Soap Making Process
Soap Making Process
Soap Making Process
Arel-rluk, ful tra-al-d Derek.
United States Patent Office 2,970,116
Patented Jan. 31, 1961
scharacteristics. No unusual equipment not available in
ordinary soap required.
2,970,116 The transparent soap produced by the present inven
tion has a pleasing firm yet velvety texture. During
SOAPMAKING PROCESS Washing it does not form a mushy coating on its surface,
William A. Kelly, Teaneck, and Harry D. Hamilton, and does not mar the appearance of the soap dish. It
Montvale, N.J., assignors to Lever Brothers Company, : does not tend to form unsightly cracks, as is the case
New York, N.Y., a corporation of Maine with many milled soaps. If the soap of the present
Filed July 16, 1957, Ser. No. 672,214 invention is maintained for considerable lengths of time
in contact with water, as happens occasionally when an
6 'Claims. (C. 252-368) incompletely dry soap dish is used, it may become cloudy
as to that contacted portion, but the soap, upon removal
from such contact, will return to its original firmness and
This invention is concerned with a novel process for transparency. Furthermore, and most surprisingly, bars
5.of soap made by the process of this invention have the
the manufacture of transparent soap and with the prod very desirable and unique advantage that they may be
lucts obtained by that process which also possess all the used even though worn to wafer thinness. Waste is
desirable properties of the highest quality milled soap. therefore avoided.
Although it, has been appreciated that soaps ordinarily Soaps may range from opaqueness through a trans
identified as milled soap have some small degree of trans 20 lucency into true transparency, depending upon the meth
lucency, they have no transparency and are not consid ..od of manufacture. Various methods have been used
ered by those skilled in the soap art as transparent soaps. to evaluate the translucency, and more specifically the
Soaps are known in the art, however, as transparent soaps, transparency of soaps. A method for accurately measur
and some have enjoyed for many years a limited com ing this property of a bar of soap is by the use of the
mercial appeal. However, such soaps are expensive due 25 following, apparatus developed for this purpose. A bar
to the method of making them, and those so-called trans of soap is placed, in a completely darkened room, on
parent soaps which attempted to use cheaper methods of top of a cone section surrounding a light source of vari
production are no longer found to be acceptable by pres able voltage. The cone section has a diameter of a
ent:day commercial standards. inch at the top and 2% inches at the base, which sur
One method used in the production of the more accept 30 rounds the face of the light; the top of the cone section
able type of transparent soap is to prepare a soap base is 9% inches above the face of the lamp, and the lamp
of reduced moisture content and then dissolve this soap is a microscope lamp with a 120-volt, 15-watt bulb hav
in alcohol, removing the saline impurities by decantation. ing a blue ground-glass filter. The voltage across the
Alcohol is recovered from the soap by distillation. The lamp bulb is adjusted until the light from the top of
soap mass then is cooled to solidify and mold. This the cone section shines through a bar having a thickness
method is expensive, time consuming, and involves the of 2.75 cm. and forms a barely perceptible circular out
use of a high cost solvent. A cheaper method for manu line. The Voltage across the bulb is used as a measure
facturing a transparent soap used the well known cold of translucency, which is independent of color and is
process technique. Tallow low in free acid, coconut oil termed "Translucency Voltage' or "TV.' Thus, the
and rosin are Saponified with caustic soda in the presence 40 lower the TV is, the more translucent the bar. It is
of alcohol or alcohol and glycerin or in the presence possible
of a Sugar solution, and the soap mass recovered and nesses andto interpolatemeasure readily the TV at other bar thick
molded. Another method involves the semi-boiled proc herein. This method ofto determining the standard of 2.75 cm. used
translucency is be
ess and includes crutching the initial oils and fats at lieved to be superior to a reflectance test described in
approximately 140 F., saponifying with caustic, then add 45 the art, because it is relatively unaffected by soap color
ing lye, and stirring until the soap has reached a desired and gloss and avoids the difficulty of cutting
consistency. This is followed by adding sugar dissolved to a required thickness of only A6 of an inch. a soap bar
in water, or alcohol and glycerin, or combinations thereof. For purposes of comparison, an ordinary milled toile
The mass is again crutched at about 160 F., and desired Soap of good quality, even in the absence of pigments
perfume and dyestuff added. The soap mass is molded 50 Such as titanium dioxide which make it opaque, has a
by framing, then slabbed, cut and pressed. It is well TV of greater than 110, i.e., it is too opaque to be meas
known that neither the cold process nor the semi-boiled ured on the apparatus described. This is despite the fact
process produced soaps of high quality. that it has the sheen and glossiness which are commonly
Prior art processes for the production of transparent referred to as the translucency of milled soap, to dis
soap are discussed by F. W. Wells in "Soap and Chemi 55 tinguish it from the dull nature of frame soaps. The
cal Specialties,' volume XXXI, No. 6 and No. 7, June products of the present invention, on the other hand,
and July, 1955. As is mentioned in these articles, a trans have a TV of 35 or less, generally 30 or less, when
parent soap should be sufficiently transparent to permit freshly made. A bar of soap with a TV of 30 or less
boldface type of about 14 point size to be read easily meets the standard required to be called transparent.
through a section a thickness of a quarter inch. It is 60 In general, with the soaps of this invention there is an
with reference to this standard that the term "transparent" improvement in transparency upon aging of about six
is used in this application in describing the products of days or more, and in particular it is possible to practice
the novel process. our invention and produce a soap which, when fresh,
The primary advantage of the method of this invention may have a TV of more than 30, even as high as about
is that it makes possible for the first time the economical 65 35, which soap, when aged, will acquire the transparent
production of a transparent soap having excellent lather properties of a soap of a TV of about 30 or less. The
ing properties, firmness and a smooth appearance and difference between a bar of soap having a TV of 25 and
waxy feel. The transparent soap can be produced with one having a TV. of 35 is quite obvious to the unaided
out waste or time loss and with minimum cost. There is eye.
no solvent used which must be recovered. No additive 70 The most convenient starting material for the present
remains in the final bar product such as sugar, rosin, process is soap initially containing from about 28% to
alcohol, and the like which detract from its desirable about 34%, usually approximately 30% to 32%, mois
ar. - - - - -
a,970,116 4.
3 having the desired characteristics of a high grade milled
ture, e.g., a neat kettle soap. The precise composition Soap.
of the initial stock used to prepare the soap is not critical Neat kettle soap is a convenient example of the soap
as long as the composition does not differ materially Stock used. It is, however, not necessary that this be
from those ordinarily employed in the manufacture of the starting material. What is required is simply a soap
milled toilet soaps. Thus, for example, the relative pro mass, however prepared, which is capable of having its
portions of fatty acids from tallow and from coconut oil, moisture and salt contents adjusted to levels which permit
and the relative effects of such ingredients on the phy the finished soap bar to have moisture and salt levels
sical characteristics of milled toilet soap produced there within the critical range to be discussed below. The dry
from, are well known to soapmakers, and this knowledge 10 ing of neat kettle soap is only one of the possible ways of
is applicable in the formulation of the soap stock used obtaining such a soap and water mixture. An alternative
in the present invention. Tests conducted in developing method is, for example, the reaction between free fatty
the invention have indicated generally, for example, that acids and alkali, to which reaction mixture water is added
the percentage of tallow soap in the soap portion of the or removed as required in order to obtain a moisture
final product preferably should be in the range of about
70% to 90%, the remainder being coconut oil soap or 5 content within the required range.
equivalent materials. A soap within this range of ratios Particularly in the case of neat kettle soap which has
has good use properties. The ratio of about 75% tal been dried by the tubular or flash method and subse
low Soap to about 25% coconut oil soap is particularly quently chilled rapidly, a satisfactory degree of trans
parency is obtainable as early as during the mixing step.
When neat kettle soap, which is in the liquid state, 920 To accomplish this, the amount of soap in the mixer and
the type of mixer blades employed must be such that the
is used as the starting material, it is first subjected to soap offers a high degree of resistance to the motion of
ordinary crutching, during which free fatty acids, for ex the blades; because of this resistance, the mechanical
ample those from coconut oil, are added in order to re
duce the free alkali to a very low level. This crutching energy of the mixer blades is converted into heat energy,
and the desired temperature of the mixture thereby ob
operation is not a critical feature of the invention and tained without addition of heat from an external source.
may be conducted by any conventional crutching method. To obtain high degrees of transparency during the mix
The mixture during crutching is, as is conventional, in ing, the mixing
the liquid phase, at a temperature above 180° F., and a half hour, theistemperature conducted for periods of time of about
thereby being raised to be
preferably above 205 F. The crutched kettle soap, 30 tween 100 to 110 F., preferably to between 103 F.
