.791 mm diameter,
and the No.80 drill is the smallest, with 0.35 mm diameter.
K .281 7.137
(Table 2) There is no uniform variation in the drill diameters
L .290 7.366 from number to number. To find the correct diameter of a
M .295 7.493 number drill, refer to a drill Size Chart or a Handbook.
N .302 7.671 Number drill series are also known as ‘wire gauge’ series.
O .316 8.026 TABLE 2
P .323 8.204 Number drill sizes
Q .332 8.433 Diameter
R .339 8.611
No. Inches mm
S .348 8.839
1 .228 5.791
T .358 9.093
U .368 9.347 2 .221 5.613
V .377 9.576 3 .213 5.410
W .386 9.804
4 .209 5.309
X .397 10.084
5 .2055 5.220
Y .404 10.262
Z .413 10.490 6 .204 5.182
Number drill sizes (contd) Number drill sizes (contd)
Diameter Diameter
No. Inches mm No Inches mm
7 .201 5.105 45 .082 2.083
8 .199 5.055 46 .081 2.057
9 .196 4.978
47 .0785 1.994
10 .1935 4.915
48 .076 1.930
11 .191 4.851
49 .073 1.854
12 .189 4.801
50 .070 1.778
13 .185 4.699
51 .067 1.702
14 .182 4.623
52 .0635 1.613
15 .180 4.572
53 .0595 1.511
16 .177 4.496
17 .173 4.394 54 .055 1.395
20 .161 4.089
bl I
21 .159
pu M 4.039 58 .042 1.067
22 .157 3.988 59 0.41 1.041
23 .154 3.912 60 .040 1.016
24 .152 3.861
be @
61 0.0390 1.00
25 .1495 3.797
62 0.0380 0.98
o ht
26 .147 3.734
63 0.0370 0.95
27 .144 3.658
t t rig
64 0.0360 0.92
28 .1405 3.569
65 0.0350 0.90
No py
29 .136 3.454
66 0.033 0.85
30 .1285 3.264
67 0.032 0.82
31 .120 3.048
68 0.031 0.79
32 .116 2.946
33 .113 2.870 69 0.0292 0.75
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.41 157
Core drill
A core drill is a specifically designed to remove a cylinder
of material, much like a hole saw. The material left inside
the drill bit is referred to as the core. The earliest core
drills were those used by the ancient egyptians, invented
in 3000 BC. core drills are used for many applications,
either where the core needs to be preserved, or where
drilling can be done more rapidly since much less material
needs to be removed than with a standard bit. This is the
reason that diamond-tipped core drills are commonly used
in construction to create holes for pipes, manholes and
other large-diameter penetrations in concrete or stone.
Core drills are used frequently in mineral exploration where
the coring may be several hundred to several thousand
feet in length. The core samples are recovered and
examined by geologists for mineral percentage and
stratigraphic contact points. This gives exploration
companies the information necessary to begin or abandon
mining operations in a particular area. Before the start of
world war two, Branner Newsom, a California mining
engineer, invented a core drill that could take out large
diameter cores up to 16 feet in length for mining shafts.
This type of core drill is longer in use as modern drill
technology allows standard drilling to accomplish the same
at a much cheaper cost.
bl I
pu M
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
be @
What is a reamer?
A reamer is a multi-point cutting tool used for enlarging by Classification of reamers
No py
Reaming produces
- high quality surface finish
- dimensional accuracy to close limits.
Reaming by using hand reamers is done manually for
Also small holes which cannot be finished by other which great skill is needed.
processes can be finished.
Machine reamers are fitted on spindles of machine tools
and rotated for reaming.
158 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.41
Machine reamers are provided with morse taper shanks cutting and finishing of the hole. It is not provided with a
for holding on machine spindles. circular land.
Hand reamers have straight shanks with ‘square’ at the Bevel lead angle
end, for holding with tap wrenches. (Figs 2 & 3)
The angle formed by the cutting edges of the bevel lead
Parts of a hand reamer and the reamer axis.
The parts of a hand reamer are listed hereunder. Refer to Taper lead angle
Fig 4.
The angle formed by the cutting edges of the taper and
the reamer axis.
Terms relating to cutting geometry flutes
The grooves in the body of the reamer to provide cutting
edges, to permit the removal of chips, and to allow the
cutting fluid to reach the cutting edges. (Fig 5)
The edge formed by the intersection of the surface left by
the provision of a secondary clearance and the flute.
