Curs Engleza - Balagiu

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Unit 1

Electrical services; Definitions; Location and construction

Electrical services required to maintain the ship in a normal seagoing

operational and habitable condition are to be capable of being maintained without
recourse to the emergency source of electrical power. Electrical services essential
for safety are to be maintained under various emergency conditions. The safety of
passengers, crew and ship from electrical hazards is to be assured.

1.1. Definitions
Essential services are those necessary for the propulsion and safety of the ship,
such as the following: air compressors for the engines; air pumps; automatic
sprinkler system; ballast pumps; bilge pumps; circulating and cooling water
pumps; communication systems; condenser circulating pumps; electric propulsion
equipment; extraction pumps; fans for forced draft to boilers; feed water pumps;
fire detection and alarm systems; fire pumps; fuel valve cooling pumps; hydraulic
pumps; lubricating oil pump; inert gas fans and scrubber and deck seal pumps;
lighting system for those parts of the ship normally accessible to and used by
personnel and passengers; navigational aids; navigation lights and special purpose
lights; oil fuel pumps and oil fuel burning units; oil separators; scavenge blowers;
steering gear; thrusters for dynamic positioning; valves that are required to be
remotely operated; ventilating fans for engine and boiler rooms; watertight doors,
shell doors and other electrical operated closing appliances; windlasses; power
sources and supply systems for supplying the above services.
The following services are considered necessary for minimum comfortable
conditions of habitability: cooking; heating; domestic refrigeration; mechanical
ventilation; sanitary and fresh water.
Other services are considered necessary to maintain the ship in a normal
seagoing operational and habitable condition: cargo handling and cargo care
equipment; hotel services, other than those required for habitable conditions;
thrusters, other than those used for dynamic positioning.
A ‘high voltage’ is a voltage exceeding 1000V a.c. or 1500V d.c. between
A ‘switchboard’ is a switchgear and control gear assembly for the control
of power generated by a source of electrical power and its distribution to electrical
A ‘section board’ is a switchgear and control gear assembly for
controlling the supply of electrical power from a switchboard and distributing it to
other section boards, distribution boards or final sub-circuits.
A ‘distribution board’ is an assembly of one or more protective devices
arranged for the distribution of electrical power to final sub-circuits.
2 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

A ‘final sub-circuit’ is that portion of a wiring system extending beyond

the final overcurrent device of a board.
‘Special category spaces’ are those enclosed spaces above or below the
bulkhead deck intended for the carriage of motor vehicles with fuel, for their own
propulsion, in their tanks, into and from which such vehicles can be driven, and to
which passengers have access.
‘Machinery spaces of Category A’ are those spaces and trunks to such
spaces which contain:
a) internal combustion machinery used for main propulsion, or
b) internal combustion machinery used for purposes other than main
propulsion where such machinery has in the aggregate a total power
output of not less than 375 kW; or
c) any oil-fired boiler or oil fuel unit.

1.2. Quality of Power supplies

All electrical equipment supplied from the main and emergency source of
electrical power is to be so designed and manufactured that is capable of operating
satisfactorily under normally occurring variations of voltage and frequency.
Unless specified otherwise electrical equipment, other than that supplied
by battery systems, is to operate satisfactorily with the following simultaneous
variations, from their normal value, when measured at the consumer input
a) voltage: permanent variations +5%, -5%
transient variations +10%, -10%
recovery time 1,5 seconds
b) frequency: permanent variations +6%, -10%
transient variations +20%, -15%
recovery time 5 seconds
Harmonics. Unless specified otherwise, the total harmonic distortion
(THD) of the voltage waveform at any switchboard or section-board is not to
exceed 8 per cent for all frequencies up to 50 times the supply frequency and no
voltage at a frequency above 25 times supply frequency is to exceed 1,5 per cent
of the supply voltage.

1.3. Location and construction

Electrical equipment is, as far as is practicable, to be accessibly placed, clear of
flammable material in well ventilated, adequately lighted spaces, in which
flammable gasses cannot accumulate and where it is not exposed to risk of
mechanical injury or damage from water, steam or oil. Where necessarily exposed
to such risks, the equipment is to be suitable constructed or enclosed. Live parts
are to be guarded where necessary.
Unit 1 Definitions; Location and Construction 3

All electrical apparatus is to be so constructed and so installed that it does

not cause injury when handled or touched in the normal manner.
Insulating materials and insulated windings are to be flame retard, and
resistant to tracking, moisture, sea air and oil vapour unless special precautions
are taken to protect them.
Equipment is not to remain alive through the control circuits and/or pilot
lamps when switched off by the control switch. This does not apply to
synchronizing switches and/or plugs.
The operation of electrical equipment and the lubrication arrangements are
to be efficient under such conditions of vibration and shock as arise in normal
All nuts and screws used in connection with current-carrying and working
parts are to be effectively locked.
Conductors and equipment are to be placed at such distance from the
magnetic compasses, or are to be so disposed, that the interfering magnetic field is
negligible when circuits are switched on and off.
Where electrical power is used for propulsion, the equipment is to be so
arranged that it will operate satisfactorily in the event of partial flooding by bilge
water above the tank top up to floor level.

1.4. Earthing
Except where exempted, all non-current carrying exposed metal parts of electrical
equipment and cables are to be earthed.
The following parts may be exempted:
a) lamp-caps, where suitably shrouded;
b) shades, reflectors and guards supported on lamp holders or light fittings
constructed of, or shrouded in, non-conducting material;
c) metal parts on, or screws in or through, non-conducting materials, which
are separated by such material from current carrying parts and from
earthed non-current carrying parts in such a way that in normal use they
cannot become live or come into contact with earthed parts;
d) apparatus that is constructed in accordance with the principle of double
e) bearing housings which are insulated in order to prevent circulation of
current in the bearings;
f) clips for fluorescent lamps;
g) cable clips and short lengths of pipes for cable protection;
h) apparatus supplied at a voltage not exceeding 55 V direct current or 55 V,
root mean square, between conductors or between any conductor and earth
in a circuit isolated from the supply. Autotransformers are not to be used
for the purpose of achieving the alternating current voltage;
4 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

i) apparatus or parts of apparatus which although not shrouded in insulating

material is nevertheless otherwise so guarded that it cannot be touched and
cannot come in contact with exposed metal.
Metal coverings of cables are to be effectively earthed at both ends of the
cable. In final sub-circuits, other than those installed in hazardous zones or spaces,
earthing at the supply end only will be considered adequate. Single point earthing
may be accepted for instrumentation cables if desirable for technical reasons.
The electrical continuity of all metal coverings of cables throughout the
length of the cable, particularly at joints and tapping, is to be ensured.
Metal parts of portable appliances, other than current-carrying parts and
parts exempted above are to be earthed by means of an earth-continuity conductor
in the flexible cable or cord through the associated plug and socket outlet.
Earthing conductors are to be of copper or other corrosion-resistant
material and be securely installed and protected where necessary against damage
and also, where necessary, against electrolytic corrosion. Connections are to be so
secured that they cannot work loose under vibration.
The nominal cross-section area of copper earthing conductors is, in general
to be equal to the cross-section of the current-carrying conductor up to 16 mm².
Above this figure they are to be equal to at least half the cross-section of the
current-carrying conductor with a minimum of 16 mm². Every other earthing
conductor is to have a conductance not less than that specified for an equivalent
copper earthing conductor.
The connection of the earthing conductor to the hull of the ship is to be
made in an accessible position, and is to be secured by a screw or stud of diameter
not less than 6mm which is to be used for this purpose only. Bright metallic
surfaces at the contact areas are to be ensured immediately before the nut or screw
is tightened and, where necessary, the joint is to be protected against electrolytic
corrosion. The connection is to remain unpainted.

1.5. Bonding for the control of static electricity.

Bonding straps for the control of static electricity are required for cargo tanks,
process plant and piping systems, for flammable products and solids liable to
release flammable gas and/or combustible dust, which are not permanently
connected to the hull of the ship either directly or via their bolted or welded
supports and where the resistance between them and the hull exceeds 1 MΩ.
Where bonding straps are required for the control of static electricity, they
are to be robust, that is, having a cross-sectional area of about 10 mm².

1.6. Alarms
Cables for emergency alarms and their power sources are to be of a fire resistant
type and to be run as directly as is practicable. Electrical equipment and cables for
Unit 1 Definitions; Location and Construction 5

emergency alarms are to be so arranged that the loss of alarms in any one area due
to localized fire, collision, flooding or similar damage is minimized.

Task 1 Match the expressions to the explanations: high voltage, switchboard,

section board, distribution board, final sub-circuit, special category spaces,
machinery spaces of category A.

Expression Explanation
1 is a switchgear and control gear assembly for the
control of power generated by a source of electrical
power and its distribution to electrical consumers.
2 is an assembly of one or more protective devices
arranged for the distribution of electrical power to
final sub-circuits.
3 is a voltage exceeding 1000V a.c. or 1500V d.c.
between conductors.
4 is that portion of a wiring system extending beyond
the final overcurrent device of a board.
5 are those enclosed spaces above or below the
bulkhead deck intended for the carriage of motor
vehicles with fuel, for their own propulsion, in their
tanks, into and from which such vehicles can be
driven, and to which passengers have access.
6 is a switchgear and control gear assembly for
controlling the supply of electrical power from a
switchboard and distributing it to other section
boards, distribution boards or final sub-circuits.
7 are those spaces and trunks to such spaces which
contain any oil-fired boiler or oil fuel unit.

1.7. Vocabulary
air compressor ~ compresor
air pump ~ pompă de aer
automatic sprinkler system ~ sistem automat de stropire
ballast pump ~ pompă de balast
bearing housing ~ carcasă a lagărului
bilge pump ~ pompă de santină
boiler ~ caldarină, căldare navală
bonding strap ~ bridă de fixare
circulating and cooling water pump ~ pompă de circulare şi răcire a apei
clips ~ bride, coliere
6 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

closing appliances ~ mecanisme de închidere

communication system ~ sistem de comunicare
condenser circulating pump ~ pompă de circulare a apei condensate
deck seal pump ~ pompă etanşeizare punte
distribution board ~ panou de distribuţie
earthing ~ împământare
electric propulsion equipment ~ echipamente electrice de propulsie
electrical power ~ putere/ energie electrică
emergency source ~ sursă în caz de avarie
enclosed space ~ spaţiu închis
extraction pump ~ pompă de extracţie
fan ~ ventilator
feed water pump ~ pompă de alimentare cu apă
final sub-circuit ~ subcircuit final
fire detection ~ detectare incendiu
fire pump ~ pompă de incendiu
flame retard ~ încetinire a arderii
fluorescent lamp ~ lampă fluorescentă
forced draft ~ tiraj forţat
fuel valve cooling pump ~ pompă de răcire a supapei de combustibil
habitable ~ locuibil
harmonic distortion ~ distorsionare armonică
hazard ~ accident/ pericol
hydraulic pump ~ pompă hidraulică
inert gas fan ~ ventilator pentru gaz inert
insulated winding ~ cablu izolat
lamp-cap ~ soclu de lampă
lighting system ~ sistem de iluminat
live parts ~ porţiuni/ elemente sub tensiune
lubricating oil pump ~ pompă pentru ulei de ungere
navigation lights ~ lumini de navigaţie
navigational aids ~ sisteme auxiliare de navigaţie
nut ~ piuliţă
oil fuel burning unit ~ incintă de ardere combustibil lichid
oil fuel pump ~ pompă de combustibil lichid
oil separator ~ separator combustibil
plug ~ priză
plug and socket outlet ~ fişă şi priză de curent
power output ~ randament
power source ~ sursă de putere
remotely operated ~ acţionat de la distanţă
scavenge blower ~ suflantă de purjare
Unit 1 Definitions; Location and Construction 7

screw ~ şurub
scrubber ~ epurator de gaze
section board ~ secţiune panou comandă
shade ~ abajur
shroud ~ a acoperi
special purpose lights ~ lumini speciale
steering gear ~ mecanism de guvernare
supply system ~ sistem de alimentare
switchboard ~ tablou de distribuţie
switchgear ~ aparataj de conexiuni, întrerupător
synchronizing switch ~ întrerupătoare sincronizate
thruster for dynamic positioning ~ elice laterală de poziţionare a navei
tracking ~ traseu
transient variations ~ variaţii tranzitorii
ventilating fan ~ ventilator
voltage ~ tensiune electromotoare
watertight door ~ uşă etanşă
windlass ~ vinci de ancoră
wiring system ~ sistem de cabluri

1.9. Engineering - General Vocabulary

Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with the suitable words: civil, mechanical,
electrical, electronic, marine, automobile, aeronautical, heating, ventilating,
electricity generating, electrical installation.
Engineering is largely a practical activity. It is about putting ideas into
action………….engineering is concerned with making bridges, roads, airports,
etc. ……………….engineering deals with the design and manufacture of tools
and machines. ……………… is about the generation and distribution
of electricity and its many applications. ……………… is concerned
with developing components and equipment for communications, computing and
so on.
Mechanical engineering includes………….., …………., …………., ………..,
and ……….. and others. Electrical engineering includes …………. …………,
…………. ………….., lighting, etc. Mining and medical engineering belong
partly to mechanical and partly to electrical.

Exercise 2
a. What are the branches of engineering?
b. What are the branches of electrical engineering?
c. Make a diagram with the main branches and sub-branches of engineering.
8 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

1.8. Suffixes
a. noun suffixes
Suffixes are groups of letters added at the end of a word that can change the word-class
and the meaning of the word. In English, certain suffixes are used to form nouns from
verbs, adjectives and other nouns. Knowing suffixes can help you to find out the word
you need without looking up a dictionary every time.

Verb + suffix
- ment: improvement; management; replacement
- ion: election; discussion; translation (to translate); complication (to complicate);
pollution (to pollute)
- ation: information; organisation (to organise)
- ing: jogging (to jog); spelling; shipping

Adjective + suffix
- ness: weakness; darkness; readiness (ready)
- ity: punctuality; similarity; flexibility (flexible); scarcity (scarce)

Noun/verb + suffix
- er: manager; employer (describe people’s jobs)
- or: director; operator (to operate); sailor (describe people’s jobs)
- ist: economist (economy); psychologist (psychology) (describe people’s jobs)
- hood: childhood; manhood (abstract nouns)
- ship: partnership; membership; friendship (abstract nouns, status)

Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word on the right.
Ex: Who made the …arrangements…for the meeting? ARRANGE
1. We had a very heated ….. in class today. DISCUSS
2. I think …. is very important. PUNCTUAL
3. The …. of the festival was excellent. ORGANISE
4. Who won the ….? ELECT
5. He’s never been very good at…. . SPELL
6. Their …. is all that matters to me. HAPPY
7. The …. between them is incredible. SIMILAR
8. Has there been much …. lately? IMPROVE
9. Have they got all the …. they need? INFORM
10. This animal only appears during the hours of… . DARK

Exercise 2. What do we call these people?