which has a moisture content of from about 28% to 34%, and 106 F. Generally in commercial
usually approximately 30% to 32%, is next subjected to not convenient to spend this amount of production it is
time in mixing,
a drying step. As will be described below, the water since the desired transparency is more conveniently ob
level of the finished soap bar must be in a range within
certain limits, and the drying is therefore carried out 35 tained during the subsequent milling, which need be no
more than a nominal amount. The time of mixing gen
to an extent which permits this range to be readily ob erally
tained. The drying step can be carried out by any of as littleemployed is therefore about 15 minutes, although
as about 4 minutes is enough to obtain satisfac
the conventional drying methods, for example ordinary tory blending in of added materials such as perfume or
cabinet drying. It is, however, preferred to use the meth dye. The amount of working required will vary some
od commonly known as flash drying or, most preferably, 40 what depending upon the particular soap stock and the
the method of tubular drying as is described in U.S. particular working device used. The mixing times men
Patent No. 2,710,057 of Bassett and Packard. When
either flash drying or tubular drying has been used, the with thick counter-rotating ablades.
tioned above are those for Barbour-Stockwell mixer
It is, however, a
Soap at the end of the operation will be in the molten matter of routine testing to find the preferred conditions
state. It is then chilled and solidified, preferably into when other types of working are used.
flakes, before the mixing. There are some advantages, 45 It should be understood, however, that it is not criti
although not critical, in conducting the chilling opera cal to the process of preparing a soap bar of satisfac
tion rapidly. When ordinary cabinet drying is used, the tory transparency that any particular type of mixer be
soap will be in solid flaky form after the drying. used, or that there be any mixing step at all. Rather,
The next operation is conveniently that of mixing the the type of mixer is of consequence only in those cases
Soap flakes. Mixing provides the opportunity to incor 50 where it is desired to obtain a high degree of transparen
porate such optional ingredients as perfume and coloring cy during the mixing stage rather than at a different
matter. It is also a convenient time to adjust the water stage. It should also be understood that in order to ob
content, and the salt content. The condition of the soap tain a high degree of transparency during the mixing, it
mass at the time of the mixing operation preferably is necessary that the mechanical energy of the moving
should be one in which it will permit a working and 55 mixer blades be taken up by the soap in the form of
shearing of the mass to be performed. For example, heat energy. Thus, a high degree of transparency will
the soap mass should not be so hot that it is too soft or not be obtained during the mixing when a mixer with
fluid to resist the operation of the mixer. For this reason, blades which pass through the soap without encounter
the temperature of the soap at the beginning of the mix ing much
ing step should be below about 90° F., and preferably ternally. resistance is used along with heat supplied ex
should be in the range of from 80° to 85 F. During It is detrimental to the obtention of transparency, not
the mixing of stocks of usual types and with usual me
chanical equipment and time, the temperature should only during the mixing but at any subsequent stage, to
not rise above about 110 F., and preferably not above allow 110
the temperature of the soap mass to be above about
F. during the mixing. Preferably the temperature
06 F. 65
At some point, preferably before the end of the mixing is kept below 106 F.
step, the moisture content and the salt content must be The working effect of mixing is preferably amplified
adjusted so that in the finished product they will be with over by subjecting the soap mass to milling. A single pass
in the limits which will be discussed below. During the to obtain two five-roll mills is normally sufficient. In order
mixing step, small amounts of various optional ingredi O cal that asa satisfactory degree of transparency, it is criti
the soap mass emerges from the mill it be
ents are added when desired. These include such sub
stances as perfume, coloring materials, lanolin, resin, erably at a temperature of from 100° F. to about 110° F., pref.
sorbitol, and preservatives. The presence or absence of parent from becomes
103 to 106 F. Soap not already trans
so during milling, provided it has the
any, some, or all of these optional ingredients is not
controlling to the production of a transparent soap bar 75 correct Salt and moisture content, and provided suitable
5 6
critical temperatures have been maintained. It is to be bar. Also warped or shrunk bars may result due to loss
understood that a refiner of the type described in Pat of moisture.
ent No. 2,005,333 may be substituted for the usual mill With a soap having a water content above 25%, how
rolls and mixer, assuming always that the same suitable ever, milling and plodding are not effectively performed
conditions are maintained relative to the soap stock used. because the soap is too fluid unless its salt content is
It is thus seen that what is required to make transparent very high, that is, above about 0.95%. Bars of sodium
Soap by the process of the present invention is that a soap having a salt content above about 0.95%, however,
Soap mass having the critical salt and water proportions never, even upon prolonged aging, develop transparency
be subjected to working, its temperature raised to with even when otherwise made in accordance with the proc
in the range of 100°-110 F., preferably 103-106° F., 0. ess of this invention.
and subsequently formed into bars. The working may The areas in which the salt and water content should
take place during a mixing and/or a milling operation. lie to obtain a transparent soap are shifted somewhat
One of the functions of the milling operation is that upward and to the left, i.e., toward a range of higher
the soap emerges from the mill in the form of very thin, salt content and lower moisture content, when a portion
flaky layers suitable for compacting by plodding into a 5 of the soap, say from 5% to 25%, is potassium soap
bar form. The remaining steps in the conversion into instead of sodium soap.
bar form are not critical features, and are successfully When in the specification and the claims the term
accomplished by any conventional means. There is, "salt' is employed, particular reference is made to so
however, an advantage to the use of vacuum plodding, dium chloride, but it is also intended to include other
since it most conveniently prevents air from becoming 20 water-soluble, soap-compatible electrolytes such as so
entrapped in the soap bar and thereby impeding trans dium carbonate, potassium chloride, sodium sulfate, so
lucency. It is advantageous that the soap leave the plod dium silicate and sodium tripolyphosphate. There is
der at a temperature of from 98 to 110 F., preferably some evidence to indicate that when the salt is sodium
from 103 to 106 F. After the plodding, the soap is tripolyphosphate, transparent soap is obtained when the
cut into individual cakes by usual means. 25 areas 'A' and “B” in the attached figure are shifted
As has been mentioned above, it is critical to the Somewhat to the left, i.e., toward somewhat lower mois
process of this invention that, at least before the end ture contents.
of the working, the water and salt contents be adjusted Throughout the entire specification and in the claims,
So that the finished soap has a water and salt content all percentages are percentages by weight.
within a critical range. During the milling and plodding 30 The following examples are given solely for the pur
operation, a certain portion of the water, usually an pose of illustration and are not to be deemed limitations
amount Sufficient to reduce its percentage in the mixture of this invention, many variations of which are possible
by about 2 to 3, may be lost by evaporation, and this without departing from the spirit or scope thereof.
loss must be borne in mind when the water content is
adjusted. 35 Example I
The interrelationship of the salt and water content of Kettle soap, the soap portion of which contained ap
a freshly plodded soap utilizing a conventional soap stock proximately 75% tallow sodium soap and 25% coconut
involving approximately 75% fatty acids from tallow and oil sodium soap, the mixture containing about 0.25%
25% fatty acids from coconut oil is illustrated by way
of example in the attached drawing. This drawing in 40 Sodium chloride and an alkalinity of 0.15% expressed
as sodium oxide, was charged into a crutcher, and the
general illustrates by area “B” the relationship of salt free alkalinity reduced to between 0.025% and 0.04% by
and water which permits the production of a transparent the addition of coconut fatty acid. During the crutching,
Soap bar as freshly plodded. Area "A," outside of area
“B,” illustrates a relationship of salt and water composi which was atto205 F, the moisture content of the soap
tion which results in a transparent soap having a TV 45 wasByadjusted 30-32%.
the tubular drying method of U.S. Patent No.
value of 30 after a reasonable period of aging, such as 2,710,057, the moisture of the soap was reduced to be
six days. Such soaps lying in area "A" would have a tween 19-20%. The soap was then chilled rapidly on
TV value as high as 35 when freshly plodded. a chill roll to 80-85 F. The dried chips were weighed
It is to be noted that area “B” shown in the attached
drawing is not rectangular but generally oval and rep 50 into a 900-1000 pound mixer fitted with thick counter
rotating blades. 2% water and sufficient sodium chlo
resents a range of soap compositions having a water con ride to adjust the finished bar to 0.4% salt content were
tent of from about 17.8% to about 21.9%, and a salt added. The batch was then mixed for 15 minutes. Dur
content of from about 0.16% to about 0.65%. Area ing this period, the temperature of the soap rose from
“A” lying outside of area “B” represents water content 80-85 F. to 100-105 F. without the addition of external
limits of about 17.6% and about 22.6% and salt content 55 heat. During this same 15 minute period, the soap was
limits of about 0.12% and about 0.72%. There may be converted to a partially transparent state. As the batch
instances in which a soap having a higher salt and high was being mixed, the moisture of the soap was deter
er moisture formulation lying in an area involving a mined, and adjusted to 22% water by the addition of
higher moisture and salt content outside of area "A" Water.
