Factors That Determine Dividend Payout. Evidence From The Financial Service Sector in South Africa
Factors That Determine Dividend Payout. Evidence From The Financial Service Sector in South Africa
Factors That Determine Dividend Payout. Evidence From The Financial Service Sector in South Africa
1 (2018)
Abstract: Dividend payout signals good news to investors. Firms’ that pays out dividends demonstrate that they have
enough cash to distribute the excess to shareholders while investing in profitable projects. This study investigated the
factors that determine dividend payout using ten companies listed in the financial service sector from 2012-2016. Using
a multiple regression analysis, the result reveals that return on asset, return on equity and earnings per share, accounts
for only 57% of dividend payout movements. Furthermore, only the earnings per share are significantly positively
correlated to dividend payout while return on asset and return on equity was not. This finding implies that, firms in the
financial service sector in South Africa have been distributing dividends to their shareholders from their earnings and
other sources, which might possibly be from borrowing. This finding is contrary to the theory suggested by finance
Keywords: dividend payout; return on asset; return on equity; Earnings per share; financial service sector
1.1. Introduction
Dividend policy is and will remain an integral part of a financial policy. Brealey and Myers
(2002) is of opinion that dividend policy is a very complex financial management topic and is
among the top ten puzzles in finance literature. Dividend policy has several implications from
both the firms’ perspective and the shareholders’ view point. From the firm’s perspective,
dividend policy is vital because it determines the total amount of funds to be paid to investors in
the form of cash dividends and the fraction that is retained in the firm for operational and
investment purposes (Ross et al., 2002).
Retained earnings represent an important source of internal financing which is readily available to
the firm and is cheaper than the other sources of financing. From an investors view point, dividend
pay-out represents an important source of cash flow and sends positive signals about the firm’s
future growth prospects (Gitman, 2005). Horn and Wachoivicz (1995) points that cash dividend
payment may resolve uncertainty amongst investors regarding the future performance of the firm.
According to Malombe (2011), cash dividend payment provides a far greater share of investors
return than capital gain, this was evident in the United States of America where the total returns
from 2000 to 2011 of securities in the Standard & Poor 500 (S&P 500) and the Russell 3000
where examined. One important observation was that cash dividend made up the lion’s share of
the total return.
According to Kostyuk (2006), securities that pay higher dividends tend to have higher dividend
yields which usually results in long term earning growth. According to Chhatoi (2015), high or
Lecturer, University of Western Cape, School of Business and finance, South Africa, Corresponding author:
[email protected].
E-mail: [email protected].
Journal of Acco unting and Ma nagem ent ISSN: 2284 – 9459 J AM vol. 8 , no. 1 (2018)
regular dividend implies that the firm has a benchmark for performance which increases the
overall financial position of the firm. In addition to the fact that cash dividend offers a reliable
source of earning, investors prefers certainty in the form of dividends than future capital gain
which is perceived to be risky.
Considering the relative importance of cash dividend to investors and value of a firm, it is
imperative to investigate the factors that affect dividend pay-out in South African firms, more
specifically, the financial service sector. Finance literature suggests that dividend pay-out is
positively correlated to earnings. In order words, firms turn to pay-out more dividends when their
earnings increase. However, it might not always be the case, some firms incur huge amounts of
debts to pay out dividends just to keep their shareholders happy. In the process of paying out
dividends from debts, these businesses in turn go bankrupt. Prior research by Je Jager (2011)
shows that, South African businesses paid out dividends from revaluing their liabilities. Although
Je Jager’s (2011) study was important, it mostly focused on fair value accounting and dividend
policy. In South Africa, little or no research has been conducted in this area, therefore there exist a
paucity of research in this area of finance. This study seeks to investigate the determinants on
dividend pay-out of firms in the financial service sector.
Journal of Acco unting and Ma nagem ent ISSN: 2284 – 9459 J AM vol. 8 , no. 1 (2018)
explanation of the main factors that affect dividend payout. There have been a lot of studies
conducted on this topic in other countries but little or no research exist in this area in South
Africa. One of such studies was conducted by Rafique (2012) to examine the factors that
determine dividend payout for 53 companies in the Karachi stock exchange in Pakistan. Dividend
payout was used as the dependent variable and Earnings, Firm Size, growth, corporate tax and
financial leverage was used as the independent variables. The relationship was tested using a
panel data for 6 years (2005-2010). Using a multivariate regression analysis, the results showed
that only corporate tax and firm’s size had a significant relationship with dividend payout. This
implies that firms in Pakistan tend to pay higher dividends when they increase in size and pay
lesser tax. Despite the relevance of this study, it was conducted in Pakistan and its findings might
not be relevant to South Africa.