Ex: a person who dances ….dancer….
1. a person who murders someone
2. a person who acts
3. a person who works in economics
Unit 1 Definitions; Location and Construction 9

4. a person who farms

5. a person who translates
6. a person who employs other people
7. a person who works in psychology
8. a person who sings
9. a person who operates something
10. a person who plays football
11. a person who directs films
12. a person who writes articles in a newspaper

Exercise 3 Make nouns from the verbs and adjectives, and the necessary suffixes:

Verb Noun
Adjective Noun

Exercise 4 Do these words mean a thing, a person, or both?

1. a cooker; 2. a typewriter; 3. a ticket-holder; 4. a CD player;
5. a cleaner; 6. a smoker; 7. a drinker; 8. a dresser.

Exercise 5 Complete the following sentences with a form of the words in

1 In the ………………..industry, ………………..develop processes for producing
plastics, fibers, medicines, etc. from simple chemicals. (chemistry)
2 Producing steel using the Bessemer process is one of the best-known ……….
processes. (industry)
3 Most …………….. devices need oil as a lubricant. (mechanics)
4. Following the earthquake, every building had to be inspected to see whether it
had suffered any ………… damage. (structure)
10 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

5 Certain chemicals are added to glue to …………….. it. (hard)

6 Excavators and power shovels are two types of …………… equipment used by
…………….. when they are removing rocks from the ground. (mine)
Unit 2
Main and emergency sources of electrical power

2.1. Main source of electrical power

2.1.1. Generators
In order to provide electric power for the lighting system, auxiliaries, cranes,
derricks, hatches and for domestic use, the ship is equipped with one or more
generators. Aboard vessels a generator produces electricity of 380 volts or 440
volts. The voltage can be stepped down (reduced) to 220 volts or even 110 volts
by a transformer. A generator produces either alternating current (A/C) or direct
current (D/C). A converter is used to convert (change) A/C into D/C. alternating
current changes polarity about 50 times per second (“50 Hertz”). In the USA
generators produce electricity of 60 Hz.
The main parts of a generator are the rotor, the stator and the commutator.
The rotor is a rotating electro-magnet. It produces a magnetic field. The rotor
rotates within a stator. Around this stator, or armature, coils of wire are wound.
These coils induce (“make”) electric current. The process is called induction. The
induced current is collected by the commutator. Carbon brushes pass the current
to the circuit. Nowadays the modern generators do not have carbon brushes
because they require regular maintenance. Instead, the rotor is excited by the
direct current that is delivered by the stator.

2.1.2. Number and rating of generating sets

Under seagoing conditions, the number and rating of generating sets and
converting sets, when any one generating set or converting set is out of action,
a) to be sufficient to ensure the operation of electrical services for essential
equipment, habitable conditions and cargo refrigeration machinery for
ships having an RMC class notation;
b) to have sufficient reserve capacity to permit the starting of the largest
motor without causing any motor to stall or any device to fail due to
excessive voltage drop on the system;
c) to be capable of providing the electrical services necessary to start the
main propulsion machinery from a dead ship condition. The emergency
source of electrical power may be used to assist if it can provide power at
the same time to the other services required.
The arrangement of the ship’s main source of power is to be such that the
operation of electrical services for essential equipment, habitable conditions and
cargo refrigeration machinery can be maintained regardless of the speed and
direction of the propulsion machinery shafting.
12 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

2.1.3. Special requirements for UMS notation

Where the electrical power requirement to maintain the ship in a normal
operational and habitable condition is usually supplied by one generating set,
arrangements are to be provided to prevent overloading of the running generator.
On loss of power there is to be provision for automatic starting and connecting to
the main switchboard of the standby set and automatic sequential restarting of
essential services, in as short a time as is practicable.

2.1.4. Number and rating of transformers

Where the operation of electrical services for essential equipment, habitable
conditions and cargo refrigeration machinery are supplied via transformers, the
number and rating of transformers are to be sufficient to ensure the operation of
these electrical services even when one transformer is out of service.

2.2. Emergency sources of electrical power

The requirements apply to passenger and cargo ships to be classed for unrestricted
service. They do not apply to cargo ships less than 500 tons gross tonnage.

2.2.1. Emergency sources of electrical power in passenger ships

A self-contained emergency source of electrical power is to be provided. The
emergency source of electrical power, associated transforming equipment, if any,
transitional source of emergency power, emergency switchboard and emergency
lighting switchboard are to be located above the uppermost continuous deck and
be readily accessible from the open deck. The generators, batteries,
transformers, switch gear etc, forming the emergency source of power should
be sited so that flames, heat or smoke issuing from doors or other openings in
the event of a fire in the machinery space, will not impede the safe operation
of the equipment or render the space inaccessible or uninhabitable to
necessary personnel. They are not to be located forward of the collision

The location of the emergency source of electrical power and associated

transforming equipment, if any, transitional source of emergency power, the
emergency switchboard and emergency lighting switchboard in relation to the
main source of electrical power, associated transforming equipment, if any, and
the main switchboard is to be such as to ensure that a fire or other casualty in
spaces containing the main source of electrical power, associated transforming
equipment, if any, and the main switchboard or in any machinery space of
Category A will not interfere with the supply, control and distribution of
emergency electrical power. The space containing the emergency source of
electrical power, associated transforming equipment, if any, the transitional source
of emergency electrical power and the emergency switchboard is not to be
Unit 2 Main and Emergency Sources of Electrical Power 13

contiguous to the boundaries of machinery spaces of Category A and those spaces

containing the main source of electrical power, associated transforming
equipment, if any, or the main switchboard.
Provided that suitable measures are taken for safeguarding independent
emergency operation under all circumstances, the emergency generator may be
used exceptionally, and for short periods, to supply non-emergency circuits.
The electrical power available is to be sufficient to supply all those
services that are essential for safety in an emergency, due regard being paid to
such services as may have to be operated simultaneously. The emergency source
of electrical power is to be capable, having regard to starting currents and the
transitory nature of certain loads, of supplying simultaneously at least the
following services for the periods specified hereinafter, if they depend upon an
electrical source for their operation:
a) For a period of 36 hours, emergency lighting:
(i) at every lifeboat preparation station, muster and embarkation station
and oversides;
(ii) in alleyways, stairways and exits, giving access to the muster and
embarkation stations;
(iii) in all service and accommodation alleyways, stairways and exits,
personnel lift cars;
(iv) in the machinery spaces and main generating stations including their
control positions;
(v) in all control stations, machinery control rooms, and at each main and
emergency switchboard;
(vi) at all stowage positions for firemen’s outfits;
(vii) at the steering gear; and
(viii) at the fire pump, the sprinkler pump and the emergency bilge pump
and at the starting position of their motors.
b) For a period of 36 hours, the navigation lights and other lights required by
the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea in force.
c) For a period of 36 hours:
(i) all internal communication equipment required in an emergency;
(ii) the navigational aids as required by Amendments to SOLAS 1974
Regulation V/12;
(iii) the fire detection, fire alarm and sample extraction smoke detection
systems, and the fire door holding and release system; and
(iv) for intermittent operation of the daylight signaling lamp, the ship’s
whistle, the manually operated call points and all internal signals that
are required in an emergency – unless such services have an
independent supply for the period of 36 hours from the accumulator
battery suitably located for use in emergency.
d) For a period of 36 hours:
14 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

(i) emergency fire pump;

(ii) the automatic sprinkler pump, if any; and
(iii) the emergency bilge and all the equipment essential for the operation
of electrically powered remote controlled bilge valves.
e) The steering gear for the period of time required.
f) For a period of half an hour:
(i) any watertight doors if electrically operated together with their control,
indication and alarm circuits;
(ii) the emergency arrangements to bring the lift cars to deck level for the
escape of persons. The passenger lift cars may be brought to deck level
sequentially in an emergency.

The emergency source of electrical power may be either a generator or an

accumulator battery, which are to comply with the following:
a) Where the emergency source of electrical power is a generator it is to be:
(i) driven by a suitable prime mover with an independent supply of fuel
having a flashpoint of not less than 43°C;
(ii) started automatically upon failure of the electrical supply from the
main source of electrical power and is to be automatically connected to
the emergency switchboard; the services mentioned above are then to
be transferred automatically to the emergency generating set. The
automatic starting system and the characteristics of the prime mover
are to be such as to permit the emergency generator to carry its full
rated load as quickly as is safe and practicable, subject to a maximum
of 45 seconds.
b) Where the emergency source of electrical power is an accumulator battery,
it is to be capable of:
(i) carrying the emergency electrical load without recharging while
maintaining the voltage of the battery throughout the discharge period
within 12 percent above or below its normal voltage;
(ii) automatically connecting to the emergency switchboard in the event of
failure of the main source of electrical power.

The transitional source of emergency electrical power is to consist of

an accumulator battery suitably located for use in an emergency which is to
operate without recharging while maintaining the voltage of the battery
throughout the discharge period within 12 per cent above or below its nominal
voltage and be of sufficient capacity and so arranged as to supply
automatically in the event of failure of either the main or emergency source of
electrical power at least the following services, if they depend upon an
electrical source for their operation:
a) For half an hour:
Unit 2 Main and Emergency Sources of Electrical Power 15

(i) the required lighting;

(ii) all the services required, unless such services have an independent
supply for the period specified from an accumulator battery suitably
located for use in an emergency.
b) Power to operate the watertight doors at least three times, i.e. closed-open-
closed against an adverse list of 15°, but not necessarily all of them
simultaneously, together with their control, indication and alarm circuits.

The emergency switchboard is to be installed as near as is practicable

to the emergency source of electrical power. Where the emergency source of
electrical power is a generator, the emergency switchboard is to be located in
the same space unless the operation of the emergency switchboard would
thereby be impaired.
No accumulator battery except for engine starting is to be installed in
the same space as the emergency switchboard. An indicator is to be mounted
in a suitable place on the main switchboard or in the machinery control room
to indicate when the batteries constituting either the emergency source of
electrical power or the transitional source of emergency electrical power are
being discharged.
The emergency switchboard is to be supplied during normal operation
from the main switchboard by an interconnector feeder which is to be
adequately protected at the main switchboard against overload and short
circuit and which is to be disconnected automatically at the emergency
switchboard upon failure of the main source of electrical power. Where the
system is arranged for feedback operation, the interconnector feeder is also to
be protected at the emergency switchboard at least against short circuit.
In order to ensure ready availability of the emergency source of
electrical power, arrangements are to be made where necessary to disconnect
automatically non-emergency circuits from the emergency switchboard to
ensure that power will be available to the emergency circuits.
Provision is to be made for the periodic testing of the complete
emergency system and is to include the testing of automatic starting

In addition to the emergency lighting passenger ships with roll on-roll

off cargo spaces or special category spaces are to be provided with the
a) in all passenger public spaces and alleyways supplementary electric
lighting that can operate for at least three hours when all other sources of
electric power have failed and under any condition of heel. The
illumination provided is to be such that the approach to the means of
escape can be readily seen. The source of power for the supplementary
16 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

lighting is to consist of accumulator batteries within the lighting units that

are continuously changed where practicable, from the emergency
switchboard. Consideration may be given to other means of lighting which
is at least effective. The supplementary lighting is to be such that any
failure of the lamp will be immediately apparent. Any accumulator battery
provided is to be replaced at intervals having regard to the specified
service life in the ambient conditions that they are subject to in service.
b) A portable rechargeable battery operated lamp is to be provided in every
crew space alleyway, recreational space and every working space which is
normally occupied unless supplementary emergency lighting is provided.

2.2.2. Radio installation

The radio installation is to be provided with reliable, permanently arranged
electrical lighting, independent of the main and emergency sources of electrical
power, for the adequate illumination of the radio controls for operating the radio
A reserve source or sources of energy is to be provided on every ship, to
supply radio installations, for the purpose of conducting distress and safety radio-
communications, in the event of failure of the ship’s main and emergency sources
of electrical power. The reserve source or sources of energy is to be capable of
simultaneously operating the VHF radio installation and, as appropriate for the sea
or sea area for which the ship is equipped, either the MF radio installation, the
MF/HF radio installation, or the INMARSAT ship earth station and any of the
additional loads for a period of at least:
a) one hour on ships provided with an emergency source of electrical power, if
such source of power complies fully with all the relevant requirements mentioned
above, including the supply of such power to the radio installations; and
b) six hours on ships not provided with an emergency source of electrical power
complying fully with all relevant requirements mentioned above, including the
supply of such power to the radio installations.
The reserve source or sources of energy need not supply independent HF and MF
radio installation at the same time.
The reserve source of energy and its switchboard are to be as high as
practicable in the ship and readily accessible to the radio officer. The switchboard
is to, wherever possible, be situated in a radio room: if it is not, it is to be capable
of being illuminated.
The reserve source or sources of energy is to be independent of the
propelling power of the ship’s electrical system.

2.3. External source of electrical power

Where arrangements are made for the supply of electricity from a source on shore
or elsewhere, a connection box is to be installed in a position suitable for the
Unit 2 Main and Emergency Sources of Electrical Power 17

convenient reception of the flexible cables from the external source and
containing a circuit-breaker or isolating switch and fuses and terminals including
one earthed, of ample size and suitable shape to facilitate a satisfactory connection
of the three-phase external supplies with earthed neutrals.
Suitable cables, permanently fixed, are to be provided, connecting the
terminals in the connection box to a linked switch and/or a circuit-breaker at the
main switchboard. An indicator is to be provided at the main switchboard in order
to show when the cables are energized.
Means are to be provided for checking the phase sequence of the incoming
At the connection box a notice is to be provided giving full information on
the system of supply, the normal voltage and frequency of the installation’s
system and the procedure of carrying out the connection.