will acquire a TV value of 30 or less after aging for a 60 The mixed batch was then milled by a single pass over
period of a month or more. For example, a freshly two five-roll mills. The clearances between the mills
plodded soap bar of 25% water and a salt content of were 0.040, 0.025, 0.015 and 0.010 inch in the first mill
0.90% may ultimately acquire a TV value of 30 or and 0.025, 0.015, 0.010 and 0.005 inch in the second
less, assuming the other critical steps of the process have mill. The temperature was controlled so that the soap
been carried out as described above. This particular 65 left the second mill at a temperature between 100 and
phenomenon is apparently one of ultimate loss of water 106 F. At the end of the milling, the soap was highly
by a slow drying out of the soap bar. This is similar transparent. The soap was then plodded into a con
to the previously described phenomen that occurs when a tinuous bar using a vacuum plodder, the extrusion tem
bar is soaked in water and becomes cloudy but which 70 perature being 103-106 F. The moisture content of
after drying returns to the original transparency. This the finished bar was 19.5%, and it had a TV of 28. As
particular area, however, is of no great importance com freshly prepared, bars of soap made by this procedure
mercially due to the fact that aging may be required for consistently had a TV no greater than 30, generally be
a period as high as several months in order to obtain a tween 26 and 28, and after about 6 days aging, a TV of
transparency having a TV value of 30 or less in the soap between about 20 and 25, generally nearer 20, -
7 8
Example II Example VIII
The procedure of Example I was followed, except that To illustrate the criticality of the limits of water and
during the crutching, 0.1% of the sodium salt of ethylene salt content, the procedures of Examples I through V,
diamine-tetracetic acid was added as a preservative, and inclusive, were repeated, but the water content of the
during the mixing the following ingredients were added: finished bars was 20%, and the sodium chloride content
0.7% fern cologne-type perfume, 1.0% lanolin, and was 1.0%. The bars all had TV values above 110, i.e.,
0.001.6% Monastral Fast Green pigment. The TV of the they were too high to measure by the method described,
finished product was the same as the product in Ex Although they had luster, they were not truly translucent,
ample I. O
but were actually opaque.
Example III Example IX
The procedure of Example II was followed, except that A soap was prepared and crutched as in Example I.
besides the ingredients added in Example II, 1.0% Stay It was then cabinet dried to a moisture content of 20.5%.
belite resin and 0.7% sorbitol were also added during The dried soap was then mixed and milled as in Example
the mixing. The TV of the soap made by this method 5 I. The product was highly transparent.
was slightly improved over that of Example I and Ex Example X
ample II when the products were compared in the freshly The procedure of Example I was repeated, except that
made state, but when compared after about a week of
aging, they were substantially the same. the soap was milled at 94 F. and extruded from the
20 plodder at 93 F. As freshly made, the soap bar had
Example IV a moisture content of 19.7%, but its TV was 44.
The procedure of Example I was repeated, except that Example XI
the mixing was continued for 30 minutes, instead of for The procedure of Example I was repeated, except that
only 15 minutes as in Example I. By the end of the
30 minutes of mixing, the temperature of the mixture was 25 the soap was milled at 120 F. The finished bar was
106 F., and the soap was transparent. It was then Opaque.
It is to be understood that various modifications of
plodded in a vacuum plodder without milling, and the the method and product described herein will readily
freshly made bars had a TV of 30 or less. occur to those skilled in the art. All such modifications
Example V 30 are intended to be included within the scope of the inven
Kettle soap, the soap portion of which contained ap tion as defined in the accompanying claims.
proximately 75% tallow sodium soap and 25% coconut This application is a continuation-in-part of copending
oil sodium soap, the mixture containing about 0.25% application Serial No. 456,148, filed September 15, 1954,
Sodium chloride and an alkalinity of 0.15% expressed as by William A. Kelly and Harry D. Hamilton and now
Sodium oxide, was charged into a crutcher, and the free 35 abandoned.
alkalinity reduced to between 0.025% and 0.04% by the What is claimed is:
1. A process for making a transparent soap bar having
addition of coconut fatty acid. During the crutching, a translucency voltage of no greater than about 35, said
which was at 205 F., the moisture content of the soap process comprising working below about 110 F. a toilet
was adjusted to 30-32%.
