Personal Loan Application
Personal Loan Application
Personal Loan Application
Dear Customer, Please complete this Application Form neatly (by hand) and include all information, documentation and identification
required. For enquiries visit your local branch or our website:
Purpose Of Loan: Vehicle School/Tuition Household Items Holiday Personal Expenses Housing Other:
Birth Date: DD/MM/YY Gender: M F Marital Status: Single Married De Facto Divorced Widowed
Work Address: Owner: Self (Provide Rate Notice) Relatives Rental Property
Identification: Provide a copy of a valid ID Card (include number): Previous Residence: Section/Lot: Suburb:
Nasfund/Nambawan Super Driver’s License Passport Length of Residency:
Date Commenced:
Employer Address:
Previous Employer:
CREDIT HISTORY (Credit Reference, Previous Loans, Finance Companies, Stores etc. Please attach Statements)
Institution 1: Address:
Institution 2: Address:
Institution 3: Address:
Have you ever been declared bankrupt, defaulted on a loan or had any judgement or legal proceedings against you? *Yes No
*Provide Details:
Total Assets K
C. Monthly Income
Gross Salary (Before Tax) Provide 3 Latest Pay slips + Bank Statements K
Other Income K
Provide Details
Total Monthly Income K
Monthly Expenses
Home Loans K
Other Loans K
Motor Vehicle Costs K
Rent + Utilities K
Insurance, Rates, Taxes K
School Fees K
General Living Expenses (Others) K
Total Monthly Expenses K
Authority to obtain and provide personal financial and credit information. The undersigned Net Surplus K
authorises Bank South Pacific Ltd:
(1) To obtain a credit report containing personal financial and credit information in relation to the undersigned Applicant Signature:
from the Credit Reporting Agency. (2) To utilize the credit report to assist in the assessment of any loan application
by the undersigned. (3) To exchange personal financial and credit information in relation to the undersigned with
other credit providers including details of loans obtained from the Bank South Pacific Ltd and. (4) To inform the
Credit Reporting Agency of any default in the repayment of the credit provided to the undersigned.
Joint Applicant Signature:
The details completed are a true and accurate record: