Effect of Different Media On Mycelium Growth of Sclerotium Rolfsii Sacc. Invitro Condition
Effect of Different Media On Mycelium Growth of Sclerotium Rolfsii Sacc. Invitro Condition
Effect of Different Media On Mycelium Growth of Sclerotium Rolfsii Sacc. Invitro Condition
Abstract— An invitro experiment was conducted to study the effect o f different culture media on mycelial growth of
Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. in Plant pathology Laboratory of Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal. The
pathogenic isolate of S. rolfsii was isolated from symptomatic tomato and maintained in PDA. Seven different
culture media viz. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA), Chickpea Dextrose Agar (ChDA), Bean Dextrose Agar (BDA),
Carrot Dextrose Agar (CDA), Papaya Dextrose Agar (PpDA), Czapek Dox Agar (CzDA) and Sabouraud’s Dextrose
Agar (SDA) were prepared and 5-mm diameter mycelial plugs from the margins of 3-days old S. rolfsiiculture was
transfer in the middle of each media plate. The radial mycelial growth was measured at 2 days interval for 14 days.
Chickpea Dextrose Agar (ChDA) had significantly higher mycelia growth, which was superior than Potato dextrose
agar (PDA). Papaya fruit, carrot root, chickpea grain and bean grain can be the common cheap source of carbon in
industrial development of culture media.
Keywords— Media, S. rolfsii, Mycelium, Carbon, isolate.
I. INTRODUCTION potato dext rose agar, V-8 juice agaretc whereas synthetic
Sclerotium rolfsiiSacc. is a necrotrophic soilborne med ia contain defined amounts of carbohydrates, nitrogen,
plant pathogen forming sclerotia as a survival structure and vitamin sources (eg: Czapek-Dox medium).
distributed worldwide. It causes various symptoms like Potato dextrose agar (PDA) is most co mmonly
seedling damping-off, root rot, collar rot, and stem rot in used natural media for the culture of fungi. Most lab used
more than 500 p lant species commonly legu mes, crucifers, med ia are not cost effective at a large-scale, so industrialists
and cucurbits (Barnett and Hunter, 1972). Because of have started to use several co mmon cheap sources of
prolific gro wth of S. rolfsii and ability to produce persistent carbon. So, the objective of this research was to identify
sclerotia, it is contributing in high degree of economic alternative natural fungal med ia using substrate with cheap
losses (Mahen et al., 1995).Under conducive conditions it source of carbon.
can causes 55-95% mortality of the crop at seedling stage
(Gurha and Dubey, 1982). In fection on plants by the II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
pathogen is governed and triggered by the initial Media preparation
recognition phenomenon. Establishment of the pathogen in Five natural media: Potato Dextrose Agar(PDA),
host depends upon some kind of similarity between two Chickpea Dext rose Agar(ChDA), Carrot Dext rose
interacting partners (De Vay & Adler, 1976). Agar(CDA), Bean Dextrose Agar(BDA), Papaya Dext rose
The capacity of fungi to utilize the available Agar(PpDA) and two synthetic media: Saubourds Dextrose
nutrients, of which carbohydrates are the major ones Agar(SDA),Czepado x Dextrose Agar(CzDA) were
determine the ability o f fungi to grow in different med ia. So prepared. 200 g of potato pieces, chickpeagrains, carrot
it was observed that the growth rate varies with different pieces, bean grains, papaya fruit pieceswere weighed
carbon sources. Fungal media containing high carbohydrate individually for their respective media v iz. PDA, Ch DA,
source, nitrogen source is required for the growth of fungi at CDA, BDA, PpDArespectively and boiled in 500 ml of
pH range of 5 to 6, and a temperature range from 15 to water for 10 minutes and filtered with muslin cloths. We
37˚C. Fungal culture media are natural and synthetic. added 20 g o f dext rose and 20g of agar in each media and
Natural media are co mposed of natural substrates like added distilled water to make the final volu me of 1000 ml.
The synthetic media were prepared as manufactural sulphate, 0.5 g of Potassium chloride, 0.01 g of Ferrous
instruction. SDA was prepared by mixing 40 g of dext rose, nitrate, 15 g of agar in 1000 ml of distilled water. The
10 g of Peptone and 15 g of Agar in 1000 ml o f distilled med ia were autoclaved for 121°C for 20 minutes at 15 psi
water and CzDA by 30 g of Sucrose, 2 g of sodium n itrate, pressure.
1 g of Dipotassium phosphate, 0.5 g of Magnesium
Table 2: Effect of different growth media on the mycelial growth of the pathogen S. rolfsiiSacc.
Treatments 2 DAI 4 DAI 6 DAI 8 DAI 10 DAI 12 DAI 14 DAI
Papaya dextrose agar 1.25cd 1.70d 2.47cd 3.22bcd 6.10b 8.10a 9.00a
Chickpea dextrose agar 2.45a 3.35a 4.50a 5.37a 7.30a 7.95a 8.77ab
Potato dextrose agar 2.17ab 3.02ab 3.50b 3.97b 5.52b 7.35ab 7.87abc
Bean dextrose agar 1.75bc 2.65bc 3.32b 3.80bc 5.87 b 6.97ab 7.57bcd
Sabouraud dextrose agar 1.05d 1.62d 2.10d 2.65d 4.45 c 6.12bc 6.90cd
Carrot dextrose agar 0.92d 1.07e 1.30e 1.55e 3.85c 5.05cd 6.47d
Czapek Dox Agar 1.97ab 2.32c 2.95bc 3.05cd 3.82c 4.20d 4.55e
F test *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
SEM 0.119 0.139 0.237 0.239 0.529 0.821 0.613
LSD0.001 0.025 0.027 0.035 0.035 0.053 0.066 0.052
CV (%) 20.8 16.6 16.9 14.5 13.7 13.8 10.7
6 PpDA
4 ChDA
Fig.1: Mycelial growth of S. rolfsii in different culture media at various days after incubation
IV. CONCLUSION Fruit and its Relation to Sweet Taste. Journal of Food
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sporulation of fungi in these natural media.
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