Art 2 Syllabus 2019

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ART 2: Developing Ideas in Media

Howard High School Art Department

Instructor: Mrs. Hensley
[email protected]

HCPSS Course Overview:

Art 2: Developing Ideas in Media: Prerequisite Art I or portfolio review. This course is the second in a four-year studio art program,
designed to challenge students to refine their skills in visual arts media and creative problem solving. Problems posed become
increasingly complex and require students to draw upon knowledge of traditional and contemporary art practices from diverse
sources. Student work reflects an increasing understanding of the importance of the idea generation and design
process, to support personal meaning and the development of a personal aesthetic.

HCPSS Fundamental Visual Arts Experiences:

 Recognize and identify the differences among philosophies of art: perceptual, formal and expressive when making critical
 Recognize various cultural exemplars within the societal context in which master arts worked and the influences upon them.
 Apply various conceptual and technical approaches to a problem using a variety of media.
 Effectively design and compose space.
 Employ appropriate health and safety precautions.
 Follow a series of directions and persevere to complete a task in a timely manner.
 Maintain a cumulative portfolio personal work and a sketchbook/journal of images as resource for idea generation.

HCPSS Visual Arts Long Term Transfer Goals

Students will be able to:
 Experiment and take risks to investigate multiple solutions to a problem.
 Respond to technical, formal and conceptual ideas and challenges.
 Use knowledge and understanding to create engaging, purposeful art with a focus personal choice-making and quality.
 Respond to the artistic expression of others through informed understanding, critical analysis, and personal aesthetics.
 Select and prepare work for an audience.
 Reflect upon work to guide and inform their behaviors and processes.

HCPSS Visual Arts Grading Standards:

Each student will compile a portfolio that consists of all the work done in class. Assignments will be evaluated in Canvas based upon the
following rubric standards:
1. Idea Generation – Applies strategies to generate a variety of solutions to a given art problem.
2. Design/Organization – Organizes ideas through the use of compositional / formal strategies and materials.
3. Personal Choice-making and Meaning – Uses best practices and experiences to inform and develop an authentic voice.
4. Craftsmanship – Employs media strategies, techniques and processes to refine and insure the quality and the final presentation of
the completed assignment.
5. Studio Skills & Practices – Demonstrates artistic behaviors in the studio environment: perseverance of task, appropriate use of tools
and materials and respect for others and their work.
6. Reflection & Responding – Communicates an understanding of concepts and strategies, personal choices, through the analysis and
evaluation of artworks.
Grades will be based upon HCPSS grading policy percentages:
A = 89.5 - 100% B = 79.5 - 89.4%C = 69.5 - 79.4% D = 59.5 - 69.4%
Grades are based upon straight total points and are not weighted by category.

Deadlines, Late and Missing Work:

All artwork will be due on a prearranged date which will be posted on Canvas.
Final assignments handed in late will have 10 points deducted each day until it’s worth half-credit. You may receive up to ½ credit for
final assignments until the end of the quarter.
Homework & sketchbook assignments handed in late will be worth half credit.
Excused Absence:
You are responsible for asking the instructor what you missed – you get one make-up day for each day you were excused.
Unexcused Absence:
You are responsible for asking the instructor what you missed - late work point deductions apply. Work must be done at home.
Extensions on a FINAL assignment will be given at my discretion and only to those students who work diligently in class and cannot finish
or work meticulously…not to those who waste studio time.
Do-Over Policy – If you’re not happy with the job you did on a FINAL assignment the first time around - you can rework or redo the
project and resubmit it. The re-do grade will be averaged with the grade of your 1 st attempt (limit 1 do-over per quarter)
#2 pencils & white eraser – come prepared with these every day.
Sketchbook – We will be using a sketchbook starting on the second day of school. The sketchbook will be used for class notes, image
collection, sketches for idea development, journaling, and critiques so I would highly recommend a spiral bound 9”x12” sketchbook that
will hold up.
Students with a strong interest in art may want to invest in their materials for extra practice or personal use.

