The Nature of Mathematics: P R M S T M I

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Mathematics relies on both logic and creativity, and it is pursued both for a variety of
practical purposes and for its intrinsic interest. For some people, and not only professional
mathematicians, the essence of mathematics lies in its beauty and its intellectual challenge.
For others, including many scientists and engineers, the chief value of mathematics is how it
applies to their own work. Because mathematics plays such a central role in modern culture,
some basic understanding of the nature of mathematics is requisite for scientific literacy. To
achieve this, students need to perceive mathematics as part of the scientific endeavor,
comprehend the nature of mathematical thinking, and become familiar with key mathematical
ideas and skills.

This chapter focuses on mathematics as part of the scientific endeavor and then on
mathematics as a process, or way of thinking. Recommendations related to mathematical
ideas are presented in Chapter 9, The Mathematical World, and those on mathematical skills
are included in Chapter 12, Habits of Mind.


Mathematics is the science of patterns and relationships. As a theoretical discipline,

mathematics explores the possible relationships among abstractions without concern for
whether those abstractions have counterparts in the real world. The abstractions can be
anything from strings of numbers to geometric figures to sets of equations. In addressing, say,
"Does the interval between prime numbers form a pattern?" as a theoretical question,
mathematicians are interested only in finding a pattern or proving that there is none, but not in
what use such knowledge might have. In deriving, for instance, an expression for the change
in the surface area of any regular solid as its volume approaches zero, mathematicians have
no interest in any correspondence between geometric solids and physical objects in the real

A central line of investigation in theoretical mathematics is identifying in each field of study a

small set of basic ideas and rules from which all other interesting ideas and rules in that field
can be logically deduced. Mathematicians, like other scientists, are particularly pleased when
previously unrelated parts of mathematics are found to be derivable from one another, or from
some more general theory. Part of the sense of beauty that many people have perceived in
mathematics lies not in finding the greatest elaborateness or complexity but on the contrary,
in finding the greatest economy and simplicity of representation and proof. As mathematics
has progressed, more and more relationships have been found between parts of it that have
been developed separately—for example, between the symbolic representations of algebra
and the spatial representations of geometry. These cross-connections enable insights to be
developed into the various parts; together, they strengthen belief in the correctness and
underlying unity of the whole structure.

Mathematics is also an applied science. Many mathematicians focus their attention on solving
problems that originate in the world of experience. They too search for patterns and
relationships, and in the process they use techniques that are similar to those used in doing
purely theoretical mathematics. The difference is largely one of intent. In contrast to
theoretical mathematicians, applied mathematicians, in the examples given above, might
study the interval pattern of prime numbers to develop a new system for coding numerical
information, rather than as an abstract problem. Or they might tackle the area/volume
problem as a step in producing a model for the study of crystal behavior.

The results of theoretical and applied mathematics often influence each other. The discoveries
of theoretical mathematicians frequently turn out—sometimes decades later—to have
unanticipated practical value. Studies on the mathematical properties of random events, for
example, led to knowledge that later made it possible to improve the design of experiments in
the social and natural sciences. Conversely, in trying to solve the problem of billing long-
distance telephone users fairly, mathematicians made fundamental discoveries about the
mathematics of complex networks. Theoretical mathematics, unlike the other sciences, is not
constrained by the real world, but in the long run it contributes to a better understanding
of that world.


Because of its abstractness, mathematics is universal in a sense that other fields of human
thought are not. It finds useful applications in business, industry, music, historical
scholarship, politics, sports, medicine, agriculture, engineering, and the social and natural
sciences. The relationship between mathematics and the other fields of basic and applied
science is especially strong. This is so for several reasons, including the following:

 The alliance between science and mathematics has a long history, dating back many
centuries. Science provides mathematics with interesting problems to investigate, and
mathematics provides science with powerful tools to use in analyzing data. Often,
abstract patterns that have been studied for their own sake by mathematicians have
turned out much later to be very useful in science. Science and mathematics are both
trying to discover general patterns and relationships, and in this sense they are part of
the same endeavor.

