Chapter 16 Student Notes
Chapter 16 Student Notes
Chapter 16 Student Notes
chapter 16
green HRM and environmental
Chapter overview
In this chapter we examine the debate on climate change and the perceived
drive to incentivize organizations to increase their environmental sustainability
activities. In this context, the chapter focuses on the development of ‘green’
human resource management (GHRM). It begins by introducing the concept of
organizational environmental sustainability and discusses its importance to
contemporary management. The chapter then identifies the main drivers of
sustainable workplace practices and behaviours before going on to explain the
role of HRM in creating low-carbon workplaces (LCWs) – what they are, and
how effective they are encouraging low-carbon behaviours.
Chapter objectives:
1. After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
2. Explain the nature of environmental sustainability
3. Identify the main drivers of sustainable workplace practices and behaviours
4. Explain the benefits expected from implementing sustainability initiatives
5. Explain the role of HRM in creating a low-carbon workplace
The chapter describes how organizations are both part of the problem as well
as part of the solution to carbon accumulation. Environmental sustainability
incorporates ecological or environmental considerations (e.g., carbon
emissions) with organizational needs (e.g., profitability) in such a way as to
promote benefits for the environment.
4. 1990s the term ‘triple bottom line’ or ‘P3’ – People, Planet and Profit –
emerged and sustainability is no longer a fringe issue. HR policies and
practices impact work and, by extension, employee behaviour, labour
productivity and environmental sustainability.
Study tip: Review the material on leadership and organizational culture in Chapters 14 and 15.
Study Tip: Extant research suggests leaders and organizational culture and climate influence
employees’ and their organizations’ environmental performance. However, there is a debate on
whether managers can reengineer culture. The problem of ‘cultural congruence’ and of why
values must be aligned with sustainability interventions should be noted. See, for example, Davis
and Coan (2015) and Hayes (2014). This debate is closely linked to Chapter 15 on organizational
culture. Review Figure 15.2 p.480.
Reward management
A well-designed reward system can help to motivate employees to achieve
satisfactory performance levels, including in environmental performance
(look back at Chapter 8). The existence of rewards systems that take
environmental performance into account is an indirect reflection of the
level of management commitment to environmental management.
HRM and globalization 16.1: US and South African unions form blue-green alliances
This example (p. 518) discusses how some trade unions have formed an alliance with
environmental groups, ‘blue-green’ alliances.
HRM as I see it
Watch the interview with the HR professional Markus Hiemann (p. 520). Ask yourself, or discuss
in your study groups: [1] How has the idea of sustainability evolved over time? [2] Should
sustainability be driven from the top down or from the bottom up? [3] How can sustainability
goals be combined with performance management?
Tip to students: To write the report, refer back to Chapter 6 on Employee performance and
development, in particular Figure 6.1 (p. 192) A performance management cycle; Figure 6.2 (p.
196). A comprehensive report on this case will note the potential for tension between
performance appraisal that is oriented towards judgements. Finally, do refer back to the section
on ‘Tension and Paradox’ in Chapter 13 (p.436) for potential impacts of low-carbon technology
on people.
Tip to students: The debate on creating a low-carbon workplace has many parallels with the
debate on creating a high-performance workplace (Chapter 13). For a contrasting and broader
view of re-engineering the workplace, refer to read the article by Willmott (1995), which offers a
critique and a counter argument. Also refer to the Special edition of New Technology, Work and
Employment, Volume 23, No. 3 (2008), which examines the limits of high-performance
workplaces that is relevant to the debate on ‘greening’ the workplace.
Tip to students: A comprehensive answer to this questionwould, after defining the terms, would
explain developments in environmental management and identifying common strands in job
redesign literature (Look at Table 13.1 to help). The outcomes of reduced carbon emmissions
and new skills and job satisfaction need to be judged against the alleged negative consequences
by critics.