(Fig 5)
Cutting edge
The edge formed by the intersection of the face and the
circular land or the surface left by the provision of primary
clearance. (Fig 5)
bl I
pu M Face
The portion of the flute surface adjacent to the cutting
edge on which the chip impinges as it is cut from the
work. (Fig 5)
be @
o ht
t t rig
The portion of the reamer extending from the entering end
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.41 159
Clearance angle Helix angle
The angles formed by the primary or secondary clearances The angle between the edge and the reamer axis. (Fig 8)
and the tangent to the periphery of the reamer at the cutting
edge. They are called primary clearance angle and
secondary clearance angle respectively. (Fig 7)
Hand reamers
bl I
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
pu M
• state the general features of hand reamers
• identify the types of hand reamers
• distinguish between the uses of straight fluted and helical fluted reamers
• name the materials from which reamers are made and specify reamers.
be @
160 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.41
Parallel hand reamer with parallel shank (Fig 4) Taper pin hand reamer (Fig 8)
A reamer which has virtually parallel cutting edges with This reamer has tapered cutting edges for reaming taper
taper and bevel lead. The body of the reamer is integral holes to suit taper pins. A taper pin reamer is made with a
with a shank. The shank has the nominal diameter of the taper pin of 1 in 50. These reamers are available with
cutting edges. One end of the shank is square shaped for straight or helical flutes.
tuning it with a tap wrench. Parallel reamers are available
Use of straight and helical fluted reamers (Fig 9)
with straight and helical flutes. This is the commonly used
hand reamer for reaming holes with parallel sides.
Reamers commonly used in workshop produce H8 holes.
Hand reamer with pilot (Fig 5)
For this type of reamer, a portion of the body is cylindrically
ground to form a pilot at the entering end. The pilot keeps
the reamer concentric with the hole being reamed.(Fig 3)
Straight fluted reamers are useful for general reaming work.
bl I
pu M Helical fluted reamers are particularly suitable for reaming
holes with keyway grooves or special lines cut into them.
The helical flutes will bridge the gap and reduce binding
and chattering.
be @
This reamer has tapered cutting edges to suit metric morse speed steel while the shank portion is made of carbon
tapers. The shank is integral with the body, and is square steel. They are butt-welded together before manufacturing.
No py
shaped for driving. The flutes are either straight or helical. Specifications of a reamer
The socket reamer is used for reaming internal morse
To specify a reamer the following data is to be given.
tapered holes.
• Type
• Flute
• Shank end
• Size
Hand reamer, straight flute, parallel shank of Ø 20 mm.
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.41 161
Drill size for reaming
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• determine the hole size for reaming.
For reaming with a hand or a machine reamer, the hole Determine the drill hole sizes for the following reamers:
drilled should be smaller than the reamer size.
i 15 mm
The drilled hole should have sufficient metal for finishing
with the reamer. Excessive metal will impose a strain on ii 4 mm
the cutting edge of the reamer and damage it. iii 40 mm
Calculating drill size for reamer iv 19 mm.
A method generally practised in workshop is by applying Answer
the following formula.
i _________________________________________
Drill size = Reamed size – (Undersize + Oversize)
ii _________________________________________
Finished size
iii _________________________________________
Finished size is the diameter of the reamer.
iv _________________________________________
Undersize is the recommended reduction in size for different
ranges of drill diameter. (See Table 1) If the reamed hole is undersize, the cause is
TABLE 1 that the reamer is worn out.
Undersizes for reaming
bl I
pu M Always inspect the condition of the reamer before com-
Diameter of Undersize of mencing reaming.
ready reamed rough bored
For obtaining good surface finish
hole (mm) hole (mm)
under 5 0.1.....0.2 Use a coolant while reaming. Remove metal
be @
21....50 0.3.....0.5
Defects in reaming - Causes and remedies
t t rig
over 50 0.5.....1
Reamed hole undersize
No py
poses is taken as 0.05 mm - for all diameters of drills. For Always inspect the condition of the reamer before using.
light metals the undersize will be chosen 50% larger. Surface finish rough
Example The causes may be any one of the following or a combina-
A hole is to be reamed on mild steel with a 10 mm reamer. tion thereof.
What will be the diameter of the drill for drilling the hole - Incorrect application
before reaming?
- Swarf accumulated in reamer flutes
Drill size = Reamed size – (Undersize + Oversize)
- Inadequate flow of coolant
(Reamed size) = 10 mm
- Feed rate too fast
Undersize as per table = 0.2 mm
While reaming apply a steady and slow feed-rate.
Oversize = 0.05 mm
Ensure a copious supply of the coolant.
Drill size = 10 mm – 0.25 mm
Do not turn the reamer in the reverse direction.
= 9.75 mm
162 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.41
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.42
Turner - Turning
Cutting fluids and compounds are the substances used • Straight mineral oil
for efficient cutting while cutting operations take place.
• Chemical solution (synthetic fluids)
• Compounded or blended oil
The functions of cutting fluids are:
• Fatty oils
- to cool the tool as well as the workpiece
• Soluble oil (Emulsified oil-suds)
- to reduce the friction between the chip and the tool
Straight mineral oil
face by lubricating
Straight mineral oils are the coolants which can be used
- to prevent the chip from getting welded to the tool
undiluted. Use of straight mineral oil as a coolants has
cutting edge
the following disadvantages.
- to flush away the chips
bl I
pu M It gives off a cloud of smoke.
- to prevent corrosion of the work and the machine.
It has little effect as a cutting fluid.
Hence straight mineral oils are poor coolants. But kerosene
As the cutting fluid cools the tool, the tool will retain its which is a straight mineral oil is widely used as a coolant
be @
hardness for a longer period; so the tool life is more. for machining aluminium and its alloys.
Because of the lubricating function, the friction is reduced Chemical solution (Synthetic oil)
o ht
At cutting temperature, the coolant should not catch fire. Lard oil and vegetable oil are fatty oils. They are used on
heavy duty machines with less cutting speed. They are
It should have a low evaporation rate. also used on bench-works for cutting threads by taps and
It should not corrode the workpiece or machine. dies.
