Order: Original / Duplicate Institute Name

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Institute Name Name of Department/School/Center/Cell:

Date: 22-01-2019
1. Contingency
2. Equipment / Software
3. Computer Purchase
4. Repair & Maintenance
ORDER 5. Faculty Research Grant
6. Book Journal
7. Others
Seller Information

Ref: Your quotation No.

Dear Sir,
As per quotation under reference please supply the following articles/execute the following work within 30 days.
Payment may be claimed on submission of this order in original along with your bill/invoice and challans in triplicate.

Sl. PARTICULARS Unit Price Quantity TotalPrice

No. (In Rs.) (InRs.)
1 Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 9,960.00 1 9,960.00

2 WD My passport 2 TB External HDD 5760.00 1 5760.00

3 Logitech MK220 Wireless Mouse & keyboard 1220.00 1 1220.00

4 Sandisk Pen Drive OTG 3.0 64 GB 1400.00 1 1400.00

Sub Total 18,340.00

Add GST (5%) 917.00

Total price, INCLUSIVE ALL, Rs. 19257.00


Signature of the HOD with Seal

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