By the tubular drying method of U.S. Patent No. 40 soap mass having a very low level of free alkali wherein
2,710,057, the moisture of the soap was reduced to be the mechanical energy is converted into heat energy by
tween 19–20%. The soap was then chilled rapidly on working to an extent great enough to cause the mixture
a chill roll to 80-85 F. The dried chips were weighed to rise in temperature to within a range of from about
into a 900-1000 lb. mixer fitted with thick counter-rotat 100 F. to about 110 F., the moisture and water-soluble,
ing blades. 2% water and sufficient sodium chloride to soap-compatible, alkali metal salt content having been
adjust the finished bar to 0.4% salt content were added. adjusted prior to the end of the working step to lie with
The batch was then mixed for 3 minutes, at the end of in the combined areas 'A' and "B" of the drawing hereof
which time the temperature was still in the 80-85 F. in the finished bar, and plodding the soap mass into bar
range. form.
The mixed batch was then milled by a single pass over 50 2. A process for making a transparent soap through
the two five-roll mills previously described. During the which mass one-fourth inch thick, a 14-point boldface
milling, the mechanical energy of the rollers was con type is readable, said process comprising working at a
verted into heat energy, and the temperature of the mills temperature above 90' F. and below 110 F., a toilet
was controlled so that the soap rose from the original soap mass having a very low level of free alkali whereby
80-85 F. to 103-106 F. At the end of the milling, heat is generated throughout said mass by Such working,
the soap was highly transparent. It was formed into bars 55 reducing said mass at a temperature between 100 and
by plodding. 110 F. to a form suitable for plodding, plodding said
Example VI soap mass into a bar form, the moisture and water
The procedures of Examples I through V, inclusive, soluble, soap-compatible, alkali metal salt content of Said
were all carried out repeatedly, the only changes being 60 mass having been adjusted prior to plodding to a range
within combined areas 'A' and 'B' of the drawing
in the water content and the salt content of the finished
Soap bar. When the water and salt contents were within hereof.
3. A process for making a transparent soap having a
the area "A" of the attached drawing, the freshly pre translucency
pared bars had a TV of 35 or less, and when the water voltage of less than 35, said value being
and salt contents were within the area “B” of the at based upon the voltage required to transmit sufficient
tached drawing, the freshly prepared bars had a TV of light from a 15-watt, 120-volt microscope lamp through
a blue ground-glass filter at a distance of 9% inches, to
30 or less. Similar results were obtained using sodium penetrate a 2.75 cm. thickness of said soap and form a
carbonate, potassium chloride, sodium sulfate, and sodium circular outline
silicate as the salt, therein, said process comprising reducing
Example VII 70 the moisture content of a molten neat kettle soap com
The procedure of Example I above was repeated, but position having a very low level of free alkali to Sub
stantiary less than 22.6% moisture and a water-Soluble,
the salt content of the finished bar was 0.9% and the soap-compatible,
moisture content was 24%. Bars of soap freshly made less than 0.72%,alkali metal salt content to Substantially
by this procedure had a TV of about 47, but after aging temperature rises to not moresaidthan
working soap mass whereby the
110 F., reducing the
for about 6 months, the TV was less than 30. 75
mass to a ploddable form, and plodding into bars while 10
maintaining the temperature substantially uniform, where 110 F. to a form suitable for plodding, plodding said
by a waxy textured, transparent, isotropic, micro soap mass into a bar form, the moisture and water
crystalline soap is obtained. soluble, soap-compatible, alkali metal salt content of said
4. A transparent soap bar prepared by the process of mass having been adjusted prior to plodding to a range
claim 1. within area “B” of the drawing hereof.
5. A process for making a transparent soap through 6. A transparent soap bar prepared by the process of
claim 5.
which mass one-fourth inch thick, a 14-point boldface
type is readable, said process comprising working at a References Cited in the file of this patent
temperature above 90 F. and below 110 F., a toilet 0.
soap mass having a very low level of free alkali whereby UNITED STATES PATENTS
heat is generated throughout said mass by such working, 2,649,417 Compa --------------- Aug. 18, 1953
reducing said mass at a temperature between 100 and 2,686,761 Ferguson ------------- Aug. 17, 1954