Exalted Third Edition Liminals Kickstarter Preview (8717507)
Exalted Third Edition Liminals Kickstarter Preview (8717507)
Exalted Third Edition Liminals Kickstarter Preview (8717507)
Liminal Exalted
Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay
To mould Me man? Did I solicit thee
From darkness to promote me?
—John Milton, Paradise Lost
iminal Exalted preview Born of Darkness
Imagine awakening in unfamiliar surroundings. There’s pain,
Liminal Exalted, or Chernozem as they are more com-
monly known to those who have encountered or heard of though that recedes quickly, and disorientation, which lingers
them, are one of the new varieties of playable characters that much longer. Your body feels strange and unfamiliar, tingling
will appear in Exalted Third Edition. The Chernozem pres- and flushing with sensation as it also awakens, bit by bit.
ent a contrast to the more familiar Exalted, whose struggles You don’t know who you are. As you realize this, memories
raise up and cast down nations. While Liminals are as mighty rise up to present themselves. But they’re not your memories—
as other Chosen, their stories are inward-focused, emphasizing you know that immediately. There’s no sense of ownership or
the world’s impact on the character rather than the other way identification. It’s like remembering a character you read about
around. As such, they’re perfect additions to ‘mixed Circles.’ in a book, or heard about in a story. Perhaps it’s only one set of
memories. Perhaps it’s several, jumbles of lives and events hap-
Death Begets Life hazardly stitched together. Maybe these secondhand memories
are enough to tell you where you are.
A sorcerer cries out to Heaven atop a storm-lashed manse.
Maybe they’re enough to tell you who’s standing over you,
His fortune is gone, expended in its construction that he might
half-mad with emotion. You know this figure isn’t really your
harness and focus the power of the demesne below. His wife’s
creator—there’s a lingering touch on your mind, receding now,
cold body rests on an open slab atop the mystical ziggurat,
dark and immense: the receding hand of your real maker.
flanked by fires kindled with rare herbs from the depths of the
You’re not the sum of the memories in your head. You’re not
Wyld. A hearthstone gleams on her chest, focusing the power
the sum of the parts of your body. Who are you?
of land and flame and storm and spell. This desperate ritual has
No immediate answer presents itself. This is the dilemma that
only one goal: to tear the sorcerer’s beloved back from the cold
greets each of the Chernozem in the first moments of their life.
embrace of the Underworld, to convince Heaven to reunite
soul and flesh, to mend the hole in a man’s wounded heart.
The sorcerer’s demand is beyond the power of Heaven. The Children of the Black Earth
ritual is doomed to failure. But somewhere in the black and The Chernozem are life brought forth from death. They’re
storm-tossed reaches of the Underworld, something ancient not resurrected individuals, although they’re most commonly
and attentive hears his anguished cries. She cannot—and created when someone tries to restore the dead to life. Rather,
would not—give him what he wants, but has needs of her own. they’re new people, given life by a strange form of Exaltation,
She reaches through the window of his agony and makes the made of borrowed flesh and full of someone else’s memories.
ritual her own. A Liminal might be made from a single corpse subjected to
The cadaver’s eyes open and see. Fresh blood suffuses pale, some form of attempted resurrection ritual, or might be formed
stiff limbs. A still heart lurches painfully into motion. New life of parts of disparate bodies combined for some arcane purpose.
kindles in empty flesh. The body rises, drawing in a shuddering The only unifying factors are an attempt to bring forth life from
breath. Alive. dead flesh; intense, all-consuming fixation in the mind of the
The sorcerer cries out his beloved’s name. The figure before would-be resurrectionist; and the interference of an ancient,
him does not answer. It is not his wife. mighty force dwelling deep within the Underworld.