It must be stable and should not foam or fume. Soluble oil (Emulsified oil)
It should not create any skin problems to the operator. Water is the cheapest coolant but it is not suitable because
it causes rust to ferrous metals. An oil called soluble oil is
Should not give off bad smell or cause itching etc. which added to water which gets a non-corrosive effect with water
are likely to irritate the operator, thus reducing his efficiency. in the ratio of about 1:20. It dissolves in water giving a
Should be transparent. white milky solution. Soluble oil is an oil blend mixed with
an emulsifier.
Types of cutting fluids
Other ingredients are mixed with the oil to give better
The following are the common cutting fluids. protection against corrosion, and help in the prevention of
skin irritations.
Soluble oil is generally used as a cutting fluid for centre Soft soap and caustic soda serve as emulsifying agents.
lathes, drilling, milling and sawing.
A chart showing coolants for different metals is given below.
Aluminium Soluble oil Soluble oil Soluble oil Soluble oil Soluble oil
Kerosene Kerosene Kerosene Lard oil
Kerosene and Mineral oil Lard oil Mineral oil
lard oil Dry
Cast Iron Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry
Air jet Soluble oil Sulphurized oil Soluble oil Soluble oil
bl I
pu M
Copper Dry Soluble oil Soluble oil Soluble oil Dry
Soluble oil Lard oil Lard oil Soluble oil
Steel Soluble oil Soluble oil Sulphurized oil Soluble oil Soluble oil
be @
General Soluble oil soluble oil Sulphurized oil Soluble oil Soluble oil
t t rig
The following methods are used for efficient Gravity feed method
There are numerous ways of employing this principle, vary-
- Gravity feed method ing from the simple oil hole to the more elaborate wick
- Force feed method and glass-sided drip feed lubricators in which the flow of
the oil may be controlled and observed through the glass.
- Splash method A selection of these lubricators is shown in Fig 1.
164 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.42
bl I
pu M
Force (Pressure) feed method
There are various systems of lubrication employing a pres-
sure feed to the lubricant, and the most important of such
be @
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.42 165
Splash method
In this method the shaft, or something attached to it, ac-
tually dips into the oil and a stream of lubricant is continu-
ally splashed round the parts requiring lubrication. This
method is employed for the gears and bearings inside all
gear drives, the lower parts of the gears actually dipping in
the oil. (Figs 4a, b and c)
A common method of employing splash lubrication is known
as ‘ring oiling.’
Handling and Care:-
1. Stored in clean and dry location
2. Storage temperature should remain moderate at all
3. Lubricants in storage should be located away from all
types of Industrial contamination including dust and
4. Brings must be kept tight at all times and drum covers
should be used when ever drums are stored in the up
right position.
5. Lubricants are stored in the horizontal position on
proper storage racks allowing the containers to be rotate
bl I
and used on as first - in first out basis.
pu M
6. Eliminate confusion with proper labeling.
7. Be sure that the proper transfer equipment and
procedure are employed for that specific lubricants.
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
166 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.42
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.43
Turner - Turning
Lathe mandrels
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define a mandrel
• state the constructional features of a solid mandrel
• identify and name the different types of mandrels
• enumerate the uses of different mandrels.
Types of mandrels and their uses The centres made in these mandrels are ‘B’ type i.e.
protected centres. In such centres the working portion is
Sometimes it is necessary to machine the outer surfaces deep and does not get damaged while handling.
of cylindrical works accurately in relation to a hole con-
centric that has been previously bored in the centre of the Types of mandrels
work. In such cases the work is mounted on a device • Expansion mandrel
known as a mandrel.
• Gang mandrel
Mandrel (Fig 1)
• Stepped mandrel
Lathe mandrels are devices used to hold the job for ma-
chining on lathes. They are mainly used for machining • Screw or threaded mandrel
outside diameters with reference to bores which have been • Taper shank mandrel
duly finished by either reaming or boring on a lathe.
• Cone mandrel
bl I
pu M Expansion mandrel (Fig 3)
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
When the body is driven in,the strips are forced out by the spindle. The extending portion can be machined to suit
tapering grooves and expanded radially. Sets of different the workpiece to be turned. Taper shank mandrels are
sized strips greatly increase the range of each mandrel. generally used to hold small workpieces.
This type of mandrel is not suitable for thin walled work,
Two common types of taper shank mandrels are:
since the force applied by the strips may distort the
workpiece. - expansion stud mandrel
Gang mandrel (Fig 4) - threaded stud mandrel.
pieces can be mounted and held securely when the nut is
tightened against the ‘U’ washer. The nut should not be Expansion stud mandrel
bl I
pu M
over-tightened, otherwise inaccuracies will result.