In another study to investigate the relation between dividend pay-out and profitability, Hasan,
Ahmad, Rafiq and Rehman (2015) selected a sample of 2 Pakistani firms one from the Fuel and
Energy sector and the other from the Textile sector. The authors used dividend pay-out as the
dependent variable and return on assets, earnings per share as independent variable. The
regression analysis used showed a negative relationship between dividend pay-out and earnings
which was significant at 5%. In other words, decreasing profitability of firm measured in terms of
earnings per share will increase dividend pay-out. The authors concluded managers can maximize
shareholders value by decreasing dividend pay-out. However, there are several limitations to this
study, firstly, the study used only 2 firms, a very small sample which might not be representative
of all the firms. Secondly, the effect of return on asset on dividend pay-out was not reported in the
study and thirdly, the study was conducted in Pakistan (Asia) and therefore, its findings may not
be applicable in South Africa.
In another Asian study, Ajanthan (2013) used 16 hotels and restaurants listed on the Colombo
stock exchange during a period 2006 to 2011 to investigate the relationship between dividend pay-
out and firms profitability in Sri Lanka. Using a correlation and regression analysis, the results
indicated that there is a significant relationship between dividend payout and a firms’ profitability.
The authors also found that 52.6% of the variability of profitability can be explained by dividend
pay-outs. This reveals that dividend payout is relevant and managers need to pay attention and
devout valuable time in designing their dividend policies to increase their profitability.
Elsewhere in Asia, Fitri, Hosen, and Muhari (2016) also examined the relationship between firms’
performance and dividend payout ratio using 30 firms listed on the Indonesia stock exchange from
2009 to 2014. Also using a regression analysis, their findings revealed that the coefficient of asset
growth was negatively correlated to dividend payout but ROA was positively correlated to
dividend payout. Therefore, the authors concluded that managers need to consider carefully the
impact of external factors on a firms’ profitability.
In an African study, Uwuige, Jafaru and Ajayi (2012) also investigated the relationship between
the financial performance and dividend payout for a panel made up of a sample of Nigerian
quoted non- financial firms from 2006 to 2010. The authors also used a pooled regression to
analyse this effect. The study showed a significant positive relationship between firms’
performance and dividend payout. In addition, this study also revealed that there is a significant
relationship between ownership structure, firms’ size and dividend policy. The authors concluded
that managers should seek for ways to continually increase their dividend payout in order to
maximise shareholders wealth.
Journal of Acco unting and Ma nagem ent ISSN: 2284 – 9459 J AM vol. 8 , no. 1 (2018)
In another African study, Malombe (2011) contributed to the dividend puzzle literature by
investigating the effect of profitability on dividend policy of not for profit and not for charity
financial firms in Kenya. The authors used a sample of 30 licensed firms over a period of 5 years.
Their results showed a positive relationship between dividend policy and profitability. The author
concluded a constant percentage of the firms earnings be distributed in the form of dividend as it
will create certainty to shareholders which will increase the value of the firm.
Although informative, the abovementioned studies were conducted in Asia and West Africa and
didn’t clearly indicate the main factors that affect dividend payout. Moreover, the studies that
analysed the factors that affect dividends payout where not conducted in South Africa and their
findings may not be applicable in the South African context. This will fill the research gap in
South Africa.
Journal of Acco unting and Ma nagem ent ISSN: 2284 – 9459 J AM vol. 8 , no. 1 (2018)
ROAit = Return on Asset for the firm at time t which was also used as a proxy for
Performance and is measured as net profit after tax divided by total
EPSit = Earnings per share for the firm at time t which was used as a proxy for
Performance and is measured as net profit after tax divided by number of ordinary shares
Journal of Acco unting and Ma nagem ent ISSN: 2284 – 9459 J AM vol. 8 , no. 1 (2018)
Table 4. ANOVAa
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) .285 .349 .817 .418
EPS .194 .024 .779 8.131 .000 .947 1.056
ROA -2.419 2.626 -.086 -.921 .362 .992 1.008
ROE .689 1.143 .058 .603 .549 .941 1.063
a. Dependent Variable: Div
1.8. Conclusion
As already indicated, the objective of this study was to determine the factors that affect DPO and
ROA, ROE and EPS firms’ performance where was used as measures of performance. From the
findings, it was observed that only a firm’s EPS has a significant impact on DPO and accounts for
only 43% of dividend payout. This result is contrary to the study of Rafique (2012) who found
that DPO is entirely dependent on corporate tax and firm’s size. In another study by Forti,
Journal of Acco unting and Ma nagem ent ISSN: 2284 – 9459 J AM vol. 8 , no. 1 (2018)
Peixoto, Alves (2015), the authors found that DPO is as results of profit growth, market value and
firm’s size.
The finding of this study is also contradicts the study of Fitri et al. (2016) found that ROA is
significantly positive to DPO. This study therefore uncovers new insight in the South African
context in that ROA and ROE are insignificantly correlated to DPO. Therefore managers should
deploy aggressive marketing and other strategies to increase the firms’ profitability to increase
EPS which will enhance DPO.
Despite the significance of this study, an important limitation is that the sample size used was
small. Further research with regards to dividend-payout and profitability using a larger sample
could shed better light on these phenomena.
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