TASK 1 Describe in written form or orally the emergency source of electrical

power necessary for cargo ships, taking the passenger ships as a model. Except for
the periods of time that should be modified, what else should be changed, in your

2.4. Vocabulary
accumulator battery ~ baterie de acumulatoare
alleyway ~ coridor
automatic sequential restarting ~ repornire automată secvenţială/ în trepte
impair ~ a defecta, a slăbi
call point ~ punct de adunare
cargo refrigeration machinery ~ mecanism de congelare a mărfii
circuit-breaker ~ întrerupător, ruptor
connection box ~ cutie de joncţiune
contiguous ~ adiacent
converting set ~ convertizor
daylight signaling lamp ~ semnalizare de zi
dead ship condition ~ navă oprită
discharge ~ descărcare
earthed neutral ~ nul
emergency bilge pump ~ pompă santină de avarie
emergency lighting switchboard ~ panou de iluminat de avarie
feedback operation ~ reacţie
fire door holding and release system ~ sistem de reţinere şi declanşare a uşilor
de incendiu
flashpoint ~ punct de imflamabilitate
fuse ~ siguranţă
generating set ~ set electrogenerator
18 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

heel ~ a se banda
hereinafter ~ după cum urmează
interconnector feeder ~ alimentare linie de interconexiune
isolating switch ~ secţionor, separator
lift cars ~ cabină de ascensor
mounted ~ montat
overloading ~ supraîncărcare
prime mover ~ motor primar
propulsion machinery shafting ~ axul mecanismului de propulsie
rating ~ caracteristică
remote controlled bilge valve ~ supapă a santinei controlată de la distanţă
self-contained emergency source ~ sursă independentă de avarie
ship’s whistle ~ sirena navei
sprinkler pump ~ pompă aspersor
stairways ~ scări
stall ~ a se opri motorul
supply ~ alimentare
switchboard ~ tablou de distribuţie
three-phase external supply ~ alimentare externă trifazată
transformer ~ transformator
voltage drop ~ cădere de tensiune

2.5. Engineering General Vocabulary

Exercise 1 Scan the table bellow and find materials which:
a. are conductive;
b. are corrosion-resistant;
c. are cheap;
d. are brittle;
e. are light;
f. are good insulators;
g. are used for electric purposes;
h. are used for ships and boats.

Materials Properties Uses

Aluminium Light, soft, ductile, highly Aircraft, engine
conductive, corrosion components, foil,
resistant. cooking utensils
Copper Very malleable, tough and Electric wiring, PCBs,
ductile, highly conductive, tubing
Unit 2 Main and Emergency Sources of Electrical Power 19

Brass (65% copper, Very corrosion- resistant. Valves, taps casting,

35% zinc) Casts well, easily ship fittings, electrical
machined. Can be work contacts
hardened. Good conductor.
Mild steel (iron with High strength, ductile, General purpose
0.15% to 0.3% carbon) tough, fairly malleable.
Cannot be hardened and
tempered. Low cost. Poor
corrosion resistance.
High carbon steel (iron Hardest of the carbon Cutting tools such as
with 0.7% to 1.4% steels but less ductile and drills, files, saws
carbon) malleable. Can be
hardened and tempered.
ABS High impact strength and Safety helmets, car
toughness, scratch- components, telephones,
resistant, light and durable. kitchenware
Acrylic Stiff, hard, very durable, Aircraft canopies, baths,
clear, can be polished double glazing
easily. Can be formed
Nylon Hard, tough, wear- Bearings, gears, casings
resistant, self-lubricating. for power tools
Epoxy resin High strength when Adhesives,
reinforced, good chemical encapsulation of
and wear resistance. electronic components
Polyester resin Stiff, hard, brittle. Good Moulding, boat and car
chemical and heat bodies
Urea formaldehyde Stiff, hard, strong, brittle, Electrical fittings,
heat-resistant, and good adhesives
electrical insulator.

Exercise 2 Scan the table to find:

a. A metal used for making engine components.
b. A material used for encapsulation of electronic components.
c. A plastic used for making safety helmets.
d. A metal suitable for a salt water environment.
e. A material that resists at high temperatures.
20 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

f. A material that can lubricate itself.

Exercise 3 Match the following verbs with the correct definition.

anneal to melt and then pour into a form;
anodize to make thin sheets of metal by passing it between large rollers;
electroplate to shape metals by heating and then hammering;
forge to make materials tough by cooling them slowly;
found to make something softer;
galvanize to heat and then cool metals to obtain the required hardness and
grind to cover with a thin layer of metal using electrolysis;
roll to protect from rusting by coating in zinc;
plate to give a metal a protective coat by using it as an anode in
soften to polish or sharpen by rubbing on a surface;
temper to cover one metal with a thin layer of another

Exercise 4 Give examples of materials that undergo the processes in exercise 3.

Example: Iron components melt and are then poured into a form.

Exercise 5 Use the information in the table to make short texts about each
material (you can add information if you are aware of):
Example: Aluminum, which is light, soft, and ductile, is used to make aircraft,
engine components – for example, cylinder heads – and many items for the
kitchen, such as pots of all types.

2.6. Suffixes

a. Adjective suffixes
Noun/verb + suffix
- ous: dangerous; famous (fame); outrageous; furious (fury)
- al: political; industrial (industry); economical; brutal; legal
- y: dirty; oily; foggy
- ive: creative (to create); productive (to produce); active (act)

-able/ible is used to form many adjectives from nouns and verbs: enjoyable; comfortable;
knowledgeable; suitable etc. It can have the meaning ‘can be done’: washable; drinkable;
comprehensible; reliable; countable; recognizable etc.

Words ending in –able express the opposite meaning by adding the prefix un-:
undrinkable; unreliable; unbreakable; while words ending in –ible form the opposite
by adding the prefix in-: inflexible; inedible etc.
Unit 2 Main and Emergency Sources of Electrical Power 21

-ful often means ‘full of’: careful; helpful; useful; thoughtful; forgetful
-less means ‘without’: careless; useless; thoughtless; harmless etc.
Not all the words that combine with -ful can combine with –less too, to form opposites.
For example homeless does not have the opposite homeful.

b. Verb suffixes
Adjective + suffixes
- ise: modernise; commercialise; industrialise; cristallise; vaporise (vapour)
- ify: beautify; purify; terrify; solidify; liquefy (liquid)
- en: shorten; widen; sharpen; weaken; lighten; lengthen (noun); harden; soften;
roughen etc

Word formation exercises

Exercise 1. Add the correct suffix: -able or –ible.

1. The food was ined… .
2. The coffee was undrink… .
3. My bed is very comfort… .
4. Her shoes were very unsuit… .
5. The film was very enjoy… .
6. My working hours are very flex… .
7. The buses are usually reli… .
8. The doctor’s writing was incomprehens… .
9. These cups are unbreak… .

Exercise 2. Complete the following dialogues with adjectives ending in –less.

1. A: Did you find the book useful?
B: No, it was completely ………
2. A: Did the injection hurt?
B: No, fortunately it was ……..
3. A: Has he got somewhere to live?
B: No, the poor man is ………..
4. A: That was a very silly mistake, wasn’t it?
B: Yes, it was………….of me – I wasn’t concentrating.
5. A: Dorothy never thinks about other people; she didn’t even phone to say
she wasn’t coming tonight.
B: Yes, I agree – she’s really quite …………

Exercise 3. Circle the correct word.

1. He can play ten musical/ music instruments.
2. It is an economic/ economical car to run: it can do 20 kilometers on a
litre of petrol.
22 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

3. I’m not sure if this sweater is washing/ washable or not.

4. My sister is very knowledgeable/ knowledge about gardening, but I’m
afraid I don’t know the first thing about it.
5. He’s the member of one of the extreme politic/ political parties, but I
can’t remember which.
6. People say that you have to be very created/ creative to be successful in
7. I didn’t think it was a very attracted/ attractive place.

Exercise 4 Which four nouns below form adjectives with the suffix –ful?
pain help home thought fame care

Exercise 5 The words listed in the table below are nouns. What are the verb
forms of these nouns?

1. danger – to endanger 13. maintenance – ………………...

2. decision – ………………….. 14. compression – ………………...
3. declaration – ……………….. 15. leakage – ……………………...
4. pollution – ………….............. 16. condensation – ………………..
5. reduction – …………………. 17. insulation – …………………...
6. improvement – ……………… 18. development – ………………...
7. management – ……………… 19. inspection – …………………...
8. information – ………………. 20. displacement – ………………..
9. acceleration – ………………. 21. injection – .......………………..
10. oil – ………………………… 22. drainage – …………………….
11. adjustment – ………………... 23. ignition – ……………………...
12. connection – ………………... 24. erosion – ……………………...

Exercise 6 Choose ten verbs from exercise 5 and write a sentence below for
each one. Write the correct form of each verb in the column on the right and
leave gaps for the verbs in the sentences. Cover up the right-hand column and
give the sentences to another student as a test.

Example: The accident in the engine room endangered the whole ship.
Unit 2 Main and Emergency Sources of Electrical Power 23
Unit 3
Supply and distribution

3.1. Systems of supply and distribution

The following systems of generation and distribution are acceptable, other than
for tankers intended for the carriage in bulk of oil, liquefied gasses and other
hazardous liquids having a flesh point not exceeding 60°:
a) d.c., two wire;
b) a.c., single-phase, two-wire;
c) a.c., three-phase;
four-wire with neutral earthed but without hull return.

For tankers intended for the carriage in bulk of oil, liquefied gases and
other hazardous liquids having a flash point not exceeding 60° only the following
systems of generation and distribution are acceptable:
a) d.c., two wired insulated;
b) a.c., single-phase, two-wire, insulated;
c) a.c., three-phase; three-wire, insulated;
d) earthed systems, a.c. or d.c., limited to areas outside any dangerous space
or zone, and arranged so that no current arising from an earth-fault in any
part of the system could pass through a dangerous space or zone;
e) high voltage systems with earthed neutral, provided it can be shown that
any possible resulting current does not flow directly through any of the
dangerous areas.
Earthed intrinsically safe circuits are permitted to pass into and through dangerous
spaces and zones.

System voltages for both alternating current and direct current in general
are not to exceed:
15000 V for generation and power distribution;
500 V for cooking and heating equipment permanently connected to fixed
250 V for lighting, heaters in cabins and public rooms, and other
applications not mentioned above.
The arrangement of the main and the emergency systems of supply is to be
such that a fire or other casualty in any space containing the main source of
electrical power, associated transforming equipment, if any, the main switchboard
and the main lighting switchboard will not render the emergency services
24 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

The main switchboard is to be so placed relative to the main source of

power that, as far as is practicable, the integrity of the main system of supply will
be affected only by a fire or other casualty in one space.
Distribution systems required in an emergency are to be so arranged that a
fire in any one main fire zone, as defined by SOLAS Reg. II-2/A, will not
interfere with the emergency distribution in any other such zone.
When the total installed electrical power of the main generating sets is in
excess of 3 MW or it is supplied at high voltage arrangements are to be made so
that it is possible to split the switchboard, by removable links or other means, into
at least two independent sections, each supplied by at least one generator.

3.2. Essential services

Essential services that are required to be duplicated are to be served by individual
circuits, separated in their switchboard or section board and throughout their
length as widely as is practicable without the use of common feeders, protective
devices or control circuits, so that any single fault will not cause the loss of both

3.3. Isolation and switching

The outgoing circuits from every switchboard or section board are to be provided
with a means of isolation and switching to permit each circuit to be switched off:
a) on load;
b) for mechanical maintenance;
c) in an emergency to prevent or remove danger.
Isolation and switching is to be by means of a circuit breaker or switch
arrangement to open simultaneously all insulated poles. Where a switch is used as
the means of isolation and switching, it is to be capable of:
a) switching off the circuit on load;
b) withstanding, without damage, the overcurrents which may arise during
overloads and short circuit.
Provision is to be made, in accordance with one of the following, to prevent any
circuit being inadvertently energized:
a) the circuit breaker or switch can be withdrawn, or locked in the open
b) the operating handle of the circuit breaker or switch can be removed;
c) the circuit fuses, where fitted, can be readily removed and retained by
authorized personnel.
Where a section board, distribution board or item of equipment can be
supplied by more than one circuit, a switching device is to be provided to permit
each incoming circuit to be isolated and the supply transferred to the alternative
Unit 3 Supply and Distribution 25

The switching device required is to be situated within or adjacent to the

section board, distribution board or item of equipment, and capable of opening
and closing all insulated poles. Where necessary, interlocking arrangements are to
be provided to prevent circuits being inadvertently energized.
A notice is to be fixed to any necessary section board, distribution board or
item of equipment to worn the personnel before gaining access to live parts of the
need to open the appropriate circuit breakers or switched, unless an interlocking
arrangement is provided so that all circuits concerned are isolated before access is

3.4. Insulated systems

A device is to be installed for every insulated distribution system, whether
primary or secondary, for power, heating and lighting circuits, to continuously
monitor the insulation level to earth and to operate an alarm in the event of an
abnormally low level of insulation.
Where any insulated lower voltage system is supplied through
transformers from a high voltage system, adequate precautions are to be taken to
prevent the low voltage system being charged by capacitive leakage from the high
voltage system.

3.5. Earthed systems

No fuse, non-linked switch or non-linked circuit-breaker is to be inserted in an
earthed conductor. Any switch or circuit breaker fitted is to operate
simultaneously in the earthed conductor and the insulted conductors. These
requirements do not preclude the provision of an isolating link to be used only
when the other conductors are isolated.
For high voltage systems, where the earthed neutral system of generation
and primary distribution is used, earthing is to be through an impedance in order
to limit the total earth fault current to a magnitude which does not exceed that of
the three phase short circuit current for which the generators are designed.
Generator neutrals may be connected in common, provided that the third
harmonic content of the voltage waveform of each generator does not exceed five
per cent.
Where a switchboard is split into sections operated independently or where
there are separate switchboards, neutral earthing is to be provided for each section
or for each switchboard. Means are to be provided to ensure that the earth
connection is not removed when generators are isolated.
A means of isolation is to be fitted in the earthing connection of each
generator so that generators can be completely isolated for maintenance.
All earthing impedances are to be connected to the hull. In order to
eliminate possible interference with radio, radar and communication circuits,
26 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

earthing impedances are to be bonded together on the hull side of the impedances
and the means of bonding is to separate from that provided by the hull.
For tankers intended for carriage in bulk of oil, liquefied gases and other
hazardous liquids, no current carrying part of a distribution system is to be
earthed, other than through an earth indicating device or through components used
for the suppression of radio interference.
Hull currents which may arise from sacrificial anode protective systems
and impressed current cathodic protection systems for other hull protection or for
installations within the machinery space are not considered to contravene the
paragraph above.