The expansion stud mandrel is slotted and has an internal
A gang mandrel is especially useful when machining op- thread. When a tapered screw is tightened, the outside
erations have to be performed on a number of thin pieces diameter of the stud expands against the inside of the
which might easily be distorted, if held by any other method. workpiece. This type of mandrel is useful when machining
be @
the fact that a number of steps are provided on it. Its use
saves time in holding various bored works. is threaded to suit the internal thread of the work to be
machined. This type of mandrel is useful for holding
No py
168 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.43
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.44
Turner - Turning
Mass production
When identical components are manufactured in large though not necessarily equal to the exact size, will not
quantities it is stated that they are mass produced. These affect the functioning of the components. This necessitates
identical components should fulfil: the introduction of the limit system.
- dimensional accuracy Internationally accepted systems of limits and fits
- degree of surface finish - British Standard System of Limits and Fits (B.S.).
- interchangeability. - International Standard Organization System of Limits
- Standardization and Fits. (I.S.O.)
Mass production has the advantage of interchangeable - Bureau of Indian Standard System of Limits and Fits
manufacture of components machined by different opera- (B.I.S.)
tors on different machine tools under different environments Apart from the above most commonly used limit systems,
that can be assembled without any rectification with their
bl I
pu M various countries follow their own standards to manufacture
mating parts. This avoids selective assembly which is time
components for some of their industries.
Advantages of the limit system
Necessity of limit system
• Interchangeability is assured.
be @
accepted and given, and the operator is expected to • Time for the manufacture of components will be com-
produce the components within the limits, which, even paratively less.
No py
The B.I.S. standard system of limits and fits is followed Maximum limit of size
by the industries in our country as the standard. It is
It is the greater of the two limit sizes..(Fig 2) (Table 1)
adopted from the I.S.O. and B.S. standards with modifi-
cations to suit our conditions and requirements. For the Minimum limit of size
purpose of B.I.S. standard, the following definitions and
it is the smaller of the two limits of size. (Fig 2).(Table 1)
symbols are followed.
Actual size
It is the size of the component by actual measurement
It is a number expressed in a particular unit in the
after it is manufactured, it should lie between the two limits
measurement of length.
of size if the component is to be accepted.
Basic size
Limits of size
It is the size based on which the dimensional deviations
These are the extreme permissible sizes within which the
are given. (Fig 1)
operator is expected to make the component. (Fig 2)
(Maximum and minimum limits)
bl I
pu M In the BIS system of limits & fits, all external features of a
component including those which are not cylindrical are
designated as shaft. (Fig 3)
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
In the BIS system of limits & fits, all internal features of a
component including those which are not cylindrical are
designated as * hole’. (Fig 3)
TABLE 1 (Examples)
170 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.44
It is the algebraic difference between a size, to its
corresponding basic size. It may be positive, negative or
zero. (Fig 2)
Upper deviation
It is the algebraic difference between the maximum limit
of size and its corresponding basic size. (Fig 2) (Table 1)
Lower deviation
It is the algebraic difference between the minimum limit of
size and its corresponding basic size. (Fig 2) (Table 1)
Upper deviation is the deviation which gives
the maximum limit of size. Lower deviation is
the deviation which gives the minimum limit
of size.
Actual deviation
It is the algebraic difference between the actual size and
its corresponding basic size. (Fig 2)
It is the difference between the maximum limit of size and
the minimum limit of size. It is always positive and is
expressed only as a number without a sign. (Fig 2)
bl I
pu M
Zero line
In graphical representation of the above terms, the zero
line represents the basic size. This line is also called as
be @
Fundamental tolerance
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.44 171
In a standard chart, the upper and lower deviations for
each combination of fundamental deviation and
fundamental tolerance are indicated for sizes ranging up
to 500 mm. (Refer to IS 919)
Toleranced size
This includes the basic size, the fundamental deviation
and the grade of tolerance.
25 H7 - toleranced size of a hole whose basic size is 25.
The fundamental deviation is represented by the letter
symbol H and the grade of tolerance is represented by the
number symbol 7. (Fig 9)
bl I
pu M
25 e8 - is the toleranced size of a shaft whose basic size
is 25. The fundamental deviation is represented by the
letter symbol ‘e’ and the grade of tolerance is represented The difference between the maximum and minimum limits
by the number 8. (Fig 10) is the TOLERANCE. Tolerance here is 0.4 mm (Fig 14)
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
172 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.44
Unilateral & bilateral system or negative values and have both the maximum limit and
minimum limit more than the basic size or less than the
When the deviations given for a particular combination of
basic size respectively, then it is called unilateral
the symbols are positive and negative so as to give the
tolerancing. (Fig 17)
maximum limit more than the basic size and the minimum
limit less than the basic size, then we call it bilateral
tolerancing. (Fig 16) If the deviations have only positive
Fits and their classification as per the indian standard
bl I
pu M
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define ‘Fit as per the indian standard
• list out the terms used in limits and fits as per the indian standard
• state examples for each class of fit
be @
o ht
Expression of a fit
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.44 173
There is always a clearance between the hole and the
shaft. This is the clearance fit.
It is the difference between the size of the hole and the
shaft before assembly, and this is negative. In this case,
the shaft is always larger than the hole size.