 Mathematics is the chief language of science. The symbolic language of mathematics

has turned out to be extremely valuable for expressing scientific ideas unambiguously.
The statement that a=F/m is not simply a shorthand way of saying that the
acceleration of an object depends on the force applied to it and its mass; rather, it is a
precise statement of the quantitative relationship among those variables. More
important, mathematics provides the grammar of science—the rules for analyzing
scientific ideas and data rigorously.

 Mathematics and science have many features in common. These include a belief in
understandable order; an interplay of imagination and rigorous logic; ideals of honesty
and openness; the critical importance of peer criticism; the value placed on being the
first to make a key discovery; being international in scope; and even, with the
development of powerful electronic computers, being able to use technology to open
up new fields of investigation.

 Mathematics and technology have also developed a fruitful relationship with each
other. The mathematics of connections and logical chains, for example, has
contributed greatly to the design of computer hardware and programming techniques.
Mathematics also contributes more generally to engineering, as in describing complex
systems whose behavior can then be simulated by computer. In those simulations,
design features and operating conditions can be varied as a means of finding optimum
designs. For its part, computer technology has opened up whole new areas in
mathematics, even in the very nature of proof, and it also continues to help solve
previously daunting problems.


Using mathematics to express ideas or to solve problems involves at least three phases: (1)
representing some aspects of things abstractly, (2) manipulating the abstractions by rules of
logic to find new relationships between them, and (3) seeing whether the new relationships
say something useful about the original things.

Abstraction and Symbolic Representation

Mathematical thinking often begins with the process of abstraction—that is, noticing a
similarity between two or more objects or events. Aspects that they have in common, whether
concrete or hypothetical, can be represented by symbols such as numbers, letters, other
marks, diagrams, geometrical constructions, or even words. Whole numbers are abstractions
that represent the size of sets of things and events or the order of things within a set. The
circle as a concept is an abstraction derived from human faces, flowers, wheels, or spreading
ripples; the letter A may be an abstraction for the surface area of objects of any shape, for the
acceleration of all moving objects, or for all objects having some specified property; the
symbol + represents a process of addition, whether one is adding apples or oranges, hours, or
miles per hour. And abstractions are made not only from concrete objects or processes; they
can also be made from other abstractions, such as kinds of numbers (the even numbers, for

Such abstraction enables mathematicians to concentrate on some features of things and

relieves them of the need to keep other features continually in mind. As far as mathematics is
concerned, it does not matter whether a triangle represents the surface area of a sail or the
convergence of two lines of sight on a star; mathematicians can work with either concept in
the same way. The resulting economy of effort is very useful—provided that in making an
abstraction, care is taken not to ignore features that play a significant role in determining the
outcome of the events being studied.

Manipulating Mathematical Statements

After abstractions have been made and symbolic representations of them have been selected,
those symbols can be combined and recombined in various ways according to precisely
defined rules. Sometimes that is done with a fixed goal in mind; at other times it is done in
the context of experiment or play to see what happens. Sometimes an appropriate
manipulation can be identified easily from the intuitive meaning of the constituent words and
symbols; at other times a useful series of manipulations has to be worked out by trial and

Typically, strings of symbols are combined into statements that express ideas or propositions.
For example, the symbol A for the area of any square may be used with the symbol s for the
length of the square's side to form the proposition A = s2. This equation specifies how the area
is related to the side—and also implies that it depends on nothing else. The rules of ordinary
algebra can then be used to discover that if the length of the sides of a square is doubled, the
square's area becomes four times as great. More generally, this knowledge makes it possible
to find out what happens to the area of a square no matter how the length of its sides is
changed, and conversely, how any change in the area affects the sides.

Mathematical insights into abstract relationships have grown over thousands of years, and
they are still being extended—and sometimes revised. Although they began in the concrete
experience of counting and measuring, they have come through many layers of abstraction
and now depend much more on internal logic than on mechanical demonstration. In a sense,
then, the manipulation of abstractions is much like a game: Start with some basic rules, then
make any moves that fit those rules—which includes inventing additional rules and finding
new connections between old rules. The test for the validity of new ideas is whether they are
consistent and whether they relate logically to the other rules.