3.6. Diversity factor

Circuits supplying two or more final sub-circuits are to be rated in accordance
with the total connected load subject, where justified, to the application of a
diversity factor. Where spare ways are provided on a section or distribution board,
an allowance for future increase of load is to be added to the total connection load
before application of any diversity factor.
A diversity factor may be applied to the calculation for size of cable and
rating of switchgear and fusegear, taking into account the duty cycle of the
connected loads and the frequency and duration of any motor starting loads.
For winches and crane motors the diversity factor is to be calculated and
submitted when required.

3.7. Lighting circuits

A final sub-circuit of rating exceeding 16A is not to supply more than one point.
The number of lighting points supplied by a final sub-circuit of rating 16A or less
is not to exceed:
10 for 24 – 55V circuits;
14 for 110 – 127V circuits;
18 for 220 – 250V circuits;
except that in final sub-circuits for cornice lighting, panel lighting and electric
signs where lampholders are closely grouped, the number of points supplied is
unrestricted provided the maximum operating current in the sub-circuit does not
exceed 10A.
Lighting circuits are to be supplied by final sub-circuits separate from
those for heating and power (This does not apply to cabin and wardrobe heaters).
Lighting for machinery spaces, control stations and normal working spaces
is to be supplied by from at least two final sub-circuits in such a way that failure
of any one of the circuits does not leave the space in darkness.
Lighting for enclosed hazardous spaces is to be supplied from at least two
final sub-circuits to permit light from one circuit to be retained while maintenance
is carried out on the other.
Unit 3 Supply and Distribution 27

Lighting of unattended spaces, such as cargo spaces, is to be controlled by

multi-pole linked switches situated outside such spaces. Provision is to be made
for the complete isolation of these circuits and locking the means of control in the
off position.

3.8. Electric motors

Aboard vessels the electric motors and hydraulic systems perform most of the
hard labour. They are indispensable in daily operations. The maintenance and
overhauling of electric motors and appliances is therefore of the utmost
importance. Electric motors and generators are similar in construction. The main
components of an electric motor are the rotor and the stator (or armature). In an
electric motor the rotary motion of the rotor within the stationary stator is
employed to actuate pumps, winches, derricks, etc. Most electric motors are on
alternating current (A/C). The old-fashioned compound motor combines the
advantages of the even more old-fashioned shunt motor and the series motor. The
compound motor has a high starting torque and constant running speed.
Nowadays we know two main types of electric motors: the a-synchronous
induction motor, which is widely used aboard ships, and synchronous induction
motor, which is hardly used aboard ships. The advantage of a-synchronous
induction motor is the lack of vulnerable carbon brushes that require frequent
maintenance. Its disadvantages are the large amount of initial current that it
requires, and the low starting torque it produces. In the synchronous induction
motor three-phase alternating current, either 220, 380 or 440 volts, passes through
coils of copper wire in the stator, creating an alternating magnetic field. Carbon
brushes convey the current to the rotor, which will start to rotate. The advantages
of the synchronous motor are the small amount of initial current it requires, and its
high starting torque. However, the synchronous motor is expensive, and the
carbon brushes require frequent maintenance.

3.8.1. Motor control

Every electric motor is to be provided with efficient means for starting and
stopping so placed as to be easily operated by the person controlling the motor.
Every motor above 0.5 kW is to be provided with control apparatus.
Means to prevent undesired restarting after a stoppage due to low volts or
complete loss of volts are to be provided. This does not apply to motors where a
dangerous condition might result from the failure to restart automatically, e.g.
steering gear motor.
Means for automatic disconnection of the supply in the event of excess
current due to mechanical overloading of the motor are to be provided.
Motor control gear is to be suitable for the starting current and for the full
load rated current of the motor.
28 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

3.9. Vocabulary
alternating current ~ curent alternativ
capacitive leakage ~ scurgere capacitivă
circuit fuse ~ siguranţă a circuitului
common feeder ~ distribuitor obişnuit
control apparatus ~ aparatură de control
cornice lighting ~ lumină de cornişă
crane motor ~ motor de macara de punte
direct current ~ curent continuu
distribution ~ distribuţie
distribution board ~ cutie/ tablou de distribuţie
earthed conductor ~ conductor de împământare
earth-fault ~ defecţiune de împământare
final sub-circuit ~ subcircuit final
fixed wiring ~ circuit fix
fusegear ~ siguranţă fuzibilă
generation ~ generare, formare
heating equipment ~ echipamente de încălzire
impedance ~ impedanţă
cathodic protection system ~ sistem catodic de protecţie
insulated pole ~ pol izolat
interlocking arrangement ~ dispozitiv de cuplare
lampholder ~ fasung
lighting point ~ punct de iluminare
magnitude ~ mărime, amplitudine
mechanical overloading ~ supraîncărcare mecanică
multi-pole linked switches ~ întrerupătoare legate la mai mulţi poli
non-linked circuit-breaker ~ întrerupător/ ruptor nelegat
non-linked switch ~ conjunctor-disjunctor/ întrerupător nelegat
operating handle ~ manetă de comandă
outgoing circuit ~ linie/fider de plecare
overcurrent ~ supracurent
panel lighting ~ tablou de lumini
removable link ~ legătură detaşabilă
sacrificial anode protective system ~ sistem de protecţie cu anod de sacrificiu
section board ~ secţiune panou comandă
spare way ~ traseu de rezervă
steering gear motor ~ motorul mecanismului de guvernare
switched off ~ închis, deconectat
switching ~ comutare, distribuţie
three-phase ~ trifazic
three-wire ~ cu trei conductoare
Unit 3 Supply and Distribution 29

winch ~ vinci
withstanding ~ rezistent

TASK 1. Match the electric system of generation and distribution with the class
of ships. Use T for tankers intended for the carriage in bulk of oil, liquefied gases
and other hazardous liquids and C for the rest of cargo ships.

Ship type Electric system of generation and distribution

1 a.c., three-phase; three-wire, insulated;
2 a.c., single-phase, two-wire;
3 d.c., two wired insulated;
4 a.c., three-phase; three-wire; four-wire with neutral earthed
but without hull return.
5 earthed systems, a.c. or d.c., limited to areas outside any
dangerous space or zone, and arranged so that no current
arising from an earth-fault in any part of the system could
pass through a dangerous space or zone;
6 a.c., single-phase, two-wire, insulated;
7 d.c., two wire;
8 high voltage systems with earthed neutral, provided it can
be shown that any possible resulting current does not flow
directly through any of the dangerous areas.

TASK 2. Match the expressions to the explanations: 1. Lighting for enclosed

hazardous spaces, 2. Lighting circuits, 3. Lighting of unattended spaces, such as
cargo spaces, 4. Lighting for machinery spaces, control stations and normal
working spaces
a……………….. are to be supplied by final sub-circuits separate from those for
heating and power.
b. ……………….is to be supplied by from at least two final sub-circuits in such a
way that failure of any one of the circuits does not leave the space in darkness.
c…………………is to be supplied from at least two final sub-circuits to permit
light from one circuit to be retained while maintenance is carried out on the other.
d…………………is to be controlled by multi-pole linked switches situated
outside such spaces.

TASK 3. Complete the table with the advantages and disadvantages of the a-
synchronous induction motor, which is widely used aboard ships, and
synchronous induction motor.

Motor type Advantages Disadvantages

30 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

induction motor
synchronous induction

3.10. Engineering - General Vocabulary

Electrical engineering deals with the practical application of the theory of

electricity to the construction and manufacture of systems, devices and assemblies
that use electric power and signals.
Electrical engineering can be divided into four main branches:
 electric power and machinery;
 communications and control;
 electronics;
 computers.

Electrical applications are used in many industrial areas including:

 electric power and machinery;
 electronic circuits;
 control systems; computer design;
 superconductors;
 solid-state electronics;
 medical imaging systems
 robotics;
 lasers;
 radar;
 consumer electronics; fibre optics.
In recent years, the electronic computer has emerged as the largest application of
electrical engineering. However, another very large field is concerned with
electric light and power and their applications. Specialties within the field include
the design, manufacture, and use of turbines, generators, transmission lines,
transformers, motors, lighting systems, and appliances.

Electrical problems: ground fault; overcurrent; overload; short circuit.

Electrical protection: dustproof; explosionproof; rainproof; raintight; watertight;
Electrical devices: branch circuit; (circuit) breaker; cable; circuit; feeder; fixture;
fuse; ground; junction (electrical) box; panelboard; service panel; switch;
Match the terms above with the corresponding explanation:
1 a It produces a narrow beam of light and can be
Unit 3 Supply and Distribution 31

used to read barcodes in a supermarket, play

compact discs, etc.
2 b A word to describe any piece of equipment
made for specific purpose.
3 c A pulse of light, current or sound that is used
to convey information.
4 d A device that uses electromagnetic waves to
calculate the distance of an object.
5 e Glass fibres that are used for data
6 f The study of how robots are made and used.
7 g A circuit where the current has a choice of
8 h A situation where the electrical current takes
an easier path than the one intended.
9 i A piece of equipment that stops an electrical
current if it becomes dangerous.
10 j A connection point where several cables are

3.11. Prefixes

Prefixes are groups of letters put at the beginning of words to alter their meaning in a
certain way. The more common prefixes are used to give adjectives, verbs, and nouns a
negative meaning. Here are negative prefixes and the rules for using them with words,
according to the letter these words begin with.

un- used with adjectives: unhappy; untidy;

used with verbs: unbend; undo; unload; unlock;

im- is used before words beginning with m or p: immature; impolite; impatient;


il- is used before words beginning with l: illegible; illegal;

ir- is used before words beginning with r: irresponsible; irreplaceable; irreversible;

dis- is used before adjectives and verbs: dishonest; disconnect; disqualify;

in- is used before a limited number of words: invisible;

re- is used before verbs and the meaning is ‘again’: redo; reopen; retake; replace;
32 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

over- is used before verbs and the meaning is ‘too much’: overdo; overwork; overheat;

mis- is used before verbs and the meaning is ‘badly or incorrectly’: misunderstand;
mistranslate; misinform;

semi- the meaning is ‘half’: semicircular; semi-final; semi-detached;

sub- the meaning is ‘under’: submarine; subdivision;

under- the meaning is ‘not enough’: under worked; underused.

TASK 4 Prefix exercises

Exercise 1 Use a prefix from the left and a word from the right and complete the
sentences below:

un- in- ir- possible friendly regular legible responsible

im- il- dis- correct honest visible employed patient

1. Nobody at the party talked to us – they were very _________________.

2. I can’t read this at all; handwriting is completely ________________.
3. It’s a very depressed area and almost 20% of young adults are
4. You can’t see where my jacket was mended. The repair is completely
5. I find it very hard to remember the past tense of lots of _____________
6. Bob’s so ______________ that he’s just not prepared to wait for the right
7. It was very _____________ to go out and leave those two children alone.
8. It says here we lost £300 last week, but these figures must be
______________. Check them again, Sue!
9. His brother steals money and tells lies – he’s very _____________.
10. She says it can’t be done, but I don’t accept that. Nothing is _____________.
Exercise 2 Replaced the underlined words and phrases with a word of the same
meaning which begins with the prefix given.

Example: That child looks very sad. unhappy

1. I’m sure that’s against the law. il______

2. The doctor told me to take off my clothes. un_______
3. We don’t have the same opinion about this. dis________
4. His room is always in a mess. un________
Unit 3 Supply and Distribution 33

5. I’m afraid she doesn’t like onions. dis________

6. That was very rude, wasn’t it? im_________

Exercise 3 Match the prefixes in the box with the meanings below. (There are
two prefixes for one meaning)

mis- un- over- re- dis-

1. do something again
2. do something badly or incorrectly
3. reverse an action
4. do something too much

Exercise 4 Complete the sentences with a suitable verb, using a prefix from
exercise 3.

Example: If she fails her exam, she can retake it in the autumn.

take pack do open lock sleep understand appear hear charge

1. I wrote the wrong answer because I __________ the question.

2. When I __________ I feel even more tired when I wake up.
3. I got to the hotel at 4.00 but I couldn’t _________ my stuff until later.
4. I turned left instead of right. Obviously I ________ what she said.
5. It’s closed for the summer, but it will _________ in September.
6. The children were here a minute ago, but now they’ve _________.
7. John had a key but it wouldn’t _________ the door.
8. A: It says here £3, but the man asked me for £5.
B: In that case he has __________ you.
9. Do you think I can __________ my homework if it’s not very good?

Exercise 5 Use the word in brackets to complete the sentences. Add the necessary
prefix and put the word in the correct form.
Example: The runner was …disqualified… after a blood test. (qualify)
1. Children and adults love ………parcels at Christmas time. (wrap)
2. I almost always find that I ………… with his opinion. (agree)
3. I’m sure he’s lying but it’s going to be hard to ……… his story. (prove)
4. After a brief speech the Queen ………..the new statue. (veil)
5. It took the removal men an hour ……….our things from the van. (load)
6. His phone was ………..because he didn’t pay his last bill. (connect)
34 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

Exercise 6 Answer the following questions.

1. What kind of oven cooks things particularly fast?
2. What kind of drug can help somebody with an infection?
3. What kind of company has branches in many countries?
4. How does a passenger aeroplane normally fly?
5. What is a student who is studying for a second degree?
6. What means ‘underground railway’ in the US and ‘underground passage’ in the
Unit 4
System design – Protection

4.1. General
Installations are to be protected against over currents including short-circuits, and
other electrical faults. The tripping/ fault clearance times of the protective devices
are to provide complete and co-coordinated protection to ensure:
a) availability of essential and emergency services under fault conditions
through discriminative action of the protective devices; as far as
practicable the arrangements are also to secure the availability of other
b) elimination of the fault to reduce damage to the system and hazard of fire.
Short-circuit and overload protection are to be provided in each non-earthed line
of each system of supply and distribution, unless exempted. Short circuit
protection is to be provided for each source of power and at each point at which a
distribution circuit branches into two or more subsidiary circuits. Where
protection for generator power circuits is provided at the associated switchboard,
the cabling between generator and switchboard is to be of a type, and installed in a
manner such as to minimize the risk of short-circuit.
Protection for battery circuits is to be provided at a position external and
adjacent to the battery compartments. Protection may be omitted from the
a) Engine starting battery circuits.
b) Circuits for which it can be shown that the risk resulting from spurious
operation of the protective device may be greater than that resulting from a
Short circuit protection may be omitted from cabling or wiring to items of
equipment internally protected against short-circuit or where it can be shown that
they are unlikely to fail to a short-circuit condition and where the cabling or
wiring is installed in a manner such as to minimize the risk of short circuit.
Overloaded protection may be omitted from the following:
a) one line of circuits of the insulated type;
b) circuits supplying equipment incapable of being overloaded, or
overloading the associated supply cable, under normal conditions, and
unlikely to fail to an overload condition.