Interference Fit
It is a fit which always provides interference. Here the
tolerance zone of the hole will be below the tolerance zone
of the shaft. (Fig 8)
Maximum clearance
In a. clearance fit or transition fit, it is the difference between
the maximum hole and minimum shaft. (Fig 4) Example Fit 25H7/p6 (Fig 9)
The limits of hole are 25.000 and 25.021 mm and the limits
bl I
pu M of the shaft 25.022 and 25.035 mm. The shaft is always
bigger than the hole. This is an interference fit.
be @
o ht
Minimum Clearance
t t rig
Maximum interference
Minimum interference
174 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.44
The fundamental deviation symbol ‘H’ is chosen for the
holes, when the hole basis system is followed. This is
because the lower deviation of the hole ‘H’ is zero. It is
known as “basic hole’. (Fig 14)
= 0.035
Shaft basis system
The minimum interference is = 25.022 - 25.021 In a standard system of limits and fits, where the size of
the shaft is kept constant and the variations are given to
= 0.001 the hole for obtaining different class of fits, then it is known
as shaft basis. The fundamental deviation symbol ‘h’ is
Transition fit
chosen for the shaft when the shaft basis is followed. This
is because the upper deviation of the shaft “h” is zero. It is
It is a fit which may sometimes provide clearance, and
known as basic shaft’. (Fig 15)
sometimes interference. When this class of fit is
represented graphically, the tolerance zones of the hole
and shaft will overlap each other. (Fig 12)
bl I
pu M
The hole basis system is followed mostly. This is be-cause,
depending upon the class of fit, it will be always easier to
alter the size of the shaft because it is external, but it is
difficult to do minor alterations to a hole. Moreover the
be @
Example Fit 75 H8/j7 (Fig 13) hole can be produced by using standard toolings.
The three classes of fits, both under hole basis and shaft
o ht
The limits of the hole are 75.000 and 75.046 mm and those
of the shaft are 75.018 and 74.988 mm.
If the hole is 75.000 and the shaft 75.018 mm, the shaft is
0.018 mm, bigger than the hole. This results in interference.
This is a transition fit because it can result in a clearance
fit or an interference fit.
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.44 175
bl I
pu M
be @
176 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.44
The detail shows the end mounting of the crank shaft of a This (Fig 24) illustrates a diagram of a bevel gear driven
reciprocating type of compressor. (Fig 22) camshaft, which is supported in two bearing bushes housed
in brackets attached to a machine bed.
This (Fig 23) details a sectional view of a part of a gearbox This (Fig 25) shows a hardened steel roller fitted into a
in which the upper gears rotate with the drive shaft. soft steel holder. The roller must be free to rotate on the
hardened steel pin which does not itself rotate.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
Clearance H11 - c11 Extra loose running it Where large clearance is required and where dirty conditions
or corrosion are problems. Ex. Agricultural and steel mill pulleys.
Clearance H9 - d10 Loose running fit Large bearings or pulley and parts requiring ease of assembly.
Clearance H9 - e9 Easy running fit For smaller applications where a fairly large clearance can be
permitted, and where there is more than one bearing on a shaft
: Ex. Camshafts, selection shafts in gearboxes, rocker shafts.
Clearance H8 - f7 Normal running fit Generally used in medium and light engineering for easily
produced quality fits as required on gearbox shaft bearings,
gears on fixed shafts, guide bushes.
Clearance H7 - g6 Close running fit or Although called a running fit, the very small clearance makes it
location unsuitable for continuous running and should be used only for
intermittent or light loadings. May be used for spigot locators.
Clearance H7 - h6 Precision slide fit or Although there is zero fundamental deviation, in practice there
is very small clearance enabling this fit to be used on non-
running combinations, such as, precision sliding and jig location
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.44 177
Fit designation Classification Typical applications and service conditions
Transition H7 - k6 Push or easy keying fit For location fits, not requiring frequent removal or where vibration
of the part is to be prevented.
Transition H7 - n6 Tight keying fit Care needed in this selection as a transition fit. Some
combinations may, in practice, give an interference fit.
Interference H7 - p6 Light drive fit This is a true interference fit, providing a press fit for ferrous
parts which are not to be damaged or overstrained in any
subsequent dismantling.
Interference H7 - s6 Heavy drive fit For ferrous parts requiring permanent or semi-permanent
assembly. (Light and heavy drive fits are frequently used for the
assembly of non-ferrous parts such as bearing sleeves and
bushes, the actual type of fit, depending upon the size of bush
and its function.)