Mathematical processes can lead to a kind of model of a thing, from which insights can be
gained about the thing itself. Any mathematical relationships arrived at by manipulating
abstract statements may or may not convey something truthful about the thing being modeled.
For example, if 2 cups of water are added to 3 cups of water and the abstract mathematical
operation 2+3 = 5 is used to calculate the total, the correct answer is 5 cups of water.
However, if 2 cups of sugar are added to 3 cups of hot tea and the same operation is used, 5 is
an incorrect answer, for such an addition actually results in only slightly more than 4 cups of
very sweet tea. The simple addition of volumes is appropriate to the first situation but not to
the second—something that could have been predicted only by knowing something of the
physical differences in the two situations. To be able to use and interpret mathematics well,
therefore, it is necessary to be concerned with more than the mathematical validity of abstract
operations and to also take into account how well they correspond to the properties of the
things represented.

Sometimes common sense is enough to enable one to decide whether the results of the
mathematics are appropriate. For example, to estimate the height 20 years from now of a girl
who is 5' 5" tall and growing at the rate of an inch per year, common sense suggests rejecting
the simple "rate times time" answer of 7' 1" as highly unlikely, and turning instead to some
other mathematical model, such as curves that approach limiting values. Sometimes,
however, it may be difficult to know just how appropriate mathematical results are—for
example, when trying to predict stock-market prices or earthquakes.

Often a single round of mathematical reasoning does not produce satisfactory conclusions,
and changes are tried in how the representation is made or in the operations themselves.
Indeed, jumps are commonly made back and forth between steps, and there are no rules that
determine how to proceed. The process typically proceeds in fits and starts, with many wrong
turns and dead ends. This process continues until the results are good enough.

But what degree of accuracy is good enough? The answer depends on how the result will be
used, on the consequences of error, and on the likely cost of modeling and computing a more
accurate answer. For example, an error of 1 percent in calculating the amount of sugar in a
cake recipe could be unimportant, whereas a similar degree of error in computing the
trajectory for a space probe could be disastrous. The importance of the "good enough"
question has led, however, to the development of mathematical processes for estimating how
far off results might be and how much computation would be required to obtain the desired
degree of accuracy.
Mathematics helps organize Patterns and Regularities in the World.


Connecting our Life to Mathematics

In this world, people are being molded because of struggles. They become stronger as life throws them
circumstances. Relating it to mathematics, Objects as people, Struggles and circumstances as the
measurements. The problems measure the people how strong they are. The measurement also serves
and test how firm the object is.

The objects that we see in our own precious eyes are made by God and was developed by Man. To look
at the things is very simple and to use those things is very usual. But appreciating those things is very
hard if we don’t know how it is done and what the story behind those is. Before creating something or
inventing object, measurements are very essential. Imagine a car that is made without proper
measurements, it will not function as good as cars that has made with proper measurements. Every
matter is created with blueprints. Blueprint consists side by side measurements and patterns. Patterns
also helps in making things one of a kind. It gives illusion to the objects that are created. Illusion that will
make us think how it was made. Just like the World’s most famous portrait painting of Leonardo da Vinci
which is “Monalisa”.

Mathematics will stay in our life forever because it is part of our journey. In relation to Fibonacci
sequence which exist first in the Old Generation, it is still existing in ours. The contribution of Fibonacci
sequence is very essential by means of having the perfect measurement in doing something such as
paintings, pictures or anything that has something to do with measurements. Golden ratio is under the
Fibonacci sequence and it has also throw a big impact in our life. Scientists found the sunflower as the
perfect example of something that has a Golden ratio in it. As people we can’t see what the microscope
sees in the sunflower. But when you take a look at the middle of the sunflower using the microscope,
you will see the perfect shape measuring at 1.16814 which is the so called Golden Ratio.

As I’ve said, mathematics will always be in our life. It simply organizes patterns and regularities in the
world by the means of it exist in everything that our eyes see. Our world will not be formed with the
help of mathematics as the source of measuring something that is existing.

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