4.2. Protection against short-circuit

Protection against short-circuit currents is to be provided by circuit-breakers or
fuses. The rated short circuit making and breaking capacity of every protective
device is to be adequate for the prospective fault level at its point of installation;
the requirements for circuit breakers and fuses are detailed below.
36 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

The prospective fault current is to be calculated for the following set of

a) all generators, motors and, where applicable, all transformers, connected
as far as permitted by any interlocking arrangements;
b) a fault of negligible impedance close up to the load side of the protective
In the absence of precise data, the prospective fault current may be taken to be:
a) for alternating current systems at the main switchboard: 10 x f.l.c. (rated
full load current) for each generator that may be connected, or, if the sub
transient direct axis reactance, X”d, of each generator is known, f.l.c./ X”d
(p.u.) for each generator, and 3 x f.l.c. for motors simultaneously in
b) battery-fed direct current systems at the battery terminals:
(i) 15 times ampere hour rating of the battery for vented lead-acid cells, or
of alkaline type intended for discharge at low rates corresponding to a
battery duration exceeding three hours, or
(ii) 30 times ampere hour rating of the battery for sealed lead-acid cells
having a capacity of 100 Ampere hours or more, or of alkaline type
intended for discharge at high rates corresponding to a battery duration
not exceeding three hours and,
(iii) 6 x f. l.c. for motors simultaneously in service (if applicable).

4.3. Protection against overload

Fuses, circuit breakers and other protective devices provided for overload
protection are to have fusing/tripping characteristics ensuring the protection of
cabling and electrical machinery against overheating resulting from mechanical or
electrical overload.
Fuses for a type intended for short-circuit protection only are not to be
used for overload protection.

4.4. Circuit-breakers
Circuit-breakers for alternating current systems are to satisfy the following
a) the r.m.s. symmetrical breaking current for which the device is rated is to
be not less than the r.m.s. value of the a.c. component of the prospective
fault current, at the instant of contact separation;
b) the peak asymmetrical making current for which the device is rated is not
to be less than the peak value of the prospective fault current at the first
half cycle, allowing for maximum asymmetry;
c) the power factor at which the device short circuit ratings are assigned is to
be no greater than that of the prospective fault current; alternatively for
high voltage, the rated percentage d.c. component of the short-circuit
Unit 4 System Design – Protection 37

breaking current of the device is to be not less than that of the prospective
fault current.
Circuit-breakers for d.c. systems are to have a breaking current not less than the
initial prospective fault current. The time constant of the fault current is not to be
greater than that for which the circuit-breaker was tested.

4.5. Fuses
Fuses for a.c. systems are to have a breaking current rating not less than the initial
r.m.s. value of the a.c. component of the prospective fault current. Fuses for d.c.
systems are to have a d.c. breaking current rating not less than the initial value of
the prospective fault current.

4.6. Circuit-breakers requiring back-up by fuse or other device

The use of circuit-breaker having a shot-circuit current capacity less than the
prospective short-circuit current at the point of installations permitted, provided
that it is preceded by a device having at least the necessary short-circuit capacity.
The generator circuit breakers are not to be used for this purpose.
The same device may back-up more than one circuit-breaker provided that
no essential or emergency service is supplied from there, or that any such service
is duplicated by arrangements unaffected by tripping of the device.
The combination of back-up device and circuit-breaker is to have a shot
circuit performance at least equal to that of a single circuit-breaker satisfying the
requirements of circuit breakers.
Evidence of testing of the combination is to be submitted for
consideration; alternatively, consideration may be given to arrangements where it
can be shown that:
a) the takeover current, above which the back-up device would clear a fault,
is not greater than the rated short-circuit breaking capacity of the circuit-
breaker and;
b) the characteristics of the back-up device, and the prospective fault level,
are such that the peak fault current rating of the circuit-breaker cannot be
exceeded and;
c) the Joule integral of the let-through current of the back-up device does not
exceed that corresponding to the rated breaking current and opening time
of the circuit-breaker.

4.7. Protection of generators

The protective gear is to be provided as a minimum. Generators not arranged to
run in parallel are to be provided with a circuit-breaker arranged to open
simultaneously, in the event of short-circuit, overload or under-voltage, all
insulated poles. In the case of generators rated at less than 50 kW, a multipole
linked switch with a fuse will be acceptable.
38 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

Generators arranged to operate in parallel are to be provided with a circuit-

breaker arrangement to open simultaneously, in the event of short-circuit,
overload or under-voltage, all insulated poles. This circuit-breaker is to be
provided reverse power protection with time delay, selected or set within the
limits of 2 percent to 15 per cent of full load to a value fixed in accordance with
the characteristics of the prime mover; a fall of 50 per cent in the applied voltage
is not to render the reverse power mechanism inoperative, although it may alter
the amount of reverse power required to open the breakers.
The generator circuit-breaker short circuit and overload tripping
arrangements, or fuse characteristics, are to be such that the machine’s thermal
withstand capability is not exceeded.

4.8. Load management

Arrangements are to be made to disconnect automatically, after an appropriate
time delay, circuits of the categories noted below, when the generator(s) is/are
overloaded; sufficient to ensure the connected generating set(s) is/are not
a) non-essential circuits;
b) circuits feeding services for habitability
c) in cargo ships, circuits for cargo refrigeration.
If required, this load switching may be carried out in one or more stages, in which
case the non-essential circuits are to be included in the first group to be
disconnected. Consideration is to be given to providing means to inhibit
automatically the starting of large motors, or the connection of other large loads,
until sufficient generating capacity is available to supply them.

4.9. Feeder circuits

Isolation and protection of each feeder circuit is to be ensured by a multipole
circuit-breaker or linked switch with a fuse in each insulated conductor. The
protective devices are to allow excess current to pass during the normal
accelerating period of motors.

4.10. Motor circuits

Motors of rating exceeding 0.5 kW and all motors for essential services are to be
protected individually against overload and short circuit. For motors which for
essential services are duplicated, the overload protection may be replaced by an
overload alarm. Protection for both the motor and its supply cable may be
provided by the same device, provided that due account is taken of any
differences between ratings of cable and motor. Where operation of an item of
equipment is dependent upon a number of motors, consideration may be given to
the provision of a common means of short circuit protection. For motors for
intermittent service, the characteristics of the arrangements for overload
Unit 4 System Design – Protection 39

protection are to be chosen in relation to the load factor(s) of the motor(s). Where
fuses are used to protect polyphase motor circuits, means are to be provided to
protect the motor from unacceptable overcurrent in the case of single phasing.

4.11. Vocabulary
associated switchboard ~ tablou anex
back-up device ~ instrument/ mecanism de rezervă
battery-fed ~ alimentat la baterie
branch ~ a se ramifica; ramificaţie
breaking current rating ~ capacitatea curentului de rupere
cargo refrigeration ~ refrigerarea mărfii
electrical fault ~ scurtcircuit
exempted ~ exceptat
f.l.c. = rated full load current ~ curent de plină sarcină
fuse ~ siguranţă fuzibilă
fusing/tripping characteristics ~ caracteristici de declanşare
lead-acid cell ~ baterie pe bază de plumb
let-through current ~ current de trecere
making and breaking capacity ~ capacitate de întrerupere
multipole circuit-breaker ~ ruptor multipolar
multipole linked switch ~ întrerupător multipolar cuplat
non-essential circuit ~ circuit neesenţial
overcurrent ~ supracurent
overloaded protection ~ protecţie de supraîncărcare
peak asymmetrical making current ~ maximum asimetric al curentului de
power factor ~ factor de putere
r.m.s = root mean square ~ valoare efectivă
rated full load current ~ curent la capacitate maximă
reactance ~ reactanţă
secure ~ a asigura
spurious operation ~ funcţionare accidentală/ perturbatoare
subsidiary circuits ~ circuite auxiliare/ secundare
symmetrical breaking current ~ curent simetric de rupere
takeover current ~ curent de conectare
thermal withstand capability ~ capacitate de susţinere termică
time delay ~ întârziere
tripping/ fault clearance times ~ perioadă de reglare a declanşării
under-voltage ~ sub tensiune
40 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

TASK 1. Match the protection with the parts protected:

Protection type Protected parts

A a) Engine starting battery circuits. 1. The tripping/ fault clearance
b) Circuits for which it can be shown times of the protective devices are
that the risk resulting from spurious to provide complete and co-
operation of the protective device may coordinated protection to ensure:
be greater than that resulting from a
B. a) one line of circuits of the insulated 2. Protection for battery circuits is
type; to be provided at a position external
b) circuits supplying equipment and adjacent to the battery
incapable of being overloaded, or compartments. Protection may be
overloading the associated supply omitted from the following:
cable, under normal conditions, and
unlikely to fail to an overload
C. a) availability of essential and 3. Overloaded protection may be
emergency services under fault omitted from the following:
conditions through discriminative
action of the protective devices; as
far as practicable the arrangements
are also to secure the availability of
other services;
b) elimination of the fault to reduce
damage to the system and hazard of

4.12. Engineering - General Vocabulary.

The electric motor

Task 1 List as many items as you can in the home that use electric motors.

Task 2 Skim this text and identify the paragraphs which contain information on
each of these topics.
a What electric motors are used for
b The commutator
c Why the armature turns
d Electromagnets
e Effect of putting magnets together
Unit 4 System Design – Protection 41

f The armature

In an electric motor an electric current and magnetic field produce a turning

movement. This can drive all sorts of machines, from wrist-watches to trains. The
motor from this text is for a washing machine. It is a universal motor, which can
run on direct current or alternating current.
An electric current running through a wire produces a magnetic field around
the wire. If an electric current flows around a loop of wire with a bar of iron
through it, the iron becomes magnetized. It is called an electromagnet; one end
becomes a north pole and the other a south pole, depending on which way the
current is flowing around the loop.
In a simple electric motor a piece of iron with loops wire round it, called an
armature, is placed between the north and the south poles of a stationary magnet,
known as the field magnet. When electricity flows around the armature wire, the
iron becomes an electromagnet.
The attraction and repulsion between the poles of this armature magnet and
the poles of the field magnet make the armature turn. As a result, its north pole is
close to the south pole of the field magnet. Then the current is reversed so the
north pole of the armature magnet becomes the south pole. Once again, the
attraction and repulsion between it and the field magnet it turns. The armature
continues turning as long as the direction of the current, and therefore its magnetic
poles, keeps being reversed.
To reverse the direction of the current, the ends of the armature wire are
connected to different halves of a split ring called a commutator. Current flows to
and from the commutator through small carbon blocks called brushes. As the
armature turns, first one half of the commutator comes into contact with the brush
delivering the current, and then the other, so the direction of the current keeps
being reversed.

Task 3 Explain each of these methods of connection: 1 screwed; 2 soldered; 3

attached; 4 wired; 5 bonded; 6 glued; 7 riveted; 8 welded; 9 brazed; 10 nailed.

4.13. Compound nouns

A compound noun is formed from two nouns, or an adjective and a noun. It is a

fixed expression that functions as a noun. They can be found in every day
conversation or different texts, so many of them are well known. Anyway, the
spelling should be checked because they can be written in one word, two words or
with a hyphen: earring, parking meter, T-shirt. Compound nouns can be
countable, uncountable or used either in the singular or in the plural. If both words
are understood, the meaning will usually be clear.
42 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

Some common countable nouns are: heart attack, assembly line, windscreen
wiper, handcuffs, etc.

Uncountable nouns cannot be used with ‘a/an’ article, and some examples are:
air-traffic control, data-processing, income tax, junk food, blood pressure,
food poisoning, mail order, hay fever, etc.

Some compound nouns can be used only in the singular: generation gap,
mother tongue, greenhouse effect, brain drain, death penalty, labour force,
sound barrier, etc.

Other compound nouns are used only in the plural, and some of the most
common are: luxury goods, road works, human rights, traffic lights, etc.

A large number of compound nouns are based on phrasal verbs, so they are
more difficult to be understood, although they are used more often:
walk-out ~ strike,
break-out ~ escape,
shake-up ~ change,
break-up ~ collapse,
takeover ~ purchase by another company,
cutbacks ~ reductions,
input ~ information that is put in,
output ~ production
turnover ~ change
breakthrough ~ important discovery

Compound nouns are very frequent in technical texts and sometimes the
meaning of the technical compounds is different from the general one:

over currents battery-fed

switchboard lead-acid
short-circuits electrical machinery
electrical faults circuit-breaker
emergency services prime mover
subsidiary circuits cargo ships

Exercises with compounds.

Exercise 1. Try to translate the compound terms from the table above.
Unit 4 System Design – Protection 43

Exercise 2. Complete these definitions with the correct compound noun.

1. Your first language is also called your mother……………
2. Stories about the future are called science ……………..
3. The place where you buy tickets for the theatre or cinema is the box…….
4. Someone who looks after children when the parents are out is a baby-
5. A long line of cars moving slowly is a traffic ………………….
6. The room where you eat meals is the …………. room.
7. Tax you pay on your salary is called ……………
8. Your sister’s husband or your husband’s brother is your ……….-in-

Exercise 3 Add two more words in each group to form a compound noun.
1. traffic lights
2. box office
……………. office
…………… office
3. bedroom
4. brother-in-law

Exercise 4. Match a word from the left with a word from the right to form six
compound nouns.
1. first a. meter ………………………..
2. cheque b. machine ……………………….
3. film c. book ………………………..
4. washing d. paper …………………………
5. parking e. aid ………………………….
6. writing f. star ……………………………

Exercise 5 Complete the compound adjectives in these dialogues

1. A: Look at him. He’s famous, isn’t he?

B: Yes, he’s very well-_________.
2. A: What a handsome man!
B: Yes, he is good-________, isn’t he?
3. A: Do nurses earn a good salary?
44 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

B: No, they are badly -________.