bl I
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178 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.44
s6 r6 p6 n6 k6 js6 h6 h7 h9 h11 g6 f7 e8 d9 c11 b11 a11 S7 R7 P7 N7 K7 JS7 H7 H8 H9 H11 G7 F8 E9 D10 C11 B11 A11
From 1 +20 +16 +12 +10 +6 +3 0 0 0 0 -2 -6 -14 -20 - 60 -140 -270 -14 -10 -6 -4 0 +5 +10 +14 +25 +60 +12 +20 +39 +60 +120 +200 +330
up to 3 +14 +10 +6 +4 0 -3 -6 -10 -25 -60 -8 -16 -28 -45 -120 -200 -330 -24 -20 -16 -14 -10 -5 0 0 0 0 +2 +6 +14 +20 +60 +140 + 270
Over 3 +27 +23 +20 +16 +9 +4 0 0 0 0 -4 -10 -20 -30 -70 -140 -270 -15 -11 -8 -4 +3 +6 +12 +18 +30 +75 +16 +28 +50 +78 +145 +215 +345
up to 6 +19 +15 +12 +8 +1 -4 -8 -12 -30 -75 -12 -22 -28 -60 -145 -215 -345 -27 -23 -20 -16 -9 -6 0 0 0 0 +4 +10 +20 +30 +70 +140 +270
Over 6 +32 +28 +24 +19 +10 +4.5 0 0 0 0 -5 -13 -25 -40 -80 -150 -280 -17 -13 -9 -4 +5 +7.5 +15 +22 +36 +90 +20 +35 +61 +98 +170 +240 +370
up to 10 +23 +19 +15 +10 +1 -4.5 -9 -15 -36 -90 -14 -28 -47 -76 -170 -240 -370 -32 -28 -24 -19 -10 -7.5 0 0 0 0 +5 +13 +25 +40 +80 +150 +280
Over 10
up to 14 +39 +34 +29 +23 +12 +5.5 0 0 0 0 -6 -16 -32 -50 -95 -150 -290 -21 -16 -11 -5 +6 +9 +18 +27 +43 +110 +24 +43 +75 +120 +205 +260 +400
Over 14 +28 +23 +18 +12 +1 -5.5 -11 -18 -43 -110 -17 -34 -59 -93 -205 -260 -400 -39 -34 -29 -23 -12 -9 0 0 0 0 +7 +16 +32 +50 +95 +150 +290
up to 18
Over 18
up to 24 +48 +41 +35 +28 +15 +6.5 0 0 0 0 -7 -20 -40 -65 -110 -160 -300 -27 -20 -14 -7 +6 +10.5 +21 +33 +52 +130 +28 +53 +92 +149 +240 +290 +430
Over 24 +35 +28 +22 +15 +2 -6.5 -13 -21 -52 -130 -20 -41 -73 -117 -240 -290 -430 -48 -41 -35 -28 -15 -10.5 0 0 0 0 +7 +20 +40 +65 +110 +160 +300
up to 30
Over 100 +101 +76 +37 +23 +3 -11 -22 -35 -87 -220 -34 -71 -126 -207 -180 -240 -410 -66 -41 -59 -45 -25 -17.5 0 0 0 0 +12 +36 +72 +120 +400 +460 +630
up to 120 +79 +54 -400 -460 -630 -101 -76 +180 +240 +410
Over 120 +117 +88 -200 -260 -460 -77 -48 +450 +510 +710
up to 140 +92 +63 -450 -510 -710 -117 -88 +200 +260 +460
pu M
Over 140 +125 +90 +68 +52 +28 +12.5 0 0 0 0 -14 -43 -85 -145 -210 -280 -520 -85 -50 -28 -12 +12 +20 +40 +63 +100 +250 +54 +106 +185 +305 +460 +530 +770
up to 160 +100 +65 +43 +27 +3 -12.5 -25 -40 -100 -250 -39 -83 -148 -245 -460 -530 -770 -125 -90 -68 -52 -28 -20 0 0 0 0 +14 +43 +85 +145 +210 +280 +520
Over 160 +133 +93 -230 -310 -580 -93 -53 +480 +560 +830
bl I
up to 180 +108 +68 -480 -560 -830 -133 -93 +230 +310 +580
Over 180 +151 +106 -240 -340 -660 -105 -60 +530 +630 +950
up to 200 +122 +77 -530 -630 -950 -151 -106 +240 +340 +660
Over 200 +159 +109 +79 +60 +33 +14.5 0 0 0 0 -15 -50 -100 -170 -260 -380 -740 -113 -63 -33 -14 +13 +23 +46 +72 +115 +290 +61 +122 +215 +355 +550 +670 +1030
up to 225 +130 +80 +50 +31 +4 -14.5 -29 -46 -115 -290 -44 -96 -172 -285 -550 -670 -1030 -159 -109 -79 -60 -33 -23 0 0 0 0 +15 +50 +100 +170 +260 +380 +740
Over 225 +169 +113 -280 -420 -820 -123 -67 +570 +710 +1110
up to 250 +140 +84 -570 -710 -1110 -169 -113 +280 +420 +820
Over 250 +190 +126 -300 -480 -920 -138 -74 +620 +800 +1240
up to 280 +158 +94 +88 +66 +36 +16 0 0 0 0 -17 -56 -110 -190 -620 -800 -1240 -190 -126 -36 -14 +16 +26 +52 +81 +130 +320 +69 +137 +240 +400 +300 +480 +920
Over 280 +202 +130 +56 +34 +4 -16 -32 -52 -130 -320 -49 -108 -191 -320 -330 -540 -1050 -150 -78 -88 -66 -36 -26 0 0 0 0 +17 +56 +110 +190 +650 +860 +1370
up to 315 +170 +98 -650 -860 -1370 -202 -130 +330 +540 +1050
Over 315 +226 +144 -360 -600 -1200 -169 -87 +720 +960 +1500
up to 355 +190 +108 +98 +73 +40 +18 0 0 0 0 -18 -62 -125 -210 -720 -960 -1560 -226 -144 -41 -16 +17 +28.5 +57 +89 +140 +360 +75 +151 +265 +440 +360 +600 +1200
Over 355 +244 +150 +62 +37 +4 -18 -36 -57 -140 -360 -54 -119 -214 -350 -400 -680 -1350 -187 -93 -98 -73 -40 -28.5 0 0 0 0 +18 +69 +125 +210 +760 +1040 +1710
up to 400 +208 +114 -760 -1040 -1710 -244 -150 +400 +680 +1350
Over 400 +272 +166 -440 -760 -1500 -209 -103 +840 +1160 +1900
up to 450 +232 +126 +108 +80 +45 +20 0 0 0 0 -20 -68 -135 -230 -840 -1160 -1900 -272 -166 -45 -17 +18 31.5 +63 +97 +155 +400 +83 +165 +290 +480 +440 +760 +1500
Over 450 +292 +172 +68 +40 +5 -20 -40 -63 -155 -400 -60 -131 -232 -385 -480 -840 -1650 -229 -109 -108 -80 -45 -31.5 0 0 0 0 +20 +68 +135 +230 +880 +1240 +2050
up to 500 +252 +132 -880 -1240 -2050 -292 -172 +480 +840 +1650
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.45
Turner - Turning
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define knurling operation
• state the purpose of knurling
• list out the different types of knurls and knurling patterns
• list out the grades of knurls
• distinguish between the various types of knurling tool-holders.