General Course Outline:

First Semester: Second Semester:
Elements of Art: line, texture, value, shape, Principles of Design: balance, repetition, emphasis, movement,
form, space, color contrast, variety, proportion, unity
Space / Negative vs. Positive Ceramics / Clay Sculptures
Drawing / Learning to See Edges Scratchboard / Creating linear texture
Craftsmanship/Composition Printmaking / Multicolor Linoleum Prints
Still Life Drawing / Creating a Narrative Art Criticism / Feldman Method
Oil Pastel / Design- Based Techniques Aesthetics / 3 Theories of Aesthetic Style
Charcoal / Portraits Watercolor Painting / 3 Styles of Art
Disclaimer: Units may change due to needs of class.

Academic Integrity
Issues related to ownership of imagery, copyright law, and fair use will be addressed in class. Work that makes use of photographs,
published images, and/or other artists' works, must show substantial and significant development beyond duplication. This may be
demonstrated through manipulation of the formal qualities, design, and/or concept of the original work. Copying the work of others can
be seen as plagiarism, and unethical. It may violate copyright and fair use laws. Violation may possibly result in referral to the Honor
Council and loss of credit.

HCPSS Electronics Policy*

1. Students must comply with class and school rules and all relevant HCPSS Board Policies.
2. Administration, faculty, and staff may request at any time that students must turn off and put away technology devices. Failure to
do so may result in disciplinary action and possible revocation of privileges.
3. Individuals assume full responsibility for their non-HCPSS owned technology devices. This includes the device’s safety, security
and maintenance.
4. Schools may designate approved personal communication device zones/times on school grounds; however, personal
communication devices may not be used in locker rooms or bathrooms at any time.
5. Students must obtain consent from staff and participants before taking, uploading or sharing photos, recording audio, or
capturing video during the school day.
6. Any disruption to class or other educational activity may result in disciplinary action.
7. Privileges for personal communication devices vary according to grade level:
* High school students are permitted to carry personal communication devices with them during the school day. They must be turned
off or in silent mode at all times. These devices may not disrupt instructional times and should be put away (in a pocket, backpack,
notebook, or locker). Instructional time is defined as from the sound of the class late bell to the sound of the class dismissal bell. High
school students may use their personal communication devices before or after school hours, during lunch, and during hallway/transition

Studio Expectations:
Be in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings - If you are late to class, sign in and do not disrupt instruction. If you do not
have a pass, tardies will be addressed by following schoolwide policy.

1. Be in your assigned seat on time and prepared to learn.

2. Respect the art space and materials.
3. No negative remarks toward others.
4. Quiet and active focus during studio time.
5. Pay close attention during demonstrations.

Food and Beverage Policy: water is ok – nothing else.

Additional Art Department Opportunities: The National Art Honor Society meets after school bi-monthly in Room A219. The program
supports members in their efforts to attain the highest standards in art scholarship, character, and service, and to bring art education to
the attention of the school and community.
Art 2 Syllabus Contract

Mrs. Hensley
Howard High School

The syllabus is a contract. It can be found on my classroom website through Canvas.

 I acknowledge that I have read the entire course syllabus, and will abide by and support all of its stated policies.

x _______________________________________ x _______________________________________
student name (please print) student signature

 I acknowledge that I have read the entire course syllabus, have reviewed it with the student in my care, and will abide by and
support all of its stated policies.

x _______________________________________ x _______________________________________
parent name (please print) parent/guardian signature

Release Form
Some of the work undertaken this year will be selected for a school-based visual arts website, departmental promotion and articulation
with other schools, and exhibitions beyond the Howard County Visual Arts Exhibition calendar. For this purpose, the teacher will
photograph student artwork and record select quotes from reflective statements of classroom experiences to be used/reproduced on the
school based websites and art education publications/journals. Please note only student work for which parental permission has been
granted will be considered for publication or exhibition beyond the county. Permission is not required and will in no way affect the
assessment and grading of student work throughout the year.

Permission may be granted for the Howard High School Visual Arts Department Faculty to document your child, their artwork, and
reflective statements for possible publication in school-based websites and/or professional art education documents, state or national
exhibitions and journals through Canvas.

Communication Log

Date Concerning Contact Details

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