4. A: Julie’s so relaxed, isn’t she?
B: Yes, I find her very easy-_________ too.
5. A: They’ve got plenty of money.
B: Yes, they’re not badly-________.
6. A: So you work all day?
B: Yes. It’s a full-_________ job.
7. A: That lady always looks so smart.
B: Yes, she’s very well-_________.
8. A: Those children are always so good.
B: Yes, they’re very well-_________.

Exercise 6 Re-order these words from sentences. Add a hyphen (-) where

1. bill / I / yesterday / the / dollar / found / a / fifty / street / in

2. ten / to / it / a / drive / is / minute / only / office / my
3. delay / had / airport / hour / three / the / unfortunately / we / a / at
4. hotels / in / stay / star / movie / often / five / stars
5. a / child / can’t / year / understand / you / old /expect / three / to

Exercise 7 Complete the letter below with suitable compound adjectives from
the box.

badly-paid well-behaved part-time five-minutes four-month-

old easy-going south-west brand-new six-year-old well-off

Dear Martha,
Well, I’ve arrived in London and I’ve been incredibly lucky – I found a job the
day after I arrived here! I’ m staying with an English family and I’m looking
after the children. It’s only a (1) __________ job, so I’ll be free in the morning
and evenings. The family are really nice – very relaxed and (2) __________ and
the house is big and beautiful, so they are obviously quite (3) __________.
What’s more, they’ve got a (4) __________ car which I’m allowed to drive
when I’m collecting the children from school. There’s a (5) __________ baby
and (6) __________ twins who are very (7) ___________ children, which makes
life easy for me! The house is in (8) ___________ London, which is a very
pleasant area and it’s near Wimbledon – only a (9) ___________ walk from the
famous tennis club! The only problem is that looking after children is a (10)
__________ job, but I have got free accommodation. Why don’t you come and
see me?
Love, Erica
Unit 4 System Design – Protection 45

Exercise 8 Fill the gaps with a suitable word.

1. I bought a second-_________ coat but unfortunately it’s very _________-

2. The film was well-________ (Tom Cruise was brilliant), but very _________-
3. _________-handed people find it more difficult to use normal scissors.
4. he went out in the cold wearing only a short-_________ shirt.
5. He managed to find a seat in the first-_________ section of the plane.

Exercise 9 Express each of these ideas as a compound.

1 a board consisting of a number of panels;
2 material that does not allow water to get into it;
3 material that doesn’t allow rain to get into it;
4 a board consisting of a number of electrical switches;
5 conductors which are perfect, conducting a current without a battery;
6 material that will not be damaged in an explosion;
7 current which is greater than the load for which the system or mechanism was
8 material that does not allow dust to get into it.
Unit 5
Switchgear and control gear assemblies
Rotating machines

5.1. Switchgear assemblies

5.1.1. Busbars and their connections are to be of copper or aluminium, all

connections being so made as to inhibit corrosion. Busbars and their supports are
to be designed to withstand the mechanical stresses which may arise during short

5.1.2. Circuit-breakers are to be of the trip free type and, where applicable, be
fitted with anti-pumping control. High-voltage circuit-breakers are to be of the
withdrawable type or with equivalent means or arrangements permitting safe
maintenance whilst the busbars are alive.

5.1.3. Distribution boards are to be suitably enclosed unless they are installed in
a cupboard or compartment to which only authorized persons have access in
which case the cupboard may serve as an enclosure.

5.1.4. Earthing of high-voltage switchboards. High-voltage switchboards are to

be provided with suitable means to earth isolated circuits so that they are
discharged and so maintained that they are safe to touch.

5.1.5. Handrails or handles. All main and emergency switchboards are to be

provided with an insulated handrail or insulated handles suitably fitted on the
front of the switchboard. Where access to the rear is required, a horizontal
insulated handrail is to be suitably fitted on the rear of the switchboard.

5.2. Control gear assemblies

5.2.1. Instruments for alternating current generators

For alternating current generators not operated in parallel, each generator
is to be provided with at least one voltmeter, one frequency meter, and one
ammeter with an ammeter switch to enable the current in each phase to be read, or
an ammeter in each phase. Generators above 50kVA are also to be provided with
a wattmeter.
For alternating current generators not operated in parallel, each generator
is to be provided with a wattmeter, and one ammeter with an ammeter switch to
enable the current in each phase to be read, or an ammeter in each phase.
48 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

For paralleling purposes, two voltmeters, two frequency meters and two
synchronizing devices, of which one at least is to be synchroscope or a set of
lamps are to be provided. One voltmeter and one frequency meter are to be
connected to the busbars, the other voltmeter and frequency meter are to be
switched to enable the voltage and frequency of any generator to be measured.

5.2.2. Instrument scales

The upper limit of the scale of every voltmeter is to be approximately 120
per cent of the nominal voltage of the circuit, and the nominal voltage is to be
clearly indicated. The upper limit of the scale of every ammeter is to be
approximately 130 per cent of the nominal rating of the circuit in which it is
installed. Normal full load is to be clearly indicated. Kilowatt meters for use with
alternating current generators which may be operated in parallel are to be capable
of indicating 15 per cent reverse power.

5.2.3. Labels
The identification of individual circuits and their devices is to be made on
labels of durable material. The ratings of fuses and settings of protective devices
are also to be indicated. Section and distribution boards are to be marked with the
rated voltage.

5.3. Position of switchboards

An unobstructed space not less than 1m wide is to be provided in front of
switchboards and section boards. When switchboards and section boards contain
withdrawable equipment the unobstructed space is to be not less than 0.4 m wide
with this equipment in its fully withdrawn position.
Where necessary, the space at the rear of switchboards and section boards
is to be ample to permit maintenance and in general not less than 0.6 m except that
this may be reduced to 0.5 m in way of stiffeners and frames.
The spaces mentioned above are to have non-slip surfaces. Where access
to live parts within switchboards and section boards is normally possible the
surface is, in addition, to be electrically insulated.
So far as possible, pipes should not be installed directly above or in front
of or behind switchboards, section boards and distribution boards. If such placing
is unavoidable, suitable protection is to be provided in these positions.
Every switchboard or section board, where the protection of outgoing or
incoming circuits is dependent upon an external power supply to a circuit breaker
or protective relay, is to be provided with an alarm to indicate failure of the power
supply, unless failure of the power supply causes the circuit to be automatically
switched off.
Unit 5 Switch Gear and Control Gear Assemblies; Rotating Machines 49

5.4. Rotating machines

5.4.1. General requirements

Where welding is applied to shaft of machines for securing arms or
spiders, stress relieving is to be carried out after welding. The rotating parts of
machines are to be so balanced that when running at any speed in the normal
working range the vibration does not exceed the imposed level. The lubrication
arrangement for bearings are to be effective under all operating conditions
including the maximum ship inclination and there are to be effective means
provided to ensure that lubricant does not reach the machine windings or other
conductors and insulators. Means are to be taken to prevent the ill effects of the
flow of currents circulating between the shaft and machine bearings or bearings of
connected machinery. The construction of alternating current machines, are to be
capable of withstanding a sudden short circuit at their terminals under any
operating condition. AC generators and motors for electrical propulsion systems
are to have at least one embedded temperature detector (ETD) in each phase of the
machine winding in locations which may be subjected to the highest temperature.
Where there are two coil sides per slot the ETD’s are to be located between the
insulated coil sides in the slot.

5.4.2. Rating
Generators, including their excitation systems, and continuously rated
motors are to be suitable for continuous duty at their full rated output at maximum
cooling air or water temperature for an unlimited period, without the limits of
temperature rise being exceeded. Generators are to be capable of an overload
power of not less than 10 percent at their rated power factor for a period of 15
minutes without injurious heating. Other machines are to be rated in accordance
with the duty which they have to perform and, when tested under rated load
conditions, the temperature rise is not to exceed certain values. When a rotating
machine is connected to a supply system with harmonic distortion the rating of the
machine is to allow for the increased heating effect of the harmonic loading.

5.4.3. Generator control

Each alternating current generator, unless of the self-regulating type, is to
be provided with automatic means of voltage regulation; voltage build-up is not to
require an external source of power.
The voltage regulation of any alternating current generator with its
regulating equipment is to be such that at all loads, from zero to full load at rated
power factor, the rated voltage is maintained within ±2.5 per cent under steady
conditions. There is to be provision at the voltage regulator to adjust the generator
no load voltage.
50 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

Generators, and their excitation systems, when operating at rated speed

and voltage on no-load are to be capable of absorbing the suddenly switched,
balanced, current demand of the largest motor or load at a power factor not greater
than 0.4 with a transient voltage dip which does not exceed 15 percent of rated
voltage. The voltage is to recover to rated voltage within a time not exceeding 1.5
The transient voltage rise at the terminals of a generator is not to exceed
20 per cent of rated voltage when rated kVA at a power factor not greater than 0.8
is thrown off.
Generators are to be capable of maintaining under steady state short circuit
conditions a current of at least three times the full load rated current for a duration
of at least two seconds or where precise data is available for the duration of any
longer time delay which may be provided by a tripping device for discrimination
Generators required to run in parallel are to be stable from no load (kW)
up to the total combined full load (kW) of the group, and load sharing is to be
such that the load on any generator does not normally differ from its proportionate
share of the total load by more than 15 per cent of the rated output (kW) of the
largest machine or 25 per cent of the rated output (kW) of the individual machine,
whichever is less.
When generators are operated in parallel, the kVA loads of the individual
generating sets are not to differ from the proportionate share of the total kVA load
by more than five per cent of the rated kVA output of the largest machines.

5.4.4. Overloads
Machines are to withstand on test, without injury, the following
momentary overloads:
a) Generators. An excess current of 50 per cent for 15 seconds after
attaining the temperature rise corresponding to rated load, the terminal
voltage being maintained as near the rated value as possible. The forgoing
does not apply to the overload torque capacity of the prime mover.
b) Motors. At rated speed or, in the case of a range of speeds, at the highest
and the lowest speeds, under gradual increase of torque, the appropriate
excess torque given below. Synchronous motors and synchronous
induction motors are required to withstand the excess torque without
falling out of synchronism and without adjustment of the excitation circuit
preset at the value corresponding to rated load:
d.c. motors 50 per cent for 15 seconds;
polyphase a.c. synchronous motors 50 per cent for 15 seconds;
polyphase a.c. synchronous induction motors 35 per cent for 15
polyphase a.c. induction motors 60 per cent for 15 seconds.
Unit 5 Switch Gear and Control Gear Assemblies; Rotating Machines 51

c) Propulsion machines. The overload tests for propulsion machines will be

specially considered for each installation.

Where water cooled heat exchangers are used in the cooling circuit there is
to be provision for the detection of water leakage and the system to be arranged so
as to prevent the entry of water into the machine.

The final running position of brushgear is to be clearly and permanently

marked. Direct current machines are to work with fixed brush setting from no load
to the momentary overload specified without injurious sparking.

TASK 1. Learn and translate the following words and phrases describing machine

a.c. windings of machines; output; armatures; commutators; field windings; d.c.

excitation; synchronous machines; cylindrical rotors;

5.5. Vocabulary

alternating current generator ~ generator de current alternativ

ammeter ~ ampermetru
ammeter switch ~ întrerupător ampermetru
anti-pumping control ~ control anti-pompare
arm ~ mâner, consolă
brush gear ~ portperie
busbar ~ bară colectoare
coil ~ bobină, serpentină
copper ~ cupru
cupboard ~ dulap, incintă
distribution board ~ cutie de distribuţie
embedded temperature detector ~ detector de temperatură încastrat
excitation system ~ sistem de excitaţie
frequency meter ~ frecventmetru
handle ~ mâner
handrail ~ balustradă
harmonic loading ~ încărcare armonică
inhibit ~ a opri, a bloca
injurious sparking ~ aprindere/ scânteiere periculoasă
label ~ etichetă, inscripţie
leakage ~ scurgere
machine winding ~ bobinajul maşinii
non-slip surface ~ suprafaţă antiderapantă
52 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

pipe ~ ţeavă; conductă

reverse power ~ putere de mers înapoi
self-regulating type ~ de tip autoreglare
shaft ~ ax
slot ~ fantă
spider ~ corp de rotor
stiffener ~ element de rigidizare
stress ~ tensiune
switchgear assembly ~ dispozitiv de conexiuni
synchronizing device ~ dispozitiv de sincronizare
synchroscope ~ sincroscop
torque ~ torque
transient voltage dip ~ minim al voltajului în regim de trecere
trip free type ~ tip cu declanşare liberă
unavoidable ~ inevitabil
voltmeter ~ voltmetru
wattmeter ~ wattmetru
welding ~ sudură
withdraw ~ a retrage
withdrawable ~ retractabil
withstand ~ a rezista, a opune rezistenţă

5.6. Engineering - General Vocabulary.

Portable generator
A portable generator can provide electricity to power lights and other
appliances no matter how far you are from the mains. It works by turning the
movement of a piston into electrical energy.
Although most electricity comes from power stations, power can also be
generated by far smaller means. Nowadays, electricity generators can be small
enough to hold in the hand.
Portable generators are made up of two main parts: an engine, which
powers the equipment, and an alternator, which converts motion into electricity.
The engine runs on petrol. It is started by pulling a cord. This create a spark inside
which ignites the fuel mixture. In a typical four-stroke engine, when the piston
descends, the air inlet valve opens and a mixture of air and petrol is sucked in
through a carburetor. The valve closes, the piston rises on the compression stroke
and a spark within the upper chamber ignites the mixture. This mini-explosion
pushes the piston back down, and as it rises again the fumes formed by the
ignition are forced out through the exhaust valve. This cycle is repeated many
times per second. The moving piston makes the crankshaft rotate at great speed.
Unit 5 Switch Gear and Control Gear Assemblies; Rotating Machines 53

The crankshaft extends directly to an alternator, which consists of two

main sets of windings – coils of insulated copper wire wound closely around an
iron core. One set, called stator windings, is in a fixed position and shaped like a
broad ring. The other set, the armature windings, is wound on the rotor which is
fixed to the rotating crankshaft. The rotor makes about 3,000 revolutions per
minute. The rotor is magnetized and as it spins round, electricity is generated in
the stator windings through the process of electromagnetic induction. The electric
current is fed to the output terminals or sockets.
This type of generator can produce a 700 watt output, enough to operate
lights, television, and some domestic appliances. Larger versions provide
emergency power to hospitals and factories.
Source: Oxford English for Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

TASK 1 Answer the following questions:

1 What are the main parts of a portable generator?
2 How does the mechanical part function?
3 How does the alternator function?
4 What are the two valves called?
5 Which are the two main sets of windings?