Knurling (Fig 1)
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This is done by using a concave knurl on a convex surface. It has only one single roller which produces a straight lined
This is also done by plunging the tool. pattern.
This tool holder has a set of two rollers of the same knurling
pitch. The rollers may be of straight teeth or helical teeth.
It is self-centering.
Medium knurling is done by using medium pitched knurls
bl I
of 1.25 mm pitch. (21 TPI) pu M
Fine knurling is done by using fine pitched knurls of 0.75
mm pitch. (33 TPI)
be @
o ht
Types of knurling tool-holders
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.45 181
Differences between different types of knurling tool-holders are given in Table -1
Table -1
Only one roller is used. A pair of rollers are used. Three pairs of rollers are used.
Straight or Diagonal
bl I
be @
Straight or Diagonal
12 12 15 25
16-20 10 13 22
25-35 8 11 20
40-80 6 9 18
182 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.45
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.46
Turner - Turning
Driving plates
Catch plate
It is designed with a 'u' slot and an elliptical slot to
bl I
accommodate the bent tail of the lathe carrier. (Fig 1)
pu M
The safety driving plates are made of cast steel and are
machined to have their face perfectly at right angles to the
bore. They are provided with a stepped collar at the back.
be @
Driving plate
A safety driving plate prevents likely injuries to the operator.
It is designed with a projected pin which locates the straight
Face plates
tail of the lathe carrier. (Fig 2)
They are similar in shape to the lathe catch plates but are
larger in diameter.
- face plates with only elongated radial slots (Fig 5) - Parallels (Fig 9)
advantageous to locate the workpiece on the face plate and
bl I
pu M centre the workpiece with reference to the centre punch
mark or hole approximately on the face plate. This makes
Face plates are used along with the following accessories it easier to true the work after the face plate is mounted on
when in use. The accessories are listed here. to the spindle.
be @
- Clamps,'T' bolts and stepped block (Fig 7) The position of the bolts and clamps is very important, if a
workpiece is to be clamped effectively.
o ht
184 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.46
Fixed steady & travelling steady
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state what is a steady rest
• identify and name the various types of steady rests
• distinguish between a fixed steady rest and a follower steady rest
• state the uses of a steady rest
• identify the cat head and its use.
bl I
pu M
Follower steady rest (Fig 3)
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t t rig
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Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.46 185
for holding and centering the work. After centering the
work the fixed steady is positioned, and pads are adjusted
to hold the cat head’s centre portion. When the lathe is
running the work revolves along with the ends of the cat
head whereas the centre portion is stationary. (Fig 6)
Another type of cat head, shown in Fig 7, is a single piece
and it rotates along with the job.
Cat head
and free to rotate. The two ends have the adjusting screws
bl I
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Lathe carriers
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the types of lathe carrier
• state the use of each type of lathe carriers.
Accessories used for in-between centre work of 10, capable of accommodating work of a wide range of
diameters. The tails of the carriers are meant to locate
The accessories used during turning work held in between and drive the workpiece for turning. (Fig 1) To protect the
centres are as follows. finished surface from damages, a soft metal packing piece
is used under the clamping screw.
Live centre, Dead centre, Catch plate, Driving plate, Lathe
spindle sleeve and Lathe carriers. The following are the four types of lathe carriers.
Lathe carriers Straight tail carrier, Bent tail carrier, Clamp type carrier
and Safety clamp type carrier.
They are also called lathe dogs. They are used to drive
the work during turning between centres. The work is A straight tailed carrier locates against the driving pin of
clamped firmly in the lathe carrier. It consists of a cast the driving plate and provides a positive drive for the
iron or forged steel body and a clamping screw. It is workpiece. (Fig 2)
designed with a straight or bent tail. It is available in a set
186 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.46
and adjustable bolts and nuts. This carrier may be used
to hold square and rectangular sectioned rods also. They
are also useful to hold small diameter jobs because of
the provision of the ‘V’ groove. (Fig 4)
bl I
pu M
Safety clamp lathe carriers are desinged with safety - top
and bottom clamping plates. These plates provide a
be @
Lathe carriers
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state what is a lathe centre
• distinguish between a live centre and a dead centre
• state the purpose of lathe centres
• identify and name the different types of centres
• indicate the specific uses of each type of centre.