5.7. Prepositions of place

Some prepositions show the place and the question they answer is where:

at He lives at number five. at an exact place

Turn left at the top of the stairs.
I’ll meet you at the station.
in He lives in England. a county
Jan works in Birmingham. a town
He lives in Baker Street. a street
Were you in the club last night? a building or area
Throw it in the wastepaper bin! a container

on I’ll meet you on the platform.

There’s some coffee on the shelf.

under The engine room is under the main deck.

in front of The petty officer was standing in front of the panel.
behind The crane is behind the superstructure.
next to My cabin is next to yours.
beside Can I sit beside you?
between The cadet is between the chief engineer and the second officer.
in the middle of The mast is in the middle of the ship.
among He found the hammer among many other tools.
54 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

opposite Their berth is opposite ours.

above The bridge superstructure is above the engine room.
below The bilge is below the engine room.
by I’ll be standing by the wheelhouse.
near Is there a bank near the station?
not far from The centre is not far from the marina.
a long way from We are a long way from land.

Other prepositions of place show the movement (where to?) so they occur with the verbs
of motion like run, walk, jump etc.

up The sailor climbed up the mast.

down He fell down the stairs.
into The cargo was lowered into the hold.
out of The pipe was lifted out of the hold with a derrick.
past He walked straight past me without speaking.
onto The wrench fell onto the deck.
off The launch took off the pilot.
round The ship sailed round the cliffs.
through The diver swam through the shoal.
over The engineer walked over the bridge.
under No one walked under the catwalk.
to They took the ferry to Istambul.
across The yacht sailed across the bay.
along The boat sailed along the coast.

Word Formation Exercises

Exercise 1. Correct any mistakes with prepositions in these sentences. Be careful:

some are correct.
1 She doesn’t live in London any longer.
2 The food is in the table.
3 I’m just going to make a phone call but I’ll see you on work.
4 Don’t put those books on the floor.
5 We’re staying at a very nice area.
6 They should be in the party tonight if you want to see them.
7 Put the key at your pocket.
8 I said I’d see her at the end of the road.
9 I always sit in the table for dinner.
10 We can play on the garden.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences below.

1 Down the stairs is the opposite of ………….. the stairs.
2 Into the room is the opposite of ………………the room.
Unit 5 Switch Gear and Control Gear Assemblies; Rotating Machines 55

3 We drove under the bridge is the opposite of we drove …………. the bridge.
4 We flew above the clouds is the opposite of we flew…………..the clouds.
5 In front of the school is the opposite of …………the school.
Complete these sentences with the correct preposition/ prepositional phrase from
6 The money fell ………my pocket.
7 If you stand ………….me, I can’t see the picture.
8 The cat was frightened and ran ………….that tree over there.
9 I’m on the top floor and at the moment the flat ………….is empty.
10 We are going to fly …………….the city and then land at the airport.

Exercise 3. Fill the gaps with at, on or in.

1 I put the books …….the table.
2 The butter is ……..the fridge.
3 We saw them …….the bus stop.
4 I met her …..a party.
5 She works ……Barcelona.
6 The dictionary is…………my desk.
7 I sat ………the bed and wrote a letter.
8 I left my books …….school.
9 There was still a lot of snow …….. the ground when I arrived.
10 He lives ………..a very nice area.
Unit 6
Converting Equipment,
Electric Cables

6.1. Transformers
Transformers may be of the dry type, encapsulated or liquid filled type.
The temperature rise of the winding of transformers above the ambient
temperatures when measured by resistance during continuous operation at the
maximum rating is not to exceed:
a For dry type transformers, air cooled:
insulation of Class A - 50°C
insulation of Class E - 60°C
insulation of Class B - 70°C
insulation of Class F - 90°C
insulation of Class H - 110°C
b For liquid filled transformers
50°C – where air provides cooling of the fluid
65°C – where water provides cooling of the fluid
When a transformer is connected to a supply system with harmonic
distortion, the rating of the transformer is to allow for the increased heating effect
of the harmonic loading. Special attention is to be given to transformers connected
for the purpose of reducing harmonic distortion.
Transformers, except those for motor starting, are double wound. Liquid
fillings for transformers are to be non-toxic and of a type which does not readily
support combustion. Liquid filled transformers are to have a pressure relief-device
with an alarm and there is to be a suitable means provided to contain any liquid
which may escape from the transformer due to the operation of the relief device or
damage to the tank.
All transformers are to be capable of withstanding for two seconds,
without damage, the thermal and mechanical effects of a short-circuit at the
terminals of any winding. When forced cooling is used, whether air or liquid,
there is to be monitoring of the cooling medium and transformer winding
temperatures with an alarm should these exceed present limits. There are to be
arrangements so that the load may be reduced to a level commensurate with the
cooling available. The following tests are to be carried out on all transformers at
the manufacturer’s works, and a certificate of tests issued by the manufacturer:
a. measurement of winding resistance, voltage ratio, impedance voltage,
short circuit impedance, insulation resistance, load loss, no load loss
and current;
b. dielectric tests;
c. temperature rise test on one transformer of each size and type.
58 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

6.2. Semiconductor equipment

Semiconductor static power converter equipment is to be rated for the
required duty having regard to peak loads, system transients and overvoltage.
Converter equipment may be air or liquid cooled and it is to be arranged so that it
cannot remain loaded unless effective cooling is maintained. Alternatively the
load may be automatically reduced to a level commensurate with the cooling
available. Liquid cooled converter equipment is to be provided with leakage
alarms and there is to be a suitable means provided to contain any liquid which
may leak from the system. Where the semi-conductors and other current carrying
parts are in direct contact with the cooling liquid, provision is to be made for
monitoring the liquid to ensure it has a satisfactory resistivity. Where forced
cooling is used there is to be temperature monitoring of the heated cooling
medium with an alarm and shutdown when the temperature exceeds a preset
value. Cooling fluids are to be non-toxic and of low flammability.
Converter equipment is to be so arranged that the semiconductor devices,
fuses, control and firing circuit boards may be readily removed from the
equipment for repair or replacement. Test and monitoring facilities are to be
provided to permit identification of control circuit faults and faulty components.
Protection devices fitted for convertor equipment protection are to ensure
that, under fault conditions, the protective action of circuit breakers, fuses or
control systems is such that there is no further damage to the convertor or the
Converter equipment, including any associated transformers, reactors,
capacitors and filters, if provided, is to be so arranged that the harmonic
distortion, and voltage spikes, introduced into the ship electrical system are within
limits or restricted to a lower level necessary to ensure that it causes no
malfunction of equipment connected to the electrical installation. Overvoltage
spikes or oscillations caused by commutation or other phenomena, are not to
result in the supply voltage waveform deviating from a superimposed equivalent
sine wave by more than 10 percent of the maximum value of the equivalent sine
When converter equipment is operated in parallel, load sharing is to be
such that under normal operating conditions overloading of any unit does not
occur and the combination of paralleled equipment is stable throughout the
operating range. When converter equipment has parallel circuits there is to be
provision to ensure that the load is distributed uniformly between the parallel
Transformers, reactors and other circuit devices associated with convertor
equipment are to be suitable for the distorted voltage and current waveforms to
which they may be subjected.
Unit 6 Converting Equipment 59

6.3. Electric Cables

For the purpose of this section, pipes, conduits, trunking or any other system for
the additional mechanical protection of cables are hereafter referred to under the
generic name ‘protective casings’.

6.3.1. Testing
Routine tests consist of at least:
a) measurement of electrical resistance of conductors;
b) high voltage test;
c) insulation resistance measurement;
d) for high voltage cables, partial discharge tests are to be made in accordance
with the requirements of the relevant publications. Particular, special and type
tests are to be made, when required, in accordance with the requirements of the
relevant publications.

6.3.2. Voltage Rating

The rated voltage of any electric cables is to be not lower than the nominal
voltage of the circuit for which it is used. The maximum sustained voltage of the
circuit is not to exceed the maximum voltage for which the cable has been
designed. Electric cables used in unearthed systems are to be suitably rated to
withstand the additional stress imposed on the insulation due to an earth fault.

6.3.3. Operating temperature

The maximum rated conductor temperature of the insulating material for normal
operation is to be at least 10°C higher than the maximum ambient temperature
liable to be produced in the space where the cable is installed. The maximum
rated conductor temperatures for normal and short circuit operation, for the
insulating materials is not to exceed the values stated in the table below.

Type of insulating compound Maximum rated conductor

temperature, °C
Normal operation Short circuit
Thermoplasics: 60 150
- Based upon polyvinyl chloride
or co-polymer of vynil
chloride and vynil acetate
- Based upon polyethylene 60 130

Elastomeric or thermosettings:
- Based upon ethylene 85 250
propylene rubber or similar
60 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

- Based upon chemically 85 250

crosslinked polyethylene
- Based upon silicon rubber 95 To be submitted

Mineral: 95 To be submitted

6.3.4. Construction
Electric cables are to be at least of a flame-retard type. Where electric cables are
installed in locations exposed to the weather, in damp and in wet situations, in
machinery compartments, refrigerated spaces or exposed to harmful vapours
including oil vapour they are to have the conductor insulating materials enclosed
in an impervious sheath of material appropriate to the expected ambient
Electric cables, where it is required that their construction includes
metallic sheaths, armouring or braids, are to be provided with overall impervious
sheath or other means to protect the metallic elements against corrosion. Where
single core electric cables are used in circuits rated in excess of 20 Amps and are
armoured the armour is to be of a non-magnetic material.
Electric cables are to be constructed such that they are capable of
withstanding the mechanical and thermal effects of the maximum short circuit
current which can flow in any part of the circuit in which they are installed, taking
into consideration not only the time/current characteristics of the circuit protective
device but also the peak value of the prospective short circuit current. Where
electric cables are to be used in circuits with a maximum short circuit current in
excess of 70 kA, evidence is to be submitted for consideration when required
demonstrating that the cable construction can withstand the effects of the short
circuit current. All high voltage electric cables are to be readily identified by
suitable marking.

6.3.5. Conductor size

The maximum continuous load carried by a cable is not to exceed its continuous
current rating. It is to be chosen such that the maximum rated conductor
temperature for normal operation for the insulation is not exceeded. The cross
sectional area of the conductors is to be sufficient to ensure that, under short
circuit conditions, the maximum rated conductor temperature for short circuit
operation is not exceeded, taking into consideration the time current
characteristics of the circuit protective device and the peak value of the
prospective short circuit current.

6.3.6. Correction factors for cable current rating

Where more than six electric cables, which may be expected to operate
simultaneously at their full rated capacity, are laid close together in a cable bunch
Unit 6 Converting Equipment 61

in such a way that there is an absence of free air circulation around them, a
correction factor of 0,85 is to be applied. Signal cables may be exempted from this
requirement. The ratings are based on an ambient temperature of 45°C.

6.3.7. Installation of electric cables

Electric cable runs are to be as far as practicable fixed in straight lines and in
accessible positions. The minimum internal radius of bend for the installation of
fixed electric cables is to be chosen according to the construction and size. The
installation of electric cables across expansion joints in any structure is to be
avoided. Where this is not practicable, a loop of electric cable of length sufficient
to accommodate the expansion of the joint is to be provided. The internal radius
of the loop is to be at least 12 times the external diameter of the cable.
Electric cables for essential and emergency services are to be arranged, so
far as is practicable, to avoid galleys, machinery spaces and other enclosed spaces
of high fire risk except as is necessary for the service being supplied. Such cables
are also, where practicable, to be routed clear of bulkheads to preclude their being
rendered unserviceable by heating of the bulkheads that may be caused by a fire in
an adjacent space. Electric cables having a protective covering which may damage
the covering of other cables are not to be bunched with those other cables.
Electric cables are to be as far as practicable installed remote from sources
of heat. Where installation of cables near sources of heat cannot be avoided and
where there is consequently a risk of damage to the cables by heat, suitable
shields, insulation or other precautions are to be installed.
Where electric cables are installed in bunches, provision is to be made to
limit the propagation of fire, which may be achieved by the use of suitably located
fire stops. Alternative arrangements are to be considered. Electric cables are not to
be coated or painted with materials which may adversely affect their sheath or
their fire performance.
Where electric cables are installed in refrigerated spaces they are not to be
covered with thermal insulation but may be placed directly on the face of the
refrigeration chamber, provided that precautions are taken to prevent the electric
cables being used as casual means of suspension. All metal coverings of electric
cables are to be earthed in accordance with the specifications.
High voltage cables may be installed as follows:
a) in the open, e.g. on carrier plating, when they are to be provided with a
continuous metallic sheath or armour which is effectively bonded to earth
to reduce danger to personnel. The metallic sheath or armour may be
omitted provided that the cable sheathing material has a longitudinal
electric resistance high enough to prevent sheath currents which may be
hazarduous to personnel;
b) contained in earthed metallic protective casings when the cables may be as
in (a) or the armour or metal sheath may be omitted. In the later case care
62 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

is to be taken to ensure that protective casings are electrically continuous

and that short lengths of cable are not left unprotected.
High voltage electric cables are not to be run in the open through accommodation
spaces. High voltage electric cables are to be segregated as far as is practicable
from electric cables operating at lower voltages.
Electrical cables are to be as far as practicable installed remote from
sources of mechanical damage. With the exception of those for portable
appliances and those installed in protective casings the electric cables are to be
fixed securely in accordance with the requirements. The a.c. wiring is to be
carried out using multicore cables wherever practicable where it is necessary to
install single core electric cables for alternating current circuits in excess of 20
Amps the requirements are to be complied with.

6.3.8. Mechanical protection of cables

Electric cables exposed to risk of mechanical damage are to be protected by
suitable protective casings unless the protective covering (e.g. armour or sheath)
is sufficient to withstand the possible cause of damage. Electric cables installed in
spaces where there is exceptional risk of mechanical damage such as holds,
storage spaces, cargo spaces, etc., are to be suitably protected by metallic
protective casings, even when armoured, unless the ship’s structure affords
adequate protection. Non-metallic protective casings and fixings are to be flame
retard. Metal protective casings are to be efficiently protected against corrosion
and effectively earthed.