Lathe centre
It is a lathe accessory. It is used to support a lengthy to be provided with a centre drilled hole on the face of the
work to carry out lathe operations. When a work is held overhanging end. When the job is held in between centres
in a chuck, the centre is assembled to the tailstock, and to carry out the operation, it functions together with a
it supports the overhanging end of the work. The work is driving plate and a suitable lathe carrier.
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.46 187
construction, both centres are identical, made as one
unit that consists of a conical point of 60° included angle,
a body provided with a Morse taper shank and a tang.
bl I
The centre, which is accommodated in the main spindle
pu M
sleeve, is known as a ‘live centre’ and the centre fixed in
the tailstock spindle is known as a dead centre. In
be @
188 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.46
Frictionless. Used for supporting
heavy jobs and jobs revolving with high
6 Revolving speeds. A high-speed steel inserted
centre centre is supported by two bearings
housed in a body. It is also called the
revolving dead centre.
7 Insert-type Economical.
centre Only the small high-speed steel
insert is replaced.
This centre is used to support the end
bl I
9 Female centre pu M of the job where no countersink hole
is permitted.
be @
stock spindle.
No py
lathe centres.(Fig 3)
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.46 189
Transfer Caliper
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• Identify the parts of an transfer caliper
• State the function of the transfer caliper
• Read transfer caliper mesurment.
Transfer Caliper In this type the primary legs are made to touch the surface
This type of caliper (outside or inside ) used where caliper to be measured and then the secondary leg brought to
cannot be access directly due steps, projections, grooves position till the pin in primary leg coincides through the slot.
etc. New the position of secondary leg unchanged and primary
leg with stopper pin in relieved of from measured surface.
The construction is similar to ordinary (Pivoted or with
Thumb nut) firm joint caliper with additional secondary leg Once caliper taken out, the primary leg which was relieved
at the top of one of the primary legs with or without lock met in to the position to secondary leg position. Then the
facility. dimension measure with the help of measuring instrument.
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190 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.46
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.47
Turner - Turning
Tool post can be brought to the operating position and the square
head is clamped with the help of the locking lever. By
The tool post holds the tool or tools meant for the operation loosening the locking lever the next tool can be indexed and
to be performed on the work. brought to the operating position. The indexing may be
manual or automatic.
The tool post is assembled to the top slide.
Quick change tool post.
bl I
pu M
Single way tool post (Fig 1)
It consists of a circular tool post body with a slot, for
accommodating the tool or tool-holder. A ring base, a
be @
the ring base. Only one tool can be fixed in this type of tool The advantages are
post. The rigidity of the tool is less as it is clamped with
No py
only one bolt. each tool is secured in the tool post by more than one bolt
and so rigidity is more.
Indexing type tool post (Fig 2) This type of tool post is found mostly on British lathes. This
also has provision for only one tool to be clamped for
It is also called a square tool post or a four-way tool post. performing the operation. This is more rigid when compared
Four tools can be fixed in this type of tool posts and any one to the pillar-type tool post, as the tool is held in position by
the flat clamp. This requires greater skill in clamping as the
adjustment of the heel pin is needed to give a grip on the
full width of the tool.
Tool setting
Objective : This shall help you to
• set the tool in the tool post for performing the operation.
bl I
For optimum cutting, the effective rake angle and clearance
pu M
angle of the clamped tool must be equal to the ground
angles of the tool. This requires clamping of the tool to
have its axis perpendicular to the lathe axis, with the tool
tip at the workpiece centre. (Fig 1)
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o ht
t t rig
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192 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.47
When both the screws have a full gripping pressure, tighten
the centre screw fully.
Check the centre height with a height setting gauge.
Check once again with a tool height setting gauge.
(Fig 4)
The gauge should be made according to the
Remove or add shims and check the height when the tool
size of the machine. If a gauge is not available,
is tightened by the centre screw.
use a surface gauge and set the pointer tip to
the dead centre height fixed in the tailstock.
Tighten the other two tool-holding screws alternately
Use this as the height to which the tool is to be
applying the same amount of pressure.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
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Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.47 193
Production & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.48
Turner - Turning
bl I
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o ht
Principle of working
Two types of dial test indicators are in use according
to the method of magnification.
Many dial test indicators read plus in a clockwise
direction from zero and minus in a counter clockwise
direction to give plus and minus indications.
gauge stand and can be used in places where the plunger
bl I
pu M
type dial test indicator application is difficult. (Fig 6)
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Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.48 195
Magnetic stand with flexible post. (Fig 13)
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196 Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.48
Care for dial Indicator
bl I
1 Make sure clean greases and oils on the dial face
pu M
2 Use soft and clean cloth to clean the dial face to prevent
from scratching.
3 Use thin film of oil to prevent rust
be @
Production & Manufacturing : Turner - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.48 197