6.3.9. Securing of cables

Electric cables are to be effectively supported and secured, without being
damaged, by means of flame retard clips, saddles or straps.
The distance between supports are to be chosen according to the type of
cable and the probability of vibration and are not to exceed 400mm. for a
horizontal cable run, fixings are to be provided to restrain the cable movement
where the cables are laid on cable supports in the form of trays or plates, separate
support brackets, hangers or ladder rack fixings. The spacings between the fixing
points may be up to 900mm provided that there are supports with maximum
spacing as specified above. This relaxation is not to be applied to cable runs on
deck or in the areas which can be subjected to forces of seawater impingement.
Supports and accessories are to be robust and are to be of corrosion-resistant
material or suitably corrosion inhibited.
When electric cables are fixed by means of clips or straps manufactured
from a material other than metal the material is to be flame retard and the fixings
are to be supplemented by suitable metal clips or straps spaced at regular
distances, each not exceeding 2 m. Single core electric cables are to be firmly
Unit 6 Converting Equipment 63

fixed, using supports of strength adequate to withstand forces corresponding to the

values of the peak prospective short circuit current.

6.3.10. Penetration of bulkheads and decks by cables

Where electric cables pass through watertight, fire insulated or gas tight bulkheads
or decks separating dangerous zones or spaces from non-dangerous zones or
spaces, the arrangements are to be such as to ensure the integrity of the bulkhead
or deck is not impaired. The arrangements chosen are to ensure that the cables are
not adversely affected.
Where cables pass through non-watertight bulkheads or structural steel,
the holes are to be bushed with suitable material. If the steel is at least 6 mm thick,
adequately rounded edges may be accepted as the equivalent of bushing. Electric
cables passing through decks are to be protected by deck tubes or ducts. Where
cables pass through thermal insulation they are to do so at right angles, in tubes
sealed at both ends.

6.3.11. Single core electric cables for alternating current

When installed in protective casings, electric cables belonging to the same circuit
are to be installed in the same casing, unless the casing is of non-magnetic
material. Cable clips are to include electric cables of all phases of a circuit unless
the clips are of non-magnetic material. Single core cables of the same circuit are
to be in contact with one another, as far as possible. In any event the distance
between adjacent electric cables is not to be greater than one cable diameter.
If single-core cables of current rating greater than 250 A are installed near
a steel bulkhead, the clearance between the cables and the bulkhead is to be at
least 50mm unless the cables belonging to the same a.c. circuit are installed in
trefoil formation.
Magnetic material is not to be used between single core cables of a group.
Where cables pass through steel plates, all the conductors of the same circuit are
to pass through a plate or gland, so made that there is no magnetic material
between the cables, and the clearance between the cables and the magnetic
material is not to be less than 75mm, unless the cables belonging to the same a.c.
circuit are installed in trefoil formation.
High voltage electric cables are to be installed such that precautions are
taken to limit circulating currents in the sheath or armour to safe values and the
electric cables are to be transposed at intervals of about 16m.

6.3.12. Electric cable ends

The ends of all conductors of cross-sectional areas greater than 4 mm² are to be
fitted with compression type sockets or mechanical clamps. Soldered sockets may
be used in conjunction with non corrosive fluxes provided that the maximum
64 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

conductor temperature at the joint, under short circuit conditions, does not exceed
High voltage cables of the radial field type, i.e. having a conducting layer
to control the electric field within the insulation, are to have terminations which
provide electrical stress control. Electric cables having hygroscopic insulation
(e.g. mineral insulated) are to have their ends sealed against ingress of moisture.
Cable sockets and connecting terminals are to be of such design and
dimensions that the maximum current likely to flow through them will not
produce heat which would damage the insulation. The temperatures produced are
not to exceed those permitted for the cables insulating material. The fixing of
conductors in terminals at joints and at tappings is to be capable of withstanding
the thermal and mechanical effects of short circuit currents.

6.3.13. Joints and branch circuits in cable systems

If a joint is necessary it is to be carried out so that all conductors are adequately
secured, insulated and protected from atmospheric action. The flame retard
properties or fire resisting properties of the cable are to be retained, the continuity
of metallic sheath, braid or armour is to be maintained and the current carrying
capacity of the cable is not to be impaired.
Tappings (branch circuits) are to be made in suitable boxes of such a design that
conductors remain suitably insulated, protected from atmospheric action and fitted
with terminals or busbars of dimensions appropriate to the current rating.

TASK 1 Match the temperatures with the type of insulation:

Insulation type Temperature Matching

a) insulation of Class A 1) 90°C
b) insulation of Class B 2) 50°C
c) insulation of Class H 3) 70°C
d) insulation of Class F 4) 110°C
e) insulation of Class E 5) 60°C

TASK 2 Fill in the missing information from the following table:

Type of insulating compound Maximum rated conductor

temperature, °C
Normal operation Short circuit
- Based upon polyvinyl chloride 60 -
or co-polymer of vynil
chloride and vynil acetate
Unit 6 Converting Equipment 65

- 60 130

Elastomeric or thermosettings:
- Based upon ethylene - 250
propylene rubber or similar
- Based upon chemically 85 -
crosslinked polyethylene
- 95 To be submitted

Mineral: 95 -

TASK 3 Scan the text Electric cables starting with 6.3.4. and find out the
meaning of the following digits:
70 kA
12 times
250 A
4 mm²

6.4. Vocabulary
armour ~ înveliş metalic
braid ~ şnur, împletitură, a împleti cablu
busbar ~ bară colectoare
bushing ~ izolator de intrare
cable bunch ~ manşon de cablu
cable run ~ traseu de cablu
cable socket ~ papuc de cablu
capacitor ~ condensator
carrier plating ~ bordajul navei
clearance ~ joc, spaţiu
clip ~ colier, bridă
compression type socket ~ papuc/priză cu compresie
conduit ~ conductor, tub protector
connecting terminal ~ bornă de legătură
66 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

converter equipment ~ echipamente de convertizor

co-polymer ~ copolimer
corrosion inhibiting ~ anticoroziv
crosslinked polyethylene ~ polietilenă reticulară
cross-sectional area ~ suprafaţa secţiunii transversale
deck tube ~ tubulatură de punte
distorted voltage ~ tensiune deformată
double wound ~ bifilar
dry type ~ tip uscat
duct ~ tub, conductor
elastomeric ~ elastomeric
electrical stress control ~ control tensiune electrică
encapsulated ~ încapsulat
ethylene propylene rubber ~ cauciuc etilenă-propilenă
exempted ~ scutit, exceptat
expansion joint ~ îmbinare elastică/glisantă
external diameter ~ diametru extern
fire stop ~ ignifug
fixing ~ fixare, prindere
flame retard ~ ignifug
flammability ~ inflamabil
gland ~ garnitură de etanşare
hanger ~ suport
harmonic distortion ~ deformare/ distorsiune armonică
harmonic loading ~ încărcare armonică
hygroscopic insulation ~ izolare higroscopică
impaired ~ cu defect
impervious ~ impermeabil, etanş
impingement ~ lovire, izbire
ingress of moisture ~ pătrundere/infiltrare a umezelii
internal radius of bend ~ raza internă de îndoire
joint ~ loc de legare a cablurilor
ladder rack fixing ~ prindere pe stativ
loop of electric cable ~ buclă a cablului electric
mechanical clamp ~ prindere mecanică
monitoring facilities ~ mijloace de monitorizare
multicore cable ~ cablu cu mai multe conductoare
non-metallic protective casing ~ tubulatură de protecţie nemetalică
overvoltage ~ supratensiune
parallel paths ~ trasee paralele
peak load ~ sarcină maximă
plate ~ armătură
Unit 6 Converting Equipment 67

polyethylene ~ polietilenă
polyvinyl chloride (p.v.c.) ~ clorură de polivinil
preclude ~ a exclude, a înlătura, a preveni
pressure relief-device ~ dispozitiv de reducere a presiunii
protective casing ~ tubulatură/ carcasă protectoare
radial field type ~ de tip radial
rating ~ valoare nominală, putere nominală, dimensionare, regim nominal
reactor ~ reactor
relaxation ~ micşorare, slăbire
resistivity ~ rezistivitate
restrain ~ a opri, a restrânge
rounded edge ~ margine rotunjită
routed ~ desfăşurat pe traseu
saddle ~ support, garnitură
semiconductor ~ semiconductor
sheath ~ înveliş, husă,
sheath current ~ undă electromagnetică prin fir
sheathing material ~ material de protecţie
short length ~ desfăşurare redusă
silicon rubber ~ cauciuc de silicon
sine wave current ~ current sinusoidal
single core electric cable ~ cablu cu un singur conductor
soldered socket ~ papuc/priză sudată
strap ~ clemă
support bracket ~ colţar de sprijin
tapping ~ priză, legătură de racordare
thermal insulation ~ itolaţie termică
thermoplastic ~ termoizolator
thermosetting ~ plastifiabil prin încălzire
transformer ~ transformator
tray ~ placă, bază
trefoil formation ~ formaţiune trifilară
trunking ~ magistrală
voltage spike ~ tensiune tranzitorie
vynil acetate ~ acetate de vinil
vynil chloride ~ clorură de vinil
winding ~ bobinaj; înfăşurare
withstanding ~ care contracarează/ opune rezistenţă
68 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

6.5. Engineering - General Vocabulary

Working tools
bench vice ~ menghină de banc
box spanner ~ cheie tubulară
center punch ~ punctuator
chain block ~ palanc cu lanţ
chipping hammer ~ marţagon
chisel ~ daltă
crow bar ~ rangă cu gheare
cutting punch ~ preducea
eyebolt ~ ochet
file (flat, round and half-round) ~ pilă (plată, rotundă şi semirotundă)
file (for white metal) ~ şabăr (pentru material antifricţiune)
file brush ~ perie pentru pile
file handle ~ mâner de pilă
flash light ~ lanternă de buzunar
hacksaw frame with hacksaw ~ fierăstrău pentru metale şi pânză
hand hammer ~ ciocan de mână
lead hammer ~ ciocan de plumb
leg vice ~ menghină de mână
monkey wrench ~ cheie reglabilă
packing knife ~ cuţit pentru garniture
packing tools (hook, screw and stick) ~ instrumente pentru garnituri (cârlig,
tirbuşon şi spatulă)
parallel vice ~ menghină paralelă
pipe wrench ~ cheie pentru tubulaturi
pliers ~ patent
portable electric drill with chuck ~ maşină electrică de găurit portabilă cu
portable electric grinder ~ polizor electric portabil
scissors for metal ~ foarfecă pentru metal
scissors for packing ~ foarfecă pentru garniture
scraper ~ răzuitoare
screw driver (cross head type) ~ şurubelniţă cap cruce
screw driver ~ şurubelniţă
screwjack with ratchet ~ cric cu şurub şi crichet
shackle ~ cheie de tachelaj
sledge hammer ~ baros
spanner ~ cheie fixă
straight shank drill ~ burghiu cu coadă cilindrică
tap and round die with case ~ trusă de taroyi şi filiere
Unit 6 Converting Equipment 69

torch lamp (kerosene) ~ lampă de benzină

valve handle spanner ~ cheie pentru manevrat valvule
wedge ~ pană
wire rope sling ~ legătură din parâmă metalică
wooden hammer ~ ciocan de lemn

6.6.Prepositions of time
In English certain prepositions are used for different moments or periods of time.

On Friday day
Wednesday morning day + morning/afternoon/evening/night
the sixteenth of March date
Christmas Day special day

In spring season
2003 year
August month
the morning parts of the day

At three o’clock time

Christmas festival
lunchtime mealtimes
the moment/present now
the weekend

Periods for four weeks general period

in three days period starting from now
two months ago period finished

Some prepositions need explanation not to be confused:

until  not before
The ship will not leave until 2 o’clock.
by  any point before or at a certain time
I start my watch by 2 o’clock.

since  shows the moment in the past the action started, looking back to that point
I haven’t seen him since I left the port.
from  shows the moment the action started
The shops are open from 10 o’clock.
70 English for Marine Electrical Engineering 3

for + a period of time  how long something goes on

I’ve been waiting the shipping for ages.
during + noun  when something happens
The deck is wet. It must have rained during the night.

during + noun  in a certain period of time

I learned many new things during my voyage.
while + subject + verb  in a certain period of time (while is placed at the
beginning of a subordinate clause).
I learned many new things while I was on voyage.

Exercise 1 Complete the gaps using in, at or on.
1. ………………. July
2. ………………9.00
3. ……………….Fridays
4. ……………the afternoon
5. ………….the weekend
6. ……………2006
7. ………………the evening
8. ………………Christmas
9. ………………..the last day of the week
10. …………….December 25th

Exercise 2 Are the underlined words correct or not? If they are incorrect, change
1. I’ll wait by he arrives, and then I’ll go.
2. Have you seen her since we last met?
3. I have known her during a very long time.
4. They remained calm throughout the negotiations.
5. We fixed the appointment during next Tuesday.
6. I’m seeing him for about a week’s time.
7. She met her uncle for the first time during the war.
8. I hope to get to your house by 7.00 at the latest.

Exercise 3 Complete the text with at, on or in.

There’s one bus from London which gets here (1)….. ten o’clock. (2)….. the
morning and then another which gets in (3)….. four o’clock (4)….. the afternoon.
That’s (5)….. weekdays, but (6)….. the weekend the timetable is a bit different.
(7)…..Saturday there are still two buses but the second one arrives (8)….. five
Unit 6 Converting Equipment 71

thirty; (9)….. Sunday there is just one bus (10)….. two o’clock. And (11)….. the
winter, the service doesn’t run at all (12)….. Sundays.

Exercise 4 Cross out the incorrect answer.

1 The teacher told us to finish our homework by/until Monday.
2 We can’t leave by/until the others get back.
3 I’ve been in the army for/since I was eighteen.
4 They’ve worked here for/since/during six months.
5 I visit my uncle every week for/since/during the winter.
6 I was at university for/since/during four years.
7 She’s going back to France in/after three months’ time.
8 He left the office during/throughout the lunch break.
9 It was hot during/throughout August; we didn’t have one day under 30 degrees.
10 I booked a table in the restaurant by/for next Saturday. I hope that’s OK.

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